
=== Hornet is now known as EgbertPopplewick
DJonesMorning all08:20
TheOpenSourcererThe future for datacentres and home servers? http://www.calxeda.com/08:21
diploAnyone recommend any open source Assett management software and also helpdesk software, preferably something that integrates together08:31
diploI like OSTicket, but no asset stuff built in08:32
diploLooks good stuff TheOpenSourcerer08:33
diploI'd certainly want to use something that low power at home :)08:33
AlanBellooh, ARM servers :)08:33
AlanBelland funnily enough canonical on the software partner page :)08:34
smittixMorning all08:38
selinuxiumMorning all!  :)08:46
MooDoomorning all08:58
bigcalmMorning peeps09:01
oimonhad to roll back to CM7.0.3 from 7.1.0 :(09:12
bigcalmThat sucks, why so?09:13
oimonhad low space issues that i couldn't resolve, and some stuff wasn't working e.g. google chat09:14
oimonfor no perceivable gain09:14
oimonneed to make the decision quickly if you are gonna roll back to a previous backup09:14
oimonif i had have persevered, i probably could have moved the dalvik cache somewhere else09:15
ali1234the NAS unit i just set up to replace the broken one is ARM09:24
ali1234the old one was PPC09:24
ali1234so ARM servers are already in the home09:24
* MooDoo is getting a new nas09:24
ali1234what's so good about ARM servers in the datacentre anyway?09:25
ali1234the only reason i can think to use them is because your servers are not CPU bound, and so running x86 is a waste of electricity09:25
matttpower consumption perhaps?  :)09:25
ali1234if you are akamai it probably makes sense09:26
AlanBellali1234: core density as well, if you want that09:28
matttali1234: what kind of nas did you get?09:29
ali1234iomega ix2-20009:30
matttweird, looks like some sort of APC unit09:30
ali1234the firmware is terrible09:31
matttack, meeting, brb09:31
AlanBellali1234: so it runs debian?09:31
ali1234it runs a broken version of debian09:32
oimonali1234: power consumption and heat production and less expensive air con09:32
oimonvirtualisation offers similar benefits too of course09:32
ali1234that's what i mean. ARM seems good if you have low CPU/high IO requirements09:33
oimonlots of servers in the datacentre are idling09:34
oimonin my experience09:34
JamesTaitGooooood mooooorning all! :D09:43
MooDoomorning JamesTait09:44
JamesTaitHow are we all this morning?09:45
MooDooready for the weekend but not bad, what about yourself09:48
oimonwhen making a OO impress doc and wanting to draw some block diagrams, is it best/easier to draw them in OOimpress, or another app and import them?09:48
JamesTaitAll fired up ready to kick some refactoring butt. :)09:49
AlanBelloimon: depends on complexity, but you can do a lot with impress, also the draw application in the suite09:50
JamesTaitAnd sounding a little like a cross between beuno and jonobacon. :-P09:50
AlanBellwhich is basically the same, but without the slideshow bit (might have better layer support too)09:50
oimonAlanBell: cool, i was wondering if they were the same09:50
oimongonna try impress09:50
andylockranNov  2 09:52:51 enzo kernel: [ 2066.641830] at-spi-registry[5574]: segfault at 18 ip 00007f9f3e9da5f1 sp 00007fffa9565260 error 4 in libgconf-2.so.4.1.5[7f9f3e9c3000+2d000]10:04
andylockranI get logged out as soon as I attempt to login10:05
andylockranseeing that message above in the kern.log with oneric10:05
andylockranany ideas?10:12
hoovergod morning10:22
MooDooit's good as well :D10:23
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
bigcalmI missed all of you so much!10:33
DJonesThat was somewhat of a netsplit10:35
* DJones blames popey for being in the US and probably asleep at this time & not adminstering the whole of the internet properly10:36
bigcalmDJones: sounds reasonable10:37
bigcalmThink I just killed the bookmark manager in Chromium \o/10:37
danfishDJones: sshhh! He has a daemon process in his brain that works even when he's asleep monitoring this channel ;)10:44
