
lilstevieogra_: trimslice has both sata and gigE, well kinda anyway00:19
lilsteviesata is supplied from a usb interface00:19
Quintasanlilstevie: Did you happen to find a hpst?00:25
lilstevieQuintasan: also, I will have an image back up online soon, I just changed webhosts, cause the last one sucked, like majorly, but I am updatting to a oneiric base00:25
lilsteviethen I will upload the new image00:26
lilstevienew image is a lot smaller, so quicker flash with nvflash00:26
Quintasanlilstevie: the rootfs will be running oneiric? awesome \p/00:26
lilsteviebut I need to get through some homework first00:26
QuintasanLet me know when it's up so I will get to testing and mirroring it00:26
lilsteviegot a major presentation tomorrow that is 70% of the semesters mark00:26
Quintasanlilstevie: Good luck, I'm eager to test stuff here00:27
QuintasanUDS Qt showcase made me want to install Linux :P00:27
lilstevieQuintasan: well about that, I am also going to include a metadata xml to track so mirrors can keep up to date00:27
lilsteviehah yeah QT works nice on the tf00:27
lilsteviewell at least it does on mer00:27
QuintasanToday at uds Qt guys had a showcase00:27
lilstevieonly run one Qt app on ubuntu00:28
QuintasanWith accelerated gl QML looks simply stunning00:28
lilstevieyeah IK :p00:28
lilstevieI will also be including an option to use the accel kernel with the new oneiric based kit00:29
Quintasanlilstevie: Splendid.00:56
lilstevieQuintasan: but just be aware, it is pretty buggy00:57
twblilstevie: don't forget about me!00:57
lilstevieit will be pushed wrapped in yellow and black warning tape00:57
lilstevietwb: it will also have a precompiled u-boot in there so yeah, you wont be forgotten00:58
Quintasanlilstevie: I am a developer, bugs are my friends00:58
lilstevietwb: I am finishing my last major piece of work for uni right now00:58
Quintasanlilstevie: When I do not have to deal with bugs, I introduce them :P00:58
lilstevieQuintasan: heh well depending on bootloader you can end up with graphical corruption00:58
lilstevieor if you use the other, artifacting00:59
lilstevietwb: you do know as of last commit the kernel will work on the asus bootloader00:59
lilsteviethere is just a tonne of artifacting that occurs00:59
lilstevieparticularly in blacks00:59
twblilstevie: mm, but u-boot would still be better01:01
twblilstevie: I guess I will try CrOS kernel with asus bootloader next weekend, tho01:02
lilstevietwb: that is debatable01:03
lilsteviethe artifacting is actually less of a problem than random vram corruption01:03
twblilstevie: with u-boot I can boot a rescue image off the SD card, which means I can change rescue image easily01:04
lilstevietwb: true, but you can also keep a rescue kernel in the recovery kernel slot of the asus bootloader01:05
lilstevieand when you are sure you have a stable image you just dd it in place01:05
twbI realize that but SD card gives me more flexibility01:05
twbLike "oops I forgot to put <foo> in my rescue image, now I can't actually rescue with it."01:06
twbWith an SD card that is solved by just slapping the SD into something else and chrooting01:06
twbIf it's on the emmc then I have to nvflash01:06
lilstevieheh well rescue images should be updated at a slower rate than active kernel :p01:07
twbI guess I could always have an SOS kernel that's has root= set to the SD card01:07
lilstevieanyway, at this point u-boot is behind the asus bootloader in viability01:07
Criscois there a way to add a compatible repository to a Jaunty machine that will allow me to download PHP 5 and MySQL and the required apache plugins?02:54
Criscosince Jaunty is no longer supported I can't use apt02:54
twbCrisco: jaunty repos might be available on whatever the archive repo host is called02:56
twbAlthough it would be better to upgrade to a supported release if you can02:56
CriscoI'm not sure if I can02:56
CriscoI'll try, but from what I've seen the SheevaPlug is pretty tempermental when it comes to upgrading or changing distrobution02:57
twbOh yeah, those02:57
twbGood luck with that :-/02:57
twbAlthough you can ignore the mtd and tell u-boot to just boot a supported release off USB02:58
twbWay back when they first came out, I did that to get Debian to boot, because Debian didn't support mtd at the time (maybe still doesn't?)02:58
CriscoI really don't want to change my install...03:11
Criscoit took a while to get everything (znc, supybot, apache, dyndns-update, various other tools) running together03:12
CriscoI think I'm going to look for another repo03:12
twbSure, I'm just putting that idea on the table03:12
Criscoif it becomes too much of a hassle to do this, I might just copy all my configuration files and upgrade to debian03:13
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faderHey folks, does anyone know if there is accelerated graphics support for the Freescale Quickstart board (imx53) under oneiric?  It seems graphically very slow .13:51
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WaltherFIHello folks13:54
WaltherFII was just wondering what is the status of Ubuntu running on Raspberry Pi13:55
WaltherFIPreviously it was stated that it would be running Ubuntu, but apparently for some reason they've taken that statement back13:55
