
StelpaHey, I am having an odd problem... Every minute or so (sometimes less, sometimes more), a random glitchy pattern of colors will flash on my screen for less than a second, and then disappear...00:00
ActionParsnipiceroot: i see00:00
StelpaI don't know how I could capture this in a screenshot, if it would help...00:00
eboyjrtheMAVERICK: I'm not sure, but I don't have audacity installed00:00
ActionParsnipStelpa: what GPU do you use?00:00
theMAVERICKeboyjr: what program are you trying to use your microphone through?00:01
eboyjrtheMAVERICK: VLC00:01
theMAVERICKeboyjr: vlc?00:01
eboyjrtheMAVERICK: I want stream it00:01
StelpaActionParsnip: ummm... :X00:01
theMAVERICKeboyjr: hrm...have you tried asking in #alsa?00:01
eboyjrI don't know how many times I have to type VLC00:01
StelpaActionParsnip: how can i find out? :x00:01
ActionParsnipStelpa: ?00:01
eboyjrtheMAVERICK: Thanks I'll ask00:01
theMAVERICKeboyjr: sorry00:01
friskdWhen i restarted my server my resolve.cnf file was overriden. Why?00:03
icerootfriskd: dhcp through network-manager00:03
StelpaActionParsnip: is this right?00:03
StelpaActionParsnip: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)00:03
friskdiceroot: So why does it wipe out the file and leave it with    Search   mysitem.com00:04
r000tHello. I have a software RAID (done in Disk Management) that I made in Windows. I'd like to mount it in Linux. It is formatted NTFS and uses striped disks with no parity (yet). Can I mount this volume in Linux?00:04
friskdiceroot: vs   just having the name server domains in it?00:04
icerootfriskd: because that is the way dhcp is working00:05
icerootfriskd: D(ynamic)hcp00:05
friskdiceroot: hmm.. How do i stop it?00:05
AndroidLoverInSFi notice sometimes ubuntu doesnt handle switching from wireless to wired adapters well. i often have to reboot to get it to recognize shares after such a switch. anyone else have this problem? how to fix if any? i'm on 10.1000:06
icerootfriskd: dont provide dns through dhcp or use static ip configs00:06
icerootfriskd: or not using network-manager00:06
StelpaActionParsnip: Are you still there?00:06
icerootfriskd: other ways i dont know (does not mean there are no other ways)00:06
skegeekI'm looking for some info on ensuring my Ubuntu Natty server (VPS) is safe & secure for holding standard user registration (excluding payment info).00:07
ActionParsnipStelpa: ok intels are usually ok. What is the output of:  lsb_release -sc00:07
escottr000t, software raid or soft-raid/bios raid. bios raid can often be done with dmraid drivers. never heard of windows pure software raid00:07
dircheckI have to leave now, just one short question: could I add anything useful to Bug #819171 I could confirm it and the explanation in the report looks very plausibe00:07
friskdiceroot: is it default behavior to use network-manager and dhcp00:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 819171 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "bash completion files were in the wrong place" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81917100:07
r000tescott, I have just learned what I'm talking about is 'Dynamic Disks'00:07
r000tIf I need to offload the data to another disk and turn it into a hardware RAID, that's fine, I've been looking for an excuse to do that00:07
skegeekMy specs are: Ubuntu 11.04, nGinx (with or without Apache reverse-proxy), PHP, FastCGI, iptables (ofcourse), and fail2ban.00:08
StelpaActionParsnip: linux mint is what i am using, but i am here because nobody is ever in linux mint's chat :X00:08
MeXTuXI'm trying to connect to a remote computer using remote desktop but it seems the password is wrong. Is there a way to change it via SSH????00:08
janisozaurI have (well, I will have in a moment) a .deb package created by checkinstall. it uses gzip as a compressor. how do I re-compress the .deb file with lzma?00:09
ActionParsnipStelpa: mint isn't supported here00:09
quidnuncWhat is the command to search within packages not yet installed?00:09
nubornI have 11.10, and have installed Gnome Shell from Software Center, but I can't find out how to log in to it. At the login screen, I see "Gnome", and I tried that, but I was logged into Gnome Classic. Any ideas why I don't get Gnome Shell?00:10
skegeekMexTuX: AFAIK you'd need the admin account password, or be physically at the machine.00:10
KM0201quidnunc: apt-cache search packagename00:10
StelpaActionParsnip: i know :\00:10
cablopubuntu 11.10 alternate install for 64bits has a real big bug00:10
StelpaActionParsnip: bye, then00:10
s0neeHmm how do i check version of a program that doesnt have the --version option ?00:11
janisozaurquidnunc, as KM0201 said or if you want to search by their contents you'd want apt-file (or packages.ubuntu.com)00:11
janisozaurs0nee, dpkg -l | grep <program>00:11
quidnuncjanisozaur: apt-file thanks00:12
s0neejanisozaur: cool tks00:12
ActionParsnips0nee: apt-cache policy packagename00:12
Naynay_help,,, my keyboaard has become insensitive00:13
Naynay_i held dowwwn shift too long00:13
s0nee ActionParsnip tks, that works too00:13
dagerivi have like 15-18 dps when i view a movie. its a brand new laptop with ati mobility radeon with proprietary FGLDX drivers00:13
DrknzzHi guys! Ive just installed 11.10 and its running great, just have one issue... no mic. Can anyone help? http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=89125d92e049532e59c68381cd834f1858462a8200:14
Naynay_i have to hold down each key for a second or it doesn't type00:14
escottNaynay_, check the keyboard preferences you may have enabled some kind of accessibility delay00:15
janisozaurDrknzz, I remember having issues with skype/mic, as it turns out even "64 bit" skype builds aren't actually 64 bit and I had to install some i386 packages - that solved it. this might give you some starting point, but not really sure if related00:15
Naynay_ok, thanks. I found it00:16
Naynay_it was in the universal access menu00:16
Drknzzjanisozaur, The problem is, i have no recording devices on the sound preferences :/00:16
Naynay_It was accidently activated when I held down shift for too long00:16
Naynay_not cool at all00:17
norwayHELO Peoples00:17
ActionParsnipDrknzz: if you run:  alsamixer   are all levels unmuted and maxed?00:17
DrknzzActionParsnip, Indeed00:17
DrknzzAlsamixer shows all recording levels 100/10000:17
norwayubuntu 11.10 im unable to access my shared windows network do i need additional files downloaded?00:18
intangirhow do i watch DVDs on ubuntu 11.11, says it cant decode encrypted dvds00:18
ActionParsnipDrknzz: are you trying to get sound over HDMI?00:18
ActionParsnipDrknzz: nm, mixed wires00:18
Drknzz!Medibuntu | instagir00:18
ubottuinstagir: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:19
HamderHow do I add my gfx card to the list of proprietary/additional drivers?00:19
intangirwhy cant it play dvds out of the box, mintlinux could00:19
DrknzzActionParsnip, Nope, my Radeon 5670 can output audio, but i dont want to use that feature00:19
ActionParsnipDrknzz: is there a front and a back mic?00:19
norwayubuntu 11.10 im unable to access my shared windows network do i need additional files downloaded? please help00:20
Hamdersatans nordmænd :O00:20
DrknzzActionParsnip, Yes, but the mic is connected to the back00:21
ActionParsnipDrknzz: tried the front?00:21
DrknzzActionParsnip, i dont think that will make a difference, as i have no recording devices at sound settings, but i will try00:22
pycoderfhow can i reset a route i set using ip route change00:22
* pnorman_desktop has come to profoundly dislike anything involving audio settings on any OS00:23
DrknzzActionParsnip, http://imgur.com/CV2Af00:24
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ActionParsnipDrknzz: is the mic enabled in bios?00:25
DrknzzActionParsnip, Yes. It worked fine at Windows00:25
norwayubuntu 11.10 im unable to access my shared windows network do i need additional files downloaded? please help00:25
DrknzzActionParsnip, I read somewhere i had to run "sudo apt-get autoremove pulse-audio" for the mic to work, but it'd remove ubuntu-desktop, so that's a no go00:26
ActionParsnipDrknzz: you can remove the ubuntu-desktop package, it does nothing00:27
intangiris it just me or is banshee the WORST most unstable, slow, and flakey, buggy, lockupy media player youve ever run on linux?00:27
DrknzzActionParsnip, So, is i worth giving it a try?00:27
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ActionParsnipDrknzz: I'll see if I can find a how to00:27
quidnuncHow do I get the build-depends of a package?00:28
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quidnunc(besides downloading the deb-src)00:28
ActionParsnipDrknzz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio00:29
friskdIt seems Network Manager should make my nameservers etc "Just Work"  yet every reboot my resolve.conf file is left empty with     simply  Search mysite.com00:29
friskdThis is just a simple rackspace cloud server.00:30
DrknzzActionParsnip, That seems kind of outdated... :/00:30
friskdWhat might be some reasons that Network Manager isn't making my DNS and NameServers Just work.00:30
skegeekI probably didn't ask a proper specific question. So, for preventing direct server hacks, do I need software other than iptables, fail2ban, and anti-virus?00:31
=== Damn3d is now known as damn3d
three18tiskegeek, how about intrusion detection? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91947200:33
three18ti“Paranoia will get you through times of no enemies better than enemies will get you through times of no paranoia” ~ Pete Granger00:33
skegeekOh, yeah, I meant to include that as well.00:33
HamderHow do I add my intel gfx card to the list of proprietary/additional drivers?00:33
eeinskegeek: depends what you are doing.  are you running a webserver that has known mysql exploits?  what i mean is it depends on what software you have that someone can use to exploit your system00:34
three18tithat's a better answer eein.00:34
skegeekI use nGinx, PHP, FastCGI, and WordPress00:34
eeinwell wordpress uses some sql based product does it not and it gets updates all the time and I imagine a lot of those updates are for security patches?  security is a moving beast if there was a end all way to secure a system every server would be secure00:36
private_metaCan someone here tell me how to make ubuntu send mails? I can't seem to manage using sendmail00:37
private_metaI want to send mails, but not use SMTP servers00:38
japroso is there a correct way to install ubuntu in a multiboot system with efi?00:39
nvznHi, it seems halt doesn't power down and sleep/hibernate don't seem to be working on this new laptop, using oneiric.00:39
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japroapparently my earlier problem was that windows automatically installs as uefi and grub can't handle that00:39
=== alien__ is now known as ralien
lopez_i have a problem, i don't audio in my desk nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio and settings audio, hardware: none, out "salida boba"00:41
cbfguys... which script mounts the filesystem on boot?00:41
cbf8.04.04 lts00:42
cbfis it fstab?00:42
Atreusquestion: what does ubuntu 11.10 use to change the screen brightness?  it seems to be the only program that works :<00:42
ActionParsnipcbf: yes00:42
cbfi have one mount point failing with path not found00:43
cbfbut the path is there00:43
cbfand i can mount it manually00:43
=== jay is now known as solidus
cbfany ideas?00:43
s0neecbf: look at /etc/fstab00:43
cbfi think the UUID line might be wrong00:43
cbfif i delete it, will it recreate?00:43
s0neecbf: using /dev/sda* is fine00:43
cbfor mount nothing :P00:43
s0neecbf: or use gparted to find the uuid00:43
cbfive p2v'd the box00:44
cbf5 out 6 mount points work00:44
cbfjust not this one00:44
cbfkinda odd00:44
linuxlurkerdoes blkid list the uuid?00:44
s0neelinuxlurker: it does00:45
cbfit does yeh00:46
cbfthat's handy, thanks00:46
Uns0b1ll_can i cross reference my nic ports to hardware somehow ?00:47
dageriveven though i am using the proprietary FGLRX drivers on ati mobility radeon HD 5850, there is still some lag when i watch movies. what could cause this?00:48
dageriv(brand new laptop)00:48
linuxlurkerdageriv, on dvd or files?00:49
dagerivavi files00:49
dagerivhave not tried dvd00:49
s0needageriv: HD movies ?00:50
nvznok i think i've narrowed this down... my laptop suspends when i do pm-suspend, but /etc/acpi/sleep.sh complains that cat: /var/lib/acpi-support/system-manufacturer: No such file or directory00:50
nvzncat: /var/lib/acpi-support/system-product-name: No such file or directory00:50
nvzncat: /var/lib/acpi-support/system-version: No such file or directory00:50
nvzncat: /var/lib/acpi-support/bios-version: No such file or directory00:50
dagerivs0nee: have only tried regular avi files00:50
s0needageriv: hmm open "top" then look at cpu usage ?00:51
R3db3ardanyone know how to turn off the tap-to-click on my trackpad in xubuntu11.1000:51
cbfi thought i fixed it00:52
cbfsadly not00:52
s0neecbf: try using dev files00:52
Uns0b1ll_can i view my hardware nic informaton - im trying to map ports to it00:52
dagerivs0nee: normal cpu usage with vlc00:52
s0neecbf: or options set in fstab00:52
maumwhat is mean iirc?00:53
dagerivfglrxinfo shows that the drivers are activated and in use00:54
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cablopmay i use gdm if i don't use lightdm?00:55
cablopbad question00:55
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cablopif i use gnome-shell then should i use gm instead of lightdm?00:55
s0neecablop: maybe. im using kdm instead of lightdm now00:55
R3db3ardwhat is the command to open terminal?00:55
cablopctrl+alt+T in a gnome-like env00:56
R3db3ardnot the keyboard shortcut... the command00:56
s0neeR3db3ard: gnome-terminal00:56
cablopgnome-terminal or konsole i guess00:56
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linuxlurkerdageriv I would try the same video with mplayer and eliminate it being a problem with vlc00:57
Hamderhow would you give a cmd to something that isnt a terminal?00:57
cablopHamder press alt+f2 and you find out how00:57
Hamderheh, in mandriva that was alt+f3.00:58
cablopmandriva is not a linux xD00:58
Hamderdidnt know it was in ubuntu00:58
Hamderwhat then?00:58
dagerivlinuxlurker: same problem with any player i try00:58
R3db3ardsetting a keyboard shortcut to open the terminal00:58
Rickta59have there been any changes made to the ti_usb_3410 driver in the last day that got pushed to the update channel?00:58
linuxlurkera file indexer running?01:00
Dark_ApostropheHello, I have several firefox profiles and I want an individual icon for each in the Unity dock, how would I go about doing this?01:00
R3db3ardit's <Shift><Control>N in Xubuntu11.1001:01
Anom01yanyone here know how to connect to a networked printer which resides on Windows XP ??01:01
Anom01yI am trying to use the server address manually01:01
Anom01yie. smb://192.168.1.xx/printername01:02
Anom01ybut nothing is working,01:02
Anom01yI have tried smb://username@192.168.1.xx/printername01:02
Anom01ythe ubuntu printer tool identifies the shared printer on xp01:02
Karmaonwtf? does ubuntu have some sort of image / file cache?01:05
Karmaoni drag the file from the mounted drive to my desktop01:05
Karmaonand the two images are not the same.01:05
Karmaonthe on the mounted drive is transparent & updated, the one just copied to the desktop is not01:05
friskdIs it safe to have a copy of my public on say on GitHub as a GIST so that i can easily write scripts that setup new servers for me?01:07
friskd*public rsa keys01:07
_r00t_friskd: what do you think ?01:08
friskdSeems like having my public key out there shouldn't really be an issue.01:08
footballsuxhi ubuntu is sooo CASH! i just installed it and it works so FAST!! i can like open windows 20 times faster than in windows01:09
_r00t_friskd: Oh ic ... yep not much of a problem01:09
KarmaonCan anyboyd tell me why copying an updated file from a mounted drive to the desktop makes ubuntu use an old version?01:09
KarmaonThe two files are very different, yet it looks like ubuntu has a cache of some sort.01:09
ActionParsnipfootballsux: glad you are enjoying it :)01:10
praveen89i am gonna install backtrack along side ubuntu one swap partition is enough for both of them?01:10
_r00t_praveen89: yes01:10
ActionParsnippraveen89: yes, as only one OS can be booted01:11
HamderHow do I add my intel gfx card to the list of proprietary/additional drivers?01:11
nrdbif a module is inbuilt into the kernel (i.e. the kernel config says 'y' not 'm') does is show in the lsmod output?01:11
linuxlurkerKarmaon, what you are saying doesn't make sense.  They should be identical.01:11
ActionParsnipHamder: the driver is already installed in a default install01:11
Karmaonlinuxlurker: but they aren't.01:12
Karmaonlinuxlurker: i can clearly see that the updated version has a transparent background while the one being copied to the desktop does not01:12
Karmaonwhich signifies that it's an older version of the file01:12
footballsuxfriskd: yea go ahead and have it out in public. noone cares about you anyways it shouldn't be a problem01:12
_r00t_nrdb: no01:13
linuxlurkerAre you looking at a thumbnail?01:13
friskdfootballsux: i guess the question is. If someone did care about me. What types of issues do i really expose myself to?01:13
HamderActionParsnip,  I get "failed to find a suitible display device" in a fancy lil popup01:13
ActionParsnipHamder: some video chips need an xorg.conf file to work well01:14
Karmaonlinuxlurker: oh yeah I am, whoops :P01:14
Hamderwhen running "wine Wow.exe"01:14
friskdSomeone would have to basically write some code that generated potential private keys and run them agains the public key to guess it.01:14
linuxlurkerok :)01:14
HamderActionParsnip, yes, that is my problem.01:14
nrdb_r00t_, ok,  is there anyway to confirm it is available?01:15
footballsuxfriskd: u can hire a CS degree having person for $5.99 an hour or whatever the minumum wage is to write that code01:15
footballsuxthey come cheap, trust me01:15
_r00t_friskd: yeah they probably exist ... Just use as many bits as possible - 204801:15
linuxlurkerIts still a bug.  The thumbnail should update. :)01:15
_r00t_nrdb: dmeg ... kern log01:16
westernanalogueneed some help to share a mobile moden on my ubuntu machine with a xp machine connected directly to ubu machine on eth0. i hadto set manual ip adr on both machines to get connected01:16
friskdJust checking.01:16
ActionParsnip!ics | westernanalogue01:16
ubottuwesternanalogue: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing01:16
HamderActionParsnip,  http://pastebin.com/MMYesW9q01:19
footballsuxjoin #footballsux if u hate football01:19
Hamdersomeone kill that guy plx01:20
footballsuxhay u watch ur mouth buddy01:20
footballsuxyeah. u say one word and i;ll kknock ur front tooths out01:21
footballsuxin frnt of ur mother i dont take too kindly to this sht01:21
Hamderit's called teeth, idiot01:21
whatsaHackerHas anyone ever had problems with the windows ubuntu installer01:22
Hamdersorry for the caps ppl01:22
Karmaonlinuxlurker: it's happening again, this time it's real01:24
whatsaHacker1517 people and nobody knows anything about the windows installer lol01:24
yeatswhatsaHacker: please ask your actual question01:24
qinwhatsaHacker: wubi is not that popular, I guess.01:24
_r00t_whatsaHacker: please ask your actual question01:24
HamderProblems installing gfx driver:  http://pastebin.com/MMYesW9q   help pls?01:25
faint545how do i customize Ubunut 11.10 themes?01:26
=== jan247_ is now known as jan247
whatsaHackerI got a Dell laptop. It has winblows 7 on it...so I downloaded the ubuntu windows installer because I don't have any USB or CDs on me to burn...it downloaded kubuntu and wrote an MBR for it but when I try to boot to let it install it this happens:01:27
ActionParsnipHamder: do you have the kernel headers installed?01:27
ActionParsnipwhatsaHacker: try waiting longer01:27
whatsaHackerTry (hd0,0): FAT16: No WUBILDR / Try (hd0,1): NTFS5: No wubildr / Error: Cannot find GRLDR in all devices. Pres ctrl alt del to restart.01:27
HamderActionParsnip: your l33tspeak renders me helpless. wtf are kernel headers? :P01:28
ActionParsnipHamder: try:  apt-cache search linux | grep header01:29
whatsaHackerShould I just try a reinstall?01:30
HamderActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/Egq6S84W01:30
_r00t_sebsebseb: hai01:32
sebsebseb_r00t_: hi01:32
_r00t_sebsebseb: how's the weather ?01:32
sebsebseb_r00t_: ok I guess a bit cold here, and it's night01:33
IbisIs there an alternative way where I can just mount to a remote harddrive and just chroot to it?01:33
_r00t_sebsebseb: likewise - huddle up to keep warm01:33
_r00t_!nfs | Ibis01:34
ubottuIbis: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.01:34
_r00t_luvchunk: Haaaaiiiii01:34
luvchunkhi just wonderin if anyone can help im getting no sound in xubuntu01:35
SaleLLamauname and grub shows i have kernel 2.6.38-8-generic, in apt / software manager it shows a 32kb package called linux-image-generic which  is v, and another that is 2.6.38-8.42 installed01:36
SaleLLamadoes this mean i have the latest kernel or not, the larger 3.00 package is not installing01:36
Dark_ApostropheHello, I'm trying to get some shell scripts to execute under Firefox's quicklist in the Unity dock. Basically, they start different Firefox profiles. I basically made my own twist on this site's guide, though the shell scripts refuse to execute when I click on them in the dock quicklist - can anyone help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/35488/list-of-custom-launchers-quicklists-for-unity01:37
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DrknzzHi guys! I tried to uninstall pulseaudio to solve my no-recording-device issue, but it ended up on losing all audio, so i reinstalled it but i lost the volume control applet on the bar at the top... how can i restore it?01:42
jonwagecan anyone recommend a video card on new egg that is good for ubuntu and has dual dvi outputs?01:45
Gentoo64jonwage: all the nvidias and atis should work fine01:45
albertoHello everyone01:46
jonwageGentoo64: i bought this one and it doesn't work http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681413066301:46
jonwagei guess i happened to pick the single one that won't work01:46
jonwagei can't get it to detect the other monitor01:46
dr-willisjonwage:  about any nvidia should work01:47
jonwageany idea why this nvidia wouldn't work? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681413066301:47
jonwagejust not supported yet?01:47
albertoDoes anybody know why the word "Activities" places itself so close to the top-left corner of the screen, after having switched between some gnome-shell themes?01:47
dr-willisif its real new that may be amissue01:47
dr-willisjonwage: you did run nvudia-settings?01:48
gaurav_tableti am failing to log in picasa 3 this problem is appreaing in ubuntu 11.1001:48
ActionParsnipjonwage: should run with nvidia-current01:48
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china345oh fuck you ubuntu niggers01:48
china345get with arch or gentoo and smoke some weed01:48
jonwageActionParsnip: ill check it out01:48
ActionParsnip!info nvidia-current | jonwage01:48
ubottujonwage: nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 280.13-0ubuntu6 (oneiric), package size 30824 kB, installed size 90500 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)01:48
kionis there a way to move the unity dock to the other side???01:51
ActionParsnipkion: no it's locked to the left01:51
kionevery time i want to hit the back on Firefox it pops up01:51
kionit is annoying01:51
ActionParsnipkion: change the timeout or the area width where you need to put the mouse to make the bar appear01:52
kionActionParsnip: thanks it is just that I feel frustrated, locking it  to the left does not go with the freedom i am used to in Ubuntu01:53
ActionParsnipkion: same, tis weird01:53
skyballCan we ask questions about Ubuntu One in here?01:53
ActionParsnipkion: you can change stuff in ccsm01:53
kionActionParsnip: how do i change the timeout?01:53
ActionParsnipkion: in ccsm01:54
kionActionParsnip: sorry for my ignorance.... what is ccsm01:54
dr-willisnext release us to be more confugurable.. the blogs say01:54
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz01:55
VinoIn this channel's opinion, how popular by comparison are the 32 bit and 64 bit versions?01:57
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:57
AndroidLoverInSFcan i use gparted 0.6.2 gui to resize windows7 partition? without losing the data?01:58
kionActionParsnip: thanks I made it slower to appear, maybe this will solve my issue01:58
Dark_ApostropheWhere are ubuntu's icons stored? At least the ones used in the ambiance theme01:58
dr-willisAndroidLoverInSF:  yes. but i find the win7 tools faster01:59
dr-willisAndroidLoverInSF:  make backups :-)02:00
ActionParsnipAndroidLoverInSF: +1 for make backups (shuold have backups anyway)02:00
pnorman_desktopWhenever resizing partitions you really need backups02:01
dr-willisVino:  i use 64 bit on any machine i have  that can do 64 bit02:01
AndroidLoverInSFhas anyone ever neeeded to use backup when resizing?02:01
xxen0nxxhey im haveing a bit of an issue02:01
AndroidLoverInSFtakes time to backup all that data02:01
DrknzzGuys, how can i get the applet that allowed me to control banshee from unity, tried removing pulseaudio to see if alsa recognized my mic, but it didnt work... restoring pulseaudio didnt take it back02:01
xxen0nxxi jsut got done cleaning my computer and i boot up and ubuntu boots into busybox02:02
dr-willispower failure during resize = bad bad bad...02:02
xxen0nxxthis fixable?02:02
AndroidLoverInSFyes in that case, quite bad02:02
dr-willisAndroidLoverInSF:  data worth keeping.... is worth backing up02:02
ActionParsnipAndroidLoverInSF: resizing partitions is a risk to data. Why do you not have backup? Is your data not important to you?02:02
xxen0nxxim trying to boot the live cd right now02:03
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dr-willissorta sucks hd prices are up right now02:03
ActionParsnipxxen0nxx: you can boot to liveCD and reinstate Grub2 easily02:04
Americaini have a 13gb wordlist file, is there anyway i can split it up into smaller files but backtrack 5 still recognise the pieces on their own?02:04
ActionParsnipAmericain: backtrack isn't supported here02:04
jonwagedr-willis: ActionParsnip any recommendations for another specific video card to buy? I don't need anything special I just need to guarantee dual dvi monitor output will work02:04
ActionParsnipjonwage: nvidia are great02:05
DrknzzSigh... might as well lose all this work and reinstall :/02:05
china345quit spamming me with that goddamn bot spambotu or what the fuck ever02:05
xxen0nxxarg im trying to boot the live cd but when i clicked try ubuntu its just giveing me a black screen02:06
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jonwageActionParsnip: i know but the one i picked before was too new and it doesn't work with the latest ubuntu i downloaded and installed02:07
jonwageand i did all the driver setup/install02:07
ActionParsnipjonwage: tried the xorg edgers update ppa02:07
dr-willisjonwage:  every nvudia ive iwned has worked.02:07
ActionParsnipxxen0nxx: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video/02:07
dr-willisjonwage: you ran nvudia-settings tool?02:08
ActionParsnipjonwage: you may need to run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig   then reboot02:08
dr-willisenabled twinvuew?02:08
jonwagethe computer is in my office, i can probably get it to work if i play with it some more02:08
jonwagebut now i am building another one of these machines02:08
jonwageand want to order a different video card this time02:08
dr-willistakes me 3 min to get dual monitors going02:09
dr-willisgo midrange common. value cards. not +just came iut,02:09
ActionParsnipjonwage: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade02:10
jonwagethis one looks ok02:10
dr-willisits all about the chipset its yseing02:12
dr-willisjust came out chipset = more likely to be an ussue02:12
Americainwho wants to suck me off02:13
xxen0nxxno one >.>02:14
johnjohn1011wow, talk about off topic02:15
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xxen0nxxi think i found a solution02:17
kcm1700http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/208/helpubuntu.png/ I see this screen in virtual machine after upgrading my ubuntu recently. Does anybody know how to fix this issue ? or what can I search for?02:17
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ActionParsnipkcm1700: when does that occur?02:18
kcm1700I think this's probably a well-known issue, but I don't get keywords to search for it.02:18
randomusrIs there a way to determine the sector size used on the filesystem I'm using?02:18
kcm1700after upgrading my ubuntu, after boot screen.02:18
kcm1700I don't remember my version..02:18
ActionParsnipkcm1700: tried the boot option: nomodeset02:18
joomlafanhey guys probably stupid question but I have just taken over a website, where person was not very good and a lot of his paths on the site have double slashes in the url / directory path in php is there a way to make ubuntu ignore the double //02:19
Don_Radhi all, i have a dell inspiron 1545 laptop and ubuntu 11.10, and i have a usb internet device, im on win7 now but i preffer use linux but i don't know how to set up properly to make it work, any ideas?02:21
quixotedondo you have enough space in your hard disk?02:21
xxen0nxx:D  i fixed it02:22
xxen0nxxthanks for the help parsnip02:22
kcm1700ActionParsnip: umh... boot option? I got into grub, is this right place?02:22
quixotedonDon_Rad: do you have enough space in your hard disk?02:24
robinshHi, I want to share my home folder with my windows users folder (i want my windows home folder to be my home folder in ubuntu), I have created a symbolic link to my home folder using: (cd /home; sudo mv robin r; sudo ln -sT /media/HP/Users/Robin Robin; sudo chown robin:robin robin) I want to know if this all I need to do to share the folder, or if I have to make sure that the /media/HP is automounted every time I login and if I need to do something special fo02:24
robinshr other non-admin users for them to share their home folders too (chown etc.) Thanks02:24
Don_Radquixotedon yes02:24
dr-willisDon_Rad:  going linux only? or dual booting?02:25
Don_Raddr-willis dual02:25
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | kcm170002:25
ubottukcm1700: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:25
quixotedonodon_rad: so what is your question about? how to use ubuntu in general?02:25
napalm54I have these orange circles around my terminal window that allow for easy moving/resizing, but they will not go away.  My computer was asleep and when I came back it had it on it.02:26
quixotedonDon_Rad: go to ubuntu-manual.org02:26
bjorkintoshall of a sudden, i've lost some icons.02:26
bjorkintoshand sound no longer works in firefox.02:26
kcm1700ActionParsnip: Thanks a lot. I'll try that02:26
dr-willisrobinsh:  you cant really keep a linux home on a ntfs filesystem02:26
bjorkintoshis this a known problem?02:26
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quixotedonDon_Rad: www.ubuntu-manual.org02:26
dr-willisrobinsh:  ntfs is too limuted02:26
ActionParsnipbjorkintosh: try closing the browser and restarting it02:27
zykotick9kcm1700, funny - i just read a link tonight about kernel devs being unhappy with vbox kernel code (it's from Oct 11) http://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/10/11/1845226/linux-kernel-developer-declares-virtualbox-driver-crap02:27
bjorkintoshthanks ActionParsnip.02:27
bjorkintoshi not only did that, i restarted the entire computer.02:28
bjorkintoshand still, nothing.02:28
robinshdr-willis: what are the biggest shortcomings for ntfs filesystem as my home folder?02:28
quixotedondr-willis: my hard disk is sata and i forgot what sort of file system i chose when formatting (i used windows first) but it must be ntfs, do you have any clue if we can change the format?02:28
bjorkintoshrobinsh, don't do it.02:28
bjorkintoshquixotedon, you might have to start over.02:28
dr-willisrobinsh:  you cant chown ir chmod stuff on ntfs..02:28
bjorkintoshback the data up, reformat, and voila.02:28
robinshbjorkintosh: why?02:28
bjorkintoshrobinsh, is it that you want to share information with your windows system?02:29
SmJthere was this program that shows the disk usage graphically, what was its name?02:29
robinshI want to share documents and downloads with ubuntu and windows, I guess I can just make symbolic links to those directories only eh?02:30
Don_Radquixotedon  there's no problem using ubuntu at all, just i like to use internet services with an usb internet device, (if you look arround google: BAT Banda Ancha Telcel you will know what device i'm talking about )02:30
SmJbecause something has filled up my hard drive twice today, and I have no idea what02:30
quixotedonSmj: disk usage analyzer02:30
SmJno, it had a shorter name02:30
ActionParsnipbjorkintosh: try:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse; rm ~/.pulse-cookie02:30
robinshbjorkintosh: yes02:31
quixotedonDon_Rad: i'm living in the same country with you, you mean the coverage or the internet connection?02:31
SmJquixotedon: also, how do I start that from console?02:31
bjorkintoshrobinsh, you might be better off designating a special space for sharing.02:31
quixotedondash (windows button) type "disk usage analyzer"02:31
quixotedonsmj: you can also try "disk utility" to check your hard disk02:32
dr-willisrobinsh:  i link videos to /media/eindows/videos   yes..02:32
bjorkintoshActionParsnip, and then rerun pulseaudio?02:33
SmJquixotedon: you're not being very helpful, or maybe I'm just too tired02:33
robinshbjorkintosh: i see what you mean but special spaces are a pain to deal with on windows02:33
napalm54Why does it seem so hard to get the cursor in the right spot to change the size of a window?02:33
Don_Radquixotedon i mean: on win7, the BAM Movistar has drivers to set up the device, but on linux i just plugged in and didn't work and neither got internet connections02:33
abiss27Hey guys someone please tell me which site is the md5sum for ubuntu 11.10?02:33
quixotedonDon_Rad: okay, the same thing also happened to me as i'm also using a usb mobile broadband device (zte)02:34
stevecamwhen i install ubuntu and then the kde packages my fonts turn really small, but when i install kubuntu my fonts are normal, why is this?02:34
bjorkintoshrobinsh, so create it in windows, and mount it rw in ubuntu.02:34
Don_Radzte is iusacell or unefon rigth?02:35
Don_Rador are you using telcel or movistar?02:35
ActionParsnipbjorkintosh: it will rerun itself after a few seconds, then try some sound stuff like vlc etc02:35
etzerdhello all02:35
bjorkintoshActionParsnip, regular sounds worked just fine.02:36
quixotedonDon_Rad: i'm using smart fren local operator on zte model ac2726i EV-DO02:36
bjorkintoshwhat wasn't working, was sound from firefox.02:36
etzerdhow can I install drivers to play dvd, flash player etc02:36
ActionParsnipbjorkintosh: in flash you mean?02:36
pnorman_desktoptentative theory on my crashes: they occur on heavy io on drives connected to the sata card. any thoughts on how to test this?02:36
ActionParsnip!dvd | etzerd02:36
ubottuetzerd: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:36
bjorkintoshActionParsnip, yeah. your fix worked though.02:37
bjorkintoshthanks a bunch.02:37
ActionParsnipetzerd: if you enable the partner repo you can install adobe-flashplugin02:37
bjorkintoshso i guess it's a similar solution with unity... i need to get rid of the configs and restart it.02:37
ActionParsnipbjorkintosh: np man02:37
quixotedonetzerd: the simplest way is (if you have internet connection), try playing the file then ubuntu will search for the right codec/missing plugin for playing it02:37
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Don_Radquixotedon so any idea to set up and make it work ?02:38
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quixotedonDon_Rad: are you using 11.04 or 11.10?02:39
Don_Radby the way, the best desktop (GNOME Shell) i've even seen before02:40
ActionParsnipDon_Rad: gnome shell is a shel, it runs on gnome desktop ;)02:40
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quixotedonDon_Rad: if it is so, then just go to "Network Connection" then go to tab "Mobile Broadband" then Add (type in the information needed for your mobile broadband) then check "Connect automatically" then close the window. After that you can wait for a while, the connection icon on the right top corner will look for the signal then you'll get a notification when it's already connected02:41
quixotedonDon_Rad: frankly speaking, 11.10 is much reliable and faster to connect when using a usb mobile broadband device02:42
edbianI'm looking for the linux equivalent of Mac's Quicksilver.  Does such a thing exist?02:43
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bjorkintoshedbian, what does quicksilver do?02:43
napalm54 /join #bumblebee02:43
napalm54oops sorry02:44
edbianbjorkintosh, Umm, it's one of those desktop search things.  You type in some string and it looks up files, program names, contacts, recent emails, im conversations, etc02:44
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bjorkintoshedbian, unity does that, i think.02:44
JokesOnYou77Hi all.  I just unmounted and then reformatted a flash drive using the Disk Utility and after removing the drive and plugging it back in it won't mount as a filesystem even though the Disk utility detects it.  Help?02:45
bjorkintoshedbian, ubuntu 11.10 comes with unity by default.02:45
edbianbjorkintosh, ? it does?  Are there any standalone apps? I don't generally use unity02:45
bjorkintoshwell. by force.02:45
bjorkintoshedbian, i don't know of any others.02:46
Don_Raddon_quixote i'll try ..........rebooting02:46
edbianbjorkintosh, I am away of 11.10 and unity :)  Just didn't know it could do this02:46
Mr_Whiskeyedbian: You can install Gnome shell if you want.02:46
edbianbjorkintosh, ok thanks02:46
bjorkintoshedbian, it takes some getting used to.02:46
edbianMr_Whiskey, does gnome-shell do this?02:46
Mr_Whiskeyedbian: Do what?02:46
ActionParsnipJokesOnYou77: did you safetly remove the device before you pulled it out?02:46
edbianbjorkintosh, I use arch with awesome on my other system02:46
bjorkintoshah i see.02:46
* Mr_Whiskey is an Arch user as well02:46
edbianMr_Whiskey, mac quicksilver functionality02:46
JokesOnYou77edbian: Gnome-Do might be able to do that.  You may also be able to configure Launchy to do that for you, Launchy can do almost anything02:46
jmcantrellis there some way to remove the status portion of the message menu?02:46
bjorkintoshi had an arch setup once.02:46
don_quixoteedbian: i guess 'dash' button really works the same but might be only limited to apps and files02:46
Mr_Whiskeyedbian: I am not sure if it does or not.02:46
edbianJokesOnYou77, Thanks :)02:47
JokesOnYou77ActionParsnip: ...probably not.  But I have Safely Removed it and re-plugged it since...02:47
don_quixoteDon_Rad: good luck!02:47
ActionParsnipJokesOnYou77: what does dmesg say when you plug it in?02:47
don_quixoteJokesOnYou77: try rebooting02:47
sanjidFor some reason, banshee cannot play aac files. I've tested it with AAC's that are for songs released a month ago, and consequently without DRM, and there's no luck. I have installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras package. It worked while in 11.04, and ceased working upon upgrade to 11.10. I searched the documentation, and the only instructions are for ubuntu 6.10 and thus unlikely to help. Any ideas on how to fix this?02:48
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ActionParsnipJokesOnYou77: please remember to ALWAYS use the safetly remove feature. It is there for a reason02:48
JokesOnYou77ActionParsnip: dmesg?02:48
ActionParsnipJokesOnYou77: its a terminal command. run:  dmesg | tail -n 10   after inserting the stick02:48
don_quixoteActionParsnip: what's the difference between 'eject' and safely remove??02:48
ActionParsnipJokesOnYou77: have you also tried manually mounting the partition02:48
ActionParsnipdon_quixote: I believe saftely remove unmounts stuff as well. Not sure tbh02:49
JokesOnYou77ActionParsnip: dmseg is just giving a bunch of messages from the g15daemon, nothing else02:49
bjorkintoshmy waste basket, home, and folder icons went missing the other day.02:50
SynJuhey all.. i know this is the wrong place to ask.. but i dont know where else to ask.. i need a free dedicated host to run a small script continuously which runs a script on another server.. can anyone help a guy out?02:50
bjorkintoshalso the toolbar died.02:50
bjorkintoshany way to restore the icons?02:50
t2maheshcan some one tell me a best laptop for ubuntu with i5 processor02:51
bjorkintoshSynJu, free? why don't you run it yourself?02:51
pcgI have a process that opens a tcp listening socket, accepts a connection, and then the process is forcably killed, obviously not gracefully terminating the connection. At this point if I try to restablish a listening socket on the same port it fails. Is there a way to forcably clear the zombie connections on that port, and free the port for listening again? (aside from waiting a couple or so minutes after which it works again)02:51
bjorkintosht2mahesh, a laptop with i5 processor which you like very much.02:51
SynJumy computer isnt always on.. was kinda hoping someone had a dedicated host i could use.. its a really small script..02:51
t2maheshnot all laptops are listed on ubuntu tested hardware area02:52
bjorkintoshSynJu, why not run the script on the 'another' server itself?02:52
ThelmariaSynJu: Any reason you can't just run cron on the other server?02:52
ActionParsnipJokesOnYou77: does the device and its partitions show in the output of:  sudo fdisk -l02:52
JokesOnYou77ok, going to try a reboot.  Lesson learned, always Safely Remove :P02:52
bjorkintoshwhy does it have to be executed outside of it?02:52
bjorkintoshJokesOnYou77, JokesOnYou.02:52
t2maheshand the system configs are not listed, m interested in VAIO. if any one can suggest a good model02:53
SynJuthe other server is as much as i can afford.. i cant afford dedicated hosting in south africa and i dont have a credit card either...02:53
bjorkintosht2mahesh, it shouldn't matter too much i think.02:53
ActionParsnipt2mahesh: the ones from system76 come preloaded with it :)02:53
JokesOnYou77ActionParsnip: /dev/sdb does show up there02:53
bjorkintoshSynJu, what precisely is the nature of the task?02:53
qint2mahesh: vgn-fw11m (all vgn family) 64bit, maverick, flawless.02:53
JokesOnYou77bjorkintosh: hahaha...02:53
bjorkintoshcan't the original server's processes be modified?02:53
ActionParsnipJokesOnYou77: try a reboot with the device inserted02:53
SynJuupdating a game timer thing...02:54
JokesOnYou77ActionParsnip: Thanks Action, will do.02:54
tf_enyaCan someone please guide me what I need to do to get the drivers for yaffs2 so02:55
jwashhi everyohey everyone, i have an intel sound card which i think is recognized, but i have no volume or volume controls. can someone help me out?02:57
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ActionParsniptf_enya: what is yaffs2?02:59
kcm1700ActionParsnip: thanks a lot, that worked for me.03:00
tf_enyaActionParsnip: it is filesystem.03:00
ActionParsnip!find yaff03:01
ubottuFile yaff found in ispell, octave3.2-common03:01
jwashHDA Intel audio problem in 11.10, no vol or vol controll, anyone know a solution?03:01
ActionParsniptf_enya: maybe http://code.google.com/p/yaffs2utils/downloads/list03:01
Toph2jwash,,, i have the same issue,, haven't found a working solution yet03:01
ActionParsniptf_enya: http://roycormier.net/tag/yaffs2/03:02
jwashsnd-hda-intel, one site says to reload module03:02
tf_enyaActionParsnip: thx. i try it.03:03
ActionParsnipjwash: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh03:03
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Toph2ActionParsnip,,, i don't want to distract, but I have been asking in channel for a couple day about no sound,, here is my output to your commands   http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a9aa035a1042e823b91c4f94e48108534850822303:06
williamCMastersProblem: gtk theme and icons fail to load every "first login" from boot.  Logging out and back in fixes the problem03:09
gazadell xps 15z with ubuntu studio help please03:10
kandinskiI have lost unity on my desktop03:10
kandinskiin fact, I have lost everything: first windows became undecorated, then no panel or topbar03:11
skyballthats a good thing03:11
kandinskihow can I recover it?03:11
gazahave any one got ubuntu studio working on dell xps 15z03:11
kandinskiskyball: I though tthat too, but surprisingly I am enjoying Unity03:11
ActionParsnipjwash: ok what is the issue?03:11
kandinskiI moved to a new laptop using a 16:9 screen, which also sucks03:11
skyballtook me a long tome to get it off03:11
kandinskibut unity helps the 16:9 screen to suck less03:11
jwashActionParsnip: i get no sound or sound controll panel03:11
kandinskiin any case, how can I recover it?03:11
gazaubuntu blank screen on boot help please03:12
skyballanyone know whats going on with ubuntu one?03:12
skyballi have not been able to sync at all?03:12
ActionParsnipToph2: try: sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils libasound2; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse; rm ~/.pulse-cookie03:12
asoltyshi, apparently my python doesn't have the bz2 module. i have libbz2-dev installed.  i'd like to re-install python now and hopefully it will catch it and build with bz2 included this time.  is there a way i can rebuild it with aptitude or do I just remove it and install again?03:13
ActionParsnipjwash: if you run:  alsamixer   are all levels cranked and unmuted?03:13
gazahave any one got ubuntu studio working on dell xps 15z03:13
Toph2ActionParsnip,,, ok,,, working on it03:13
jianchenping chaobin03:15
jwashall volume all teh way up, recognized my device, no sound though03:15
jwashdelivers sound fine in this config with fedora though03:16
rikutakei just added this repository, how can i remove it? sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sun-java-community-team/sun-java603:18
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eber110estoy probando irssi03:18
AndroidLoverInSFif i install ubuntu 11.10 over an 10.10 and specify the /home partition, it wont wipe out the home partition will it?03:19
edbianAndroid_The_Grea, It will only wipe the home partition if you tell ubuntu to 'partition' the home partition03:20
dr_willisypu can twll the installer to not format /home03:20
edbianAndroid_The_Grea, What you're trying to do (use an existing home) is quite common03:20
dr_willismake backups.. if any case..03:20
AndroidLoverInSFi'm swapping my old hard drive from thinkpad t400 to w520.03:21
dr_willisin any case.03:21
edbianAndroid_The_Grea, def make backups03:21
zykotick9rikutake, that PPA was for maverick, lucid, hardy - you don't want to be using that outdated version i'm sure03:21
rikutakeyes, which is why i want to undo that command somehow03:22
AndroidLoverInSFok thanks03:22
zykotick9_rikutake, something called ppapurge or similar name might help03:22
rikutakezykotick9, http://pastebin.com/yFkDiD9w03:23
bobweaverrikutake,  you have to mod /ect/apt/sources.list03:23
qinrikutake: in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ you should see added repos, remove unwanted and update.03:23
rikutakethanks ill try that03:24
qinrikutake: But apt manpages is other, better way.03:24
rikutakewhats that?03:24
zykotick9_rikutake, did you successfully install anything from that repo?  i assume not.03:24
qinrikutake: man apt-get03:24
rikutakezykotick9, no nothing installed03:24
zykotick9_rikutake, that's good ;)03:25
gratefulanybody know what causes my mailserver to give me relay access denied?03:25
rikutakeqin those manuals are not gonna do much03:25
rikutakei just need the actual command03:25
haoyihuanwhile install debian on ubuntu10.04 host(vbox) , can not install grub03:25
zykotick9_rikutake, sorry - i don't know it.  good luck.03:25
bobweaverrikutake, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine03:26
rikutake=) thats cool, thanks03:26
gratefulnvm i think i see my problem03:26
Vinolively bunch03:27
qinrikutake: ppa-purge03:27
bobweaverqin,  sweet03:27
ActionParsnipjwash: check the config in fedora, should be transferable03:27
jianchenchaobin: is you03:27
qinbobweaver: Just discovered it.03:27
gazahave any one got ubuntu studio working on dell xps 15z03:27
rikutakedouble clicking the sources-list file gave me the usual interface with a list of ppas03:28
urlin2uhaoyihuan, If your installing debian you might try their channel #debian03:28
rikutakei just disabled them using the checkboces03:28
rikutakethat doesnt remove them though03:28
orbitoidHello all03:28
vsftpdserverHello, wondering if anyone has a few minute to help me work out some kinks in a vsftp server I'm attempting to set up03:29
rikutakeqin, ppa-purge didnt do it for me03:30
Toph2ActionParsnip,,, task complete,, nothing has changed,, when i load the Gnome Alsa Mixer,, its icon appears on the dash bar for a couple seconds then fades away03:30
rikutakebut removing the ppas using the traditional interface using sources.list did03:30
rikutakethanks guys appreciate it03:30
qinrikutake: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/; can you see this what you added?03:30
nongfushuican any1 please tell me if it is safe for me to switch the default policies to DROP in this firewall? I don't want to be locked out03:31
nongfushuii use ssh to access the server03:31
Toph2ActionParsnip,,, when i open the sound in system settings,, all the boxes for input, output are empty03:32
dsnydersHI all!  Is there an app for merging addresses in thunderbird?  eg, two entries have the same name, one has a phone number and the other an email addr, so combine them?03:33
urlin2udsynders, I doubt it03:34
nongfushuican any1 please tell me if it is safe for me to switch the default policies to DROP in this firewall? I don't want to be locked out03:35
jamescarrwhere can I look if an upstart script failed to start?03:36
dsnydersurlin2u, Rats!  My addr list has all sorts of these "duplicates", probably from synching with my visor.03:36
dahliaIm trying to get kde working on ubuntu 11.10. I think it's all working but the pager widget doesnt seem to want to work. The rest of the widgets Ive tried work ok but pager wont show up when I drag it onto the screen03:36
Hal_2000Im sorry dave, I'm afraid i can't do that.03:39
orbitoidI'm having issues with my Ubuntu Server 11.10 sound03:42
orbitoidIt claims to be playing sound but no matter what i do i cannot hear it03:42
orbitoidcan anyone steer me in the right direction?03:43
psycheneed help03:47
psychei've forgotten my ubuntu password03:47
damianfuck you03:48
urlin2upsyche, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword03:48
PeterPooh, not the regular chat you get here...03:49
psycheroot shell prompt is asking for the password as well03:49
williamCMastersProblem: gtk theme and icons fail to load every "first login" from boot.  They revert to an ugly "classic" theme.  Logging out and back in fixes the problem, but it is still wrong ever "first login"03:49
PeterPcan anyone help me compile a program from a tarball?03:50
qin!pl | damian03:50
ubottudamian: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.03:50
aeon-ltdPeterP: have you followed the guide in !compile yet?03:50
psycheh3lp anyone03:50
urlin2upsyche, look at the link.03:50
PeterPaeon-ltd: hi. I have been following http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/softinstall.html but getting a couple of errors and not sure what they mean03:51
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psychei've looked at the link.. but my root shell is asking for password as well\03:51
dr_willis!source | PeterP03:51
ubottuPeterP: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html03:51
urlin2upsyche, look closer03:51
dr_willis!compile | PeterP03:51
ubottuPeterP: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall03:51
urlin2upsyche, that is the way its done the only way.03:52
psycheaccording to the link you've provided.. the root shell prompt will not ask for the password, but mine is asking for it..03:52
urlin2upsyche, did you set a root password03:52
dr_willissomeone did. ;)03:52
PeterPthanks dr_willis. I was here last week and couldn't get a up to date version from apt-get. possibly the same problem with compiling, I may be missing a package it depends on03:53
qindsnyders: You could try to export it to xml (or someting) and play around with bash/sed/awk03:53
urlin2upsyche, if you type in passwd username you get a password needed, username is the username.03:53
psychethats fine but the first thing it is asking for is the password..03:53
psychewhat to do?03:53
dr_willisPeterP:  build-dep option to apt get. pulls in all needed dev packages to compile somthing03:54
ActionParsnippsyche: if you run:  sudo -i   you will get an interactive sudo session (root console). Is this what you need?03:54
PeterPdr_willis: so 'sudo apt-get install build-dep' ?03:54
urlin2upsyche, are you really following this you would of had to had the root cli open to anwer this fast.03:55
dr_willisaptget build-dep foo03:55
dr_willisi think03:55
psyche#ActionParsnip: sudo commands require password which i've lost03:55
Madpilotpsyche, the password it asks for when you use sudo is your own user pw, not a root pw...03:55
Madpilotpsyche, ah, nevermind03:55
ActionParsnippsyche: if you don't add the # it will highlight03:55
psyche#Madpilot: I've lost the password03:55
psycheboth root and mine03:55
ActionParsnippsyche: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword  will let you reset your password03:56
kishhow do i install firefox 7?03:56
qinpsyche: Oh, you set root password... what Ubuntu are you using?03:56
PeterPthanks dr_willis. how can I check I have a "functional glibc/pthreads development environment" ? I installed geany...03:56
psycheUbuntu 11.0403:56
PeterPdr_willis: its given me 'cannot find a source package for foo'03:57
GinoManpsyche: if you chroot into the system, you might be able to reset the root password by sudo -s and then passwd03:57
dr_willisPeterP:  no idea. i rarely compile stuff anymore. what are you compiling03:57
GinoManbut you have to do that from the live cd03:57
dr_willisPeterP:  foo is an example name.......03:57
psycheis there any instant solution guys.. i m at my school pc..03:58
psycheand tyhe live cd is at my home03:58
PeterPi'm trying to compile powertop-1.98 as I havent been able to get it from a repository.   *doh* what would I put instead of foo? sorry, still a bit green03:58
qin!info powertop03:59
ubottupowertop (source: powertop): Linux tool to find out what is using power on a laptop. In component main, is extra. Version 1.97-2 (oneiric), package size 121 kB, installed size 372 kB03:59
dr_willisbuild dep works for stuff in the repos..03:59
limachi...i seem to have some problem with my keyboard in ubuntu 11.10. when coding with SDL/OpenGL when i write SDL_KEYDOWN I don't get the desired actions. only SDL_KEYUP actions are recognized.03:59
dr_willisapt-get build-dep powertop03:59
limachow can this be fixed?03:59
urlin2upsyche, are you locked out of ubuntu or on the desktop and just forgot the password?04:00
PeterPdr_willis / qin: powertop version 1.97-2 (oneiric) - I can still install it in natty tho?04:00
limacso as in when i press down a key, the actions that are supposed to happen when i release that key happen when pressing down on it.04:00
psycheican open the desktop04:00
djslimI deleted a partition and wrote over with another filing system, now it is unalloted space. What should I do to recover these files? Scalpal?04:01
qinPeterP: Not recommended, but yes, you could.04:01
dr_willisbuild dep pulls ineeded stuff to compile newer versions. hopefully...n04:01
PeterPdr_willis: wow, I have already tried to install everything required for powertop but that command gave another 13 packages...04:02
urlin2upsyche, have you actually tried the recovery and to the root cli from the link, you answered really fast.04:02
qindjslim: Start with testdisk to recover older partition table.04:02
PeterPqin: main reason why not recommended??04:02
psyche#urlin2u: i tried all this earlier..04:02
qinPeterP: Dependencies.04:02
psychethe last optionm is the IRC04:03
urlin2upsyche, so you can get to the desltop sounds like you actually seta root password, which is not advised thts a guess though.04:03
psycheschool pc was not setup by me..04:04
urlin2upsyche, you might check with the IT at school then.04:04
PeterPqin / dr_willis: k, thanks. I previously got to 'make' point, and just tried again a few minutes ago. make now gives 'nothing to be done for 'all' ' and then sudo make install gives 'cannot stat 'nl.mo' followed by [nl.inst] Error 1 (ignored)04:06
EPopsHello, which file system should I use on Ubuntu Server edition if I am going to be installing a bittorrent client on the server machine?04:13
djslimEPops, I used ext304:14
CarlFKEPops: the default (ext4 I think)04:14
djslimor that04:14
qinEPops: ext4 or ext304:14
EPopsI am new to Ubuntu and Linux in general and want to set up a home server, and read about XFS vs ext3, I read XFS is for larger files.  Should I consider that as well for using bittorrent and streaming videos to a PS3, or ext3/4 will be sufficient?04:16
djslimhardware has a big factor in that04:17
jeatoni have an older iphone that doesnt mount itself like my newer ones do04:17
djslimnot just the filiing system04:17
jeatonany idea how I go about doing it?04:17
koala`hi, I tried to get xchat from http://www.uplinklabs.net/projects/xchat-aqua/04:18
koala`but got an error 40404:18
koala`anyone know where to get Xchat Aqua?04:18
ActionParsnipEPops: I'd use ext4 or btrfs04:18
xanguakoala`: sudo apt-get install xchat04:18
EPopsThanks for the tips thus far. I actually am repurposing an old laptop with Core 2 Duo, 2GB Ram.04:18
koala`xangua I'm not using linux04:18
koala`xangua I need a website04:19
xanguakoala`: and you ask here becaouse...04:19
ActionParsnipkoala`: looks like its down, try again later. Why not just use xchat?04:19
CarlFKkoala`: we can help with that :)04:19