LjLcan someone please check why my uncloaked host appears to be banned from here? it's 93-32-53-73.ip32.fastwebnet.it10:45
andylockranI do like netsplits10:48
bigcalmLjL: that might be a request for #freenode10:49
DJonesLjL: Give me a minute10:49
LjLbigcalm: erm, not really10:49
DJonesI can only guess that it was from a time when you had connection problems & were bouncing in & out of the channel10:49
LjLfreenode doesn't deal with channel bans10:49
bigcalmOh, from this channel, sorry :)10:49
LjLDJones: i was thinking it might be that, thanks10:50
DJonesJust got to remember the command to remove it now :)10:50
LjLDJones: you can't remove it now, because we've got no chanserv to op you :P10:50
LjLwell it doesn't matter very much, i'm usually cloaked10:50
DJonesI'll remove it when I can anyway10:51
DJonesEven freenode.net is down10:52
bigcalm-christel- [Global Notice] Hi all, one of our sponsors are experiencing some routing issues -- as a result we are missing a few servers, have a messed up rotation, no services and no web presence. Hopefully we'll return to some normality soon. Thank you for your patience and have a good day (or night, if you're Australian!)10:52
bigcalmChanServ is back10:56
DJonesLjL: Do you want to check thats working now11:03
DJonesBack in a bit, just got head to a meeting for a minutes11:03
oimoni think that means djones has gone for a poo11:17
* DJones kicks oimon 11:18
oimonirc'ing on the toilet?11:18
DJonesNah, ended up a 30 second web demo meeting11:18
DJonesIs packages.ubuntu.com down? Can't decide if its just my web connection causing problems or the site itself11:20
DJonesI suspect it must be my web connection because downforeveryoneorjustme.com seems down :)11:21
DJones\o/ somebody has put a new hamster in the hamster wheel powering the internet11:30
bigcalmWhere you getting an +++OUT OF CHEESE ERROR+++ ?11:31
* bigcalm forgets the exact quote :S11:31
kirrusWe've seen some strange transient routing issues over the last few days11:34
* awilkins is wondering if he should try Unity2d for a while11:36
DJonesYep, that was the warning11:36
bigcalmDJones: yes?11:36
awilkinsIf I didn't know this machine was perfectly stable in Windows, I'd suspect the hardware was flaking out11:36
DJonesWhy when you change to a new server, do you always forget the little things you've installed "just at the time", why do I never write them all down11:40
awilkinsDJones, Yeah, I know11:40
awilkinsDJones, It would be nice to have a tool that logs all that stuff and presents a structured list of what you did, so you could separate out the bits that you want everywhere and apply it to all new machines11:40
DJonesyeah, would be good11:41
bigcalmA project for the 2 of you ;)11:41
DJonesWouldn't mind, its only a little piddly home server, serves a tiny static website, runs irssi, & keeps a stack of media files for distributing round the house11:42
awilkinsHow about... a terminal with an inbuilt wiki pane to the right... select the command text, type a documentation string, it logs that11:43
awilkinsWould help eliminate all the piddly little commands you run like cd, ls11:43
awilkinsOr annotate your bash history11:44
bigcalmThat wouldn't log what you did in config files though11:45
awilkinsbigcalm, No... so how do we link etckeeper or similar into this11:45
awilkinsLink to the commit IDs in your log?11:45
bigcalmErm, could do :)11:46
bigcalmI didn't know about etckeeper11:46
AlanBell!info etckeeper11:46
lubotu3`etckeeper (source: etckeeper): store /etc in git, mercurial, bzr or darcs. In component main, is optional. Version 0.52ubuntu1 (natty), package size 26 kB, installed size 384 kB11:46
bigcalmAlanBell to the rescue!11:47
bigcalmMost interesting11:47
awilkinsSo, if etckeeper hooks apt, presumably you could also get it to log installed packages11:48
awilkins(or maybe it does alreadY)11:49
kirruspackage changes are logged into /var/log/dpkg.log.. not sure how helpful that is for you though11:50
Olipopey: What's your job? Just saw your tweets.11:52
