
magespawnmorning all05:40
=== nlsthzn_ is now known as nlsthzn_work
Kilosmorning all06:07
Kiloshi nlsthzn_work 06:08
nlsthzn_workGood morning uncle Kilos :)06:10
magespawnmorning Kilos06:12
magespawnhowdy nlsthzn_work06:13
Kiloshi magespawn 06:16
magespawnhttp://bushwaters.gandcnet.com/ this is why i was interested in nmap and aircrack-ng06:16
nlsthzn_workmorning magespawn 06:16
magespawnwas beginning to think i was not here again.06:16
Kilosmorning sakhi 06:21
nlsthzn_worko/ sakhi 06:21
KilosMaaz, whats for breakfast06:24
MaazWheatbix today Kilos, and if you are still hungry maybe bacon and eggs.06:24
Kilosnlsthzn, no bacon up there06:25
Kilosoh wrong nlsthzn_work 06:25
nlsthzn_workSure, you can buy bacon...06:27
nlsthzn_workJust not get it anywhere to eat already prepared :)06:28
Kilosoic so you do it yourself06:28
nlsthzn_workSure (however the last "bacon: the wife bought wasn't pork, but turkey... not bad to be honest)06:30
magespawnnice taste just do not expect pork06:33
Kilosi not a big pork eater but enjoyed bacon raw06:34
Kiloshavent had for years now06:34
magespawnmy butcher makes awesome pork bacon06:38
magespawnKilos did yo get the message i left for you?06:38
Kilosya 15 mins after you left06:39
magespawnthats cool06:39
Kiloswhat was it again magespawn 06:39
Kilosi forget06:39
magespawnthe first board it look like the audio controller if fried06:40
Kilosoh yes06:40
Kilosthats sad06:40
magespawnwell i can still use it as a server no need for sound there06:40
Kiloswhole motherboard useless because of sound06:40
Kilosoh ya06:40
magespawnno just the sound06:40
Kilosand the sound chip imbedded hey06:41
Kilosso no replacing06:41
magespawnyup can add and expansion card if i want06:43
Kiloshi MPD 06:43
Kiloswhy you unknown here06:43
Kilosthats a kakka name06:43
superflyhi Kilos06:43
Maazsuperfly: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell superfly God bless and keep you and the family safe on your journey. Enjoy the holiday" 1 day, 14 hours, 29 minutes and 33 seconds ago06:43
Kilosoh thats good to learn06:43
Kiloshiya superfly you there safe and sound06:44
superflyyes, we are06:44
Kilosenjoy, my friend06:44
superflyand I'm using my new netbook06:44
superflyand trying to get used to this keyboard06:44
Kiloslol that was quick06:44
Kiloswith ubuntu on already06:45
superflyKilos: whast do you mean, "quick" - it's 11:45 on tuesday evening06:46
Kilosi mean getting there and buying and installing etc06:46
Kilosdidnt you stop to say hello even06:47
superflyKilos: yes, I have just installed kubuntu on here06:48
nlsthzn_workcheers for eers :)06:49
Kilosis it an i5 or i7 superfly 06:53
Kilosand what winsucks did you have to remove06:54
superflyit's an atom06:54
superflyyeah, windows 7, but i didn't even let it load06:54
magespawnlater all off on a transfer06:58
Kilosenjoy magespawn 06:59
Kilossuperfly, is mrs_fly happy to see the family07:00
Kilosbeen a while07:05
superflyshe is07:06
superflywhat time is it there?07:07
Kiloswe like 9 hours ahead07:08
superflyKilos: yup07:10
Kilosbe back later08:08
nuvolarilo everyone10:44
kbmonkeynuvolari my nuwe plek is in die attic!10:51
inetprosuperfly: wb11:29
Kiloshehe this morning i chatted with superfly yesterday11:34
Kilosbedtime superfly 11:34
inetprohiho Kilos11:35
Kiloshi there inetpro 11:35
inetproKilos: you are confusing me11:35
Kilosme cross gmail11:35
Kilosremember we tried to change settings in pidgin because xmpp kept disconnecting11:36
Kilosi installed gajim and it does same thing11:36
inetproKilos: wth is gajim?11:36
Kilosits a xmpp chat tool11:36
Kilosin the repos11:37
inetprohmm... ok11:37
