
Fao1987Hi. Need help with Partition Tables00:11
philipballewFao1987, whats up with them00:12
Fao1987I once tried to use MAC OSX and created a GPT table. Eventually I ended up deleting it and moving back to windows. Someone suggested to use linux. I want to dual boot windows and linux. But the prob is. everytime I try to install linux it doesn't picks up my current partitions. infact it shows me the gpt table which i created for MAC00:14
philipballewwhat system are you booted into now?00:16
Fao1987windows 7 Ultimate x3200:17
Fao1987My partitions are C 65 Gb, D 200 GB, E 200 GB00:17
philipballewcan you boot into linux easily?00:17
Fao1987Through live CD yes. But I can't install it. Because it is not showing me any of my current drives in GParted00:18
Fao1987When I install linux, it shows me sda1 100GB, sda2 320 something GB00:20
philipballewI want you to boot into a live cd and use say gparted00:20
Fao1987as far as i can remember i used this partition table for Mac00:20
philipballewthen take a picture of your partition table and show us here if you can?00:20
bobweaverphilipballew,  sudo fdisk -l00:21
philipballewbobweaver, he's in windows now00:21
philipballewim getting him to ubuntu now00:21
Fao1987i'm a total noob. how can I take a picture of my partition table after going into ubuntu?00:22
holsteinFao1987: i would back everything up00:22
bobweaverFao1987,  you can use the command   sudo fdisk -l00:23
philipballewI would to back up00:23
holsteinlooks like your disk is not as you think it should be00:23
holsteini would get a gparted live disc, or use gparted from a live CD00:23
philipballewrun bobweaver 's code and paste it into here00:23
holsteinget rid of, and resize the partitions as you want them00:23
bobweaverthen paste here or using paste.ubuntu,com I am also with the guys back up back up back up00:23
holsteinthen, the ubuntu installer will just automagically use whats left00:23
philipballewtrust holstein he knows what he is talking about00:23
holsteinphilipballew: hehe00:24
holsteinwe hope00:24
bobweaverwe hope00:24
holsteini dont let the ubuntu installer resize the partions, but theres nothing wrong with letting it00:24
holsteinFao1987: do you know what i mean?00:24
holsteinyou want to make some empty space00:24
Fao1987yes I did shrink my D drive in windows00:25
Fao1987but thats the prob00:25
Fao1987I wanna dual boot00:25
Fao1987When i'm running windows it shows 3 drives00:25
bobweaverat any Fao1987  welcome to ubuntu-beginners !00:25
holsteinso, when you make some empty space, ubuntu will offer to install in the empty space00:26
Fao1987but when i run ubunut it shows 200:26
bobweaverFao1987 boot a live cd00:26
holsteinor, it will offer to reinstall00:26
Fao1987it offers to wipe00:26
Fao1987it doesn't offer to install alongside windows00:27
holsteinbut there are other drives to choose00:27
holsteintheres a drop down00:27
holsteinanyways, just get ubuntu running live and philipballew can get you where he was talking about00:27
holsteinso you can look at the drive00:27
philipballewi'll be here for a while00:28
Fao1987going offline to boot into ubuntu\00:29
bobweaverFao1987,  cya soon00:29
holsteinquite a few red flags here... we'll see00:31
holsteinhopefully from the live desktop we'll see whats going on, and the installer can start from there too00:32
holsteinassuming he makes it back00:32
bobweaverholstein, sure00:32
bobweaverI cant wait to see fdisk -l00:32
philipballewim pretty excited to00:33
holsteinwho knows what happend with that hackintosh setup though00:33
bobweaverI just found something that is real cool00:33
bobweaverSUPER c0_ol00:34
bobweaverwell some one names pici showed it to me00:34
holsteinyou building your own isos?00:34
bobweavergoing to try it out00:35
bobweaveredit some of the config files00:36
bobweaverbodhi showed me live-debin which is awesome but this is unreal00:37
bobweaverso cool00:37
Fao1987booted into ubuntu00:39
bobweaverFao1987,  SWEET00:39
bobweaverFao1987,  open a terminal00:40
bobweavertype in00:40
bobweaversudo fdisk -l00:40
bobweaverthere is no password00:40
bobweaverjust press enter00:40
bobweaver!paste | Fao198700:40
ubot2Fao1987: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:40
Fao1987ok before doing this. I don't have backup. Should I be doing this?00:41
bobweaveryou can do this 1st00:41
bobweaverwhta fdisk -l does is says show me all the thngs that are on the harddrive00:41
bobweaverthat is what the -l means "list "00:41
bobweaverFao1987,  I am not going to tell you to do anything to mod the harddrive I just want to see the partitions :>)00:43
Fao1987ok ok :)00:43
Fao1987here it is00:44
bobweaversweet Fao198700:44
bobweaverFao1987,  now00:45
bobweaverdf -h00:45
Fao1987before df - h wanna show you what I was talking about00:46
bobweaverthe -and h    need to be together  df<space>-h00:47
Fao1987ok this is what gparted shows http://imagebin.org/18216800:47
Fao1987thats the other command00:50
bobweaversweet Fao198700:50
bobweavergood job00:51
bobweavernow do you want to keep the two partitions that are on there ?00:51
Fao1987so any ideas whats wrong?00:51
Fao1987yes ofcourse00:51
Fao1987I have data on both00:51
bobweaverwell root mnt is on /dev/sda100:52
Fao1987what I was trying to do, was resize D drive into giving around 50GB00:52
bobweaverdo you see the * in the sudo fdisk -l    ?   under boot00:52
bobweaverthat is telling us that sda1 is the one to boot 1st :>)00:53
Fao1987ok but why the two partition tables?00:53
bobweavernow if we look at it there is only so much space00:53
Fao1987its 200 mb00:54
bobweaverso we can use a program called           grub 2             that is included in ubuntu00:54
Fao1987it was created when I installed mac00:54
Fao1987grub 2 ok00:54
bobweaverbut first thing is first back up time00:54
bobweaveryou have a blank dvd or usb ?00:54
Fao1987can't right now. my friend borrowed my 500gig external and I ran out of DVD's yesterday00:55
bobweaverahh no :>)00:55
Fao1987didn't know I would be running into a mess :)00:55
bobweaverI hear that :>)00:55
bobweaverwell let me look at it again00:56
bobweaverwe might be able to use        Ubuntu One00:56
bobweaveryou get 5gigs of free online storage with ubuntu00:56
Fao1987yes I know with Ubuntu 100:57
bobweaversweet lets try this00:58
bobweaveropen terminal00:58
bobweaversudo -i00:58
Fao1987ok done00:59
bobweavermount /dev/sda /mnt00:59
bobweavermount /dev/sda2 /mnt00:59
bobweaverPLEASE DO @ND COMMAND00:59
bobweaverping Fao198700:59
bobweaver2nd command00:59
bobweavermount /dev/sda2 /mnt00:59
Fao19872nd command meaning sda2?01:00
Fao1987did that01:00
bobweavercd /mnt/ && ls -al01:00
bobweaverpaste please01:00
Fao1987done that01:01
Fao1987need to upload it?01:01
bobweaverwhat ?01:01
bobweaverI would like to see /mnt/01:01
bobweaverso in terminal01:01
Fao1987I just typed cd /mnt/ && ls -al01:01
bobweavercd /mnt01:01
bobweaveroh Sweet01:02
bobweavercould you ubuntu.paste.com PLZ01:02
bobweaverThanks !01:03
Fao1987no prob01:04
bobweaverI forgot you said that you want to shrink down what partition ?01:04