MooDooisn't it engineering manager?11:52
bigcalmChief cake taster11:58
ubuntuuk-planet[Laura Czajkowski] UDS-P Day 2 - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/11/02/uds-p-day-2/12:05
MooDoohiya daubers12:09
AlanBellanyone dipping into interesting sessions from UDS today? http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/today12:10
daubersAlanBell: WOuld do if I had some more time. Intending to try and read some of the summaries over the weekend12:10
MooDoohola davmor2 how's UDS?12:15
davmor2MooDoo: I don't know it's the other side of the building ;)12:16
bigcalmMooDoo: I'm surprised that czajkowski hasn't sent him to the ER12:16
MooDoodavmor2: you're not partaking?  Or ust got up?12:16
MooDoobigcalm: give her chance :)12:16
davmor2bigcalm: No czajkowski won't kill me apparently as I'm organising the workspace thing :D12:17
davmor2MooDoo: no I'm on a team sprint12:17
MooDoodavmor2: ah!12:17
* mattt is finally getting around to listening to the keynote12:17
bigcalmdavmor2: good, my words didn't go unheeded12:17
mattthuge openstack focus, wow12:18
awilkinsHummph, I've switched to Unity2d12:19
awilkinsI shall see if this improves stability - my machine keeps having nasty crashes that coincidentally coincide with pretty graphics moments like window fades, etc12:20
andylockranI'm a happy bunny12:22
MooDooandylockran: any particular reason?12:22
andylockranMooDoo: just enjoying xubuntu+dock12:22
selinuxiumandylockran, Been given a carrot?12:22
andylockranselinuxium: I'd quite like a carrot12:22
bigcalmandylockran: which dock?12:23
bigcalmWhat's the difference from having a panel down there?12:24
andylockranit also holds minimized apps12:24
bigcalmI see12:25
bigcalmI didn't install it as I thought it would need gnome to work correctly12:25
andylockrannope - it works really well - though need to enable compositing12:25
andylockranwhat's that face for?12:26
* selinuxium posts andylockran a carrot... CoIP hasn't been invented yet...12:26
bigcalmThis system isn't the greatest under Linux for fancy graphics. Which is a shame12:26
awilkinsCarrot over Internet Protocol12:27
awilkinsWill have to make do with cookies. It does seem a short leap from there to cake, and thus carrot cake... but never mind12:28
bigcalmGreat how the mind works ;)12:28
bigcalmandylockran: do you find it difficult to grab the edge of a window for resizing?12:32
bigcalmIt feels like a pixel hunt to me12:33
awilkinsYeah, it's a single pixel area... the alt-F8 key shortcut is a nice idea but it rather removes your hand from the mouse, which is daft when you want to resize a window12:34
bigcalmMost interesting, ta12:35
bigcalmReally not optimal though12:35
TheOpenSourcererbigcalm: Take a look at bug 160311 :-)12:35
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 160311 in metacity "Resizing windows by grabbing window borders is difficult" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16031112:35
awilkinsNo, my hand reach is not enough to hit alt-f8 with my left hand, so It's a 2-hand key combo12:35
awilkinsSo I have to leave the mouse to do it12:35
TheOpenSourcererAn old and bloody annoying bug.12:36
bigcalmawilkins: use the right hand alt?12:37
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: poo :(12:37
awilkinsbigcalm, AltGr doesn't work12:38
bigcalmSo I see12:38
bigcalmWhy do I struggle to decide what to have for lunch?12:53
bigcalmIt really shouldn't be this stressful12:53
daubersbigcalm: I've been told to find myself a new work computer12:53
daubersthats more stressful12:53
bigcalmBut you can't eat a computer12:54
TheOpenSourcererHam Sandwich with some of my amazing Chilli Chutney :-D12:54
TheOpenSourcerer50 Chillies and 25 cloves of Garlic12:54
bigcalmHow long did it take you to learn to like having your mouth on fire?12:56
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: So you're trying to get some time to yourself then....12:56
TheOpenSourcererbigcalm: About 28 years I guess.12:56