Kilosso somewhere between my pc and gmail is the prob11:37
Kilosnot my im client11:37
inetproKilos: your speed/signal is just not good enough11:37
Kilosnee man11:38
inetproja man11:38
Kilosusing a 3g modem11:38
Kilosit used to work fine pidgin did11:39
Kiloslast 3 months or so xmpp started giving trouble11:39
inetpromtr -n -r -c 10 www.google.com11:40
inetproKilos: what do you get when you do that ^^11:40
Kilosits trying. my evolution also takes long to check if there mail in google11:42
Kilosthere are 11 lines of info there11:43
Kilossome up to 90% loss11:43
Kiloslast one 10%11:43
inetproKilos: you see what I mean?11:43
inetprowell more like speed/signal/stability11:44
Kilosso its vbodacom?11:45
* inetpro is still waiting for Vodacom technicians to come out11:45
Kiloslast i downloaded i got up to 320k/s11:45
inetpromy call has been escalated and they phoned me again yesterday that they will be sending someone to check it out11:46
Kilosthat was a while back11:46
inetproKilos: what did you download?11:46
Kiloslast update for maverick11:46
inetprojust check it out, you will probably find that it's ok for small files11:46
inetprothe moment you download bigger files you'll pull your hare out11:47
Kilosit did the 30m linux fine11:47
Kiloswas a great update11:48
Kilostotal 120m11:48
Kilosyeah i understood that typo11:49
Kilosbut the thing is11:49
Kilosmsn and mxit dont disconnect11:49
Kiloson xmpp11:49
Kilosonly xmpp11:49
Kiloseven aim is stable11:50
inetpropossibly the way it communicates in smaller packets?11:50
Kilosim sure its a google weekness11:50
Kilosnee man pidgin chats in tiny bits11:50
Kilosits the xmpp connection11:51
inetproKilos: how many buddies do you have on mxit/msn/xmpp?11:51
Kiloseven when not chatting it keeps connecting and disconnecting11:51
Kilosmxit 4 msn 1 xmpp 111:51
Kilosand you on other xmpp account11:52
Kilosi have even purged pidgin and installed again from scratch11:52
Kilosnow gajim does same so its google11:53
inetproKilos: your xmpp profile stays on google's servers11:53
Kilosand gajim is jabber only11:53
inetprono amount of purging on your local side will clear the amount of connections11:54
Kilosi have even opened a new account with google and it also keeps disconnecting11:54
inetproKilos: what port do you connect to?11:55
Kilosso its an empty mail box11:55
Kiloshow i see that11:55
inetpropidgin manage account11:55
Kiloswhere you see advanced11:56
inetpropidgin manage accounts | modify | advanced11:56
Kilosand that require ssl/tls is ticked11:57
inetproKilos: try 5223 with require SSL/TLS and Force old SSL11:57
KilosForce old SSL ??11:59
inetproKilos: or just try port 443 with require SSL/TLS and Force old SSL11:59
Kilosoh i must tick the force block too11:59
inetproKilos: yes11:59
inetprobut not when you use port 522212:00
Kilosand this is right?12:00
inetprothat is for transferring files12:01
inetproignore that12:01
inetproand make sure you don't use a proxy in the other tab (default)12:01
Kilosif i tick the proxy block it says its using gnome proxy settings12:01
Kilosno proxy?12:02
inetprowell that should also be fine, because you probably have not set a proxy in GNOME12:02
Kilosi dont even know what a proxy is12:03
inetproKilos: what's the meaning of the word?12:03
inetproMaaz: define proxy12:03
Maazinetpro: Procuration \Proc`u*ra"tion\, n. [L. procuratio: cf. F. procuration. See {Procure}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of procuring; procurement. [1913 Webster]  2. The management of another's affairs. [1913 Webster]  3. The instrument by which a person is empowered to transact the affairs of another; a proxy. [1913 Webster]  4. (Ch. of Eng.) A sum of money paid formerly to the bishop or archdeacon, now to the ecclesiastical commissioners,12:03