WaltherFI"Because of issues with newer releases of Ubuntu and the ARM processor we are using, Ubuntu can’t commit to support Raspberry Pi at the moment." from the FAQ of the RaspberryPi13:56
WaltherFIWould anyone like to clarify what these "issues" are and how much worl would it require to get Ubuntu running on the device?13:57
WaltherFII would definitely want to get a couple of these magnificent devices and help debugging and developing - if it is not impossible13:59
ogra_WaltherFI, well, the raspberry is simply not armv7, ubuntu only supported non v7 for the first two releases of the arm port ... and that only because it took that time to make everything default to v714:04
ogra_WaltherFI, we wont go back14:04
ogra_in fact we even go further with it this release by dropping support for soft floatingpoint operations14:05
WaltherFImhm. How hard would it be to make it work? i.e., what would it require?14:06
suihkulokkiWaltherFI: recompiling the whole ubuntu14:07
ogra_WaltherFI, a team of say 5 people working fulltime on it to port the archive back to v5, about 5 really fast arm buildmachines, diskspace on the archive servers14:07
ogra_thats just over the thumb14:08
WaltherFIokay, thanks14:08
ogra_in the end the answer is money14:08
WaltherFIhm... would it be possible through a virtual machine of some sort the?14:08
suihkulokkiit would hardly require 5 people unless you quote a consulting company ;)14:08
WaltherFIjust curious, I lack quite much in knowledge14:08
ogra_WaltherFI, well, its like someone releases a new board with a true i386 chip and actually expects suse, fedora or ubuntu to run on that14:09
ogra_i think debian and gentoo would be the only ones actually still running on a true i38614:10
ogra_(though i would expect a lot of work to make all gentoo builds actually ignore the newer instruction sets)14:10
WaltherFIJust curious, how come it runs fedora and arch - and debian?14:11
WaltherFII know ubuntu is not essentially debian, but debian-based14:11
ogra_they all didnt optimize for the recent arm arches14:11
ogra_yes, thats why our first arm release was actualy supporting the same set of cpu's as debian does14:12
WaltherFIhm. I have to go now, but let's continue this discussion later14:12
WaltherFII would love to see Ubuntu running on that board, one way or another14:12
GrueMastersuihkulokki: It would take several people to fix build issues and test thestack to make sure everything works.14:13
WaltherFII think I recall seeing something like chrooting to debian or fedora on top of maemo smartphone14:13
GrueMasterWaltherFI: Maemo smart phones are armv7 core.14:13
WaltherFIahh, that explains14:14
WaltherFIanyway, be back later14:14
suihkulokkiGrueMaster: the same software compiles and runs fine as armv5 on debian...14:14
GrueMastersuihkulokki: All 14k packages and libraries?  Have they been tested?  Does Banshee (for example) run?14:15
lilstevieogra_: which release drops softfp14:15
xranbyi know that marcos have tested to run banshee on armhf and it fail  (gray screen)14:15
janimofader, there's no publicaly available accelerated graphics stack for mx53 unfortunately14:16
suihkulokkiGrueMaster: thats a silly compare since it doesn't work on ubuntu armv7 either =)14:16
janimoyou can use the factory image that is shipped with the board on sd card I guess14:16
GrueMasterI fixed it last Wednessday on theflight down, but I still need to do more testing.  it will be an SRU soon.14:17
GrueMastersuihkulokki: ^^14:17
suihkulokkiGrueMaster: is there some reason to believe the fix is armv7 specific?14:19
GrueMasterI really can't say, but with the state of mono, it is highly possible.  And my fix is more of a workaround.14:21
GrueMasterI still have to root cause the issue.14:21
GrueMasterLast cycle, we ran into an issue with the mono atomic handler (i.e. there wasn't one for arm).14:22
GrueMasterSo the true problem with banshee couldvery well be in the mono jit and could be armv7 specific (bad in-line assembly, etc).14:23
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WaltherFIHello again18:48
avinashhmHi Friends, does any one use powerdebug with busybox Filesystem ?19:38
ogra_not really a typical ubuntu setup19:39
ogra_(busybox is only used in the initrd in ubuntu)19:39
avinashhmogra_, yeah , i agree ; i wanted to debug powermangement ; hence i wanted to use busybox ...19:42
avinashhmis there any minimal ubuntu, which is like <100mb .. not much devices like dss, etc active .. any minimal edition ?19:42
ogra_look for ubuntu-core19:43
ogra_its a rootfs tarball ... the most minimal OS to run apt by definition19:43
avinashhmogra_, thanks very much ; i ll check for ubuntu-core ..19:44
ogra_note that there is neither a user nor a rootpw, you should chroot into  it and at least set a rtootpw before you first boot it19:45
ogra_avinashhm, if you work on linaro, why dont you use their nano image19:45
avinashhmogra_, i work on TI .. just wanted to use that tool ; i was not aware of nano image19:46
ogra_well, not much different from -core19:46
Quintasanlilstevie: I know I am annoying but where be me images? :P20:40

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