Fao1987D drive01:04
bobweaversda2  or 3 ?01:04
Fao1987sda 301:05
Fao1987sda 2 has windows on it01:05
bobweaverok you have some choices to make now01:05
bobweaver1 how to back up01:05
Fao1987ok shoot01:05
bobweaveronline or wait01:06
bobweaverfor dvd or what ever01:06
bobweavernow there are a couple of ways to do this with tar packages and what not01:06
bobweaverbut easy way to do it is make image on windows01:07
Fao1987I would rather wait. My net upload speed is way too slow to upload 5 gigs of data01:07
bobweaverGood idea01:07
bobweavernow as far as sda301:07
bobweaverthere is hackintosh on there ?01:07
bobweaverlets take a look please01:07
bobweaveropen terminal01:07
Fao1987no nothing. only songs and stuff01:07
Fao1987hackintosh is gone01:07
bobweaverumount /mnt01:07
bobweaversudo -i01:08
bobweaverumount /mnt01:08
Fao1987and I already have made an image of windows but it does not include my other stuff01:08
bobweaveropen terminal01:08
bobweaversudo -i01:09
Fao1987done sudo -i next?01:09
bobweaverumount /mnt01:09
bobweavermount /dev/sda3 /mnt01:09
bobweavercd /mnt01:09
bobweavertell us when you are there :>)01:10
Fao1987i'm there01:10
bobweaverand paste.ubuntu.com01:10
bobweaverThanks !01:11
bobweaverSweet there is like nothing there01:13
bobweaverthis is the drive that you would like to shrink ?01:13
Fao1987I told you that when I removed hackintosh, I re partitioned whole drive01:13
Fao1987and yes this drive is the one01:13
bobweaverGreat I just want to make sure. Don;t want to give out bad info :>)01:14
bobweaverDon't *01:14
Fao1987ya right right :)01:14
bobweaverok Now you can shrink this partition down using Gparted01:15
bobweaverbut you might want to back up first01:15
Fao1987but thats the problem01:15
bobweaverYes that is what you keep saying01:15
Fao1987I uploaded this image before http://imagebin.org/18216801:15
Fao1987gparted is not showing these partitions I currently have01:16
bobweaverFao1987,  do you know how to use gparted ?01:16
Fao1987of course01:16
bobweavergparted dont lie :>)01:16
bobweaverso you can select and move bar to make smaller01:17
Fao1987ok ok. Now what am I supposed to do. Gparted is showing one drive as 139 gig and 325 gig01:17
linuxnoobhow do i get the "other" secition to show up when i  finger a user ?01:17
Fao1987which one is D? The 200 gig partition?01:17
bobweaverwell which one on windoz is it ?01:18
bobweaverwindoz is C ?01:18
Fao1987no idea01:18
bobweaverthe hackintosh was on D ?01:18
Fao1987yes windows is C. But Gparted is not showing C01:18
Fao1987When I installed Hackintosh it was on C01:19
bobweaverwell we just mounted each partitions and looked to see what was in them01:19
Fao1987now C holds windows01:19
holsteinFao1987: in the upper right, you can select other drives01:19
bobweaverso in linux there is no c or d drive01:19
holsteinnot that you need to01:19
holsteinyeah, C and D labels are for windows only01:19
* holstein high-fives bobweaver 01:19
holsteini like the way you do buisness man!01:20
* bobweaver loves high 5's01:20
Fao1987I know that.01:20
Fao1987I know the difference between windows and linux01:20
bobweaverFao1987,  cool01:20
holsteinFao1987: thats not a list of drives there01:20
holsteinin gparted01:20
holsteinthats the partitions on one drive01:20
Fao1987yes I know01:20
holsteini think that might be the confusion?01:20
holsteinFao1987: whats the deal?01:21
bobweaverFao1987,  so01:21
Fao1987Please wait01:21
bobweaverdo you rember when we mounted each one ?01:21
holsteinFao1987: no hurry :)01:21
holsteinyou dont want to mess this up01:21
holsteinyou can save a lot of time right now01:21
Fao1987hear me out. My current partitions are 100mb, 65gb, 200gb, 200gb01:22
bobweaverFao1987,  Do you remember when we did fdisk -l   ?01:22
Fao1987now look at what g parted is saying01:22
holsteinbut, maybe you have tried a resize01:22
holsteinor you had a failed rezise01:22
holsteinyou said you tried to resize in windows?01:22
holsteinive never seen that process01:23
holsteinmaybe that failed01:23
bobweaverholstein, _101:23
Fao1987it is sayin that I have 200mb, 139gb, 128mb, 325gb01:23
bobweaversorry +101:23
holsteinFao1987: right01:23
holsteinand thats what i would tend to expect that you have01:23
bobweaverFao1987,  fdisk -l    dont lie never does01:23
bobweaverwill even tell if something is funny01:24
holsteinyeah, i have seen gparted spit out funny things01:24
holsteinbut not fdisk01:24
holsteinit'll say something is odd, and report the size01:24
Fao1987now when I try to install linux, it shows me what g parted is showing, and doesn't show what fdisk is showing. got it?01:24
holsteinnot really01:25
Fao1987how can I install linux and where?01:25
holsteinare those not the same?01:25
Fao1987no no no01:25
Fao1987they are not01:25
holsteinyou guys just mounted, were those not in agreement?01:25
Fao1987thats why i'm here01:25
Fao1987what is wrong with my partition tables01:25
bobweaverFao1987,  windoz = sda101:25
Fao1987in one os it is showing something and in the other its totally differenet01:25
bobweaversda2 has this stuff on it  http://imagebin.org/18217201:26
bobweaverwoops that is not right01:26
bobweaversda 2 = windoz01:26
bobweaversda3 =- http://imagebin.org/18217201:26
bobweavergrab sda3 and shrink it down01:27
bobweaverwith gparted01:27
Fao1987guys in both images of fdisk and gparted check out the size of sda1, 2, 3 and 401:27
Fao1987maybe then you'll understand01:27
bobweaverFao1987,  sda 1 is boot partion right now01:27
holsteinyeah, i would shrink sda301:28
Fao1987open both images please01:28
Fao1987and check the size of partitions and compare01:28
* bobweaver is now looking 01:28
holsteinyeah, but if you had a failed attempt in windows01:29
holsteinor if something is half way broken01:29
holsteini dont know what has happened01:29
bobweaverFao1987,  sda1 in gparted is that little green one :>) \01:29
bobweaverall the way to the left01:29
holsteinOH yeah01:29
holsteinthats expected then01:29
Fao1987it is the green one all the way to the left01:29
linuxnoobhow do i view the "other" section of a users information when I user "finger <username> " ?01:30
bobweaverthat is sda 1 Fao198701:30
holsteinlinuxnoob: what information are you looking for?01:30
Fao1987it is supposed to be 100 mb, but g parted says it is 200 mb01:30
Fao1987now check sda201:30
holsteinother doesnt mean anything to me, pardon my ignorance linuxnoob01:30
Fao1987it is supposed to be 65Gb but gparted says it 139GB01:31
bobweaverFao1987,  sda2 has windoz on it :>)01:31
Fao1987then check sda3 it is supposed to be 200GB but gparted is saying it is 128mb01:32
holsteini would tend to believe gparted01:32
bobweaverno it says that sda 3 is 200971458 gig01:32
linuxnoobwhen i created the user   using "adduser" you can add "full name" , "room number", "work phone", "home phone"  and "other"      when i finger the user    it does not show the info i put in for "other01:32
holsteinim not saying you are lying, im just saying, some odd things are happening on that drive01:32