Kilosits used to give permission12:04
Kiloslol ya gives control over someone elses affairs12:04
Kiloslike for voting etc12:04
Kilosand wills12:04
Kilosand accounts12:04
inetproa proxy server is a computer network service that allows clients to make indirect network connections to other network services12:05
inetproa server (a computer system or an application) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers12:05
inetproA client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource, available from a different server.12:06
Kilosok ty12:06
inetproKilos: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server for lots more info12:07
Kilosis that port 443 the best?12:08
Kiloswill wget that and look when ofline12:08
Kilosbut if gajim has the same prob doesnt that mean my pc is using a sleg port to google12:09
Kilosnow pidgin doesnt connect at all looks like12:13
Kiloshiya nlsthzn 12:14
inetproKilos: what is the server that you connect to?12:14
Kilosthats empty12:15
inetproand what other options do you have ticked/unticked in the advanced tab?12:15
inetprothat should be talk.google.com12:15
Kilosi have never fiddled in there12:16
Kilosyay i connected with that in12:17
Kiloslooked the other account also had nothing in server12:17
inetproKilos: ok check that for a few days and perhaps it will be more stable12:18
Kilosty very much inetpro 12:18
Kiloslets hope12:18
inetprothe other ports may be throttled on VC12:18
Kilosvery frustrating when trying to chat to debs and she is moeg after work and we keep losing contact12:19
Kilosah well lets hope hey12:19
Kilosdankie baie12:19
inetproKilos: np12:19
nlsthzn_o/ all12:21
inetproheya nlsthzn_ (with a tail)12:21
nlsthzn_hehe... yes my other self without the tail is @ home  :p12:22
* inetpro lol12:22
magespawnhowdy back again12:23
Kiloshey magespawn 12:23
magespawnnice and hot in zululand today12:23
Kilosthat place can get very hot12:26
Kilosremember mixing concrete there and burning throught a t shirt that i peeled a feew weeks later12:26
Kilossomewhere in the 40s it was12:27
magespawnyup and humidity in the high 80's12:27
magespawnnice 101 on internet im there12:30
=== nlsthzn_ is now known as SomeRandomMe
=== SomeRandomMe is now known as not_nlsthzn
Kiloshee hee12:41
Kiloswassup  there12:41
not_nlsthznJust having some fun in anther channel :)12:41
Kilosnot_nlsthzn, ah ok12:41
Kilosyou forgiven12:41
not_nlsthzn(and confusing people in others ;)12:41
Kilosyou inna naughty mood not_nlsthzn 12:47
Kiloshow would one change the port you using to vodacom12:48
Kilosmaybe i got a kakka port im using thats why 90%losses12:48
magespawnI wouldn't know if you could, i would guess that what port you use is controlled by them12:49
Kilosheavy losses with this command from inetpro 12:52
Kilosmtr -n -r -c 10 www.google.com12:52
Kilosand same to yahoo and hotmail12:53
Kilosup to 100%losses12:53
Kilosfault must be vodacom12:53
magespawnmaybe this is the problem http://mybroadband.co.za/news/broadband/37374-adsl-problems-this-may-explain-it.html12:57
Kilosty will wget that12:58
Kilosi go offline to read that now12:59
magespawnwhere do you use that command?12:59
magespawnno do not worry worked it out12:59
inetpromagespawn: nope that is unlikely to be the problem13:00
magespawninetpro, what does the mtr -n -r -c stand for?13:00
inetpromagespawn: -n is for numeric13:01
inetpro-r is for reporting13:01
inetpro-c is to count until 1013:01
nuvolariKilos: ping13:02