TheOpenSourcererdaubers: :-D12:57
TheOpenSourcererIt also goes very well with cheese too.12:57
bigcalmNext you'll tell us that you like chilli chocolate12:57
TheOpenSourcererI say "my" Chilli Chutney. I did make it but it was this recipe: http://www.greatcurryrecipes.net/2011/10/27/how-to-make-my-favourite-green-chilli-chutney/12:58
TheOpenSourcererGreat website BTW12:58
TheOpenSourcererbigcalm: I do, and so does my 7 yr old son.12:58
bigcalmMy future mother-in-law likes it as well. But I think mothers-in-law are meant to be odd ;)12:59
dogmatic69anyone used ganglia?13:02
dogmatic69looks pretty good13:03
popey$morning all13:03
bigcalmAfternoon part-timer13:03
TheOpenSourcererhey popey! Guess what I got yesterday ;-)13:04
bigcalmpopey: Does every morning start with a hangover, or is that just Aq?13:04
popeyi have no hangover13:04
popeywhich is surprising13:04
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: hp touchpad?13:05
popeyooo nice13:05
popeyjust one?13:05
TheOpenSourcererUnfortunately yes.13:05
AlanBellgot ubuntu on it yet?13:05
TheOpenSourcererI haven't even unboxed it yet.13:05
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: Put CM on it13:06
* popey is in an interesting session about linaro set top boxes13:09
bigcalmCentral heating just came on. Woot \o/13:09
bigcalmWhat can we expect the next gen. of set top boxes then?13:14
bigcalmWill TiVo be a thing of the past?13:14
matttdoes anyone here use juju?13:18
oimoni wonder how many cheapo STB's over the next year or so will turn out to be a raspberry pi hidden in a bigger case13:18
AlanBelloimon: not the ones that are linaro based13:18
dennyhow can I set the window auto-raise delay for focus-follows-mouse in 11.10 gnome fallback? (or whatever the non-unity, non-gnome-shell UI is called)14:06
popeydavmor2: what was that macro recorder thing you mentioned?14:16
davmor2popey: xpresser ?14:17
MyrttiI think more tea is needed14:20
selinuxiumIs there any way of opening applications on particular workspaces? I open the same applications and put them in the same workspaces every morning... would be nice to automate...14:27
selinuxiumTo add to the dilemma I have a dual screen set-up14:27
TheOpenSourcererselinuxium: Me too :-) If you find out how to do that I'd love to know.14:29
TheOpenSourcererThunderbird on screen 1, FFox and Hotot on 2, OpenERP Client on 3 and 4 mostly eclipse and/or other stuff.14:30
selinuxiumTheOpenSourcerer, :) Will do... How are you doing anyway? You near Liverpool Street any time soon?14:30
TheOpenSourcererGood thanks selinuxium but not got any "in town" meeting booked for the forseeable right now.14:31
daubersurgh, I dislike it when customers say "We know you told us not to do this but....."14:31
daubersThe answer is generally "Sorry, you're on your own, or you can pay for a callout at £1000+VAT per day (min 1 day) to fix it"14:32
selinuxiumTheOpenSourcerer, Next time you are in town give me a bell for beer! :) Also... http://www.foosel.org/linux/devilspie  is looking promising...14:40
dennyselinuxium: if you're running Compiz you can teach it rules for specific windows...  based on their titles I think14:41
dennywindow placement is a long-running pile of &"$£* in Linux/X14:41
dennyif you file a bug about it, everyone goes "It's not our fault, it's their fault!" and points at someone else14:42
dennyit's very tedious14:42
dennycurrently it's actually down to application developers to save and request restoration of window position, which seems a bit silly.14:43
selinuxiumhi denny, yeah I am using Compiz but i need to open Chromium-browser in 2 workspaces, one in incognito so I can have 2 google accounts open...14:43
dennyfuntiems  :)14:43
selinuxiumdenny, TheOpenSourcerer, there appears to be a GUI - gDevilspie14:44
dennyI used devils pie before, but the built-in stuff in compiz seemed to be equivalent or better when I was last looking14:45
dennyI don't even know what WM I'm using any more14:45
