
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
SpamapSejat: hey are you still here in Orlando?18:16
ejatSpamapS: yeah ... im still here ...19:06
ejathopefully will see ya in the juju session this evening19:07
lynxmanhazmat: ping19:13
ejatlynxman & hazmat : u guys at UDS ?19:15
lynxmanejat: yes :)19:15
ejathopefully can meet ya ! :P19:15
lynxmanejat: so... how do you look like? ;)19:15
ejathmm .... specky with jeans short pan for today ..19:16
ejatim in bonaire2 now ... maybe see ya in juju session this evening19:16
lynxmanejat: oh definitely :)19:16
ejata lot of thing need to be learn from u guys ..19:16
lynxmanejat: we're around in case you need anything, I'm in a blue polo with a black jacket :)19:18
lynxmanejat: right now in bonaire 7, next in bonaire 4 for a session I'm leading19:18
ejatill be at ya session after this ..19:19
lynxmanejat: cool :)19:23
hazmatlynxman, pong19:51
* ejat pokes SpamapS19:55
SpamapSjuju session on config management right now at uds http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/meeting/19431/servercloud-p-cfjuju/ join #ubuntu-uds-bonaire420:13
marcoceppiWeird issue with Juju deploy20:34
marcoceppiThis command was working yesterday, but stopped working this morning after adding a config.yaml20:37
marcoceppiSimilar to what zematman was having20:38
zematynnadmarcoceppi:  what was the error you were getting?20:59
marcoceppiCharm 'local:oneiric/tf2' not found in repository /home/marco/Projects/juju/charms21:00
marcoceppizematynnad: Similar to the one you were getting, only this is during a deploy21:00
zematynnadmarcoceppi: the problem I had may not be the same as yours but here's what fixed mine...21:00
marcoceppiI'm all ears21:01
marcoceppior eyes21:01
zematynnadmarcoceppi: I got rid of revision in the yaml file and put the revision in a revision file21:01
marcoceppiHum, I don't have a revision in the yaml file21:01
zematynnadmarcoceppi: the revision number has to be a regular integer 1, 2, 3 instead of 1.1 or something like that21:01
marcoceppiRight, the revision number in revision is 3 currently21:02
marcoceppiMaybe I did something wrong in the config.yaml file?21:02
zematynnadI'm not sure but probably what' happening is that the error message is a bit generic and there's some syntax error or typo somewhere that needs to be fixed21:03
marcoceppiProbably a syntax error in config.yaml21:06
marcoceppiI was just asking m_3 that21:06
marcoceppiThanks zematynnad I'll take a look at the config21:12
zematynnadmarcoceppi: good luck!21:13
m_3marcoceppi: is it a good time to work on steam?21:55

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