nuvolariI keep on looping die oom mis13:02
magespawndoes it send a ping packet to those address, are the addresses random?13:02
inetpromagespawn: so in effect it's just a quick test for 10 ping attempts to each hop with a nice report at the end13:02
magespawnahh right13:03
magespawnon the terminal there are 11 ip addresses with 10 packets each13:03
magespawnKilos inetpro  says that is not the problem13:04
Kilos-* Connecting to chat.freenode.net (2001:1418:13:1::25) port 8001...13:04
Kilos-* Connection failed. Error: Network is unreachable13:04
Kilos-thats a bad wget page magespawn 13:04
inetpromagespawn: I say that because I've done a ping (mtr) test from home to the office and the reverse from the office to home13:04
Kilos-there must be a way to tell your pc which vodacom port to connect to13:05
inetproand the problem is IMHO most likely between the modem/router and the tower 13:05
magespawngoing to google13:05
inetproKilos-: no13:05
Kilos-time to start mailing pieter uys methinks13:06
magespawninetpro, i see combines ping and traceroute?13:06
inetpromagespawn: yep13:06
inetproKilos-: you don't connect to vodacom via a port, you connect to an application on another system via a port13:07
Kilos-oh my googness13:09
Kilos-goodness too13:09
Kilos-but from my modem its all vodacom 13:10
Kilos-no one else to blame13:10
Kilos-shaping/throttling etc13:11
Kilos-better to mail pieter then hey?13:11
Kilos-if you are paying for a service it is your basic human right to receive what you are paying for13:13
Kilos-hehe that sounds so modern hey13:13
not_nlsthznKilos-: which south africa is that applicable?13:14
* not_nlsthzn doesn't mean old and new btw13:14
not_nlsthznjust for the record...13:14
Kilos-that guy on fb always says it a basic human right to have internet connection13:16
Kilos-in the whole world i think not just here13:16
Kilos-freethe web i think its called13:17
Kilos-here you dont even get what you are paying for right now13:17
not_nlsthznKilos-: I laugh at the notion of Internet being a basic human right13:17
Kilos-3 or 4 months ago my voda connection was great13:17
magespawnwould be nice if it was13:18
Kilos-yeah i did too but it was voted for somewhere13:18
magespawnthey might have changed something at your tower13:18
Kilos-yeah last i heard they were upgrading to another better tower but according to the address they gave me is 5 ks further than this one13:19
Kilos-and this one could do hsdpa13:20
Kilos-but they arent shy to take my data13:21
magespawnand sometimes if they change the aerials on the tower itself that can make a difference.13:21
magespawnhad some people here in hluhluwe maybe 500m from the tower with no reception.13:22
Kilos-i have a perfect 5 bar signal on the cellphone13:22
magespawnmaybe the modem is faulty13:22
Kilos-its the data or/and internet connection that sucks now13:23
Kilos-nope ian was here and his new huawei is worse than my alcatel modem13:24
Kilos-stc modem13:24
Kilos-that i unlocked13:24
Kilos-better to email their ceo, im just not sure how to word the complaint13:26
magespawndoes he tweet?13:49
Kilos-yeah wait i get his twitter thing13:57
Kilos-i found his email addy too13:57
Kilos-apparently he isnt shy to try help out13:57
Kilos-just dunno if he will know what a   mtr  command is14:00
Kilos-you gonna tweet him magespawn 14:01
Kilos-here is my tower number14:02
Kilos-and im about 1k from it14:03
magespawnokay will do how can he get hold of you?14:15
magespawnbrb just going to shop14:16
Kilos-he can mail me on msdomdonner@gmail.com or phone on 078817185714:25
Kilos-yo Vince-0 15:30
Kilos-superfly, you awake yet15:31