denny11.10 has done odd things to my machine  :)14:46
dennywell, trying to run 11.10 but without Unity has done odd things14:46
dennyGnome Shell won't even load on my three-screen setup14:46
dennyalthough it looked pretty rubbish before it crashed anyway14:46
dennyso I'm running the fallback thing14:46
dennywhich is a bit rubbish, but at least I can get work done without the UI getting in my way all the time14:47
nymwarGnome shell seems to be running well on my system on 11.1014:47
dennydo you have three monitors running off of two graphics cards?14:47
dennyI find this causes me a number of issues  :)14:47
dennyin 11.10's defence, this is the first installation of Linux ever to find all three monitors and enable them using only GUI tools14:48
dennyshame about Unity really14:48
dennyand as I say, Gnome Shell didn't like the three monitors, which is interesting given that fallback manages okay and that's still gnome3 if I understand correctly?14:48
AlanBellunity is a shell for gnome314:49
dennyoh aye?14:49
AlanBellgnome-shell is another shell for gnome 314:49
dennyI didn't much like the look of either, but Unity did at least run  :)14:49
AlanBelland fallback uses the two panel shell for gnome 314:50
dennyit just took ages to switch between windows and stuff like that14:50
denny(in terms of my identifying the window I wanted and selecting it, rather than in terms of rendering speed etc)14:50
AlanBellalt-tab is not very deterministic under unity, I turned that off and use one of the normal switchers14:50
dennythe 'I must be on the left of the screen' thing was a bit of a nuisance on a triple-head setup too...  the left of the left screen is a long way away  :)14:51
dennyI tried Cairo Dock but that was quite faffy too14:51
dennyI'm fairly sure having a task bar is actually quicker for switching between windows, rather than just being what I'm used to14:52
dennyalways hard to assess your own biases though14:52
dennythe fact that I like focus-follows-mouse doesn't really work well with the detached menu bar thingy either14:52
dennyi r special snowflake edge case, I guess14:53
AlanBellfocus-follows-mouse has been mentioned in some of the design sessions at UDS14:53
dennyif you're coming from Windows 7, Unity is probably quite nice14:53
dennyit looks quite similar, to my uneducated eye14:53
MooDooif you're coming from windows 7 it's aweful, then again if you're linux then windows then linux, it all becomes a blur lol14:54
AlanBellhttp://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/meeting/19802/design-p-design-and-community/ would be a good session to bring up comments about unity and what you want it to be in 12.0414:56
AlanBellat 4PM today14:56
AlanBelllive audio here -> http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/bonaire2.ogg.m3u14:57
AlanBelltalk to the room in the #ubuntu-uds-bonaire2 IRC channel14:57
AlanBellthe IRC channel is on a big projector at the front of the room, all rooms have dual projectors, one for IRC, one with a dangling VGA connector for laptops14:58
AlanBellso do go in there and politely say you would like multi-monitor improvements and alt-tab to be unbroken14:58
olyhi, anyone in here able to tell me why firefox is not associated to application when i download files15:03
olyfor example when i download a word document it trys to use archive manager instead of open office and open office is not available in the list15:04
daubersoly: It's a known bug. I think a fix has been released......15:26
daubersbug 87347015:26
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 873470 in desktop-file-utils (Ubuntu Oneiric) "File-roller is associated with .docx,.xlsx,.pptx files instead of LibreOffice" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87347015:26
daubersit might be filtering through the system15:26
bigcalmEverything is associated with the Archive Manager upon installing 11.1015:26
bigcalmA bit silly really :)15:27
olyaha cheers for that info daubers15:29
jacobwpentadactyl > vimperator? discuss.16:02