koala`xangua for the reason I just gave, the website appears down04:19
koala`CarlFK I need an xchat for mac04:19
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bobweaverummm.... site is not down for xchat04:20
CarlFKkoala`: first you need to install ubuntu .. then xchat, no problem :)04:20
ActionParsnipkoala`: then why ask in here for mac support?04:20
koala`CarlFK It doesn't have to be aqua, and it's for a friend with a mac who won't be installing ubuntu04:20
koala`He is old and sick04:20
EPopsAlso, will LVM be necessary for a single HDD laptop, or if I plan on adding an external HDD should I consider LVM?  I want the drives to be separate, not a single drive.04:20
ActionParsnipkoala`: i suggest you ask in a mac channel04:21
koala`ActionParsnip not in freenode?04:21
CarlFKEPops: best to just go with the defaults.  lots of though has gone into them to make sure they work.04:21
ActionParsnipkoala`: #mac or #apple may help04:22
bobweaversvn is also up04:22
CarlFKkoala`: #homebew maybe.  (guessing there is such a place)04:22
EPopsCarlFK: Thanks, I am new so maybe later when I learn more I will play around with LVM.04:23
pnorman_desktopI'm not sure if I'm hoping I've found the problem or not. If I have, I know what I have to fix and can stop looking. But if it's this, then it's going to be a pain to fix.04:24
bEe_i have a problem with virtual keyboard04:26
bEe_i'm running ubuntu 11.10 on tablet PC (without h/w keyboard)04:26
bEe_when the screen is locked, i can't enter password to unlock04:26
bEe_how can i enable virtual keyboard while in unlock screen dialog?04:26
photodatahi is there any app for put the data and time on the photos?04:27
ActionParsnipphotodata: maybe shotwell04:28
crassusHi, I have this flash drive labeled floppy0 that's stuck on my filesystem somehow. It's always listed and never leaves. It first came on when I accidently removed the installation flash drive when I was first installing ubuntu without safely removing or ejecting it. Is there a way I can remove it from being listed in Nautilus or something? Is there a way I can dismount it?04:28
photodataactionparship ok i will try that app04:28
photodatathank you04:29
cablopis there any good alternative to acls?04:29
ActionParsnipcrassus: if you run:  mount     do you see it listed?04:30
crassusno ActionParsnip04:31
crassusclicking on it via Nautilus says it's /dev/sdb04:31
katylhi- how can i change my display resolution settings? currently says the monitor is unknown and display unclaimed with GLX missing and segmentation fault..... also in system info it mentions a vesa driver when i think it should be sis one...?04:31
crassus"mount: special device /dev/sdb does not exist04:31
justdaveis there a way to block a specific package from being installed from a specific repo?  Same package is available from two different third-party repos, and one of them has a - in the middle of the version number and the other has a ~.  Because of that character, apt-get/synaptic is finding the older version instead of the newer one.04:32
justdaveI tried setting a pin on that package for that repo and dropping the pin weight, but that doesn't seem to help, it's still selecting the older version04:32
crassusreally bizarre04:33
crassusI've tried everything04:33
crassusrm -rf /dev/sdb04:33
linuxuz3rhow can i get rid of this error DWARF-2 expression error: DW_OP_reg operations must be used either alone or in conjuction with DW_OP_piece.04:33
linuxuz3rDWARF-2 expression error: DW_OP_reg operations must be used either alone or in conjuction with DW_OP_piece.04:33
linuxuz3rhow DWARF-2 expression error: DW_OP_reg operations must be used either alone or in conjuction with DW_OP_piece.04:33
FloodBot1linuxuz3r: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:33
quixotedonhi all, what's the difference between 'eject' and 'safely remove' a device?04:33
chigginsHey I need help installing Ubuntu Server 11.04... I'm using a USB to install, used UNetBootin to get the image on the drive. Though when I try to install, it complains it can't install because there is no CD drive. Any solutions?04:34
pnorman_desktopchiggins: What OS are you using to set up the USB drive?04:35
sskniranjanchiggins : there will be a option for the boot from usb device try choosing that04:35
chigginspnorman_desktop: I'm using Arch linux.04:36
pnorman_desktopOh - are you having problems installing from your computer to the USB, or installing from USB to where you want to install ubuntu server?04:36
crassusActionParsnip: any clue how to get this thing off ?04:36
crassushow does nautilus keep it's listings on the side pane ?04:36
chigginsInstalling from the USB to my server04:37
tlmSynaptic spits out this error: E: postfix: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 7504:37
tlmE: bsd-mailx: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured04:37
tlmE: cardstories: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 104:37
pnorman_desktopAh. Is it booting from the USB drive at all, or is it failing before that?04:37
justdaveoh, think I figured it out.  I tried to drop the priority on the repo with the older package only for that package...  which had a side effect of telling it to always use that repo for that package apparently04:38
chigginsIt's booting from the USB, but fails. The wiki is tellign me to add 'cdrom-detect/try-usb=true' to the boot line, so I'm gonna try that04:38
genii-aroundquixotedon: safely remove - closes all open files to the device, syncs it, then ejects. eject just ejects04:38
quixotedongenii-around: thanks!!04:39
chigginspnorman_desktop: yeah added 'cdrom-detect/try-usb=true' to the boot line, but I'm getting "there was a problem reading data from the cd-rom drive" ... o_O04:40
six88sixhello, using ubuntu to copy 140.4GB directory from one internal SATA drive to a 2nd internal SATA drive, it started out at 50.0 MB/sec and now is at 9.0 MB/sec04:43
Ahmuckwhat java is now used in ubuntu?04:43
six88sixit has been constantly going slower and slower, is this because of heat orrr whats going on here04:43
CarlFKsix88six: what is the fs type on the target ?04:44
CarlFKsix88six: I seem to remember something like that copying to ntfs04:45
johnnyzeroI have an issue. Its complex so I will just link you guys to the forum post I made in the Ubuntu Forums that nobody answered: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11415914#post1141591404:45
six88sixyeah its ntfs, using a live cd04:45
six88sixi had no other choice on how to copy it i guess04:46
CarlFKsix88six: guessing you need to read it with win or mac?04:46
pnorman_desktopEven  50 MB/s seems slow for internal to internal04:47
CarlFKpnorman_desktop: that's about as fast as my drives go.. maybe 80 on a good day :)04:48
pnorman_desktopAlthough I guess when you've spent a couple of days debugging a subtle intermittent potentially drive related problem you start to see them everywhere04:48
CarlFKsix88six: http://clonezilla.org/  if the source is also ntfs, it should be as fast as your drives can go04:49
six88sixCarlFK, it was a win2k8 DC with 2 db's on it, 1 was only 1GB the other 140GB04:49
six88sixjust being safe before putting an old image back on04:49
pnorman_desktophttp://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1485315 implies that copying to/from NTFS volumes can slow down04:49
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh04:49
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: the images aren't hugely useful04:50
CarlFKsix88six: http://clonezilla.org/  check it out.   maybe not for this time, but have it ready for next time04:50
johnnyzeroAlright I will. I am on 10.10 so it should be maybe able to tell why it works.04:50
johnnyzeroActionParsnip, that is the output from my current set up which works.04:52
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: so why is there an issue if it works ok?04:52
johnnyzeroBecause it works on what I'm using now which is 10.10. It does not work on 11.10.04:53
six88sixpnorman_desktop, interesting thanks04:53
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: then run it in Oneiric and give the output04:53
johnnyzeroAlright, let me just get a Live Download04:53
lasindiHi all, I recently installed Ubuntu 11.10. I would like to make Adobe Reader as my default PDF viewer. When I right click on files I can choose to "Open with Adobe Reader", but if I go to Properties -> Open With, I can't select Adobe Reader anywhere (nor can I add it through a terminal command option as I used to). Any ideas?04:53
pnorman_desktopsix88six: I use windows on my desktop and ubuntu on my server, I found samba was fast to the point of saturating my gigabit connection. Don't know if that's an option for your case04:54
six88sixthe OS is toast currently04:54
six88sixused a live cd, perhaps i couldve tried hirens04:55
pnorman_desktopHaving done restores on both windows and ubuntu, I can say that ubuntu is a lot easier to restore from04:55
johnnyzeroActionParsnip, I will brb. I have Lubuntu on a USB04:56
gratefulso im setting up my mailserver05:02
gratefuland i can receive emails, but i keep getting relay access denied erorrs when i try and send an email05:02
Resistancegrateful:  sounds like you misconfigured the relay stuff05:03
stephnii need help but in private not related to ubuntu05:04
johnnyzeroActionParsnip, there is no way of telling from a Live Boot. For some reason the newer Live Boots don't seem to include alsa-info.05:04
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: redownload the script, or copy the one from the internal partition05:05
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: ubuntu doesn't come with alsa-info  the script is downloaded from the alsa site05:06
johnnyzeroAhh Yeah I put that script into the live boot of Lubuntu and it popped up as can't find05:06
gratefulResistance, got a minute to help me out?05:06
johnnyzeroPerhaps I should go onto IRC in Lubuntu 11.10 so I could tell you exactly my findings05:07
tlmWhat does this Synaptic error mean? http://pastebin.com/7ZGJeFWs05:07
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: same difference, the underlying sound system is identical05:08
johnnyzeroHmm yet I can get Microphone support on 10.10 but not 11.1005:08
johnnyzeroThats really strange05:08
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: you can mount the partition using the file browser05:08
Resistancegrateful:  unfortunately no, but i can't really help you anyways - i dont use my own mail servers, so i've never had to configuire a relay server - but the error its triggering suggests a configuration error if you arent able to use the relay05:08
alvin2_how can i check what version am i running?05:09
aeon-ltdalvin2_: version of what?05:09
Mr_Whiskeyjohnnyzero: 11.10 was the first Ubuntu (since 8.04, my first Ubuntu) I have encountered that did not work perfectly out-of-the-box. My monitor, keyboard, and synaptic touchpad all had to be configured manually.05:10
alvin2_of my ubuntu05:10
Mr_Whiskey!version | alvin2_05:10
ubottualvin2_: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »05:10
tlmSynaptic error 75?05:10
AndroUseruname -r05:11
alvin2_ok, thanks to the bot05:11
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johnnyzeroActionParsnip: I am back now on Lubuntu 11.1005:14
johnnyzeroActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/jxApyKVC05:16
r000t_mltHey, just wanted to let you guys know that Unity does not support multiple monitors.05:18
r000t_mltReally disappointed with that05:18
r000t_mltAll I'm getting is a black X for a cursor on my other monitors05:19
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johnnyzeror000t_mlt: does LXDE or XFCE? Just curious.05:19
* tMH- is gone. nsf05:19
r000t_mltjohnnyzero, how would I switch to one of those without restarting05:20
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.05:20
r000t_mltI'd do that but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong to reproduce the problem05:20
r000t_mltI never file bug reports because my bug reports are essentially useless05:20
linuxuz3rubuntu-bug gcc DWARF-2 expression error: DW_OP_reg operations must be used either alone or in conjuction with DW_OP_piece.05:20
johnnyzeror000t_mlt: Get a Live Boot of either Xubuntu or Lubuntu and then yeah you would need to restart as far as I know.05:21
linuxuz3rubuntu-bug <gcc> DWARF-2 expression error: DW_OP_reg operations must be used either alone or in conjuction with DW_OP_piece.05:21
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: it#s -O  capital O, not zero05:21
Cheap_ScotsmanAnother N00b question for you folks: I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 on my desktop and I've been trying in vain for two days to get the wireless working. I have a pci wireless card that ubuntu recognizes and seems to have firmware for, but it claims the device is 'disconnected'05:21
johnnyzeroooh ok ActionParsnip05:21
ModusPwnensCan someone tell me what the difference is between an S script and a K script in the /etc/rc.0 directory?05:21
Cheap_ScotsmanThe device works fine in Win7 so I figure it is a driver issue...any ideas or am I missing something very basic in wireless networking?05:21
r000t_mltCheap_Scotsman, I've had this issue before, let me google it again. It's a config file you have to change one line in05:21
ModusPwnensIt seems like K scripts are for stopping things? And S scripts are for starting things? But why is there a distinction?05:21
ActionParsnipCheap_Scotsman: what is the output of:  sudo lshw -C network; sudo rfkill list; lsb_release -a05:22
Cheap_Scotsmanr000t_mlt: Appreciate it, Ubuntu does recognize my MB wireless device05:22
ActionParsnipCheap_Scotsman: use a pastebin to hold the output05:22
r000t_mltYeah you need to change something from false to true05:22
johnnyzeroActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/CCuXmMvz05:22
spacebug-in oneiric when trying to use a keyboard sortcut to run "soffice mydocument.ods" it sometimes (like half the times) does not appear in the dock/launcher and there for is not in my alt+tab list. This worked perfectly in natty. (the program always launched though with my file as expected).05:23
kandinskihi, can anybody help me? I am running oneiric and I have lost all traces of unity and all window decorations05:23
r000t_mltOh wait... Cheap_Scotsman is it saying "Wireless device not managed" too?05:23
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: try: wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh05:24
kandinskiI am only running this terminal because I happened to have a folder on the desktop, so from there I go to /usr/bin and opened gnome-terminal05:24
Cheap_Scotsmanactionparsnip: Not on my ubuntu build (no net) but rfkill shows nothing blocked in the wireless LAN05:24
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: I've seen this so I have it on my dropbox05:24
ActionParsnipCheap_Scotsman: ok then the other output will help05:24
r000t_mltjohnnyzero, Nvidia settings shows all three devices but Displays only shows one05:24
Cheap_Scotsmanr000t_mlt When I click on the wireless tab I simply see the device I want to used greyed out, along with it reconizing the driver, ad under that it says "disconnected"05:25
ActionParsnipCheap_Scotsman: if you hook up to a WIRED connection you can get full updates and it may make things work, you may also find the driver is offered to you05:25
kandinskijust running unity on the shell gives this error: Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing05:25
kandinskiCompiz (opengl) - Fatal: Software rendering detected05:25
kandinskiCompiz (bailer) - Info: Ensuring a shell for your session05:25
kandinski(metacity:12508): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",05:25
FloodBot1kandinski: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:25
kandinskisorry for pasting here, I have no access to a pastebin05:25
Cheap_Scotsmanactionparsnip: Unfortunately I have no wired connections (in an apartment), I can always download one on my netbook though and transfer it.05:26
kandinskican anybody please unban me or whatever? I only have a shell and really don't kno what to do or how to solve this problem05:26
lindolofor audio problems I installed Pulse Audio Volume Control and was able to use my devices05:26
Cheap_Scotsmanactionparsnip, I am surprised that it recognizes the driver (realtek RTL8187) yet does not seem to recognize the device.05:26
johnnyzeroActionParsnip: it saved the file but didn't upload anything.05:27
johnnyzeroLike the last one did05:27
ActionParsnipCheap_Scotsman: if the driver is in the system then it will be used. Just because it detects the hardware correctly doesn't mean the driver files are available05:27
Cheap_ScotsmanIt also recognizes exactly zero of my proprietary drivers in the system overall05:27
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: run the script yourself, then upload05:28
linuxuz3rhow do i upgrade ubuntu from lynx to ocelot05:28
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:28
Cheap_Scotsmanactionparsnip: Im thinking perhaps I should try to reinstall, as during the install I think I mistakingly pointed Ubuntu towards my onboard wireless, which doesn't work, rather than my PCI device05:28
ActionParsnipCheap_Scotsman: doesn't matter, the drivers aren't installed so it won't be used.05:29
johnnyzeroActionParsnip: it isn't executing05:29
urlin2ulinux4u, you have to go relese by release, wait for 12.04 for a firect upgrade05:29
ActionParsnipCheap_Scotsman: a clean install won't do anything new05:29
johnnyzeroI typed sh alsa-info.sh05:29
johnnyzeroNothing happened05:29
johnnyzeroalso tried double clicking the file. It is set to executable.05:29
Cheap_Scotsmanactionparsnip: So most people have to fumble through looking for compatible drivers after a clean install then? Or is this an error specific to certian compatibility issues?05:30
ActionParsnipCheap_Scotsman: sometimes yes, if you think about the vast array of possible wireless cards, the install media would be hundreds of DVDs to accommodate05:31
johnnyzeroActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/EyxCyYbC05:31
ActionParsnipCheap_Scotsman: some wifis work out of the box, some take a tiny bit of work.05:31
Cheap_Scotsmanactionparsnip: Yeah. So my best bet then would be to try to find a driver, slap that on a USB and install? I assume installing drivers involves some code05:32
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: then you need to download the file to that folder05:32
katylhow do you activate drivers?05:32
ActionParsnipCheap_Scotsman: it can sometimes. Sometimes a simple update makes it work. Is the system a laptop?05:32
johnnyzeroActionParsnip: it is in the home folder. So I am running it from there.05:33
urlin2ukatyl, look in additional drivers first.05:33
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: if you run:  ls    do you see the file?05:33
Cheap_Scotsmanactionparsnip: Desktop, PCI wireless device. I looked it up and Linksys doesn't make Linux drivers for this model05:33
johnnyzeroActionParsnip: yes05:33
johnnyzeroIt is there in green05:33
johnnyzeroThe other files are purple05:33
ActionParsnipCheap_Scotsman: ok what chip does it use?05:33
tlmAnyone try Linux on an MSI Windpad 110W yet?05:34
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: then run:   ./alsa-info.sh05:34
johnnyzeroActionParsnip: it still just went to the next line. Nothing happened.05:34
Cheap_Scotsmanactionparsnip: I would have to look it up unless you mean Realtek (listed under Ubuntu's network recognition)05:34
HoNgOuRuhow do I force a swap format?05:34
HoNgOuRuI have my swap partition disabled and not doing any swapping at all...05:35
urlin2uHoNgOuRu, open gparted and turn it on,.05:35
katylthere are no drivers shown05:35
ActionParsnipCheap_Scotsman: sudo lshw -C network     will state the cheap05:36
HoNgOuRuurlin2u, gparted throw an error when trying to format the partition as swap05:36
HoNgOuRuurlin2u, something like "mkswap "" /dev/sda6" failed or something05:37
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: does: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh     still say access denied?05:37
johnnyzeroActionParsnip: nope it uploaded now05:37
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: coolies05:37
linuxuz3rim upgrading my lucid lynx05:38
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Cheap_Scotsmanactionparsnip, Under configuration?05:38
HoNgOuRuurlin2u, I get an resource busy when trying to do a mkswap on the partition, how can I force it? also it is not mounted05:39
Cheap_Scotsmanactionparsnip, Under configuration one is b43 driverversion 3.0.0-12 generic, another comes up as rtl8187 driverversion = 3.0.0-12 generic05:40
johnnyzeroActionParsnip: I believe Alsa isn't the problem though. I think it might actually be Pulse Audio.05:40
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urlin2uHoNgOuRu, I think I would figure out why it will not build or gon rather then forcing it.05:40
urlin2ugo on*05:40
johnnyzeroActionParsnip: I knew Alsa was recognizing it because in Alsamixer in 11.10 it shows up.05:40
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HoNgOuRuurlin2u, how?05:41
urlin2uHoNgOuRu, a swap is a partition as well yoiu can't make one in one unless you kake one as a file.05:41
HoNgOuRuI know, I want to reformat it as swap, cause in gparted its listed as "unknown" or filesystem "none" one of those05:42
ActionParsnipCheap_Scotsman: so its a broadcom 43xx ?05:42
urlin2uHoNgOuRu, take a screen c=shot of gparted and imagebin it.05:43
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: is the camera set as the output device?05:43
ActionParsnip!broadcom | Cheap_Scotsman05:43
ubottuCheap_Scotsman: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:43
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Cheap_Scotsmanactionparsnip, one is Broadcom one is Realtek, I think the realtek is my PCI device but not entirely sure05:44
Cheap_Scotsmanactionparsnip, Wait just saw "Bus info: PCI" under the broadcom so I assume that is it.05:45
katylhow can i activate drivers that dont show up in additional drivers?05:45
johnnyzeroActionParsnip: When you put in a mixer it shows no input devices at all. As for Output Devices, all I can see is the ATI Radeon HD Sound Drivers.05:46
urlin2ukatyl, drivers are not my area but posting details like what drivers and cards will be helpful.05:46
ActionParsnipCheap_Scotsman: the guide shows how to enable it using the install CD05:46
HoNgOuRuurlin2u, http://imagebin.org/18201605:47
Snowiecant find lampp, lamp, xampp or xamp in the repos for oneiric. whats the best packaged web server?05:47
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: is the webcam part of the system or is it a usb device?05:47
johnnyzeroActionParsnip: It is a USB device. I am on a Desktop PC.05:48
johnnyzeroThe device is the Playstation Eye.05:48
ActionParsnipjohnnyzero: unplug the device and reboot, may help05:48
johnnyzeroActionParsnip: Tried that a couple of times when I had it.05:48
costre__when in doubt, reboot05:48
costre__when in more doubt, reformat05:49
urlin2uHoNgOuRu, if you delete it then you should be fine, but it will change the partitions above it to a lower number.05:49
HoNgOuRuurlin2u, that will hit the grub and other configs I have05:49
HoNgOuRuisn't there another way?05:49
urlin2uHoNgOuRu, just run sudo update-grub05:49
tdignanWhat does amdcccle do behind the scenes to change screen positioning and such?05:51
HoNgOuRuurlin2u, cant do it, my SO is installed on a partition below it...05:51
katylurlin2u: i have a SiS 661 card. in my system info it currently says vesa though05:51
tdignanRight now, amdcccle is segfaulting when I try to set multiple desktop.05:51
HoNgOuRugot a restart for that05:51
urlin2uHoNgOuRu, SO?05:51
HoNgOuRuOperating System05:51
HoNgOuRuubuntu btw05:51
urlin2uyour in ubuntu sda7 right now right?05:52
_r00t_can you do a generic grub-install from a live cd without ubuntu installed ?05:52
_r00t_HoNgOuRu: are you sure ?05:53
HoNgOuRuyeap, mounted here.. "/"05:53
_r00t_is not sure05:53
urlin2uHoNgOuRu, if you delete the sda6 and put a swap there and run sudo update-grub you will be fine.05:53
Snowieanyone, similar to lamp server in the repos. is it possible desktop edition doesnt have a source enabled, had a look and couldnt see anything. oneiric05:53
HoNgOuRujust don't let me delete it05:54
HoNgOuRuit stops with a popup alert message05:54
urlin2uHoNgOuRu, you might have to put the swap uuid in fstab though is all for it to mount on boot.05:54
_r00t_can you do a generic grub-install from a live cd without ubuntu installed ?05:54
urlin2u_r00t_, for what?05:54
_r00t_urlin2u: for other operating systems like windows / kfreebsd05:55
urlin2uHoNgOuRu, you running live fedora?05:55
urlin2u_r00t_, wont work you need a OS with grub05:55
HoNgOuRunop, Im running ubuntu 11.1005:56
_r00t_urlin2u: the only os with grub installed on that system is kfreebsd05:56
urlin2uHoNgOuRu, I mean fedora, but you said it was ubuntu, not sure really, try a live cd.05:56
fattiredoes anyone have problems with unity's "rollup" on doubleclick of menu bars leaving behind an outline w/shadow of the window you just closed?05:56
HoNgOuRuok, thank you urlin2u05:57
urlin2u_r00t_, hehe freebsd is fun but booting another OS with it is a chore I believ not sure, have you tried easybcd from windows to buut the bsde05:58
_r00t_urlin2u: I installed it but it only gives me the option to boot debian only dispite other OSs being in the system... update-grub detects nothing else ;/ So I have 2 options 1- install grub from live cd or 2 - update grub.cfg05:59
urlin2u_r00t_, I would ask at ##freebsd06:00
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Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, so I tried the instructions for installing from the CD, but when I navigate through the install CD to the designated spots I can't install any packages in the software centre06:01
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, it simply opens up the program and doesn't allow me to install. I also have no clue how to do this via the terminal06:01
ParsiI installed opencv 2.2 on ubuntu 11.04, how can I upgrade opencv to 2.3 ?06:02
_r00t_thanks urlin2u06:02
urlin2u_r00t_, no problem, ope you get it working.06:02
rockbandanyone got experience fast-cgi n lighttpd on 11.1006:04
ActionParsnipParsi: there may be a ppa06:04
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: a wired link makes it easier :(06:05
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip: I can see that. It looks as though certain drivers are all but impossible to get going without a wired connection or extensive code work.06:06
Parsiwhat's ppa ActionParsnip? I'm beginer06:06
fattirerockband, I've got a lighttpd w/php server if that's what you're doing...06:06
Parsibeginner *06:06
fattirecan't remember which cgi module it uses...06:06
fattireI can check i guess06:06
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: its not code, you simply use the install CD as a repo and install the packages there06:06
rockbandI have spent so many hours now..and Lamp doesnt configure properly...do you have 11.10 running??06:07
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: the driver you need uses the firmware in your system, the packages used to get it are on the install CD06:07
ModusPwnensif a script does an echo when there isn't a terminal open, does it open a terminal?06:07
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, I have the install CD in, I can navigate through the files, but when I go to install the packages software centre will not let me. There is supposedly another means of doing this via a terminal but I have no idea how to do that, which is why I assume this would be easier for those familiar with "code"06:08
fattirerockband, yeah I'm using fastcgi06:08
fattireand w/11.1006:08
fattirerockband, what's your issue exactly?06:08
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: Note: Systems installed from CDROM can simply add the install CD as a package source and install bcmwl-kernel-source, automatically installing the required dependencies.06:08
rockband403 then 500, now unable to cnnect on http port06:08
fattirebtw anyone know how to adjust screen dpi?06:09
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: just enable the install CD as a source and then it will be used as an offline repo06:09
fattirerockband 403 is forbidden06:09
fattire403 looks like permissions06:09
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip: How do I go about enabling it as a source?06:09
rockband403 was path error06:09
rockband500 was permission06:10
rockbandbut now there is no response06:10
fattirerockband msged you06:10
fattireI'll try to help in /msg06:10
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: in software centre06:10
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: that's why I don't see why you are looking through the CD...06:11
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, When I follow the first instruction in the guide for no internet installs, it instructs: If you do not have any other means of Internet access on your computer, you will have to install the bcmwl-kernel-source package from the restricted folder under ../pool/restricted/b/bcmwl on the Ubuntu install media. "06:11
* phlak_user is standing by06:12
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, My understanding here is that I should navigate through the CD to that point, double click on the pack (which pulls up the software centre) and install... but I cannot do this as the install button is not clickable.06:12
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: I pasted that text from the page I linked you.06:13
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, Regarding using the CD as a package source? I would love to, but I dont know how to enable such hah.06:14
harsh343I am not able to login on my ubuntu 11.1006:15
urlin2uharsh343, what happens when you try06:16
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Software+Sources.png06:16
Blue1harsh343:  well it might help to tell us what you see when you login.06:16
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: notice the CD bit at the bottom?06:16
harsh343urlin2u, they do not take my pass06:16
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, yes, not sure where to find this window, though.06:17
harsh343while i enter my right password06:17
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, ah it's an application, found it06:17
urlin2uharsh343, you can reset the password would you like a link?06:17
harsh343from where i reset the password ?06:17
Parsihow can I remove installed opencv 2.2 from 11.04 ?06:17
urlin2uharsh343, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword06:18
ParsiI want to install new version06:18
Blue1Parsi: sudo dpkg --purge <packagename>06:18
urlin2uharsh343, if your password was working then is not now it may be more then a reset option.06:19
ParsiBlue1, I compiled it myself, does it matter? It's opencv06:20
Blue1Parsi: how did you install it?  make file?06:20
Parsiyes, Blue106:20
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, my internet for the chat keeps dying out, just to make things more interesting.06:20
* Blue1 has no clue what opencv is06:21
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, So I enabled it as a source, I'm not yet noticing a difference when I try to install the bcmwl-kernal from the CD, though perhaps I'm still not doing this correctly.06:21
ParsiBlue1: CV: computer vision06:21
Blue1Parsi: if you do a dpkg -l  | grep <packagename> does it show up>06:21
ParsiBlue1: let me try06:22
ParsiBlue1: it shows nothing06:23
Blue1Parsi: what does  which opencv06:23
Blue1Parsi: say?06:23
Cheap_scotsmanAnyone familiar with sourcing software from the Ubuntu 11.10 install CD? I'm trying to get a wireless card's drivers without a connection and can't figure out how to install the required packages.06:24
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: run:  sudo apt-get update   first (close the thing you enabled the CD as a source in)06:24
ParsiBlue1: it jumps to next line06:24
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, k06:24
Parsidpkg -l  | grep opencv06:24
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, lots of errors, failed to fetch... pretty much everything06:25
harsh343when i click on drop to root shell prompt they asked for the control-D of password i think so and when i enter my password they show login incorrect06:25
Blue1Parsi: yeah I didn't think the dpkg would work after you told me it was in a make file.  so where is it installed, in your own directory?06:25
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: yes but did the CD spin?06:25
harsh343urlin2u, u thr06:25
ModusPwnensI really need help with this update-rc.d thing. Does anyone here have any experience with it?06:25
urlin2uharsh343, that work?06:25
Blue1Parsi: okay so you have a user called opencv2.2 ?06:26
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, not that I noticed.06:26
harsh343urlin2u, no06:26
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: ok try and install the package06:26
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, k06:26
urlin2uharsh343, not sure myself then.06:26
ParsiBlue1: a user? it's a folder06:26
harsh343now what i can do ???? urlin2u06:26
ParsiBlue1: beside Music, Downloads and other folders06:27
Cheap_scotsmanDo you guys ever get on the verge of suicide answering these questions all day?06:27
Blue1Parsi: okay - well you should be able to just delete the folder then, and start over.06:27
ParsiBlue1: thank you06:27
harsh343urlin2u, when i enter root then after prompt open06:27
Blue1Parsi:  make sure when you delete it, you are careful.  don't delete all your home directory.06:28
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, I now cannot access the dvd from the sidebar and it says the device is busy when I try to eject via ubuntu... could something magical be happening?06:29
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, I wasnt able to navigate through files as I had previously after doing sudo update.06:29
ParsiBlue1: yes, I know :D06:30
Blue1Parsi: i have shot off my foot, more then once.  be careful out there.06:30
harsh343urlin2u, when i use passwd username and aftere that new password they show me message Authentication token manipulation error06:30
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harsh343password unchanged06:31
urlin2uharsh343, you use passwd your username, not username06:31
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, It wont let me eject the drive manually either.06:32
urlin2uharsh343, for example if you nic was the user name passwd harsh34306:32
harsh343for ecxample passwd susan i am using this after that they aske me fir new passwod but not able to change06:34
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: if you have the file browser in the path of the CD then it will be busy06:36
phlak_userharsh343, easier way for you is to use the GUI - if on 11.10, type users in dash search bar, click on Users and change password there06:36
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, I restarted so I could see the DVD in the sidebar again. Once again navigated through to the bcmwl restricted install pack and I cannot figure out how to install it.06:37
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, if I double click it simply opens the software centre and advises me to install through another means06:37
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, is it a .deb file?06:37
harsh343phlak_user, I am not able to login man06:37
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, .deb06:37
phlak_userharsh343, and you are changing password how?06:37
harsh343through this http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword recovery mode06:38
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, you can try sudo dpkg -i foo-bar.deb06:38
phlak_userharsh343, is your username susan?06:39
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: Errors encountered while procesing foo-bar.deb06:39
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, aha; pray pastebin those errors06:39
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: copy the deb to your home folder and run:  sudo dpkg -i /path/to/filename.deb06:39
diplocatis it possible to stick multiple disks with differing sizes into one giant array / LVM?06:39
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: I would if I had a connection :P06:39
harsh343my username is volition06:39
harsh343i m using this man06:40
phlak_userharsh343, so you would type passwd volition06:40
harsh343ya i type this06:40
phlak_userharsh343, and you got what error?06:40
harsh343after that they ask me to type pass06:40
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, did you actually type foo-bar.deb or the name of the .deb file?06:40
harsh343when i type and conform after this06:40
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: "foo-bar" - First Ubuntu install ever.06:41
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, hmmm... so if i had said ladygaga.deb , you wouldve typed it ;)06:41
harsh343Authentication token manipulation error06:41
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: More or less.06:41
harsh343password unchanged phlak_user06:41
diplocatdoes anyone know much about LVMs or RAID?06:42
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, seriously, you need to type the actual name of the .deb file along with its complete path06:42
StepNjumpI have a swap partition but though it's activated and though my swappiness is at 90, it's not being used when I do a free -m. Why is my swap partition not being used by the system?06:42
extorSo the Intrepid 8.10 repositories have vanished. Should I upgrade my distro to 9, is that the sane thing to do?06:43
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user, yes this is what action just mentioned, though doing so is not so easy when one is clueless on file paths in Ubuntu.06:43
diplocatStepNjump, swap in Linux only gets used when it's needed, because as they say, unused memory is wasted memory06:43
harsh343plz help me I am unalbe to login in ubuntu 11.1006:43
urlin2uStepNjump, you really don't want it used the computer will slow down immensely06:43
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: I understand now why linux scares casual users away, though I am interested enough to keep bubling through06:43
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, ok, can you type mount in the terminal? we could find out where the DVD is mounted06:43
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: I have the downlaod packaged copied to my home file06:44
StepNjumpok thanks diplocat06:44
ActionParsnip!eol | extor06:44
ubottuextor: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:44
StepNjumpok very good. Thanks urlin2u06:44
urlin2uStepNjump, np06:45
ActionParsnipextor: I suggest a clean install. You will get a much cleaner OS and you will get there faster06:45
harsh343phlak_user, got it or not ????06:45
extorActionParsnip, problem with a clean install is that this is an openvz template we are talking about that is configured to run Xvnc and I'm not sure I can configure xvnc in a fresh install since I'm not vnc savvy06:46
phlak_userharsh343, did you install likewise-open by any chance?06:47
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip: I put "sudo dpkg -i/home/bcmwl-kernel-etc) in a terminal and this didnt seem to work...wrong path?06:47
harsh343I don't no what is this06:47
ChristopherI am looking for a gratis lossless sound byte like the THX sound but to test my system06:47
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, just type sudo dpkg -i bcmwl-kernel-etc06:48
r000t_mltThought you guys would like to know Ubuntu has actually physically damaged my $3,000 graphics card06:48
* r000t_mlt claps06:48
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: it will be:  sudo dpkg -i /home/$USER/bcmwl*.deb06:48
r000t_mltNow there are blue lines at the edges when certain colors are on screen, no matter what OS is loaded06:48
r000t_mltdoes it on all monitors06:48
ActionParsnipr000t_mlt: doubt it very much06:48
Christopherr000t_mlt, what card?06:49
ActionParsnipr000t_mlt: which video card is it?06:49
harsh343what can i do ? phlak_user please help me06:49
r000t_mltNvidia Quadro FX 4500 X206:49
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: tried that, actually had a percentage unloading for half a second, then got a dependency problem error.06:49
Christopheris it EVGA by chance?06:49
r000t_mltNot at all06:49
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, thats a start, whats the error?06:49
Christopherthat sucks06:49
ChristopherEVGA has lifetime no questions asked warranty06:50
r000t_mltWhy would the board maker matter?06:50
diplocat$3000  video card? wtf are you doing? modelling nuclear explosions?06:50
r000t_mltdiplocat: Video editing06:50
r000t_mltAnd my dad's going to f*cking kill me06:50
Christopheryou can smash it in the street and run over it then set it on fire and evga will take it and replace it06:50
diplocatahh, ok, fair enough06:50
ActionParsnipr000t_mlt: curious of the price. Just found it in nextag for 900 USD06:50
r000t_mltActionParsnip, we bought it in 200706:50
r000t_mltIt's successor is $3,00006:50
ActionParsnipr000t_mlt: ubuntu will still not damage it06:50
urlin2ur000t_mlt, its 5 years old06:51
r000t_mltThen why is it doing this garbage in BIOS too?06:51
phlak_userharsh343, what did you do after which you couldnt login?06:51
r000t_mltOn a slightly related note, the system drive (not the redundant array I expect to fail) is clicking like a geiger counter.06:51
r000t_mltmurphey's law, anyone?06:51
harsh343right now i am in recovery mode06:51
r000t_mltHopefully when my dad comes home for thanksgiving he won't ask about the edit suite...06:51
harsh343and trying for ligin06:51
harsh343but now able06:52
harsh343to login06:52
gratefulanybody really wise with postfix?06:52
r000t_mltCheck this, 42 year old man in college06:52
diplocatr000t_mlt, if the problem's happening in BIOS as well, it's definitely a hardware issue06:52
r000t_mltGoing to frat parties06:52
harsh343I there any command on recovery06:52
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: There is so much bloody text that is hard to find.06:52
ActionParsnipr000t_mlt: sweet, more power to him06:52
r000t_mltWhen I reboot it next I'm switching out the DVI cables and throwing in some new monitors06:52
ActionParsnipharsh343: hold shift at boot and select recovery mode then select root06:52
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: "error processing bcmwl-kernel-source, dependency problems - leaving unconfigured06:52
r000t_mltagain it's only when certain things are on screen06:52
Christopherif the card is 5 years old I highly doubt it was Ubuntu, dust maybe06:53
ActionParsnipr000t_mlt: tried a different screen?06:53
r000t_mltThey're all the same screen06:53
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: it was an error while unpacking the source.06:53
r000t_mltwe have like 534902348234 Samsung Syncmasters06:53
phlak_userharsh343, other than passwd username theres nothing im afraid06:53
ActionParsnipr000t_mlt: might be the screen then...06:53
r000t_mltTax deduction, every last one of them06:53
r000t_mltWhat I'm pissed at the most is the failing drive06:53
xxen0nxxhey r00t whats the quadro like06:53
xxen0nxxit good?06:53
Christopherits a 5 year old card, how long did you expect it to last?06:53
diplocatr000t_mlt, do you have an onboard video card? try booting up using that and see if the screen has the same prob06:53
Christophercheck the card in another system06:54
ActionParsnipr000t_mlt: if you boot to liveCD it will remove the drive from the equation06:54
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: It would be nice if one could simply install from the CD by double clicking packs... This seems little to demand.06:54
r000t_mltxxen0nxx, when it runs games, the underside of your desk becomes coated in semen, because the graphics are just that good06:54
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, what exactly are you attempting here again? installing broadcom drivers?06:54
r000t_mltThis card is the only one with 4 DVI outputs06:54
r000t_mltso you can surround yourself with monitors06:54
xxen0nxxthat was halarips06:54
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: yes, and I have no connection, and am trying to source them from the install CD06:54
Christopherr000t_mlt, my EVGA GTX 590 can out perform it06:54
FloodBot1xxen0nxx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:54
Christopherand its 2000 less06:54
r000t_mltChristopher, we only got it for the 4 monitor thing. We use it primarily for video editing06:54
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: and when I navigate through the install CD itself I get to the install packs, try to double click and simply get the software centre popping up with no option to install06:55
Christophertest the card on another mobo06:55
r000t_mltWe're going to upgrade to a 4700 X2 soon.06:55
r000t_mltPolice took the only other computer with this kind of slot06:55
Christopherwhy 4700? when the 500 series is so much better and so much easier on the wallet06:55
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, so you could just type sudo apt-get install bcml-kernel-source06:55
r000t_mltWe need the 4 DVI outputs06:55
r000t_mltthat was a major selling point06:55
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, if its on the installation DVD06:55
Christopherwelcome to 201106:55
r000t_mlthere lemme get a picture06:56
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, because it probably needs the kernel sources etc06:56
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: "errors were encountered while processing...."    "Unable to locate package06:56
Christopherr000t_mlt, get 2 EVGA GTX 560s and run them sli06:57
xxen0nxxwhats the gtx 580 like in sli on ubuntu?06:57
Christopher4x the power and 1/10 the price06:57
r000t_mltChristopher, it's a server mothetboard, only one such slot06:57
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, what about sudo apt-get install bcmwl06:57
phlak_user!info bcmwl06:57
ubottuPackage bcmwl does not exist in oneiric06:57
r000t_mltIt's packing two Xeons06:57
Christopherxxen0nxx, I run an EVGA GTX 590 which is 2 580s in one card and it is schweet06:57
r000t_mlt6GB of RAM06:57
r000t_mlt3TB on board RAID06:57
ActionParsniphahaha onboard raid06:58
phlak_user!info bcmwl-kernel-source06:58
ubottubcmwl-kernel-source (source: bcmwl): Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver source. In component restricted, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 1173 kB, installed size 3288 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)06:58
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: "Coudlnt find any package by regex 'bcmwl-kernel-source_etc"06:58
xxen0nxxand chris the quadro has alot better compatibility with openGL and other stuff like that whare the 560 wich is more for direct x06:58
Christopherim running a 6 core xeon 1366 about to get my second gtx 590 for 1/10 the price of that card06:58
ChristopherI run 24gb of ram06:58
harsh343I am not able to login on ubuntu 11.1006:58
harsh343thats why i enter in recovery mode and in shell prompt i type passwd username06:58
harsh343my username is volition so i enter passwd volition06:58
harsh343after that they ask me for new password i enter my new password and conform06:58
harsh343not i got an error06:58
FloodBot1harsh343: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:58
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: is double-clicking to download sort of a taboo thing in Linux or something? I feel like this should be infinitely easier than it is.06:58
harsh343passwd: Authentication token manipulation error06:58
ActionParsnipCheap_scotsman: then instal that package from the CD too, same method06:58
r000t_mltUbuntu's locking hard whenever I watch south park... worked find for two epicodes...06:58
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, hmm; ive never needed to do that but i can guess06:59
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, I may have missed one of your messages there06:59
Christopherr000t_mlt, check the card on another system06:59
fattirerockband, you still there?06:59
Cheap_scotsmanactionparsnip, Im still stuck in the land of being incapable of downloading this first bcmwl package.06:59
Christopherdoes NVIDIA provide lifetime warranty like EVGA does?06:59
r000t_mltChristopher, the police took all the other boxes that have graphics card slots07:00
ChristopherError (5xx)07:00
r000t_mltChristopher, EVGA cards use nvidia chips anyway07:00
ActionParsnipharsh343: http://mohammednv.wordpress.com/2008/01/08/authentication-token-manipulation-error-when-changing-user-passwords-in-linux/07:00
Christopherwth were you doing that needed police involvement lmao07:00
r000t_mltHacked school webstie07:00
ActionParsnipharsh343: http://www.ideaexcursion.com/2009/09/11/fixing-authentication-token-manipulation-error-when-changing-passwords-with-passwd/07:00
r000t_mltbut yeah http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11065197/studio.jpg is the big box in question07:01
Christopherclean the dust out07:01
Cheap_scotsmanAnyone know of a means of installing download packages from the Ubuntu 11.10 install CD that doesn't involve drowning in terminal errors?07:01
r000t_mltI will when I have friends over. Takes two people to slide it back in.07:01
phlak_userActionParsnip, i asked him about likewise-open but he isnt aware whether its installed07:02
phlak_userharsh343, can you type sudo apt-get remove likewise-open07:02
MneumonicHas anyone bought the Humble Voxatron Bundle?  I am trying to play Binding of Isaac in 64 bit Xubuntu and the game is very choppy and isn't able to go fullscreen07:02
harsh343no valid sudoers sources found07:02
harsh343erro display07:03
phlak_userharsh343, since you are in root shell, you dont need sudo, just type apt-get remove likewise-open07:03
xxen0nxxdamn r000t thats a SICK setup07:03
r000t_mltEverything's looking fine right now. I want to have it backed up better though.07:03
r000t_mltand it looks like trash at the moment07:03
xxen0nxxwhat servers u running?07:04
truepurpleI put a DVD movie into my player, but it isn't showing up(my dvd player that is), anyone know what might be wrong?07:04
xxen0nxxu look like you do some pro audio to07:04
r000t_mltYeah the audio card is rack mounted below the computer07:04
harsh343not using locking for read onlly lock file07:05
harsh343unable to write07:05
Cheap_scotsmanAnyone know of a means of installing download packages from the Ubuntu 11.10 install CD that doesn't involve drowning in terminal errors? I keep getting dependency errors whenever trying to use dpkg through terminals.07:05
phlak_user!repeat | Cheap_scotsman07:05
ubottuCheap_scotsman: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:05
bvalek2has anybody tried Ubuntu on a ASUS K53TA-SX029D laptop?07:06
bvalek2or on any member of the K-series07:06
truepurpleWell repeating is ok, if you give it some time07:06
xxen0nxxi m an audiophile mah self but i dont have that kind of stuff07:06
ActionParsnip!anybody | bvalek207:06
xxen0nxxdont have the money :P07:06
ubottubvalek2: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.07:06
TL-kaysup guys, my pc speaker is getting on my nervez, since I reinstalled it's firin' every time i press backspace on an empy text control. lsmod output: http://pastie.org/279751707:06
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: asking the same question after the window clears is taboo I take it?07:06
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, while you're waiting, you might want to read this -> http://nfolamp.wordpress.com/2011/10/15/ubuntu-11-10-getting-wireless-bcm4311-working/07:06
truepurplequestions can be missed, and new people come on07:06
bvalek2ActionParsnip: i dont have more questions than this07:07
ActionParsnipbvalek2: I'm sure many have07:07
phlak_userTL-kay, sudo modprobe -vr pcspkr07:07
TL-kayphlak_user: nope, it's not there07:07
TL-kaylook at the output I gave07:07
ActionParsnipTL-kay: in sound settings you may be able to set the bell to no sound, or it may be an option in the terminal itself07:08
phlak_userTL-kay, how do you know its the pc speaker? could be the audio from your soundcard07:09
harsh343when i use07:09
harsh343apt-get remove likewise-open07:09
harsh343my output is07:09
harsh343Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock07:09
harsh343unable to write to /var/cache/apt/07:09
FloodBot1harsh343: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:09
harsh343The package lists or status file not be parsed or opened07:09
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: if I had the b43 installer this may be possible07:09
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Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: I cannot seem to get anything resembling it off the install cd though, as I cannot get any pacakges.07:09
TL-kayActionParsnip: I can disable it from specifically the terminal in the perferences, trouble is it's not just the terminal but every single application :(07:09
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harsh343phlak_user, thr07:10
advanzunable to connect the tomcat6 on ubuntu  why?07:10
harsh343error msg07:10
TL-kayphlak_user: idk, it's just very unusually loud and annoying07:10
harsh343in link07:10
phlak_userTL-kay, use pavucontrol and configure07:11
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phlak_user!info pavucontrol | TL-kay07:13
ubottuTL-kay: pavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 136 kB, installed size 1024 kB07:13
TL-kayphlak_user: thanks, I'm trying it out now07:13
ChristopherI am looking for a test file for my system, flac kind of like the THX sound byte but to test my 7.1 in all it's glory 192000 Hz07:14
Christopherjust a nice little gratis one07:14
Cheap_scotsmanAnyone know of a means of installing download packages from the Ubuntu 11.10 install CD that doesn't involve drowning in terminal errors? I keep getting dependency errors whenever trying to use dpkg through terminals.07:15
harsh343Hello help me07:15
phlak_userharsh343, can you tell me the correct spelling of your username, are you mis-typing it or something? cat /etc/passwd| grep vol should help07:15
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, isnt connecting via ethernet and then installing the package an option at all?07:16
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: It's a desktop, I live in an apartment with wireles only.07:17
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, what is the output of sudo apt-get update? it seems to me that your software sources dont include the DVD07:17
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_User: simply the command sudo apt-get update? I have attempted so many commands this evening I will need to know specifically what you mean07:18
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phlak_userCheap_scotsman, yes simply that07:19
advanz_ect the  tomcat607:19
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: index file errors for every attempt at an update07:19
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, ah, which means its looking out to the Internet07:19
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: yes07:20
TL-kayphlak_user: well it's coming from "Internal Audio Analog Speaker" which is essentialy the same thing that provides me all the other sound output :X07:20
advanz_unable to connect the tomcat 6 server07:20
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: would it be helpful to turn off all the interent check marks under software sources?07:20
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: I have my cdrom checked as a source.07:21
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, yes it would07:21
advanz_already i checked07:21
advanz_but same error problem07:22
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: done, same errors, attempting to access website07:22
phlak_userTL-kay, ok so you need to tweak the sound settings - click on the speaker/vol icon on systray, click on sound settings, select "mute" for sound effects07:23
advanz_it's nt connect the port number 808007:23
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: I have trouble understanding why it's so ludicrously difficult to download packages straight from the CD... which makes me assume I must have missed some simple step in this process. Either that or the core developers are on meth.07:23
phlak_useradvanz, is the tomcat6 server on the same machine?07:24
truepurple I put a DVD movie into my drive, but it isn't showing up(my dvd drive that is), anyone know what might be wrong?07:24
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, without looking over your shoulder, i couldnt tell ;)07:24
xxen0nxxima go07:24
xxen0nxxpce all07:24
phlak_usertruepurple, try launching totem07:24
Cheap_scotsmanphlak_user: Yes I get that. Is there any means ever to simply navigate through an install CD and double click to install packages? or is this not a "Linux thing"?07:24
phlak_useradvanz, have you configure it to work with apache or jetty?07:25
phlak_userCheap_scotsman, it is supposed to happen most of the times07:25
advanz_i configured07:25
phlak_useradvanz, is apache running?07:25
advanz_it's running  tomcat07:25
TL-kayphlak_user: I have actually tried every possible combination of output device configuration and it didn't help, either sound is totally disabled or it keeps beeping on bksp07:26
advanz_but it's cannot acess the http://localhost:808007:27
truepurplephlak_user, I did so, and and went to load from the DVD drive, but just like in nautilus, it doesn't show07:27
fattirehas anyone noticed a frame-like outline left behind when doing a menu-bar doubleclick "windowshade" thing?07:29
advanz_it's showes buffering07:30
ralph_fattire what are you talking about man07:30
Cheap_Scotsmanphlak_user: could this be an install error in any way? That is, could re-installing do anything to make double clicking the install CD workable?07:30