bobweavernot gig lol BIG*01:33
Fao1987finally sda4 is supposed to be 200 GB as well but noooooooo, gparted says it is 325 gig01:33
bobweaversda4 is 200 gig01:33
Fao1987yes this is indeed very odd and thats why i'm unable to install linux01:33
holsteinFao1987: i would resize01:33
holsteinand install01:34
bobweaverholstein,  me too01:34
Fao1987I did resize and created free space, you wanna guess what happened?01:34
bobweaverFao1987,  lets see what is in sda401:34
bobweaveropen terminal01:34
bobweaverumount /mnt01:34
Fao1987its just games01:34
bobweaverFao1987,  we have gone into each drive and seen what is in there01:35
bobweaverwe mounted them do you remem,ber ?01:35
Fao1987I resized and created free space. But when ubuntu installation came up, it showed 200mb, 139gb, 128mb, 325gb and no free space01:36
bobweaverthat is ok01:36
bobweaverdo the install next to other os options01:36
Fao1987when I boot back to windows, it says 65gb, 150gb, 50gb free space and 200gb01:36
* bobweaver knows nothing about windoz 01:37
Fao1987knowledge of windows is not the point. One partition table is gpt and one is mbr01:37
holsteinwhy though?01:38
holsteinwhy gpt?01:38
Fao1987what I don't get how they happen to be existing at the same time?01:38
Fao1987yes when i installed hackintosh it was gpt01:38
holsteinif those were my drives, and i had the data backed up, i would wipe01:38
holsteinand rebuild from scratch01:38
holsteinBUT, before that01:38
holsteini would just try and resize that partition01:38
holsteinor change the partition table type01:39
Fao1987resizing didn't work01:39
Fao1987how would I change partition table type?01:39
bobweaverFao1987,  df -h01:39
holsteinthats just the first think that came up for me  ^^01:39
bobweaverand also01:39
bobweaverfree -m01:39
Fao1987I don't have another pc.01:40
Fao1987so in other words I should backup01:40
Fao1987wipe entire drive and start over01:40
bobweaverFao1987,  so could we please see the command01:40
Fao1987which one bobweaver?01:41
bobweaverdf -h01:41
bobweaverfree -m01:41
Fao1987here you go01:42
holsteinFao1987: im saying, you should be prepared for that just incase01:42
holsteinmessing with partition tables and resizing is *not* trivial01:42
holsteinand i wish you had really wiped that drive in the middle01:43
holsteinbut, you can probably sort it out01:43
Fao1987holstein i'm thinking wipe01:44
bobweaverAwesome and one more time you want to shrink sda3 right01:44
Fao1987how can I ensure this doesn't happen again01:44
Fao1987yes sda301:44
bobweaverlisten real close01:45
Fao1987i'm all ears01:45
bobweaveropen terminal01:45
bobweaverumount /mnt01:45
holsteinbefore the wipe, just try to shrink it01:45
holsteintry changing the partion table01:46
holsteinand do what bobweaver is suggeting now first as well01:46
bobweaverFao1987,  you might need sudo -i01:46
Fao1987i did sudo -i after that?01:46
Fao1987ok holstein01:46
bobweaverumount /mnt01:46
bobweaverfsck -n /dev/sda301:47
bobweavererror ?01:47
bobweaverplease show us out put01:48
Fao1987error 201:48
Fao1987fsck from util-linux 2.19.101:49
Fao1987fsck: fsck.ntfs: not found01:49
Fao1987fsck: Error 2 while executing fsck.ntfs for /dev/sda301:49
bobweaver ntfs      arghhh01:49
Fao1987got this01:49
bobweaverfdisk -s /dev/sda301:49
Fao1987its windows :)01:50
* bobweaver dosent want to talk about doz 01:50
bobweaverfdisk -s /dev/sda301:50
bobweaverany errors ?01:50
Fao1987got this01:50
bobweaverfsck -n /dev/sda301:51
Fao1987it got the same error as before01:51
Fao1987so holstein you saying I should delete all partitions and convert gpt to mbr?01:53
bobweaverFao1987,  I m googleing01:53
holsteinFao1987: i would try converting, and resizing before wiping01:54
CrOnOs2000Fao1987, if your ntfs is having problems sometimes is faster to run the standar windows tool to check it, usb windows portable is not hard to find on the web01:54
holsteincant hurt01:54
CrOnOs2000im not shure thats your problem im just get in a few minutes01:55
Fao1987ok holstein but the microsoft page you referred says that i'll have to delete the volumes before converting.01:55
Fao1987cronos2000 i'll check it but i'm not sure something is wrong with the file system01:56
bobweaverFao1987,  there is a master boot record that comes with ntfs01:56
Fao1987if something is wrong, its the partition table01:56
bobweaveryou do not want to delete that01:56
holsteinFao1987: maybe01:57
bobweaverFao1987,  do you know what teamviewer is ?01:57
holsteinthast literally the first thing that came up in google01:57
holsteinits more of a suggestion :)01:57
holsteinmabye theres a non destructive tool01:57
holsteini havent had to do it though01:57
Fao1987teamviewer is a desktop sharing software or something??01:57
bobweaveryes allows other to access your computer01:58
Fao1987i'm hoping for non destructive too but.......01:58
Fao1987isn't it supposed to be on win?01:58
bobweaverif you like I could remote in and fix ?01:59
Fao1987without backup, nope01:59
bobweaverok then01:59
Fao1987I asked a friend of mine.01:59
bobweaverthis is what needs to happen 1st you have to shrink down sda302:00
Fao1987he says my best option is to use the clean all command in dos diskpart utility02:00
bobweaveryou might have to mount it02:00
bobweaversudo -i02:00
bobweavermount /dev/sda3 /mnt02:00
bobweavercd /mnt02:01
bobweaverthen try02:01
bobweaverchroot /mnt02:01
Fao1987should I do chroot now?02:02
bobweaverdid you do the other commands first02:02
bobweaverthen Yes02:02
bobweavererror  ?02:02
bobweaveror are you now on your D drive ?02:03
Fao1987chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory02:03
bobweaverapt-get install chroot02:04
bobweaverapt-get -y install chroot02:04
bobweaveris it installing ?02:04
Fao1987no. unable to locate package02:04
Fao1987guys i'm gonna have to logout now02:05
bobweaver cat /etc/lsb-release02:05
bobweaverok cya back up back up back up02:05
Fao1987thanks and after that?02:05
bobweaverwipe sda3 make to ext3 and install02:06
bobweaverto sda302:06
bobweaverafter back up02:06
Fao1987ok thanks bobweaver02:06
Fao1987got it02:06
bobweaverholstein,  you where right the whole time :>)02:06
bobweaverwipe and re-install02:06
bobweaveror install02:07
bobweaverI should say02:07
Fao1987bobweaver what would be the best way to wipe?02:07
philipballewbobweaver, is the man02:07
* philipballew high fives bobweaver 02:07
bobweaverjust instal over it all like holstein  said02:07
* bobweaver hi 5s back 02:08
holsteini would load up a live CD with gparted and nuke it Fao198702:08
holsteinit'll feel great :)02:08
Fao1987ya definitely02:08
Fao1987its been a headache :)02:08
bobweaverlike I said I know nothing about doz and a little about *nix02:08
holsteinfriends dont let friends hackintosh :/02:08
bobweaverheadache this is fun for me :>)02:09
Fao1987thanks again. logging out. bye02:09
bobweaverlol holstein02:09
bobweaverso I was wondering how to become more active in the ubuntu community02:12
philipballewbobweaver, I can help02:12
