
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
tumbleweedIn [10]: lp.distributions('ubuntu').main_archive.getPublishedSources(source_name='system-config-printer', version='1.3.6+20110824-0ubuntu2', exact_match=True)[0].changesFileUrl()02:52
tumbleweedOut[10]: u'https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/system-config-printer_1.3.6%2B20110824-0ubuntu2_amd64.changes'02:52
tumbleweed^ that doesn't exist02:52
wgrantThat's unfortunate. Let's see...02:52
wgrantThat's... interesting.02:53
* tumbleweed watches, amused02:56
* wgrant twitches, unamused.02:57
wgrant_amd64.changes, but no amd64 binary.02:57
tumbleweedwhy was the changes _amd64 and not _source?02:58
wgrantBecause Till hacked it manually, I expect.02:58
wgrantWe expect them to be _source.changes, so the file traversal doesn't work for this one.02:58
wgranttumbleweed: Could you please file a bug about badly named changes file not being traversable?03:00
wgrantIt's also possibly a good idea to chastise people who create them like that :)03:00
tumbleweedwgrant: we'll see what we can do about that last bit :)03:01
broderdoes launchpad take a +files link, parse it, look up the spph (or whatever), then cross reference that into the librarian?03:02
wgrantbroder: if it ends with _source.changes, it finds PackageUploads with a changesfile named like that, and that include a source that's published in the archive.03:03
* Laney spies a way to troll LP03:04
wgrantBad Laney.03:04
wgranthttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/view/head:/lib/lp/soyuz/model/archive.py#L1406 is the relevant code.03:05
tumbleweedwgrant: filed bug 88554103:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 885541 in Launchpad itself "Badly named .changes files aren't traversable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88554103:07
wgranttumbleweed: Thanks.03:07
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xavinskywhat is a milestone ? it's only a date, or it's possible to get an export from it ?10:54
TLExavinsky: there is someting about the function of milestones here: https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/SeriesMilestonesReleases#Milestones10:56
xavinskythx, I will read it.10:57
netman87i did just order one lauchpad board from TI to finland. any ideas how long will it take to arrive?11:07
nigelb_er, this is not the launchpad you think it is :)11:08
nigelb_This channel is about launchpad.net, the code hosting website11:08
=== nigelb_ is now known as nigelb
netman87what channel i should join then?11:15
nigelbI don't know :)11:16
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
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MTecknologyCould anyone update https://code.launchpad.net/~nginx/nginx/head to pull from svn://svn.nginx.org/nginx/trunk  .. pretty please? :)13:52
jelmerMTecknology: sure, one sec13:53
jelmerMTecknology: it's already updating from there as far as I can tell13:53
MTecknologyjelmer: oh.. it stopped working so i assumed that it wasn't set right..13:53
* jelmer hits the "Try Again" button13:54
MTecknologyWas that comment   This branch is an import of the Subversion branch from svn://svn.nginx.org/nginx/trunk/.    already there?..13:54
jelmerMTecknology: that's not a comment, it's part of the UI for code imports13:56
MTecknologyI didn't see that.. I feel blind and realize how tired I am. :(13:56
MTecknologyjelmer: looks to be working too, must have been an their server .. thanks for checking it out :D13:57
jelmerMTecknology: you're welcome13:58
MTecknologyjelmer: and it failed..13:59
jelmerhmm, let me try that locally and see what's happening13:59
=== zz_zz_joey is now known as joey
chrysnhi, i've got a question concerning proper use of ubuntu build services:14:03
jelmerhi chrysn14:03
chrysnin the openscad package, i consider enabling upstream's tests to be run at build time, but they take quite some resources (got no proper numbers, but about twice the build time).14:03
chrysnis it ok to run those on the servers?14:04
GatoLokohi, i'm having trouble setting a team contact address. In june i reported #801423 (oops on trying to change it), but now it doesn't oops any more, it shows a message telling me a confirmation message was sent but that confirmation email never arrives14:09
GatoLokois there any other way to set the contact address?14:09
jelmerchrysn: yes, that should be fine in general. Just be considerate with Launchpad's resources - in other words, don't use Launchpad as a way to run the testsuite.14:11
danhgHi Everyone, I've been waiting for 24hrs+ for my password reset code. So I can't log in. Can anyone help?14:14
jelmerGatoLoko: I'm not sure what the best way is to check what is happening there. If it's not ending up in a spam folder somewhere, the best thing to do is probably to file a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad14:16
MTecknologyjelmer: see anything peculiar yet?14:18
jelmerMTecknology: seems fine so far.. at 1000/300014:18
GatoLokojeblair i've been watching the inbox and spam folders for 3 days just to be sure, the message just doesn't arrives (if it's even sent)14:18
chrysnthanks, jelmer, that kind of settles it. i'll make sure it respects DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck just in case launchpad changes its mind.14:31
MTecknologyjelmer: big branch, huh?14:39
jelmerMTecknology: 2640/346214:42
=== joey is now known as zz_joey
jelmerMTecknology: finished fine here14:56
jelmerMTecknology: I think it would be worth a shot to remove the existing branch and have it try again from scratch14:57