advanz_it's showing buffering  on the webbrowser07:31
fattireralph_, you know the "scroll up" feature- clicking on the menubar to scroll up in unity....?  It works, but starting in 11.10 it leaves behind a frame with the widnow's shadow07:31
Cheap_Scotsmanphlak_user: Downloading packages via the CD rather than terminal paths/errors, that is07:31
phlak_userCheap_Scotsman, not sure; did you install the system off this DVD?07:33
phlak_usertruepurple, is the DVD region locked?07:33
Cheap_Scotsmanphlak_user: Yeah. Everything seemingly installed without issue except drivers. I am now getting an error concerning my "package system" being broken.07:34
Cheap_Scotsmanphlak_user: in the OS rather than a terminal07:34
truepurplephlak_user, I don't know07:34
nut_guycan anyone here help me about samba??07:35
LysandiusHello everyone. I've had a problem since Ubuntu 10.04 (I think). When I enter my password at the login screen I get a black screen and I get the nvidia logo and then I return to the login screen.07:37
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LysandiusI have been able to get around this by entering recovery mode and booting in a console and then logging in and starting X. But I just upgraded to 11.10 and this doesn't work anymore.07:38
truepurplephlak_user, So can you help?07:38
LysandiusSo now I'm stuck...07:38
phlak_userCheap_Scotsman, a re-install would probably help fix the packaging system but you would still need to install the broadcom drivers the recommended way07:38
phlak_usertruepurple, have you tried with any other player like VLC or mplayer?07:39
dc5alaLysandius, have you tried with selecting other sessions at the login?07:39
nut_guycan anyone here help me about samba??07:39
nut_guycan anyone here help me about samba??07:39
Cheap_Scotsmanphlak_user: If navigating through the CD worked that would be a piece of cake (comparably), but this terminal crap is an endless loop of insanity.07:39
phlak_user!anyone | nut_guy07:39
ubottunut_guy: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.07:39
extorGosh I had to do a ./dist-upgrade.py --frontend=DistUpgradeViewText in order to start my upgrade http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1159312&page=207:39
LysandiusYes, I am on a guest session atm. This seems to work (although I've lost pretty much all settings and such).07:39
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truepurplephlak_user, yes but what does it matter if ubuntu itself isn't seeing the drive07:40
nut_guyI want to put password on every folder on my samba folder can any one provide me with the solution,....07:40
Lysandiusdc5ala, If I remember correctly I removed Evolution before the troubles started. Reinstalling didn't work. But I've read other people have problems when they remove Evolution.07:40
phlak_usertruepurple, that can be checked by popping in a normal data cd/dvd in the drive and seeing if it gets recognized07:41
dc5alaLysandius, you sure you had this on 10.04?07:41
nut_guyI want to put password on every folder on my samba folder can any one provide me with the solution,....07:41
phlak_usernut_guy, look here -> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/samba-password-protected-shared-folder-347324/07:42
Lysandiusdc5ala, No... I had it on the previous release and I'm almost sure I had it on the release before that.07:42
xerzazanyone with good gpu who wants to help me out crack this hash -> 29443ec4b988d60e53bfdb7f3f87d0be ?07:42
phlak_userxerzaz, is that a ubuntu support question?07:42
xerzazno, but I soon give up I would do it myself but my gpu isn't supported :/07:43
dc5alaLysandius, you could try doing a recursive chown to your home folder of the user first07:43
dc5alaLysandius, do you know how to switch to a console and back to X?07:44
indui install the Tomcat server07:45
Lysandiusdc5ala, I think so. So I should switch to my regular user in a console? And make sure its home folder is owned by that user?07:45
xerzazphlak_user: I'm guessing there are lots of users here who have done it before aswell07:45
truepurplephlak_user, I put in a old windows game in there, drive still didn't show up07:45
indui install the Tomcat server07:46
dc5alaLysandius, i would give that a try: sudo -R lysandius: /home/lysandius07:46
Lysandiusdc5ala, I looked through some records and I've had this computer right before the 10.10 release.07:46
indurun rhe command07:46
phlak_usertruepurple, dmesg would complain of errors07:46
indusudo apt-get install tomcat607:46
dc5alaLysandius, and change the username and home of course in that command :)07:46
Lysandiusdc5ala, Thanks, I'll brb.07:47
phlak_userdc5ala, did you mean sudo chown -R in that previous command of yours07:47
ralph_yeah install the java ee sdk,tomcat is something like #include over there, ;)07:47
truepurplephlak_user, not sure what you are talking about, but I got no errors.07:47
TL-kayphlak_user: do you have any advice or direction for me? the thing is I cannot "seperate" system beeps from ordinary sound output, so I cannot mute them :(07:47
dc5alaphlak_user, ops, you are right!07:47
phlak_userTL-kay, did you mute sound effects?07:48
dc5alaLysandius, missed the chown in that command, sorry, not enough coffee yet, so it's: sudo chown -R username: /home/username07:48
TL-kayphlak_user: I have no such option, only "System Sounds" - It was muted by default already07:49
phlak_userTL-kay, are you on 11.10?07:49
Lysandiusdc5ala, Done :) Shall I try logging in again now? Can I do that without closing this session so I stay in here?07:50
phlak_usertruepurple, looks like your drive is faulty or the cable is not connected properly07:50
induok thanks07:50
Evilkissneed help07:50
TL-kayphlak_user: nope, I'm on a backtrack 5 actually - the distribution is based on 10.04 IIRC07:50
xerzaz100 bucks to the first that cracks this pass, direct on paypal07:50
Cheap_ScotsmanAnyone have solutions for downloading packages from a CD (no internet connection) when double clicking isn't working?07:50
EvilkissHow i can solve these errors? http://paste.ubuntu.com/726073/07:51
dc5alaLysandius, with chown? Is easier to logout and then try it07:51
truepurplephlak_user, I uses this drive to burn a DVD before07:51
EvilkissWhen i sudo make install.... pavucontrol 1.0 i got these errors07:51
Lysandiusdc5ala, Yes, with chown. Well, I'll brb then. :)07:52
phlak_usertruepurple, but you're saying that it didnt detect *any* cd/dvd now07:52
truepurpleWell I don't know about then, but it isn't showing in nautilus07:53
phlak_usertruepurple, is it a laptop or a desktop?07:53
Lysandiusdc5ala, The problem persists :(07:54
truepurplephlak_user, DIY desktop07:54
Calinouxerzaz: lol07:54
dc5alaLysandius, which session are you running on that user?07:54
phlak_usertruepurple, you should definitely check the cable that connects to the drive in that case07:55
Lysandiusdc5ala, I think the first one? :)07:55
Lysandiusdc5ala, Not entirely sure what you meant :)07:55
truepurplephlak_user, and if they are fine?07:55
PeddyI accidentally changed my only user account from Administrator to Standard, how can I get it back?07:56
dc5alaLysandius, on the login screen you can select what session (or desktop environment) that user wants to use.07:56
phlak_usertruepurple, boot off a livecd; the idea is to isolate the issue07:56
ralph_why not use vmware??07:57
Sav1ori like pie07:57
Lysandiusdc5ala, Ahh, I chose 'Ubuntu'. But 'Ubuntu 2d' and the others have the same problem when I try them.07:57
Hdale85_I thought you couldn't make a user account an admin07:57
Hdale85_that's why sudo and SU exist07:57
ralph_11.10 is rocking i guess07:58
phlak_userHdale85_, basically means that the user is part of the sudoers07:58
xerzazCalinou: I'm for real07:59
xerzaz100 bucks right away if you crack this hash -> 29443ec4b988d60e53bfdb7f3f87d0be07:59
dc5alaLysandius, guest user is running unity now?07:59
LysandiusCould it have something to do with me removing Evolution since that's quite tightly integrated with Ubuntu?07:59
xerzazI'm not joking around07:59
Lysandiusdc5ala, Yes it is.07:59
Calinou!ops there is troll over there!07:59
xerzazjust pm, if you manage to get it decrypted08:00
Calinouno, I won't. :P08:00
ralph_hacking eeewwwwuuuuuuuu08:00
dc5alaLysandius, could take a look if there is a hint in your .xsession-errors from that user08:01
Lysandiusdc5ala, Yesterday (11.04) I chose recovery in the bootloader and then I started in a console. There I could log in and startx. Then I got into gnome and I could work normally. But that no longer works. I can no longer boot into console it seems.08:01
ralph_well use hashcat i suggest ,it cracks all the hashes even with salts included>>>>> ;)08:01
Myrttixerzaz: take it elsewhere, this channel is strictly for Ubuntu support issues08:01
beastysmall question08:01
beastyis it possible to change the amount of workspaces in gnome ?08:01
xerzazMyrtti: yes I won't ask anymore just thought it would be worth the try not any luck else where this time of day08:01
PeddyI get the error "cannot lock /etc/passwd" when trying to add my user back to Admin group through the recovery shell, how can I avoid this?08:01
phlak_userPeddy, can you do usermod -G admin08:02
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Peddyphlak_user, haha that's what I just tried to do, I get "cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later"08:02
beastyPeddy: you root filesystem is mounted as readonly08:02
dc5alaLysandius, evolution is no more the default mail client for 11.10, so can't imagine it has something to do with your problem at the moment08:03
Lysandiusdc5ala, There was indeed an error. Something wrong in .profile. I've fixed it and I'll try relogging again...08:03
Lysandiusdc5ala, Brb :)08:03
Peddybeasty, what is the command to mount it rw?08:03
xerzazjust to sort this out it was not hash I was asking for but how to decrypt a user password hash08:04
phlak_user!offtopic | xerzaz08:04
ubottuxerzaz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:04
Peddybeasty, don't worry, I used "mount -n -o remount,rw /", added myself to admin, all is well08:05
phlak_userPeddy, look here too -> http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo08:05
andrewh192Hey, does anyone know how to install XBMC onto Ubuntu 11.10?08:06
andrewh192the website itself is a tad confusing08:06
beastyPeddy: ok :)08:06
Peddythanks gentlemen08:06
andrewh192something about having to add repositorys or something08:06
beastyall your base are belong to us?08:06
beastymm sorry lame joke08:06
ralph_tips for kiddos here,find the type of hash,look for salts,then use oclhashcat,easy man,08:06
Lysandiusdc5ala, I am now logged in like I should be :)08:07
phlak_userandrewh192, didnt this work -> http://www.noobslab.com/2011/09/install-xbmc-on-ubuntu-1110-oneiric.html08:07
Lysandiusdc5ala, I've been struggling with this for over a year. I'm extremely grateful for your help :)08:07
andrewh192phlak_user: thanx08:07
dc5alaLysandius, what was in your .profile that prevent you from login?08:07
andrewh192phlak_user: i didn't find that link yet..  :-)08:07
anonissimusI just installed the latest version of ubuntu server, I installed gdm, but when I try to log in I get failed to load session "ubuntu", I reinstalled and purged gdm and gnome-sessions but the prolem persists08:08
phlak_useranonissimus, did you install ubuntu-desktop also?08:08
Lysandiusdc5ala, I'm a python user and I use pip to install python packages. There was some code in there to enable tab completion that had an error in it. So apparently X would abort and drop back to the login screen.08:09
anonissimusphlak_user: let me check08:09
dc5alaLysandius, okay then, was just curious ;) have fun!08:09
Lysandiusdc5ala, I've learned alot from this and I can now log in like grownups do. Thanks again!08:09
andrewh192phlak_user: ok, i am sorta confused..08:10
Sav1orlol, like grownups do08:10
phlak_userandrewh192, abt what08:10
andrewh192phlak_user: i am not used to having to do a lot of web searching to be able to install something.. I just usually give up if its not in the Software Center..08:10
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:10
anonissimusphlak_user: that was what I was missing :) thanks for pointing that out08:10
LysandiusAnother thing I notice now though... When I left click on the calendar, user, chat, ... icons in the top right corner, the panel opens and closes immediately so I can't actually select anything...08:11
andrewh192phlak_user: http://picpaste.com/options-QlGPQLWk.png08:12
andrewh192phlak_user: this is my options.. wasn't sure what to do next...08:13
phlak_userandrewh192, didnt you download that file like the website said? http://www.noobslab.com/2011/09/install-xbmc-on-ubuntu-1110-oneiric.html08:15
phlak_userandrewh192, scroll down below that video clip and then follow the instructions, the script will download all required packages and install08:16
leo2007How to switch to a normal gnome desktop?08:16
leo2007I am using 11.1008:16
phlak_user!nounity| leo200708:16
ubottuleo2007: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic08:16
andrewh192phlak_user: gotcha08:18
andrewh192phlak_user: ok,...08:18
jeaxall, how do I add something to my $PATH permanently?08:18
jeaxi've tried editing .profile08:18
jeaxbut it doesn't seem to do it08:19
Shirakawasunajeax: Do you want it to be in just your user's path, or all paths (e.g. root, other users)?08:19
jeaxit should work in just mine08:19
jeaxits a link to a compiler08:19
jeaxi also tried doing export PATH="$HOME/go/bin:$PATH" and then . .bashrc, that didn't work either08:20
Black_Panterhi :)08:20
LysandiusCcsm doesn't seem to do much anymore in 11.10. I changed my number of desktops but it does not update.08:20
Shirakawasunajeax: in .bashrc, add PATH="$PATH:/more/entries:/like/this"08:20
jeaxah, so I was just adding it to the wrong file08:20
Shirakawasunajeax: most likely08:21
jeaxhow would I add it for all users? bash_completion?08:21
Shirakawasunajeax: I used to put it in a shell script in /etc/profile.d/ . Any executable scripts in /etc/profile.d get sourced if /etc/profile is sourced (.bashrc should do this)08:21
Black_Panteri've got a question about uniq08:21
Black_Panteri use it with "-d" and "-c" but i am searching for a possibility to say that only entrys which exists more than "x" times will be shown...is it possible with uniq or do i have to look on another command?08:21
phlak_user!info gnome-tweak-tool | Lysandius08:22
ubottuLysandius: gnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweak-tool): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 71 kB, installed size 656 kB08:22
Lysandiusphlak_user, Thanks!08:22
Shirakawasunajeax: basically it should go source .bashrc (happens every time a terminal is opened) > bashrc sources /etc/profile > /etc/profile sources profile.d scripts08:22
jeaxShirakawasuna: I see, so /etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh would be where I could put it08:22
jeaxShirakawasuna: when you script it in, after the if [ blah ] ; then -- do you need to do export PATH= or just PATH=?08:23
Shirakawasunajeax: just PATH=08:24
Shirakawasunaok now I'm unsure08:25
Shirakawasunamy old config doesn't have export08:25
Shirakawasunabut if it doesn't work, try adding it08:25
phlak_userjeax, Shirakawasuna just PATH08:25
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opticlovei have /dev/sda which i know is the system drive and i also have sda1 and sda508:28
opticlovewhat are these?08:28
opticlovesda1 is about half of my drive and sda5 is a little less08:29
leonessaciao a tt08:29
Stanley00opticlove: sda is whole hard-disk, and sda1 is partition...08:29
opticlovei see. how can i see what is on this partition exactly08:30
leonessaperche' quando mi collego non si apre la finestra di #ubuntu dove poter scrivere?08:30
Stanley00opticlove: you must mount it first.08:30
Shirakawasunaopticlove: you can guess based on fdisk, and like Stanley00 says try to mount it08:31
opticloveit says its mounted on /08:31
leonessanon si parla in italiano?08:32
Stanley00!it | leonessa08:32
ubottuleonessa: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)08:32
opticlovei'm curious because i can use truecrypt on this partition but i want to know what i'm doing first08:33
usr13opticlove: df08:34
newbeeplease when you run ./foo.bin where does the installation file go to?08:34
usr13opticlove: man df08:35
newbeeam trying to get jmf running on ubuntu and i dont seem to understand what to do after extractions. i cant find my jars08:35
usr13newbee: We don't know08:35
newbeeusr13: we?08:35
LeftclickerSoo I'm a c+ +. Coder.. What ides are there thar replace vs2010?08:36
usr13newbee: Would have to know what specifically foo.bin is.08:36
usr13newbee: So what exactly is it you are wanting to install?08:37
LeftclickerOf course, I mean on ubuntu...08:37
newbeeusr13: java media framework. jmf.08:37
usr13newbee: Wny not use the package manager?08:37
pistoletto replace vs2020 on linux - Code:Blocks08:37
LeftclickerHmm okay ill check it out. Tx08:38
Stanley00Leftclicker: it depends on what you will code. In my case, an editor (like gedit) and compiler (g++) are enough08:38
newbeeusr13: i need to set it up for the purpose of programming prolly get a *.jar and *.so to include in paths08:38
dr_willis!info geany08:38
ubottugeany (source: geany): A fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.20-1.1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 2655 kB, installed size 7536 kB08:38
LeftclickerLarge project code base08:38
opticlovehow would i mount sda508:39
evmunroREGISTER duke808flow986 evmunro1@gmail.com08:41
psycho_oreosyou missed /msg nickserv.. also now is a good time to change your passwd and email address08:41
theadminSay, how do I disable the Firefox menu bar on Ubuntu? Normally, I can do this with View -> Toolbars -> Menu Bar, but it seems to be missing from the toolbars menu -_-08:41
opticloveyou should be able to right click an empty space on the firefox menu bar and uncheck it08:42
opticloveor maybe you can find an addon08:42
theadminopticlove: Tried that as well, not working either, probably Unity's fault?08:42
diplocateverything's Unity's fault08:43
dr_williswith global menu why do you need to disable it08:43
Shirakawasunaevmunro: change your pw immediately08:43
theadmindr_willis: Because the Firefox menu is far mor organized08:43
evmunroShirakawasuna: Done08:43
theadmindr_willis: s/mor/more/;08:44
Shirakawasunaevmunro: excellent :D08:44
dr_willisbut he just asked how to disable it...08:44
theadmindr_willis: menu != menu bar08:44
nongfushuiif i change the default policies to drop for each table, will i be locked out?08:44
dr_willisso im confused08:44
nongfushuijust want to make sure i'll have access via ssh still08:44
usr13newbee: Is it sun-java6-jdk (Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6) that you are wanting to install?08:45
dr_willisff dies have a plugin to make it usw the global menu08:45
theadmindr_willis: This is what I want: http://i.imm.io/b44t.png08:45
dr_willisno plugin.. it should go back to how ff defaults. i think08:46
phlak_usernongfushui, its better to use a frontend like ufw to do this08:46
phlak_user!ufw | nongfushui08:46
ubottunongfushui: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.08:46
theadmindr_willis: Oh, cool, I guess it's something in the repos then, will search for it08:47
dr_willistheadmin:  disable it in the ff settings perhaps08:47
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nongfushuii'm unaware of anyone ever saying iptables is bad08:48
theadmindr_willis: The only thing there apparently related to it is called something like "Ubuntu Firefox Extensions", and it's not that08:48
theadmin!info firefox-globalmenu | dr_willis: This is it08:49
ubottudr_willis: This is it: firefox-globalmenu (source: firefox): Unity appmenu integration for Firefox. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 46 kB, installed size 304 kB08:49
opticloveso does anyone know what would happen if i encrypted my / directory with truecrypt?08:49
opticloveits a partition, sda108:50
theadminopticlove: Well, you wouldn't be able to boot.08:50
phlak_usernongfushui, its not bad; its easy to lock yourself out; ufw is a front-end to it08:50
theadminopticlove: GRUB has no support for TrueCrypt'ed devices whatsoever, nor does the kernel08:50
phlak_usernongfushui, in fact its a front-end to netfilter08:51
opticlovethe admin: well i have sda5 which i'm assuming has all the boot loader files08:51
theadminopticlove: /boot? That's not enough, the kernel will be unable to mount / and will fail to boot further08:52
darth_tux71hey anyone know about Bumblebee for NV optimas08:52
darth_tux71that means I have an onboard intel GPU and a 1GB NV gpu08:52
usr13opticlove: You assume?  What does df say about it?  Have you looked at the output of, sudo fdisk -l ?08:52
dr_willisdarth_tux71:  its a work in progress.. and unstable i hear.08:53
usr13opticlove: Why do you want to encrypt your root filesystem?  Wouldn't your /home/ partition be what you really want to encrypt?08:53
darth_tux71really? so the question is will Ubuntu just failboat due to my 2 GPU's08:54
dr_willisno idea08:54
darth_tux71guess ill live boot to see if it spazs08:54
phlak_useropticlove, this is how fdisk sees my trucrypt partition -> /dev/mapper/cryptswap1: unrecognized partition table type08:54
dr_willis seen some blog postiong on how support for that stuff may be rough for some time08:55
darth_tux71yeah im still stunnded that NV wont support it in linux that seems so stupid08:55
darth_tux71brb need coffee08:56
nomadaI have a question NOT related to ubuntu, but related to free culture...08:57
nomadais it p2p related un some way to free software?08:57
theadminnomada: Well, Linux often uses Bittorrent to distribute distros08:58
ikonianomada: not for this channel08:58
ikonianomada: try #fsf08:58
theadminnomada: This eliminates the need for a central server, and...08:58
opticloveusr13: yes i tried to migrate my home directory over with ecryptfs-migrate-home but it says command not found08:58
nomadaikonia :S thanks anyway... :P08:58
opticlovei was able to use ecrypt for my swap space too, so i know its installed and working08:59
opticloveoh i also use it as root09:00
usr13opticlove: What does man encryptfs-migrate tell you?09:01
nelson8874hello, i'm in my first steps on linux and wanna install a game called teeworld. It's in a tar.gz file. Now how do i install it?09:01
SlartibartWhere do I put sound theme files in 11.10? /usr/share/sounds/folder? It's some "pure" sound files, wav, ogg etc, no config files or anything? Haven't changed the sounds in Ubuntu before..09:02
diplocatnelson8874, find the file in your home folder (probably downloads) and extract it. tar.gz. is like a .zip09:02
opticloveusr13: sudo: ecryptfs-migrate: command not found09:03
Stanley00nelson8874: if you are using ubuntu, use Ubuntu Software Center instead09:03
nelson8874diplocat ok09:03
usr13opticlove: did you put -u opticlove after it?  But first off, is your /home partition separate from the  root ( / ) partition?09:03
usr13opticlove: df | pastebinit09:03
nelson8874diplocat done. I choosed extract here.09:03
diplocatactually, listen to Stanley00 instead. It's in the repository09:03
usr13opticlove: Do you have a separate partition for /home ?09:03
nomadanelson8874: sudo apt-get install teeworlds09:04
opticloveusr13: no i do not09:04
opticloveand yes i put my username after it09:04
opticloveit looks like i have to be logged out though for it to migrate.. surely it would tell me that instead of command not found09:05
nelson8874diplocat ok09:05
diplocatnelson8874, find Ubuntu Software Center in the main menu09:05
nelson8874stanley00 yes, i found it. Just had to search it... :)09:05
usr13opticlove: Unless you have /home on a separate partition [from / (the root partition)], you will not be able to encrypt it.09:06
nelson8874diplocat yes i found it.09:06
nelson8874thank you guys09:06
opticloveusr13: i see. is there an easy way to go about doing that? i'll follow a link09:06
opticloveusr13: if i did that, then could i use truecrypt?09:07
newbeewhat scanner software comes with ubuntu 11 by default?09:08
Stanley00!info simple-scan | newbee09:10
ubottunewbee: simple-scan (source: simple-scan): Simple Scanning Utility. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 113 kB, installed size 556 kB09:10
dmb__how can I add launchers to a visible panel? i.e. the Dash keeps hideing itself09:10
dmb__Stanley00: scan networks?09:10
dmb__how do I configure the dash?09:11
Stanley00dmb__: nope, scan documents.09:11
dmb__Stanley00: ty09:11
dr_willisdmb__:  the ccsm tool has some settings09:12
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz09:12
dmb__dr_willis: ty09:12
MonkeyDustdmb__: in ccsm, choose desktop, unity plugin, show launcher > yes09:12
dmb__ok, so the dash is always compiz?09:12
dmb__I wasn't sure if I was running it or not (Ubuntu 2d)09:12
dr_willistheres blog sites with other unity tweaks and askubuntu.com09:13
japroso yesterday i went through a total install nightmare because i wasn't aware of the difference between uefi and bios boot stuff etc. so i then decided to nuke the whole thing an redo it. now i figured out how to do "non uefi" installs, but apparently all my partitions are now gpt and windows won't install to thos in non-uefi-mode09:13
dmb__wow... I wish I could have a launcher09:13
dmb__in a panel09:13
japroso how can i ensure that my HDs are formatted as mbr and not gpt?09:13
dr_willisdmb__:  unity2d is not using compiz i think09:13
nomadanewbee Simple Scan, i guess09:13
dmb__dr_willis: so is cssm for me then?09:13
dr_willisdmb__:  ccsm for nnormal unity09:14
dmb__I just want another terminal... clicking the term icon I locked to the dash doesn't work09:14
dmb__dr_willis: ty09:14
dmb__how do I stop focus follows mouse from auto raising?09:15
dr_willisdmb__:  install terminator or xfterm, ir others perhaps09:15
dmb__dr_willis: sorry, in response to which question?09:15
angelete2i have this configuration in my crontab file: 47 3    * * 1   root    test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly )09:15
angelete2but it executes on tuesday instead monday09:15
angelete2can anyone tell me why?09:16
dmb__angelete2: sunday is 0 right?09:16
dmb__how long does it take to run?09:16
dr_willisi dont use focus follows. ;)09:17
dmb__I can't find ccsm09:17
MonkeyDusti don 't use unity ;)09:17
angelete2not more than a couple of hours09:17
dmb__dr_willis: I'm just annoyed that gnome just seems to be going in the wrong direction09:17
dmb__MonkeyDust: what do you use?09:17
japroi can only find stuff that tells me how to go TO gpt formatting but i want it NOT to do that :(09:17
dmb__angelete2: weird...09:17
dr_willisbinary name is compiz....somthing09:17
angelete2but i've added the start date at the begining of a script in /etc/cron.weekly, so i can show that it starts on tuesday09:18
dmb__dr_willis: oh... I'm still not clear if it will do anything on ubuntu2d09:18
MonkeyDustdmb__: a different ubuntu fork, i open ubuntu oneiric in a virtual machine for support reasons09:18
lazymanchi, has anyone seen an issue in 11.10 where the first login attempt doesn't seem to do anything other than return you to the login prompt? 2nd attempt always works fine, definitely typing the correct password09:18
dmb__where is the regular 'configure stuff' icon?09:18
dr_willisdmb__:  its not for unity2d09:18
newbeebut i still need to install driver before i can use09:18
dmb__MonkeyDust: I think I'm going to have to build gnome209:18
dmb__dr_willis: ok09:18
dmb__how do I configure onerism?09:18
* darth_tux71 lurks09:19
theadmindmb__: Use XFCE, you can't really use gnome2 with modern libs and everything09:19
dr_willisdmb__:  check out the webupd8 blog site for unuty2d tweaks09:19
newbeei have a scanner device plustek OpticSlim M12 i want to use on Ubiuntu09:19
newbeei dont like this Ubuntu09:19
dr_willisnewbee:  theres other desktops09:19
dmb__but then XFCE annoys me for not being gnome09:19
newbeedr_willis: i mean i prefer the gnome.09:20
dr_willisnome2 is dead.. time to move on09:20
* dmb__ is in denial09:20
dr_willislubuntu. xfce09:20
dr_willistry them09:20
newbeei dont know of an easy intuitive way of reaching my desktop and reaching my app folder09:20
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.09:20
newbeeanyways do i have to install scanner driver to use?09:21
dr_willisapp folder?09:21
newbeesimple scan doesnt work with my scanner09:21
dmb__the main annoyance I had with xfce is the tiny window borders - I couldn't work out how to make them bigger09:21
dmb__lxde eh09:21
newbeeApplication folders => where all the apps are installed09:21
dr_willisdmb__:  it uses gtk2 themes i think09:21
dmb__onanism keeps deciding to tile my windows09:21
theadmindmb__: "tiny window borders"? Seems to sound like a bug, mine are about the same size as they were in gnome209:22
dr_willisnewbee:  linux dosent really do that. unuty has somthing similer as does gnomeshell with uts apps area09:22
theadmindmb__: I'm not sure which xfce version are you talking about, cause I mean the latest, 4.8.something09:22
dmb__theadmin: I'm using xbuntu and also the xfce pakcage part of desktop-base09:23
dmb__trying everything out to excape the sin on onan09:23
theadmindmb__: Also, nothing stops you from using an xfce+metacity combo, therefore running the gnome window manager and xfce at the same time09:23
dmb__theadmin: I've done that in the past09:23
dmb__theadmin: but I never worked out how to configure it properly09:23
dr_willisi thought xfwm ysed gnome themes09:23
theadmindr_willis: It does09:23
* theadmin sees Adwaita in their xfwm theme list09:24
theadminDefinetly nothing from XFCE09:24
dmb__perhaps, but I couldnt work out how to get a style with decent window borders (for resizing) without getting some 'dusky' madness09:24
dr_willisnow mixx in gnome3 :-)  that may get weird09:24
envygeeksPerhaps somebody can elaborate something for me (that I've just noticed since I've never really used FGLRX) in Jockey should I be installing FGLXR then FGLXR updates (post-release updates) since Jockey logs seem to indicate errors that imply so09:24
newbeedr_willis: do i need to install sane to use scanner?09:24
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dmb__dr_willis: in sead of lxde I just use ubuntu 9.0409:25
dmb__sorry, 8.0409:25
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dmb__(on my low spec laptop)09:25
iceroot!eol | dmb__09:25
ubottudmb__: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:25
dr_willisnewbee:  sane is the core of the scanning system. so id say yes09:25
sasorihi, is it feasible to put two different bootable linux distro in one flash drive ?09:25
dmb__its a crazy world when the latest version of tools remove lots of functionality, and then new projects are started to get it back09:25
theadmindmb__: How about Arch+Mate-Desktop-Environment (the last one being a fork of gnome2, done specifically for Arch, however)?09:26
dr_willissasori:  yes09:26
sasoriok thanks :)09:26
dmb__ubottu: it works, so I don't upgrade it...09:26
ubottudmb__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:26
dmb__no idea why I upgraded this box... sigh09:26
darth_tux71the bot is prolly smarter then me09:26
dmb__iceroot: ^^ sorry09:26
dmb__prolly smarter than us all09:26
theadmindmb__: She's only smart when it comes to ubuntu stuff tho, and never does anything herself09:27
dmb__I can only find info on how to turn off metacity in xfce ;-)09:27
escis there a way to get more verbose output from the distribution upgrade?09:28
dr_willisi got unity with some nice indicator applets and quicklists.. works well for me. nwxt to add some lenses09:28
dmb__theadmin: you keep telling your self that ;-)09:28
theadmindmb__: To enable it you can just put "metacity --replace" in your startup apps, what's the big deal with that -___-09:28
dmb__dr_willis: how do you add cpu usage indicator for example?09:28
dmb__theadmin: the big deal is, you know that, I dont09:28
darth_tux71or you can create a icon to do that that is how i get emerald to work right on my tower09:29
MrokiiHello. It seems that Ubuntu sometimes doesn't show the window to enter my password after it went into sleep-mode or whatever the name is. Is there a way to log out via a tty or any other way I could get back to the OS?09:29
dr_willisdmb__:  theres all sorts of indicator applets out that are not in the repos yet09:29
dmb__theadmin: so I just literally write that string somewhere in a 'startup apps' dialog?09:29
theadminMrokii: "sudo service lightdm restart" or whatnot09:29
theadmindmb__: Yes, as a command :D09:29
dr_willisdmb__:  see askubuntu.com lists09:29
theadmindmb__: That dialog in XFCE is called "Session and startup"09:29
newbeeit seems i have to install sane to use scanner09:29
Mrokiitheadmin: I'll try, thanks.09:30
dmb__dr_willis: I'm used to right clicking the panel and clicking 'add app', but that's obviously soo last milenium09:30
dr_willisnewbee:  nakes sence to me.09:30
dmb__theadmin: thanks09:30
dmb__newbee: yes09:30
drizthi. is there hplip 3.11.10 for natty?09:30
theadmin!info hplip natty09:30
ubottuhplip (source: hplip): HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP). In component main, is optional. Version 3.11.1-2ubuntu2 (natty), package size 78 kB, installed size 544 kB09:30
dmb__darn, forgot to put this in a screen session... I'm off to xfce... see you on the other side09:31
dr_willisdmb__:  for unity or the gnome fallback or classic?09:31
driztso old ...09:31
theadmindrizt: Apparently not.09:31
drizthm ... is there hplip ppa? I can't found it.09:31
newbeedr_willis: simple scanner detects scanner but cant scan. checking online sane lists my device as supported.09:32
Mrokiitheadmin: cool, thanks, that helped.09:32
theadminMrokii: No problem09:32
newbeenow launching xsane am getting "Failed to open device 'gt68xx:libusb:001:011': Invalid argument"09:32
esci'm trying to upgrade to oneric, but i get an error message from the distribution upgrader09:32
dmb__newbee: sanescan?09:32
escit says i have packages on hold, but i have no packages on hold09:33
theadminesc: Tell us the error message, huh?09:33
dmb__esc: you may want to try onan before upgrading09:33
q_a_z_steveHey, can anyone help me get one specific line out of 158 email?09:33
theadmindmb__: Oh, interesting09:33
theadminesc: That was for you, sorry, misclicked09:33
newbeedmb__: sane and xsane.09:33
theadminesc: Try doing "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" first.09:33
dmb__newbee: there is a sane command to find scanners iirc09:34
esctheadmin: one sec, i'll get exact error message again09:34
dmb__really sorry theadmin I should have taken a note of the app name you mentioned before quitting irc09:34
theadmindmb__: "Session and Startup" in the XFCE settings manager thingo09:34
dmb__theadmin: ++09:34
esctheadmin: all my packages are up to date09:35
esci upgraded to natty yesterday09:35
newbeedmb__: finds scanner alright but cant open it09:35
theadminesc: Oh, hm, well, multiple upgrades on Ubuntu aren't really a good idea, even a single upgrade can break a lot09:35
escit worked fine last night, to my amazement09:36
dmb__newbee: certain sane commands need to be run as root09:36
dmb__(sorry, I'm not reading any specific advice, just going from memory)09:36
deej1976newbee:  "simple scan" should be install by default, nice scanning program09:37
esctheadmin: is there a way to do an upgrade to a newer version using command line09:37
theadminesc: Sure, it's "sudo do-release-upgrade"09:37
theadminesc: But it won't be any different most likely09:37
esci'll try that, maybe the output will be more verbose09:38
dmb__ok, gnome windows in xfce... looks nice09:38
dmb__now... how do I disable autoraise on focus follows mouse?09:38
newbeedeej1976: installed by default doesnt read my scanner09:39
* theadmin has finally found a way to bring up a VPN connection on startup -- put nmcli con up id 'VPN Connection Name Here' to the startup apps, in case anyone's wondering about this :D09:39
malemauritiusany hot f here?09:39
dmb__I don't even know how to get to the wm config ;-)09:39
theadminmalemauritius: This is not a freaking dating channel.09:39
dmb__the default path in xfce is now blank, presumably because its now metacity09:39
deej1976newbee: what scanner is it? manu/model09:39
lharwoodmalemauritius: you for real?09:39
newbeei also wonder the webcam worked during installation. it uses my pix for user profile log in pictures, but i cant seem to launch it on its own. i had to install cheese for that.09:40
theadminnewbee: Well, yeah, you kinda need some app to use the webcam09:40
theadminnewbee: Cheese or kamoso or whatever09:40
newbeedeej1976: its a plustek OpticSlim m12 scanner. my research online has it listed under sane supported devices09:41
dmb__oh wow this really sucsk.. I must be too old09:41
dmb__right click on 'workspaces' icon in pannel -> settings -> number of workspaces -> 4 ... nothing ... no new workspaces09:41
dmb__I guess 1 is the number of workspaces xbuntu suggests... forever09:42
jaketbHi all, having trouble getting the Ubuntu CD I burned to work, it loads up alright and I get the loading screen with 5 dots then all of a sudden it switches to CLI and goes no further. :/ Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? V-11.10 btw09:42
dmb__jaketb: could be your hardware09:42
dmb__can I have 2 workspaces?09:43
cablopi attempted to install the ATI drivers of my board, but they failed, then i disabled them, now, the system is not loading the hardware acceleration that it loaded before! what can i do?09:43
dmb__is this because I'm running metacity?09:43
dmb__I realize this seems like I'm doing nothing but complaining, but everything is broken09:43
* dmb__ tries logging out and back in again09:43
eschere is the error message: http://dpaste.com/645974/09:44
jaketbdmb_ : Thanks, this is what I am thinking, though it is all fairly new HW and I wouldn't have thought there would be an issue. Also, I have ran other versions of Ubuntu before. Maybe I will try burning to a different brand of CD, or even a DVD haha, you never know,09:44
dmb__I like 8.0409:44
dmb__still only 1 workspace, after setting 'number of workspaces = 4'09:45
Hapzwhat was the command, like `uniq` that would parse a file and remove duplicates09:45
Hapzlike if some line occures 10 times, only leave 1 instance of it09:45
lukicathey guys09:45
deej1976newbee: have you got libsane-extras installed ?09:45
dmb__Hapz: uniq09:45
Hapzdmb__ no..09:45
dmb__Hapz: 'cus uniq needs sort?09:46
newbeedeej1976: nope. i only did apt-get install sane and xsane09:46
lukicattrying to install ubuntu 11.10 but while booting it stops at "Stopping System V runlevel compatibility". any idea what causes this?09:46
jaketblukicat : I'm having the same issue :/09:46
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jaketbAlthough I get a few more lines of text after that09:46
Hapzdmb__ found it, its sort -u09:47
dmb__Hapz: what does uniq do then?09:47
lukicaton the most machines it worked straight through but on this f.... sony vaio notebook nothing will happen =(09:47
Hapzdmb__ "report or omit repeated lines" ?09:47
dmb__isn't that what you want?09:48
jaketbI installed it on a computer that was 10 years old yesterday, but on my 2 year old lappy, nothing haha09:48
* dmb__ disables metacity to see if it gives him more workspaces...09:48
Hapzdmb__ not exactly.09:48
newbeedeej1976: same error09:48
Hapzi dont care which lines are repeated. i just need to remove duplicates09:48
* dmb__ starts hyper-ventilating09:49
jaketblukicat : the only thing I can think of is to use a USB instead, if that doesn't work, install an older version and update(is that possible?)09:49
benjickHello. I'm trying to set a static IP in 11.10. But it says not all variables set. See http://gyazo.com/c98eebb1a40014c6802f9c415eab22c8.png09:49
lukicatalready tried to boot from usb09:50
dmb__OK, when I login to xfce without 'metacity --replace' I can bump the number of workspaces using the workspaces app in the xfce panel, however, when I then hit metacity --replace, it jumps back to 1 workspace09:50
lukicatjaketb, yeah i think about the solution of the earlier version and then upgrade09:50
dmb__do I need to bring in the metacity configuration apps into xfce?09:50
deej1976newbee:  http://www.fishandcross.com/blog/?p=84409:50
dmb__and how painfull is that?09:50
lukicatbut from the installed 10.04 i get an update error :D09:50
lukicatso maybe i'll install 11.0409:50
dmb__and who want's to bet I can't get gnome2 installed in < 24 hours... gah09:50
* dmb__ puts a paper bag on his head09:51
dmb__so, when running metacity within xfce, how do I configure the wm?09:51
soreaudmb: What do you want to change?09:52
dmb__soreau: I want to add more than one workspace09:52
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soreaudmb__: gconf key /apps/metacity/general/num_workspaces09:53
devihow to copy the directory09:53
dmb__soreau: although the xfce panel contains a workspace configuration applet, it configures the xfce wm (but displays the metacity workspace config)09:53
dmb__soreau: really... manually edit gconf?09:54
soreaudmb__: gconf-editor09:54
dmb__soreau: really... manually edit gconf using a gui?09:54
TLEHallo. I have a problem with a freshly installed mythbuntu 11.10, where everyone once in a while it does not start up correctly, it gets stuck at the end of the splash screen. Has anybody heard of similar issues to this for pure ubuntu 11.10 or has any ideas on how I should trouble shoot it?09:54
soreaudmb__: sure09:54
* dmb__ begins crying09:54
devihello guys09:55
dmb__hi devi what is your question?09:55
soreaudevi: How to copy what directory?09:55
devihow to copy the directory09:55
cablophow can i manually load glx?09:55
soreaucablop: glx is loaded by X. What are you trying to do exactly?09:56
cablopah, i did it... dunno how09:56
deej1976devi: which directory?09:56
cablopthe propietary driver was causing me issues then i moved to the free one again09:56
devii just need cpy one folder in to anthore folder using command lin09:57
soreaucablop: Are you having trouble with your graphics driver?09:57
cablopit is unveliebable that the proprietary driver was worse tha the oss one09:57
cablopyes with ATI09:57
soreaudevi: cp -r /path/to/directory1 /path/to/directory209:57
cablopbut i just purgued it following a guide then reinstalled the core and it seems like working now09:57
soreaucaplink811_log: So what's your problem?09:57
deviis it necessary to rar that file09:57
soreaucablop: So what's wrong?09:58
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soreaudevi: No, just use cp -r09:58
cablopsoreau: i installed the proprietary driver then the gui loaded full of artifacts and other issues09:58
devii will tery09:58
dmb__soreau: since I'm in gconf-editor... how do I turn off 'autoraise' with focus follows mouse?09:59
cablopthen i remoed that driver using the additionaldrivers thingy, and then i restarted faling into gnome 2d and unable to enable the acceleration features again09:59
dmb__I've got focus follows mouse set to sloppy, which is how I like it09:59
devii have one more probm09:59
cablopsoreau: but, afaik, the proprietary driver should be working better and fater than the linux one09:59
soreaudmb__: gconf key /apps/metacity/general/auto_raise09:59
devii don't know about ubuntu09:59
dmb__soreau: my tears have turned to joyfull09:59
devii want install tomcat609:59
soreaucablop: The radeon driver should work better10:00
cablopsoreau: so, no fglrx, but just radeon one10:00
devii install this command sudo apt-get install tomcat610:00
soreaucablop: yes, the default10:00
dmb__OK, thanks guys...10:00
dmb__I'll try to do some work now ;-)10:01
Stanley00!find tomcat610:01
ubottuFound: libtomcat6-java, tomcat6, tomcat6-admin, tomcat6-common, tomcat6-docs10:01
dmb__using the wm in angry10:01
deviwait  1 sec10:01
devithen what the next step10:02
dmb__ah... a very annoying glytch just came to my attention, can anyone help me with the following... when toggling workspaces with 'crtl-alt-left/right' the windows on the destop often don't draw themselves correctly10:02
dmb__so I'm often left looking at a half invisible window10:02
dmb__is this a known bug?10:02
soreaudmb__: Are you sure you're using metacity?10:03
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dmb__i.e. if I carry a window from ws1 to ws3, and a window in ws2 partially obscures it, it turns up in ws3 with bits missing... actually think this is only when I carry windows... not sure10:03
sarthorHi, Again with that problem, not yet solved, My wireless Lan card can not see the available networks, some outputs are here, http://pastebin.com/MFCFm7L8 , lshw -c network shows Disabled. HELP, Natty10:03
dmb__soreau: yes, I ran 'metacity --replace', and put that in the 'startup' apps10:03
LysandiusMy numpad controls my mousepointer. Since upgrading to 11.10 I can no longer seem to find the setting to disable this. Can anyone steer me in the right direction please?10:04
soreaudmb__: It's possibly a bug in xdamage10:04
cablopsoreau: thanks, then i am no longer going to touch that drivers thingy10:04
dmb__also, I'm carrying windows with ctrl-alt-shift-left/right, which is a metacity trick10:04
soreaudmb__: I assume after you move a window it fixes itself?10:04
cablopwhy the shutdown box of the lightdm is so ugly?10:04
dmb__soreau: sometimes I've seen it linger, let me try to recreate10:04
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RAJihi friends10:05
dmb__soreau: not quite, the window sits there with invisible bits10:05
soreaudmb__: What is the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'?10:05
dmb__OpenGL renderer string: GeForce Go 7600/PCI/SSE210:05
soreaudmb__: Could be a bug in the nvidia driver then10:06
dmb__yeah, figures10:06
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soreaudmb__: Does it make a difference if you toggle gconf key /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager?10:06
Magihi friends10:06
dmb__soreau: lets see... btw, I have a couple of screen shots I can upload if you like10:07
soreaudmb__: No, I don't really care to see them10:07
oupateddieI'm using FF 7.0.1 under Ubuntu 11.04... When I want to view a file from flipflash there is nothing displayed. However using Chrome I can view the flipflash file.. Is there anything I need to install???10:07
sarthorHi, Again with that problem, not yet solved, My wireless Lan card can not see the available networks, some outputs are here, http://pastebin.com/MFCFm7L8 , lshw -c network shows Disabled. HELP, Natty10:07
=== Magi is now known as devi
dmb__soreau: composing_manager is currently unset10:07
dmb__hi devi10:08
soreaudmb__: Do you know what toggle means?10:08
dmb__soreau: apparently not10:08
devii don't know10:08
dmb__anyway, initially things seem bette!10:08
dmb__soreau: thank you so much10:08
soreausarthor: What wifi card is it?10:09
soreaudmb__: No problem10:09
sarthorbroadcom 4313 soreau10:09
dmb__how do I get rid of the wierd new scrollbars? (clearly I'm too old for change)10:09
soreau! broadcom | sarthor10:09
ubottusarthor: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:09
cablopin my board the SATA are working like NAtive IDEs, but they have the option of AHCI?10:09
devitomcat installation is sucessful but when i am starting web browser its only buffering10:09
soreaudmb__: What's weird and new about them?10:09
oupateddieI'm using FF 7.0.1 under Ubuntu 11.04... When I want to view a file from flipflash there is nothing displayed. However using Chrome I can view the flipflash file.. Is there anything I need to install???10:10
cablop... does anybody knows about an improvement or issue to enable the AHCI mode for SATA disks?10:10
dmb__instead of showing a wide bar within gtk windows, it shows a thin new bar that changes when I hover over it10:10
dmb__it shows a scrolly when I hover10:10
sarthorsoreau: I read and did all this stuff giving in the link, but no success https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:10
dmb__I find it hard to judge the size of the area with this new (slicker looking) scrolly10:10
kuralcablop goto motherboard setup option after hard reboot, select AHCI.10:11
soreaudmb__: I think ubuntu patched gtk to do that in efforts to conserve space10:11
devihi tel me10:11
dmb__thanks again10:11
dmb__fixing the 'composing' glytch is a massive win10:11
cablopdmb__: what ubuntu? 11.10?10:11
dmb__cablop: yeah10:12
LysandiusMy numpad controls my mousepointer. Since upgrading to 11.10 I can no longer seem to find the setting to disable this. Can anyone steer me in the right direction please?10:12
dmb__I don't know why I was tempted to upgrade...10:12
cablopdmb__: did you play with gnome 3 before?10:12
soreausarthor: Well broadcom doesn't support linux open drivers so you just have to try different drivers10:12
dmb__cablop: for about 30 seconds on 11.04 before I began to feel physically sick and switched back to gnome10:12
cablopok, then bad news10:12
cablopdmb__: no more gnome 2.x in 11.1010:13
dmb__cablop: I bet I can build it ;-)10:13
dmb__until then, I'm off to work, thanks guys10:13
MonkeyDustdmb__: do you prefer a gun or a rope? ;)10:13
sarthorsoreau: I was using this wireless lan card since 4 months, but yesterday i  created ADSL connection with pppoeconf command, after that i am not able to use my wireless lan card.10:13
cablopdmb__: i think there's a ppa for that somewhere10:13
dmb__MonkeyDust: I've built gnome before...10:13
MonkeyDustpersonal package archive,10:14
dmb__just to get gnome-panel, which I love10:14
cablopMonkeyDust: i think against gnome3 and unity he is efering to be buried alive10:14
MonkeyDusta local source10:14
dmb__true that10:14
cablopdmb__: a PPA is like a repo, but smaller and simplier10:14
dmb__devi: please stop saying hi, ask your question and wait10:14
dr_willisthere are  other dock apps better then the rather lacking gnome panel10:14
dmb__cablop: ic10:14
soreauLysandius: Try running gnome-at-properties10:14
phlak_usersarthor, did you try this -> http://nfolamp.wordpress.com/2011/10/15/ubuntu-11-10-getting-wireless-bcm4311-working/10:14
cablophey hey, no need to be rude, but, yes, devi, ask your question, we'll be glad to help if we can10:15
dmb__dr_willis: 'rather lacking' in gnome3? I agree10:15
dmb__dr_willis: what doc app do you use?10:15
dr_willisgnome2 panel is lacking.. and now dead10:15
devitomcat is sucessfully running but it's nt connect the website10:15
sarthorphlak_user: no, let me try this.10:15
dr_willisawn has amazeing feature set10:15
phlak_usersarthor, ok10:15
soreauLysandius: Click on Keyboard Accessibility and then the Mouse Keys tab10:15
cablopbut dmb__ some guy in a blog aid he was using both gnome 3 and AWN and it sems it rules10:16
dmb__cablop, devi: sorry if I came across as rude10:16
MonkeyDustwrong monitor;)10:16
cablopi mean the combination10:16
devifirst i install10:16
sarthorphlak_user: yes. i did that. i just saw the last lines. no success with this.10:16
dmb__dr_willis: gnome2-panel worked, and foss never dies ;-)10:16
dr_williscablop:  uaed awn with unuty also10:16
dmb__dr_willis: what doc app do you recommend10:16
soreauLysandius: Disable 'Pointer can be controlled using the keypad'10:16
vadim_How can i disable messages that somebody has joined ? I'm using irssi10:16
phlak_usersarthor, did you install *both* firmware and driver?10:16
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.10:17
devii install this command sudo apt-get install tomcat610:17
phlak_userdevi, did you try this -> http://clean-clouds.com/2011/10/19/install-tomcat-7-on-ubuntu/10:17
cablopdr_willis: but unity is TERRIBLE poor AWN xD10:17
devithen how to configure10:17
dmb__vadim_: http://irssi.org/documentation/tips10:17
dr_williscablop:  huh?10:18
sarthorphlak_user: please view a bit this output. http://pastebin.com/LsW105Mg10:18
sarthorshould i remove fimrware-b43legacy-installer?10:18
cablopi mean unity is a bad gui, despite you combine it with AWN you cannot mke it better10:18
phlak_usersarthor, yes of course10:19
dmb__dr_willis: ty10:19
Lysandiussoreau, I don't seem to have gnome-at-properties, nor can I install it.10:19
cablopawn avant window navigator10:19
soreauLysandius: Well then10:19
cablopdmb__: it is going to provide you some docks for your system, but it looks like the best gnome panel replacement ever10:19
soreaudr_willis: How do you do apt-file search with ubottu ?10:19
andronixвсем русскоговорящим привет10:20
phlak_user!ru| androidbruce10:20
cablophow can i bind-mount?10:20
phlak_user!ru| andronix10:20
phlak_userandroidbruce, sorry about that10:20
soreau! ping10:21
soreauubottu: wake up!10:21
cablopit is too early, ubotu is still brushin its teeth soreau xD10:21
soreaucablop: Apparently10:22
sarthorphlak_user: no success, i did that all again. and rebooted, but nothing, http://nfolamp.wordpress.com/2011/10/15/ubuntu-11-10-getting-wireless-bcm4311-working/10:22
cablophow can i bind-mount?10:23
phlak_usersarthor, can you paste output of sudo lshw -C network10:24
phlak_usercablop, whats a bind-mount?10:24
cablopsomething like mouting an already mountes firectory or directory in already mounted device into another folder10:25
darth_tux71lol i remember when you had to type mount to mount things10:25
sarthorphlak_user: http://paste.ubuntu.com/726164/ show the device disabled.10:25
cablopwhat a big amount of typos i am having today10:26
phlak_usersarthor, and sudo lsmod also please?10:26
phlak_usersarthor, also, can you check if your wireless on/off button is in on position10:27
sarthorphlak_user: http://paste.ubuntu.com/726165/ butten is ON.10:27
etfbExperiencing an odd bug ever since I upgraded to 10.10.  Every time I try to open Nautilus from inside another program (eg "Open Folder" in Firefox's Download window) it uses gksudo.  Didn't used to, and I don't want it to.  How can I fix it?10:28
etfbSorry - 11.10, I mean.10:28
etfbDon't know what year it is, sometimes...10:28
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darth_tux71wow wtf10:28
soreau! netsplit10:28
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darth_tux71wow that was odd10:28
soreaudarth_tux71: It's a netsplit, when one or more of the irc servers has a problem connecting to the others10:29
darth_tux71ahhhh okies thanks soreau10:29
phlak_usersarthor, that doesnt look like the driver is loaded10:30
sarthorphlak_user: OK. what to do for this now?10:30
dmb_sorry, network issue10:31
phlak_usersarthor, can you do a sudo modprobe -v b4310:31
dmb_didn't see replies... I wonder if you saw my ranting10:31
dmb_so... what happened to all the nice gnome-panel apps that I have grown acustomed to reading subconsciously?10:31
shadowhatehello there, i've just performed an upgrade from 10.04.3 to 11.10, but why does my previous apps didn't show up, and also the wireless LED isn't working but i've already installed its driver10:31
sarthorphlak_user: http://paste.ubuntu.com/726173/10:32
shadowhatehope someone can help me, or else i may have had to return to lucid :(10:32
phlak_usersarthor, ok now it should work ; check network-manager10:32
soreaushadowhate: What's wrong?10:32
shadowhatehello there, i've just performed an upgrade from 10.04.3 to 11.10, but why does my previous apps didn't show up, and also the wireless LED isn't working but i've already installed its driver10:33
soreaushadowhate: Can you repeat again?10:33
sarthorphlak_user: I removed and reinstalled netwrok manager, but no change10:33
MonkeyDustshadowhate: did you upgrade or fresh install?10:34
soreausarthor: You don't need to mess with network-manager. It works fine if your network drivers are working10:34
phlak_usersarthor, can you pastebin last few lines of /var/log/syslog after you loaded the driver10:34
phlak_usersarthor, yes, dont reinstall network manager10:34
shadowhatei performed an UPGRADE only from 10.04.3 to 11.1010:34
shadowhatebut my previous apps failed to showed up or restore, also the wireless LED indicator isnt working10:35
sarthorphlak_user: http://paste.ubuntu.com/726176/ I pressed "fn+F5" also once. that is Wireless card switch too10:35
dmb_anyone remember the old process monitor app on gnome-panel? if I'm running xfce, how do I get it back?10:36
phlak_usersarthor, got the problem -> : <info> WiFi now disabled by radio killswitch10:36
etfbHow do I specify the default program to run when another program wants to open a folder/directory?  It's currently using "gksudo nautilus", which is the Wrong Thing.10:37
sarthorphlak_user: Hmm. so what to do for that?10:37
devi i try this link wget http://apache.hoxt.com/tomcat/tomcat-7/v7.0.20/bin/apache-tomcat-7.0.20-fulldocs.tar.gz10:37
dmb_etfb: system->config->default ... iirc10:37
deviERROR 404: Not Found.10:37
phlak_usersarthor, type sudo rfkill unblock all10:37
sarthorphlak_user: I did that also..10:37
shadowhatei thought 11.10 would be friendly to my notebook :(10:38
etfbdmb_: I'm using 11.10.10:38
soreausarthor: Is it an HP laptop with a switch by chance?10:38
dmb_etfb: there is a program to set the default apps somewhere10:38
sarthorphlak_user: soreau it is lenovo. I did rfkill unblock all , same10:38
phlak_usersarthor, as per this, its loaded -> Broadcom 43xx driver loaded [ Features: PNL, Firmware-ID: FW13 ]10:39
phlak_usersarthor, can you check output of sudo iwconfig10:39
sarthorphlak_user: http://paste.ubuntu.com/726182/10:39
kamiccoloeww broadcom10:40
etfbdmb_: Ah, it's in System Settings | System Info | Default Applications... but it doesn't include the option for "Open Folder", only for a smattering of common file types.10:40
phlak_user sarthor output of sudo iwlist eth1 scan10:40
dmb_etfb: hmm... when you say 'open' you mean double click it in the.. what?10:40
sarthorphlak_user: http://paste.ubuntu.com/726183/10:41
phlak_usersarthor, so its working :)10:41
sarthorphlak_user: how? i can not see any available network. alot arround.10:41
etfbdmb_: Any other program.  For example, download a file using Firefox, then use the Download window, select the downloaded file and click "Open Containing Folder".  It should run nautilus as the current user, but instead it runs it using gksudo as root.10:41
phlak_usersarthor, is this the ssid of your ap/router -> 054443070110:41
dr_willisetfb:  you somehow set the default open folder.. tobe sudo nautilus?10:42
etfbAnything that used to run Nautilus now runs gksudo10:42
etfbdr_willis: I don't believe I did.  It seems to be a side effect of upgrading from Natty to Oneiric.10:42
