
=== nlsthzn_ is now known as nlsthzn_work
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
=== amithkk is now known as amithinfo
=== amithinfo is now known as amithkk
=== amithkk is now known as amithinfo
=== amithinfo is now known as amithkk
=== nlsthzn_ is now known as SomeRandomMe
=== SomeRandomMe is now known as not_nlsthzn
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
Ursinhalast try13:29
Ursinhabug 87958913:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 879589 in Launchpad itself "adding/removing user/team subscriptions to bug reports edits last_modified date" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87958913:29
=== fader_ is now known as fader
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=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
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=== EvilDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
=== kees__ is now known as kees
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
beunoCC meeting?22:00
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Nov  2 22:01:56 2011 UTC.  The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.22:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired22:01
dholbach→ antigua 222:02
dholbach(if you want to listen in)22:02
pleia2#topic Community Council meeting in #ubuntu-uds-Antigua2 shoutcast: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/status.xsl (antigua2)22:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Community Council meeting in #ubuntu-uds-Antigua2 shoutcast: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/status.xsl (antigua2)
pleia2there we go :)22:03
AlanBellvlc http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/antigua2.ogg.m3u22:03
pleia2we're over in #ubuntu-uds-Antigua222:03
AlanBellwant the meeting bot in there?22:03
beunoI think this is good22:03
alourieit's streaming allright22:04
beunonobody talk to each other22:05
beunoI think people can listen in22:05
beunoand type here22:05
pleia2#topic Community Council Meeting22:05
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Community Council Meeting
pleia2ok, we just do it here :)22:05
alouriewe hear you22:06
AlanBellI can ask the bot to join the other channel if you want to use the big screen22:06
pleia2#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda22:06
dholbachAlanBell, when you reviewed the list of blogs what did you find?22:07
AlanBellnot completed the exercise yet, about 400 names compared so far22:07
beunoso who's there?22:07
AlanBellthere do appear to be quite a few that need further review, I can't match easily22:07
pleia2last time nigelb handled this, and also added contacts for all the teams (yay!)22:07
dholbachAlanBell, thanks a lot for doing this exercise22:07
akgranerDitto thanks AlanBell!22:07
AlanBellso I will finish up and share the spreadsheet with the CC for further review22:08
AlanBellthere might be more you can match than I can22:08
pleia2my inbox tells me this was done in June of this year22:08
beunoo/  Mark22:08
AlanBelle.g. dave.walker==daviey, jono==jonobacon etc22:08
AlanBellpleia2: ok, great, I shouldn't find too many then22:08
pleia2#topic Add Canonical blog to Ubuntu Planet22:09
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Add Canonical blog to Ubuntu Planet
beunoI don;t think we can do that22:10
beunobecause it's a per-feed setting22:10
AlanBellwho is the contact person (who is an Ubuntu Member) for voices?22:11
beuno(for voices)22:11
pleia2#action dholbach to coordinate getting Canonical Blog w/ Ubuntu Planet tag added to Ubuntu Planet22:13
meetingologyACTION: dholbach to coordinate getting Canonical Blog w/ Ubuntu Planet tag added to Ubuntu Planet22:13
pleia2beuno: yes22:13
Gwaihirbeuno, yep22:13
beunok, I think we just add in the right feed22:14
AlanBellthere is an imperfect match between "nick = " lines and launchapd nicks22:14
AlanBelljono and jonobacon for example22:14
AlanBelland nick=daviey is ~dave.walker22:15
AlanBellI might tidy that up to launchpad nicks and try to get an easier process22:15
beunoevery year22:15
pleia2#topic General Community Comments?22:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: General Community Comments?
* beuno stares at popey 22:20
* popey tickles beuno 22:20
pleia2#action CC to develop basic question template for teams who come to CC meetings22:20
meetingologyACTION: CC to develop basic question template for teams who come to CC meetings22:20
beunoterms, multiple boards at the same time?22:20
dholbachpage 25 of the survey results22:21
* AlanBell wonders if sabdfl filled out the survey22:25
beunoa simple(r) survey22:27
beuno"General Quality", "Interface", "Hardware support", etc22:28
beunofrom personal experience, I see 1 or 2 emails a week in my LoCo list with people "leaving Ubuntu"22:29
beunowhich I haven't seen before the last year or so22:29
beunono, but why is it happening more frequently?   Existing members start to feel bad about the general direction fo the project22:31
* AlanBell has finished the first pass of planet feed/member list comparison22:31
czajkowskiAlanBell: thank you22:31
AlanBellthere are 95 blog feed nicks that I am unable to simply match off against launchpad nicks of members22:31
* dholbach hugs AlanBell22:32
beunoI don't feel this is the case anymore22:32
beunoit was when we switched to Unity22:32
AlanBellsome of whom I am sure can be matched as I recognise the nicks as active22:32
beunobut I don't feel that's it anymore22:32
AlanBelloops, make that 13422:36
czajkowski134 is a lot22:36
beunoyes, we get those several times a week22:36
beunoI think there's no good way to communicate with all _users_22:37
beunowe could of had an intro on the actual install22:37
beuno"Hi!  We changes the world. Here is how things are better."22:37
beunos/installer/first boot22:37
* beuno suspects the irc channel is not on the projector22:38
Gwaihirbeuno, no, it is22:38
dholbachbeuno, it is22:38
Gwaihirwe are reading22:38
beunoI think the gnome shell thing is in the past now22:39
beunothe problem will be on end users who don't know about these things22:39
beunofor this LTS22:39
beunowe should tell people, when they boot up, why we changed the world, and why it's better22:40
Gwaihirthat's a good point, telling people who switch from the previous LTS22:40
alouriewouldn't it be too interruptive?22:42
beunoon first boot?  once?22:42
alouriemost users would just click "ok" without reading22:42
beunothe ones who already know, yes22:42
beunothe ones who are suddenly lost, maybe not22:43
alourie"the world changed" announcement. I kinda like it22:43
alourieit could be synced with u.com22:44
beunofirst boot?22:45
beunofirst time you hit the dash?22:45
* beuno hand-waves22:46
Gwaihirduring the upgrade also22:46
Gwaihirif people upgrade directly from the LTS22:46
beunoGwaihir, the thing is, lucid is lucid, shipped22:46
beunoso we can't change that code22:46
pleia2#action CC to assemble and get published quick FAQ for "Why Unity?"22:47
meetingologyACTION: CC to assemble and get published quick FAQ for "Why Unity?"22:47
* AlanBell has sent audit results spreadsheet to the CC22:48
dholbachthanks AlanBell22:49
dholbachany other business?22:50
beunoso, we won a "battle" for being the most popular OSS OS, right?  maybe focus people on the next objective again?   Take over the world?22:50
ajmitchstill a battle to remain the most popular22:51
dholbachthanks a lot everyone22:51
* dholbach hugs you all22:51
Gwaihirthanks everyone!22:52
* beuno listens to czajkowski curse22:52
dholbachsee you tomorrow22:53
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Nov  2 22:53:17 2011 UTC.22:53
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-11-02-22.01.moin.txt22:53
AlanBellheard pleia2 go out the door :)22:53

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