=== zz_joey is now known as joey
MTecknologyjelmer: sounds good to me15:19
MTecknologyjelmer: This branch cannot be deleted as it has 3 branches sharing revisions.15:21
jelmerMTecknology: we'll probably have to move it out of the way and then add a new import15:34
jelmerMTecknology: unfortunately that will also affect the recipes. Are you the owner of those?15:34
MTecknologyjelmer: i am15:39
jelmerMTecknology: ok15:39
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MTecknologyjelmer: how can I unlink those branches?15:51
MTecknologyI remember a nifty bzr command did it, but i don't remember what that was15:51
jelmerMTecknology: there's no need to unlink them, we'll just retire the old branch (rather than removing it)15:52
MTecknologyjelmer: and it failed again is see15:53
jelmerMTecknology: hmm, that's odd15:54
MTecknologyjelmer: so it's not either branch... something with the import process?..15:55
MTecknologyjelmer: bug?16:03
=== joey is now known as zz_joey
MTecknology!away > zz_joey16:04
ubot5zz_joey, please see my private message16:04
MTecknologyzz_joey: i doubt you go to sleep that much anyway..16:04
jelmerMTecknology: I'm looking into it, will keep you posted...16:06
MTecknologyjelmer: thanks much :D16:06
MTecknologyI'm gonna look through a 700MB packet capture now... :(16:07
=== zz_joey is now known as joey
joeyMTecknology: it's znc16:09
joeyMTecknology: it does that when I disconnect16:09
joeyMTecknology: I'll change it but am not sure I have ssh to the server whilest at UDS16:09
MTecknologyjoey: :)16:10
joeyyeah I can't get to it. I forgot to turn on the ssh port forward before I left16:10
MTecknologyjoey: also- hi! haven't talked to you in a while, hope you're enjoying the chatter over there :)16:11
joeyMTecknology: howdy! Ok, I found a way to unload the away module remotely. I'm going to try it now. Let me know if it works16:14
czajkowskianhyone help with a question on LP please16:14
czajkowskiUrsinha: ^^16:15
czajkowskiyour question16:15
* Ursinha looks16:15
czajkowskibrazil sub loco no ?16:15
Ursinhaczajkowski: ok, so no more replies from the other teams16:15
Ursinhaas expected :)16:16
Ursinhaso we'd need some duck power interference to make that happen16:16
czajkowskiUrsinha: well I'm kinda wondering what you need from either the LC or LP16:16
czajkowskiif we need magical powers to give you admins we need someon here in LP to do voodoo over teams16:16
Ursinhaas soon as this session is over I'll find you a list of the four or five teams that need the change16:16
Ursinhayes, probably16:16
czajkowskiokie dokie16:16
UrsinhaI was just pointed to do that so we could have the changes done16:16
Ursinhaczajkowski: I was requested to file a question to make it formal16:17
MTecknologyjoey: not marked as away at all; i think if you set your away nick to be the same as your nick it'll mark you as away without the nick change16:17
Ursinhathe contacts with the subloco teams was made long before that, with no luck16:17
czajkowskiUrsinha: nods I may also explain some of the decisions we've made for Locoteams and also spoken to the brazilian loco guy who attended the sesion16:17
Ursinhaokay czajkowski16:17
czajkowskiUrsinha: thanks16:18
joeyhmm ok thanks MTecknology. I'll have to make a note to look at it further. I like to marked away vs a zz_* that you saw16:18
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
jelmerMTecknology: hi, still there?18:15
MTecknologyjelmer: yup18:52
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
MTecknologyjelmer: I see a success19:07
jelmerMTecknology: so the main thing that's left to do is change your recipes to use the new branch (~vcs-imports/nginx/trunk)19:12
MTecknologyjelmer: just finished that19:13
MTecknologyjelmer: any chance that could branch could be changed to ~nginx/nginx/head?19:15
MTecknologyjelmer: also- what was the issue?19:28
jelmerMTecknology: sorry, back20:14
=== jelmer is now known as Guest61053
Guest61053the issue was that the revision info on the lp side was incomplete for some reason, probably caused by an aborted import earlier20:14
=== Guest61053 is now known as jelmer
george_eLaunchpad's down.20:35
jrgiffordlaunchpad.net looks like it's down20:35
george_eLaunchpad's down.20:35
jrgiffordgeorge_e: ninja'ed. :P20:35
george_eHeh... oops.20:35
george_eI think I double posted.20:35
jrgiffordyeah, just drives the point home? :P20:36
george_eThey need to update this:20:37
lifelessgeorge_e: we will20:37
lifelessgeorge_e: we just found out20:37
george_elifeless: Excellent.20:37
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad to: LP down - DC connectivity issue, in progress | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
* micahg was just about to ping someone :)20:42
chhayfyi -your site's down20:43
chhayand now it's back up20:44
jrgiffordyay its back20:44
downpadplease fix the launchpad20:45
downpadI want to read the calibre troll20:46
downpadis it running on ubuntu ?20:46
jrgifforddownpad: working here20:46
jrgifford(launchpad is)20:46
nigelbback up!20:47
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
buzz_where have the i386 ppa builders gone? it seems every other day they go and the queue gets to hours :/21:40
wgrantbuzz_: They're just coming back now.21:40
wgrantbuzz_: We had some DC connectivity issues an hour ago.21:40
wgrantEverything came back except the build farm.21:40
buzz_thanks for the info21:40
wgrantShould mostly be back now.21:41
wgrantThere we are, all building happily again.21:41

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