magespawnKilos have you had a reply from him before?15:47
Vince-0Kilos! Hi15:47
Vince-0You're always active in here!15:47
Symmetriavlc is irritating me15:48
Symmetriaif I do a local play with options  :dshow-vdev=Decklink Video Capture :dshow-adev=Decklink Audio Capture :dshow-caching=100 :dshow-chroma=UYVY :dshow-fps=25 everything works15:48
Symmetriaoff the capture card15:48
Symmetriaif I do streaming though with  :dshow-vdev=Decklink Video Capture :dshow-adev=Decklink Audio Capture :dshow-caching=100 :dshow-chroma=UYVY :dshow-fps=25 :sout=#duplicate{dst=http{mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=:8080/},dst=display} :no-sout-rtp-sap :no-sout-standard-sap :sout-keep15:48
Symmetriaeverything breaks 15:48
Symmetriawell, the video is fine, but no sound15:48
magespawni think for some of us that will still be wtf15:50
magespawneven with the explanation15:50
Kilos-magespawn, no i have never had contact with him15:50
Kilos-always went with phone to voda themselves15:51
Kilos-and the voda help desk even told me to take my fone to nokia beacuse it was faulty15:52
Kilos-but a year later it still works great15:52
Kilos-the help desk should be called the pass the buck desk15:52
Kilos-yeah Vince-0 i am here as often as data allows15:53
Vince-0data allows? U capped?16:00
Kilos-get data from family and friends16:00
Vince-0Oh mobile data?16:03
superflyhi Kilos-16:13
Kilos-hiya superfly are you near to canonical16:14
Kilos-if you are you should let them add a face to the name16:14
Kilos-aw i got a tail this time16:15
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
superflyKilos: Canonical? no16:20
* Symmetria looks around16:20
Kiloswell at least you here by us superfly so thats good16:20
=== tnt_ is now known as kerbero[tnt]
* kerbero[tnt] looks around too16:23
Symmetriakerbero, decided with the harddrives that I'm loading them into another machine Im selling rather16:24
Kiloskerbero you look kinda explosive today16:24
Symmetriasince it pushes up the value of the machine slightly16:24
kerbero[tnt]ahh ok16:24
Symmetria:p if you know anyone in capetown who is looking for another machine going cheap lemme know16:24
kerbero[tnt]will there be any left i can buy?16:24
kerbero[tnt]what type of machine?16:25
Symmetria4gig of ram, 3gig cpu, 8600 nvidia video card, 1 x 1Tb drive and 3 x 500 gig disks = R1500 bux 16:25
kerbero[tnt]i see16:25
kerbero[tnt]what model cpu?16:26
Symmetriaheh lemme check16:26
Symmetriaits a pentium D 3ghz *shrug* not a monster machine, but it works pretty well 16:27
kerbero[tnt]that is the range cpu's i throw away :(16:28
Symmetrialemme check what the other machien is that I might be able to sell for same price just bigger cpu16:28
kerbero[tnt]that is really a lot of ram though16:28
Symmetriaactually, yeah, I don't really wanna get rid of this other machine, I got a 2.93 i3 16:28
kerbero[tnt]mow that IS a nice cpu16:29
kerbero[tnt]i need hdd's16:29
Symmetriaheh, tell ya what, I can do the i3 + 1 x 1TB + 3 x 500gig + the 8600 video card + a USB3 card + 4gigs of ram for R2k if you prepared to wait a coupla days before you take it :)16:30
Symmetria:P and if ya commit to taking the machine, I can give ya the 3 500gig disks straight away since they aint in the machine at the moment, infact I can give ya 4 16:31
kerbero[tnt]how about i only take that 4 hdd's?16:31
magespawni would take that machine but i am in hluhluwe16:32
Symmetriaheh, not really worth selling those disks on their own, I mean, if I sold the disks on their own I'd be wanting like 200 bux each just to make it worth while, and its not worth your while paying 200 bux for a 500gig disk 16:32