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
* denny blinks16:08
dennyEvolution won't let me create any IMAP folders today16:08
dennythat's helpful16:08
bigcalmEvolution has never been helpful. Why does it still exist?16:09
dennyI find it more usable than Thunderbird, on average16:10
dennythey all have their quirks though16:10
jacobwdenny: have you tried thunderbird with muttator?16:10
bigcalmvim is going the way of emacs16:12
jacobw(no (its (not)))16:13
bigcalmfunkyHat: same thing with a different name?16:14
funkyHatbigcalm: that's just an extension for thunderbird that gives it vi-like keybindings, not actually part of vim16:14
funkyHatbigcalm: more up to date fork I believe16:14
bigcalmI know, but everything is starting to look like vim ;)16:14
bigcalmAh yes, just read that16:14
bigcalmHi czajkowski :)16:14
dennywhy anyone would want anything to behave like vim I have no idea16:14
dennyor like any CLI application for that matter, they're almost all completely insane16:14
dennyvi has always struck me as particularly special though... a text editor that, when you load it, won't let you edit the text (until you change mode)16:15
funkyHatdenny: vim has a bit of a steep learning curve but then the amount of keypresses required to do stuff just gets less and less16:15
dennyprimary purpose fail :)16:15
funkyHatExcept experienced vim users probably spend less time in insert mode than other modes16:16
funkyHatStarting in insert modewould annoy me, at any rate ;)16:18
bigcalmThere are 2 things that need to be made obvious when using an editor: 1) how to edit. 2) how to exit16:20
funkyHatThat depends on whether you're trying to make a tet editor that's easy to use or a text editor that's fast to use16:23
ali1234vim isn't fast to use16:23
bigcalmIt's quite often set as the default editor on systems. I had no idea what I was doing when I 1st tried to edit a cronjob16:24
ali1234most of the claimed "fast" things you can do with it rely on you having memorized the entire text you are editing16:24
funkyHatali1234: I disagree16:24
dennyyeah, pico would be a friendlier default16:25
dennywith the menu across the bottom  :)16:25
funkyHatBut I'm also not going to suggest that it should be the default editor ⢁)16:25
funkyHatOr nano. I think nano is the default in ubuntu16:25
jacobwnano provided by debian and ubuntu for intuitive editting16:25
TheOpenSourcerernano is pretty cool as long as you open it with -c16:27
bigcalmI open with -w16:27
bigcalmOtherwise it kills configs16:27
bigcalmAs with everything, you need to know what you're doing before you start16:28
* funkyHat sshes into a box that has nano on it to check what those options do16:28
funkyHatWhat? It actually edits lines just bcause they are too long without -w?16:30
TheOpenSourcererI have not experienced that issue before. I like -c cause it shows your cursor position a.k.a line number16:31
NET||abusehey guys. i'm on a new work machine, ubuntu 11.10, tomboy fails to finish initial sync16:33
NET||abusei get about 38 of my 200 notes downloaded, then it stops16:33
NET||abusejust says failed to sync, see below for details, that gives me the 38 notes with "Added" indicated beside each one, but that's it.16:34
NET||abuseno errors apparent in that list16:34
jacobwNET||abuse: which synchronisation method are you using?16:34
jacobwi've seen the same episode of scrubs twice today on sky16:56
jacobwperhaps its a good thing i've never had sky before16:56
sadsunI watch everything online nowadays16:57
aaronrupgrading a machine to 11.10 and see a message saying "the support in ubuntu 11.10 for your intel graphics hardware is limited and you may encounter problems after the upgrade" — will this computer still work in the Ubuntu 2D mode, or does it need a better graphics card before i upgrade? (are there any docs on what doesn't work?)17:23
jacobwaaronr: http://friendly.ubuntu.com/17:28
NET||abusejacobw: oops, an hour later.....17:34
