
InHisNamemr bacon is missing:   http://imgur.com/gallery/s7m9R00:40
andurilInHisName was just me trying to win karma on reddit :-p01:09
=== TheEvilPhoenix is now known as Resistance
beta0x64woops :(06:36
rmg51morning JonathanD09:56
JonathanDhey rmg5109:59
InHisNamegood morning now that we are all back together a 2nd time11:17
JonathanDInHisName: why did you break freenode.11:17
InHisNameI just was trying out a new hacker tool, I din't realize it was gonna DOooo something.........11:21
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!11:33
InHisNamemr bacon came and went already and I couln't send him the bucket o' bacon13:33
ChinnoDogom nom bucket 'o bacon13:48
=== paulproteus_ is now known as paulproteus
InHisNameI'm dabbling around with iptables and NAT trying to connect outside to   anyone have suggestions.   All that I tried haven't made a diff yet.17:38
InHisNameI'm seeing a default web page from my astlinux box I want the other to respond not this one.   The astlinux box is where the iptables are used.17:40
ChinnoDogWhere is "outside"?17:41
InHisNamewild wild internet17:43
ChinnoDogYou can't route to a private IP range across the internet because the internet routers will block it17:47
rhpot1991you would need to route it at the router17:52
rhpot1991if you have access to it17:52
rhpot1991think firewall17:52
InHisNameafter experimenting with several iptable items,  I needed one FORWARD and one PREROUTING item to get page to play from hidemyass proxy.   Now I have a simple page up at that web site playing off one of my machines instead of a host web site.18:28
jthanjedijf: meeting tomorrow night? I have a potential "new contributor" to the team that would like to see what we're all about here on irc :-p18:35
jthanHe saw we have meetings, but didn't know if they were a real thing18:35
InHisNameI have lotta usb logging into /var/log/messages   --  how do I find where logs coming from so I can decide if I want to turn it off ?19:47
InHisNameseems this is set to 'yes' -- zcat /proc/config.gz | grep USB_STORAGE_DEBUG19:51
InHisNamezcat /proc/config.gz | grep USB_DEBUG19:53
InHisNamethat one not set19:53
InHisNameI found errors in /var/log/messages   back in early morning hours.20:29
InHisNameErrors on ports that  'shields-UP!' reports as stealthed.20:29
InHisNameCan someone interpret these lines into something meaning ful ?20:30
InHisNamethe logging above in in dmesg   some sort of 'ring logging'   Things fall off pretty quick due to all the USB logging.20:31
InHisNames/in in/is in/20:32
ssweenyInHisName, someone is trying a dictionary attack on your server20:32
InHisNamethose ports 35739 and so on are all tested as 'stealthed' by shields up!   How is someone hooking into a stealthed port ?20:34
InHisNameOr is that HIS IP and port numbers ?20:35
ssweenyInHisName, that's the remote port20:35
InHisNameOh now makes more sense.   Is there clue which of my ports they are trying to punch on ?20:36
ssweenyInHisName, my guess would be 2220:36
jthanInHisName: just use shorewall and lock up your ports.. use pubkey auth for your ssh20:36
ssweenyInHisName, that's the standard ssh port20:36
InHisNameYes, I noticed I had left it 'open' a few days ago and forgot about it.  It is closed now.20:37
jedijfswitch port20:38
jthanYou could always use 44320:38
InHisNameI am playing with web server on internal machine and connecting to port 80.    What can these .ru folks try to do in that port.20:39
InHisNameYou all saying to use 443 or 52500 in place of 80 ?20:39
jedijfleave it open; the F opyum team needs something to do20:39
ssweenyif you change the port they'll have a harder time finding it20:39
InHisNameIt might be tough on anyone who wanted to browse to that website if they did not know to postfix :52500 on end.20:41
ssweenybut if you're just playing with your own you can put it wherever you want20:41
MutantTurkeywhy does he need all of this?20:42
jedijfInHisName: mainly 2220:42
InHisNameBut for next few weeks where no one will be browsing yet, sounds like at least good enough temporailly.20:42
jedijflet them hammer your 8020:42
MutantTurkeyInHisName: intruders?20:42
MutantTurkeyjust set a good password for ssh, lockout after 3 attempts.20:42
MutantTurkeythats all.20:42
InHisNameaparently so.  I left 22 open for a few days.   No one was getting in only 2 users and really goofy passwords.20:43
jedijfInHisName: and no root login20:43
MutantTurkeyvim that baby!20:43
Resistancesshd_config :/20:43
MutantTurkeyvim is 20 years old?20:43
jthansearch for permitrootlogin20:43
InHisNamethat machine does have a root.  Not ubuntu20:44
