
gggs_hey, most of -au is here, head_victim, gorilla, & I are on roddenberry.freenode.net by ourselves :)04:52
=== gggs_ is now known as gggs
head_vhmmm the local roddenberry has gone awol08:48
gggshead_: ?08:57
head_gggs: ? :D08:57
gggsit's still there, it's just... antisocial!08:58
head_Heh well I'm on both sides of the netsplit wall now. Watch out08:58
* head_ waves at DarrenS 08:59
DarrenShead_ \o09:00
head_I've been playing with Thunderbird. Not bad as far as desktop clients go. I'll probably use it if I ever need to sign emails and it's a handy offline backup of the web. I just can't seem to live without the snippet component and can't find a way to get Thunderbird to show them.09:02
=== gggs is now known as 36DAAMZM4
=== head_victim is now known as Guest2055
=== gggs is now known as Guest4524
sagacianyone up - remoting UDS?14:46
iktnah :(15:16
iktyou watching sagaci ?15:16
sagaciwas before15:16
iktjust about to have a go installing arch15:17
iktbbl :)15:17

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