
MarkDudethx nhaines - Tom Merrit gave it some real coverage. He likes Ubuntu. Some of us in Norcal need to go back to the TWIT00:09
philipballewAttention: the San Diego Ubuntu Hour is underway. Feel free to be excited.01:13
* MarkDude does happy dance01:15
* philipballew high fives MarkDude 01:19
MarkDudeThere ya go01:19
MarkDudeSan Diego rocks, I was born there. Great weather year round01:20
philipballewIts true, what part of SD you born in?01:20
MarkDudePacific Beach01:21
MarkDudeLa Jolla to be exact01:21
philipballewnice MarkDude !01:28
MarkDudeHad passes to the zoo01:29
philipballewPB... where you can be at a bar and swimming in the ocean at the same time01:29
MarkDudeand Saw Shamu the whale01:29
philipballewI am by there now, the hour is in Hillcrest01:29
philipballewSea world is a nice place01:30
bkerensaBotenAnne: solyndra yes a Oregon company I think01:48
bkerensait was corruption and bad business01:48
MarkDudeKaraoke, Movies and Fighting Games02:51
MarkDudeExport Share02:51
MarkDudeFriday, November 11, 2011, 6:00 PM02:51
MarkDudeDigger's Diner02:51
MarkDude1895 Farm Bureau Rd, Concord , CA (map)02:51
MarkDudeLets have fun doing karaoke in the living room, fighting games and a movie in the family room!02:51
MarkDudeFighting games available are:02:52
MarkDudeSoul Calibur IV02:52
MarkDudeSmash Bros Melee02:52
MarkDudeSuper Street Fighter IV02:52
MarkDudeEast Bay Geeks party on the 11th02:52
MarkDudeWho wants to go?02:52
dragonCount me in, tentatively.02:53
dragonWhat's the plan?02:53
MarkDudenext friday in Concord02:53
dragonThat's over 50 miles from here.02:55
MarkDudeThere are games tho02:56
MarkDudeand geeks02:56
dragonGeeks and games. What else could one ask for.02:56
dragonI'm tentatively in.02:57
dragonMarkDude: you attending?02:57
MarkDudeI should be03:17
MarkDudeIt depends on what L's work schedule is03:17
MarkDudeFind that out tomorrow03:17
Faqtotumwho's Aria L.?03:19
MarkDudeFaqtotum, L is my muse03:26
MarkDudeYou should be able to meet her at an upcoming event03:27
MarkDudeOh wait -Aria L is organizer ofEast bay  Geeks03:28
Faqtotumso, different person03:28
MarkDudeNormally you do the confusing Faqtotum - this time it was me :D03:28
Faqtotumwhat exactly is East Bay Geeks?03:29
MarkDudeWell the name says it all03:34
MarkDudeGo on meetup and check it out03:34
philipballewthats a good band03:36
MarkDudeIt is03:37
* MarkDude really likes this lady, not yet at point of calling it bf/gf tho03:37
MarkDudeSo I asked her to be my muse03:37
* philipballew gives MarkDude a congrats hug!03:39
MarkDudeFaqtotum, were you able to find out more on meetup?03:39
MarkDudephilipballew, well its a good deal, she is such a positive person.03:40
philipballewIf the woman is happy, then everyone is happy03:40
philipballewhope that doesnt offend anyone03:41
MarkDudeI hope that does not. That is a Universal Truth.03:41
* MarkDude 's last GF had all sorts of drama she thrived on. It was very high impact03:42
philipballewno good there03:45
philipballewthats bad news03:45
FaqtotumMarkDude: CBA03:51
FaqtotumMarkDude: as the british say, "can't be arsed"03:56
MarkDudeFaqtotum, can Eureka be queried for last seen rww?04:10
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=== Guest15089 is now known as Faqtotum
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andrewrgrossI apologize if I'm interrupting anything.  I'm new to IRC.18:09
BotenAnnairc just is18:09
BotenAnnayou sit around and things happen18:09
pleia2welcome :)18:09
andrewrgrossI wanted to participate in the Ubuntu community more, and so I stumbled in.18:09
andrewrgrossAm I in the right place?18:10
BotenAnnasounds like a good start to me!18:10
andrewrgrossI live in L.A.18:10
BotenAnnai work in culver city so hi person probably not too far from me18:10
BotenAnna(well you're at USC, your hostname gives you away bwa ha ha!)18:10
andrewrgrossYep, I'm at work right now.18:10
andrewrgrossI'm a grad student.18:10
andrewrgrossSo, I guess I've figured out the basics of logging on.18:11
andrewrgrossIf I understand right, you hold meetings?18:11
pleia2yes, every other sunday18:11
BotenAnnaI just kind of idle and talk occasionally. They have meetings sometimes, I've watched one or two.18:11
pleia2we have one coming up this sunday at 7PM18:11
BotenAnnai wanted to see nhaines' coronation :D18:11
andrewrgrossDuring other hours, what is this channel used for?18:12
pleia2talking about ubuntu, planning events, the weather18:13
andrewrgrossIf anyone has any etiquette tips or advise on where to learn how to use this better, let me know.18:13
pleia2most of us stay connected all the time, so if you ever join and no one talks it just means we're all working/schooling/adventuring18:14