* dmb_ makes a new rule... never upgrade... ever10:43
cablopdoes cp by default preserve permissions?10:43
etfbBut yes, Doctor, I am in complete agreement with your medical diagnosis.  "Weird" is the word.10:43
etfbdmb_: This is the first time I haven't followed that rule.  Last time, too.10:43
dr_willisi know how to fix it useing that ubuntu-tweak tool. not sure of any other easy way10:43
Stanley00cablop: no, afaik10:43
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...10:43
dmb_etfb: me too, forced to upgrade for a repo at work10:43
soreaudr_willis: How to use apt-file search with ubottu ?10:44
cablophey ubotu, hard toget up this morning xD10:44
sarthorphlak_user: network manager can not see any network. and also that says, device is not Managed.10:44
dr_willis!find geany10:44
ubottuFound: geany, geany-plugin-addons, geany-plugin-codenav, geany-plugin-doc, geany-plugin-extrasel, geany-plugin-gdb, geany-plugin-gendoc, geany-plugin-insertnum, geany-plugin-latex, geany-plugin-lipsum (and 12 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=geany&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all10:44
etfbYou'd think that Canonical could get upgrading to work, given that even Microsoft have finally managed it... Admittedly, MS only upgrades their OS once a decade...10:44
dr_willislike that you mean?10:44
soreaudr_willis: I think that's similar to apt-cache search10:44
cablopi meant ubottu10:44
soreaudr_willis: I mean apt-file, to find what file a package belongs to10:45
dr_willisetfb:  i tend to reibstall windiws without upgradeing.. :-)10:45
soreauor what package provides a file10:45
phlak_usersarthor, can you show me output of sudo lshw -C network again (with the new driver)10:45
dr_willisi just use apt file on the cli. ;-)10:45
dr_willis!find /bin/vi10:46
soreaudr_willis: Well there's a way to do it with ubottu, I just can't remember how10:46
etfbdr_willis: I don't even upgrade my toaster.  Every morning it's the same: reformat, install the new OS, put the bread in, toast it, butter it...10:46
ubottuFile /bin/vi found in argyll, argyll-dbg, autodock-vina, axiom-graphics, crystalspace, elvis-tiny, ginac-tools, glew-utils, graphviz, hugin-tools (and 67 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=/bin/vi&mode=&suite=oneiric&arch=any10:46
soreauoh hm10:46
=== robins is now known as robinsmidsrod
soreauwell then10:47
soreaudr_willis: I guess that's it :)10:47
dr_willisnot seen any bot things better. never really tried10:47
sarthorphlak_user: output, http://paste.ubuntu.com/726188/ and also if it is working, we can try via dhcpclient, I do not know that command in txt mode10:47
sarthorphlak_user: this out put says. network Dislabled.10:48
phlak_usersarthor, in fact, it looks the same as the last one10:48
soreausarthor: Does 'sudo iwlist eth1 scan|grep -i ssid' show AP's?10:48
phlak_usersoreau, just shows him one10:48
sarthorshows  ESSID:"0544430701"10:49
sarthorshows  ESSID:"0544430701" phlak_user10:49
=== devi is now known as indira
phlak_usersarthor, yes i saw that earlier10:50
soreausarthor: What does 'service network-manager status' show?10:50
indirahi frnds10:50
phlak_userindira, devi hi10:50
indirai try this link  wget http://apache.hoxt.com/tomcat/tomcat-7/v7.0.20/bin/apache-tomcat-7.0.20-fulldocs.tar.gz10:50
sarthorphlak_user: network-manager start/running, process 116210:50
indirabut i got ERROR 404: Not Found10:51
etfbAha!  Fixed it, dmb_, dr_willis!  Open Nautilus, select a folder anywhere, Open With Other Application and choose "Files" instead of "gksudo".  Well duh!  I wonder why it got set like that...10:51
etfbNow when I Open Folder in Firefox, it Just Works.10:51
soreausarthor: What's telling you 'network Dislabled.'?10:51
newbee...what gui based svn is advocated in linux.?10:51
sarthorsoreau: lshw -c network says that10:51
cablop!ubottu root password10:51
ubottucablop: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:51
soreausarthor: Does it work if you click on the network icon?10:51
soreau! root | cablop10:52
ubottucablop: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:52
etfbnewbee: I looked at a bunch a while ago and they were all genuinely awful.10:52
Kingsyanyone know a ppa that has truecrypt in it?10:52
sarthorsoreau: there, Wirless networks. .. and under that, "Device is not managed"10:52
cablopwhy ubuntupeople does insist that root pwd is a bad idea?10:52
soreaunewbee: Why do you want a gui for subversion?10:52
soreausarthor: Can you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file to pastebin.com?10:52
phlak_userKingsy, install it from site10:53
KingsyI have heard that there are .deb truecrypt files around but I cant find one, I don't really want to install it from source.. well mostly cos I don't know how :P10:53
cablopsoreau: use tortoisesvn on windows and you'll realize why a subversion gui10:53
Kingsyphlak_user: you mean just download the tar.gz ?10:53
etfbcablop: That's the Debian way.  It's a philosophical thing.  Neither way is clearly better, but Debian and hence Ubuntu do it this way.10:53
soreaucablop: I don't think I will10:53
deej1976newbee: rapidsvn10:53
soreaucablop: CLI is superior.. I'd want to use svn CLI even in windows10:53
shadowhateis it not advisable to run 11.10 on netbooks?10:53
phlak_userKingsy, yes, its a binary10:53
indirai got error 40410:53
silidanhi, what ways are there if i need to install ubuntu on a harddrive that is connected via usb to the pc but is intended to be used as a internal drive on a different computer?10:53
Kingsyphlak_user: I am not really sure what you do with that..10:53
cablopsoreau: no way, i used the tortoisesvn thing, it is one of the best open source pieces of software ever10:53
indirapls tell phlak_user10:54
phlak_userKingsy, the instructions are very clear10:54
soreaucablop: Maybe if you're stuck in gui windoze10:54
sarthorsoreau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/726191/10:54
cablopsoreau: not for that, because it handles a lot of things ate the same time in an elegant and efficient way10:54
newbeeTortoise SVN gui app on windows is sweet10:54
indirai didn't get10:54
etfbcablop, soreau: I second the praise for Tortoise.  It's a shame there's no native Linux port.  RapidSVN was among the ones I tried and laughed at.10:54
shadowhatei'm already starting to hate ubuntu :(10:55
Thor8561Hi  room10:55
soreausarthor: Comment out the last two lines in that file, save it then restart network-manager with 'sudo service network-manager restart'10:55
newbeemy work right now involves too much pressure and i dont want to be bothered on the syntax of svn.10:55
etfbshadowhate: We all hate Ubuntu.  The ideal is to hate it less than we hate OS-X, Windows, BeOS, GEOS, TRS-80 DOS, VMS, etc...10:55
soreaushadowhate: What's the problem?10:55
sarthorsoreau: I did that already. And i can see networks now.10:55
cabloprapidsvn IS - i guess 40% - of what tortoisesvn is AND it is not well developen PLUS it is made in python... so...10:56
soreaunewbee: Then run it in wine?10:56
Kingsyphlak_user: I don't see any instructions10:56
sarthorOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. Thanks to All of you, and to phlak_user , I love you Man. you given a lot of your time. Thanks.10:56
soreausarthor: cool.. so does it work now?10:56
phlak_userKingsy, once you explode the tar ball you will :)10:56
shadowhateit's almost a year i'm advocating linux/ubuntu to my friends and classmates :D10:56
newbeesoreau: run it in wine and check into my linux directories?10:56
cablopsoreau: imposible tortoisesvn integrates with the file explorer10:56
sarthorsoreau: Yea. fine.10:56
soreausarthor: awesome :-)10:56
phlak_usersarthor, gr8; and thanks to soreau10:56
MonkeyDustor run windows apps in a virtual machine, it's what i do10:56
sarthorsoreau: people consider me Network Engg.10:56
newbeeright now am hating my mgt for forcing me to port an app that works fine on windows to linux.10:56
lapionshadowhate, hate not, dislike and install gnome-session-fallback this gives a gnome2 lookalike possibility10:56
cablopthe closest thing you are gong to get is RapidSVN, or install an Eclipse and use subclipse on it, no other good solution10:57
etfbsoreau: I looked up the instructions for integrating TortoiseSVN with WINE.  They scared me.  I've been a programmer for thirty years.  Make of that what you will.10:57
newbeean app that has lot of driver dependencies.10:57
cablopnewbee: or a standalone client, maybe RabbitVCS10:57
newbeeI "hate" my job right now.10:57
soreauetfb: I make of that you're old ;)10:57
shadowhatei'm having trouble with Fn keys not working for bluetooth and WiFi10:57
cablopah, hen i was talking about rapidsvn i was willing to say RabbitVCS10:57
deej1976newbee: nautilus-script-collection-svn10:57
etfbsoreau: You wait until you're 514 years old, young whippersnapper!10:57
soreaushadowhate: Did you try sudo rfkill unblock all?10:57
Kingsyphlak_user: nope.. there is just a file in there, you get an installer if you run it with   ./truecrypt-7.1.blah   but after you agree to various things the installer just says "press enter to exit" ...10:57
soreauetfb: heh10:58
cablopnewbee: anyway RabbitVCS integrates with nautilus same way tortoisesvn does in windows10:58
shadowhatesoreau: wait :D10:58
phlak_userKingsy, run it with sudo10:58
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Kingsyah ok 1 second10:58
soreauetfb: I still standby svn gui is a stupid idea10:58
soreauCLI works fine10:58
newbeeso i should install rabbitvcs? can i apt-get it?10:58
=== shai_ is now known as shai
newbeesoreau: it works fine till u start needing to resolve conflicts etc10:58
Kingsyphlak_user: that worked.. awesome :)10:59
shadowhatesoreau: still ain't working10:59
cablopsoreau if you never used tortoisesvn you cannot argument against it, i used both svn in cli and tortoisesvn and i know how good is tortoisesvn for a developer performance10:59
soreaushadowhate: oh well, that was my only idea. Try searching/asking in the forums maybe10:59
=== Robert_ is now known as 18WAAMAUU
pruebaefectosHola  quien habla español10:59
cablop!es | pruebaefectos10:59
ubottupruebaefectos: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:59
soreaucablop: l choose to use git for my projects ;)10:59
cablopsoreau: touché xD11:00
pruebaefectosPorfa  necesito ayuda  alguien sabe  como arreglar problemas  de la camara11:00
cablop!es  pruebaefectos11:00
=== ro_Ot is now known as Jikan
shadowhateand another thing, i feel 11.10 is resource hungry, because as i drag windows it's freezing :(11:00
soreaupruebaefectos: Use #ubuntu-es or use english here11:00
cabloppruebaefectos: try #ubuntu-es11:00
cabloppruebaefectos: digo, ve a #ubuntu-es11:01
Kingsyphlak_user: do you know where the traveller disk setup tool is on true crypt? I am trying to encrypt my usb stick11:01
cablopKingsy: it only works that way on Windows, no traveler mode for linux, afaik11:01
lapionpruebaefectos, mejor haga esa pregunta en #ubun\tu-es11:02
indira igot error ERROR 404: Not Found11:02
cablopKingsy: and traveler mode means you just put a portable truecrypt on the usb stick and use an encrypted file inside it11:02
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indiraim using this link wget http://apache.hoxt.com/tomcat/tomcat-7/v7.0.20/bin/apache-tomcat-7.0.20-fulldocs.tar.gz11:02
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Kingsycablop: really? so what tool would you recommend as a cross operating system way of encrypting a usb stick? so when you mount it no matter what the operating system it asks you for a password before you can view the contents?11:03
indira404 Not Found11:03
indiraplz tell11:04
cablopKingsy: no way to, afaik, maybe FreeOTFE but i never used it11:04
KingsyI don't beleive that.. there must be a way11:04
Kingsyok I will check that otu11:04
cablopKingsy: but there's no tool that encrypts the full usb and ask for a password, all are apps in the stick and an encrypted container in the same usb stick11:05
indirahow to solve the error11:05
cablopKingsy: or use two USB, one encrypted and other with the loader, maybe FreeOTFE should work11:05
BetaArcCan someone helpme.. I have a new Asus EEEPC. My CPU temp is arround the 50C.. is this normal? Or is this combined? I have a dual core..11:05
RaTTuS|BIGBetaArc thats probably fine11:06
Kingsycablop: it doesnt matter if the app is on the stick or not.. the only thing that matters is the sensitive files on the stick are encrypted11:06
pruebaefectosmy webcam does not work someone can help me with this I am new to this ubuntu11:06
Kingsycablop: I am pretty suprised portable mode for true crypt doesnt work on linux11:06
crackupNeed help :((((((11:06
RaTTuS|BIGcrackup - just ask your question11:06
crackupMy phone bricked:(11:06
RaTTuS|BIGdeos it run ubuntu11:07
lapionpruebaefectos, have you tried cheese ?11:07
soreau! webcam | pruebaefectos11:07
ubottupruebaefectos: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:07
pruebaefectosbut no good if it looks all wrong11:07
soreaucrackup: What does your phone have to do with ubuntu?11:07
crackupI tried to unlock the sim network but now the phone wont turn on(i have a galaxy ace GT-5830)11:07
cablopKingsy: truecrypt portable has a big issue it needs administrative rihts to work on linux or windows because you are going to mount the encrypted device when decrypting, so... no reason for a portable mode if you have to get those rights in the machine11:08
indirahow to install tomcat6 or 711:08
crackupI live in IRELAND11:08
crackupIt goes into download mode11:08
soreauindira: apt-get install tomcat611:08
soreaucrackup: What does your phone have to do with ubuntu?11:08
=== Guest14397 is now known as jbache
crackupWhat is Ubuntu???11:09
soreaucrackup: You're asking your question in the wrong channel then11:09
Kingsycablop: I would disagree, there is always need for portable mode, if someone steels your stick, goes home, they plug it into a machine.. they would have admin rights on the machine but they wouldnt have the password to the stick11:09
crackupWhat channel do i need?11:09
lapionpruebaefectos, mira la informacion que ubottu te dio11:09
crackupIm knew:(11:09
=== Mud is now known as Guest46296
pruebaefectoslapion  habals español?11:10
Kingsycablop: you know what I mean ?11:10
cablopKingsy: i agree with you, but whati mean is no reason for a portable + truecrypt... because it is not going to work with ease... anyway, my solution to that was to carry two USB sticks, one with some programs and the encrypted one, so i plugged both in the computer i use and use one to decrypt the other11:10
cablopbut, if you don't have admin rights it is useless because you cannot *mount* things11:11
cablopso, i used to carry the installer yoo and install it on other computers i used to have access to11:11
lapionpruebaefectos, si pero no ese canal no se permite chatear en otros lenguajes11:11
indirai install apt-get install tomcat611:12
indirasoreau tel11:12
cabloppruebaefectos: algunos hablamos español, yes some of us speak in spanish, pero si necesitas nuesra ayuda la puedes tener en ubuntu-es, but if youneed our help in spanish go to ubuntu-es11:12
pruebaefectosok lapion ntonces porfa aver si te puede pasar  tambien para el de español es  toy hay  u.u11:12
soreauindira: Then it's installed11:13
indirawhat's next command11:13
lapionsimplemente de el commando /j ubuntu-es11:13
cablopKingsy: but the best solution was to getmy own netbook and use it wherever i go and keeping the USB and the netbook both encrypted11:13
lapionsimplemente de el commando /j #ubuntu-es11:14
indirasoreau: whats the next process11:14
soreauindira: What are you trying to do?11:14
indirai have to configure the tomcat11:15
indirasoreau: i want configure the following steps of the tomcat11:15
Kingsycablop: ok so encrypting a usb stick isnt an ideal solution.. but its something I want to do11:16
reg1Hi there ; anybody successfully boot up oneiric cd/usb on a macbookpro 8,1 ?11:16
cablopKingsy: no, no, i mean it is the solution11:16
deej1976indira: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/tomcat.html11:16
soreauindira: Maybe this can help https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/tomcat.html11:17
cablopKingsy: but you are not going to be able to plug it everywhere, because th problem is with the portable program11:17
deej1976indira: updated for 11.10: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/C/tomcat.html11:17
Kingsycablop: how do the commericial solutions do it?11:17
Kingsycompanies like iron key etc11:17
cablopKingsy: same problem, you need admin rights to open them11:18
KingsyI still don't see why thats a problem11:18
cablopKingsy: but it is more like plugging an ipone or other usb device with some intelligence inside11:18
Kingsyand what is the problem with that?11:18
cablopKingsy with no admin right no mounting11:19
indiradeej1976: i follow that links tomcat is start but it's nt opening web browser11:19
cablopKingsy: wait... afaik, truecrypt installs on /opt... so maybe by copy/paste iles on a folder on your usb stick will do the trick11:19
BennyBoyIn empathy, how do I hide join/part messages?11:20
CriSStiwhat's with the lag?11:20
Kingsycablop: naa my opt folder is empty.11:20
Kingsybut tbh I don't mind about needing admin rights to mount.. that really isnt my concern11:20
Kingsyso if you can get it working with linux / windows but it needs admin rights then thats a solution..11:20
deej1976indira: Have you read all the documentation on the link provided.11:21
indirayes i red11:21
MonkeyDustBennyBoy: try /ignore #ubuntu +joins +parts11:22
indiradeej1976: from mrng onwards i red that page11:22
Kingsycablop: but I am still unsure as to how it works? I don't see an option for portable mode in truecrypt I am assuming by that you have to do it manually?11:22
cablopKingsy: lol, what i mean is if you have a local truecryypt installed, then you have that files there11:22
cablopKingsy: yep, i think you have to do it manually11:23
indiradeej1976: tomcat is start but it continously web browser loading11:23
Kingsycablop: you aware of any tutorials? I don't really know how11:23
indiradeej1976: plz help11:23
deej1976indira: can you confirm tomcat is running ?11:24
cablopKingsy: not for linux, i used truecryp for a long time but mostly in Windows, in linux i installed it to access my windows partitions and so on11:24
cablopand my portable USB stick11:25
LjLis "ntfs-3g" still the filesystem name to be used when putting an NTFS partition in fstab?11:25
midavweechat mach better than irssi11:25
lotrpyhello, after modify bonding's configuraiton, how to enable the modification without reboot (ubuntu 11.04)11:25
Kingsyah np11:26
andreagot a problem with the folders11:26
andreaeveryting seems to be private11:27
indira deej1976: im using this command sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 start11:27
cablopKingsy, my ideal solution is, encrypt it with truecrypt, the whole device, use another usb stick to hold truecrypt for windows and for linux and the installers, try to install them on computers you frequently use on other places, like work or office or a customer client that trust you, and it is going to work nicelly, as an extra you can installit on your netbook o laptop and you are able to open that USB even in the worst scenario11:27
dabukalamandrea, I'll just log in and fix them for you, one sec.11:27
=== andrea is now known as Guest23839
deej1976indira: I've just run the following commands, sudo apt-get install tomcat6 tomcat6-docs tomcat6-admin  tomcat6-examples11:29
Kingsycablop: it would be nice to have truecrypt on the same drive as the encrypted files. I don't want to have to install it every computer I run the stick on11:29
Guest23839my nich has been changend from andrea to guest11:29
indira  deej1976: Starting Tomcat servlet engine tomcat611:29
Kingsywell I cant find any information about doing this on linux and its not obvious so I guess I need to get some advice from soneone that has done it before11:30
lotrpyhello, after modify bonding's configuraiton, how to enable the modification without reboot (ubuntu 11.04)11:30
dr_willis!register | Guest2383911:30
ubottuGuest23839: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode11:30
deej1976indira: Then in FF navigated to http://localhost:8080/examples/ and the examples run fine11:30
cablopKingsy: ok, then put it there, i used two usbs just because i prefer to encrypt the whole device, but it is up to you11:30
cablopKingsy: and using truecrypt for windows in portable mode in one of them, never used the linux one11:30
Kingsycablop: so I assume you would need two copies of truecrypt on the drive? one windows and one linux ?11:31
=== guntbert is now known as Guest80278
Nick-WIhi all11:32
cablopKingsy: yep11:32
cablopKingsy: the Windows version does have the portable mode, you it installs it for you in any folder you tell it to11:33
Kingsycablop: are we literally just talking about copying /usr/bin/truecrypt   onto the usb stick and thats it?11:33
cablopsigh it is on /usr/bin/truecrypt? you are going to need more files11:33
cablopgive me a sec11:34
Kingsycablop: sorry I don't know the exact path, I was just simply saying do you only need the binary11:34
cabloplet me give it a look11:34
Kingsycool beans11:35
indira deej1976:  i click this linkbut it's contisly loading  http://localhost:8080/examples no error no output11:35
gulzarHow to have small icons for 'shortcuts parabolic ' view in cairo-dock? The appearing list covers almost 7/8 part. How to make it small?11:35
indiradeej1976: from mrng onwards same problem11:35
cablopKingsy: yep it seems it is installed on the system, in ubuntu it'll be a pain to getthe files11:36
Kingsycablop: well I can get them from the tarball11:36
Kingsyah naa you cant11:37
Kingsythere is just a setupfile in there11:37
indira deej1976: how to resolve this error11:37
deej1976indira: which ubuntu version are you running?11:38
indiradeej1976: 11.0411:38
indiradeej1976: i install tomcat611:39
Kingsycablop: well thanks for the food for thought, I will have a think about what I am going to do about this.. I need to get it encrypted somehow.. but IJ like the idea of it being portable.. nevermind11:40
deej1976indira: using apt-get install tomcat6 ?11:41
indiradeej1976: yes11:41
indira deej1976: sudo etc/init.d/tomcat6 start11:41
=== Alex`aw is now known as BaNz
deej1976I've not got a 11.04 box to test on, but I've followed the instructions for 11.10 and my tomcat server is running correctly11:42
indira deej1976: how to configure the tomcat?11:43
TheHackOpsHey guys11:44
deej1976indira: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/C/tomcat.html these are the instruction I've followed on a fresh 11.10 machine11:44
TheHackOpsMy CD Drive is mounted and can read discs fine but i cant seem to find it at all11:44
dr_willisTheHackOps:  find?  You mean to point the file maanger to /media/cdrom or /media/whateveritscalled ?11:45
soreauTheHackOps: Check the output of 'mount'11:45
TheHackOpsdr_willis, Hello again i seem to be a problematic person heehe and i have done that so i know its working11:45
TheHackOpsOutput is11:45
cablopKingsy it is going to be hard, truecrypt seems to install a kernel module, so... dunno how tomake it work on portable mode11:45
TheHackOpsmount: /dev/sr0 already mounted or /media/NCIS_S4_EU_D5 busy11:45
TheHackOpsmount: according to mtab, /dev/sr0 is already mounted on /media/NCIS_S4_EU_D511:45
cablopKingsy: check FreeOTFE11:46
indiradeej1976: i wil try  k bye11:46
soreauTheHackOps: What are you trying to do then?11:46
TheHackOpsI am unable to view the cd drive11:46
TheHackOpsLike its not in Computer or on the desktop11:46
Kingsycablop: will do.. cheers11:46
TheHackOpsso i cant access it11:46
soreauTheHackOps: After you open the file browser, navigate to File System > media11:47
TheHackOpsOhh found the problemz11:47
TheHackOpsI feel like a uber noob11:47
TheHackOpspermissions not set11:47
indirasoreau: same error11:49
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soreauindira: I wasn't helping you with tomcat11:49
soreaudeej1976 was11:49
TheHackOpsUhh guys, i found the problem some how my Guestaccount owns the cd drive11:49
TheHackOpsIll see what happens if i log it out11:50
TheHackOpsK i have located the problem but i cant remember how to fix it11:50
TheHackOpsMy other user account can read the cd drive find so its a permissions thing11:51
TheHackOpsAny ideas how to fix11:51
julianhillehi can somebody help me out. i want to create a gateway and log everything. like webpages, ports or try to log p2p traffic and stuff is that even possible?11:53
dr_willisjulianhille:  you can build your own router.. so yes..11:53
gulzarhow to install compiz-fusion and settings manager from terminal?11:54
jeaxwhen you say build your own gateway11:54
jeaxdo you mean an actual hardware device...or a software?11:54
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz11:54
nacho_hello any body know how can I use a short password on ubuntu 11.04?11:54
dr_willisgulzar:  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager11:54
julianhilledr_willis: i wanted to isntall it in front of the original router. so modem -> ubuntu gateway -> router so that i dont have to switch anything. we get anyway a fix ip adress so that should be no issue then :D11:54
TheHackOpsFixed the problem11:54
gulzardr_willis: no I mean complete compiz with all the plugins....11:54
dr_willisnacho_:  you can somehow have root set a users password to be whatever you want.11:54
|newbie|Ðåáÿò, êàê óáóíòó ñ ôëåøêè óñòàíîâèòü?11:54
gulzardr_willis: along with settings manager11:55
jeaxjulianhille: you could also do that with a software that basically just watches port traffic.11:55
dr_willisgulzar:   not seen a metapackage for all compiz stuff..  its normally installed by default11:55
dr_willisapt-cache search compiz and see whats there to install.11:55
gulzardr_willis: but there must be combination of apt-get install bla bla bla to install complete compiz. I am on XFCE11:56
MartinYuhi all11:56
joshuauHi there . I noticed Doom 3 sourcecode is available very soon : http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTAwOTY11:56
BaNzHi guys, i've a problem with a cs 1.6 server, i get freeze every ~3-4 minutes, no ideas about what he can be?11:57
joshuauI am looking for a linux game channel. does anyone know of any ??11:57
jeaxBaNz: that can be a ridiculous amount of things11:57
KrobarHello everyone11:57
jeaxBaNz: has it ever worked properly?11:58
BaNzjeax: nope, i installed it yersterday11:58
BaNzjeax: i tried with different options of pingboost11:58
jeaxcs 1.6 or the server itself?11:58
BaNzjeax: 1.611:58
jeaxso then you can at least identify cs as the problem-causer11:59
BaNzjeax: in fact I thinks it's the 1.611:59
KrobarI'm new to Ubuntu but not Linux and I'm having trouble with my integrated Intel Nics. It is the E1000E driver so I'm kind of surprised it doesnt work. Any ideas where would be the best place to get help with the issue?11:59
BaNzjeax: my server is not verypowerfull but a 1.6 server doesn't need that much does it?11:59
joshuaudoes anyone know any linux -gamer channels ??????????????????12:00
jeaxBaNz: i'm not sure on what system requirements a Steam server needs.12:00
BaNzjeax: a cat /proc/cpuinfo return  Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.66GHz12:01
BaNzshould be enough for 10 players -.-12:01
jeaxdo you notice any telling signs? like 3-4 players can play fine indefinitely? and 10 it freezes?12:01
jeaxor does it freeze with 2 on there just the same?12:01
BaNzno seems to happen when we're 1012:01
joshuaudoes anyone know any linux -gamer channels ??????????????????12:02
jeaxwell, if you can run a smaller amount and play indefinitely, then i would blame hardware resources.12:02
BaNzjeax: when we're 10 the process take ~60% of the cpu12:02
jeaxyou're probably doing something weird systemside like trying to access more threads than the system can make available, etc12:02
Krobar1 or 2 core celeron?12:02
dr_willis!games | joshuau12:03
ubottujoshuau: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/12:03
BaNzthinks it's one core12:03
KrobarHmmm, bottleneck somewhere else, interrupts?12:03
BaNzit's a tiny server that we rent with friends to do a vpn server to by pass a firewall at school12:03
nacho_dr_willis, Hehe true! But just from terminal! many thanks!12:04
jeaxBaNz: I would say the software at some point is capping your CPU's ability and its killing the process.12:04
szallol..  firewalls are there for a reason12:04
dr_willisor the vpn service is killing it for some reason12:04
jeaxdr_willis: true too12:04
{reko}hi to all12:04
jeaxyou may be eating too much bandwidth on the vpn12:04
jeaxand its booting you12:04
KrobarIs the box running out of RAM and then killing the process once paging starts (Or doesnt start)12:05
{reko}y have a problem with my vpn12:05
dr_willisor too much ram.. or it just hates cs. :)12:05
jeaxdoes the vpn have unlimited bandwidth?12:05
AdminSetupHi..How to add a repository ??12:05
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories12:05
jeaxBaNz: as i said at the beginning...tons of possibilities12:05
KrobarCan anyone help me on where to get an alternative E1000E driver?12:05
jeaxits going to require some system monitoring on your end to see what caps when and why12:05
BaNzjeax: i don't really know about the vpn my friends configured it12:06
{reko} Can anyone help me to solve a problem?12:06
MonkeyDust!ask| {reko}12:06
ubottu{reko}: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:06
jeaxBaNz: oh, so the server is the VPN endpoint, you're not using a VPN service, then.12:06
eSoulAnyone with some ZFS experience, looking to recreate an array.  Because of my device reassignments on a reboot, my drives in /dev/ arent the same and I created the array with those device links instead of using /dev/by-disk-id/ (or whatever it is, preferred method) and I need to know how to non-destructively recreate an array12:06
jeaxso that shouldn't be the issue.12:06
Gentoo64Krobar, network card?12:06
jeaxBaNz: I would say, then, to pay attention to system RAM and CPU. if one of those is maxing and killing the process, that's your issue.12:07
KrobarGentoo64, Its a dual port Intel NIC part of an Intel ESB2 southbridge12:07
{reko}y have a ipcop machine y set up zerina y use open vpn for win clinets on my internal metwork the conection is working but on outside from the network WAn dont wat to connect12:07
Gentoo64Krobar, the intel ones should be built in12:07
Gentoo64Krobar, i use the e1000e but its a single port pcie card12:08
KrobarGentoo64, It is detected OK and mii-tool detects link but it never receives any traffic12:08
Gentoo64suppose theres lots of different ones12:08
N_iggerHi niggers.12:08
Gentoo64Krobar, not sure why its not working. do lspci -vv | grep e100012:08
KrobarGentoo64, yeah, it is a server southbridge so maybe Ubuntu just lacks proper support. Centos and Windows like it.12:09
KrobarI have an LSPCI-V output if that is OK (Had to copy info to USB stick before reboot to Windows)12:09
Gentoo64it should say the kernel drive in use12:10
Gentoo64Krobar, are you using dhcp or a static address12:10
Gentoo64all i can say is make sure its setup properly12:10
KrobarDHCP in use, never got an address, also tried static. The only other thing I tried was disabling Intel "IOAT" in the bios (The only NIC effecting option the bios has)12:11
deej1976« /nick deej197612:11
Gentoo64Krobar, im really not sure12:11
Lion__jeax: You got beef dawg?12:11
jeaxLion__: i like chicken better, yo12:11
jeaxLion__: its leaner12:11
kornezhi! for some reason my eclipse is not executing after i have unpacked it12:12
Krobar06:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 80003ES2LAN Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) (rev 01)12:12
kornezwhat could be a problem?12:12
scarleoHi, I'm having trouble opening a 18MB .docx file that I really need. LibreOffice starts spinning at 100% CPU and never finishes. Is there any other way I can convert my document or try opening it in another way?12:12
nixmaniackwhich channel is good for getting support on installing and configuring squid on ubuntu?12:12
jeaxkornez: does it give you error messages?12:12
kornezbash: ./eclipse: cannot execute binary file12:13
szalscarleo: convert to .doc w/ MS Word, then open in LO12:13
scarleoszal: Sorry, don't have MS Word12:13
Lion__Which is better: Ubuntu or Mac OS X?12:13
babbleLion__: 'better' is entirely subjective. what do you want or need?12:14
jeaxLion__: Mac OS X has better graphics aptitude and comes with a trollface brush preinstalled.12:14
KrobarGentoo64, thanks for the help so far. Any idea where I could find who maintains the E1000E driver for Ubuntu?12:14
Lion__jeax: I do not understand what language your talking.12:14
Lion__babble: I need performance and stability.12:15
phlak_userscarleo, you can use odf-converter -> http://odf-converter.sourceforge.net/12:15
Lion__I know some people using Ubuntu and it kernel panics. I would like to speak with Mark Shuttleworth.12:15
phlak_userLion__, unfortunately one couldnt say the same about mr jobs :)12:16
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jeaxLion__: I have a connection. I can get you a direct line with Mr. Shuttleworth.12:16
jeax(i actually do, not that i will, but its fun for lulz)12:16
scarleophlak_user: thanks but that seems to be for MS products, this is an entirely MS free environment :)12:16
HalabundHow can one get any attention for a bug reported though launchpad?12:16
scarleophlak_user: except for that document12:17
jeaxHalabund: you could always go into the ubuntu development channel and ask them about it12:17
Tm_Tjeax: Lion__: please take that to offtopic12:17
phlak_userscarleo, in fact, i used to have it on my ubuntu laptop some months back to import docx files12:17
phlak_userscarleo, the "office" that page refers to is "OpenOffice"12:17
VEndixwhat kernel version does the ubuntu 11.10 use?12:18
Lion__Tm_T: Okay, well I think I'm going to say no to Ubuntu and go with Mac OS X Lion - the most advanced Operating System. I tried it at friends.12:18
icerootVEndix: 3.0.012:18
phlak_userLion__, ok cool12:18
M4rc3lmarketing is a bitch eh12:19
cousteau`nbkhmm, there's an OCR-A font in repositories but no OCR-B one12:19
Tm_TM4rc3l: language...12:19
scarleophlak_user: Ok, I'll have another look, thanks. Thought I just saw Add-ins for MS stuff12:19
M4rc3lsorry sir12:19
Lion__Bye 2 all niggers.12:19
scarleophlak_user: this is actually pretty funny: Addin_Installation_and_TroubleShooting_Guide_4.0.docx The help document for the converter is in docx12:20
Lion__Was that necessary?12:20
cousteau`nbkI think it was12:20
Parsi2have anyone used OpenCV ?12:20
icerootLion__: stop it12:20
icerootLion__: or better, just leave this channel12:21
Lion__Fucking niggers. Bye.12:21
Lion__iceroot: Fuck you.12:21
iceroot!ops | Lion__12:21
ubottuLion__: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!12:21
Tm_Ticeroot: I was here (:12:21
cousteau`nbkit was necessary, but apparently not sufficient12:21
icerootTm_T: to slow :)12:21
phlak_userscarleo, could be this -> http://sourceforge.net/projects/oci/12:22
newbeeanybody with success on installing megamatcher on linux?12:22
Parsi2has anyone used OpenCV ?12:22
jeaxtrolls are fun for a little while, then they get old.12:22
iceroot!anyone | Parsi212:22
ubottuParsi2: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:22
rocket16Hey guys, I have a problem regarding Kmplot on Ubuntu 11.10. It's not a technical problem, rather a mathematical one. I don't know if it's the place to ask, so please excuse me if I'm wrong to do so. Using the sqrt function there only plots for the positive values, and not the negative ones. :( Any help?12:22
scarleophlak_user: I don't think I find the right thing, I only see a lot of add ins for MS products12:22
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* dr_willis wonders what Megamatcher is...12:23
scarleophlak_user: Ah, that looked better :) Thanks12:23
phlak_userscarleo, yw12:23
Parsi2Ok, CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(-1); returns null in ubuntu12:23
szalrocket16: squares are by definition positive, so you cannot pull a square root out of a negative value12:23
cousteau`nbkwhy is FloodBot putting -j and ChanServ giving op to FloodBot3 all the time?12:23
dr_willisbots are confused. :)12:24
BaNzjeax: Can i give more priority to a process? do you think it can help?12:24
cousteau`nbkBaNz, renice?12:24
dr_willisBaNz:  the 'nice/renice' commands can do that..  but i wouldent expect it to help much12:25
deej1976BaNz:  "man nice"12:25
rocket16szal: I see, thanks. But really, it would be better if the feature was implemented. Because for plotting equations of conic sections like parabolas and ellipses, I can't get Kmplot working properly (unless I use a -sqrt).12:25
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killswitchguya little help with my display please12:25
HalabundCould someone please try to reproduce this bug? --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim/+bug/88412712:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 884127 in vim (Ubuntu) "gVim freezes when entering input mode and Chinese IME (IBUS) is installed" [Undecided,New]12:25
gabriel_Hi everyone, I know this is not related but I would like to know if somebody knows of a DSLR chat here on irc12:25
kornezdoes it make a lot of difference if i use 32 or 64 bit ubuntu?12:25
KrobarCan Ubunti get the folloqing packages from the Install CD? dkms build-essential make linux-headers-generic12:26
ikoniaKrobar: they are on the cd - yes12:26
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=== civiXier is now known as civixier^
sdfdshello can someone help me with linux not being able to start up from cd and usb? kubuntu crashed my os so i have to reinstall my os. :(12:26
deej1976kornez: depends on hardware your installing mostly memory12:26
cousteau`nbkKrobar, no idea about dkms, but I'd be pretty sure the other ones are12:26
jeaxsdfds: from cd/usb, you can just boot it up live.12:27
jeaxsdfds: it shouldn't touch your os, or even mount your harddrive.12:27
Krobarikonia, Thanks; might need some luck for Ubuntu noob to build a NIC driver but I'll give it a try12:27
killswitchguyi have an inbuilt graphics and could set my monitor resolution to around  1440x600. But now i dont see the option anymore12:27
killswitchguycan anyone help ?12:27
szalsdfds: how did it 'crash your os'?12:27
gabriel_sdfds> have you checked the cd on another computer?12:27
Guest77214in gnome3, how to get shortcut keys for arranging windows on the workspace like in gnome2 "ctrl+alt+KB9" to place in top right corner, etc12:27
jeaxkillswitchguy: you can always set whatever resolution you want with xorg.conf12:28
dr_williskillswitchguy:  whats the exact video chipset the system is using?12:28
rocket16szal: Just a moment, I wasn't talking about square root of a negative value, because that would simply make a multiple of i. I was talking about the negative root of a positive number, like root(4)=2,-212:28
killswitchguyim using an onboard intel12:28
jeaxit won't necessarily work, but you can do it.12:28
cousteau`nbkGuest77214, never saw Gnome 2 able to do that...12:28
gabriel_Hi everyone, sorry for asking here, I know this is not related but I would like to know if somebody knows of a DSLR chat here on irc12:28
killswitchguyjeax, can you elaborate on that please12:28
dr_williscousteau`nbk:  i think it was a compiz thing12:28
Guest77214killswitchguy: what version ubuntu? there are 2 places. xorg or monitor setting12:28
cousteau`nbkdr_willis, I recall Compiz doing that with Super+KP12:29
Guest77214cousteau`nbk: its from grid plugin on compiz config12:29
cousteau`nbkgotta go, sorry12:29
meisth0thcan i make lightdm run my .xinitrc instead of one of the sessions?12:29
killswitchguyguest77214, i have tried monitor settings and the option is just not there12:29
killswitchguyim considering the xorg option but have no idea about it12:29
AdminSetupHi..I am Unable to install mol package. it says "E: Unable to locate package mol".What to do ? Any Ideas ?12:29
radhahi frnds12:30
szal!info mol12:30
ubottuPackage mol does not exist in oneiric12:30
deej1976what is mol ?12:30
dr_willismeisth0th:  you can make a custome session.desktop that does it. I recall reaing somewhere that if you install gdm. it adds such a session to both gdm and lightdm.12:30
AdminSetupszal : I have seen !mol...But still this problem is seen..12:31
meisth0thdr_willis, i know, /usr/share/xsessions is the path but how am i supposed to run my xinitrc?12:31
jeaxkillswitchguy: xorg is complicated for people who are accustomed to Ubuntu-like Linuxs. you can find google links that explain it12:31
meisth0thi tried Exec=sh ~/.xinitrc but didn't work12:31
deej1976! jmol12:31
Guest77214killswitchguy: its in 'displays'. can you set any resolution?12:31
jeaxkillswitchguy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:31
jeaxkillswitchguy: i would try everything else first12:31
killswitchguyi can only set to 800x600 and 1024x76912:31
deej1976!info jmol12:32
ubottujmol (source: jmol): Molecular Viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 12.0.40-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 91 kB, installed size 616 kB12:32
jeaxxorg will allow you to set undetected resolutions.12:32
dr_willismeisth0th:  not sure. there ysed to be a custom.desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions i recall when gdm was in use.  perhaps track it down and see what its doing.12:32
jeaxof course, video drivers will make a difference in your resolutions as well.12:32
dr_willismeisth0th:  id also check askubuntu.com  they prob have an answer to this.12:32
sdfdsszal long story short.. tried upgrading 10.04kubuntu to 10.10 got code 1 error.os load until login then it doesnt load.Wrote newest os 11.10 to usb and cd. Both loads in notebook perfectly.Both doesnt load in my pc.Error.. disc boot failure...Replaced cdrom.Same.12:33
Guest77214killswitchguy: are you uptodate? tried additional drivers?12:33
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killswitchguyeverything was working fine a while back before the power went off suddenly12:33
haoyihuanwhre to get grub2 messages?12:34
szalhaoyihuan: huh?12:34
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AdminSetup!mol > babble12:35
ubottubabble, please see my private message12:35
Guest77214killswitchguy: wouldn't jump to the conclusion of hardware failure. you click Detect Displays?12:35
rocket16Oh, I found it. :D A simple ± notation. :) Thanks anyways guys. Bye.12:35
Lion__How do I remove Gnome 3 in the latest version of Ubuntu so-called linux and instead have Gnome 2 installed? I prefer Gnome 2 because Gnome 3 is such a pile of shit, just as bad as Unity if not worse.12:35
TulitomaattiI'm configuring a ubuntu browser-kiosk that doesn't have to be strongly enforced; but I'd like to strip all fancy ui things/menus to reduce load times and increase responsiveness. So far i've got .xprofile to xrandr the screen orientation and (touchscreen) pointer orientation to portrait at logon of the kiosk user, but what would be the best way to not to load anything else than a browser? (chromium-browser --kiosk http://url.com/) ?12:35
babbleAdmin: I'm already talking to you in a query window. flagging me in here won't change that12:36
radhaplz any body help frnds12:36
PiciAdminSetup: mol has been removed from debian and subsequently Ubuntu, see http://bugs.debian.org/592034 for more info12:36
ubottuDebian bug 592034 in ftp.debian.org "RM: mol -- RoQA; orphaned" [Normal,Open]12:36
Tulitomaatti*xinput is doing the pointer magic, not xrandr.12:36
sdfdsChanged sata cable and power cable.Doest throw disc boot failure error. Usb throws some error called sd 2:0:0:0 sdb Assuming drive cache: write through12:36
Guest77214Lion__: Try Ubuntu mint12:36
Lion__Guest77214: Thanks.12:37
szalLion__: thought you wanted to go w/ OSX?12:37
Tm_Tszal: please don't12:37
Lion__szal: I am considering dual-booting both Ubuntu and Mac OS X.12:37
gulzarhow to have tittlebar-buttons on right side? Ubuntu 11.1012:37
Lion__Tm_T: szal was speaking to me, thanks.12:37
AdminSetuppici : I want to install mac softwares on Ubuntu...Any ideas ?12:38
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PiciAdminSetup: Don't use 11.10 if you require that.12:39
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lathapici: hi12:39
AdminSetuplatha : PLease join #ubuntu-offtopic12:39
Lion__Please help me to dual-boot Ubuntu and OS X.12:39
AdminSetupPici : I am using 10.10 ..12:39
Picibabble: As I just said, mol is not available for 11.10, it was removed from debian by request of the developer and subsequently Ubuntu12:39
lathaadminSetup: hi12:39
babblePici: I'm aware of that12:39
babbleI'm not recommending he try and install in 11.1012:40
PiciAdminSetup: Are you on a powerpc arch?12:40
babblehowever, if he's willing to follow the HowTo, and he doesn't need OS X software...12:40
kernelpncHello! I manually updated my nvidia driver from 270.41.06 to 270.41.19 in ubuntu 11.01. Now when I restart, he's still loading the old module and X fails - but when I rmmod and modprobe nvidia manually, it's the new module. So I'm left wondering where the old module might still be, so that I can delete it. Any hints?12:40
lathaAdminSetup: i want install tomcat6 on ubuntu11.0412:40
gulzarhow to have tittlebar-buttons on right side? Ubuntu 11.1012:41
dr_willis!controls | gulzar12:41
ubottugulzar: Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information and workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263312:41
AdminSetupPici : I am using the standard Ubuntu on a nowmal Dell pc.12:41
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PiciAdminSetup: mol requires a powerpc.12:41
dr_willisgulzar:  see the webupd8 blog site for dozens of ubuntu/unity/gnome tweaks :)12:41
StaRetji1folks, I have problem, my Ubuntu wont boot after clean install on new hard drive (Samsung Spinpoint F4 2TB 32mb). Install was not complaining at all, but after reboot, No boot device found (just after starting PC)12:41
sdfdsjeax long story short.. tried upgrading 10.04kubuntu to 10.10 got code 1 error.os load until login then it doesnt load.Wrote newest os 11.10 to usb and cd. Both loads in notebook perfectly.Both doesnt load in my pc.Error.. disc boot failure...Replaced cdrom.Same problem. Plz help, im half day messing with it and its tiring12:41
AdminSetuplatha: have you tried sudo apt-get install tomcat6 ?12:41
Lion__dr_willis: Please remove the "dr" from your handle if you're not a real doctor.12:41
StaRetji1bios set properly to boot from Samsung driver and that it this only drive on PC and Ubuntu is only OS on hard drive12:42
StaRetji1Is there something I;m missing here, can someone help?12:42
lathaAdminSetup: i wil try 1 sec12:42
eSoulStaRetji1 -- Do you know if grub was installed to the created device during install?12:42
dr_willisLion__:  not going to happen.12:42
KingsyLion__: are you a lion ?12:43
Lion__dr_willis: Well then, suppose I'll take it up with #ubuntu-ops if you refuse to cooperate.12:43
* phlak_user wishes ppl wouldnt feed the troll12:43
* dr_willis is a Dr. a Dr of Love..12:43
LoptrWhats the terminal command to check whats the refresh rate ot the monitor12:43
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lathaAdminSetup:advanz@advanz-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install tomcat612:43
latha[sudo] password for advanz:12:43
lathaReading package lists... Done12:43
lathaBuilding dependency tree12:43
lathaReading state information... Done12:43
lathatomcat6 is already the newest version.12:43
latha0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:43
lathaadvanz@advanz-desktop:~$ ^C12:44
phlak_user!enter | latha12:44
ubottulatha: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:44
Picilatha: Please use a pastebin, do not paste text directly in this channel.12:44
dr_willislatha:  so tomcat is installed..12:44
lathadr_willis: yes tomcat installed12:45
dr_willislatha:  so the actual problem is?12:45
AdminSetuplatha : So whats the problem ?12:45
deej1976** feels somewhere in the world a class is using tomcat for a coursework12:45
dr_willisdeej1976:  :)12:45
AdminSetupdr_willis : ;)12:45
Lion__Please refrain from further abusing your OP privleges before I file a serious complaint in #ubuntu-ops.12:45
lathadr_willis: i don't know about ubunt12:45
dr_willislatha:  so the issue is you dont know how to use tomcat?12:46
lathadr_willis: then next setup12:46
PiciLion__: Please refrain from offtopic comments and blantant disregard of our guidelines.  Thanks :)12:46
dr_willisI dont even know what tomcat6 is actually.. other then some web thang.12:46
lathadr_willis: yes exatly12:46
LoptrWhats the terminal command to check whats the refresh rate ot the monitor12:46
t1m_hey guys, i need some help with a shell script. I want to loop through an array but i need to access the key... i don't know how to do that. script at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/726267/12:46
dr_willislatha:  perhaps it would be a good time to find some tomcat books/docs/homepage?12:46
dr_willislatha:  if you dont know how to use it.. i want to ask.. why did you install it?12:47
deej1976latha: plz read through https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/C/tomcat.html12:47
Picit1m_: If you don't get an answer here, the folks in #bash have always been very helpful for me in the past.12:47
t1m_Pici: thanks for that12:47
jeaxLoptr: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep VertRefresh12:47
jeaxthats not a command that does it per se, but that will certainly give you your refresh rate12:48
lathadr_willis: i install sudo apt-get install tomcat6 then next step12:48
Lion__You pricks, the lot. What you jackasses do not realize is I am in fact a lion whom is undergoing genetic experimentation in an Oak Ridge lab. You all a bunch of fuckin' assholes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, "That's the bad guy."12:48
dr_willisThe default port for Tomcat is 8080. After starting Tomcat on your local you can validate if Tomcat is running the the URL: http://localhost:8080.12:48
dr_willislatha:  see if it works?  http://www.vogella.de/articles/ApacheTomcat/article.html12:48
Loptrjeax, i know how i set it up in xorg but it seems its lower refres rate12:49
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Loptri need to see the current refresh rate that is used12:49
* phlak_user thank god for small mercies12:49
jeaxphlak_user: i'm sure he will be back. he has plenty of proxies.12:49
dskwtry xrandr? not sure if it helps12:49
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lathadr_willis: that is windows instalation but i want ubuntu12:50
dr_willislatha:  you allready have it installed...12:50
phlak_userlatha, netstat -nl | grep 808012:50
dr_willislatha:  and the site did say how to installit on ubuntu12:50
dr_willislatha:  so test it out allready ---> The default port for Tomcat is 8080. After starting Tomcat on your local you can validate if Tomcat is running the the URL: http://localhost:8080.12:50
lathadr_willing: 2day i want complete task can u help u12:51
faint545is there a way to switch audio outputs from alsamixer?12:51
dr_willislatha:  so far you havent really been giving any real  questions or feedback to our questions.12:51
phlak_userfaint545, pavucontrol lets you do this12:51
phlak_userdr_willis, (she)(he) has been at it since the last 10 hrs12:52
phlak_userwith diff nicks12:52
dr_willisphlak_user:  not suprised.12:52
sdfdscan someone please tell me how to boot kubuntu live cd? it just doesnt boot, pc tries loading it but nothing happens.It boots on my notebook.Same with kubuntu live usb12:52
voozeAnyone got filezilla to work in gnome shell? (ubuntu 11.10)12:52
francisvgarciawhat's up guys12:53
StaRetji1eSoul: thx for reply, yes, grub is installed and it is install in mbr of the hard drive12:53
phlak_uservooze, whats filezilla12:53
dr_willissdfds:  what do you see exactly when you try to boot it? what video chipset is in the problem box?12:53
szalsdfds: press Esc after choosing your boot option in the Grub to see where it hangs12:53
phlak_user!info filezilla12:53
ubottufilezilla (source: filezilla): Full-featured graphical FTP/FTPS/SFTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 1277 kB, installed size 3168 kB12:53
lathaphlak_user : im using this command  netstat -nl |grep 808012:53
phlak_userlatha, and whats the output12:54
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gustav1:-Dwerde ich empfangen?12:54
StaRetji1eSoul: I have installed Ubuntu many times, this looks like something is missing for this drive in kernel, maybe sata controller ot something, but I don't know from where to start12:54
sdfdsdr_willis i see disc boot failure: please insert.....12:54
szal!de | gustav112:54
ubottugustav1: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!12:54
sdfdsszal i will try that12:54
lathaphlak_user:tcp6       0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN12:54
phlak_userlatha, ipv6?12:55
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lathaphlak_user: v6 means12:55
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dr_willissdfds:  sounds like the pc is not set to boot from the cdrom12:56
szallol..  op'd x6?12:56
jeaxszal: FloodBot3 is over 9000!12:56
wunnlehello all12:56
szaljeax: 9000 what?12:57
phlak_userlatha, that line means that your tomcat server is listening to ipv6 addresses; reconfigure it to listen to ipv4 (the tcp6 should be tcp)12:57
jeaxszal: google it. 'it's over 9000!' you'll see.12:57
wunnlehow can i change startup sound of Ubuntu 11.10 ?12:57
sdfdsdr_willis but it tries.. loading from cd: _ and then i wait for about 20sec.. also windows xp disc works like charm. :(12:57
lathaphlak_user:ok next12:58
truepurpleis there a way to give unity, gnomes menu tree?12:58
dr_willissdfds:  not trying to use a cd+r in an older machine that can only use cd-r? perhaps?12:58
posixanyone knows an IDE for shell script (syntax formatting, auto completion...)?12:59
sdfdsdr_willis good question, im running now to check if thats the case12:59
jeaxposix: bash scripts?12:59
dr_willistruepurple:  theres several ways to add a 'classic gnome' type menu to unity or gnome shell.  theres several indicator applets that can do it. (list at askubuntu.com) or some other apps. mentioned at the webupd8 blog site. I might have them bookmarked at  http://delicious.com/dr_willis12:59
dr_willissdfds:  it would have to be an old machine for that to be an issue.. but it happened to me once..13:00
phlak_userlatha, now you need to specify address in server.xml as so that it binds to an ipv4 address13:00
szaldr_willis: what's a CD+R?13:00
faint545so how do i replace alsa with pulseaudio?13:00
szalfaint545: you don't, Pulse runs on top of ALSA13:00
roraclehey guys, i had something going in Transmission and now when i go to delete the files from Transmission it crashes the program.  I can't find where it keeps temporary files13:01
faint545szal, ohhh13:01
lathaphlak_user: ok i wil try13:01
dr_willisszal:  ages ago you had cd+r and cd-r disks.. same goes for dvd's.. then there was the rw disks...13:01
szaldr_willis: guess you're confusing something there..  CD+R never existed13:02
dr_willisszal:  i may be thinking of + and - rw13:02
szaldr_willis: DVD+R and DVD-R, otoh, did (and still do)13:02
dr_willisi definatly had an old sony that only took one type.13:02
drake01truepurple, you may give a try to cairo dock.. it has a default icon for application menu.. which opens applications arranged in the old alacarte (the old menu you are talking about)... Other than that.. I don't think the panels with unity are flexible enough to configure it to show application icon..13:02
* MisterMom has a stack of CR+R sitting in front of him13:03
szaldr_willis: yeah, for DVDs such drives existed13:03
szalMisterMom: pic please13:03
* phlak_user CR+R ?13:03
MisterMomszal,  sorry no cam13:03
truepurpledrake01, so you mean it shows the menu tree, but not the icons/pictures next each menu option?13:04
MisterMommy mistake DVD+R13:04
dr_willisnow we are all confused. :)13:04
lathaphlak_user: server.xml in where to i change plz tel13:04
KrobarI'm back and have a probably simple question. I tried adding the Deb CD for apt but not all the needed packages were present. Is there an easy way to get all of the required .deb files for a list of apt packages and dependencies using Windows?13:05
truepurpledrake01, I also want places and system to be in a menu tree too13:05
love4linuxhello everyone.. should I backup my data before upgrading my ubuntu or nothing is erased or could go wrong after the upgrade?13:05
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harsh343Unable to install or remove any packages.13:07
harsh343Errors were encountered while processing:13:07
roracleHey, i have a problem: when i go to remove files and delete a torrent, Transmission crashes on me.  I'm using Ubuntu 11.1013:07
drake01truepurple, I am just sayin that cairo dock has default icon for application menu.. You can click it to view old menu..13:07
harsh343help me13:07
student_elo zjebasie13:08
truepurpledrake01, and that includes "places" and "systems"?13:08
lathaphlak_user: hello13:09
phlak_user_latha, yes13:09
Tulitomaattihow to manage user/group settings in 11.10? the old reasonable gui (as documented at help.ubuntu.com) has been replaced with a crippled gui without group settings available. Can the old settings dialogues/gui be enabled from somewhere?13:09
harsh343phlak_user_, hi man13:09
phlak_user_Tulitomaatti, install gnome-system-tools ; you will get the old users and groups applet back13:09
phlak_user_harsh343, hi13:10
lathaphlak_user : server.xml  in where i assign
Tulitomaattithanks > phlak_user_13:10
phlak_user_latha, you need to read it up somewhere; i cannot spoonfeed you13:10
=== phlak_user_ is now known as phlak_user
harsh343phlak_user_, i have some issue i am unable to Unable to install or remove any packages. Errors were encountered while processing:13:11
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phlak_userharsh343, what packages?13:11
truepurpledrake01, and that includes "places" and "systems"?13:11
drake01truepurple, no application menu doesn't.. But an adjacant icon named shortcut does have the places...13:11
lathaphlak_user: i have no time 2day i run the tomcat thats why im asking13:11