philipballewWhat exactly did you have in mind?02:12
bobweaversome thing to help others thta I can put on my resume02:13
holsteinbobweaver: ubuntustudio is always looking for helper02:13
holsteincoding help02:13
bobweaverholstein,  you are part of that project ?02:13
holsteinwe'll *all* write you glowing revues anywhere :)02:13
holsteinbobweaver: yup02:13
holsteinif you are interested... #ubuntustudio-devel02:14
holsteinALSO, on an easier note, the #ubuntu-news team02:15
urlin2uholstein, hey things going good?02:15
holsteinurlin2u: :)02:15
holsteinnot bad and you?02:15
urlin2uholstein, yeah just chillin.:D02:15
holsteingood to see you02:16
urlin2uholstein, same here, Peter Erskine is playing locally tomorrow, I don't have the cash, oh well.02:16
holsteinmeet em' backstage... they'll let you in :)02:17
urlin2uholstein, thats a good idea it is at a club I have never been to. http://www.jimmymaks.com/calendar.html I guess it is friday night not tomorrow02:18
=== semitones_tea is now known as semitones
Chaciouss identify VeRoNiCa07:30
Chaciousso how does everyone like ubuntu 11.107:35
* nlsthzn likes it07:39
Chaciousi do as well07:40
Chaciousi used to dual boot linux and windows but now i got a new laptop i set my old laptop to be my linux box07:41
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=== confus3d is now known as M0hi
=== head_victim is now known as Guest2055
=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as C0nfus3d
=== C0nfus3d is now known as Mohan_chml
raubvogelwhy do you need to have /boot rw for grub2 to work correctly?16:25
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as EvilDaniel0108
bobweaverany one around  ?18:10
bobweaverI am trying to make heads or tails of this http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/today/18:10
bobweaverCuracao 3Curacao 4Curacao 6Curacao 7Curacao 8Grand Sierra F     <--- I take it these are rooms ?18:10
nlsthzn_bobweaver: AFAIK your right... and there is an audio stream per room as well as an IRC channel for each room too...18:12
bobweaverSweet that is what I wanted to hear !!18:12
bobweaverthat tables is cnfusing ..18:12
bobweaverconfusing *18:13
bobweaverthe time charts18:13
bobweaverI dont understand them18:13
nlsthzn_Yes... they aren't that great :) (But you will figure it out :D)18:16
bobweaverok I figured it out :>)18:22
bobweavernow too look for streams18:22
bobweavernlsthzn,  any clue ?18:23
duanedesignbobweaver: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/status.xsl18:24
duanedesignaudio feeds from UDS^18:24
bobweaverduanedesign, !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sweet  !!!!!!!18:25
bobweaverI swear my questions are always anwsered fast ans good at  ubuntu beginners team18:26
nlsthzn_bobweaver: cool, glad you got the links...18:29
bobweaverhttp://video.ubuntu.com/live/      <--live ??18:29
duanedesignwe thought of the same thing18:29
bobweaverI am also installinf miro right now18:30
duanedesignbobweaver: i am in the bottom left18:30
bobweaverduanedesign,  LUCKY !!18:31
nlsthzn_cool... UDS seems awesome18:32
bobweaverMy video game18:32
eyadofhi everyone , i want to ask if there is a way to get remot access to ubuntu terminal ?18:32
bobweaverbankski pictures18:32
bobweavereyadof,  sure there is18:32
eyadofi know that18:32
eyadofbut the problem18:33
eyadofthe server is get stack18:33
eyadofand i want to make a restart to it18:33
bobweaverwake on lan ?18:33
bobweaveror ssh18:34
bobweaverssh  <username>@<ipdress >18:34
eyadofcan i do reboot18:34
eyadoffrom it18:35
eyadofiwill try it18:35
bobweaverat that popint it is a sudo reboot away18:35
eyadofthanks alot18:35
bobweaveryou might have to install openssh18:36
* nlsthzn_ just set up his first ever "server" and everything on it I am doing via ssh thanks to bodhi_zazen :)18:36
bobweaverthat is because bodhi_zazen  ROCKS !!18:36
bobweaverwow this is a good question18:37
bobweaverabout the wireless18:37
nlsthzn_bobweaver: you should join in on the discussion via IRC (I think you can)18:38
bobweaverI am the only one on the channel18:38
bobweaveruds ?18:38
nlsthzn_no, each room has a channel... duanedesign ?! Channel per session right?18:39
duanedesignnlsthzn_: awesome18:39
duanedesignnlsthzn_: yes18:39
nlsthzn_bobweaver: I think they are the same as the room names... not sure :/18:39
duanedesignnlsthzn_: i was saying 'awesome' in regards to your VPS18:39
nlsthzn_duanedesign: slowly I learn :)18:40
duanedesignnlsthzn_: bodhi set me up a VPS a couple years ago and I have learned a lot on it18:41
nlsthzn_duanedesign: he offered me too... but I have been cutting my teeth on my own server via VBox... soon I will be ready (I hope)18:41
bobweaverlol no one is on that channel maybe I am typing wrong     #grandserriad18:44
bobweavernlsthzn,  web server ssh mail ?18:45
nlsthzn_just wordpress at the moment (but I am using ssh for setting up everything)18:46
nlsthzn_I finally got wordpress installed and working this morning :)18:46
bobweaverI have a webserver that has ipconfig  on it18:47
bobweaveris that what you use ?18:47
bobweavergnupannel ?18:47
bobweaverzpannel ?18:47
nlsthzn_bobweaver: not as far as I know...18:47
* nlsthzn_ is a noob18:47
nlsthzn_not knowing much about anything18:48
bobweavernlsthzn,  so am I18:48
bobweaverI just set up my firewall box (ip-cop w/snort and open vas )18:48
* bobweaver likes ipcop alot18:49
nlsthzn_I installed ubuntu server with only openssh... then installed apache and php and mysql things needed for wordpress and now lastly wordpress... that is it at the moment...18:49
bobweavercool   this is one of your own boxs ?18:50
bobweaveror like host gator >?18:50
nlsthzn_I am hosting it in VBox on my laptop which I also use as the client... so I am SSH'ing from the laptop into the laptop :p18:52
bobweaverThat is so co_Ol   I REALLY like the idea of a ubuntu-beginners classroom18:55
nlsthzn_Nice way to learn... I have access to the server directly, I save snapshots of it in stable conditions and if I mess up I just revert...18:55
bodhi_zazennlsthzn_: I thought your wordpress install was going well18:56
nlsthzn_it is...18:56
bobweavernlsthzn,  yes that is a nice thing about VBOX18:56
nlsthzn_still up and running... first blog is working :)18:57
bobweaverbodhi_zazen,  as far as the classroom could we use lerind ?18:57
bodhi_zazenwhat bobweaver ?18:57
bobweaverI read that ubuntu beginners might start a classroom is this wrong ?18:57
nlsthzn_blog isn't online yet but working on my lan :)18:57
bodhi_zazenThe problem is those snapshots will take up a lot of space, and they grow in size over time18:58
bodhi_zazenwe are planning / wanting to contribute to classroom18:58
nlsthzn_bodhi_zazen: this just for my learning... one day I will not need training wheels :p18:58
bodhi_zazenI understand nlsthzn_ , server side ...18:59
bodhi_zazen1. Always back up system config files before you edit them.18:59
bodhi_zazenI personally shadow them in /root/etc18:59
bodhi_zazenI always keep the original and a working version in /root19:00