Symmetriaotherwise make more cash back loading them into a machine16:32
kerbero[tnt]yeah i undersatnd16:33
magespawnwhat would the transport up to me be?16:33
Symmetriayeah it would :) lol16:35
magespawnkerbero[tnt] when throwing things away you can always throw them in this direction.16:44
kerbero[tnt]will remember16:44
magespawni live in hluhluwe complete backwater as far as computer go. tonight i am earning money ripping somebodies cd for them because they do not know how16:45
magespawnjust to let you know16:45
Kilosmagespawn, what does it mean ripping a cd16:46
magespawnyou convert the cd to mp3 for use on player and dvd machines, car audio, compressed file format so takes up less space16:47
magespawnif you are on the net the ripping program will usually pull all the cd details artist, album and song titles16:48
Kilosah ok16:49
magespawnnice for those of us with lots of music16:49
magespawnpoint and click stuff nothing really technical16:50
Kilosi just use the mobile media converter to convert to mp3 16:51
Kilosor ogg or amr etc16:51
Kilosnot professional but works for me16:51
magespawnyup there are lots of options for this16:56
Symmetriahttp:// <=== wheee :) thats a full size screenshot coming off my capture card 17:00
Kilosnaand nuvolari 17:21
magespawnlater all off home17:25
Kilosk magespawn 17:26
Kilosinetpro, is jy al tuis oompie17:34
KilosMaaz, coffee on17:35
* Maaz puts the kettle on17:35
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!17:39
KilosMaaz, ty17:39
MaazEnjoy Kilos17:39
Kiloswill do17:39
zereflol, friends pc has 2359 infected files18:40
Kiloswhat antivirus he using18:40
Kilosand firewall18:40
Kilosavast is good . how did they get in18:41
Kilosemail or borrowed flash disks18:41
zeref+ it keeps removing userinit.exe and rundll32.exe18:41
zerefprob flash18:41
Kiloshe/she musy first scan them with avast before taken off flash to pc18:42
Kilosthat sounds like xp18:44
Kilosavast should cure it18:44
Kiloshe/she can also get zonealarm firewall18:44
zerefyeah, told her18:47
* nlsthzn is slowly getting his vvps set-up and working :)18:47
zerefbut see no listen18:47
Kilosgo nlsthzn 18:49
Kiloszeref, tell her the old man says scan everyone else flash disks before opening anything18:51
Kilosand scan her own after lending out18:52
nuvolarior just instaal ubuntu19:20
Kiloslol females are scared till they have played with yours for a while19:21
Kilosubuntu that is19:21
Kilosi forget theres young naughty minds here19:24
* nuvolari sĂȘ liewers niks19:25
Kilosja ja19:25
Kilosbed time for old folks19:27
Kilossleep tight all of you lurkers19:27
Kilosyou winning zeref 19:28
Kiloscan take forever to find and cure virusses19:28
zereftold her to reinstall, and keep doc's19:29
zerefso over fixing her comp19:29
Kilosif the bug in docs reinstalling wont help[19:30
Kilosformatting is the only way to kill them19:30
Kilossave to flash19:30
Kilosformat and reinstall19:30
zerefshe was like, how do you format?19:30
Kilosinstall avast the scan flash before moving stuff back19:31
zerefwhats also lulz is that the login sound in wondows happens 10 min after you login19:32
Kilosshe must use the partition tool to delete parts then create new ones then it will install after foratting19:32
zerefpartition tool, thats sounds like greek to her19:33
zerefshe is re-installing now19:33
zerefso i'm done19:33
Kilosshame poor chick19:35
Kilosis she nice. if so you should help19:35
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:38
nuvolario/ night20:24
Guest0149molweni  21:54
zerefis anybody using gnome3?22:10

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