aaronrjacobw: thanks, but i'm interested in what specifically won't work. if it will work in unity 2d mode, then i don't need to upgrade the graphics card. if not, i will.17:34
NET||abusejacobw: yeh, using Tomboy Web sync, through Ubuntu One17:35
jacobwaaronr: can you try it with the live image?17:36
jacobwNET||abuse: how many notes can you see in the web interfac?17:38
aaronrjacobw: yeah, i can give it a shot.17:39
aaronri'd still like to understand what's changed in 11.10 and find out more about what will break, though. i'm having trouble finding relevant docs explaining this message.17:40
jacobwdo you know which driver your using?17:40
gordhttp://i.imgur.com/CGB8v.png is genius.17:43
aaronrjacobw: according to Xorg.log it's the intel driver for an intel 865g gpu17:45
AlanBellgord: that got through the app review process!17:54
jacobwaaronr: i don't think there's any regressions, looking at launchpad bugs and answers doesn't uncover any new issues in oneiric18:03
bigcalmgord: haha18:03
diploEvening all18:05
diploGnome3 is much smoother than unity so far18:06
BigRedSGnome3 has more boring bugs than unity, though18:17
diploNot for me yet, not crashed once yet18:18
diploYet unity has crashed multiple times18:18
aaronrthanks jacobw18:18
BigRedSnah, not crashes, just stupid design decisions18:18
BigRedSI've not had either crash much at all18:18
diploOh unity has been once or twice a night18:18
diploDon't like the no option of minimise though18:18
BigRedSyeah, that's the sort of design decisions that need fixing18:19
BigRedSthat's the thing, gnome3 is broken out of the box in a usability sense, so you isntall these extensions and it works18:20
BigRedSunity just does random things every so often to keep me on my toes18:20
gr33npeacewhois tomk tomk18:46
bigcalmMmm, could nobble a Boost18:57
=== ali12341 is now known as ali1234
jacobwi'm considering a system76 lemur ultra, can anyone testify as to their quality?19:08
stevepdpevening friends19:42
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mattthowzit guys20:09
feisarI've just done a clean install of 11.10 with an nvidia card, activated the nvidia drivers but I have no shadows on the desktop - why would that be?20:17
jacobwfeisar: have you restarted the X server since activating the drivers? you can log out and back in again to do so20:21
feisarjacobw: yeah I have restarted and still no go, thanks20:30
ubuntuuk-planet[Jonathan Riddell] Precise Ubuntu Developer Summit - http://blogs.kde.org/node/449621:05
ali1234i just watched the a-team reboot movie21:09
ali1234it's terrible21:09
ali1234don't watch it21:09
DJonesA wish you'd said that about 6 months ago21:10
hamitronis it so bad I got to watch it, to believe how bad it is? ;)21:10
ali1234it's just stupid21:11
ali1234i haven't really watched any films in ages21:15
Myrttiapparently the frozen planet on bbc is really exciting21:15
hamitronMyrtti, after Planet Dinosaur, I haven't bothered with that one21:15
ali1234hamitron http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3uIQZkXPkU21:16
hamitronI got a server to bypass youtube filtering now, so i can download it21:17
ali1234what is youtube filtering21:17
hamitronI blocked youtube21:17
ali1234you blocked youtube and then you got a server to get around your own block21:17
hamitronso others here can't slow down my internet21:17
hamitronI can't remember the command for downloading youtube21:18
hamitronwget does it?21:19
MartijnVdSif you know the URL, sure21:20
ali1234same video21:20
hamitronstill need to work this out21:22
hamitronali1234, that is blocked too21:23
hamitronI'm just been dumb with youtube-dl21:23
hamitroncan't work it out21:23
hamitronwhy is this not working?21:28
hamitronyoutube-dl -b http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3uIQZkXPkU21:28
ali1234because you've blocked youtube?21:29
hamitronit isn't blocked on the server I'm running that21:30
hamitronget_iplayer works21:31
DJoneshamitron: Just ran that same command, I get an error "no such option: -b"21:31