bodhi_zazenWhen you edit a config file, always add comments on what you edited and why19:00
bodhi_zazenThen if you break something you can easily revert19:00
nlsthzn_bodhi_zazen: makes sense... (the back-ups and comments... the bit about shadowing I have no idea)19:01
bobweaverbodhi_zazen,  is this something that cde might help with ?>19:02
bobweaverbodhi_zazen,  I also have questions about live-deb if you have a second19:03
bobweaverhey you move the camara to a different room !!  :>)19:04
bobweaverlb config      <-- this makes  config and auto dir       is this a clone of my system >?     if it is not I would like to know how to do that.   by changing    it to       lb config   -p lxde -mode ubuntu     ?????19:06
Lorizeanhey, can somebody help me with my external hard drive? I'm connecting it via firewire but it doesn't get recognized :(19:07
bobweaveror do I make it lb config   options    then mv into the auto/config    and start to add packages there ?19:07
bobweaverLorizean,  sure19:07
Lorizeancool - any diagnostics you want me to run or something?19:08
bobweaverunplug it and plug back in then open terminal and do a dmesg | tail19:08
bobweaver!pastebin | Lorizean19:08
ubot2Lorizean: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:08
bobweaverPlease could we also see a :    lsusb19:09
bobweaverLorizean,  Sweet19:09
bobweaverLorizean,  also a             df -h19:09
Lorizean^ lsusb19:10
bobweaverand one more        sudo  fdisk -l19:10
Lorizeanand the df -h: http://paste.ubuntu.com/727517/19:10
Lorizeanfdisk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/727518/19:11
bobweaverSweet Lorizean  you rock  lets take care of this19:11
Lorizeanyay :)19:11
bobweaverLorizean,  I take it that this is the one ?     /dev/sdc1             1.4T  1.3T   75G  95% /media/Rin I-M19:12
bobweaver1.5 tb big  ?19:12
Lorizeanah, no, thats a usb drive i already got connected19:12
Lorizeanit should be "Asuka"19:12
Lorizeanlike 300gigs big19:12
LorizeanTessa N-Z also works, USB too19:13
bobweaver[ 2492.796405] firewire_core: skipped bus generations, destroying all nodes      <-- from dmesg | tail /me dont like that19:14
bobweaverlets try this19:14
Lorizeanhm, doesn't sound good - any ideas how to fix it?19:14
bobweavercd /dev19:14
Lorizeani'm there19:14
bobweaverls | awk '/fw1/'19:14
bobweaverls | grep fw119:15
bobweaveris it there19:15
Lorizeanfirst gives me fw0 and fw119:15
bobweaversudo mount /dev/fw1 /mnt19:15
bobweavercd /mnt19:15
bobweaverls -al19:16
Lorizeanmount: /dev/fw1 is not a block device19:16
Lorizeanwhats the fw0 one, can i mount that?19:16
bobweaverlets look at this19:17
bobweaverin dmesg | tail      <-- this tells us   what the kernel sees      tail is just the tail end   of it    we could use "head" which will only show uss the start but we want the end of it or TAIL19:18
bobweaverif we look at this we can see that the kernel is calling   fw1 or   firewire #119:19
* bobweaver goes to get coffee 19:19
bobweaverok back19:20
bobweavernow it is not leting us mount it19:20
bobweaverso lets look at that19:20
bobweavermaybe there is some crazy firmware19:20
Lorizeanpossibly :)19:21
bobweaverLorizean,  how big is the harddrive that is in there ?19:22
bobweaverand you do not see the device under lsusb ?19:23
* bobweaver is not that good with fireware 19:23
* bobweaver is not that good with firewie 19:23
bobweaverarghhh or spelling19:23
Lorizeanhm, no, its not there19:23
bioterrorhope you will be better with thunderbolt then ;)19:23
bobweaverwhat is model and name ? of harddrive   masscool >?19:24
Lorizeanmaxtor... something19:24
Lorizeanmaxtor OneTouch19:25
bobweaverLorizean,  could you do a google search for it and maybe look under shoping19:25
bobweavergood job !19:25
Lorizeani'm not sure if its the only onetouch, i'll try and find out exactly19:26
bobweaverLorizean,  open gparted please19:26
bioterrorLorizean, what kind of filesytem is on that firewire drive?19:26
bobweaverbioterror,  Good question19:26
Lorizeangotta install gparted first19:27
bobweaverLorizean,  do you see it in gparted ?19:27
bobweaveroh cool install19:27
Lorizeannope, not there19:28
bobweaversudo mkdir /mnt/external19:28
bobweaversudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/fw1 /mnt/external -o force19:30
bobweaverdid it mount ?19:30
LorizeanError reading bootsector: Illegal seek19:31
LorizeanFailed to sync device /dev/fw1: Invalid argument19:31
LorizeanFailed to mount '/dev/fw1': Illegal seek19:31
bobweaveris there a power thing like usb or pl;ug in ?19:31
bobweaverplug *19:31
Lorizeanhm? what do you mean?19:32
bobweaversome times they have power things19:33
Lorizeanon the hard drive or on the pc?19:33
bobweaverbut if 5the only thing that you can plug into the ex-HD  is the firewire?19:34
Lorizeanwell, either way, i don't think so - it was working just like that when booting in windows19:34
Lorizeanah, sry, no, it has usb too19:34
Lorizeanand a power plug19:34
bobweavercan we try with a usb plz19:34
bobweaveralso could we see    dmesg | tail -f /var/log/messages19:34
Lorizeansure, gotta make room first - only reason i'm trying to get it running with firewire is lack of usb ports :)19:35
bobweaverahh I see19:35
* bobweaver More Coffee !!19:36
bobweaverlets also remove that dir that we mad19:37
bobweavermade *19:37
Lorizeanthe external dir19:37
Lorizeanit works with usb btw19:37
Lorizeantail: cannot open `/var/log/messages' for reading: No such file or directory19:38
bobweaversudo rm -r /mnt/external19:38
Lorizeanfor the dmesg | tail -f /var/log/messages19:38
Lorizeanah, yeah, done that19:38
bobweaverand usb works you say ?19:39
bobweaverI bet19:39
Lorizeanfor the fw port?19:39
bobweaver lsb_release -a && uname -a19:40
LorizeanNo LSB modules are available.19:41
bobweaverLorizean,  there should be alot more19:42
Lorizeanah, my ubuntu version and stuff19:42
bobweaverdo you have medibuntu installed ?19:43
bobweaversudo -E wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update19:44
Lorizeani think it did it19:45
bobweaversudo apt-get install app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu19:45
Lorizeanyep, it's taking a while19:45
Lorizeanah, done19:45
bobweaversudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:46
Lorizeangonna take a while, dling 94MB19:47
bobweaveryes that is alot of firmware and stuff ..19:47
* bobweaver loves him some coffee 19:48
bobweaverzing zing19:48
bobweaverHi gigastress19:48
Lorizeanthats it, getting some coffee myself :D19:48
bobweaverand welcome to ubuntu-beginners19:49
gigastresshi bob19:51
bobweaverhi gigastress  thanks for chating on this channel !19:51
gigastresswhy here?19:51
Lorizeanbobweaver, done, got all of it19:51
bobweaverthe last I remeber we where trying to get the lvm2 and cryptsetup going right19:52
Lorizeanshould i try firewire again?19:52
bobweaverLorizean,  please reboot and try firewire19:52
Lorizeanok, brb19:52
bobweavergigastress,  there could be others here on this channel that could seee something that I am not that is why I asked you to join this channel and not go private19:53