truepurpledrake01, what about systems, can that menu tree be added this way too?13:12
phlak_userlatha, sorry i cannot help you any further13:12
harsh343I am not able to install anything form this command like sudo apt-get install13:13
phlak_userlatha, look here -> http://groups.google.com/group/linux.debian.user/browse_thread/thread/37f5ba83e229911413:13
lathaphlak_user: ok13:13
harsh343I am not able to install or remove13:13
phlak_userharsh343, what errors do you get?13:13
deej1976latha: And here for https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/tomcat.html13:13
harsh343Errors were encountered while processing:13:13
voozeIs it not possible to use conky in gnome shell??13:14
drake01truepurple, not sure.. but nothing wrong with experimenting with it.. I stopped using it after using unity for a few days..13:14
atifi just installed ubuntu and am new13:14
harsh343E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code(1)13:14
deej1976atif: congratulations13:14
atifmy question is the software center repo is totally out dated13:14
atifthe installed and newest versions are both out dated in repo13:15
atifhow do i update it13:15
dr_willisatif:   ubuntu dosent do a rolling release.. everything basically gets updated every 6 mo.13:15
phlak_userharsh343, what is crossplatformui13:15
dr_willisatif:  theres ppa's and other ways to get the 'latest' of specific things of you need.13:15
lapionI am getting this very strange behavoir from my xserver..http://paste.ubuntu.com/726286/  the screen hangs, however all applications continue working, I can even login thru ssh13:16
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases13:16
lapionhopwever the mouse continues working only the image is frozen13:16
wunnlei just broke my ubuntu logon sound. i have changed anberra-gtk-play --id of gnome login sound command to my files name, and there is no sound at login now. What sould i do?13:16
phlak_userharsh343, do you get the same error when you try and install some other package like say w3m (sudo apt-get install w3m)13:16
atifmeans well do i have to use firefox 3 now?13:16
ubottufirefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins13:16
atifi can not update that thing through software center?13:16
dr_willisatif:  what version of ubuntu are you using?13:16
dr_willisatif:  theres ppa's for newer versions i belive.13:17
sdfdsdr_willis i went to neighboar to borrow cdrom and now im finally installing kubuntu. Means, throw old garbage pc stuff because it might be deceiving useful.13:17
dr_willisatif:  did you read the url above the bot just gave?13:17
harsh343crossplatformui is the package installation of my internet datacard13:18
drake01atif, get yourself connected to a good enough internet and type this command in terminal : sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade.. It will ask for password.. Enter your user password there.13:18
spartan2276There seems to be some kind of time lag in Ubuntu 11.10. Right now it is 9:18 AM EST. But my PC says 9:00 AM and I believe so do my Ubuntu Servers(need to double check that)13:18
deej1976atif: hmm whats this https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable13:18
szalthere's no FF7 for 10.04 that I know of13:18
spartan2276Any theories on this13:18
phlak_userharsh343, that is not supported by Ubuntu13:19
deej1976atif: 7.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1~mfs113:19
dr_willisI dont use lts. :) dont see much point in a single user at home using it. :013:19
lathaphlak_user: ok, i wil do13:19
phlak_userharsh343, you need to contact them to support13:19
xangua!fx6 | szal the ppa has lates firefox13:19
ubottuszal the ppa has lates firefox: Firefox 6 has been released as a security update for 11.04. For 10.04 and 10.10, you can use the unofficial and unsupported PPA at https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable13:19
harsh343phlak_user, last time my friend can solve this problem but right now he is not here13:19
phlak_userharsh343, maybe google can be your friend13:19
spartan2276Any one having time lag issues?13:19
harsh343see this question is something related to my question http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164138713:20
harsh343but i m not able to solve them my frnds can solve after reading this13:20
dr_willisspartan2276:  my server says its 4:20 q  when its actually 9:20 :) but i think thats the timezone13:20
harsh343actually he is expert in this but i m not13:20
spartan2276dr_willis, no it is not because I'm on the east coast13:21
phlak_userharsh343, i see a mention of this package here -> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.org.user-groups.linux.ilugc/6210813:21
spartan2276I'm not in say California, I'm in Florida and the chosen time zone is New York same time zone13:21
harsh343I have not MTS connection i have reliance connection13:22
harsh343bot are different networks13:22
szalspartan2276: tried to set up an NTP client yet?13:22
phlak_userharsh343, like i said, havent a clue what you are talking about13:22
spartan2276dr_willis, and it is set so that it updates automatically not manually13:22
dr_willisspartan2276:  i thought i set mine that way also.. but i may of selected teh wrong zone.13:22
harsh343phlak_user, ok i m again trying actually i m tired now13:23
dr_willisI just now noticed the time was wrong.13:23
harsh343i m trying for 3 days same thing13:23
spartan2276szal, and I need to do that because? Should not the default install be setup this way13:23
phlak_userharsh343, so read that post and see if it makes sense13:23
dr_willisi had a weird but once where the clock ran 2x as fast as it should.. the seconds ticked by at 2x the proper speed.. :)  but not sure of any other reasons for time drift.13:24
harsh343phlak_user, ok13:24
spartan2276dr_willis, yes it is wrong on all servers and PCs on my end and it is throwing off the email servers too13:24
dr_willisNight all...13:25
=== theborge1 is now known as theborger
truepurpleI am told you can't get proper updates with certain things using classic gnome, is this true? How bad is it? Is there a way around this?13:26
phlak_usertruepurple, havent had a problem like that with unity running13:26
truepurplePHLAK, I am talking about with unity NOT running13:27
zetuihello there13:28
truepurplephlak_user, I am talking about running in classic mode instead of unity13:28
zetuiis it possible to have apt cli on terminal ?13:28
sysadaminzetui: yes13:28
phlak_usertruepurple, the update manager doesnt care what session you are in13:29
sysadaminyou dont even need a window manager to update13:29
bawsWhats the chat channel for ubuntu?13:30
jbwiv__guys, I have a very strange issue on Ubuntu 11.10 on a new Dell Latitude. Everything works fine when the laptop is on batter power. However, as soon as I plug it in, the mouse pointer movement drags to a crawl and is almost unusable. After unplugging and going back to battery, everything works great. Any ideas what might cause this?13:30
MonkeyDustbaws: type /j #ubuntu13:30
compdocsometimes I wonder when I use apt-get to update my computers, whether I have to reboot after13:30
phlak_userbaws, #ubuntu-offtopic13:30
zetuido you understand what i mean ? Sysam13:30
zetuido you understand what i mean ? sysadamin13:30
truepurplephlak_user, I Have been having lots of of trouble with getting my radeon 6850 to work with ubuntu. I was told by someone who sounded certain of what he was talking about, that if I were to update the drivers in unity 2d mode, I could get my video card working under linux right and then be able to do such things as use unity 3d mode13:31
phlak_usercompdoc, the system will prompt you if it requires a restart13:31
compdoczetui, try:  sudo apt-get upgrade13:31
compdoczetu, is that what you mean?13:31
phlak_usertruepurple, thats not the same as saying updates are not available in different sessions13:31
zetuiunfortuanately not13:32
zetuii need kind of apt cli13:32
compdocphlak_user, does apt-get always prompt? sometimes when it installs a new kernel, apt-get doesnt mention reboots13:32
phlak_usertruepurple, what that means is that once your radeon is configured properly in *safe* mode, you can use it for 3d13:32
phlak_usercompdoc, apt-get never prompts, the package-manager does13:32
zetuii don't want to enter apt all serveral time13:32
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MonkeyDustzetui: what compdoc gave you, *is* a cli apt command13:33
compdoczetui, cli mean command line - what do you mean?13:33
phlak_usercompdoc, sorry update-manager13:33
=== Guest14059 is now known as corsairtux
zetuiok i give an example13:33
zetuifor example if  you take an example of mysql13:33
zetuimysql -p you enter on mysql mode then you work with command13:34
solarsis there a built in equalizer in ubuntu/gnome? can't find one13:34
truepurplephlak_user, No, I was expressly instructed in installing 2d unity so I could go into unity, not safe mode, and get the needed drives so that I can use unity 3d and have other things work right with my video card. I was specifically told that the reason I was having trouble was because I was trying to do it in "classic mode"13:34
zetuiin the same way i want to do for apt13:34
zetuipossible ?13:34
phlak_userzetui, you mean does apt have a shell of its own? no13:34
MonkeyDustzetui: you want a permanent apt prompt?13:35
zetuisomething like apt-cli connect13:35
phlak_usertruepurple, ok cool13:35
sysadaminphlak_user: zetui try aptitude13:35
zetuithen  you just only have to choose the package13:35
MonkeyDustthere dpkg13:35
szalaptitude doesn't have a built-in shell either, at least not that I know of..  it does have a ncurses UI though13:35
zetuisomething like apt-get install connect13:35
phlak_usersysadamin, thats curses based; better try dselect13:35
zetuito connect to cli13:35
zetuithe enter the name of the packet13:36
truepurplephlak_user, But I forgot this persons name so I can't ask them more. If I knew how to look into xchats logs, I could perhaps find our old conversation and know the name too, but I don't know how to do that either.13:36
sysadaminzetui: why add confusion?13:36
soreausolars: No but you can try pulseaudio system wide equalizer13:36
sysadaminwhy not just just apt-get13:36
jbwiv__guys, I have a very strange issue on Ubuntu 11.10 on a new Dell Latitude. Everything works fine when the laptop is on batter power. However, as soon as I plug it in, the mouse pointer movement drags to a crawl and is almost unusable. After unplugging and going back to battery, everything works great. Any ideas what might cause this?13:36
truepurplephlak_user, So this goes against your understanding of things anyway?13:36
MonkeyDustzetui: symply type aptitude13:36
jbwiv__and I'm getting ready to do a presentation, I'm in a bit of a situation (need the power)13:36
phlak_usertruepurple, not really13:36
solarssoreau, what is it called?13:37
soreausolars: Something not provided in ubuntu repos13:37
phlak_userjbwiv__, have you something like jupiter installed?13:37
szalsolars: lol, why do you recommend it then?13:38
soreausolars: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/02/pulseaudio-system-wide-equalizer-now.html13:38
jbwiv__phlak_user, not that I'm aware of. what is jupiter?13:38
solarssoreau, thanks a lot13:38
truepurplephlak_user, Didn't you say the drivers etc gotten under unity were the same as the ones under gnome? So why would I need to be in unity to get the drivers working?13:38
solarsalthough something in ubuntu repos would be better13:38
nikihrwhere can i find dwm config when i installed it?13:39
Someguy2right so now ubuntu 11.10 has gnome 3 now13:39
soreausolars: This is an experimental package so try at your own risk13:39
Someguy2does it even take too much system resources13:39
zetuino, i would like apt connect13:39
phlak_usertruepurple, you have started with an assumption which i cant validate; for example if i needed to install drivers for my wireless, it wouldnt matter what wm i was using13:39
zetuiuse install13:39
Someguy2i really want to install Ubuntu in my Pentium III13:39
zetuiin the same Way of myqsl13:39
sysadaminzetui: write your own package manager13:39
zetuithat  would be better13:39
sysadaminit does not exist13:39
zetuiwhat you think ppl ?13:39
jbwiv__running /etc/init.d/acpi-support briefly fixes the issue13:40
jbwiv__but it comes right back13:40
phlak_userjbwiv__, just a way of tweaking system resources (on my laptop it helps me change performance mode from  max performance to high performance to power saver13:40
jbwiv__/etc/init.d/acpi-support stop rather13:40
soreauzetui: You could file a bug to request such an interface but I do not see a wide use case for it13:40
Mavrikhmm, does anyone here have M1330 and has found solution for brightness control problems?13:40
phlak_userjbwiv__, it might be worth your while to tail -f /var/log/syslog when you plug in the power cord13:41
truepurplephlak_user, But I asked you "So this goes against your understanding of things anyway?" And you replied "Not really"13:41
phlak_usertruepurple, yes13:41
jbwiv__phlak_user,  yeah, did that. nothing much there13:41
phlak_usertruepurple, i really dont have the time or the inclination to get into a debate right now if you please13:42
Feldegasthi, i am trying to find a HTML editor like dreamwever for ubuntu, any suffestions that work with 11.10?13:42
truepurplephlak_user, So if it does not contradict your understanding of things, then why are you saying you can't validate it? Anyway it seems that it does contradict what you said with this before13:42
asdjaputraFeldegast, bluefish?13:42
truepurplephlak_user, well anyway, I could use some help with getting my video card working right under ubuntu, and my DVD player13:42
puntjeWanted to tar some files but accidentally specified the name of my html file as target place. It's totally ruined now and I was wondering wether it's possible to decode it ?13:43
wunnlehow can i change logon sound on Ubuntu 11.10?13:43
Feldegasti'll have a look, i tried 2 others and they didn't work/worked not how i wanted13:43
truepurplephlak_user, would you know how to check the logs of xchat?13:43
phlak_userjbwiv__, some people seem to have the same issue long back -> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/ubuntu-edgy-slow-down-when-plugged-to-ac-on-asus-a3a-511422/13:43
phlak_usertruepurple, no but you could check the logs of this channel (see the title)13:44
MrokiiHi. I wanted to buy a game via Ubuntu Software Center and while it seems as if I logged in successfully (with my UbuntuOne-Details), the payment via credit card is "unsuccessful" with "Reason:refused".13:44
phlak_usertruepurple, or here -> http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/13:45
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truepurplephlak_user, But I don't remember when it was, and and most of the conversation happened in PM13:46
jbwiv__guys, I have a very strange issue on Ubuntu 11.10 on a new Dell Latitude. Everything works fine when the laptop is on batter power. However, as soon as I plug it in, the mouse pointer movement drags to a crawl and is almost unusable. After unplugging and going back to battery, everything works great. Any ideas what might cause this?13:49
jbwiv__running /etc/init.d/acpi-support stop briefly fixes the issue but it comes right back13:49
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D_Russanyone know of any good website builders for 11.1013:53
sysadaminD_Russ: vi.13:53
dennyhow can I set the window auto-raise delay for focus-follows-mouse in 11.10 gnome fallback? (or whatever the non-unity, non-gnome-shell UI is called)13:54
D_Russsysadamin: is it in the market?13:54
truepurpleHow do I disable system notices from showing in xchat?13:54
sysadaminD_Russ: its installed by default13:55
Osa2OsXHi all, I'm having a small apt-get update error. I have Oneric fresh installed and I want to add ee text editor. I do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ee -> error E: Unable to locate package ee. What could be wrong?13:55
linuxuz3rwhat is the java version13:55
sysadaminD_Russ: yup. open a terminal and type vo.13:55
sysadaminerm, vi13:55
szal!info ee13:55
ubottuPackage ee does not exist in oneiric13:55
linuxuz3ri need a jdk for 11.10 which one should i download13:55
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).13:55
tziOmHow do I do it if I have one server, and want to install another one exactly like it? is it possible to make package-list of server-1 available on for example http, and load that package list for installation on server-2 (booted from cd)?13:55
D_Russsysadamin: i need a gui13:56
sysadamintziOm: use puppet13:56
Osa2OsXubottu, can I manualy install ee again? I like this much better then vi13:56
ubottuOsa2OsX: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:56
tziOmsysadamin: so there is no inbuilt system for this?13:56
sysadaminD_Russ: you only think you do.13:56
D_Russi dont know html much13:56
linuxuz3ri need a jdk for 11.10 which one should i download13:57
ubidoobi2can an offline msg be sent to someone in your notify list .. just wondering13:57
elfrannedf -h gives /dev/vdb1              50G  180M   47G   1% /var/lib/couchdb , how can 180M + 47G = 50G ?13:57
Osa2OsXhow can add the package ee then?13:57
tziOmsysadamin: seems puppet is some com app, I do not need that-.13:57
donavan01I was wondering if anyone know knows of a way to use some software on an old laptop tied to a few USB web cams to provide home servalence ... I had some ass spray paint a swatiska on my house last night and a few nights ago destroyed some rather expensive plants ... Im kinda broke so I will need to do things on the cheap so I was thinking the web cams13:58
sysadamintziOm: puppet is configuration management13:58
D_Russsysadamin: maybe i dont need a gui, but for the sake of getting it done right now with little to no html skills i would like a website creater with a GUI13:58
mneptokD_Russ: what is it you are trying to do?13:58
terr1akkyis it complicated to connect dsl modem (via usb)? or just point and click type of deal?13:58
terr1akkySomebody asked me this about Linux - and I dunno - since I don't have dsl modem or ever tried connecting it via usb.13:58
D_Russbuild a one page landing page13:59
donavan01Oh also streaming from the laptop to my desktop computer would be great13:59
D_Russfor now13:59
tziOmsysadamin: so its not: http://puppetlabs.com/13:59
sysadamintziOm: it is13:59
Osa2OsXubottu, how do you know that the package ee isn't available in 11.10 version?13:59
ubottuOsa2OsX: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:59
D_Russmneptok: build a landing page14:00
mneptokD_Russ: sudo apt-get install kompozer14:00
linuxuz3ri need a jdk for 11.10 which one should i download14:00
D_Russthank you mneptok14:00
Osa2OsX!info ee14:01
ubottuPackage ee does not exist in oneiric14:01
xangualinuxuz3r: if you mean oracle/sun java, it's no longer on repositories14:01
mneptokD_Russ: *bow*14:01
linuxuz3rhow do i use the oracle sun version14:01
Osa2OsX!info nano14:01
ubottunano (source: nano): small, friendly text editor inspired by Pico. In component main, is standard. Version 2.2.6-1 (oneiric), package size 175 kB, installed size 584 kB14:01
dc5alalinuxuz3r, you have to manually get openjdk 6 or 714:01
mneptokOsa2OsX: are you looking for an easy to use CLI text editor?14:01
xangualinuxuz3r: there is a post on webupd8 to add a ppa and install java14:02
linuxuz3rppa can break your system right14:02
linuxuz3rwhen is 12.04 going to be released14:03
xangualinuxuz3r: depends of what ppa are you refering14:03
linuxuz3rxangua, the whole ppa scheme14:03
D_Russlinuxz3r: 6 months from now14:04
xangualinuxuz3r: if 11.10 went out on october 2011, when do you think 12.04 will be¿14:04
D_Russok 5 months14:04
linuxuz3rnext year april14:04
edbianxangua: probably april 201214:04
linuxuz3rare they going to keep the unity theme14:05
edbianxangua: considering every Ubuntu release is 6 months apart14:05
KGI'm using 11.10. Both of my scanners were working, but now the system does not detect them. What has happened?14:05
edbianxangua: and that's what the numbering means (12 = 20112, .04 = april the fourth month)14:05
D_Russthey need to just stop with this 6 month release crap and just realease them when they are rock solid within a reasonable timeline.14:05
mneptokKG: Brother hardware?14:05
xanguaedbian: and you tell this to me instead of linuxuz3r because...14:06
D_Russi would rather wait a year and have a bug free release from the start14:06
xanguaD_Russ: there is LTS if you want 'solid rock'14:06
edbianxangua: I'm not allowed to tell people information?  linuxuz3r has to tell you?14:06
jiltdilIs there any method inspite of Rootkit Hunter and Chkrootkit to detect rootkit?14:06
compdoc they arent bugs - theyre adventures!14:06
dnsFor Free ShellS -> /q dns :-)14:07
edbiancompdoc: ++14:07
D_Russi guess thats true xangua14:07
BluesKajHiyas all14:07
mneptokdns: do not advertise on Ubuntu channels. thanks.14:07
jiltdilIs there any method inspite of Rootkit Hunter and Chkrootkit to detect rootkit?14:07
mneptok!repeat > jiltdil14:08
ubottujiltdil, please see my private message14:08
jiltdilmneptok i suggest you to don't be over  smart14:08
mneptokjiltdil: please follow channel guidelines.14:08
icerootjiltdil: i suggest not to repeat like that14:08
D_Russmaybe its just me, wanting to have the latest version to play with lol. But it would be better reputation wise to not release a new versio until it is LTS quality.14:08
icerootjiltdil: look at the sourcecode of that tools if you are interested how they are working14:09
szalD_Russ: there's always Debian :P14:09
D_Russim happy with ubuntu14:09
D_Russjust saying for noobs14:09
D_Russwell im a noob14:09
jiltdiliceroot: i have written a my own .. need some other rootkit source to modify my one...so i can make it quite good14:10
D_Russbut for noobs that are even more noob than i. lol14:10
linuxuz3rhow do you navigate with in the workspaces of unity?14:10
D_Russanyhow gtg folks14:10
xangualinuxuz3r: click on the workplaces icon14:11
D_Russlinuxuz3r: with a mouse14:11
jiltdiliceroot:mneptok: Any way sorry if  i used wrong words.14:11
linuxuz3rare there shortcuts for navigating between workspaces14:11
thropei just upgraded to 11.04 (bit late I know) - gfortran-4.3 has gone away... can anyone point me to somewhere I can find a gfortran-4.3 binary? a non-standard repo or somehint14:11
mneptokjiltdil: it's the repeating yourself every 30 seconds that is a problem.14:11
jiltdilmneptok: ok no issue now :) Be calm14:12
linuxuz3rare there shortcuts for navigating between workspaces?14:12
mneptoklinuxuz3r: i use CTL-ATL-(arrow-key) in GNOME2 and XFCE. don;t know about GNOME3.14:13
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dc5alalinuxuz3r, you can assign hotkeys for it14:13
phlak_usermneptok, that works in unity14:13
phlak_usermneptok, also14:13
mneptokphlak_user: right you are if you say so ;)14:13
phlak_usermneptok, just tried it ;)14:14
thropedo I have to build gcc from source to get gfortan 4.3 on 11.04?14:15
mneptokthrope: 4.3 is an antique version no longer in the repos. use 4.4 or 4.5.14:17
Mike9863Does anyone know how to get GNOME Color Chooser to affect gtk3 apps, or if there is another program that provides similar functionality?14:18
phlak_user!info gfortran-4.5 | thrope14:18
ubottuthrope: gfortran-4.5 (source: gcc-4.5): The GNU Fortran 95 compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.5.3-9ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 4606 kB, installed size 12024 kB14:18
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/14:18
thropemneptok: matlab only supports 4.3 so I need that version... fortran mex files segfault with any other version. I can build gcc from source I guess but I was hoping to find a binary14:19
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thrope4.5 and 4.4 do not work14:19
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy14:19
MonkeyDustgames: http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/games.html14:19
deemanhow can i create a simple gui with 1 button that has a picture over it...simple little button that when i press it it will open up a terminal and perform find command 'find -type f -iname "*.txt" -exec shred -z {}+'14:21
mneptokthrope: sorry, not going to be much help. when i was learning to code in the early 1980s i was told Fortran was not something that would be around for much longer. uhhhh ....  ;)14:22
deemani just need a sorta hello world program tutorial for gui14:22
jribdeeman: depends on language.  If you want to stick to shell scripts, use zenity14:22
deemanok zenity ....say i wanted to use perl14:22
jribdeeman: pick a toolkit... maybe gtk14:22
thropemneptok: that isn't much help! :)  but for mixed language it is really nice because no other language has first class array objects... can seamless mix with matlab without copying/reallocation and use openmp and vectorised algorithms easily translated from matlab14:22
stephnii converted an avi videofile to 3gp and the mb sky rocketed from 53 to 201mb how will i compress it14:23
soreauthrope: This might be a candidate for a gcc bug against the fortran compiler14:23
deemanhmm darn im such a noob14:23
thropemneptok: i have ifort but I like to keep stuff working with gfortran too14:23
jribdeeman: ask #perl for options14:23
soreauthrope: Curious though, what still uses fortran?14:23
deemanjrib how do i do that im noobie here a lil14:23
chris215hi, is there some command like aptitude add repository ass opposed to apt-add-repository?  i have been switching to aptitude when dealing with software and would like to know..14:23
jribdeeman: do you already know perl?14:23
thropesoreau: I use it to extend matlab or python for speed (numerics)... vectorised notatino and arrays work very well, and openmp is nice (can do somethings can't do in c++ liek reductioin on arrays and so on)14:24
jribchris215: no, use apt-add-repository.  It just modifies your sources.list14:24
deemanjrib ooh channel perl..sorry i just woke up...no i dont really know perl i mainly use bash shell14:24
thropesoreau: I wouldn't like to rwrite a big app in it but when I want to make a loop faster and parallelise without paying matlab $10,000 it is the quickest and easiest way14:24
soreauthrope: I don't care about what *you* use it for :) I'm wondering what real-world apps use it14:24
dr_willischris215:  not really that ive seen14:25
thropesoreau: scientific computing14:25
francisvgarciahas anyone done a workaround for installing the  HP un2420 Mobile on ubuntu?14:25
thropesoreau: nothing else as far as I know14:25
Dark_ApostropheHello, since I installed Ubuntu, my laptop's fan is working non-stop. It didn't when I used Win7 - is there a way to manually regulate the fan?14:25
jbwiv__guys, power management is doing something weird on my dell latitude with 11.10. when I am on battery power, mouse movement and performance is fine. If I plug into power, things go to hell. Mouse is so slow it's unusable. Any ideas how to fix this?14:25
quixotedonjbwiv__: have you updated dell bios on your computer?14:26
jribdeeman: well look up a hello world example for zenity and see if that's good enough.  If not, then look one up for perl (and I'll suggest python to you as well).  Once you pick a language, pick a toolkit (I would just go with gtk, but ask the #perl or #python people for options)14:26
jbwiv__quixotedon: no, I haven't14:26
jbwiv__quixotedon, is that necessary?14:26
quixotedonwell, my dell trackpad also goes wild, sometimes14:27
jbwiv__quixotedon, is there a way  to tell what bios I'm running without rebooting?14:27
quixotedonjbwiv__: dell provides bios update through exe file, about bios thing, i don't have any idea how we could check it through ubuntu14:27
linuxuz3rhow do i change the size of the side bar14:28
eSoulquixotedon -- you need to get something that loads windows off a cd14:28
eSoulI did it myself the other day, UBCD4Win should would14:29
midavquixotedon vine =)14:29
quixotedonjbwiv__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=318789 (bios flash upgrade info)14:29
deemanyeah..so u suggest python..ok i never created a gui program ..sometimes i just create small scripts for small little tasks but i wanted to just setup a button gui with a lil picture over it just to check it out.... im getting so familiar with bash scripting...is it possible to code in bash and export it along with the programs im using...such as cd, cp, find, grep etc onto windows?14:29
chris215thanks dr_willis and jrib14:30
kandinskia question about unity. I am buying Humble Bundle games and installing them, but they can't be launched from the command line, the executable is not on the $PATH. However, Unity does find them and launch them. Any idea about how and why?14:31
chris215dr_willis and jrib:  do you use aptitude or apt-get reguarding software, and why?14:31
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quixotedonanybody using linthesia app?14:34
iceroot!anyone | quixotedon14:34
ubottuquixotedon: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:34
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:35
TenenHi, can anyone help me with an ESATA issue?14:35
compdocwhat if I dont have a real question?14:35
TenenI'm getting HORRIBLE write speeds - like 15Mb/s14:36
gabxHello :) I've got a question, i have a usb device that communications with serial communication to my box, i want to read the actuall port with a terminal ( let's say putty ) .. isntead of trying all tty's in /dev.. is there a way to see what ttys my usb relates to?14:36
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TenenWriting from ESATA dock with drive in it to ZFS - can anyone help me troubleshoot?14:36
LoptrWhat music player can work in 24 bit audio up to 96khz ?14:36
Loptr maybe even 32 bit audio14:36
quixotedonubottu: i'm having a problem with Linthesia.. it just pops an open dialogue box and flash the screen then nothing happens.. this is my real question.. :)14:36
ubottuquixotedon: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:36
Dark_ApostropheHello, since I installed Ubuntu, my laptop's fan is working non-stop. It didn't when I used Win7 - is there a way to manually regulate the fan?14:36
LoptrDark_Apostrophe, see if you have fan control option in your bios, most laptop have win control for the fan but if you don't have that in ubuntu you can regulate it from your bios14:37
quixotedonDark_Apostrophe: http://ubuntunewb.blogspot.com/2011/04/how-to-control-fan-speed-on-ubuntu.html14:39
quixotedonDark_Apostrophe: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22108/how-to-control-fan-speed14:39
KabukiOriginDark_Apostrophe: Depending on your hardware, you may want to make sure you have the right power daemon installed.  Not knowing what version you have, the powernowd package may not be installed.14:41
stephnii converted an avi videofile to 3gp and the mb sky rocketed from 53 to 201mb how will i compress it14:47
chris215hi, i was wondering if someone could help out with a problem reguarding vga graphics with a linux mint user.  he is in irc://irc.spotchat.org/#linuxmint-help ...  i just thought i would give it a shot.  his nick is bl4ck3rz14:47
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dr_willisstephni:  what res? i akways scaled mine down to the phones natuve screen size14:49
rflores2323_hello. wanted to see if I could get some help14:49
dr_willisrflores2323_:  sumarize the problem is a good idea14:50
rflores2323_<dr_willis>  check out this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187400814:51
dr_willisrflores2323_:  and check askubuntu.com14:51
dr_willismost people wont go to read a problem if you dont nention sonthing of what its about14:51
muduHi all14:52
muducansomeone help how to connect my asus to tv?14:52
muduvia s-video14:52
dr_willismudu: what vudeo chipset14:53
rflores2323_well I want to change all my mounted drives on /media folder permissions and all the subdirectories.14:53
mudugeforce 8400m g14:53
dr_willisrflores2323_: it would depend on the fs the drives are using14:53
mudui`m new in ubuntu:)14:54
mudubut drivers all updated14:54
rflores2323_dr_willis how do I check to see how they are mounted?14:54
dr_willismudu:  install nvidia drivers. yse nvudia-settings tool and its twinview features14:54
nac-godfathercan someone tell me how to properly patch a file directory, like ettercap-7*14:55
dr_willisrflores2323_:  mount command tells you14:55
nac-godfatherdo I patch the package file, the extracted source, or the src dir14:55
mududr_wilis how to install? there is no exe file when I download drivers14:55
dr_willis!mount | rflores2323_14:55
ubotturflores2323_: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount14:55
dr_willismudu:  you installed the nvudia drivers using the package manager?14:56
stephnithe res is 320 )24014:56
nac-godfatheranyone plase patching, I've read and read and cannot understand patching.14:57
dr_willisno need to msg me mudu.14:57
ZonTaXhi, the right click on the menu panel doesn't work ..14:57
muduyes, via package manager14:58
gulzarhow to have mouse-binding to show all open,minimize etc windows like GNome3 - super key   ..... in Compiz? It is there in Knoppix but how to do in ubuntu?14:58
muduplease tell me step by step what to do?14:58
Dark_ApostropheHello, since I installed Ubuntu, my laptop's fan is working non-stop. It didn't when I used Win7 - is there a way to manually regulate the fan?14:59
dr_willismudu:  then run the nvidia-settings tool14:59
compdocppl seem to have many power issues with 11.10 and laptops - I think it needs some tweaking15:00
muduwhere i canfind that?15:00
Dark_Apostrophecompdoc: Indeed...15:00
muduim only 3 days with linux15:00
dr_willismudu: type it in a terminal ir that apps search box15:01
gamambelhi guys. i have a problem with cryptsetup in combination with decrypt_gnupg on 11.10. i cannot enter anything on the GPG prompt on boot. someone else experienced the same, but no reply: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+question/12275915:01
CrusaderADIs anyone else having performance issues with Banshee in 11.10? It's almost unusable.15:01
mudutnx I try15:01
dr_williscompdoc:  its more if a kernel issue i think15:01
rflores2323_dr_willis: check out my output from mount here http://paste2.org/p/175438615:02
muduwhen i type nvidia in search system find only that file15:02
muduthere is driver yes?15:02
dr_willisstephni:  try winn or arista perhaps15:02
muduhow to launch it?15:02
dr_willismudu:  the command is       nvidia-settings15:03
rflores2323_Im trying to change the permissions on #18,19,2015:03
dr_willisi think15:03
fellayaboythanks jbrooke im seeing a site about zenity...seems to work real nice...and gtk is another program for doing gui..i know ubuntu uses gtk with its themes15:03
muduwhere write that comand?15:03
gulzarhow to have mouse-binding to show all open,minimize etc windows like GNome3 - super key   ..... in Compiz? It is there in Knoppix but how to do in ubuntu?15:03
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto15:03
fellayaboyi typed in man gtk to see a manual...doesnt seem to exist as a program to create guis for my program15:04
mathgirlHello.  After upgrading to Oneiric, I can't get X anymore.  I just get the Ubuntu... startup screen.  I've tried switching to gdm, but that didn't work.  What should I do? :(15:04
jbwiv__guys, on my dell latitude with 11.10, which I plug into power kworker goes crazy and eats cpu. A number of folks  have reported problems like this, but I've found no resolution. Anyone know how to fix?15:04
dr_willisgulzar: ubuntu uses compiz also15:04
gulzardr_willis: right but how to set my top left corner to mouse to show all the working apps?15:05
gulzardr_willis: I installed compiz and is using it with cairo-dock on XFCE but this binding is the thing I want to know.15:05
mathgirlI am able to login by safemode, and to things at the CLI.15:06
mathgirlI can also ssh into the machine while it sits frozen at ubuntu... so it's easy to tell what's going on if that's helpful.15:06
ceejhi, is there anyway to not show this screen http://screencast.com/t/ilnJZobX and just always do the option selected?15:07
dr_willisgulzar:  no idea.  some setting in ccsm i imagine15:07
ceejso I see http://screencast.com/t/BJwCRqQM15:08
ceejcan I set a timeout ?15:08
gulzardr_willis: right but not getting them. Expo shows workspaces similarly there must be something to show all apps.. but don't know what is it.. i will ask knoppix people15:08
mathgirlIs there some way to roll back an upgrade?  My machine was fine with Natty.15:09
wakejagrceej: you can set a timeout.  i don't remember the specifics, but if you read the man page for grub, that will get you started15:09
phlak_usermathgirl, what graphics card?15:09
dr_willismathgirl: not really15:10
scotty^Could be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/76300515:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 763005 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Compiz's "Sync to Vblank" makes display stutter/slow with some drivers (like fglrx)" [Undecided,In progress]15:10
mathgirlIs the graphics card something I could see in dmesg?15:10
phlak_userceej, set the default timeout in /etc/default/grub and run sudo update-grub2 after that15:10
wakejagrceej: sorry, info grub-install15:10
francisvgarciahp gobi 200 on ubuntu15:10
francisvgarciaHP gobi 2000 on ubuntu15:10
szalfrancisvgarcia: whole sentences15:11
scotty^mathgirl: check "lspci -vvnn | grep VGA" for the graphics card15:12
BluesKajmathgirl, lspci | grep VGA, in the terminal will show your graphics card15:12
francisvgarciaszal: if anyone has a workaround for instlalling the Gobi 2000 Modem under ubuntu15:12
nosmelcI'm booting Ubuntu from a USB stick.  I'm trying to copy the hard drive data to a share on a Windows machine.  I can mount the share, but it says I don't have permission to access it.  Where do I put in the user name & password for the share?15:12
ceejphlak_user: won't let me edit even as sudo15:12
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scotty^francisvgarcia:  Is that a USB modem?15:13
mathgirlBluesKaj, your command gives 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C79 [GeForce 9400] (rev b1)15:13
francisvgarciascotty: yes It is15:13
phlak_userceej, what command are you using to edit?15:13
mathgirlscotty^, your command gives a lot of stuff:15:13
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francisvgarciaIt's integrated on one HP netbook15:13
scotty^mathgirl:  The simple version you replied to BluesKaj with will do.15:14
ceejphlak_user: sudo vim /etc/default/grub15:14
mathgirl        Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-15:14
mathgirl        Control: I/O- Mem- BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-15:14
mathgirl        Control: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle+ MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-15:14
mathgirl        Control: I/O- Mem- BusMaster- SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx+15:14
FloodBot1mathgirl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:14
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phlak_userceej, and how did you come to know its not letting you edit?15:14
mathgirlOops, sorry for the flood.15:15
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mathgirlIf the flood was muted, I can put it in pastebin.15:16
abstraktis there an easy way to roll back to php 5.2 on ubuntu 10.10?15:17
BluesKajmathgirl, lspci |grep VGA gives just one line, not awehole lot of verbose stuff'15:17
abstraktthe default 10.10 packages are for PHP 5.315:17
scotty^phlak_user:  Any comments on mathgirl's graphics card?15:17
nosmelcI'm booting Ubuntu from a USB stick.  I'm trying to copy the hard drive data to a share on a Windows machine.  I can mount the share, but it says I don't have permission to access it.  Where do I put in the user name & password for the share?15:17
scotty^mathgirl:  The simple version you replied to BluesKaj with will do.15:17
phlak_userscotty^, mathgirl looks like your regular Nvidia GEforce 4000 card15:17
mathgirlSorry, bluesKaj, here's the response to what you said:  03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C79 [GeForce 9400] (rev b1)15:17
phlak_useroops 940015:18
chris215hey, how do i change the boot order for grub?  i am reading etc/default/grub and also thius tutorial at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#A.2BAC8-etc.2BAC8-default.2BAC8-grub_.28file.29  however i am kind of lost15:18
scotty^nouveau was introduced with Natty, right?  So that's not the cause of any problems after upgrading to Oneiric....15:19
Beelsebobheya, what tool can I use to see what symbols are in a .a file?15:19
BluesKajmathgirl, open admin>additional drivers , check for the recommended driver and install it15:19
mathgirlI don't have a GUI on the machine.  That's my problem.15:20
dr_willisnouveau can cause issues15:20
phlak_userBeelsebob, nm15:20
BluesKajmathgirl, girl , most likely the nvidia-current15:20
ceejphlak_user: it told me I couldn't edit it lol15:20
mathgirlHow can I run whatever admin>additional drivers woudl do?15:20
jribmathgirl: jockey-text15:20
fellayaboysay i wanted to run a zenity dialog box to a box i sshed into...how could i display it on his pc? do i use screen program?15:20
BluesKajare you at a prompt , math girl?15:20
phlak_userceej, it must be marked as read-only; you need to save with :x! (force save)15:20
dr_willissudo apt-get install nvidia-common15:21
chris215also i have more than linux os instlaled with their own grub files, which makes me wonder which one to edit, or dothey all conform when i edit one?15:21
mathgirlYes, I'm sshing into the machine.15:21
jribfellayaboy: you set the DISPLAY variable (probably to :0)15:21
Loptrhow can i check if i'm using alsa or pulseaudio15:21
szaldr_willis: -common?15:21
fellayaboyjrib where woudl id o that15:21
dr_willisfellayaboy:  x forwarding15:21
phlak_userceej, just type sudo vi /etc/default/grub15:21
fellayaboyjrib where would i do that15:21
ceejphlak_user: k i'll try with x!15:21
mathgirljockey-text just said15:21
dr_willismqy be current15:21
mathgirlAdditional Drivers15:22
jribfellayaboy: DISPLAY=:0 command15:22
phlak_userLoptr, if you havent done anything after a fresh install, its pulse by default15:22
mathgirlSearching for additional drivers15:22
jribmathgirl: erm didn't you just finish pasting into the channel?15:22
mathgirlI'll try apt-getting as instructed.15:22
dpachey, my power usage on default kde session is around 30W but on failsafe its 12-15W. Can anyone explain what does  failsafe disable? I posted this on #ubuntu but no one seems to be active there. Maybe you guys could help15:22
dr_willisfellayaboy:  what os is the local machine using?15:22
fellayaboyso once im sshed i put zenity --warning DISPLAY=:015:22
fellayaboyboth are ubuntu 11.0415:22
szalmathgirl: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current && sudo nvidia-xconfig, then reboot15:22
mathgirlMaybe the flood protection bot gradually allowed my pasting to trickle in?15:22
jribfellayaboy: put DISPLAY=:0 at the beginning of the line15:22
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fellayaboyok and then he should see the display jrib?15:23
jribmathgirl: that's not relevant, just use a pastebin15:23
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jribfellayaboy: yes15:23
mathgirlI'll use a pastebin from now on.15:23
ceejphlak_user: no go http://screencast.com/t/eTOOEv1BXY15:23
fellayaboyok ima test it brb15:23
Loptrphlak_user, My sounds cards support 24 and 32 bit audio and now it plays only 16 bit, where can i change the settings for 24 bit?15:23
mathgirlOkay, I'm going to do szal's apt-get and restart15:23
dr_willisfellayaboy:  enable x fowarding and it will handel it all15:23
chris215hey, how do you kick someone?  i am in another channel with someone being abusive and need to deal with them15:23
chris215is it /kick followed by the nick?15:24
fellayaboydr_willis i want strictly commandline15:24
fellayaboyinstead of the gui zenity popping up15:24
phlak_userceej, are you on a livecd boot?15:24
scotty^chris215: I believe so, but I think you need to be a channel op.15:24
ceejphlak_user: no15:24
dr_willisfellayaboy:  somthing makes no sence with that15:24
d4gg3rI want to install sysvconfig on ubuntu server 10.04, but aptitude can not find that! any idea what repository should I add?15:24
jayari thought it was /kick #chan nick15:24
fellayaboydr_willis hold on15:25
phlak_userLoptr, you can try to do this via padevchooser15:25
phlak_user!info padevchooser | Loptr15:25
ubottuLoptr: Package padevchooser does not exist in oneiric15:25
matyyIs there an  audio player can do smart playlist with AND and OR in one search (Clementine and Banshee can’t)? Amarok can do that, but there I can't find a way to search tags which include a string (only equal smaller and bigger)?15:25
Beelsebobheya, can anyone see a reason why this might happen? https://gist.github.com/133392415:25
theadmind4gg3r: Since SysVInit is pretty much no longer in use since that release, that package is somewhat useless.15:26
chris215scotty^: the op handled it15:26
Beelsebobnotably, undifened references, to clearly defined things15:26
phlak_userLoptr, seems to exist till Natty -> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/padevchooser15:26
d4gg3rtheadmin:  what is goig to replace it?15:26
theadmind4gg3r: Upstart did15:26
mathgirlShould I restart even though I got that weird error?15:26
theadmin!upstart | d4gg3r: Read this15:26
ubottud4gg3r: Read this: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/15:26
matyyJust for an example, I want to make a search like that: genre=metal AND (comment includes speed OR comment includes trash)15:26
dr_willisupstart has replaced sysv ;)15:27
rzecis it possible to create an .iso image file from an instance of ubuntu running in VMWare Fusion (so that I can easily use that to install on other machines including other virtualization tools like virtualbox, parallels, etc...)?15:27
d4gg3rokay thank you :)15:27
d4gg3rubottu: thanks15:27
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)15:27
Loptrphlak_user, so can i use it in 11.10?15:27
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phlak_userLoptr, see no reason why you cant; if you're fond of commandline use pactl to select device15:28
theadminrzec: There are tools for making iso images out of running instances, yes, the first one that comes to mind is remastersys15:28
fellayaboywell jrib i was logged in the remote with ssh i typed the command zenity DISPLAY=0 --warning and no dialog showed on remote and gtk-warning cannot open display15:28
dr_willisrzec copy and convert the vurtual hd to the ither vm's15:28
jribfellayaboy: first, does the remote machine have X running?15:29
fellayaboyDISPLAY=:0* JRIB..I put in that command15:29
theadminfellayaboy: I think the command you want is "DISPLAY=:0 --warning"15:29
theadminNever mind15:29
dr_willisfellayaboy:  the local box is running x?15:29
fellayaboyyeah i believe x is running...theyre using the internet and stuff15:29
fellayaboyboth are running x i beleive15:29
dr_willisfellayaboy: you want it to appear locally or on the remote?15:30
fellayaboyi mean im logged on im not on a total comandline interface.15:30
jribfellayaboy: are you sshed as the same user that is logged into X?15:30
fellayaboyon the remote15:30
mathgirlI'm still frozen at ubuntu..... screen.  I've ssh'd into the machine again.15:30
fellayaboyjrib yes i am15:30
dr_willisremote user has to allow it15:30
jribfellayaboy: what did you actually run?15:30
fellayaboywe're both using the same username on the remote15:30
BluesKaj!nomodeset  | mathgirl15:31
ubottumathgirl: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:31
dr_willisvia xhost +ip.number15:31
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:31
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BluesKajoops math  sorry forgot you're on irssi15:31
mathgirlBluesKaj, thanks, I'll try doing what the URL says.15:31
mathgirlI'm using chatzilla.15:32
mathgirlIt seemed to have had a robot say what you're talking about.15:32
fellayaboywell i sshed into the remote...im logged in as his name..and i ran zenity DISPLAY=:0 --title=buttface --warning --text="Warning the system has detected your a loser" --window-icon=error15:32
jribfellayaboy: you put "DISPLAY=:0" at the beginning...15:32
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theadminfellayaboy: Again, variables go before commands15:32
jribfellayaboy: also, it's "you're", not "your" :)15:33
theadminfellayaboy: DISPLAY=:0 zenity --warning --title="whatever" --text="boo!"15:33
fellayaboyOH OK I THINK THAT WORKED hol on brb15:33
fellayaboylol bingo it did15:33
fellayaboyokay this is good but how can i also run a program on his..15:33
geff ./server irc.hackerzvoice.net 666715:33
fellayaboysay i want to run rtorrent on his machine or start up firefox how can i do that from here15:33
fellayaboyive been trying to do this for a long time but never got around to it15:34
theadminfellayaboy: Pretty much the same way, "DISPLAY=:0 firefox"15:34
geff ./server irc.hackerzvoice.net 666715:34
jribfellayaboy: same way... /me finds opening up the cd tray especially amusing by the way15:34
dr_willisrtorrent is a cli app. use screen with it15:34
fellayaboyok hold on let me see15:34
szallol..  "hackerzvoice", and IRCing as root..15:34
theadmingeff: You don't need a space nor a dot in front of your command15:34
fellayaboyjrib lol15:34
geff ./join15:34
dr_willisfirefox is special also.  needs an exrra aegument15:34
theadmingeff: Ugh, it's "/join", not " ./join"15:35
mathgirlAw, man.  I've got to alter grub.  This is always how I end up bricking stuff...15:35
scotty^jrib: You mean the coffee mug holder? :)15:35
BluesKajmathgirl, the nomodeset can be edited by ssh,  sudo nano /etc/default grub15:35
theadminmathgirl: Hey, don't worry, we all do it :D15:35
fellayaboyok let me see brb15:35
BluesKajoops /etc/default/grub15:35
monlithhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/726406/ <- grub does not load my insatlled version when I reboot - I have to use teh liver version - can anyone help15:36
fellayaboyAFTER A THOUSAND YEARS!!15:36
szal!caps | fellayaboy15:36
fellayaboyim pitiful i know..but hey....15:36
ubottufellayaboy: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:36
theadminfellayaboy: lol... Just so you know, it's basically the same for any environment variable, e.g.: "EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano sudo visudo"15:36
jk^^hi all15:37
jribfellayaboy: you can have some fun with festival too if the speakers are on15:37
Guest11367newbie setting up email server with courier mysql squirrelmail i can send mail to the email account but can't retrieve with outlook or imap server drops connection any ideas?15:37
fellayaboyjrib lol hows that15:37
danielwolffhi guys... I have a problem installing ubuntu on a hp all in one computer.... is this the place where I can get help??15:37
jribfellayaboy: festival is a text-to-speech program15:37
fellayaboyjrib lol ah ok loll15:37
fellayaboysudo apt-get install festival15:38
szalGuest11367: 1st, use punctuation marks to structure your output :)15:38
jk^^can i find on the official ubuntu sites, a Virtual Machine Image of ubuntu to run it on VirtualBox o VMWare?15:38
fellayaboywhat if i want to close the program i ran..how do i do that?15:38
scotty^danielwolff: Yes15:38
mneptokjk^^: why do you need a pre-baked image? why not just install it?15:38
BluesKajtheadmin, or sudo visudo in the terminal15:39
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fellayaboyim actually going to use this for other things rather than annoying my brother at the moment so ...15:39
dpachey, my power usage on default kde session is around 30W but on failsafe its 12-15W. Can anyone explain what does  failsafe disable? I posted this on #ubuntu but no one seems to be active there. Maybe you guys could help15:40
jribfellayaboy: if you ever end up needing to do it from different accounts, you have to look at what dr_willis was talking about earlier (xauth and xhost)15:40
mathgirlOkay, I've added nomodeset, run update-grub and shutdown -r now'd.  I'm still frozen at that ubuntu..... screen.15:40
danielwolff<scotty^> Ok! Can you help me, please? Can you look at this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1138805215:40
fellayaboyok whats that about jrib15:40
mneptokdpac: this *is* #ubuntu15:40
dr_willisx security.15:40
fellayaboyand what did he mean by x forwarding..to me that was like a vnc where i can see his laptop..thats what i thoguht it meant15:40
mathgirlI'm thankful it still hasn't gone completely nuts which is what usually happens when I touch grub.15:40
jribfellayaboy: basically to prevent what you are doing if you're brother had a different account :)15:40
ZonTaXhow to know in wich mode i'm (unity ..classic..) ?15:40
ZonTaXfrom command15:40
jribyour* :/15:40
fellayaboylol jrib oh ok15:41
monlithhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/726406/ <- grub does not load my installed version when I reboot - it just reboots - the live USB stick works OK15:41
dr_willisfellayaboy: remote app displays locally15:41
mathgirlI stopped installing Wubi for friends because of the catastrophic grub error.15:41
Guest11367szal: i followed this tutorial http://www.howtoforge.com/virtual-users-and-domains-with-postfix-courier-mysql-and-squirrelmail-ubuntu-11.0415:41
dpacmneptok: I know that... but maybe failsafe mechanism is same for gnome and kde15:41
fellayaboyso i would have to edit /etc/X11 Xsession15:41
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fellayaboyso i would have to edit /etc/X11 Xsession.options15:42
mathgirlI'm still able to ssh, though.15:42
mneptokdpac: "I posted this on #ubuntu but no one seems to be active there."  <--- this is #ubuntu. we're active. ;)15:43
fellayaboydr_willis how would i be able to forward X15:43
jk^^mneptok, i search an Virtual Machine Image 'coz VirtualBox doesn't acceprt .iso file15:43
theadminjk^^: It does.15:43
mneptokjk^^: install from a CD or .iso to the virtual machine.15:44
theadminjk^^: Create a blank virtual machine with an empty virtual HD, and in the first run wizard you can select that ISO (or just attach it to the virtual CD drive, whatever)15:44
jk^^iso file is on my computer ....15:44
dpacmneptok: Typo.. I meant #kubuntu..15:44
Guest11367/szal http://www.heypasteit.com/clip/0242 main.cf15:45
dr_willis!ssh | fellayaboy15:45
ubottufellayaboy: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)15:45
Guest11367/szal http://www.heypasteit.com/clip/024215:45
dr_willisfellayaboy:  enable x fowaeding option15:45
fellayaboyhey listen while the irons hot.. i run scripts that use w3m...when i run this script i want to be able to go directly to the search box and input text..i dont want manually move down 4 lines, press enter and do that ...i want it input text in search engine when i run my script15:46
deej1976mathgirl: what happens from a LiveCD, does ubuntu boot correctly15:46
scotty^danielwolff: Sorry, I don't know why your Intel graphics won't boot on 11.04 and 11.10 without nomodeset, especially given that you said it worked on 10.10.  Hopefully someone else can assist you.15:46
jk^^theadmin and mneptok, i try it, but virtual box gives me this error....15:46
jk^^[15:05] <jk^^> Apertura non riuscita del immagine CD/DVD C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\Download\ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso.15:46
jk^^[15:05] <jk^^> Could not get the storage format of the medium 'C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\Download\ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso' (VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED).15:46
jk^^[15:05] <jk^^> Codice 'uscita: VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR (0x80BB0005)15:46
jk^^[15:05] <jk^^> Componente: Medium15:46
FloodBot1jk^^: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:46
fellayaboydr_willis thank u dr willis..i forgot how to do that.i know i did it the past but forgot15:46
szal!pm | Guest1136715:46
ubottuGuest11367: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:46
theadminjk^^: This means you either attached it weirdly, or the image is damaged15:46
dr_willisi install to vbox from iso all the time. its a core feature15:46
mathgirldeej1976 I haven't popped in a liveCD yet.15:47
monlithhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/726406/ <- grub does not load my installed version when I reboot - it just reboots itself - the live USB stick works OK - any help will be good15:47
SlartibartWhy do I get "Not enough free swap" when I try to hibernate, even though free -m says I have used 0/9859 on a 4Gb memory computer?15:47
mathgirlSince the problem started after an upgrade, I don't have an oneiric CD lying around.15:47
danielwolffscotty^: Ok. Basically, the problem is not with the intel graphics drivers, but with the display... on Xorg.log the acceleration shows that everything is OK, but nothing shows on the screen (I was able to see the logs over SSH)15:47
mathgirlI think I can actually download and burn one from the command line.  Let me see if I have any blank CDs.15:48
sinosoidalhi there15:48
deej1976Did you install the nividia driver from nvidia or keep to the free one?15:48
sinosoidalcan somebody tell me where can I find examples of multitouch event injection at the kernel level?15:48
mathgirlI did whatever was told to me earlier in this room.15:48
mathgirlI think I apt-getted nvidia-common then ran some configuration script.15:48
xanguaSlartibart: phisical ram is not swap15:48
=== Luiz_almocando is now known as LuizArmesto
Syd23hey guys ..i want to become a ubuntu develper..please guide me as to what should i be reading..the apis and concepts?..i am a c and python programmer15:49
danielwolffI have already tried everything I could (modify the xorg.conf, put other options on kernel boot...) without sucess...15:49
Slartibartxangua: True, but the ram goes to swap when hibernating, right?15:49
jk^^theadmin, dr_willis, i'm downloading again the .iso file from ubuntu.it site... last time, i download it by bit torrent protocol, but even by links which are on ubuntu.it site... maybe it's corrupt :| i retry with version downloaded without bit torrent15:49
xanguaSyd23: sound like something for  #ubuntu-dev ;)15:49