BotenAnna"idling" tis common on IRC18:14
BotenAnnai have a VPS that is always connected to my ircs18:14
pleia2but it's all pretty casual so feel free to jump in anywhere :)18:14
andrewrgrossWhat is a VPS, btw?18:15
BotenAnnavirtual private server18:15
BotenAnnaa virtual machine running on a dedicated hosted server18:15
pleia2the big event that nhaines just announced down in LA is an Ubucon at SCaLE in the end of January: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/2011-October/001849.html18:15
andrewrgrossalso, weird question: what does my name show up as to you guys?18:15
andrewrgrosshuh.  okay.18:16
akkandrewrgross is the nick, realname is "purple"18:16
BotenAnnai joked with nhaines that I'd give a talk at SCaLE about sexism but it's too much effort :V18:16
akkwhich means you're using some chat client that doesn't default your fullname properly18:16
andrewrgrossI am still unclear on what the difference between my name, alias, nick, etc. is.18:16
Faqtotumin other words, we know you're using Pidgin18:16
Faqtotumgah, i can't type fast enough18:16
andrewrgrossAnd that my hostname is at USC.18:16
andrewrgrossCool.  Clearly, there is much to learn.18:17
andrewrgrossFor now, I'm going to go have lunch.18:17
pleia2BotenAnna: hah, want some templates? I've done a few (don't anymore though)18:17
andrewrgrossThank you all!18:17
BotenAnnapleia2: lol yeah I figured you'd probably have more examples and things to say about it XD18:17
pleia2when people ask me to give women talks I just give general "attract people to your project" talks and they mostly cover the same things (be nice and welcoming)18:18
BotenAnnathe effort part would be that I'd approach it from finding common examples of casual sexism and dissect them a bit, and focus on where sexism hurts men18:18
pleia2beards on sysadmin icons make pleia2 a sad sysadmin18:19
BotenAnnathere's the gilded cage/pedestal problem too, like a bit too much doting on and outright worship of women can be quite detrimental18:20
pleia2yeah, there is a fine line between celebrating work of female contributors who aren't great at self promotion and that18:21
BotenAnnaand it just puts me in a weird position. i'm just a person, doing a thing... it fences me in if you think i'm some crazy etherial heaven-being D:18:21
pleia2it's sad when people are afraid to talk to me :\18:22
pleia2I am very nice, and shy myself!18:22
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pleia2doesn't happen as much as it used to though18:22
BotenAnnathe OSS community has grown up a bit but we're not there yet18:22
BotenAnnaand ubuntu has been especially good imo, so i hope we can build on that :)18:24
* pleia2 nods18:24
BotenAnnaeating all this leftover halloween candy is reminding me why i dont eat candy much anymore, and in moderate amounts when i do haha18:25
pleia2ubuntu developer summit this week, I no haz halloween :(18:25
pleia2was kinda sad18:25
BotenAnnai dressed up like a dalek and it was awesome but nobody at work knew what i was >=(18:25
BotenAnnahttps://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/380241_10100576945942561_6019356_57483675_955127605_n.jpg my gf and i18:27
BotenAnnahttps://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/293944_10100576940733001_6019356_57483530_920647295_n.jpg me being sinister18:27
BotenAnnaEXTERMINATE, etc18:27
pleia2haha, star trek18:29
pleia2that dalek costume rocks18:30
BotenAnnathanks :D18:31
* bkerensa misses Star Trek19:17
bkerensabut even more there was this series that got killed of19:17
bkerensait was called "Space Above and Beyond"19:18
BotenAnnathat sounds familiar19:44
BotenAnnai dont think i ever watched it but the name sounds about right19:45
BotenAnnap.s. bring back space cases19:45
nhainesBotenAnna: you wanted to watch my what?  :P21:17
BotenAnnacoronation! into the royal ranks of open source software!21:32
nhainesI don't think I have that.21:39
pleia2King of Ubucon?21:39
* philipballew needs to sign up for that21:40
* philipballew wants to sign up for that21:40
nhainesphilipballew: your SCaLE admission will admit you to Ubucon.21:42
philipballewyeah, I'll look into the exhibitor badge again.21:43
philipballewnhaines, do you need speakers?21:43
nhainesphilipballew: yes, that was the announcement.21:43
philipballewsweet! i might take you up on that21:43
nhainesGreat!  The more the merrier.21:44
BotenAnnai consider myself ubu-pro22:10
=== Faqtotum is now known as danielg4
philipballewDarkwingUDS, I thought you gave a lot of consideration to what you said in the Leadership meeting. Thanks for the solid effort!23:25

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