jedijffor ssh you don't wnat to allow root login20:44
jedijfroot@inhisname.com would be a disaster20:45
InHisNameits all closed up now.   Now I've opened up port 80, should I change it to big port #?20:46
jedijfInHisName: just change it(ssh)20:46
InHisNamessh is closed 2 hours ago20:46
ResistanceInHisName:  fwiw, i moved my SSH traffic to 6332920:47
* Resistance chose a random port :P20:47
Resistancei also use 2222 on occasion20:47
Resistancedepending on the setup20:47
InHisNameright now I don't need any ssh traffic from outside20:47
MutantTurkeyResistance: not very secure now that we all know your port and IP address...20:48
ResistanceMutantTurkey:  i didnt say its to this system ;P20:48
MutantTurkeysure sure20:48
InHisNamebut NO bot logging here so not too awful20:48
ResistanceMutantTurkey:  you cant even be sure that's the correct port ;P20:48
jedijfwho cares, it's give you log monitor practice20:48
jedijfthen netstat and see the ircbots they install as crons20:49
jedijfand john internally scanning itself20:49
jedijfthe compromised box20:49
jedijfhoneyd homework20:50
InHisNameOk, now got big numbered port open and 80 closed.21:30
jedijfInHisName: 80's not the problem, 22 was21:31
InHisNameI said a couple times that 22 got closed up and was asking about 80 and what to expect from that being open.   I close it about 4 hours ago now.21:33
InHisNamehow come when I do 'last', I only get one line output.   The file grows larger after each login/logout.   Still only the first line is shown with last command.23:04
InHisNameI am running an older linux with busybox doing the last command.23:05
JonathanDwaltman: new UPS works, holodeck is secure.23:12
jedijfInHisName: try last -n523:17
jedijffor 5 lines(if they exist) man last for more info...-Fad may interest you23:18
waltmanJonathanD: excellent23:20
waltmanJonathanD: pleia2 seems to think she's in "Florida" this week, so I guess it's working23:21
JonathanDI needed extra power for florida.23:21
waltmanunderstandable, what with all that heat down there23:25
waltmanand emulating Disney must be tough23:26
JonathanDwaltman: emulating disney isn't the hard part.23:27
JonathanDGetting re-broadcast rights to do so is.23:27
waltmanit's not technically being broadcast, is it?23:27
JonathanDit is, to lots of virtual people.23:27
JonathanDBesides, the media companies think you should pay for broadcast licenses if animals can hear your music.23:28
waltmanoh, you mean that *you're* Disney?23:28
waltmanWhen my cousins went down there last month, that was YOU?23:28
JonathanDThere is no disney. ONly my basement.23:28
JonathanDit's all a myth.23:28
waltmanThat explains a LOT23:28
JonathanDThis is why it's always so crowded there.23:29
waltmanit explains the mouse motif23:29
JonathanDI don't like mice.23:29
JonathanDI haven't seen one (outside a pet store) in quite a while.23:29
JonathanDLast time I saw one was I think at my parents house, when in high school...23:30
JonathanDI shot it :/23:30
JonathanDoh wait23:30
JonathanDlast time was the mouse + snake?23:30
waltmanoutside doesn't count23:30
waltmanthat's NATURE23:30
waltmancute mouse + big scary snake23:31
JonathanDhttps://secure.flickr.com/photos/47445571@N07/5041763249/in/photostream RAWR I AM DEATH SNAKE!23:31
waltmanat some point I figured out what kind of snake that was, but now I forget23:32
JonathanDI recall23:33
JonathanDwaltman: apparently one that likes mice, though.23:33
waltmanmany snakes like mice, no?23:37
waltmanI think I'd decided it was an Eastern Rat Snake23:39
JonathanDit must have been confused23:39
JonathanDas that isn't a rat.23:39
waltmanbah, no.23:40
waltmaneastern milk snake23:40
JonathanDthat isn't a milk eihter.23:40
waltmanwikipedia says they got the name because they're often found near barns23:42
waltmanof course, it's not a barn, either23:42
pleia2it's actually not been very hot, so I don't think it's working very well23:46
JonathanDpleia2: isn't it supposed to be 20F above the norm wherever you travel?23:47
waltmanpleia2: the sizing algorithm for the parrots seems a little off, too23:47
* pleia2 lurks in conference hallways23:48
pleia2there is a lot of yuengling here, it's weird23:49
pleia2clearly I'm in PA23:49
JonathanDpleia2: beer is hard to simulate.23:50
JonathanDMuch easier to just use local stuff.23:50
waltmanJonathanD: Perhaps this explains why they switched to synthehol in the next gen series23:52
waltmanI'm beat today. I probably should've skipped Central.23:57
pleia2I should have skipped that beer23:59

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