hamitronb for best21:31
DJones-b isn't listed in the options for man youtube-dl21:32
hamitronwell, can you get it working at all?21:33
hamitron-b, --best-quality  download the best quality video possible21:33
DJonesJust take the -b, seems to be working for me21:33
DJones"youtube-dl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3uIQZkXPkU"21:34
hamitronversion is 2010.04.0421:34
DJoneshamitron: http://pastebin.com/pi0s7Ybg21:36
hamitronDJones, what is youtube-dl -v21:37
* hamitron on lucid21:37
DJoneshamitron: No idea, I've never used it until you mentioned you had problems21:38
DJones-v is version21:38
hamitronI mean, what version you have?21:38
DJonessorry, just realised that21:38
DJones2011.08.04 (I'm on 11.10)21:39
hamitronmust be some fixes :/21:39
DJonesThese are the options available in this version http://pastebin.com/3D9wnNAa21:41
hamitronI guess it is tough keeping apps up-to-date with online services that change21:41
Laneyespecially ones that probably don't want you doing it21:42
hamitronDJones, yeh, different :)21:43
ali1234i was thinking about that the other day when trying to rip a video from the bbc21:43
hamitronone reason i don't like all this online stuff tbh21:44
ali1234you can make a foolproof ripper by using tcpdump21:44
hamitronI can? ;/ maybe you can21:45
ali1234then i was thinking a bit more21:45
ali1234and i came up with the idea of dumping all packets and replaying them21:46
ali1234rather than spidering everything and trying to keep up with site changes21:46
hamitronbut wouldn't that be messy, and increase storage size?21:46
ali1234just record every outgoing stream, checksum on the first few bytes, and then store the response21:47
hamitronalso, would need another app that supports connecting in the first place21:47
ali1234it would be done at the network device level21:48
ali1234you'd have a special network device that has recording or playback modes21:48
ali1234most of the infrastructure for this already exists21:48
jacobwit'd allow many users on a high bandwidth domain to stream X from a low bandwidth domain21:48
ali1234i suppose it could be used as a cache too21:49
ali1234i've done some work on a wayback machine type of thing21:49
hamitronimo, the bbc and youtube should just have torrents21:49
ali1234and spidering pages that uses flash etc is hard21:49
ali1234mainly because flashplugin crashes so much21:50
ali1234the approach i used was to use webkit and hook every received file21:50
ali1234since plugins go through the browser api for most stuff21:50
ali1234but it isn't perfect21:50
Laneyhow do I rate something in the software centre?21:50
ali1234you have to write a review i think21:51
Laneydon't think so21:51
ali1234and you have to be logged in of course21:51
Laneybut how do you get to that bit?21:51
=== denny- is now known as denny
ali1234i don't really use software centre21:51
Laneycan't see anywhere to log in21:51
ali1234you also have to have the package installed21:52
ali1234you have to go to more info21:52
ali1234then scroll down to "add your review"21:52
ali1234"write your own review"21:53
Laneyfound it21:54
hamitronyoutube-dl is just a python script21:54
hamitronso downloaded it and running with ./youtube-dl21:54
Laney"An exception representing server-side error"21:54
ali1234i tried to write a review once and it just crashed the whole thing21:56
ali1234that was ages ago though21:56
ali1234i heard that has been fixed21:56
Laneyworked on the second try21:57
hamitronali1234, 55mins remaining21:58
ali1234the video isn't worth it21:58
hamitronoh, ok21:58
hamitronwell, at least I got the downloader fixed now, for when there is something worth getting21:59
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] UDS In Full Swing - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/11/02/uds-in-full-swing/22:05
dwatkinsI wish they hadn't turned off Google Reader's ability to share links via bookmarklet.22:06

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