bobweavergigastress,  you have the live cd loaded ?19:53
gigastressyah that worked19:53
gigastressi did and mounted the lvm19:54
gigastressnow i think ftsab and the grub and other files should be edited so i can mount from it19:54
gigastressthe mointing promting screen shos a uuid that is not in fstab19:55
gigastressso wondered where to edit sth.19:55
gigastressi remevber that 5 files or so should be changed19:55
Lorizeanhey, still not working :(19:56
bobweavergigastress,  I am look9ing for a good cheat sheet19:57
gigastressthis is the one u gave me last time to mount the hd19:58
bobweaverHey that one is great19:58
bobweaverand you used this one gigastress  ?19:58
bobweaverLorizean,  I am sorry to hear that19:58
gigastressi worked out well, bob19:58
bobweavergigastress,  what are you trying to do noe ?19:59
bobweavernow *19:59
gigastressi think ftsab and the grub and other files should be edited so i can mount from it19:59
Lorizeanhm, any other ideas? maybe i'll just have to use USB and swap hard-drives around19:59
gigastressi remevber that about 5 files or so should be changed19:59
gigastressbut cant find it anymore20:00
gigastressmaybe there is a way to get that system boot again20:00
bobweaveryou are mounted right20:01
gigastressthe release notes siad that20:01
bobweaverlets cd /mnt && ls20:01
bobweaver!pastebin | gigastress20:01
ubot2gigastress: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:01
gigastressill post it there20:02
bobweaverLorizean,  google firewaire fimware for that model plz20:02
Lorizeanon it20:02
gigastressLVM filesystems should be listed in /etc/fstab by name  In general, filesystems are listed in /etc/fstab by UUID rather than by device name, to ensure that the filesystem can always be found reliably. If you are mounting a filesystem located on LVM, however, it is recommended that you list them in /etc/fstab by device name, not by UUID, because UUIDs are not unique if LVM snapshots are used, which can result in wrong file20:03
gigastressthats what the 10.4 release notes say.20:03
bobweaverLorizean,  lspci -nn    <-- sees it ?20:03
gigastressi should have done this before the upgrade, i think not afterwards20:04
bobweaverhindsite is 20 2020:04
Lorizean0c:01.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394) [0c00]: Texas Instruments TSB82AA2 IEEE-1394b Link Layer Controller [104c:8025] (rev 02)20:04
Lorizeani think thats it?20:04
bobweavergigastress,  I see why it wants names and not uuid20:05
gigastressyah, they must have changed something20:06
bobweavergigastress,  are you on live cd  ?20:06
gigastressat startup, the screen is prompting me for for a uuid20:07
bobweaverand you have the sdawhatever mounted in mnt ?20:07
bobweaverplease cd /mnt20:07
gigastresslet me see20:07
* bobweaver is all jacked up on coffee 20:08
gigastressdid that20:08
Chacioushow is everyone doing in #ubuntu-beginners20:08
bobweavermay I see  please      :            ls-al /mnt20:08
bobweaverlike tony the tiger Chacious20:09
bobweaverIMMMM Great !20:09
Chaciousgood to hear :)20:09
Chaciousim doing good20:09
gigastressNo command 'ls-al' found, did you mean:  Command 'lshal' from package 'hal' (main) ls-al: command not found20:09
Chaciousmy friend will be here in a few minutes and i just got done preppnig some steak fajita ingrediants20:10
bobweaverChacious,  Yum I mean apt20:10
gigastressubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt$ ls -al total 0 drwxr-xr-x  2 root root   3 2010-04-23 10:11 . drwxr-xr-x 34 root root 340 2011-11-03 18:26 ..20:11
bobweaverLorizean,  when you get a chance please pastebin lspci -nn ]20:11
bobweavergigastress,  sudo fdisk -l20:12
bobweaver!pastebin | gigastress20:12
ubot2gigastress: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:12
bobweavergigastress,  thansk20:12
bobweaverthanks *20:12
Lorizeanah, here you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/727567/20:12
* nlsthzn_ is @ work so is missing out on how amazing bobweaver is being at the moment...20:13
bobweaverthanks Lorizean  && nlsthzn20:13
* bobweaver high fives nlsthzn 20:13
gigastressbobweaver, http://paste.ubuntu.com/727569/20:14
bobweavergigastress,  thanbsk \20:14
bobweavergigastress,  sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt20:15
bobweavergigastress,  cd / mnt20:15
bobweavergigastress,  ls -al20:15
bobweaverand paste please :>)20:15
gigastresstotal 0 drwxr-xr-x  2 root root   3 2010-04-23 10:11 . drwxr-xr-x 34 root root 340 2011-11-03 18:26 ..20:15
bobweaverdang it20:16
bobweaverumm .. what is sda with lvm ?20:16
gigastresssda1 is boot ithink20:16
bobweaverand you just mounted it20:16
gigastresswith the cheatsheet20:17
gigastresssda2 should include swap as well20:17
bobweaveryes I was just looking @ that20:17
gigastressi can open fstab and everything20:17
bobweavercat /ect/fstab      <-- paste plz20:19
gigastress"just" need to edit the files right to munt from it in future20:19
bobweavergigastress,  AWESOME20:19
gigastressbobweaver, are u ironic?20:20
gigastressaufs / aufs rw 0 0 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 020:20
gigastressbut i think thats the fstab of the live cd?20:20
bobweaveryes it looks that way20:21
bobweaverchroot into the sda220:21
gigastressim gonna paste the other fstab?20:21
gigastressbobweaver, startup showing a uuid not listed here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/727577/20:24
Lorizeangot a quick in-between question, where is my sound device in ubuntu? I need to set it in Teamspeak20:26
bobweaverthis is after a chroot  ?20:26
gigastressbobweaver, i dont know what that is20:27
bobweaverohh ok :>) gigastress20:27
bobweaverLorizean,  00:1b.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller [8086:284b] (rev 03)20:28
bobweaverthat is your audio20:28
bobweavernow check to see where it is mounted with    dmegs | grep mic20:29
bobweavergigastress,  chroot is used to trick the haeddrive into thinking that it is the one that is beeing used20:29
gigastressdmegs doesnt work20:30
bobweavergigastress,  say I did    mount /dev/sda1  /mnt      I would then    cd /mnt   then  chroot /mnt20:30
gigastressok wait20:31
bobweavergigastress,  cd /media/root20:32
bobweaverls -al20:32
Lorizeanbob, i'm not finding my audio device with dmesg | grep mic :(20:33
bobweaverLorizean,  you can also use lspci -nnk | grep 808620:34
gigastressbobweaver, http://paste.ubuntu.com/727588/20:34
bobweaverthat will show driuver I hope20:34
bobweavergigastress, \0/20:35
bobweaverchroot /media/root20:35
bobweavergigastress,  errors at all ?20:35
gigastressubuntu@ubuntu:/media/root$ chroot /media/root chroot: cannot change root directory to /media/root: Operation not permitted20:35
gigastressbobweaver, i think i did this befere?20:36
bobweaversudo -i    1st20:36
Lorizeanthat doesn't tell me where it's mounted, does it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/727589/20:36
bobweaverLorizean,  try this      dmesg | less                   then                                 /mic20:36
