
cwillu_at_worksmspillaz, sorry to keep pinging you (once every two weeks amounts to a lot of pings given sufficient polling users), but are the lazy positioning fixes available in -proposed or such yet?05:57
smspillazcwillu_at_work: I think so06:45
cwillu_at_worksmspillaz, and if I say my windows are still moving non-lazily? :p06:46
smspillaztell me what circumstances it happens in and I will try and have a look06:47
smspillazI am on exam leave though06:47
cwillu_at_worksmspillaz, well, effectively all circumstances; easier to describe when it works right06:48
cwillu_at_workwhen a new window opens, it'll move fluidly until it touches an edge, is minimized/restored, etc; at which point it moves choppily06:49
cwillu_at_workif I use my gaming mouse, it's choppy to the point of not actually updating at all while the mouse is moving06:49
cwillu_at_workon the touchpad, it's merely slow06:49
cwillu_at_workalso, the mouse pointer still goes out of sync with the window when moving it rapidly06:50
cwillu_at_worki.e., if I shake the mouse a bit when dragging the title bar, the mouse pointer will end up 20-40 pixels above the window06:50
cwillu_at_workalso, when moving a "slow" window, the whole screen locks to the same framerate: if I'm watching a movie and move a terminal window, the movie window will only update when the terminal window appears at the new location.  On the mouse I mentioned before, I can prevent anything on the screen from updating for as long as I like by continuing to move the mouse06:58
jo-erlendyes, I've seen this too, but not often and I have no idea why it happens.07:10
* cwillu_at_work jumps up and down at smspillaz 07:11
cwillu_at_worksee!  see!  I'm not crazy!07:11
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smspillazcwillu_at_work: sorry, I'm just really tired right now11:53
cwillu_at_workno worries11:54
smspillaz(had a nap)11:54
cwillu_at_workthere's a pill for that :p11:54
smspillazyeah uh11:54
smspillazhad a bit of a caffeine freak-out last week11:55
smspillazneed to avoid that for a while11:55
cwillu_at_workthere's... a healthier pill than that...11:55
cwillu_at_workanyways :p11:55
cwillu_at_workalso, black tea;  has extra goodness that takes the edge off the caffeine11:55
cwillu_at_worksmspillaz, is this still kinda sorta a known problem (in the sense of you've got a pretty good idea why it's still doing it despite the recent fixes)?12:05
cwillu_at_workif it's a known quantity, I won't bother diving into the code again, but if it's a mystery at this point, I will (if only to gain some diagnostic info that might give you an idea what's going wrong)12:06
smspillazcwillu_at_work: I know why it happens, but it is annoying to trace down12:13
smspillazbecause the API is broken in a certain sense12:13
cwillu_at_worksmspillaz, this is what happens when you implement a shell as a compiz plugin? :p12:14
smspillazit will be fixed properly for P when I finish my work to add proper plugin position offsets12:14
smspillazcwillu_at_work: no, not really, this has always been a problem for compiz12:14
smspillazit just manifested itself in different ways before12:14
cwillu_at_workfair enough12:15
cwillu_at_workhowever, I would like you to imagine that every time you ever moved a window, you couldn't see where it was going until you dropped it :p12:16
smspillazI have seen this before12:16
cwillu_at_worksmspillaz, don't you hate that feeling when you really really want to yell at somebody, but there's nobody around with a sufficient share of guilt for them to deserve it? ;p12:20
* smspillaz gets paid to be yelled at12:25
smspillazI only code for fun12:25
cwillu_at_workI mean this more in a "futility" sense12:27
smspillazI'll check what's in proposed12:27
smspillazcwillu_at_work: its not in proposed yet12:32
* cwillu_at_work sputters politely :p12:32
cwillu_at_workget some sleep12:33
smspillazcwillu_at_work: you can build what *will* be in proposed in a few days (probably when didrocks gets back from uds), with something like12:34
smspillazbzr branch lp:~smspillaz/compiz/compiz.SRU1-112:34
* cwillu_at_work got lost in a maze of bzr branches a few weeks ago12:35
smspillazcd compiz.SRU1-112:36
smspillazbzr bd12:36
smspillazcd ../build-area12:36
smspillazdpkg -i *.deb12:36
* cwillu_at_work builds12:38
cwillu_at_workbuilding on an atom processor is fun!12:42
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* cwillu_at_work installs13:09
* cwillu_at_work uninstalls compiz-kde... :/13:09
* cwillu_at_work reboots13:10
cwillu_at_work(because I felt like it)13:10
cwillu_at_worksmspillaz, nack13:14
cwillu_at_worksmspillaz, movement still gets choppy, and I can still get the mouse cursor out of sync with the window when dragging it around13:15
* om26er confirmes13:15
cwillu_at_workom26er, you just build from that branch as well?13:16
om26eroh no, oops just the general case :/13:16
mhr3kamstrup, for example i was talking to david and he said that he has to do the filters-changed and stripping magic in each and every scope13:59
kamstrupmhr3: i guess the heart of the issue is that we ought to capture the filter state into the LensSearch, right?13:59
mhr3yea, that would be nice13:59
kamstrupmhr3: incidentally, the upcoming tree-index branch of dee includes a DeeAnalyzer which has powerful text processing capabilities :-)14:00
mhr3i would sure like to see that easily integrate-able there :)14:00
kamstrupmhr3: the question is if we can meaningfully capture the state of the filters when we create the LensSearch...14:03
kamstrupmhr3: I am not sure we can...14:03
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mhr3i need to look at it14:05
Amaranthdang, no DBO or jaytaoko to poke to look at my merge request ;)15:31
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beevvyHi. I sent a message titled "Unity global menu and Qt" to the ayatana-dev ml this Monday. Why it isn't shown in the list's public archive?21:31
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