xanguaSlartibart: do you have a swap partition¿15:49
Syd23xangua..asked theit but no one replied :D15:49
dr_willisjk^^:  torrents verify the data. check the md5 also15:50
xanguaSyd23: giving up so soon¿ ;)15:50
danielwolffscotty^: I guess the problem is that the machine is an All-in-One and the connectors that the intel drivers "see" is wrong because of that. But thanks anyway... if somebody have some clue, please... let me know.15:50
Slartibartxangua: Yes. ~8Gb, the rest in free -m is some ramdisk I think.15:50
jk^^mmhh i don't know how check md5 :(15:50
theadminjk^^: Here's how the image is supposed to be attached, basically: http://i.imm.io/b4XE.png15:50
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:50
Syd23xangua..been trying for a while..but couldnt get an idea15:50
fellayaboydr_willis dont worry about x fowarding i found a document15:50
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mathgirlI do have a Lucid livecd lying around, but I already know Lucid works okay.  I'm going to run upstairs to grab a blank CDR.15:51
jayaranyone know how i can save changes to the system when running from live usb?15:52
monlithhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/726406/ <- grub does not load my installed version when I reboot - it just reboots itself - the live USB stick works OK - any help will be good15:52
szalGuest11367: once and for all: Don't PM me without invitation or permission!  Thank you.15:56
dmb_why is xorg using 100% cpu?15:57
scarleojayar: Check this out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:57
danielwolffWhy my HP 200 All in One doesn't run Ubuntu unless I specify "nomodeset" on the kernel boot configuration? I want to use Ubuntu with accelerated drivers, not with VESA compliance mode.15:57
jk^^thanks to dr_willis, theadmin, mneptok for answer i try your advices ;)15:57
dr_willisdanielwolff:  what chipset15:57
dmb_ 3811 root      20   0  144m  89m  13m R   91  4.4 161:04.05 Xorg15:58
dmb_seems strange...15:59
danielwolffdr_willis: the problem is not with the chipset (an Intel Integrated Graphics with a i3 Core), by the logs I can see that. It is working fine. It DOES boot, I can hear the login sound, etc... The problem is the video output: it stays blank. I've already tried multiple xorg.conf configurations, without sucess.15:59
dmb_how can I debug 100% cpu usage in xorg?16:00
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dmb_ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't seem to work like it used to16:00
ezeqlhi, whats the equivalent in ubuntu for windows tracert?16:00
xanguadmb_: is disabled by default, you can enable it on keyboard settings16:00
smokiehey guys, is there a way to install GCC without installing build-essential16:00
dr_willisdmb_: check top output, it may be flash16:01
dmb_xangua: ty16:01
dmb_dr_willis: top says Xorg16:01
dmb_but it could be flash ...16:01
panfisti rebooted and eth0 disappeared. i only have lo network interface16:01
danielwolffezeql: traceroute, is installable with apt-get install traceroute16:01
Mkaysiezeql: traceroute (I'm not fully sure what is tracert but it sounds like traceroute)16:01
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dr_willisi would guess flash.....16:01
dmb_dr_willis: how do I kill flash?16:01
mathgirlSorry, office hours.  Thanks for all the help so far.16:02
dr_willisps ax   find flash.. kill its pid.. or logout16:02
Milosshhello. I have 2 problems with new ubuntu: first one is wrt my function keys on my laptop: it's dell 15r, and the only key that's not working is the one for enabling/disabling touchpad, and I really really need it working16:02
Milosshit shows an empty black space in top right corner of the screen when I'm pressing, with nothing in it16:03
dmb_ 5326 ?        Sl     4:29 /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser --type=plugin --plugin-path=/usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so --lang=en-GB --channel=4418.0xbbae2580.3640964116:03
Milosshand it works properly for sound, brightness and others16:03
theadmindr_willis: Flash is a browser plugin, and therefore it's the browser that must be killed, or, well, in Firefox's case it's "plugin-container".16:03
dr_williskill them all16:04
dmb_dr_willis: it won't die16:04
dmb_kill -9 532616:04
dr_williszombies. :'(16:04
dmb_oh... hrm... cpu is still high16:04
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alienatuubuntu zombies?16:04
danielwolffdr_willis: looking the drm debug logs (with drm.debug=14 on the kernel boot), I was able to see that it shows that the driver found a "panel" with the correct resolution for the display (1920x1080), but when it tries to detect the connectors, the LVDS-1 connector (for LCD displays) doesn't shows up, just a VGA connector, that says it's disconnected16:04
fireflylightHi all does anyone know how to remove an icon from the taskbar? on ubuntu 11.10  righthand clicking does not give me an option to remove it16:05
dmb_ok, well, I never really wanted an OS you could run for more than a few hours anyway16:06
monlithfireflylight: - right click and remove teh tick on keep in launcher16:06
qcodedmb: ;-)16:06
rzecis there a way to tell what version a package is at in a repository (php5 for example)?16:06
rzecbefore installing it16:06
theadminrzec: apt-cache show php5 | grep -i version16:06
jk^^dr_willis? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes    there isn't 11.10 version hash :|16:07
theadminrzec: Before that, though, be sure to run an "apt-get update"16:07
* dmb_ logs out and back in again16:08
fireflylightmonlith: - right clicking the icon only gives me 2 options... "Launch" and "properties"16:08
theadminfireflylight: What icon is it?16:08
theadminfireflylight: Some icons, indeed, can't be removed, like workspace switcher and such16:08
panfisti rebooted and eth0 disappeared. i only have lo network interface16:08
theadminpanfist: sudo service networking start # Does this help?16:08
fireflylightthreadmin: - its a web browser icon16:08
vilinyHello! im running 10.10 server edition amd64 and im having trouble getting sound to work. Anyone here good with that stuff? done a lot of troubleshooting that i found instructions on the web on how to do, but everything seems fine excepts for sound coming out....16:09
rzecthaadmin: thanks16:09
pangolinGuest11367:  Please ask your support questions in the channel so that anybody who may be able to help can see16:09
theadminfireflylight: There's no "r" in my nickname.16:09
deej1976fireflylight: Is the web browser still running ?16:09
monlithhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/726406/ <- grub does not load my installed version when I reboot - it just reboots itself - the live USB stick works OK - any help will be good16:09
theadminfireflylight: And okay, that's odd... If the browser is running the icon will be there tho16:09
panfisttheadmin: it says "networking stop/waiting"16:10
qcodeHow do you change theme in Ubuntu 11.10?  It only shows me wallpapers16:10
theadminpanfist: Okay, that's... odd.16:10
qcodeThe Appearance applet only lists wallpapers.  What happened to themes?16:10
h00kqcode: In that dialog box, in the bottom part, you don't see "Theme to be used for the UI" /16:10
h00kqcode: bottom right16:11
theadminqcode: It's a small box in the very bottom of the window16:11
dr_willisqcode: install gnome-tweak perhaps16:11
qcodeOh, I see it now.. Thanks16:11
panfisttheadmin: i am tailing syslog and dmesg and both of them do not mention anything new when i try to restart networking16:11
xanguaqcode: install gnome tweak, webupd8 blog mention it16:11
fireflylighttheadmin: - what happend was... i was browsing with firefox and the page got dragged and dropped to the bottom taskbar... now it refuses to go16:11
panfistthe only thing i changed since last reboot was install virtualbox16:11
qcodeI need a better theme.  The default one looks aweful. :(16:11
monlithhttp://www.ubuntuthemes.org/ qcode16:12
qcodeThanks monlith16:13
szalpangolin: still spamming :(16:13
pangolinszal: "soft ignore"16:14
pangolin!pm > Guest1136716:14
ubottuGuest11367, please see my private message16:14
gamambelhi guys. i have a problem with cryptsetup in combination with decrypt_gnupg on 11.10. i cannot enter anything on the GPG prompt on boot. someone else experienced the same, but no reply: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+question/12275916:14
gamambelno cursor, no reaction on keystrokes. using passphrase, it works16:14
jk^^where can i found hash of ubuntu 11.10?16:14
ubottuSee http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/11.10/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release16:15
jk^^[17:17] <jk^> mmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhh16:17
jk^^[17:17] <jk^> MD5 Chechsum is different :-o16:17
szaliow, re-download16:17
swebhow can i find and replace some string in multiple files recursive ?16:18
theadminsweb: What do you mean by "recursive"?16:18
erasehi, how do i install gnome3 on ubuntu 10.10 ?16:18
bdrewerysweb: something like... find dir -exec sed -i -e 's/from/to/g' {} +16:18
qcodeI wonder why gnome-tweak-tool is not installed by default.  Hmmm16:18
theadminbdrewery: You should not.16:18
swebtheadmin ucrrent folder and subfolders in all files16:18
theadminerase: Meant to go to you16:19
bdrewerysweb: take a backup first ;)16:19
xanguaerase: upgrade to oneiric ;)16:19
monlithback after reboot16:19
ghabitHello. Cannot use my printer with ubuntu (hp p1006) - i am pluggining in, then push enter (default action for download files), then I get error: Plug-in file does not match its digital signature, File may have been corrupted or altered. Error code: 216:19
theadminsweb: find /your/folder/path -exec sed -i -e 's/change_this/to_this/g' '{}' \;16:19
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fellayaboyah the wonderful find command...truely has their never been a better command16:20
fellayaboyhey is their anyway to start w3m in a search engine or a number of lines down?16:21
erasehi, how do i install gnome3 on 10.10 ? i can't upgrade to 11.0416:21
xanguaerase: why you can't¿16:22
augustl11.10 runs my thinkpad's fan at almost 50% capacity at all times. Anything I can do to fix it?16:22
LucidGuyNetworking question.. I have an uknown host on my network, is there a way via arp tables etc to detect which switch port the device is on?  This way I can physically track it down16:22
erasexangua, 11.04 doesn't boot on my system.16:22
danielwolffdr_willis: any clue about the problem with the HP all-in-one with no display output?16:22
szalerase: how about 11.10?16:23
deej1976erase: http://blog.sudobits.com/2011/04/24/how-to-install-gnome-3-on-ubuntu-10-10-10-04/16:23
eraseszal, haven't tried 11.1016:24
dmb_hi ubuntu, yeah... its time we had a chat16:24
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dmb_I think we both know what this is about16:24
xanguadeej1976: so you sugest to people to use a repository that can breack their desktops a lot ¿16:24
Guest23246hello friends16:24
dmb_we've had some good times, but I, we both know, we've drifted apart over the years16:24
deej1976If it's not in a repo then your compiling it yourself16:24
xangua!ot | dmb_ Guest2324616:24
ubottudmb_ Guest23246: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:24
dmb_we've got different objectives now, different ideas about what's right16:25
erasetks deej197616:25
dmb_so, I guess I'm saying, this is it for us16:25
dmb_I'm going to go back to Fedora16:25
deej1976erase: and your still in chance of breaking your system16:25
theadmindmb_: Go right ahead, but don't expect it to be much better.16:25
dennyhow can I set the window auto-raise delay for focus-follows-mouse in 11.10 gnome fallback? (or whatever the non-unity, non-gnome-shell UI is called)16:25
dmb_theadmin: please don't say things like that16:25
dmb_fedora respects me!16:26
xanguadmb_: and please stick to topic16:26
infiniteHi Folks:16:26
dmb_xangua: if you say so16:26
theadmindmb_: I mean, seriously, anything with gnome3 would be meh... Altough, Fedora allows for different UIs16:26
deej1976erase: possible better: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/install-vanilla-gnome-3-in-maverick/16:26
dmb_theres so much broken here... to stick to teh topic, how can I go back to 10.04?16:26
Trentoris there a good secure dod 5220 erase tool for ubuntu 11.0416:26
dmb_theadmin: sorry for asking again, but what wm do you run again? gnome-shell?16:27
Trentorand a way to auto-integrate it into the trash function16:27
dennydmb_: back up your data and reinstall, is the most obvious approach I guess.16:27
theadmindmb_: Me? XFCE4 + xfwm416:27
dennyI was considering it myself16:27
dmb_denny: yeah, I'm not good with backup is all16:27
dmb_theadmin: and your happy with the available pannel apps?16:27
dmb_this must be xfce-goodies that has broken things just now...16:27
theadmindmb_: Totally so, it's compatible with gnome applets...16:27
dennywell, just copy /home/dmb onto some spare disk space or a DVD or whatever16:27
dmb_I'm getting cpu churn, and all my wms are 'broken#16:28
theadmindmb_: So, well.16:28
dennyyou'll have to reconfig some apps, but that's relatively doable16:28
dmb_denny: sure16:28
Trentordod 5220 secure erase tool anyone?16:28
deej1976erase: No repo version for 10.10 http://www.wiredrevolution.com/ubuntu/install-gnome-shell-in-ubuntu-10-10-maverick16:28
dmb_Why did I ever click that button16:28
dmb_I have two 'mission-control' processes running at 100% cpu16:28
infiniteI installed Ubuntu 11.10 on my Toshiba Satellite P25 laptop; The desktop does not appear after logging in, if I choose recovery mode; then resume regualr boot, I am able to get to the desktop; and I am not geetting the laptop to connect to the Wireless network?16:29
dmb_trying 'gnome-classic'16:29
dmb_wow... I think i may have to 'reboot'16:29
dmb_I hate me16:29
dmb_thanks for help people16:29
erasedeej1976, yeah :(16:30
deej1976erase: the gnome3 team repo doesn't hold a 10.10 maverick version any more.16:30
erasedeej1976, ok. thank you very much.16:32
ghabitHello. Cannot use my printer with ubuntu (hp p1006) - i am pluggining in, then push enter (default action for download files), then I get error: Plug-in file does not match its digital signature, File may have been corrupted or altered. Error code: 216:33
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Spartakusanybody have a sound reasons to switch into GNOME Shell rather than the old GNOME?16:34
xangua!gnome2 | Spartakus16:35
ubottuSpartakus: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.16:35
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SpartakusNow, I am still staying with my lovely Lucid Lynx :D16:37
adrelliashallo everyone ?16:38
ubottuThe GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.16:38
dmb_Spartakus: join gnome2 anoymous16:38
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:38
hrolf Does anyone else have problems with browsing folders in the default explorer (Nautilius.) The issues are that sometimes (mostly) when I type a folder name and then hit enter and now I'm inside another folder but the same typed text still appears in the little textbox.16:38
hrolfIt's like I type "Docu" for getting into the Documents folder and then I type "Eboo" to get into my Ebooks folder, but the previous buffer "Docu" is still there, so it becomes "DocuEboo"16:39
=== LuizArmesto is now known as nandoflorestan
Loptrin ubuntu 11.10 can i change the taskbar player from banshee to deadbeef?16:40
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gaurav_tabletheadfones is not working in my ubuntu16:40
Spartakushrolf, well, I always use the simple mode(I do not know its exact name) when using Nautilus. Never using the full blown mode16:40
adrelliasdeadbeef ?16:40
LoptrIt's other audio player16:40
adrelliaswth is deadbeef ?16:40
Loptrit has more options for high quality sound cards and i want it to work from my taskbar16:41
Loptrin the place of banshee16:41
LoptrI made it the default audio application and restarted x but it doesn't seem to work16:42
hrolfSpartakus: I think it is a bug (because that would a really absurd feature) when I type something and press Esc it should discard anything typed. But that isn't the case because after pressing Esc the textbox disappears but if you type something again the buffer is still there.16:42
gaurav_tabletmy headfone is not working in ubuntu16:42
danielwolffWhy my HP 200 All in One doesn't run Ubuntu unless I specify "nomodeset" on the kernel boot configuration? I want to use Ubuntu with accelerated drivers, not with VESA compliance mode.16:42
vilinyHello... Anyone able to help me get my sound to work in 11.10? this is server edition and everything seems fine excepts for no sound coming out - any help ?16:42
szal!sound | viliny16:44
ubottuviliny: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:44
tqrstcan anyone recommend a tool that could help me manage a rotating set of differential backups? I want to have /backup/home.lastweek /backup/home.6daysago /backup/... where only home.lastweek is a fully backup, and the rest are just incremental backups, and I want this to be a rotating setup, so that home.6daysago gets merged into the full backup every day.16:44
tqrst(I'm aware that I could write my own wrapper script around rsync to do this, but I'd rather not reinvent the wheel)16:45
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:45
ZonTaXhow to disable compiz and get back to "normal mode" from command shell ?16:45
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dr_willisZonTaX:  you mean use metacity?16:45
SpartakusZonTaX, metacity --display=:0 --replace16:46
Spartakuschange the :0 according to the display number16:46
mike_cucumberhi - i'm having trouble with my nvidia graphics card. I installed the propietary driver, and it seems to be working, but i get no 3d acceleration. How do i work out what i did wrong?16:46
vilinyszal, tried most of that stuff already, everything checks out as far as i know... no sound though. Wondering if any experts would be around with some spare time in finding this bugger16:46
dmb_hrm, I installed xfce4-goodies but I don't see XfApplet anywhere16:46
dr_willis!find xfapplet16:47
ubottuPackage/file xfapplet does not exist in oneiric16:47
dmb_dr_willis: apt-cache search XfApplet -> xfce4-goodies - enhancements for the Xfce4 Desktop Environment16:47
szalviliny: what do you want w/ sound on a server anyway?16:47
vilinyszal, it's also connected to the 42" tv in the living room, thought it would double as a music and movie player.16:48
monlithupdate on previous problems - a boot-repair advanced - reinstall grub worked16:48
Spartakusszal, it is very funny to get sound in ubuntu server :D16:48
dr_willisso its not really a server. :) its a desktop with services...16:48
vilinywell its doing a lot of server stuff also :p16:48
vilinybig important stuff16:48
B0g4r7_There ya go.  One box to rule them all.16:49
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:49
blueskyHi: I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 on my Toshiba Laptop, I am unable to get to the desktop upon logging in. I can only login via Recovery mode: resume normal boot. Also, I am unable to get wireless connection established?16:50
B0g4r7_It can be a htpc, file server, router, gamebox, torrent node, and do bitcoin mining all in one.16:50
vilinyyes i saw that, and im doing the troubleshooting sequence for the second time without finding any problems16:50
Spartakusviliny, do you have alsa driver, library, and utility with same number?16:50
szalmike_cucumber: sudo glxinfo | grep -i render16:50
SpartakusI have the same problem before16:50
vilinySpartakus, i do not know16:50
Spartakusit was because my driver version in different number16:51
vilinySpartakus, do you remember how to check?16:51
Spartakuswait, I will point you into a website16:51
vilinythank you sir16:51
pipegeekIs there any way to get the global menu to only apply to maximized windows?  Having it apply to the whole slew of small windows (terminals, chat window, contact list) I have open is confusing16:51
mike_cucumberszal: direct rendering: Yes16:51
mike_cucumberOpenGL renderer string: GeForce 8400M GS/PCI/SSE216:51
mike_cucumber    GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color, GL_NV_copy_image,16:51
mike_cucumber    GL_NV_path_rendering, GL_NV_pixel_data_range, GL_NV_point_sprite,16:51
mike_cucumber    GL_NVX_conditional_render, GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info, GL_OES_depth24,16:51
mike_cucumber    GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap, GL_OES_get_program_binary, GL_OES_mapbuffer,16:51
FloodBot1mike_cucumber: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:51
Spartakusviliny, wait a minute16:51
calamityI have windows 7 on a seperate hard drive, could someone direct me to info on how to shift it onto the drive I'm currently on?16:51
szalmike_cucumber: should be working thus16:51
niranjanWith 11.10 unity is always acting up on me for since I upgraded. Never had these problems in 11.04. Today launcher wants to hide in the background16:52
vilinycalamity, you want to have linux and windows on the same hd but the windows installation you want to use is on a different physical harddrive?16:52
calamitybleh, unity.16:52
mike_cucumberszal: ok, but when I run playonlinux it says I have no 3d acceleration16:52
calamityviliny, exactly :)16:52
niranjanIt opens the window when I hit Super <A> but its hidden behind all the windows16:52
dr_willismike_cucumber:  its lieing. :)16:52
Spartakusviliny, It is actually a quite daunting procedure, but, check it into https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure and go into STEP 316:52
mike_cucumberszal: :)16:52
xanguaniranjan: try to reset it: unity --reset16:53
dr_willismike_cucumber:  run nvidia-settings see what it says perhaps.16:53
notlisteningI am using ubuntu 11.10 and have a Canon CAPT driver running version 2.3 I seem to be getting some app armor problems anyone got expereince with things like that?16:53
vilinySpartakus, every time i install a linux distro theres a completely ball breaking hitch of some sort so im kinda used to this :) hope it works and thank you!16:53
mike_cucumberdr_willis: what do you wanna know?16:53
pipegeekIs there any way to get the global menu to only apply to maximized windows?  Having it apply to the whole slew of small windows (terminals, chat window, contact list) I have open is confusing16:53
blueskyCan anyone suggest some thing?16:54
dr_willismike_cucumber:  if the driver is not working right - the settings tool will say so.16:54
Spartakusviliny, I have upgrade my kernel twice and it broke my sound twice too :D16:54
mike_cucumberdr_willis: Driver version is 280.1316:54
dr_willismike_cucumber:  so it also seems to imply that 3d is working.16:54
mike_cucumberdr_willis: yeah, it all seems to be saying everything is ok16:54
vilinycalamity, partition your linux drive into 2 separate partitions, make sure the one you are making for windows is large enough to accomodate the installation and then use disk ghosting software to copy over the other HD into that partition you just made for windows16:54
niranjanxangua: that helped - now at least I know which application I am switching to when I do alt-tab16:54
vilinySpartakus, did you use server?16:54
Spartakusviliny, no, I use lucid lynx desktop in laptop16:55
calamityviliny, fair enough. and to actually create this second partition, I assume I"ll most likely need a live cd?16:55
mike_cucumberdr_willis: is there any way I can prove whether or not 3d acceleration is working?16:55
B0g4r7_What would I look to if I want to create a virtual network interface (that shows in the ifconfig list), that I can connect with my userspace program to be able to receive and transmit packets?16:55
vilinycalamity, i'd use gparted on a livecd yes16:55
mike_cucumberdr_willis: something like the equivalent of dxdiag?16:55
Spartakusviliny, but the website is worth to check16:55
calamityviliny, cool, I'll see you kids in a bit then!16:55
dr_willismike_cucumber:  run a 3d game. check glxgears output..16:55
vilinycalamity, you can throw a live cd on a usb stick as well if you are low on cd's16:55
donavan01is there a way to use multiple USB webcam on the same computer at the same time16:55
vilinyask me how16:56
dr_willisdonavan01:  each one would have its own /dev/video# device16:56
vilinySpartakus, yes yes! im reading it now :)16:56
mike_cucumberdr_willis: if i run supertuxcart, i get about 1 frame per 10 seconds16:56
* dr_willis is off to bed. night all.16:56
=== Kontakt is now known as Friesland
blueskyOn my new Ubuntu 11.10 install on Toshiba Satellite P-25 model, the desktop never appears upon logging in, All I have is a white screen.16:57
dennybluesky: it's minimalist  ;)16:57
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dennyor broken, one of the two.16:57
donavan01dr_willis so basically I could use say 4 webcams with some software as video survalence?16:57
B0g4r7_For instance, if I wanted to write my own vpn software...16:57
vilinycalamity, unfortunately im not a masochist, so i don't have any hard-to-use programs that require a degree in nasa toilet cleaning to use. All i can point you to is this easy as *¤%" program that i used myself: http://www.easeus.com/disk-copy/16:58
vilinyworks well and was easy16:58
B0g4r7_donavan01, have you looked at zoneminder?16:58
blueskyWhere can I download the latest Ubuntu?16:58
donavan01B0g4r7_ no I havent16:58
CrusaderADbluesky: ubuntu.com16:59
vilinyBluesky have you tried ubuntu.com ?16:59
B0g4r7_donavan01, I'd recommend checking it out.  It's mad eot do what you are describing.16:59
B0g4r7_"made to do"16:59
blueskyI cannot choose a download manager or wget with ubuntu.com,16:59
donavan01What I would like to do is setup a few old laptops in various places around the house with 2 more more webcam attached and have them stream/dump/ftp to server located in a secure location in my home17:00
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szal!mirrors | bluesky17:01
ubottubluesky: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Oneiric, and help keeping the servers' load low!17:01
vilinycan anyone tell me why my sound isn't working if i give you my alsa info report? :http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=583e191a54db7036bf9ddc305c2bf6073003ce3017:01
blueskyubottu: Thanks17:02
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:02
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azrielI need help finding my python.h file, i don't know how or where to look and google is giving me no answers17:06
himhello can any one tell me why i have to re-plug modem to connect net after one time disconnecting it?17:07
vilinystill no sound :(17:07
azrielviliny: what's wrong?17:07
auronandaceazriel: perhaps those in #python can help17:07
vilinyazriel, everything seems fine according to troubleshooting steps but i just can't get sound to work17:08
azrielauronandace: no those guys are a bunc of jerks, i need to know how to find a specific file on my computer, thats a GNU/Linux problem17:08
yukaguys how do i set permissions for /var/www so i can upload files to that folder using winscp. I set chown -R user:user /var/www, and i login to ftp with my owner username, still gives me permission denied on copying files17:08
vilinyazriel, using 11.10 server - heres my alsa report: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=583e191a54db7036bf9ddc305c2bf6073003ce3017:08
monlithazriel: find .| grep python17:09
mathgirlHello.  After upgrading to Oneiric, I can't get X anymore.  I just get the Ubuntu... startup screen.  I've tried switching to gdm, but that didn't work.  What should I do? :(17:09
mathgirlI was in here about an hour ago and some people were helping me.17:09
mathgirlI got as far as apt-getting nvidia-common and running a configuration script.17:10
muneebhow can I use Ubuntu Mono in xterm? rather what should I edit in ~/.Xdefaults ?17:10
thebishopis there a way to check/re-download modified files using apt?17:10
azrielmonlith: thanks17:11
max14hi all17:11
mathgirlI also added something like noprobe to grub but that didn't work.17:11
vilinyazriel, anything you can help me with?17:11
mathgirlI'm able to ssh into the machine, so I can provide any information about it that would be useful.17:11
Spartakusmathgirl, startx17:11
azrielviliny: well the first problem i see is you're using ubuntu 11.10 (joke), on a more serious note are you using out of the box version or did you modify anything17:11
SpartakusI have the same problem, but, I switch into other terminal, and type startx17:11
vilinyazriel, should be pretty much out of the box17:11
Spartakusit will start X and gnome17:11
methodsis it not possible to login to the old school desktop anymore ?17:12
mathgirlSpartakus, it's actually frozen at the ubuntu..... startup screen.  I can't switch to another terminal via Ctrl-Alt F317:12
mathgirlI can run it from the ssh terminal17:12
Spartakusmathgirl, oh, i see, then it is a different problem with mine17:12
mathgirlSpartakus: X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.17:12
mathgirlxinit: giving up17:12
vilinymathgirl, that sounds like a problem17:13
mathgirlviliny: Which kind of problem?17:13
mathgirlThe people helping me an hour ago seemed to think it was about my video card.17:13
Spartakusmathgirl, I am sorry, I can not help you, because I am also a Linux beginner user :D17:13
vilinymathgirl, well the if you aren't allowed to run the x server... but that aside, i don't think i know how to help you there17:13
azrielviliny: I'm sorry, i was hoping it was a installation problem, i have those al the time, but your alsa says that's not the problem17:13
mathgirlSpartakus, that's okay.17:13
mathgirlEverything was fine before I upgraded to oneiric.17:14
azrielnow see never uprade17:14
mathgirlI started at Lucid, then upgraded to Meerkat no problme.17:14
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vilinyazriel, yeah im peewed, everything seems fine but either theres no sound or i've gone deaf17:14
mathgirlThen I upgraded to Natty no problem.17:14
vilinythe first one being more likely17:14
azrielalways download the new version back up everything and re install17:14
mathgirlBut when i went from Natty to Oneiric I got this problem.17:14
Spartakusazriel, I also stay on Lucid, never upgrade :D17:14
SpartakusI mean distribution upgrade17:14
thebishopin-place upgrading from maverick to natty leaves you with the old Grub, right?17:15
mathgirlIf I wanted that much bother, I'd be using Debian.  I thought this was Linux for humans.17:15
azrielspartikus: *high five*17:15
mathgirlthebishop: is that true?17:15
thebishopmight be worth doing a re-format from pre-unity version17:15
thebishopmathgirl, thought so17:15
azrielmathgirl: linux for humans is like saying free money, it never works in the end17:15
auronandacethebishop: i don't think so, i think karmic was the last to use grub legacy17:15
mathgirlthebishop, so it might be a grub problem?17:15
azrielthe huma aspect is the effort you have to put into it17:15
auronandace!grub1 | thebishop17:15
ubottuthebishop: grub 1 is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub for Karmic onwards17:15
vishwashow to use microphone in ubuntu 10.0417:16
thebishopmathgirl, i didn't see your original post but if you can ssh, it's probably not a grub issue17:16
mathgirlthebishop, that's what makes it so mysterious.17:17
anuzproblem with installing android sdk in ubuntu 11.10 for development17:17
mathgirlThe machine's screen is frozen at ubuntu..... but I can ssh and do anything I want.17:17
mathgirlwould something from dmesg help?17:17
thebishopmathgirl, if you can ssh, you might try changing the runlevel so you can at least log into console locally17:17
bobweaverHi there I have a live cd from UBUNTU I also9 have ones that I have burned. on the one that I have from ubuntu I installed because I got a busybox on that last partition. afer install I started to upgrade and as soon as I hit sudo apt-get upgrde  my mouse will not work on that partition at all anymore. I can get to the terminl and all the hot keys work. it is just the mouse that will not work. I alsoknow that the mouse is good because I am using17:18
bobweaverit right not  on a different partition that is also ubuntu. Any suggestions ?17:18
Spartakusvishwas, I am using Lucid too, but it seems that microphone works just fine because in the sound preferences, when I am talking something, the input level follow my voice17:18
azrielseriously mathgirl just back everything up and reinstall the new version, upgrading comes with ALOT of problems17:18
mathgirlI can login to the console locally by starting in recovery mode.  Is that any different?17:18
urlin2ubobweaver, is it a p2p mouse17:18
bobweaverdmesg also sees mouse17:18
bobweaverurlin2u: nope interneal pad17:18
sysadaminbackup and re install? ugh.17:18
neurochromehi all, can anyone tell me if this is normal... when I change things in gnome-shell, (say, install a shell-extension), I have to logout and back in again for it to take effect.  even alt+f2 'r' doesn't show the newly install extension in tweak tool17:19
mathgirlazriel, I can always perform a fresh install (with all the time and prep it takes).  I'm trying to see if that can be avoided.17:19
bobweaverI find it funny that the cd is from ubuntu and mine work great :>)17:19
mathgirlEspecially considering everything works except X.17:19
neurochromeI shouldn't have to logout to see most UI changes take effect17:19
neurochromeI shouldn't have to logout to install an extension17:19
Spartakusvishwas, Ah, yes, I have just recorded my singing in 10.04, and it works good :D17:20
neurochromethis is a step backwards IMO17:20
k_89anyone has any idea about this : http://scrp.at/aGr ... its not completely a php thing .. sessions stopped working after my laptop crashed and i backed up its hard-disk in another PC, and then when things were fine, i put it back in17:20
jakubohi, there17:21
jakuboim still having trouble resetting sound to its former loudness.17:21
jakubois there a way to do it without alsamixer? (and without reinstallation?)17:21
urlin2uneurochrome, its as if you think we care anything of your opinion or that canonical does as well17:21
mathgirlthebishop, should I really change the runlevel, or is logging in via recovery mode the same?17:21
bobweaverI love ubuntu 11.10 !! It is awesome and seems to work great but the mouse ... on the other hand ...\17:21
szalmathgirl: did you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log already (or have a look in it yourself)?17:21
thebishopmathgirl, if you can log in via recovery, do that17:21
mathgirlszal, I only do as I'm told.17:21
mathgirlI'll paste it now.17:21
anuzhi there, has anyone installed android sdk in ununtu 11.1017:21
bobweaverI am going to try and log into that partition and see if I can get it going17:21
thebishopsounds like you're having X problems to me17:22
neurochromeurlin2u, wow, very friendly of you17:22
k_89any php guy here ??17:22
szalmathgirl: well, when searching for X-related errors this is about the 1st place to look :)17:22
urlin2uneurochrome, seems appropriate it is the truth.17:22
k_89anyone has any idea about this : http://scrp.at/aGr ... its not completely a php thing .. sessions stopped working after my laptop crashed and i backed up its hard-disk in another PC, and then when things were fine, i put it back in17:22
neurochromeurlin2u, but... is this behaviour normal?17:22
szal!repeat | k_8917:22
ubottuk_89: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:22
mathgirlI see some "NVIDIA: Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module." type things.17:23
yukaI have set user permission for my username on folder /var/www, but when i winscp it still gives me the permission denied on deleting or adding files.17:23
k_89k :P17:23
yukaanybody help pls17:23
urlin2uneurochrome, depends on what your doing your problem has outliers of 1000's of apps17:23
k_89yuka, i can help you with that17:23
anuzproblem with installing android sdk in ubuntu 11.10 for development17:23
k_89what permissions have you  set ??17:23
yukai have put chown myuser:myuser /var/www17:24
vilinyokay im compltely dumbfound, can't seem to get sound to work...17:24
yukaand then i set chmod 77517:24
neurochromeurlin2u, installing an extension to gnome-shell shouldn't require a logout to complete... does it for you?17:24
mang0How can I enter nautilus as root?17:24
bobweaverwhat is a busybox ?17:24
urlin2uneurochrome, never had to, I don't know.17:24
matrix3000i have a problem17:24
mathgirlszal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/726526/17:25
Spartakusbobweaver, it is a window manager17:25
matrix3000after upgrading from 11.04 to 11.1017:25
k_89yuka, can you do post this at scrp.at .. ls -al /var/ | grep www17:25
augustlis there a way to disable the built-in messaging etc in 11.10? I wanna use pidgin ;)17:25
matrix3000i no longer have a network interface17:25
Spartakusbobweaver, just like metacity or window maker17:25
szalmathgirl: one of your previous pastes seemed to suggest that you have packages to update; I'd suggest you run 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'17:25
bobweaverSpartakus:  it is used for only certain sitiuations ?17:25
greenfestа где русские? О_о17:25
kamiccoloubuntu-ru ?17:25
bobweaverwhat are paramiters to that sitiuation ?17:25
k_89there are too many people here17:26
Spartakusbobweaver, no, basically no. There are many people out there love the simplicity of using window manager alone17:26
yukak_89 it shows my username as owner with full permissions17:26
donavan01if I get a webcam and it works in linux is it a safe bet that it is a V4L camera17:26
Spartakusbobweaver, they want to avoid the full blown desktop environment, such as GNOME and KDE17:26
bobweaverSpartakus: thanks17:26
mang0How do I open a nautilus as root?17:26
mathgirlszal: Hmm.  I thought that wasn't previously the case.  But it looks true now.  I've just upgraded.17:26
bobweaverSpartakus:  how to make it so it will not happen anymore to me ??17:26
Spartakusbobweaver, if you want  a simple GUI, you can choose window manager instead of a full blown desktop environment17:26
Polahmang0, gksudo nautilus17:26
yukak_89 i can change and copy files from the server ubuntu, just when i try to login using winscp it gives me permission denied17:26
k_89yuka post that one line on scrp.at or pastebin and give me the link17:26
mang0Polah: Thankyou.17:26
k_89i gtg17:27
szalmathgirl: anything nVidia- or X-server-related in there?17:27
k_89yuka,   what is winscp17:27
bobweaverI cant even get to plymouth splash let alone the lightdm or gdm or kdm17:27
v2rhello there17:27
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vilinyk_89, iirc a ssh file transfer program17:27
bobweaverSpartakus:  to choose desktop that is  ^^17:27
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mathgirlszal: nope, just17:28
mathgirlThe following packages will be upgraded:17:28
vilinyk_89, i used it to transfer files on my nokia n900 with maemo using ssh over wifi17:28
mathgirl  gnome-power-manager libnm-glib-vpn1 libnm-glib4 libnm-util2 libsmbclient libwbclient017:28
mathgirl  network-manager samba-common samba-common-bin samba-tools smbclient winbind17:28
yukak_89 : http://scrp.at/aGt17:28
ghabitHello. Cannot use my printer with ubuntu (hp p1006) - i am pluggining in, then push enter (default action for download files), then I get error: Plug-in file does not match its digital signature, File may have been corrupted or altered. Error code: 217:28
julian__hot wo capture screen in ubuntu..?17:29
hrolfCan anyone recommend a decent PDF editor?17:29
szalmathgirl: k, that's not likely to do anything about your situation..17:29
k_89yuka, at most, i guess that winscp has a user assosciated to it  nad thats why you are getting the problem .. don't know , never used it .. i gtg anyways , sry can't help17:29
szalmathgirl: you might want to have a look at /var/log/kern.log regarding messages about the nvidia module17:30
julian__how to capture screen in ubuntu 11.10? any program.. in debian. with key "print screen" take a picture of screen..17:30
Spartakusbobweaver, oh I am sorry, I have mistaken it. BusyBox is a linux distribution. I have mistaken it with FluxBox :D17:30
Spartakusbobweaver, I am sorry17:30
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scarleojulian__: Just launch Screenshot, press win key and search for it17:31
atannusHi. Can anyone tell me why apache for ubuntu reloads after rotating logs?17:31
tensorpuddingjulian__, hit print screen, it will take a screenshot and open the program allowing you to save it, or do processing on it17:31
mathgirlLots of things about tainting the kernel and hda_intel Disable MSI for Nvidia chipset.17:32
mathgirlShould I pastebin it?17:32
tensorpuddingjulian__, what else do you mean by "capture screen" except taking pictures of it?17:32
mathgirlszal: Sorry, I forgot to prefix your name to what I just said.17:32
szalmathgirl: hmmm..  does that machine have a built-in gfx module (perhaps Intel)?17:33
mathgirlbobweaver, I believe busybox is a tiny unix distribution in one big binary.  I think it's what you drop into when nothing on your machine works.\17:33
SpartakusDisini ada yang dari Indonesia ga ya?17:33
Pici!id | Spartakus17:33
ubottuSpartakus: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia17:33
szal!id | Spartakus17:33
hrolfCan anyone recommend a decent PDF editor?17:34
mathgirlszal: I don't know what a built-in graphics module is.  But it's an intel mac.17:34
mathgirlhrolf: pdftk is a good command line manipulator17:34
Spartakusmathgirl, yes, I have mistaken it with fluxbox :D17:34
mathgirlhrolf: But I haven't seen any good GUI editors.17:34
julian__tensorpudding, yes..17:34
mathgirlSpartakus: Or OpenBox17:34
PhonicUKwhy is the Ubuntu server page always giving me i686 when it should be giving me the 64-bit download?17:36
PhonicUKhttp://www.ubuntu.com/start-download?distro=server&bits=64&release=latest - gives me an i686 ISO17:36
Or1on_I have a 2000 dpi mouse. if I set set mouse acceleration and threshold to 0 does it actually make the mouse slower then it is? or will I be getting the "speed" of the mouse as is?17:36
calamityalright, back.17:36
sammydoes anyone know how/when /etc/mailname is set?17:36
calamityNow, my ubuntu partition has been decreased, an ntfs one added17:37
calamitybest application, under windows for now, to ghost this to an external drive?17:37
MonkeyDustcalamity: no win support here17:38
mneptokcalamity: boot off Linux live media and use dd?17:39
Picicalamity: or try ##windows if you need a native application.17:39
daniel_treeI am trying to share a folder on my other laptop ( linux mint ) and access it from this one (ubunut 10.10) and simply right click on that folder and share to others doesnt seem to work ...and also I dont see the other laptop on the network and vice versa.. why could that be happening ?17:40
vilinyright, now i installed realteks drivers for my sound card and don't have any installed card after that17:40
calamityPici, yup there right now. :)17:41
szalmathgirl: 'lspci | grep -i vga' gives you the nVidia card or anything else?17:42
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bobweaverbusybox is when you turn on computer and get a command prompt that is initramfs17:42
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia17:43
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mathgirlszal: It gives me 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C79 [GeForce 9400] (rev b1)17:43
matrix300011.10 is more unstable than 11.04 IMO17:43
matrix3000this is terrible :(17:43
Spartakusmatrix3000, many other people say that 10.04 is much more stable ;))17:44
matrix3000that issue persists is there a bug made in the database for that17:44
matrix300010.04 is17:44
matrix3000but i use LTSP and in that case 11.04 has fixes for ltsp17:44
bobweaver11.10 is new of cource there is going to be bugs on the bleeding edge17:44
matrix3000but with it not loading network interfaces17:44
bobweaverpangolina looks awesome17:44
matrix3000that even the cd and 11.04 loads17:44
bobweavermatrix3000: what is mod ?17:45
matrix3000like my network interface went up and disappeared17:45
bobweaverfor eth0 ?17:45
matrix3000it's an HP Proliant Server17:45
bobweavermatrix3000: you are at server ?17:45
bobweaverright now ?17:46
bobweavermatrix3000: can we see a lspci -nn | grepp Ethernet17:46
bobweavermatrix3000: can we see a lspci -nn | grep Ethernet17:46
bobweaverif you get nothing try        lspci -nn | grep network17:47
bobweaveror lspci -nn | grep controllor17:47
matrix3000yea, give me a few17:48
bobweavermatrix3000:  you might have to move the mod to /ect/moduals/        to make sure that it starts on boot17:48
matrix3000i have to use a phone to take a picture as it doesn't have network connectivity17:48
bobweaverthat is ok17:48
harsh343I want to short my terminal name how it is possible my terminal name is harsh@harsh-3000-N100-Invalid-entry-length-0-DMI-table-is-broken-Stop:~$17:48
bobweavermatrix3000:  I will show you exsample of what we need to see17:48
bobweavermatrix3000:  like this lspci -nn | grep Ethernet17:49
bobweaver00:0a.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: nVidia Corporation MCP77 Ethernet [10de:0760] (rev a2)17:49
mathgirlharsh343: Do you mean that's the name of your terminal window?17:49
bobweaverbut all we really need is this part l [10de:0760]17:49
mathgirlWhich terminal application are you using?17:50
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harsh343i donot now how it is so long or some error in terminal17:50
harsh343right now i install ubuntu 11.1017:50
SpartakusOh God, 1 AM, it is time to sleep, bye all17:51
harsh343after that it appear like this17:51
bobweaverSpartakus:  cya17:51
matrix3000bobweaver: ok, i will get that now, just had to right down the server17:51
matrix3000right down the commands, to go to the server17:51
matrix3000it's in the other room17:51
bobweavermatrix3000:  cool17:51
mathgirlharsh343: The title of your terminal window is usually something you can set as a preference.  If you tell me which terminal application you're using, I can run it and see where the preference is.17:51
mathgirlharsh343: If you don't know which, I'll give you a command to find out.17:52
jakuboim still having trouble resetting sound to its former loudness.17:52
jakubois there a way to do it without alsamixer? (and without reinstalling the system?)17:52
harsh343mathgirl, ok can u plz give me the command17:52
evan_I have a question about my asus n71jq. When i plug in headphones, my speakers on my laptop don't mute. Any ideas?17:52
mathgirljakubo: aumix ?17:52
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mathgirlps aux |grep -i term17:52
jakubomathgirl, is it a program? alsamixer doesnt work, i dount that one will17:53
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mathgirlaumix is a program that sometimes works for me when alsamixer doesn't.17:53
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harsh343mathgirl, see the result of this command http://pastebin.com/Qc81PVcw17:54
bobweaverjakubo:  what ubuntu ?17:54
jakuboill try17:55
mathgirljakubo: Even more gritty is amixer17:55
jakuboisnt amixer the same?17:55
jaysernjust installed oneiric, not used to byobu ... screen is stuck. where can i find a cheatsheet for byobu?17:55
* bobweaver starts to cry 17:55
jakuboit says it doenst find the device, bu i havent tried aumix yet17:56
mathgirljaysern: sudo apt-get install screen17:56
* bobweaver wipes tears 17:56
jakubothe problem persisted from 11.04 at least17:56
bobweaverjakubo:  dmesg |less17:56
bobweaverjakubo: then17:56
matrix3000bobweaver: http://ubuntuone.com/6X6WYo5ckrFoKcW6kyY5qo17:57
theadminmathgirl: tmux is much better than screen, I suggest you try that :D17:57
jaysernright now i can't exit out of the darn byobu screen that's stuck. ssh'ing back in with a new session connects me to the same stuck byobu screen17:57
mathgirlharsh343: In your terminal, you can go to Edit-> Profile Preferences Then choose the Title and Command tab.17:57
bobweaverjakubo: -sound17:57
bobweaverjakubo: sorry /sound17:57
ghabitWhat addons is installed by default for thunderbird?17:57
dabichoHi. I am having problems with configuring an SD card and ethernet on a Dell XPS M1330. The main thing is lspci does not find them. I am at a loss, what can be happening?17:57
matrix3000ifconfig eth0 up does not bring the interface up17:57
matrix3000and i have checked /etc/network/interfaces17:58
mathgirltheadmin: Every time I've tried to get it going, I haven't gotten any advantages over screen which I've got a nice screenrc for.17:58
matrix3000and it is configured properly from installation17:58
harsh343mathgirl, command not found17:58
bobweavermatrix3000:  ohh  broadcom17:58
daniel_treeI am trying to share a folder on my other laptop ( linux mint ) and access it from this one (ubunut 10.10) and simply right click on that folder and share to others doesnt seem to work ...and also I dont see the other laptop on the network and vice versa.. why could that be happening ?17:58
theadminmathgirl: Ah, makes sense then.17:58
bobweavermatrix3000: that was not the command that I asked for :>)17:58
matrix3000bobweaver: it was supported in 11.0417:58
matrix3000yes it was17:59
bobweavermatrix3000: lspci -nn | grep Etherent17:59
mathgirlharsh343: Can you click the Edit menu at the top of your terminal?17:59
matrix3000oh ooop17:59
bobweavermatrix3000:  listen close17:59
matrix3000ok one sec17:59
matrix3000forgot the -nn17:59
matrix3000will do that now17:59
FloodBot1matrix3000: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:59
bobweavermatrix3000: waiut17:59
bobweavermatrix3000:  I will show exsample17:59
bobweavermatrix3000: like this lspci -nn | grep Ethernet18:00
bobweaver00:0a.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: nVidia Corporation MCP77 Ethernet [10de:0760] (rev a2)18:00
bobweavermatrix3000:  all I need is the part that is  [10de:0760] (r18:00
jakubomathgirl, aumix failed, still said that mixer device couldnt be found18:00
bobweavermatrix3000: might be [14e4.blahblah ]18:00
mathgirljakubo: Sorry, that's my only trick!18:01
jakubomathgirl, thx for trying18:01
mathgirlharsh343: Can you select "Profile Preferences" from that menu?18:02
jakubosome kind of reset to default (like lean install) would be nice...18:02
harsh343what next ?18:03
matrix3000bobweaver: http://ubuntuone.com/4oKVA7FUWNJTwSBHwSTMBJ 14e4:164c18:03
mathgirlharsh343: Next to the "General" Tab is the "Title and Command" tab.18:03
mathgirlharsh343: Select that.18:04
harsh343I kept my initial title harsh18:04
harsh343but not change18:04
mathgirlSo it just says "Initial title: harsh" ?18:04
bobweavermatrix3000: sweet good job18:04
bobweavermatrix3000:  brb18:04
harsh343not happens18:05
matrix3000bobweaver: ok sweet18:05
harsh343like this18:05
harsh343again the same terminal name occurs18:05
harsh343I want to change this name harsh@harsh-3000-N100-Invalid-entry-length-0-DMI-table-is-broken-Stop:~18:06
bobweavermatrix3000: uname -a    <- just need kerenl    also    lsb_realse -a  <- what is code name ?18:06
mathgirlharsh343: A lot of terminals change the title of the window to reflect output inside the terminal.  I'm suggesting you try to turn that off.18:07
harsh343where ?18:07
mathgirlFor instance by changing "When terminal commands set their own..." to "Keep initial title"18:07
matrix3000give me a few18:07
matrix3000bobweaver: are you shure its lsb_realse -a or lsb_release -a18:08
harsh343from where i kept turn off ?????????18:08
bobweaverlsb_release -a18:09
bobweavermatrix3000:  ^&^18:09
epaphusIf  a user is set to belong to a group (as secondary) and he writes to a folder owned by that group... Why does the files he create owned solely to him instead of him and the group? How can I accomplish this?18:09
thesheff17I have two batteries on a laptop...when the first one reached empty it shutdown...anyway to disable this? Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit running gnome318:09
mathgirlharsh343: Underneath the Initial Title box, there shoudl be a dropdown that says "Replace initial title" Correct?18:09
AbuMaiaWhet I try to enable the compiz wall, it does not activate until I run compiz --replace. However, when I do that, I get two different Unity bars on the left, one on top of the other. Does anyone have a fix?18:11
KrisDouglasHello, is there any logical reason for my Xorg to be consuming 2.2GB of RAM after a day's use on 11.10?18:11
evan_anyone have a fix for videos. Whenever i watch a video the video has lines flashing. like the video looks fine, but its like a glitch or a refresh rate issue maybe18:11
theadminKrisDouglas: No.18:12
harsh343mathgirl, by using your setting i am able to change my terminal name onlye18:12
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
KrisDouglastheadmin, none of the logs seem to state why18:12
harsh343I want to change this harsh@harsh-3000-N100-Invalid-entry-length-0-DMI-table-is-broken-Stop:~18:12
bobweavermatrix3000: dmesg | grep bce    <-errors ?18:12
harsh343not the terminal name18:12
matrix3000bobweaver: http://ubuntuone.com/602FPX3Sy3y13mJQljYF6818:12
theadminharsh343: echo "whatever" | sudo tee /etc/hostname && sudo reboot18:13
KrisDouglastheadmin, since the update to the latest version of ubuntu (fresh install) the Xorg server seems to have turned into a serious RAM hog.18:13
eHAPPYIs it possible to write to a protected folder without giving it read/write access?18:13
riffautaeeHAPPY: who is writing to the folder?18:13
eHAPPYriffautae a normal user (me) i just dont want to 777 it out18:14
bobweavermatrix3000:  have you looked at this ? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man4/bce.4freebsd.html18:14
eHAPPYcould i make folders inside that one and write to those?18:14
riffautaeeHAPPY: you could change the owner of the file to you or alternativly the group to users and then only add write access to that18:14
eHAPPYok and thats the only way?18:15
eHAPPYor the best way*18:15
matrix3000bobweaver, no i haven't sicne i never needed too before18:15
bobweavermatrix3000:  ahh18:15
riffautaeeHAPPY: depends on your use case, what is the folder?18:15
eHAPPYriffautae its just a watch folder for rtorrent18:15
bobweaveris the driver under lsmod | grep bce        ?18:15
bobweavermatrix3000:  is the driver under lsmod | grep bce ?18:15
riffautaeeHAPPY: so you want rtorrent and yourself to be able to write to it?18:16
matrix3000one sec18:16
matrix3000will check18:16
eHAPPYriffautae yeh :P18:16
matrix3000lsmod | grep bce right?18:16
eHAPPYrtorrent can just fine, but i cant :(18:16
bobweavermatrix3000: yup18:16
bobweavermatrix3000:  anything at all come out ?18:17
riffautaeeHAPPY: is rtorrent running as root or some custom user?18:17
mathgirlHello. After upgrading to Oneiric, I can't get X anymore. I just get the Ubuntu... startup screen. I've tried switching to gdm, but that didn't work. What should I do? :(18:17
riffautaeeHAPPY: yea you should be able to change the group to 'users' and set g+rw to be able to access it18:17
bobweavermathgirl:  ctrl+alt+f1    then try to restart /ect/init.d/gdm start18:18
eHAPPYriffautae ok ill try that, thanks :)18:18
bobweavermathgirl: nothing with startx ?18:18
matrix3000bob that was from my phoen18:19
harsh343theadmin, You all are the god of Programing here thanks very much18:19
matrix3000bobweaver, did you get the link from my phone18:19
harsh343Problem solved18:19
matrix3000looks like bce no longer auto loads18:19
himcan any one help me? i am not able to use net in virtualbox guest os......18:19
rose25anyone from Finland?18:19
theadminrose25: Try #ubuntu-fi18:19
rose25theadmin: thanx :)18:20
bobweavermatrix3000:  I missed the link but yes no mnore auto load in 3.*18:20
matrix3000bobweaver: http://ubuntuone.com/0CPgU4SLQBWbaMfIJ35cgX18:20
bobweavermatrix3000:  try sudo modprob bce18:20
mathgirlbobweaver: I can't get past the initial ubuntu..... screen so I cant' type a command like that from a terminal.18:20
mathgirlbobweaver: I can try it from ssh.18:20
bobweavermathgirl:  ahh18:20
bobweavermathgirl:  sure18:21
mathgirlbobweaver: Or I can login via "recovery mode" where I can actually get to a prompt and try it.18:21
bobweavergive it a shot18:21
bobweavereither way18:21
mathgirlAlso, it won't even listen to Ctrl-Alt-F318:21
bobweaveryou need to get insto the box18:21
mathgirlfrom ssh-ing in it says18:21
mathgirlX: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.18:21
mathgirlxinit: giving up18:22
ubottuSee http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/11.10/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release18:22
mathgirlxinit: unable to connect to X server: Cennection refused18:22
mathgirlxinit: server error.18:22
himany one help me?18:22
mathgirlBut maybe that's because I'm ssh-ing in.  I'll restart and try from an actual prompt.18:22
sm1you need to run X with as a super-user. sudo18:22
reisiohim: with?18:22
szalsm1: since when?18:23
himreisio: virtual box net not cnnected18:23
harsh343mathgirl, thanks18:23
mathgirlReally?  I have to say 'sudo startx'?  That's not been the case in any other distro I've used.18:23
reisiohim: what's the host, what's the guest18:23
mathgirlharsh343: It was theadmin who helped you.18:23
riffautaesm1: mathgirl yea i dont think you should have to do that18:23
bobweavermatrix3000: did the mod load ?18:23
AndroUser2Bobweaver: Fatal: module bce not found18:23
riffautaehim: can you expand on that please?18:24
harsh343mathgirl, but you give me the time  of conversation18:24
bobweaverok off to tar but 1st I have to walk my dog BRB18:24
StarminnUsing Ubuntu 11.10, whenever I start Banshee, I can use my multimedia keys; however when my system goes into power save, they will not work upon it waking up. Instead, this is shown when they are pressed: http://imagebin.org/18211718:24
reisiobobweaver: very responsible18:24
riffautaeStarminn: do they work again after restarting banshee18:24
Starminnriffautae, Yes.18:25
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himreisio: ubuntu host 64 bit xp guest18:26
mathgirlbobweaver: Okay, startx from the actual machine says a lot of stuff.18:26
e75how the hell do i make ubuntu one quit auto logging in? i've already "find ~/ ubuntuone* -delete18:26