gigastressbobweaver, ubuntu@ubuntu:/media/root$ sudo -i root@ubuntu:~# chroot /media/root root@ubuntu:/#20:37
gigastressno errors i guess, bobweaver20:37
bobweavergigastress,  C00l     now     cd  etc/fstab20:37
gigastressroot@ubuntu:/# cd  etc/fstab bash: cd: etc/fstab: Not a directory20:38
gigastressbut i can find it in nautilus20:38
bobweavergigastress,  cd /etc/fstab20:38
bobweaverthen ls -al20:38
Lorizeanwhat exactly am i looking for? I'm only finding the "Dynamic OEM Table Load"20:38
gigastressa space too much sry20:39
bobweavergigastress, np20:39
gigastressroot@ubuntu:/# cd /etc/fstab bash: cd: /etc/fstab: Not a directory20:39
gigastressits a file not a directory20:39
bobweavergigastress,  cd /etc/20:39
bobweaverand then cat fstab20:40
bobweaverlots of numbers ?20:41
gigastressyes , paste?20:41
gigastressi think its the same that i posted before20:41
bobweaverplease ^^20:42
gigastressi lke my floppy^^20:43
bobweaverLVM filesystems should be listed in /etc/fstab by name  In general, filesystems are listed in /etc/fstab by UUID rather than by device name, to ensure that the filesystem can always be found reliably. If you are mounting a filesystem located on LVM, however, it is recommended that you list them in /etc/fstab by device name, not by UUID, because UUIDs are not unique if LVM snapshots are used, which can result in wrong20:44
bobweaverlooks like you might have to edit this file :>)20:44
gigastressbobweaver, somehow strange that another uuid is showing up at startup?20:44
gigastressyeah thats waht i figured20:45
gigastressi dont want to corrupt it...20:45
bobweavergigastress,  do you know how to use sed ?20:45
gigastressthought that used to be a party20:46
bobweaverok 1st thing frist lest make backup of file20:46
bobweavercp /ect/fstab   /tmp20:46
gigastressbobweaver, do you think its strange that another uuid is showing up at startup?20:46
bobweavergigastress,  a little20:47
gigastressok did that20:48
bobweavercool     cd  /tmp20:48
bobweaveris the file there ?20:49
gigastressbobwaever, nautilus says yes20:50
bobweavergood gigastress  now we are going to learn how to use sed20:50
bobweaversed is a stream line editor20:51
gigastressi guess ilearn, you teach20:51
gigastressdont fully comprehend that description20:51
Lorizeansorry to be so dense, I still don't know how to find my audio device mont point :(20:52
bobweaverthat is ok20:52
bobweaverLorizean,  hang on a sec plz20:52
bobweavergigastress,  plz   open terminal and enter      nano /tmp/test.txt20:53
bobweavergigastress,  plz paste this in there     http://paste.ubuntu.com/727604/20:54
bobweaverWindows is great I love Windows I can not wait till the next issue of Windows20:54
bobweaverthat is waht needs to be in there20:54
gigastressbobweaver, shows nothing20:55
bobweavergigastress,  once you have pasted that in there press   ctrl+x   then enter then  y20:55
gigastressbobweaver,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/727605/20:56
gigastressroot@ubuntu:/tmp# y y: command not found20:57
bobweavergood gigastress  now paste this in there20:57
bobweaverWindows is great I love Windows I can not wait till the next issue of Windows20:57
bobweaverok gigastress  lets try this      open gedit20:57
bobweaverput this in there20:58
bobweaverWindows is great I love Windows I can not wait till the next issue of Windows20:58
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bobweaversave it as     test.txt   under  /tmp20:58
gigastressill do that then20:58
gigastressbut what do i paste there?20:59
bobweaverWindows is great I love Windows I can not wait till the next issue of Windows20:59
bobweaverpaste that in there ^^20:59
bobweaverLorizean,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AudioCapture21:00
gigastress"Windows is great I love Windows I can not wait till the next issue of Windows"?21:00
Lorizeanah, its not my mic that isn't working, neither mic nor sound are working at all - i need to tell teamspeak where my sound device is located but i dunno where :)21:01
gigastressany reason for that message?21:01
bobweavergigastress,  you will see21:01
Lorizeanit defaults to /dev/dsp21:01
Lorizeanbut that doesnt seem to work21:01
gigastresshm argh21:01
gigastressok i did that21:01
bobweaverok gigastress  now in terminal   cd /tmp && cat test.txt21:02
gigastressroot@ubuntu:/tmp# cd /tmp && cat test.txt Windows is great I love Windows I can not wait till the next issue of Windows21:02
bobweaverthis is how sed works21:03
gigastressi thought you were repaeting yourself^^21:03
bobweaverin termninal    please do this21:03
bobweaversudo sed -i 's/Windows/Ubuntu/g' /tmp/test.txt21:03
bobweaverthen cat /tmp/test.txt21:04
gigastressbobweaver, root@ubuntu:/tmp# sudo sed -i 's/Windows/Ubuntu/g' /tmp/test.txt sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu21:04
bobweaverohh you are root21:05
bobweaverthen \21:05
bobweaversudo sed -i 's/Windows/Ubuntu/g' /tmp/test.txt21:05
gigastressroot@ubuntu:~# sudo sed -i 's/Windows/Ubuntu/g' /tmp/test.txt sed: can't read /tmp/test.txt: No such file or directory21:05
bobweaversudo sed -i 's/Windows/Ubuntu/g'  test.txt21:06
gigastressroot@ubuntu:~# sudo sed -i 's/Windows/Ubuntu/g'  test.txt sed: can't read test.txt: No such file or directory21:06
gigastressin gedit it now says:21:06
gigastressThe file /tmp/test.txt changed on disk.21:07
gigastressDo you want to reload the file?21:07
gigastressquit gedit?21:07
bobweaverwhat does it say now ?21:08
gigastressbobweaver, now then cat /tmp/test.txt?21:08
bobweaveryes !21:08
gigastressUbuntu is great I love Ubuntu I can not wait till the next issue of Ubuntu21:08
gigastresswow didnt recognise21:08
bobweavernow do you see how sed works21:08
gigastressi need to look at taht again21:08
bobweaversed -i 's/firstname/whatyouwant to change to/g'    <file>>21:09
gigastresss and g is what i dont nuderstand, but in general ok, capsisco21:09
gigastressi hope i dont have to learn that by heart^^^21:10
bobweaverthe s means switch21:10
bobweaverthe g means  re-wright21:10
bobweaverso does the -i21:10
escottgigastress, s=substitute g=globally (not just the first time)21:10
bobweaversorry about spelling21:10
gigastressno g in taht21:10
bobweaverthanks escott21:11
gigastressok ok21:11
gigastressthanks , escott21:11
bobweaverso if you want to change /etc/fstab    you could use sed or you could use a text editor21:11
bobweaverI just thpought that this is a great chance to teach you sed21:11
gigastresshm k21:12
gigastressi prefer doing it in gedit i guess21:12
bobweaverbut now you have a back up file in tmp to play with21:12
gigastresswith search & replace21:12
gigastressi got i somewhere else as well21:13
gigastressis fstab really the only thing to edit?21:13
bobweaverlooks like it21:13
bobweaverI could be wrong21:13
* bobweaver is not that good with lvm 21:13
gigastressso what do you think i need to replace?21:13
bobweavermaybe someone else can jump in21:13
