
philipballewShould we add a special section this week about UDS?01:49
pleia2philipballew: I think for now we put them under the planet section and then see about splitting them off if needed04:12
philipballewpleia2, sounds smart. i figured as your out Ubuntuing I would paste a couple articles and was seeing them all on the planet so figured i'd ask04:13
pleia2oh yes, you're always welcome to put articles in the doc04:14
pleia2(not just this week :))04:14
pleia2we review them all at the end of the week and then start the summaries on the ones we keep04:15
philipballewhum. dont worry, I wont just paste articles about me :)04:15
philipballewthe Ubuntu Hour went well tonight. It was me and noone else :/04:16
philipballewbut im gonna try to look beyond our lo co for more people as this is the third time only one person has been there04:16
pleia2get homework done? :)04:16
philipballewyes i did!04:16
pleia2low attendence (even in SF!) is why I only do one once per month04:17
philipballewI am not sure why dave wants two a month, but because he has not been there and I am now pretty much the one in charge of the sd branch of the loco I might make an head decision if nobody objects to a once a month hour04:19
philipballewthen if that works go to the coffee shop there and advertise about it04:19
* pleia2 nods04:19
philipballewyou'll see my blog about titled one man ubuntu hour soon on the planet04:20
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philipballewakgraner, I really though you put your best effort into the leadership meeting. Thank you for helping in the Ubuntu community23:18

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