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user__Does someone know what to do if PulseAudio doesn't want to capture microphone (ALSA does)? Bug appears after some of Ubuntu 11.10 updates18:27
reisiohim: so you're saying your XP guest has no network connection?18:27
=== user__ is now known as Revan199
mathgirlBut it's all written out to STDERR.  How do I pipe that to 'less' again?18:27
reisiohim: did you alter the network prefs for the VM at all?18:27
jayarhmm... this 'creating a persistence file' usb install has been @ 79% for a looong time...18:27
mathgirlOr where is it logging to?18:27
himreisio:yes, no18:27
theadmine75: Try searching for "Startup Apps" in Dash and removing it from there if it is there18:27
reisiohim: well go in and make sure it's set to NAT and enabled, anyways18:28
e75theadmin: nope, not in there. i've killed all processes of it also18:28
Picimathgirl: 2>&1 |less18:28
himreisio: sure its done18:28
himbut till not working18:29
e75i've cancelled the subscription for that old account, i've deleted anything relating to ubuntuone in my home folder, done a complete removal of ubuntu one, killed off processes, yet the damn program still auto logs into my old account.18:29
AbuMaiaWhen I try to enable the compiz wall, it does not activate until I run compiz --replace. However, when I do that, I get two different Unity bars on the left, one on top of the other. Does anyone have a fix?18:29
reisiohim: make sure you have the latest VirtualBox version you can get18:30
mathgirlPici: Thanks!18:30
mathgirlbobweaver: Okay the first errors I get are18:30
mathgirlWARNING: Not loading blacklisted module nvidia_current18:30
himreisio: its 4.1.218:30
mathgirlFATAL: Module nvidia not found.18:30
theadminmathgirl: Why is that blacklisted?18:31
reisiohim: and?18:31
mathgirl(EE) NVIDIA: Failde to load the NVIDIA kernel module.  Please check your system's kernel log for additional error messages.18:31
riffautaeStarminn: sorry i cant find anything related to that, might be a banshee bug18:31
mathgirlFailed to load module "nvidia" (module-pecific error, 0)18:31
himreisio: and what?18:31
riffautaeStarminn: you could see if banshee has a log some place with information18:31
reisiohim: and what do you want me to do with that information18:31
Starminnriffautae, Okay, thank you.18:31
theadminmathgirl: grep "blacklist nvidia_current" /etc/modprobe.d/*.conf -- find that line, remove it.18:32
riffautaeStarminn: http://banshee.fm/contribute/file-bugs/18:32
riffautaeStarminn: see if that log has any info like an exception or something18:32
himreisio: i wana to say its the latest as i know till day, but buddy its not working.... not know what is happening?18:32
mathgirltheadmin: Maybe because that's what it took to get this mac to work back in Lucid?18:32
theadminmathgirl: Prolly, who knows18:32
bobweaverreisio:  lol maybe I can find time for a shower also :>)18:33
mathgirlI'll try removing it.18:33
reisiobobweaver: also responsible18:33
theadminmathgirl: Also, run "sudo nvidia-xconfig" to configure X to use the nvidia module18:33
reisiohim: it is, in repos, anyways18:33
bobweavermatrix3000:  you get it figuredd out ?n18:34
albertIs there a remote desktop app for android mobile phone which works with ubuntu?18:34
mang0Is it possible to open a "search for files" for root? I need to search for and delete some files in /usr/, but if I have to open a root nautilus and manually browse to the location of the found files it's oging to take forever....18:34
iosolidari'm trying to compile jpeglib8 and i'm getting this error: configure: error: cannot run /bin/bash ./config.sub18:34
mang0albert: I think teamviewer has an android version18:34
mang0I may be wrong18:34
rabbi1print screen isn't working, what could be the prob? :(18:34
albertthx mang0, checking18:34
theadminmang0: It does.18:35
bobweavermatrix3000:  here is what you have to do --> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man4/bce.4freebsd.html18:35
reisioalbert: graphical? :p18:35
mang0theadmin: Thanks for clarifying :)18:35
bobweavermatrix3000:  the tar is at the top of the page18:35
mang0albert: Yes, it does have an android version.18:35
albertreisio, pardon me?18:35
albertye, currently at it, thanks18:35
reisioalbert: a graphical remote desktop app18:35
rabbi1print screen isn't working, what could be the prob? :(18:35
albertreisio, yeah18:36
riffautaerabbi1: the button on the keyboard?18:36
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albertreisio, teamviewer seems to be the right one, though18:36
rabbi1riffautae: yeap18:36
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Polahmang0: Use find and exec, or find them sudo rm, or find and pipe the list of files to a file and then pipe it back in to rm or xargs or something18:36
riffautaerun gnome-screenshot-panel in the terminal and see what happens18:37
rabbi1riffautae: not the key, but the application which takes screenshot of the desktop from print screen key18:37
rabbi1riffautae: "command not found"18:38
bobweaverimport -window root ~/Desktop/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`.png     <-- screenshot from terminal18:38
bobweaversaves shot in ~/Desktop18:38
mathgirltheadmin: The file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-local.conf contains only one line: blacklist nvidia_current18:39
theadminmathgirl: You can either delete that file, or just remove the line18:39
mathgirlI'll comment it out and run nvidia-xconfig18:39
mathgirlCan I comment it out with #?18:39
reisiojesus_: shalom18:39
bobweavermatrix3000: Yes18:39
bobweaverdang it mathgirl Yes18:39
nerikoGood afternoon, everyone. I'm attempting to create a startup disk of 11.10, and keep getting 'installation failed' error message. Any thoughts?18:39
bobweaverreisio:  lmao18:40
riffautaerabbi1: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186745518:40
theadminmathgirl: Yeah, I think you can -- after that run the xconfig thingo and reboot18:40
mathgirlokay, I've run nvidia-xconfig and it says I've got a new xorg.conf18:40
friskdHey all, i want to be able to either ssh or via an api (call to apache / ruby ) start a script a selenium script (which loads up firefox and performs actions) on a remote server.  I'm using rackspace for an ubuntu server, and would like to be able to vnc into that server and watch that server as requests are made to it. What would be a simple approach to doing something like this?18:40
mathgirlShall I restart or just say startx?18:40
bobweavermathgirl:  startx18:41
scarleoneriko: did you verify your md5sum?18:41
japroaw crap, can i change the name of the machine after the install somehow18:41
theadminbobweaver: Will not work, the module ain't loaded -_-18:41
japroforgot to change that since i was chain installing stuff18:41
theadminmathgirl: You should restart, or, well, you can also "sudo modprobe nvidia_current" and then startx18:41
japronow its called "System-Product-Name" :(18:41
uszahi guys, need some help :/ http://pastebin.com/L1Gd4QPc18:41
bobweavertheadmin:  ??? you are matrix3000?18:41
* bobweaver is confused 18:42
theadminbobweaver: No, I'm just helping out :P18:42
riffautaefriskd: ssh <host> <commands here> can run commands on the remote host18:42
japronvm found it18:42
friskdriffautae:  so how do i setup something on the remote so that i can  "login" and watch what is happening.18:42
LoptrHow can i change the default taskbar music control from Banshee to some other player?18:43
bobweavertheadmin:  look here is tar  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man4/bce.4freebsd.html18:43
riffautaefriskd: vnc is prolly the only optio18:43
bobweavermathgirl:  \0/   ???18:43
riffautaefriskd: or x forwarding possibly18:43
mathgirlstartx flashed a screen that said "NVidia" with a logo then stopped18:43
nerikoscarleo: Yes, it's been verified18:43
riffautaefriskd: but then if you close the ssh connection it will stop the test18:43
mathgirlI'll try properly restarting.18:44
friskdriffautae:  could it not just execute a command and then dissconnect?18:44
friskdletting the command run on its own.18:44
bobweavermathgirl:  please let us see a lsmod when you get a chance :>)18:44
mathgirlbobweaver: Not quite, but it's progress.18:44
albertteamview is perfect, thanks very much18:44
riffautaefriskd: ssh+vnc could, xforwarding no18:44
mathgirlOkay, I'll restart, try each way of getting in, then lsmod.18:44
andi2342346hi, i need helü to fix my ubuntu installation. i try to remove all fglrx stuff. apt-get purge fglrx* displays "E: Couldn't find package fglrx_8.902-0ubuntu1_i386.deb" ... i installed this package with dpkg -i , but it is not longer installed i think18:44
friskdriffautae:  do i have to install ubuntu desktop to use vnc (assuming i want to run firefox on the server)?18:44
riffautaefriskd: you'll need X and a basic window manager18:45
riffautaefriskd: ubuntu server can run x and this will prevent a heavy desktop enviro from being installed18:45
matrix3000bobweaver: sorry was tied up, and no the module did not load18:45
wildbatis there a way to set up the PATH so that. it will look for current directly when execute commands as $ babababa, instead of $ ./babababa ?18:45
mathgirlIt started!18:46
mathgirlEverything's magically okay!18:46
bobweavermatrix3000:  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man4/bce.4freebsd.html18:46
matrix3000bobweaver: the module was not found so it gave a fatal error18:46
mathgirlFirst I get the Ubuntu splash.18:46
friskdriffautae:  that is what i want. So i just need to figure out how to instal "X"?18:46
mathgirlThen a quick NVidia splash.18:46
bobweavermatrix3000:  read that page real good18:46
mathgirlThen a spinning wheel and gdm has started.18:46
friskdWhat is a basic window manager you recommend?18:46
theadminmathgirl: Congratulations :) Glad you solved it!18:46
theadminfriskd: openbox18:46
riffautaefriskd: if your remote system has plenty of power ubuntu desktop will be easier. other wise yes install X18:46
bobweavermatrix3000:  \0/18:46
bobweavermathgirl:  \o/ ???18:47
mathgirltheadmin: You and others here solved it!18:47
matrix3000bobwever: were is loader.conf?18:47
friskdriffautae:  is it just called "X"18:47
mathgirlbobweaver: Yes, I believ so.  Though, let's see what happens when I try logging in.18:47
riffautaefriskd: xfce is simular to gnome, but something like fluxbox or openbox will use less resources and only take a tiny learning18:47
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P18:47
riffautaefriskd: xorg18:47
adriel_q cuando entro a navegar en internet no me kiere cargar la pag despue de googles18:47
matrix3000bobweaver: where is the loader.conf, and the kernel configuration file18:47
szal!es | adriel_18:47
mathgirl@#$! forgot to pick my window manager.  Now it's logging into "ubuntu"18:47
ubottuadriel_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:47
adriel_kien me puede hayudar18:47
TheCowboyIs it possible to add more 'walls/faces' to the desktop wall?18:47
riffautaefriskd: here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI#X11_Server_Installation18:48
theadminmathgirl: lolol... That's not a major problem tho :D18:48
bobweavermatrix3000:  sudo find / -name <what you are looking for >18:48
bobweavermatrix3000:  or18:48
mathgirlBut it works. I'm in Unity!18:48
omg_onoezanyone? http://pastebin.com/tquqLpgu18:48
bobweavermatrix3000:  locate <what you are looking for >18:48
Myrtti!es | adriel_18:48
mathgirlThank you guys so much!18:48
friskdriffautae:  that looks pretty easy.18:49
theadminmathgirl: No problem, glad you made it really :)18:49
bobweaveromg_onoez:  no lvm2 installed ?18:49
andi2342346"link group gl_conf is broken" - how can i fix this?18:49
ubottuadriel_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:49
matrix3000bobweaver: what is teh name of the kernel configuration file?18:49
TheCowboyWhat is the official term for the individual 'walls' on the desktop wall?18:49
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone18:49
theadminmatrix3000: There are like tons of those... mkinitcpio.conf? modprobe configs? the things created with "menuconfig"?...18:50
jayarTheCowboy: workspaces?18:50
Pici!msgthebot | joshuau18:50
ubottujoshuau: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:50
omg_onoezbobweaver, i was expecting of some problems with such setup and so i decided to make it as simple as possible, taking in view the fact that i have only one hdd in my laptop, thx for the notice btw18:50
bobweavermatrix3000: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-kernel/18:50
omg_onoezit behaves like some bug by my subjective experience18:51
AbuMaiaWhen I try to enable the compiz wall, it does not activate until I run compiz --replace. However, when I do that, I get two different Unity bars on the left, one on top of the other. Does anyone have a fix?18:51
matrix3000bobweaver: will it be like this in the 12.04 release?18:52
bobweavernot sure matrix3000 I am not a ubuntu dev :>)18:52
bobweaveror kernel dev for that matter18:52
palexhi how are18:53
friskdHow sad: Temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com'18:53
matrix3000where would i put that drive?18:54
bobweaveromg_onoez:  you have looked at this ? --> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/rescue-an-encrypted-luks-lvm-volume.html18:55
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sm1well , apparently i've conflicted something to do with X running as root on top of my head!18:56
adriel_kien me hayuda k navehador web firefox solo me entra a googles y no pasa de hay18:56
omg_onoezbobweaver, no actually, thx, but still i hardly believe it is actually broken because as i said it somehow mounts and works in rare cases =)18:56
adriel_y no me carga mas18:56
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:57
szaladriel_: Spanish support is in #ubuntu-es18:57
bobweaverI think o_O18:57
dalton2345hello is it possible to use gnome classic in 11.1018:57
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:57
sm1it's actually a bad idea to run X as root , might get you in some real trouble!18:57
sm1I apologize for such a comment.18:58
tawtaweh why is the kernel so confusingly packaged? if i want to edit one file normally in sound/usb how can i find it ?18:58
tawtawo_O ubuntu is _very_ different from my old distro18:59
tawtawi am learning..18:59
mang0tawtaw: What was your old distro?18:59
tawtawmang0: slackware :D18:59
icerootsm1: x is of course running as root, but login with root into x is a bad idea19:00
tawtawtrying this out for my little cousin, he has a new midi device that is not getting detected, so i thought i would hack around in sound/usb19:00
iceroottawtaw: not detected or no driver but detected?19:01
bobweavertawtaw:  plug it in and lsusb19:01
tawtawbut i cannot find the files im looking for, ive not touched the kernel since 2.6.x19:01
iceroottawtaw: you are sure you want to hack the kernel? you know what you are doing? and why?19:02
bobweavertawtaw:  les see if the kerenel sees it unplug it then plug back int open termina and type in dmesg |tail19:02
bobweaverdoes it see it ?19:02
tawtaw:) so sweet you guys are worried i might screw up my kernel19:03
tawtawhttp://www.mail-archive.com/alsa-user@lists.sourceforge.net/msg27922.html << i want to do something like this19:03
iceroottawtaw: we are just worried that you dont know what you are doing19:03
* bobweaver is not worried at all 19:03
* tawtaw hi5s bobweaver 19:03
bobweaverif you are comming from slax19:03
calamityhey again19:03
Myrttithere just may not be any need to tamper the kernel19:04
tawtawMyrtti: this would be interesting.19:04
calamityI transferred the windows partition onto the same drive as ubuntu, it appears in the bootloader but when it's selected, it goes to a black screen then back to the bootloader19:04
tawtawok so lsusb finds the device19:04
tawtawbut when i plug it in it does not19:04
bobweavertawtaw:  ls stands for ls and usb wwell...19:04
matrix3000bobweaver, i really don't know how to install that module or anything, so i guess i will wait19:04
bobweaverput togeather and lsusb19:05
twittardHello, I'm trying to install Nginx 1.0.8, via a PAA, and apt seems to be in a weird state.  It was unhappy about installing it and blew up midway, and now it keeps thinking that I have uninstalled packages.  I cannot now just uninstall the old nginx, because it keeps blowing up.  How do I get it out of this state?19:05
matrix3000ill prolly just put vmware ont that server then19:05
bobweaverlist all usb connectuions19:05
calamityand for reference, I can mount and view all the files.19:05
matrix3000and run ubuntu in that19:05
bobweavermatrix3000:  I just redid my servers to debian alot more happy19:05
tawtaw      ** UNRECOGNIZED:  06 24 f1 02 01 0119:05
tawtawthis is basically what goes wrong19:05
bobweavermatrix3000:  ubuntu killed my bios on two of my servers19:06
bobweavermatrix3000:  I was supper .....19:06
icerootbobweaver: the os is not changing anything in the bios19:06
tawtawso point is, where can i find sound/usb ?19:06
os_how to install xen ?19:06
icerootos_: install a xen-kernel19:06
twittardHmmmm, I removed the PPA and now it let me remove nginx19:06
twittardwhat a pain in the ass19:06
tawtawor do i need to go look through changelogs :)19:06
bobweavericeroot:  easy for you to say you are over there19:06
Sneggihi 2 all19:07
robinsonme again. Day 5.. How can i reset default window sizes in 11.10? For example, if I try to save a file or document, the window that opens is damn near full screen and offset, so I have to move and resize it.19:07
matrix3000bobweaver: whats the different between debian and ubuntu?19:07
bobweavermatrix3000:  alot19:07
bobweaverwhat is server used for ?19:07
theadminmatrix3000: Everything, basically, the only SAME thing in them is that both support .deb packagews19:07
iceroot!debian | matrix300019:07
ubottumatrix3000: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!19:07
bobweaverwebserver mail19:07
matrix3000bobweaver: its an ltsp server19:07
matrix3000bobweaver: so gnome is important19:08
SneggiSorry for my bad english. I just wanna know which version of ubuntu support my videocard. NVidia GF 7300LE.19:08
bobweaverOo what ??19:08
tawtawmatrix3000: they are two different distros, once upon a time ubuntu was born out of the debian code, but that was a long time ago, its like monkeys and great apes19:08
matrix3000bobweaver: for our users anyways....they will hate change19:08
icerootSneggi: i would guess all versions19:08
Sneggiiceroot: 10.10 not working. Just black screen when loading19:09
arooni-mobiletravelling abroad;  looking for a way to receive phone calls via my computer when someone calls a US phone number at an affordable price.... i have ubuntu 11.10.  ;)19:09
iceroottawtaw: ubuntu is still based on debian-packages, normally from sid with ubuntu-patches19:09
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os_iceroot, what do you mean?19:09
Guest24885Hello I am on Ubuntu and I am having problems playing .mkv formats in VLC19:09
bobweaverarooni-mobile:  google voice ?19:09
omg_onoezbobweaver, well i'm stucked lol http://pastebin.com/sqEuXuZT soz for being that noob19:09
theadminGuest24885: mkv is a container, it can be anything to be honest...19:09
icerootos_: to use xen, install a xen-kernel19:09
iceroot!xen | os_19:09
ubottuos_: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen19:09
theadminOh well I'm off.19:10
reisioGuest24885: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats19:10
os_what is the name of package?19:10
icerootos_: read the link19:10
cyphaseis there a way to hide my desktop on my monitor while i'm logged into vnc remotely?19:10
tawtawiceroot: you are right about that.19:10
tawtawabout the debian-packages19:10
friskdAnyone using : http://aws.amazon.com/amazon-linux-ami/  ? Just saw this as an option on amazon web services.19:10
Sneggiwhen I can found supported hardware list?19:10
iceroot!hardware | Sneggi19:10
ubottuSneggi: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:11
Sneggiubottu:  thnx19:11
robinsonanyone know how to reset window sizes in 11.10? Save dialogs are opening way too big on my desktop, and I cant seem to fix it permanently by resizing.19:11
michael1are there wigets for 11.1019:11
Guest24885I already have the the Ubuntu-restricted extras package but when I play it tells me:19:12
Guest24885"number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one"19:12
nDuffmichael1, what kind of widgets are you referring to? In the traditional sense of the word, even things like menu bars and buttons within your applications are widgets19:12
tawtawso could anybody point me out to the surces?19:12
ActionParsniprobinson: if you hold shift+ctrl then click X to close is it remembered?19:12
iceroottawtaw: for?19:12
Guest24885Does this mean I just need to change the setting or something?19:12
robinsonActionParsnip: let me try that now, and THANK YOU for answering. Been asking the same question for days. Youre the first to answer19:13
michael1What i ment sorry is like what you see on Visa dare I mention it here lol19:13
tawtawiceroot: kernel, /usr/src/linux-source-3.0.0/ does not look like normal :)19:13
AbuMaiaWhat is the default window decorator for Oneiric after doing an update instead of a fresh-install?19:13
iceroottawtaw: connect to oftc and join #kernelnewbies which is the official kernel-channel19:13
ActionParsnipRobinson: np. I seem to remember it doing it but not 100% sure19:13
robinsonActionParsnip: negative, problem persists.19:13
tawtawiceroot: do they support questions about how ubuntu packages the kernel ???19:14
ActionParsnipAbuMaia: with 3D accelerated graphics it will be co19:14
robinsonActionParsnip: It seems be primarily on save dialogs. If I issue a key command to open Nautilus, it opens to a normal size19:14
AbuMaiaRather, how do I get Oneiric Unity to use the Compiz settings by default?19:14
ActionParsnipAbuMaia: compiz or unity. Without will be19:15
os__iceroot, is there any binary package for xen?19:15
ActionParsnipAbuMaia: metacity19:15
tawtawthanks anyways19:15
tawtawiceroot: nevermind ill sort it out19:15
robinsonActionParsnip: to give you an idea   http://img7.imagebanana.com/img/lxqqto2o/Workspace1_004.png19:15
robinsonActionParsnip: you see how large the window is, and how the lower right is cut off. I have to move and resize just to see the save button19:16
AbuMaiaUnity is not using the Compiz settings. If I try to force compiz settings with compiz --replace or unity --replace, I get two Unity launcher bars, one on top of the other19:16
robinsonActionParsnip: this is on a 24" monitor...19:16
icerootos__: yes, the kernel-package19:16
icerootos__: read the link?19:16
icerootos__: there is a howoto for using xen with ubuntu as dom0 and domu19:16
ActionParsnipRobinson: yowser19:16
iceroottawtaw: no19:17
robinsonActionParsnip: This is a clean install, the problem doesnt happen on my laptop, however.. Gotta be a rest somewhere, but I dont know what directory or config file to nuke19:17
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ActionParsnipRobinson: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/20677/19:18
iceroottawtaw: but there is "find" :)19:18
AbuMaiaActionParsnip: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8725574/Screenshot%20at%202011-11-02%2013%3A00%3A54.png19:18
os__iceroot, what do i do after install kernel-package?19:19
icerootos__: read the link please19:19
sianhulopeople, i'm trying to boot from an iso(storaged at my usb), however, it always gives errors and doesn't boot(something about C/H/S values, tells that there isn't such a disk and that the kenerl and that the kernel must load first)19:19
sianhulohttp://pastebin.com/j7vqH2YV (usb is sdb1)19:19
icerootos__: create a xen.cfg for your vm and use xm create /foo/bar/my.cfg19:19
pnorman_desktopMy software RAID array is doing  resync. How can I find out what caused it to start the resync?19:20
os__iceroot,  thanks19:20
icerootos__: are you sure you want to use xen instead of vbox?19:20
ActionParsnipAbuMaia: after you change a setting try running: unity --replace19:20
os__iceroot, i want a full virtuallization19:20
lapionpnorman_desktop, maybe read the log files in /var/log19:21
reisioos__: no such thing as half virtualization19:21
AbuMaiaActionParsnip: As I already said, the problem in that screenshot is caused by running unity --replace19:21
lapionreisio, yes there is19:21
ActionParsnipAbuMaia: i suggest you reboot to get a single bar19:21
icerootreisio: para-virtualisation19:21
tawtawiceroot: kinda hard to use find when the file is packaged in a .bz2 file. (not totally true i could have made find look through tarballs)19:21
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AbuMaiaActionParsnip: Restarting to get a single bar results in the bar not following Compiz settings19:21
calamityI believe grub is looking in the wrong place for windows boot files, any ideas how I'd rectify this?19:21
iceroottawtaw: in the source-package from the ubuntu-kernel?19:22
reisioiceroot: virtualization is virtualization19:22
icerootreisio: no19:22
jayaris there someway to 'sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd' with a progress output?19:22
lapionreisio, no19:22
reisioiceroot: lapion: yahuh19:22
AbuMaiaActionParsnip: The settings in compiz do not get reset, they're just ignored.19:22
DRDDExcuse me but I am new to Ubuntu.  I have just loaded 11.10.  I am trying to understand how to do some things such as how to get the system to shut down when I close the top.  Can anyone help me?19:22
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icerootreisio: please read some basics about that topic, there are huge differences19:22
ActionParsnipAbuMaia: have you asked in #compiz too. You may want to make your compiz settings default then rebuild19:23
lapionreisio, paravirtualisation does not virtualize hardware19:23
icerootreisio: specially for the speed of io-devices19:23
reisiolapion: so what19:23
AbuMaiaActionParsnip: Haven't tried #compiz yet, thanks.19:23
lapionreisio, wine is also a form of virtualisation, however it is not virtualisation19:23
reisiojayar: http://blog.christophersmart.com/2009/11/28/checking-the-progress-of-dd/19:24
reisiolapion: you're deep in semantics now19:24
lapionreisio, ever heard of jails ?19:24
sianhuloDRDD, i don't understand you, what you're trying to say when you tell  "you close the top"?19:24
os__iceroot, sorry but how to create that file?19:24
icerootos__: with an editor, imo there is nothing for helping to create it19:24
urlin2uDRDD, you would have to modify what used to be gconf-editor not sure you can unless you install gconf which is considered deprecated19:24
icerootos__: maybe some xm foo19:25
jayarcool thnx19:25
icerootos__: xm help19:25
reisiolapion: and prisons19:25
DRDDI have a notebook computer and when I shut the top I want it to shut down the computer.19:25
lapionreiso try to boot windows paravirtualised under linux or booted under linux in a jail19:25
tawtawiceroot: yep, now i just need to figure out how i can compile the kernel in the 'ubuntu way' there seems to be no debian folder inside /usr/src/linux-source-3.0.0, so cannot run dpkg-buildpackage  or whever the command was19:25
ActionParsnipurlin2u: dconf-editor in gnome3 :-)19:25
os__iceroot,  ok thanks19:25
reisiolapion: to what end19:25
iceroottawtaw: you downloaded it with "apt-get source"19:25
urlin2uActionParsnip, is it back?19:25
iceroottawtaw: so you are reffering to the source-package?19:25
tawtawapt-get install linux-source19:26
lapionreisio, it cannot be done19:26
iceroottawtaw: wrong19:26
urlin2uActionParsnip, I see dconf doh19:26
ActionParsnipurlin2u: i thought that was the tool. There is the tweak app too19:26
reisiolapion: what can't?19:26
lapionreisio, in a fuly virtualised allmost any os should boot, in paravirtualised won't happen19:26
tawtawiceroot: i installed a package and when i looked in /usr/src/ there was now a -sources file which containes a .bz2 file, where i did my modifciations19:27
ActionParsnip!find tweak19:27
ubottuFound: mousetweaks, freqtweak, gnome-tweak-tool, gtweakui, tweak19:27
tawtawi meant a -sources folder19:27
iceroottawtaw: michael@eeebuntu:~$ apt-get source linux-image-3.0.0-12-generic19:27
sianhuloDRDD, english isn't my mother language and i don't quiete understand you, still don't know what do you mean with close the top,however, i think that you want to suspend not to shut down, or am i worng?19:27
tawtawiceroot: why would i want the image?19:27
iceroottawtaw: replace it with the kernel you want to get the source-package19:27
_platypus_Is there any tool that will allow me to tweak Unity? (The icons are huge.)19:27
iceroottawtaw: because you want the source-package19:27
iceroottawtaw: with apt-get install you are always getting binary-packages19:28
ActionParsnipurlin2u: gnome-tweak-tool can do stuff in gnome3 too19:28
DRDDSorry, but just the opposite.  I want to shut down, not suspend.19:28
iceroottawtaw: apt-get source will give you the not compiled version of a package with its source-code19:28
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ActionParsnip_platypus_: set icon size in ccsm for the unity launcher19:29
KinOfKoiosGuys, just wondering..19:29
KinOfKoiosshould I use KinofKoios or KinOfKoios19:29
dmzhowdy y'all; just upgraded to 11.10 & have a problem;when i open a window on my desktop it places it in upper left (0x0) position; i have to alt-space, move to move it; it's covered by the various toolbars; any thoughts?19:29
_platypus_ActionParsnip: ccsm?19:29
limitgbdoes anybody know how to show again the sound-indicator in the top panel in 11.10?19:29
ActionParsnipDRDD: is it not in power settings?19:29
cousin_luigiWhere would you set the KDEWM variable to select an alternate window manager?19:29
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urlin2uDRDD, ActionParsnip is correct you can set the lid in gnome-tweak-tool  you may have to instal it.19:30
tawtawiceroot: 8.6Mlinux-lowlatency-3.0.0/19:30
ActionParsnip!ccsm | _platypus_19:30
ubottu_platypus_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz19:30
tawtawiceroot: that is not the kernel19:30
DRDDIt used to be but with the new version it seems not.19:30
iceroottawtaw: 99mb is the 3.0.0-12-generic source-package19:30
lapiondmz the top bar is grabable19:30
sianhuloDRDD, let me search a little19:30
iceroottawtaw: Es müssen 99,5 MB an Quellarchiven heruntergeladen werden.19:30
limitgbthank you19:30
dmzthe top bar of the window is not grabbable; it is covered by the top status bar of the window manager (panel)19:30
dmzthe window opens to position 0x0; so any panels I have cover up the top portion of the windows19:31
urlin2uDRDD, did you look in gnome-tweak-tool shell?19:31
iceroottawtaw: ah as it seems you can use "apt-get source linux" to always get the current source-package19:31
tawtawiceroot: ok my bad, the lowlatency package my cousin uses is not getting that19:31
DRDDAs I said, I'm new to this.  What is the gnome-tweak tool?19:32
lapiondmz the panel is the topbar if the window is maximised'19:32
iceroottawtaw: that command is pulling from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git-repos/ubuntu/ubuntu-oneiric.git19:32
cousin_luigiDRDD: a tool to make the gnome-shell experience somewhat more tolerable19:32
dmzlapion the window isn't maximized19:32
dmzlapion this only happened on my 11.10 upgrade; was good before then19:32
urlin2uDRDD, you install it and then run gnome-tweak-tool in the terminal to get a gui yiou will see.19:32
lapiondmz what application ?19:32
dmzlapion when i open a window (any window) it puts the top (draggable) bar behind the top notices panel on top of screen - for anything i open19:33
DRDDThanks for the information.  I'll try to look it up.19:33
dmzfor firefox/thunderbird/terminal window/.....19:33
lapiondmz that only happens when window is maximised19:33
tawtawapt-get source linux-image-3.0.0-13-lowlatency-pae is not installing the source, i dont get it :/ should i download the source seperatly and then apply the lowlatency files when i build it?19:33
dmzsorry but it is happening with all windows i open19:33
dmzi'm happy to give you a screenshot19:33
dmzi've been using linux since 0.5; so i am not misunderstanding what i see19:34
iceroottawtaw: where should this "lowlatency" came from?19:34
friskdriffautae:  I got the new server setup, and I have x installed as well as openbox.   Now i need to choose a vnc server.    My person is such that i just need to login and see what is running. (the things running will have been started by either an ssh command or some all to an apache server running on the box).  Any recommendations for vnc servers.    Here it looks like they recommend against tightvnc:19:35
iceroottawtaw: sounds like very strange gaming-server-kernels19:35
dmzlapion i wouldn't be asking if it wasn't happening; and i don't maximize all my windows as i have 4 monitors & each is 1920x1080 so i've got lots of realestate19:35
tawtawiceroot: ii  linux-headers-3.0.0-13-lowlatency-pae        3.0.0-13.21~ppa1                                  Linux kernel headers for version 3.0.0 on x8619:35
tawtawits for music studios19:35
tawtawnot gaming19:35
iceroottawtaw: ppa not supported here19:35
tawtawok :)19:35
tawtawubuntustudio i think19:35
iceroottawtaw: ask the maintainer of that ppa for the sourcecode19:35
tawtawok i will thanks iceroot19:35
iceroottawtaw: also that package is "headers" and not "image"19:36
tawtawiceroot: one last question, how do i find out which ppa a package came out of ?19:36
iceroottawtaw: apt-cache policy packagename19:36
dmzhmm compiz window-placement...seems to help a little19:38
riffautaefriskd: looks like x11vnc will do what you want19:39
riffautaefriskd: tightvnc will require more work to make the script show firefox on the vnc display19:39
friskdriffautae:  yea. That is what i figured and since im so new.. i just need something that is easy.19:40
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matrix3000can any one guide me on installing a driver into ubuntu?19:41
cousin_luigimatrix3000: what sort of driver?19:41
matrix300011.04 has it included but when i upgraded to 11.10 i lost the driver19:41
matrix3000the bce driver doesn't exist anymore19:41
cousin_luigisorry, no idea19:42
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bobweavermatrix3000:  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man4/bce.4freebsd.html      <-- for 11.1019:42
bobweaverI think19:43
bobweavermatrix3000:  intrepid  was 8.10  ubuntu I think19:44
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matrix3000so do i just copy and paste then double click that file and add those lines19:44
bobweavermatrix3000: wget http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages.gz/oneiric/man4/bce.4freebsd.gz19:45
bobweaveryou can then open with gzip19:45
bobweaveroh no interface19:45
bobweaveruntar it19:45
bobweaveralso nbo net19:45
bobweaverumm. DL it then copy to cd then load it up19:46
matrix3000yea i got that file19:46
matrix3000but where do i save it19:46
bobweavermatrix3000:  it is on the server19:46
bobweaverthe gz file19:46
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bobweaverI could be wrong here but try to save it under /opt19:47
matrix3000bobweaver: putting it on a cd now19:47
bobweaverthen untar it19:47
rockbandhi guys, is it possible to remote start a ubuntu server. the network service was turned off19:47
bobweavergo intop dir after that andf build19:47
reisiorockband: was?19:48
rockbandi think the network ineterface was stopped19:48
czaoops wrong window19:49
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reisiorockband: you can use a kvm if you have one, or wake-on-lan if it's enabled, but that won't necessarily help you19:49
reisiorockband: might have to call someone with physical access19:49
rockbandyup..first two options exhausted19:50
rockbandI would install wake on lan now,19:51
rockbandanyways thanks19:51
fellayaboywhats the sudo apt-get install for downloading adobe reader19:55
kwrx25anyone try to install ubuntu on an asus N75?19:57
kwrx25looking to buy a new laptop, and considering that one19:58
reisiokwrx25: as long as the return policy is good, I'd just go ahead and go for it19:58
kwrx25I was looking at that too19:58
NDPMacBookProGoogle the product name and the Linux distro and see if any reviews pop up19:58
kwrx25I'd be ordering over amazon through a new job I'm starting... would rather not return19:59
reisioit's pretty unlikely it won't work with Linux19:59
kwrx25yeah I did that, nothing either way actually19:59
reisiofair amount of ASUS laptops even come with Linux splashtop thingies19:59
bobweaverwhat ever you do get your money back from windoz19:59
reisiokwrx25: you'll have to check the hardware components and verify them individually, then19:59
kwrx25I have an N series now... and it works great19:59
andantinowith the minimal install cd do you get to select your DE20:00
zteamHi guys!20:00
reisioandantino: AIUI it's the same as Debian's, so yes20:00
induzhello how can i make my Ubunty 10 a bit faster20:01
reisioandantino: you can always uninstall an unwanted DE and install another one after the fact, too20:01
reisioinduz: increase ram/gpu/proc20:01
zteamI did a backup with dd before I updated my system to 11.10 and then restored it, because I didn't like 11.10 at all, now once I boot my system I just get this error at Grub: "incompatible license"20:03
kwrx25_love getting disconnected20:03
induzI can not increase proc/mem/gpu but would like to make it faster on its own  version...like freeing up memory, startup program etc...is there any progrma for that20:03
reisiozteam: neat20:03
zteamand I know for sure that this image I created with dd should be fine20:03
zteamany ideas?20:04
sherpayop ?20:04
reisiozteam: EFI?20:04
trashguyAnyone have issue runnign Ubuntu on Dell 990 Optiplexes20:05
zteamreisio, nope, just a plain ordinary BIOS20:05
trashguyEFI seems to screw up20:05
eHAPPYwhat does it mean when i do "ls -l" and one of the folders is a different color than the others?20:05
zteamreisio, I had restored the same image on the same disc before without no issues at all20:05
reisiozteam: what's the dd command you used?20:05
reisiozteam: huh20:05
reisiozteam: maybe it got interrupted during your restoration20:06
zteamreisto dd if=/media/Master/Ubuntu/ubuntu-11.04 of=/dev/sdc220:07
Anon42I'm getting this error message when i try to update my softwares20:07
Anon42"W:GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org oneiric InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783, W:Failed to fetch http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/dists/<natty>/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]20:07
Anon42, W:Failed to fetch http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/dists/<natty>/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]20:07
Anon42, W:Failed to fetch http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/dists/<natty>/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]20:07
Anon42, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead."20:07
FloodBot1Anon42: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:07
reisiozteam: sdc2 would indicate a single partition20:07
reisiozteam: was GRUB installed to that partition?20:07
zteamreisto I belive so20:08
zteamreisto any easy way to check that?20:08
dalton234511.10 doesnt work with dvb20:08
dalton2345i have to go back to 11.0420:08
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zteamreisio, it is the only bootable partition on the system anyway, so I assume it's the right one20:09
Anon42I'm getting this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/726656/ error message when i try to update my softwares20:09
reisiozteam: um20:10
dziarkos13co tam słychać20:10
dziarkos13u Was?20:10
Pici!pl | dziarkos1320:10
ubottudziarkos13: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:10
reisiozteam: if GRUB isn't on the partition then there'd still be a loader in the MBR20:10
zteamreisio, yes of course otherwise Grub could'nt show that error?20:11
reisiowell it could be some other loader20:12
reisiozteam: what're your other partitions?20:12
Kartagis2 questions: 1) how do we access "Connect to server" with unity? 2) how do we edit a launcher's properties with unity?20:14
trashguyAnyoen have issues with 11.10 booting on EFI machines?20:14
r3b00txhi, can someone help me creating a new partition in the unallocated space. it was showing error like "not possible to create more than 4 partitions"20:14
r3b00txi was using gparted20:14
zteamreisio, ops, double, checked it, it was on sda2 this time and that partition is bootable and where I did install Ubuntu20:14
r3b00txthis is how my current partition space looks like http://goo.gl/QjeOw20:15
reisiozteam: well you must have done something different20:15
reisior3b00tx: why do you want more partitions20:15
r3b00txreisio, simple, want to install windows xp for some bios upgrade20:16
zteamreisio, I restored my BIOS settings before I restarted the system to see if that changed anything, but it didn't20:16
reisior3b00tx: you appear to have used up your primary partitions20:18
zteamreisio, however sda2 is the orginal path to that partition20:18
reisior3b00tx: probably dd backup that sda2 and use that space20:18
r3b00txreisio, even the extended partition thing right, only one i hope20:18
trismKartagis: for your first question, click the home folder icon in the launcher, then File/Connect to server...20:18
reisiozteam: if you can't think of anything try just restoring again20:18
cheakoHello, where can I configure Optical Drive pooling?  I can monitor activity with iwatch, but it dosn't show what application is doing the actions.20:18
zteamreisio, I have tried this about 4 times now20:19
reisior3b00tx: I think there are some other options, though: http://www.google.com/search?q=update%20bios%20from%20linux20:19
cheakoohh, polling not pool.20:19
r3b00txreisio, tats some dell recovery files i hope. can i restore it back? coz i dont wanna end up voiding warranty20:19
cheakonow google is more helpfull.20:19
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reisiozteam: with an image that you have previously used that worked fine?20:19
zteamreisio,  yes20:20
x0rhello, everyone20:20
reisior3b00tx: yes you just dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/some/place/to/put/sda2.img, install over it with Windows and when you're done dd if=/sda2.img of=/dev/sda220:20
x0ri have some problems with my gnome-terminal20:20
x0rit's always on top20:20
zteamreisio, I also tried to chroot to my old system and did perform update-grub it went smooth with no errors20:20
reisior3b00tx: some other options you might want to use with dd, but that's the basic20:20
x0rwhat i can to do, to solve this problem?20:20
r3b00txreisio, ye i was aware of those options. have to go with tat since i got no choice20:21
reisior3b00tx: well I think have you have got choices, as I already said, but suit yourself :p20:21
r3b00txreisio, hey this backing up thing is cool instead of installing bios under linux20:21
trismKartagis: for the second problem, launchers just point to desktop files, so if you save the .desktop file to ~/.local/share/applications, you can edit it with a text editor and then drag and drop it back to the launcher20:21
r3b00txbut wot exactly is tat dd?20:21
reisior3b00tx: it makes copies of data20:22
r3b00txreisio, any backup tool like rsync20:22
reisior3b00tx: what about rsync?20:22
x0rso, what i should to do, men)20:22
ravenhow to rescue deleted files on an encrypted ext3 volume?20:22
zteamreisio, I orginally tried to restore my system using a 32-bit ubuntu usb-stick, maybe that did screw something up?20:22
trismKartagis: or if you install gnome-panel, you can use: gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/.local/share/applications/launcher_name.desktop; to use the old gui dialog to edit one20:22
reisiozteam: I don't see how20:22
reisiozteam: but again, if it worked in the past and it doesn't now, clearly something has changed20:22
zteamreisio, my system is 64-bit20:22
reisiozteam: yeah but dd shouldn't care about that, I don't think20:23
zteamyes, but I don't know20:23
r3b00txreisio, got it. asked is it something like rsync. never mind. l20:23
r3b00txreisio thanks buddy20:23
Kartagistrism: hmm, I don't need unity launcher editor then20:23
reisioraven: how'd you delete them?20:23
Anon42i think i got a trojan on my pc20:23
Anon42how can i get rid of it?20:23
cheakodaemon -- udisks --inhibit-polling /dev/sr1 -- tail -f /dev/null; hal-disable-polling --device /dev/sr1;20:24
zteamreisio, I did cancel dd once too, but as far as I know it should just overwrite that next time it's run right?20:24
ravenreisio, moved to an ntfs drive and ntfs now crashed - shit m$20:24
x0rgnome-terminal - always on top, it't terrible....20:24
thoegerHi channel, I have a sorta specialised  question. I'm trying to build some software for reduction of astronomical data from a certain observatory, but the build process breaks down saying I need a certain GSL library. However, on my work desktop that runs Lucid Lynx, I have the exact same GSL-related packages installed (one less, in fact), and the same software package installs without a glitch. Has Ubuntu shipped a mod20:24
thoegerified version of GSL with Oneiric?20:24
reisiozteam: AFAIK yes20:24
zteamraven: try photorec20:25
Kartagistrism: where do I find the .desktop file? /usr/share/applications/?20:25
reisioraven: so the FS is failing, you didn't actually delete them?20:25
ravenreisio, i moved from an encrypted ext3 to an ntfs20:25
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gary_inNYChow would i automount my ipod touch 2g in an openbox session like i can in regular gnome?20:26
cosmingwhat distro do you guys recommend for a server for django (apache and postgres)? Thanks20:26
trismKartagis: yes, they are usually there20:26
zteamraven, Like I said try with photorec, it should be able to recover your files20:26
zteamraven, maybe Testdisk is able to undelete them as well20:27
ravenzteam, from the ntfs or the ext3?20:27
leo_hello i want to try a distro that works out of the box and doesnt have too much hardware requirements20:27
reisioleo_: what's too much20:27
zteamraven,  photorec is able to handle both20:28
leo_i only have 512mb of ram20:28
leo_and a p420:28
reisioleo_: you might try Lubuntu20:28
riffautaecosming: ubuntu-server would work fine20:28
leo_is it official?20:28
reisioleo_: yes20:28
riffautaeleo_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems20:28
leo_because i heard that unofficial varieties of distros dont work well20:29
leo_since they dont pay much attention to them20:29
reisioleo_: there's no regulatory entity for Linux distributions20:29
Picileo_: its is official as of 11.1020:29
reisioLubuntu is an official derivative of Ubuntu, according to Canonical, who runs Ubuntu20:29
Kartagistrism: can you give me a /me to test?20:29
thoegerleo_, you can always try and run it from a live medium, and see how it works for you. That's the best way to find out.20:29
cosmingriffautae: thanks ... would debian stable be better in any way than ubuntu lts server?20:29
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reisioleo_: for the most part Ubuntu's derivative distros only differ in what desktop environment is preinstalled20:30
leo_what about xubuntu20:30
reisioleo_: can try it20:30
WanderingEndercosming: That's a $car_maker vs. $car_maker debate right there.20:30
riffautaecosming: sorry i have no experience with debian stable, but i do run ubuntu-lts on several servers20:30
reisio512MB is definitely pushing it for GNOME, though20:30
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thoegerleo_, Xubuntu isn't all that light weight anymore.20:30
zteamreisio, is there any way to reinstall grub?20:31
reisiozteam: yup20:31
cosmingriffautae: thanks a lot20:31
leo_oh really?20:31
reisiozteam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows20:31
leo_how much more does it need?20:31
reisioleo_: if you got up to 1GB or 2GB you could use whatever you want really20:31
reisiomight check http://www.crucial.com/ for a deal20:31
* trism wonders what Kartagis is doing.20:31
cosmingWanderingEnder: do you have experience with a  $car_maker ?20:31
thoegerleo_, Don't know, haven't seen any benchmarks, but it is closer to Gnome than to LXDE20:32
leo_dont have money for adding memmory20:32
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thoegerAs far as I am informed20:32
leo_what about gnome... will it work on my cpu?20:32
WanderingEndercosming: I have a little experience from about 2 years ago. I have run CentOS and Ubuntu mixed, and now just run Ubuntu.20:32
thoegerleo_, also, I guess you'd prefer having a distro that also leaves some memory for, you know, your productivity software :-)20:33
Kartagisit didn't work :S20:33
thoegerleo_, gnome is definitely the heavier of the three20:33
mongyCan someone remind me, I forgot what the package is called that does similar to what ntpasswd bootdisc does.20:33
cosmingand witch would be more stabel: centos or ubuntu from your experience?20:33
reisioleo_: it'll work, personally I'd probably find it too slow20:34
trismKartagis: what are you trying to do?20:34
reisioleo_: easy way to find out, though: install it20:34
WanderingEnderCentOS has a longer lag time for packages. I have done commercial web hosting, cosming, and we had issues from our clients about lacking 5.3 PHP support.20:34
WanderingEndercosming: That's why we run Ubuntu now. We get features sometime this year to roll out, not whenever RHEL feels like it.20:34
reisiowhat did they need PHP 5.3 for?20:34
Kartagistrism: unless I start kvirc with en_US.UTF-8, I get weird stuff20:35
WanderingEnderSome Joomla thing, Reisio.20:35
reisiosounds like some unstable nonsense :p20:35
reisioyou could've installed PHP 5.3 on CentOS :p20:35
WanderingEnderreisio: I did that once, it lacks some things like mbstring in yum.20:35
cosmingWanderingEnder: thanks for the share20:35
WanderingEnderI'm sure CentOS 6 has support.20:35
reisioif you can't install packages that don't exist in the repos, I'm not sure you should be running a server20:36
WanderingEnderI look at it like this: Do I really need Red Hat Enterprise Linux, minus the 5k a month support?20:36
reisioalso if you can't say no to clients who want frivolous unstable software20:36
reisiowell, what you benefit from even without the paid support is all the Fedora and RHEL testing leading to more stable software20:37
reisiopart of the point of servers being, arguably, to stay online20:37
WanderingEnderreisio: Their application required something, so we gave it to them. And I've never had downtime issues with Ubuntu Server.20:37
* pnorman_desktop found out he has a defective SATA card20:37
trismKartagis: in natty, I often had to change the name of a launcher if I edited it in ~/.local/share/applications, otherwise the version in /usr/share/applications would override it (the Name= key in the .desktop file)20:37
trismKartagis: I haven't used unity enough in oneiric to know if that is still an issue20:38
reisioWanderingEnder: how about issues20:38
jpdsWanderingEnder: You can always get Ubuntu support: http://www.canonical.com/enterprise-services/ubuntu-advantage/server20:38
WanderingEnderjpds: >.> Yeah, I'm a canonical partner/reseller/whatever. Never needed it myself. :)20:38
zteamreisio, thanks, I'm trying Boot Repair now20:39
Kartagistrism: do I need to copy it to ~/.local/share/applications?20:39
gary_inNYChow would one mount an ipod touch in rhythmbox using an openbox session instead of gnome in ubuntu20:39
WanderingEnderreisio: I haven't had an issue with Ubuntu Server. I had one issue on a VPS, but that was the data center blowing up. On VM, Xen, and real boxes, no issues.20:39
trismKartagis: it is usually a good idea if you are editing it, otherwise updates can wipe out your changes (after editing, drag and drop it back to the panel, or you won't get the new version)20:39
reisioWanderingEnder: that's impressive, how long?20:40
Kartagistrism: editing in /usr/share/applications/ didn't do it20:40
Kartagisanyway, I'm off20:40
trismKartagis: good luck20:41
WanderingEnderLatest VMWare images are 8 months, the VPS was about 1 year, then a restart to get more RAM, then back up. Then... DC exploded, so... that was some downtime...20:41
Kartagisthanks trism20:41
cantomaO GLORISSOO20:42
FloodBot1cantoma: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:42
WanderingEnderUm, what language is that so we can !iso him?20:43
Gentoo64!glorious | cantoma20:43
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reisioI think it's "English person singing opera"20:44
WanderingEnder!opera | cantoma20:45
ubottucantoma: Opera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser20:45
WanderingEnder>.> Ha.20:45
kubancwhere can i see the ubuntuone log file?20:45
Univoidguys my wired network connection keeps connecting an disconnecting constantly n e ideas??20:46
Gentoo64Univoid: realtek adapter?20:46
Univoidmaybe? not sure20:47
limitgbdoes anybody know how to show again the sound-indicator in the top panel in 11.10? It's gone but just for my user!!20:47
Gentoo64Univoid: run lspci -v20:47
xangualimitgb: tried to reset¿   unity --reset20:47
Univoidit is realtek20:48
limitgbnothing happen20:48
Gentoo64Univoid: is it an 8168 / 8111?20:48
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xangualimitgb: did you remove pulseaudio or indicator stuff¿20:49
Univoid RTL8111/8168B20:49
Gentoo64Univoid: and kernel driver in use? 8169?20:49
limitgbxangua, i tried some commands to repair that stuff but nothing was fixed20:49
Gentoo64that bugs been around for years20:49
Gentoo64Univoid: i take it you dual boot with windows?20:50
Gentoo64and im a psychic?20:50
Univoidyep but solution?20:50
limitgbtoday i realize that if i use nay other user the indicator is shown20:50
limitgbit's crazy20:50
Gentoo64Univoid: in windows, check in the network connections that wake on shutdown is enabled. if not youll have to manually install the 8168 driver and blacklist the 816920:51
epaphusHello guys. With chmod g+s I can inherit the ownership of all files created within a given folder... however is there anyway I can make it so it inherits permissions when creating a new file inside that directory to 644 ?20:51
limitgbi don't know if it's a configuration or a permission problem20:51
Gentoo64Univoid: or.. do what i did and buy an intel nic. they work fine20:51
fatboy21007hello folks20:52
Univoidso windows is affecting ubuntu??20:52
Gentoo64Univoid: yeah. something to do with the card when you shutdown windows20:52
Univoidcheers i will now boot into windows and fix20:53
fatboy21007Need a bit of help getting a mmo  xsyon to work in ubuntu 10.04, i got playonlinux and wine to get it to updated and make it to the main client log on screen, howeverk i keep getting this nasty winsock initialization failure message, any ideas on a fix?20:53
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fatboy21007i take that as no one knows the answer :-(20:57
reisiofatboy21007: to what?20:57
reisiooooh, I could be in #trivia20:57
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fatboy21007Need a bit of help getting a mmo  xsyon to work in ubuntu 10.04, i got playonlinux and wine to get it to updated and make it to the main client log on screen, howeverk i keep getting this nasty winsock initialization failure message, any ideas on a fix? <--- to htis20:58
riffautaefatboy21007: your previous post is still on screen, just be patient20:59
reisiofatboy21007: is 'xsyon' the name?20:59
fatboy21007well he asked to what, so i was just repeating it for him20:59
fatboy21007Yes, Xsyon is the mmos name21:00
reisiofatboy21007: how many times have you tried to run it?21:00
fatboy2100715, with several different settings, even tried the Runes of magic  fix i found on google n nothin21:01
Myrtti!wine | fatboy2100721:02
ubottufatboy21007: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:02
rafael2kpeople, X.org is broken on Macbook 4,1, intel driver21:03
rafael2k10.10, 11.04 is fine21:03
rafael2kany known workaroun?21:03
tomodachirafael2k: just curious, how is it broken?21:03
fatboy21007i got wine btw and wintricks, been trying anything21:03
rafael2ktomodachi: X does not come up. X -configure makes a messy xorg.conf21:04
rafael2ktomodachi: I upgraded from 11.0421:04
reisiofatboy21007: bronze isn't a great rating21:04
rafael2ktomodachi: X -configure creates 3 devices, one intel, one fbdev and other vesa...21:04
epaphusIs it wise to do chmod -R g+s  on a file? What purpose would such have?21:05
pradeep__epaphus: this is for adding sticky bit for group and recurively21:06
riffautaeepaphus: if you do it on a folder, any files added by any user will hvae that group automaticlly21:06
tomodachirafael2k: what if you remove the devices then and just try staring ofthe intel card? (what intel card is it exactly?)21:07
scorinitronhey is anyone here somewhat experianced in c++21:07
scorinitronI'm just starting out and don't understand the errors I keep getting on my cpp21:08
fatboy21007wats bronze?21:08
epaphusriffautae, right.. and if I do it on 1 file what happens?21:09
epaphusnot much point to it?21:09
scorinitronanyone good in c++?21:09
scorinitroncan anyone help me out?21:09
reisioscorinitron: #friendly-coders21:09
Predat0rhi, any alternative for WhereIsIt? catalogue app for Ubuntu?21:09
scorinitronThank You reisio for pointing me in the right direction21:10
reisioPredat0r: http://alternativeto.net/software/where-is-it/?platform=linux21:10
riffautaeepaphus: only if the file is exacutable, then it makes it run as if it was a member of that group21:10
reisioPredat0r: I think I'd just use a... directory structure, though21:11
reisioscorinitron: yw21:11
Predat0rreisio thx21:11
epaphusriffautae, thank you. I think that what I want is to do a chmod -R g+s .. but only to directories.. do you know how to apply it only to d?21:13
SilfenXI m curious why ports I forward in my router still arent accesible despite UFW being disabled and have active services listening on them on the inside21:13
riffautaeSilfenX: your modem might also have NAT or be blocking them21:14
SilfenXit has been working until a day or so ago21:15
riffautaeepaphus:                  disabled and have active services listening21:16
friskdHow do i start an x11 session?21:16
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friskdi tried to just run xstart21:16
friskdand its not a command.21:16
