
phat4lifedoes ubuntustudio have unity like 11.1002:02
holsteinphat4life: ubuntustudio = ubuntu02:02
holsteinso, it has access to the same packages02:02
holsteinyou can have unity if you want02:02
phat4lifei hate unity02:02
phat4lifei want to get rid of it lol02:02
holsteinwe have XFCE by default02:02
holsteinyou can install XFCE or LXDE02:03
holsteinor gnome02:03
holsteinor KDE02:03
holsteinor whatever...02:03
phat4lifei am going to install gnone02:03
holsteinsudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop02:03
phat4lifeever since 11.04 i haven't been able to dual screen either02:03
holsteincould be driver related02:03
phat4lifeholstein: alright ill try that02:03
phat4lifeyeah nvidia02:03
phat4lifeit worked in older versions fine02:04
holsteinim running 10.04 on my dual monitor production machine02:04
holstein10.04 = LTS02:04
holsteini consider the others to be 'testing' really02:04
phat4lifedoes ubuntu studio use a different kernal than 11.1002:04
holsteinnah, we dont really *need* that so much anymore02:05
holsteinwe hope to have a -lowlatency option02:05
holsteinbut, its not really necessary these days02:05
phat4lifei really need to be able to use a external monitor.  ugh02:06
holsteininstall 10.0402:07
holsteingnome2 is there02:07
holsteinno unity02:07
phat4lifeyeah that is what i am thinking of doing02:07
phat4lifehonestly does anyone really like unity?02:08
phat4lifeits so hard to use02:08
holsteinphat4life: i think so02:08
holsteini dont use it, and its not for me02:08
holsteinbut ive heard folks like it02:08
phat4lifereallt? it feels so backwards02:08
holsteinyeah, its not for me02:08
phat4lifewell really what i am trying to do is start reverse engineering some of the audio software in ubuntu studio02:09
holsteinits all opensource02:09
phat4lifei mean not reverse engineer, but contribute02:09
holsteini mean, have fun with it, but theres no need to reverse engineer02:09
holsteinthe source is all there02:09
phat4lifefigure out how i works is what i mean by reverse engineer02:10
holsteinwe cant include things by default that are not open02:10
holsteinphat4life: O I C02:10
holsteinphat4life: welcome02:10
holsteinlet me link you some channels then02:10
holstein#opensourcemusicians is a nice community02:10
holsteinnot only buntu obviously02:10
holsteinyou can join #ubuntustudio-devel02:10
phat4lifei am mostly going to work on the DAW02:11
phat4lifei they have an irc.02:11
holstein#ardour is a great channel02:11
phat4life*i think02:11
holsteinlas is the main guy02:11
holsteinardour is his basically02:11
phat4lifeyeah i really want to dive right into that code02:11
holsteinwith lots of contributors02:12
holsteinphat4life: we can use some coding contributors02:12
holsteinwe = ubuntustudio02:12
phat4lifethat is cool. i may have to look into that actually02:13
holsteinhttp://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/Main_Page is a great project02:13
holsteinfalktx is the dev there02:14
holsteinhe's in #kxstudio and #opensourcemusicians02:14
holsteinquite a helpful and busy guy in the community02:14
phat4lifesweet thx for the links02:17
holsteinlots of those guys hang out there02:17
holsteinthe rakarrack folks02:17
holsteindream studio or whatever its called02:17
phat4lifeholstein: do you produce?02:19
tlmE: postfix: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 7504:40
tlmE: bsd-mailx: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured04:40
tlmE: cardstories: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 104:40
holsteintlm: did you turn it off during an upgrade?04:41
holsteinin synaptic, there a 'fix' option04:41
holsteini would try that first04:41
holsteinthen, start with an apt tool04:41
tlmholstein during an upgrade? no04:42
holsteintlm: doesnt matter04:42
holsteintry 'fix packages' in synaptic04:42
holsteinfix broken packages04:42
holsteintlm: you cant have multiple package managers open either04:42
tlmholstein I don04:43
holsteintlm: you dont what?04:44
holsteinsee 'fix broken packages' ?04:44
tlmholstein have any other package managers open, nothing in the term or anything04:44
holsteintlm: OK04:45
tlmholstein hitting fix broken packages does nothing so far as I can see, I haven't screwed around with Bleachbit or anything04:47
holsteintlm: well, something bad has happened04:48
holsteinand i didnt do it ;)04:48
tlmI blame XFCE, friggin rodents...04:49
tlminstalling the Mate PPA, will see if the error pops again04:50
holsteintlm: its bsd-mailx it seems04:50
holsteinanyways, you could try removing bsd-mailx and whatever cardstories is04:51
holsteinif you've added a lot of PPA's, who konws04:51
holsteinyou can also ask in #ubuntu-beginners and/or #ubuntu04:52
holsteinthis is not studio specific04:52
holsteinand im about to head out for the evening04:52
tlmnah, this is the first, since I've hated every other desktop other then Gnome2, waited for the PPA instead of building it04:53
tlmholstein Didn't know theres a beginners room? I only know enough to do something stupid then accidentally fix it... Yeah I know, but I've got the worst luck on #ubuntu for getting any reply04:56
tlmeven a fsck of04:56
holsteintlm: right, but im leaving04:58
holsteinno one else is here04:58
holsteinso, try the beginners room04:58
holsteinthats where they'll help04:58
holsteini would purge the PPA's04:58
holsteintry and get a clean batch op package04:58
holsteini would get rid of those 2 there in that error message you linked04:59
holsteinthat might be enough04:59
holsteinanyways... GN :)04:59
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