
jussiAlanBell: Im aware of that. trying to figure out whats wrong with the bot (learning most from scratch as ts2 isnt around and he wrote the stuff)07:39
pangolinAlanBell: How do I add UbuntuIrcCouncil as founder to a channel?08:51
jussipangolin: see /msg08:52
AlanBellpangolin: I would ask jussi :)08:53
pangolinjust did thanks08:53
Tm_Tpangolin: did get it solved?09:22
* Tm_T hides09:22
pangolinI did!09:23
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
Tm_TLjL`: also, this would prolly be more suitable channel when services are back10:47
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willcookeHi folks - I'm heading up the Ubuntu TV discussions and I'd like to get an IRC channel set up complete with a log bot.  I was told you guys can help me.12:57
jussiwillcooke: hi13:30
jussiwillcooke: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/CreatingChannels13:30
willcookepopey is also investigating this13:31
jussiwillcooke: once the channel is created, email to rt@ubuntu.com to request the logbot13:31
willcookejussi, thanks a lot13:31
jussiwillcooke: you are most welcome13:31
Myrttiso, the naming13:31
Myrtti#ubuntu-television? #ubuntu-tv?13:32
* Myrtti tickles popey 13:32
popeytelevision is a bit 1960's :D13:32
jussiso, #ubuntu-tv is a loco ?13:34
* jussi is trying to catch up13:34
Myrttiit isn't, yet13:34
Myrttimost likely will never be13:34
jussiwhats it the shortenng for?13:34
Myrttituvalu IIRC13:34
popeybe nice not to stomp on some future loco channel13:35
Myrttian island nation halfway between australia and hawaii13:35
jussiSO somewhere Ive never heard of... fun13:35
popeyhence why #ubuntutv is attractive13:35
Myrttipopulation of 1000013:35
jussipopey: #ubuntutv is outside the namespace13:35
Myrtti10500 to be more to point13:35
popeyso is #ubuntu+113:35
popeyas is #ubuntuone13:36
MyrttiI could argue about latter13:36
Myrttiit's not strictly and 100% community *ahem* project13:36
MyrttiI don't know what excuse is used for former13:36
jussipopey: in anycase we are trying to limit those type of channels where ever possible13:37
jussi#ubuntu-teevee? :D13:38
Myrtti(home entertainment system)13:39
Myrttiseriously tho13:40
Myrttiwhy not television?13:40
jussiIm of similar mind, why not?13:41
popeyit's just long and antiquated13:42
popeynobody i know actually calls is a television.13:42
Myrttisome parts of the world still refer to the device with one or another form of the word13:43
Myrttinobody says "TV" when referring to it13:43
Unit193Really? Well...13:45
Myrttito my BF I call it "telly"13:45
Myrttito my sister I call it "telkkari"13:45
Myrttiwonders of language13:45
Unit193US people call it TV all the time13:46
MyrttiI was going to say something witty about dem Americans, but nevermind ;-)13:48
popeyso back at the point13:48
popeythe team looking at this stuff calls it 'tv'13:49
popeywhether people in other languages / territories do or not.13:49
jussipopey: #ubuntu-t.v13:52
popeystill pretty icky13:55
Unit193#ubuntu-dr-who, what else?13:56
Myrttijust for the sake of lulz and argument: #ubuntu-red-dwarf13:57
MyrttiI've had too much sugar13:57
* genii-around sips and thinks about #ubuntu-black-adder13:58
Davieyjussi: There is #ubuntu-$team for every focus area, including -desktop, -server, -arm.  This is no differnet14:07
DavieyThere isn't a -tv loco, is there?14:08
DavieySo what is the problem?14:09
DavieyMyrtti: fwiw, there could become a requirement for #ubuntu-red-dwarf, which is a Database as as Service project which might become popular.14:09
jussiDaviey: the issue is -tv is a potential loco as Myrtti mentioned before14:13
jussi[15:34:46] <Myrtti> tuvalu IIRC14:14
jussi[15:34:49] <popey> ya14:14
jussi[15:35:21] <popey> be nice not to stomp on some future loco channel14:14
jussi[15:35:24] <Myrtti> an island nation halfway between australia and hawaii14:14
Myrttithere probably will never be a loco there, tho14:14
jussiIm inclineed to say go use #ubuntu-tv and if a loco springs up in that tiny nation they can use #ubuntu-tuvalu  or so.14:15
jussielky: topyli any thoughts?14:16
jussi(though elky has long gone to be methinks)14:16
k1l_tuvalu btw sold their .tv topdomain.14:16
Myrttik1l_: and?14:16
k1l_so maybe they are used to it :)14:16
topylihow about ubuntu-dvb? since that's what it is14:33
popeyit isnt14:33
topyliwe can watch other kinds of tv too?14:34
popeyits for discussion of products relating to 'showing stuff on a tv screen', 'lean back' style interfaces14:34
popeynot specific to DVB-*14:34
topylireminds me, i still don't know whether it is my dvb dongle or antenna or drivers that broke14:35
topylioh yeah jussi, i'd go for -tv then14:38
popeysmart TV is a specific implementation15:09
popeyputting the intelligence in the telly, this channel is for more generic discussion, which may include smart TV, set top box etc etc15:10
* Myrtti gives up15:16
jussipopey: just use -tv IMHO15:30
jussiIf the loco comes along, they can use -tuvalu15:31
pangolinubuntu-tv seems the most discoverable and sane choice15:31
pangolingood morning! :)15:31
jussiIm off now, laters15:31
pangolinnight jussi15:31
popey13:19:47 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Information on #ubuntu-tv:15:34
popey13:19:47 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Founder    : undifined15:34
popeylooks like undifined speculatively registered that channel for some reason15:34
MkaysiHe goes to bed very early. It's half past five.15:34
popeywho? undifined?15:35
popeyhe hasn't been on for months15:35
MkaysiHas anyone seen undifined in a long time? According to NickServ he was last seen 16 weeks, 1 day, 17:04:53 ago.15:35
MkaysiNo, I meant jussi :)15:35
pangolinjussi: Wouldn't it make more sense if ubuntulog was in the uds channels?15:59
pangolinAlanBell: ^16:02
pangolinI guess the ircc has to email rt to get that done16:04
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
bkerensaany Ubottu gurus around?17:00
LjLbkerensa: try asking #Ubuntu-bots-team, they might notice sooner17:03
geovaiohello anyone there to help?17:37
Picigeovaio: If you're looking for Ubuntu support, #ubuntu is the place to be.17:38
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