
slashtommyquick question, has the world moved on from dia yet or are we still stuck with drawing programs from the past?14:42
TribaalHum I use it... not sure if there is anything better yet14:42
TribaalOmnigraflfe is the only program I envy to Mac users (and that means a lot)14:43
slashtommyi always like to ask, as it usually pains me to use it14:43
slashtommybtw how is the move coming along?14:44
Tribaalwell it's good :) I'm tying this form my new workstation14:45
Tribaaltrying to get used to the new keyboard layout14:45
TribaalStill don't have a place of my own yet14:46
Tribaalbut I'll flatshare with a colleague14:46
slashtommygood good, it shouldn't be too hard to find a place, not these days14:47
Tribaalindeed. The biggest concern is to decide between living closer to town or closer to work14:48
TribaalI'd go for work obviouslz, but when my wife comes over she'll be bored to death here14:48
slashtommywhere is work?14:56
slashtommyoh right, that's well out in the sticks :)14:57
slashtommyyou're near the Luas Green line though, so not too bad14:57
Tribaalyeah, anything along the luas would do14:58
Tribaalsome of my colleagues say Donegal is really nice14:58
Tribaalbut... I don't know14:58
slashtommyDonegal is ok, I prefer Kerry14:58
slashtommybut that's a long commute to Cherrywood14:59
slashtommybbl, meeting14:59
ebelTribaal: donegal is nice, but about 3 hours drive away from dublin. you couldn't live there and work in dublin15:08
Tribaalerf I think I meant Dundrum :)15:09
ebelTribaal: http://www.youtube.com/slashtomeu this'll give you an idea of the scenery in donegal & kerry & cork.15:09
Tribaalmy Irish geography is kind of bad15:09
ebelme and slashtommy like to ride our motorbikes around the country and often take videos.15:09
ebel(Though we ride through rural & scenic areas, there actually a few town there :P )15:09
ebelaye dundrum would be alright for commutting15:11
* ebel votes for living near town, tis much more fun. more things going on. ☺15:11
Tribaalwould you live in dundrum, ebel?15:12
ebelnope, in the city centre15:12
ebelbut dundrum has a large shopping centre, is on the luas line, etc. so not too bad15:12
ebel(for you)15:12
ebeler, sorry. I wouldn't really like to live in the suburbs, i'd like to live in town15:12
czajkowskiso for the loco directory we're looking at getting OSM on there instead of Google Maps15:18
ebeltwould be cool.15:19
czajkowskiI need to get these folks on board15:19
czajkowskirahter than us contacting country by country15:19
czajkowskiwe need top down help15:19
ebelczajkowski: there are OSMF people in Ireland. You wanna poke mackerski (and formerly (?) ManAboutCouch)15:20
czajkowskiebel: see we kinda want someone from the foundation to help us and then go to counteries15:20
czajkowskias we know someone in ireland the lads know someone in one area oof usa15:20
czajkowskior and one in france15:20
ebelczajkowski: http://twitter.com/#!/skimacker http://twitter.com/#!/ManAboutCouch15:20
czajkowskibut after that we have to contact each country one by one15:20
czajkowskiebel: can you find me a contact in the foundation please :)15:21
ebelYou may wanna be careful with the existing data in the loco directory database.15:21
ebelIt might be unclean data. You don't want people to copy that into OSM.15:21
ebelor more like, it might be copyright infringement if there were to copy that in OSM.15:22
ebelWhy do you want to find an OSM contact in each country?15:22
czajkowskiebel: can you join #ubuntu-uds-bonaire3 and add those comments please15:23
czajkowskiebel: are you listening in ?15:27
ebelI'm on IRC. I'm not able to get some audio here15:28
czajkowskiahh ok15:28
slashtommyoh deadly, loco directory going to use free maps?15:43
czajkowskiebel: thank you15:44
czajkowskisee UDS does lead to stuf changing and we do welcome people not here having input in15:44

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