riffautaeepaphus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setuid#setuid_and_setgid_on_directories21:16
riffautaeepaphus: it has a nice command there21:17
friskdI did this: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core21:17
friskdSo i would have assumed after that is should just have to do xstart?21:17
trashguywoops wrong irssi window21:19
epaphusHello..  With chmod g+s I can inherit the ownership of all files created within a given folder... however is there anyway I can make it so it inherits permissions when creating a new file inside that directory to 664 ?21:19
tomodachiepaphus: you can use acls for this21:20
tomodachiepaphus: but you have to install the feature, and remount your fs with acls, then you can use the tool setfacl to set advanced permissions on folders etc. Quite handy21:20
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bkinsdoes anyone know if you can dual boot backtrack 5 with Ubuntu 11.1021:21
reisiobkins: you can dual boot virtually any OS (Linux or not) with virtually any other OS21:22
xanguayes, you can bkins21:22
reisiobkins: however since backtrack 5 and Ubuntu are both Ubuntu, I question the reasonableness of doing so21:22
xanguafriskd: i believe is startx , not xstart21:22
SilfenXI trying to figure out why poerts I have forwarded in my router arent accessible despite UFW being disabled and services actively listening on the inside on the ports21:22
bkinsbut without using virtualbox or vmware21:23
aka|vitaminkasosi huy.21:23
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friskdxangua: i tried them both.21:24
LukaszTarkowskihi people, finally was able to install Ubuntu 11.10 :)21:24
calamitybkins, yeah, totally fine,21:24
calamityLukaszTarkowski, hurrah!21:24
aka|vitaminkaSOSITE VSE.21:24
friskdxangua: shouldn't after i did that install... Shouldn't it be available?21:24
LukaszTarkowskithanks calamity21:25
aka|vitaminkaLukaszTarkowski: sosi.21:25
xanguafriskd: do you have a desktop enviroment¿21:25
bkinsso i will need to patition my hard drive or will it do it when using a live cd21:25
LukaszTarkowskiI like the dock bar the new Ubuntu has21:25
friskdxangua: i installed openbox.21:25
LukaszTarkowskilooks like more like Mac21:25
friskdxangua:  sudo apt-get install openbox21:26
xanguafriskd: openbox is just a window manager21:26
friskdxangua: do i need a desktop env21:26
LukaszTarkowskiI also use UbuntuOne for backup :)21:26
friskdxangua: all i want to be able to do is vnc into the box and run firefox.21:26
TriokeDoes anyone know what PDF reader can open PDF's created with Adobe Live with javascript content? I tried xpdf and that didn't work :(.21:26
friskdand watch my scripts that are being executed.21:27
xanguafriskd: preferably, and xchat dependencies21:27
reisioTrioke: Adobe's21:27
xanguagtk, gnome maybe¿¿21:27
LukaszTarkowskiI will go to Ubuntu offtopic now21:27
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Triokereisio: Not in the repository, though? I tried apt-get install acroread and it didn't exist...21:28
epaphustomodachi, does acls offer a lot more features.. security wise?21:28
reisioTrioke: it does seem to not be in the repos21:28
friskdxangua: so i can't just use xserver and openbox and then insta the x11vnc21:28
reisioTrioke: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AcrobatHowTo21:28
tomodachiepaphus: well you have a much more fine-grained control than ordinary linux file permissions. It's worth it and not really that hard to set up21:28
Triokereisio: Thanks.21:28
friskdI don't really need all the "desktop stuff"21:29
epaphustomodachi,  thanks21:29
friskdbut my problem still remains. After doing : sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core     why isn't startx availabe?21:29
SilfenXSomthing is blocking ports and  afaik I m not running an active firewall on the system at the moment. The ports are also forwarded in my router. What could be causing this?21:31
hanasakiwhat is the best disk format to to use for virtual disks?  how does performance compare? qemu? kvm? virtualbox?  vmwarE?21:31
KaiSforzajoin #android-dev21:32
pnorman_desktopIs it normal for a software raid array to do a resync after creation?21:32
reisiohanasaki: I assume kvm will out perform all others21:33
reisiohanasaki: and qemu will come in last21:33
guntbert!it | ida_21:36
ubottuida_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:36
Phlunk3hi guys, the bar at the top of the screen which in 11.10 shows the file edit etc menu's for maximized items, can anyone tell me what this is officially called? I have an issue with it not displaying on one monitor after upgrading to 11.10 and need to google lol21:38
pookyI can't seem to get thunderbird to launch. I constantly recieve an error of failed to create drawable.21:38
pookyThe unity panel?21:39
Phlunk3at the top pooky, not the unity panel as that works fine. but I am unable for example to access the menu's in xchat or minimize etc atm as it is on my screen without the top menu lol.21:39
guntbertPhlunk3: that thing on the left side is called "launcher", the one on the top is still "panel" (I believe)21:41
cyphaseif i want to change the hostname on an ubuntu machine, the only places i have to worry about is /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts, right?21:41
Phlunk3thanks guntbert21:41
AbuMaiaDiscovered an interesting bug. I accidentally logged in under Ubuntu 2D, instead of 3D like I was expecting. While trying to get Unity to not ignore the Compiz settings, I was able to start Unity 3D on top of Unity 2D. This gave me two launcher bars, one on top of the other.21:41
guntbert!hostname | cyphase21:41
ubottucyphase: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.21:41
guntbertPhlunk3: you're welcome :-)21:41
cyphaseguntbert, yea, just checking if there's anywhere else. but i guess not :). thanks21:42
TechnicusHello . . . I have introduced many people to Linux, and in most cases they have adopted Ubuntu.  The transition is in generaly seemless, and fundamentaly astonishing as the case generaly stems from Linux breathing life into what was mistaken as a dead machine.21:42
tomodachiAbuMaia: sounds like a bug. If you would like to help out. You could check launchpad.net to see if there are any duplicates. If not register it as a new bug21:42
AbuMaiatomodachi: Will do, friend21:42
guntbertcyphase: no worries, I was just too lazy to properly read and sent you the factoid instead :)21:43
hanasakireisio:  why is that qemu last and kvm best?   will qemu-kvm be the same as kvm and supported in ubuntu?21:43
guntbert!ot | Technicus21:43
ubottuTechnicus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:43
reisiohanasaki: qemu-kvm is kvm21:43
reisiohanasaki: kvm is basically qemu remade to be part of the kernel and have hardware virtualization extensions support21:43
hanasakiwhat ist he best disk format to use reisio21:43
calamityAlright, I'm stumped. I have windows 7 sitting in an ntfs partition, next to ubuntu, grub can see both of them, but for some reason, trying to boot to windows just drops me back to grub21:43
TechnicusPeople praise what the new operating system awards them with.  One of the questions I get a lot is: "Where is the undue button?"  So I ask, is there a global undue button?21:43
reisiohanasaki: their capabilities should be about the same, only kvm will be much faster21:44
reisiohanasaki: I assume whatever kvm uses will be fine21:44
reisiohanasaki: qcow?21:44
hanasakireisio:  does kvm require any guest additions like vmware / vbox?21:44
pooky"undue" lolz21:44
reisiohanasaki: I don't think so, it might be a little behind vbox & vmware in that regard21:44
Technicuspooky: It is a question I get asked a lot.21:44
reisiohanasaki: but I'm sure in time it won't be21:45
reisiohanasaki: for a kvm GUI frontend checkout virt-manager21:45
hanasakireisio:  well as you say it will perform best and not need guest additions.. best of both worlds :)21:45
pookyI'm also running Komodo and Firefox on the same install. But I do not recieve the same "failed to create drawable" error. I heard Thunderbird was to be the default mail clinet, so I'm trying to just check it out.21:45
pookyTechnicus: "undo"21:45
reisiohanasaki: well I don't think it _has_ a guest additions, so for things like automatic screen resizing, you will probably have to just do without for now21:46
reisiohanasaki: since kvm is newer, it will take time for things like that to be made available21:46
pookyTechnicus: "undue" would crudely mean "un owe", where as "undo" would mean "un action"21:47
reisiohanasaki: but since it should perform in general better than the others, I assume those features will come21:47
hanasakireisio:  I do like the full screen and resize21:47
reisiohanasaki: yes VirtualBox is handy for that, and seemless mode21:47
Phlunk3okay guys sorry but I can't seem to find an answer online thus far. I have just done a fresh installation of ubuntu and have to use ubuntu 2d due to my graphics card not supporting enough resolution otherwise for both my monitors. My issue is that on my monitor with the unity panel the top menu is not displaying, can anyone point me in the right direction to get this solved?21:47
hanasakireisio:  kvm is linux only.. that is one thing that will keep some vm's in the other tools21:47
reisiohanasaki: I would ignore vmware altogether, it only has a few things it can do that kvm and VirtualBox cannot, AIUI21:48
reisiohanasaki: yes, for those poor souls who can't use Linux :p21:48
robin0800Phlunk3, how are you trying to make the menu appear?21:49
Technicuspooky: So much for trying to understand English.21:49
Phlunk3robin0800, I am not trying to make it appear, I presumed it should just be there. For example I am now using xchat and it is filling the entire monitor and there is no option bar at the top with like "file" and "edit" etc21:49
trashguyAnyone have issues with Ubuntu 11,10 on EFI machines21:50
bdrewerytrashguy: I believe that's in the release notes21:50
friskdapparently to run an x server  you do capital X21:50
bdrewerytrashguy: sounds familiar21:50
friskdnot startx21:50
pookyTechnicus: It's a rediculous language. Though congrats on knowing more than one. I only speak english and I'm still terrible at it.21:50
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trashguybdrewery: After install it just won't boot the OS even though it shows up in EFI21:51
robin0800Phlunk3, its mouse over or the alt key21:51
Phlunk3robin0800, I am not trying to make it appear, I presumed it should just be there. For example I am now using xchat and it is filling the entire monitor and there is no option bar at the top with like "file" and "edit" Ethern0T yeah robin that didnt work, sorry my screen is destroyed I cant even see if this is working, bbiab lolc21:52
reisioTechnicus: well due is from French, which is what makes "English" complicated :p21:52
reisiotrue English is about as simple as German21:52
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trashguybdrewery: I can't find nay forum posts about EFI issues in 11.1021:54
hanasakiwhich package has ntptrace ?21:55
ePaxIm on ubuntu 11.10 64 bit. Im tryin gto install vmplayer. I have installed gcc make kernel-headers for kernel-3.0 and when i try to start vmplayer im getting error that C headers files are not matching my krenel. Anyone know the solution?21:55
cesurasean1hey guys. im having trouble getting a webcam to work properly on ubuntu for some reason, and everything ive read, i can't compile! lol21:55
reisiohanasaki: sudo apt-get install apt-file to find out21:56
cesurasean1Bus 003 Device 109: ID 046d:089d Logitech, Inc. QuickCam E2500 series  - having trounle installing this webcam to work with skype!! please help!21:57
SilfenXwhere can I chack up on network traffic going on in the server - ie which ports are being used by which services/applications etc?21:57
hanasakithanks reisio21:57
reisiocesurasean1: trouble?21:57
cesurasean1yes trouble!21:58
cesurasean1Bus 003 Device 109: ID 046d:089d Logitech, Inc. QuickCam E2500 series  - having trouble installing this webcam to work with skype!! please help!22:02
LukaszTarkowskihow can I make dock with apps appear on bottom?22:04
LukaszTarkowskisorry if I double asked22:04
chaos_anyone know anything about the terminal settings. like my terminal menubar comes back everytime i close the terminal and reopen it. ugh so annoying22:05
chaos_is this a helper people channel??22:05
pookychaos_: this is a support channel, yes.22:06
chaos_coo coo22:06
chaos_i need some support for my terminal22:06
chaos_its gone crazy and keeps displaying the menubar when i ask it not to22:06
chaos_its possessed22:07
teageHelp please, I did dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -nr | less, and I dont know how to exit without closing the terminal. control c does not seem to work.22:07
SilfenXSomthing is blocking ports and  afaik I m not running an active firewall on the system at the moment. The ports are also forwarded in my router. What could be causing this?22:07
chaos_your router might have a built in firewall or acl22:09
quidnuncMy SSD's write speed is shown as 1 MB/s by atop, 100% utilisation. That's mental. What's wrong?22:10
quidnuncComputer is stutters as a result22:11
SilfenXyes, my router has a built in firewall and there are portforwards defined for services running on the inside that listen on those ports22:11
=== damn3d is now known as Damn3d\
arooni-mobilehi folks.  ubuntu 11.10 has strange bugs like not letting me click on anything.  ideas?22:12
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chaos_ya load a different window manager such as {apt-get install gnome}22:14
reisioarooni-mobile: use the schwartz22:14
JasonGriffeewhat would cause skype to have issues communicating?22:14
robin0800SilfenX, don't know but shields up might tell you which ports are really open22:14
JasonGriffeehow do i check that?22:15
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cimehi! is there any ubuntu appliance that has LDAP installed?22:15
chaos_anyone well versed with gnome-terminal to help me fix a lil problem that drives me crazy or at least point me in the right direction22:16
Guest89498would the 32 bit or 64 bit be better for a computer I am setting up to watch web videos? Is flash stable on 64 bit?22:16
arooni-mobileyou folks dont have the issue where you cant click on anything?22:17
WanderingEnderUm, where do I turn on remote desktop (VNC) in 11.10?22:17
reisioGuest89498: flash is fine on 64-bit22:17
rhin0Guest89498: yes22:17
reisioWanderingEnder: called 'vino', isn't it?22:17
SilfenXrobin0800: yes, I m using that to montor which ports are exposed to the outside world - funnily enough , all th eports tht I have forwarded in the hardware router arent showing as open, rhater they show stelathed  - I also got a range of ports showing closed as well as port 0 - I m at a loss here22:18
chaos_no my clicks work. you should try a different window manager like either gnome or ubuntu2D22:18
robin0800chaos_, purge it and reinstall might work22:19
chaos_we need access to your router to correct this problem22:19
chaos_ah yes thanks robin i didnt think of that haha22:19
WanderingEnderreisio: IT has to be installed now? 10.04 it was a simple setting in system settings.22:19
chaos_im thinkin fix but i could just rebuild22:20
bobweaverhello there everybody ! I am having some real big troubles with recording mydesktop. it looks horrible after I record using gtk record my desktop   Xvidcap only captures about 60 to 70% so that will also not work. ny suggestions ?22:23
AndroidLoverInSFi have a question, the non- LTS releases, do they usually stabilize and get consistently reliable after a few months, or are they always introducing new things and new bugs, even beyond the 1/2 supported life of the release?22:23
bobweaverhttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+question/161322   <-- old and did not help22:24
bobweaverhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/726780/     <--- more info22:24
chaos_<-- so cool22:24
chaos_---> oops other way22:25
glebihanAndroidLoverInSF, even non-LTS releases are quite stable as soon as they're released, the only difference is the length of the support22:26
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Malgorathanyone else had a problem with 11.10 causing random lag spikes during internet activity? like if i fire up world of warcraft i get  a 12,000 ping to server when I'm in win7 its never above 100ms. just wondering if this is common or not22:26
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bobweavercan you have record my desktop use ffmpeg ?22:27
bobweaverfor encoding ?22:27
bobweaverhere is a video to get  a look at what I am talking about22:28
bobweaverIt is driving me crazy I want to make some tutorials22:29
antnashHi guys. I'm'''';;''##p[/.22:29
antnashah!. Well, that was a fail22:30
Gentoo64_antnash: what was it meant to say22:30
antnashWhat I actually am, is trying to set up NFS sharing between win 7 and ubuntu. I can read and create but not delete22:30
WanderingEnderOK, vino is installed, but I'm having trouble finding where in system settings it is.22:30
bobweaverssly no one knows anything ?22:31
antnashHad something stuck under my ' key and was trying to get it out22:31
DrManhattanis there still a LAMP install for ubuntu22:31
DrManhattanI remember that used to be an option22:31
fosburgwhere do I get a scanner ICM profile?  I have a UMAX  PowerLook  scanner  operating off XSane Image scanner application.22:33
DrManhattanhttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/24.png <--- sweet!!!!22:34
DrManhattanhonestly without the desktop most of the major distros aren't that much different to work with22:34
DrManhattanthis gnome stuff, well, its become a lil ugh.22:35
smartadam12yearsHi all!  I want make my own OS! Can I remove copyrights, logos symbolism of Ubuntu in .iso and rename OS?22:35
antnashThat's hardly making your own OS.22:35
glebihanbobweaver, not sure that's what you want but maybe you could try this : ffmpeg -f x11grab -s $(xwininfo -root | awk '/geometry/ {print $2}') -i :0.0 -b 800k -y output.avi22:35
N9tShadowThats just copying some one else os and calling it your own22:35
bobweaverglebihan,  SWEET22:36
LukaszTarkowskibye bye for now22:36
WanderingEndersmartadam12years: That's what CentOS does with RHEL, but that's not "you're own OS," that's just a distribution.22:37
WanderingEnderAlso, it looks like vino is badly broken in 11.1022:37
smartadam12yearsi.e. all lawfully?22:37
TriokeQuick question, I'm on 10.04, and I'm wondering if there's any way to *hide* the application header so that the application's inner window is flush against the top. An example off of the top of my head would be how Chrome behaves, its tabs are flush against the top of the screen without any sort of "Google Chrome" header at the top.22:37
OttifantSirAnyone have an ide why this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DellBIOS didn't work? I have the option, I copy-pasted everything, except of course the FILENAME.img part. When running it, I got a message telling me to load kernel first, press ENTER to continue, then back to GRUB-choices. Nothing wrong happened, but nothing right either.22:37
DrManhattanWhats the EOL on 10.04 LTS?22:38
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:38
ResistanceDrManhattan:  ^22:38
DrManhattanand when is the next LTS version scheduled? I thought 11.04 was supposed to be lts22:38
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ResistanceDrManhattan:  no, LTS skips 4 builds22:38
Resistancei.e. 10.04 -> 12.0422:38
glebihanDrManhattan, 12.04 will be LTS22:38
Resistances/4/a few/22:38
glebihanDrManhattan, EOL for 10.04 is april 201322:39
smartadam12years<WanderingEnder> i can rename kernel of Linux?22:39
bobweaverglebihan,  LOOKS great22:39
Resistancesmartadam12years:  no.22:39
Resistancesmartadam12years:  not really, at least22:39
JasonGriffeewhy would skype refuse to communicate?22:39
glebihanDrManhattan, that is for desktop dition, for server edition april 201522:39
smartadam12yearswho not? GNU GPL...22:39
bobweaverglebihan,  time to make a alais22:39
glebihanbobweaver, good idea ;)22:39
DrManhattanwow thats crazy long. now don't get upset but from what I know about Debian is that they let things get REALLY old before they're updated. Now I don't expect lts to be bleeding edge but I don't want to miss out on features that would say, prevent me from running the latest version of Joomla on there22:40
smartadam12years <Resistance> i think i can do it22:40
bobweaveror make something in /usr/share/applications/new.desktop   :>)22:40
lordjjHow do I set a device to be mounted on startup?22:40
glebihanDrManhattan, well don't stick with LTS versions if you want recent packages22:41
lucaWhy is the screen green when I execute a video on ubuntu 11.10??22:42
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JasonGriffeewhy won't skype let me communicate?22:42
DrManhattanI'm looking for relatively recent, not neccesarily bleeding or cutting edge but recent enough not to be considered old22:42
DrManhattanspecifically the mysql, php, and apache22:42
DrManhattanand dont make me use WAMP because then I'll start acting like a chimpanzee22:43
smartadam12yearsWho using BolgenOS?22:43
DrManhattangive me lamp or give me devolution22:43
OttifantSirluca: I don't know if it may be your problem, but that happens to me when watching videos with a large load on my system and it can't render the frames properly. Might be useful to hear your computer's specs and which program you use.22:43
yebyendoes anyone build couchdb from the build-couchdb convenience repo22:44
smartadam12yearshelp please22:44
Malgorathsmartadam12years, your question sounds something sort of offtopic for here, what is this bolgenos/22:45
lucaOttifantSir: This problem is only on Ubuntu 11.10 not on Ubuntu 11.04 why? I can use a generic problem but the problem is the same22:45
JasonGriffeewhy won't skype let me communicate?22:45
NahibelgHello, I'm currently using linux Mint, is there a way to switch to ubuntu without reinstalling from a boot disk, and just changing the repos to point to ubuntu sources and do a full update?22:46
MalgorathJasonGriffee, skype isn't an official package of ubuntu, you might need to search their website and ask on their forums for more information.22:46
smartadam12yearsJasonGriffee just u noob22:47
TriokeDrManhattan: Use 10.04 LTS. On the Apache, PHP and MySQL end, you won't have any problems.22:47
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DrManhattansweet. Thank you.22:47
mal|lappyI'm running Ubuntu 10.04LTS, and whenever I do a file transfer from any machine to my linux box, either via SCP or SFTP, sshd spins at 100% cpu, and the transfer runs at a crawl of 5mbytes/second. Anyone know what might cause this?22:47
smartadam12yearsgo using asterisk22:48
OttifantSirluca: I am just a user, so I can't help you with much, but you might open System Monitor (gnome-system-monitor) and see which processes are taking the most CPU and RAM. DON'T QUIT OR KILL WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW!! If say, Thunderbird has run rampant, that might be the problem. I have an old machine so I do it a lot. You get to to Quit/Kill through right-click on process22:48
smartadam12yearsand patch skype for asterisk22:48
glebihanNahibelg, no you have to reinstall22:49
smartadam12years<Malgorath> ?22:49
smartadam12yearsi can?22:49
OttifantSirluca: Another option might be that you have enabled too many effects. Are you using proprietary drivers or open source for your graphics card? I saw a marked improvement in speed with nVidia's drivers over the nouveau drivers.22:50
manhunterwhat's the default irc client for ubuntu ?22:50
manhunterMSG nickserv info22:51
lordjjHello. How do I set up an Ntfs partition to Mount on startup?22:51
Malgoraththink its pidgeon manhunter22:51
OttifantSirmanhunter: Empathy is the default IRC client22:51
Malgorathlordjj, one sec i'll google that for you and point you at one of about 800 guides.. brb22:51
DrManhattanYOu know what, with the last nvidia drivers and video in firefox/flash, my video looked like crap too22:51
manhunteri mean irc client to connect irc.freenode.net22:51
DrManhattanacross a couple of different distros on the same hardware22:51
DrManhattanubuntu, fedora, opensuse, and mint22:52
Nahibelgglebihan: rats... thx anyway22:52
DrManhattanquite disappointing22:52
Malgorathlordjj, http://www.google.com/cse?cx=partner-pub-9300639326172081%3A5191442144&ie=UTF-8&sa=Search&q=how+to+setup+ntfs+partition+on+boot+ubuntu&hl=en#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=how%20to%20setup%20ntfs%20partition%20on%20boot%20ubuntu&gsc.page=122:52
Malgorathtake your pick22:53
DrManhattanwhen I intalled chromium flash worked MUCH better. I don't know what the deal was, or what was responsible, but that particular combination of drivers/programs/versions really was not too positive22:53
smartadam12years'Hi all!  I want make my own OS! Can I remove copyrights, logos symbolism of Ubuntu in .iso and rename OS?22:53
OttifantSirmanhunter: So do I. You have to set up an IRC account in Empathy. Maybe you have to install some packages. Always switch back to Pidgin on every new release, so I don't remember.22:53
Malgorathsmartadam12years, troll elsewhere, or learn LFS and make your own OS.22:54
lordjjDrManhattan that's because chromium integrats flash22:54
Gentoo64Malgorath: i dont think hes trolling22:54
Gentoo64think he just means a custom cd22:54
DrManhattanyeah well, flash video is just much better in it lordjj. They do a very good job22:54
smartadam12yearsim not trol just help me please make my own OS22:55
smartadam12yearson base Ubuntu22:55
Malgorathsmartadam12years, go google: linux from scratch22:55
glebihansmartadam12years, you already asked and have already been answered about that22:55
Shdwdrgnis there a flag I can set in apt so it does NOT prune older deb files unless I tell it to?  I would like to share /var/cache/apt/archives across multiple servers while I'm doing a version upgrade, and don't want anything removed until all the machines are done22:55
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smartadam12yearswhat that?22:57
DrManhattangenerally any time I see people say "flash just wont work in my firefox no matter what I do" I tell them to try out chromium22:57
Triokesmartadam12years: ... What is it you want *exactly*?22:57
OttifantSirAnyone have an idea why this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DellBIOS didn't work? Everything up until the start of the GRUB-choice went flawlessly, then "error, you must load kernel first, press ENTER to continue", then it returns to GRUB, no harm OR good done.22:57
qin!remastersys | smartadam12years22:57
smartadam12yearsnot! me not sked22:57
smartadam12yearsexactly? own OS22:58
mal|lappyAnyone have any ideas on this: I'm running Ubuntu 10.04LTS, and whenever I do a file transfer from any machine to my linux box, either via SCP or SFTP, sshd spins at 100% cpu, and the transfer runs at a crawl of 5mbytes/second.22:58
Gentoo64smartadam12years: just use ubuntu normally22:58
glebihanShdwdrgn, I may be wrong but I think that's the default behavior, nothing gets deleted until you run "apt-get clean"22:58
bobweaver!live-debian | smartadam12years22:58
Triokesmartadam12years: Are you asking how to create your own OS from scratch? Haha, that's *way* out of the scope of this channel, not to mention (apologies in advance) your intellect.22:59
smartadam12yearshelp plz22:59
Gentoo64whats the point taking out the logos, you wouldnt heve even done anything22:59
Malgorathsmartadam12years is a troll guys, he has been anwered many times22:59
qinTrioke: <£22:59
bobweaverlb configure .... lb build ?????   smartadam12years22:59
smartadam12years<Trioke> u bad22:59
ikoniaenough please.23:00
DrManhattanOttifantSir, hell, i'd try the wine/winflash version23:00
Shdwdrgnglebihan, hmm ok.  From what I can see, it looks like there is only one version of each package after running a do-release-upgrade...  Maybe that command is running a clean afterwards.23:00
DrManhattanif the dell was stock, thats how they'd want you to update the bios23:00
smartadam12years<Malgorath>  no me not! see on IP!23:00
DrManhattaneven with those old-as-balls dimension 2400s23:01
Shdwdrgnglebihan, guess I'll give it a run and see what happens23:01
ikoniasmartadam12years: ENOUGH23:01
curfontso I had ubuntu on a netbook, and my wife shut it down as it was updating (probably dist upgrading). I managed to get it into console mode and force update and now the boot sequence gets stuck while loading X, but I can manually Alt-F1 and startx. manually starting gdm / whatever doesn't work. tried removing grub and gdm and reinstalling, doesn't work (Works but doesn't fix it)23:01
glebihanShdwdrgn, you may be right, it's possible that it only keeps the most recent version of each package23:01
OttifantSirsmartadam12years: I'd suggest you step back and ask yourself: What do I want to take with me from Ubuntu, and what do I want to change? Do I want another window manager? Do I want another graphic program, etc etc. Then use remastersys or LFS (if it's possible) or Ubuntu Alternate and just use a minimal install (CLI only) for your base.23:01
smartadam12yearswhat ENOUGH?23:01
bobweaverwhat is debian-live smartadam12years23:02
ikoniaplease stop discussing building your own os - it's been said, it's nothing to do with this channel23:02
DrManhattancurfont, oh that's easy - apt-get remove wife23:02
curfontDrManhattan: wish it was that easy :D23:02
Gentoo64remastersys, or lfs. lol23:02
DrManhattanim j/k anyhow23:02
mal|lappysmartadam12years: look up UCK. Ubuntu Customization Kit23:02
mal|lappyit will do what you want23:02
curfontwhen installing ubuntu to eeepc, does it do any special things?23:02
smartadam12yearsdebian is not ubuntu23:02
curfont(I selected netbook or something in the install)23:02
OttifantSirDrManhattan: Are you seriously telling me to run the .exe from within Wine? Or to look up a special addon to, or version of Wine for flashing BIOS?23:02
bobweaverlb -config --mode ubuntu23:02
DrManhattanOttifantSir, read the wiki man23:03
smartadam12yearsCustomization Kit i know23:03
DrManhattanyou're the one who posted the link23:03
smartadam12yearsdebian bad and old23:03
ikoniasmartadam12years: stop now.23:03
smartadam12yearsold version of programms23:04
DrManhattanHow are you going to come in here, post a link saying "this doesn't work" and not read the link23:04
ikoniasmartadam12years: we will not support you building your own ubuntu build. stop asking23:04
smartadam12years<ikonia> no23:04
smartadam12yearshepl plz23:04
albertoHello everyone23:04
OttifantSirDrManhattan: If you're talking about the Winphlash option, I don't have that option.23:04
DrManhattanOttifantSir, what dell system is this?23:04
bobweaverubuntu uses live debian ?23:04
ikoniasmartadam12years: it is not the topic of this channel - please stop asking.23:04
sociopathHello everyone23:05
albertoI'm having some problems with my tv card and Ubuntu 11.10, will you help me out?23:05
antnashCan anyone shed any light on why I can read and create on my NFS share from windows 7 but I can't delete?23:05
OttifantSirDrManhattan: Inspiron 9400/E1705 DC 1.6GHz, 1GB, 120, Intel abgn wifi23:05
curfontDrManhattan: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18379947/IMG_20111102_230429.jpg23:05
curfontsomething is wrong23:05
smartadam12years<ikonia> i report on u to Mark :P23:05
bobweaverikonia,  this is what ubuntu uses to make distro >? http://live.debian.net/manual/en/html/live-manual.html23:05
curfont(Alt-FX still works, it isnt a panic)23:05
ikoniasmartadam12years: I won't ask again - stop asking23:05
sociopathcan u tell me please! why i can can't hear sound from my laptop speakers ?????23:06
smartadam12years<ikonia> why stop?23:06
ikoniabobweaver: no23:06
curfont"GNOME display manager" is "fail"23:06
sociopathcan u tell me please! why i can can't hear sound from my laptop speakers ?????23:06
curfontwhere are the logs for that?23:06
Gentoo64curfont: nice monitor23:06
DrManhattancurfont, bummer! maybe just knock her around a little bit23:06
bobweaverikonia,  what does ubuntu use ? THEN23:06
ikoniasmartadam12years: because this channel is not here to make you make your own ubuntu build.23:06
bobweaverikonia,  sorry about caps :>)23:06
curfontGentoo64: It's my wife's "disney" netbook23:06
sociopathguys help me please23:06
Gentoo64yea yea23:06
ikoniabobweaver: the ubuntu packages it builds,23:06
sociopathi can't hear the sound from my laptop speakers23:07
smartadam12years<ikonia> i can make my own channel?23:07
antnashI take it you don't know, Gentoo6423:07
ikoniasmartadam12years: make your own channel then23:07
TriokeOttifantSir: A quick google showed me this, not sure how outdated/relevant it may still be: http://www.linuxscrew.com/2007/12/09/update-bios-of-dell-laptop-with-ubuntu/23:07
bobweaverikonia,  what is the ubuntu package ? got a link >23:07
Gentoo64antnash: know what?23:07
soreau! sound | sociopath23:07
ubottusociopath: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:07
OttifantSirTrioke: I read it earlier today, but will read it again... Thanks23:07
ikoniabobweaver: apologies if I'm not understaning what you're asking23:07
Gentoo64antnash: no i dont know23:07
ikoniasmartadam12years: ask in #freenode channel23:07
soreausmartadam12years: ASk in #freenode23:07
bobweaverikonia,  it is cool23:07
soreau! caps | luca23:07
ubottuluca: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:07
smartadam12yearsWhy Super OS rename Ubuntu and i cant do it?23:08
bobweaverikonia,  I am asking if ubuntu uses debian live to make there distro23:08
DrManhattanOttifantSir, at the dell site theres an exe package for your bios23:08
Triokeubottu: I think he has Caps lock on.23:08
ubottuTrioke: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:08
DrManhattanlatest bios for your system is a1023:08
vachoplease help, I followed this guide and installed OCI8, but it's not enabled after install..how can I reconfigure it?? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PHPOracle23:08
soreausmartadam12years: You can, you just can't discuss it here23:08
Gentoo64smartadam12years: why do you care so much about renaming ubuntu and calling it yours23:08
OttifantSirTrioke: I tried that first, no luck for my system23:08
dalton2345well i'm back on 11.0423:08
ikoniabobweaver: it doesn't use debian live, it makes it's own distro, the packages it uses are based on the debian ones though23:08
azerthello there23:08
DrManhattanOttifantSir, what bios version are you on now?23:08
bobweaver!sed | smartadam12years23:08
ubottusmartadam12years: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:08
azertcan anyone explain what does this command ? tar -C /overlay -cvf - . | tar -C /mnt/sda1 -xf -23:08
gluonmanIn ubuntu 11.10, I installed gnome 3.  A few days ago I rebooted and it automatically launched in the fallback mode.  Even when I select the normal boot option, it is now consistently stuck in fallback.  I don't even know what the problem is, so my googling hasn't lead me anywhere yet.  How can I even begin to investigate what broke?23:09
TriokeOttifantSir: aww darn. I'm afraid you seem to be in an edge case scenario where most of us won't have the expertise or experience to know how to help. I personally run a dell and updated the BIOS while running Windows... If that's an option, it may be worth a shot.23:09
bobweaverwhat does the terminal have to do with sed bot >?23:09
smartadam12years<ubottu> whta sorry?23:09
OttifantSirDrManhattan: I have that file, and I have made a GRUB option loading an image of a (supposedly) boot disk with that file loaded. My current BIOS is A06.23:09
DrManhattanTrioke, they recommend on the link he posted to run the exe for bios update via WINE23:09
glebihangluonman, try opening a terminal and running "gnome-shell --replace" in it to see if you get any error message that might help you identify the problem23:10
ikoniaI would not run any bios program in wine23:10
azerttar -C /overlay -cvf - . | tar -C /mnt/sda1 -xf -23:10
ikoniathat is a terrible idea23:10
smartadam12yearsI can rename Super oS and make own OS?23:10
DrManhattanOttifantSir, well, looks like Dell gives you an exe for updating to a10 - so I'd use wine23:10
lucai have a problem with videos on ubuntu 11.10 how can i do?23:10
gluonmanglebihan, thanks23:10
albertoI'm having some problems with my tv card and Ubuntu 11.1023:10
linuxuz3rhow do i set the theme back to the default in 11.1023:10
ikoniasmartadam12years: stop asking - this is your final warning23:10
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:10
TriokeDrManhattan: Actually, no. They say to use WINE to extract the archive if the BIOS came in a WinPhlash.exe format. Update itself still has to go through the GRUB method.23:10
bobweaver!thanks | bobweaver23:10
ubottubobweaver, please see my private message23:10
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:11
smartadam12years<ikonia>  and your...23:11
ikoniasmartadam12years: pardon ?23:11
bobweaverubottu,  learn sed and awk23:11
ubottubobweaver: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:11
DrManhattanThen extract and attempt to run the updater, which will fail, but place a file named BIOS.ROM in C:\Windows\Temp\WINPHLASH\. Now download the phlash16.exe utility, which will actually perform the flash using BIOS.ROM.23:11
ikoniabobweaver: please stop messing with the bot23:11
bobweaverikonia,  :>)23:11
OttifantSirDrManhattan: Yeah, I knew that was an option, not a very appealing one though, as WINE is not complete, and I don't want to brick my machine with such a perfect setup and sentimental value. But, it seems that is what I have to (try to) do....23:11
smartadam12years<ikonia> i know Mark :P23:11
TriokeOttifantSir: Just curious, what feature are you lacking in your current BIOS that compels you to upgrade?23:12
soreausmartadam12years: Please leave23:12
glebihansmartadam12years, we don't care23:12
bobweaversmartadam12years, then aask him :>)23:12
DrManhattanOttifantSir, well, you could always use gparted to give yourself a 10g partition, put windows on it, update your bios, then remove windows23:12
albertoWill you please help me out?23:12
soreauikonia: n1 xD23:12
DrManhattanat least that method is supported and wont brick your box, although it IS a pita23:12
TriokeDrManhattan: Yes, easiest course of action, at this point it would seem.23:13
ldleworkI upgrade Ubuntu after it spams me for a month. What do I have to show for it? CERTAINLY NO SHADER SUPPORT. God, why haven't I learned my lessons after the last three Ubuntu """"upgrades""""23:13
ldleworkfor fucks sake23:13
* ldlework fumes.23:13
FloodBot1ldlework: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:13
OttifantSirTrioke: Honestly, I don't remember anymore. I just want to use this machine as a testbed to see what problems I will encounter when flashing the BIOS of my HTPC.23:13
TriokeOttifantSir: Ah, okay.23:13
soreau! language | ldlework23:13
ubottuldlework: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:13
ldlework! competent_os_progression | soreau23:13
mal|lappyAnyone have a clue why sshd on ubuntu 10.04LTS would spin at 100% during large file transfers?23:13
ikonialdlework: take the hint - he's trying to help you23:14
mal|lappyIt slows down my transfers to 5mbytes/sec23:14
DrManhattanTrioke, as much as it pains me to say in a linux channel of any sort, I'd probably give myself a 10g xp partition to update the bios and maybe just hide it/leave it there just in case there were some kind of firmware / bios updates I couldn't do in linux23:14
curfontI wonder if I can put ubuntu on the new Tegra 3 based Asus Transformer23:14
soreauldlework: What gpu do you have?23:14
DrManhattanthats just because dell is REALLY picky about that, and they probably wont honor a warranty if you brick your box trying to update your bios in linux23:14
OttifantSirDrManhattan: Yeah..... Too bad though. Haven't had a single Windows program or media in my apartment for the last five years, and now I have to resign...23:14
bobweaverikonia, so ubuntu uses scripts then ? to make distro ? the reason I ask is this would be a great way to backup .23:14
linuxuz3rhow can you use gnome 2.x in 11.10?23:14
reisiolinuxuz3r: not so much23:15
soreaulinuxuz3r: I'm not sure you can, easily23:15
glebihanlinuxuz3r, you can't23:15
soreau! nounity | linuxuz3r23:15
ubottulinuxuz3r: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:15
reisiolinuxuz3r: you might try gnome-shell / gnome-tweak-tool / gnome-panel / gnome-fallback-session for starters23:15
ikoniabobweaver: ubuntu is a distro, the same as redhat/suse/debian/whatever, it's made of packages the same as those23:15
curfontHere is another problem, the wifi on the eeepc under ubuntu is extremely slow (works fine on windows)23:15
reisiolinuxuz3r: ahem: gnome-session-fallback23:15
curfontI think the driver is bad23:15
DrManhattanOttifantSir, you can thank dell for that. it isnt like you have to keep it on there though, and its legal to install for 45 days without violating any kind of licenses23:15
soreaucurfont: What wifi chip?23:15
bobweaverikonia,  I know what a distro is what I am asking is if they use scripts then they should be on launchpad which I can not find23:16
linuxuz3rall that trouble23:16
bobweavermany distros use live-debian23:16
curfontsoreau: AR928523:16
DrManhattana lot of companies have win only bios updates now though23:16
soreaucurfont: Should work fine with the ath9k driver then, I'd imagine23:16
ikoniabobweaver: ubuntu does not, it it's own distro23:16
OttifantSirDrManhattan: Trioke: Thanks for your help though. Too bad my machine is too old to have EVER been shipped with Ubuntu. Going to look for some Windows now.....23:16
bobweaverikonia,  do you knpow what live-debian is ?23:16
curfontsoreau: You would think, I am using ath9k but "speeds" are very very slow23:16
ikoniabobweaver: yes23:17
TriokeDrManhattan: Yep... Although Dell did/does sell machines with *nix OS's, so you'd think they'd have BIOS for them too...23:17
kerihello I need some help. I have Iphone 4 iso 5.0 and have ubuntu 10.04 on computer. I need to jailbreak the phone. I need some help with this.  Anyone?23:17
curfontsoreau: I have seen similar forum posts for some Atheros models (newer ones)23:17
DrManhattanOttifantSir, just go download a clean win7 iso23:17
TriokeOttifantSir: Np, and best of luck :).23:17
DrManhattanyou don't have to punch in a serial number or anything23:17
curfontNo solution yet though23:17
bobweaverikonia, so what does ubuntu use ? I thought that this is open source where is that code ?23:17
ikoniakeri: can't do it on linux23:17
DrManhattanits legal to have as a trial for 45 or90 days or something23:17
ikoniabobweaver: what do you mean "what does it use" - it uses it's own packages23:17
linuxuz3rhow do i view my mounted file systems in 11.1023:18
bobweaverikonia,  you have to build spaufs23:18
bobweaveror how ever you spell it23:18
ikoniabobweaver: spaufs ?23:18
reisiolinuxuz3r: open the file manager, Nautilus23:18
linuxuz3rits open23:18
reisiolinuxuz3r: should be on the left23:18
keriikonia: why not? you are suppost to be able to download your music and you can use ubunut but i can't get that to work either.23:18
linuxuz3rbut there are no mounted filesystem23:18
reisiolinuxuz3r: maybe there are none, then23:18
reisiolinuxuz3r: if you want more verbose output, open a terminal and run 'mount'23:19
ikoniakeri: the applications used to jailbreak it are not designed for linux23:19
ikoniakeri: you can use the iphone with ubuntu - you just can't use the jailbreak software23:19
kericrap i need it jailbreak so i can get my pic message23:19
reisiobetter to consult #iphone or ##ios23:19
albertoI can't make my tv card to work under Ubuntu 11.1023:20
grant_Hello im new to linux... Just installed xubuntu and it seems really nice!23:20
javier_Hi! Someone has Virtualbox indicator in ubuntu 11.10? can't find it in the repository that is everywhere in google and don't know how to install it from launchpad... Thanks!23:20
bobweaverikonia,  this is what lubuntu uses or use too   https://code.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop/+junk/buildscript     now I talk to some people and they say they use live-debian23:20
reisiojavier_: what is it?23:20
* bobweaver is real confused 23:20
kerihow do i get my iphone to work on ubuntu23:20
ikoniabobweaver: lubuntu is not ubuntu23:21
ikonia!iphone  | keri23:21
ubottukeri: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod23:21
javier_is an indicator that allows you to connect you virtual machine from the indicator in the right top of your screen23:21
javier_reisio:  is an indicator that allows you to connect you virtual machine from the indicator in the right top of your screen23:21
reisiojavier_: ...connect?23:22
* bobweaver thinks that opensource means open thought that ubuntu stood by that and that they have noothing to hide 23:22
ikoniabobweaver: no-one is hiding anything. Stop making things up23:22
reisiobobweaver: ?23:22
Picibobweaver: What are you trying to figure out?23:22
glebihanikonia, what do you mean ? lubuntu is one of the official ubuntu versions23:22
ikoniaglebihan: I didn't say it wasn't23:22
javier_reisio: if you have virtualbox, you can use it to virtualize another SO. This indicator let's you do the same from the indicator, what is very confortable as I have used it before23:23
bobweaverPici,  what  ubuntu uses to build distro23:23
Picibobweaver: You mean spin the CD images? or what?23:23
curfontIs there a good media server solution that transcodes videos into smaller resolutions before streaming to devices (DLNA?)23:23
glebihanikonia, ok misunderstood you then23:23
bobweaverPici brb 2 sec23:23
curfontSo I can stream a bluray to my phone for example23:23
SomelauwWhat is the window manager and desktop environment independent command that always works to change the background?23:24
linuxuz3rwhat is the difference between ppa and non ppa repository23:25
bobweaverPici,  ok certian distros use certian things to make live dvd like live-debian  remastersys ect.. what does ubuntu  use also thanks :>)23:25
ikonialinuxuz3r: PPA is someones personal project that's not supported by the ubuntu project23:25
linuxuz3rcan you uninstall and purge ppa packages23:25
ikonialinuxuz3r: same as any other package, however installing them can often do damage due to the dependencies it brings in with it23:26
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linuxuz3roh like unresolve dependencies23:26
Picibobweaver: I'm confused.  Do you want to know how we make our live cds, or how we build Ubuntu off of Debian or what?23:27
Escherialhey, anyone have advice on how to install gimp 2.7.3 on ubuntu 11.10? i had it installed before, but it was acting wonky and i removed it, and now... ;__; no more gimp period, even 2.6 won't launch23:27
=== kurt is now known as Deltatash
bobweaverPici,  like lubuntu use to use this https://code.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop/+junk/buildscript       now I hear they use live-debian Hear being the key word.23:28
DeltatashHey, I was wondering if anyone here could give me a hand with a conky script for Ubuntu 10.4 im having trouble getting it to work :(23:28
bobweaverPici,  is there socumentation on both ?23:28
DeltatashI downloaded this conky script and cant seem to get it to work http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Announcement+Conky+Package?content=109766 I was wondering if someone had the time to walk me through getting this to work as I am fairly new with conky and cant seem to find anything online23:29
bobweaverPici, thanks again23:29
=== joel is now known as Guest33019
bobweaverPici I mean there daily images lets start there please. how are they made ?23:30
Picibobweaver: one moment.23:30
bobweaverPici,  thanks23:30
DeltatashAnyone available for some help with a conky script for Ubuntu 10.4 please :) ?23:30
Picibobweaver: http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/bzr/cdimage/mainline/README23:31
Picibobweaver: see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2008-October/026756.html as well23:31
bobweaverPici,  \0/23:31
ScuniziJust finished installing 11.10 on a fresh drive from scratch.. on initial boot it's stuck at "Checking battery state". prior to that starting LightDM manager failed and auto crash report generation failed.. any ideas?23:32
Guest33019anyone here use CVS?23:32
bobweaverPici, I have not read yet but will thank you so much !! maybe I can help out ?23:32
Guest33019trying to get OOo source to fix a bug that has been around for a long time, but can't find the source23:33
Guest33019need old versions of OOo (2.0-2.4) to check how far back bug has existed23:33
conntrack"who loves you, and who do you love?"23:33
vachohow do I reconfigure something in ubuntu??23:33
Guest33019depends on what "something" is23:33
DeltatashDo we have any Conky experts about ? :)23:34
vachoguest: oci_8 drivers23:34
vachoI followed that guide, but I don't get the drivers to show up in phpinfo();23:34
deltaEpsilondoes ano one know a good alternative to Zimbra?23:35
linuxuz3rwhats a good jdk repository?23:35
linuxuz3rofficial sun jdk and jre23:35
keriwhen i do this sudo apt - get install ipheth - utils with out spaces i get this message.... Couldn't find package ipheth- utils before this message i get reading package list... done  building dependency tree done   reading stae tinformation ... done ... then couldn't find package23:35
bytesaber_worki removed flashplugin-installer.    chrome now says plugin missing when i go to flash sites.   firefox however still works.   How do i uninstall flash?23:35
DeltatashIs there anyone about who can help me with a problem in conky on Ubuntu 10.4 LTS ?23:36
bobweaverPici,  I have to use bzr checkout <url> ? <- wrong syntax ?23:36
DEdesigns57Can someone help me with a problem that I am having?23:36
zaheen_What's the problem?23:37
Picibobweaver: Do you have bzr installed?23:37
bobweaverPici,  would svn be better ?23:37
Scunizido we still have the nvidia bug in 11.10 that needs some special syntax on the kernel line at boot?23:38
bobweaverPici,  PM ? ?23:38
Picibobweaver: huh? What are you trying to do with bzr?23:38
DEdesigns57Well cant login in under my admin user name anymore and I tried Unity --reset in the terminal but that didnt work. So I would like to know how to reinstall Ubuntu on my current HDD without losing my current data?23:38
Picibobweaver: I'd prefer to keep it in-channel.23:38
bobweaverPici,  cool that is why I asked23:38
bobweaverPici,  I am trying to get this bzr get23:39
ScuniziDEdesigns57: if you created a separate partition for your /home (where you personal date lives) then simply reinstall and set the partitions manually.. *DON'T* tic the format box for the /home partition.  Outside of that it gets more problematic.23:40
Picibobweaver: this works fine for me: bzr checkout http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/bzr/cdimage/mainline/ cdimage23:41
bobweaverPici,  \o/23:41
datakidhola, if I'm using smbldap-useradd and I forget to use the -a switch to make the account a samba account, how can I mod the account to be samba friendly?23:41
DEdesigns57I Did not do any partition as I didnt understand it at the time I first installed Ubuntu so I found an old HDD from 2007 and installed Ubuntu on that HDD.23:42
bobweaverls -al && cd /bzr/trunk23:42
bobweaverWrong window23:42
DEdesigns57What would you recommend in this case, considering I am new to all this?23:43
DeltatashIs there anyone here who is good with "conky" i need some help with it on Ubuntu 10.4 please23:43
ScuniziDEdesigns57: how much data do you have?  and do you have an external usb drive you can copy it too?23:44
bobweaverPici,  this is so so so frekin cO_ol23:45
bobweaverthank you so much23:45
Deltatashanyone here who can help with conky lol ?23:45
DEdesigns57When you say data do you mean HDD space being taken up?23:45
ScuniziDEdesigns57: no .. you said you wanted to reinstall without loosing everything.. I assumed you ment data.. docs, spreadsheets, music etc.23:46
YounderTHIS IS A HORROR STORY. I call it permissions gone wrong. I hated that Guest account. It allowd anyone to peek into and change my computer. I thought I had the remedy. I did find ./etc  -exec chmod o-rw {} \;23:47
YounderI WAS WRONG everything stopped working.23:47
dasy2k1hi everyone... Bit of a daft question but where do I get to the gnome system panel in Unity? Skype is running in the background but i cant seem to access it as its not on the dock launcher nor on the notification area23:47
ZeitFightHello! How can I make my "apple-cmd-key" to get the same function as the "ctrl-key"?23:47
YounderZeitFight, what is wrong with freeBSD?23:48
jpmhhow do I return to Gnome?23:48
Scunizijpmh: gnome 2 or 3?23:49
YounderZeitFight, I mean Linux on a mac is queer!23:49
Deltatashno one here is good at conky on ubuntu ?? xD23:49
DEdesigns57yes that is what I mean.  Honestry If I have to lose this data it would not be the end of the world since I have most of my things in windows, but Applications I guess applications like xchat, and my applications would have to be reinstalled huh? Or can I keep them somehow?23:49
bobweaver!conduct | Younder23:49
ubottuYounder: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct23:49
DeltatashZeitFight mac itself is queer, linux makes it bareable atleast lol23:49
jpmhScunizi:  whatever I had till I :upgraded"23:49
Deltatash"Younder" even xD23:49
Younderbobweaver, It is a valid question.23:50
ScuniziDEdesigns57: they're easy enough to reinstall..23:50
=== don is now known as Guest47489
welandBI'm trying to install a package that requires gcc (or cc or cl) and can't seem to get KPackageKit to install it. It's saying check my network connection.23:50
bobweaverYounder,  the word "queer"  did not have to be used that is a slam on the gay community23:50
=== SJrX is now known as SJr
DEdesigns57true mabey a fresh boot is what I need. So then should I burn another iso image from Ubuntu.com and reinstall as If I never had Ubuntu?23:51
Scunizijpmh: that would be gnome 2 most likely.. it's gone and even gnome has moved to gnome 3 which is quite different from gnome 2.. however if you want to try it you can load it up from the software center then log out.. change desktop selection and log in.. you'll be just as lost I think.. but worth comparing.23:51
bobweaversed -i  s/queer/stange/g' *.please :>)23:51
dasy2k1bobweaver:  queer == strange  queer != gay23:51
ScuniziDEdesigns57: yep..23:51
ZeitFightDeltatash: Yea maybe it is. I've had too many problems running linux on it. I have to live with it. Now is there a way to remap the cmd key to get the same function as the control key?23:52
ScuniziDEdesigns57: make a separate /home partition this time.. it will also hold your config files for the programs you install.23:52
Younderbobweaver, ok, wrong word sorry.. I was just perplexed that he would install ubuntu on on a machine that already has a form of Unix that the unity interface tries (wrongly in my mind) to emulate23:52
DeltatashZeitFight, im not sure ive not ever needed or tried to remap keys :s23:53
DEdesigns57I never done that before, is it hard>?23:53
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dasy2k1ZeitFight:  I knew how to do it on the old ubuntu with the old interface where it diddnt used to hide the settings from you, on the new version .... no Idea23:54
welandBDoes anyone know why my attempt to install gcc from KPackageKit would give me an error saying to check my network connection?23:54
reisiowelandB: possibly because your network connection is unstable23:55
ZeitFightdasy2k1: Alright I guess I have to keep on looking then. Thanks for the answer23:55
welandBreisio: I've installed other packages tonight. I don't think it's unstable.23:55
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ScuniziDEdesigns57: is what hard? Installing? no.. burning an iso.. no not with the right program..ubuntu.com has suggestions for that.23:56
NfisherHi all!23:56
Nfisherwhat does the "&" at the end of a command do?23:57
Nfisherfor example: when i enter "ushare -x &"23:57
dasy2k1ZeitFight: it used to be in the keyboard settings under System --> Administration slightly deeper under keyboard map (with options like using right alt as compose etc) but the new keyboard manager in settings dosent have any of those options23:57
SonneKonigok, I have a weird issue here....23:57
icerootNfisher: put it in the background23:57
dasy2k1Nfisher:  runs the command in the background23:57
bobweaverNfisher, `it makes it so things can still run23:57
icerootNfisher: to pull it back in the foreground type "fg"23:57
SonneKonigeverytime i log into my laptop with 11.10 it says you are now disconnected form the network ont he bottom of the screen23:57
SonneKonigeven now... and i am obviously online lol23:58
welandBNfisher Runs in the background. It shows you the process ID immediately after you hit enter.23:58
DEdesigns57Okay one last thing, I know that Ubuntu is no longer a simple OS to run on older machines. As mention before the only old thing about my machine would be my HDD that Ubuntu will be store on. I have noticed ubuntu running slower than windows. I know my other specs are fine but can HDD be the cause of such an issue in general?23:58
s0neeSonneKonig: it auto reconnects23:58
dasy2k1Nfisher:  and to make it so it keeps running even if you close the terminal window you need to type disown23:58
Nfisheroh i see.. so when i close the terminal it still runs?23:58
s0neeSonneKonig: but the msg doesnt auto disappears. thats why23:58
icerootDEdesigns57: have a look at lubuntu23:58
ScuniziDEdesigns57: that happened to me when my drive started to fail..23:58
dasy2k1Nfisher:  only if you disown it23:58
Nfisherdasy2k1, iceroot bobweaver iceroot Thanks!!!23:59
SonneKonigthey should fix that lol23:59
Nfisherdasy2k1, how do i disown it?23:59
icerootDEdesigns57: to see if the hdd is the bottleneck, use top and see the "%wa" value, which means "waiting for io"23:59
dasy2k1Nfisher:  otherwise you just get back to the command prompt which is usefull if you are wanting to do somthing else and cant be bothered to open a new terminal or use somthing like screen23:59
Scuniziiceroot: that's a good tip.. thanks.23:59

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