bobweaverLVM filesystems should be listed in /etc/fstab by name  In general, filesystems are listed in /etc/fstab by UUID rather than by device name, to ensure that the filesystem can always be found reliably. If you are mounting a filesystem located on LVM, however, it is recommended that you list them in /etc/fstab by device name, not by UUID, because UUIDs are not unique if LVM snapshots are used, which can result in wrong21:14
gigastressanyone good with lvm?21:14
gigastressso delete a uuid and replace with "dev/sda2" ?21:14
bobweaverNot sure21:15
gigastressif that is the case which one then21:15
* bobweaver dont want to give out bad info but that is the way that it looks 21:15
gigastressim pretty sure about that21:15
gigastressstill, another uuid showing up at startup, rember?21:16
bobweaverthat is right21:16
bobweaversda1 right ?21:17
bobweaverboot partition21:17
gigastresssda1 is boot21:17
gigastressi remember...21:17
gigastresssda2 should be the filesystem , home, and swap newbnewb21:17
bobweaverlooks like you are going to have to make some lines for sda2 in /ec t/fstab21:18
bobweaverbut I am not sure what the lines should say ..21:19
bobweaverAnyone ????21:19
gigastressthe page with fstab and other grub files i saw was sth. like the lvm config manual21:20
gigastressthe page with fstab and other  files ,grub i gueess, that i saw was sth. like the lvm config manual21:20
gigastressor install howto21:21
bobweaverhttp://linuxconfig.org/Linux_lvm_-_Logical_Volume_Manager      look at #721:23
gigastressno sda2 there as well21:24
bobweavergigastress,  I think that is because they cjhangedit to  mynew_vg21:26
bobweaverplease read all the steps21:26
bobweavermy badd for telling you to go to step 7    sorry21:26
gigastresshope ill comprehend any of that21:27
bobweaverIf it was me I would back that stuff up and re-instyall21:29
bobweaver8.10 is way old21:29
gigastressthat was what i was thinking21:29
gigastresswell i made it with the upgrade to 9.1021:30
gigastress10.4 upgrade messed up lvm boot21:30
bobweaverlike I said before I would install lubuntu 11/10 on ther21:30
bobweaver11.10  there *21:30
gigastressi was thinking about changing fstab but couldnt find any howt21:30
gigastressany howto before the 10.4 upgarde21:31
gigastresshoping it would work anyway and then i would aupgrade to 11.1021:31
* bobweaver says alittle above his head 21:32
bobweaverone day ...21:32
gigastressdo you know any external hard drives WORKING on linux?21:32
gigastressson i can back up some files of the lvm21:32
gigastressbought one today but only semi-worked21:33
gigastressso i gave that shit back^^21:33
gigastressa guy in a computer store told me then taht external harddrives have usb-adapters that are made for WIndows21:34
bobweavernow that you are chrooted in you could make a tar or whatever21:34
gigastressjust copy and the delete the harddrives, u know21:34
bobweavergigastress,  sudo sed -i 's/Windows/Ubuntu'  *life :>)21:34
gigastressdo u want me to get a new life???21:35
bobweaverhahah No21:35
gigastressroot@ubuntu:~# sudo sed -i 's/Windows/Ubuntu'  *life sed: -e expression #1, char 16: unterminated `s' command21:36
bobweaverdo you have a extrenal harddirve ?21:36
gigastressi gave it back21:36
gigastressdidnt buy another cause that guy said that21:36
bobweaverthat @#$^&21:36
gigastressany experience, with like a terrabite external hd?21:37
bobweaversorry I back up on my serverss21:37
gigastresswhat was that command for?21:38
bobweaverbig ex-HD21:38
gigastresswhat was that command for?21:38
bobweaverI use putty21:38
ubot2PuTTY is an !SSH client for Windows. Please see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage and downloads. See also !scp (Secure CoPy)21:38
gigastressto backup?21:39
bobweaverto my servers21:39
gigastressi dont think i gonna do sth like taht21:39
gigastresswhat was that command for? sudo sed -i 's/Windows/Ubuntu'21:39
gigastresssudo sed -i 's/Windows/Ubuntu'  *life21:39
bobweaverthat was a joke :>)21:39
bobweaverabout the guy at the store21:40
gigastresswhich i didnt understand21:40
gigastresswell HE said that they only sell those21:40
gigastressand that im supposed to search forums in order to find one thatll work with my linux21:41
gigastressor better 10.4 lkucid live cd21:41
gigastresshope that ill be successful there21:41
gigastressdo you know where to search sth. like that bythe way?21:42
* bobweaver has no clue about sth sorry 21:43
bobweavergigastress,  try #ubuntu   maybe someone there might know sorry21:44
bobweaverI wish that I could help more but I dont want to give out bad info21:44
gigastressgoogle doesnt help me21:44
gigastressneither in english nor german21:45
gigastressyeah u name it21:46
gigastressare u really american by the way?21:46
bobweavergigastress,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhnUgAaea4M21:47
gigastressi thought you were leaking some eastern european "slang" while writing21:47
gigastressbut neverminf21:48
gigastresscant  watch this cause on live cd21:48
bobweavergigastress,  please open gparted21:49
gigastressdid that21:51
bobweavercan you shrink it down ?21:51
bobweaversda2 that is21:51
bobweaver!screenshot | gigastress21:52
ubot2gigastress: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.21:52
gigastresstheres an ! behind sda221:52
gigastresswhat button?21:52
bobweaveraptake screen shot plications ->accessiories->21:53
gigastresssry used to know where that button is21:53
bobweaverapplications => accessiories-> take screen shot21:53
gigastresswhere does it save it?21:54
bobweaverhome foloder21:54
bobweaverimport -window root ~/Desktop/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`.png21:56
bobweaverin terminal ^^21:56
gigastresssry wait my bad21:56
bobweaverthen look at you desktop21:56
gigastressbobwaever, sry , here http://imagebin.org/18233121:58
gigastress i dont think i can shrink, just because its almost full, 2.5 gb left21:59
bobweavergigastress,  what is goal ?22:01
gigastressthe space between the posts on soccer pitches?22:02
gigastressi mean, to save like 300gb of sda222:02
bobweaveryou do not have any other harddrives laying around ?22:02
gigastressanother internal but full22:03
bobweaverdang man22:03
gigastresslinux is great!22:03
gigastressis what i found out till i saw this22:03
bobweaverlets try this if you want22:04
bobweaverlet me see sudo fdisk -l22:05
gigastress_im back, bobweaver22:08
bobweaverlet me see sudo fdisk -l22:09
Lorizeanhm, i'm back, regarding my sound problem: I think i need this http://alsa.opensrc.org/OssEmulation but i cannot find the modules22:10
Lorizeani try modprobe snd-pcm-oss and it tells me the module isn't there22:10
bobweavergigastress_, did you reboot ?22:11
bobweavergigastress_,  reboot with OUT the live cd can you get in ?22:13
gigastress_no, thats wahts the problem is22:14
gigastress_pw not accepted22:14
gigastress_tried us and german version of my pass22:14
bobweaverLorizean,  please run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:14
bobweavergigastress_,  and nothing22:14
Lorizeanbobweaver, done, nothing was upgraded22:15
gigastress_bobweaver, pw-prompting-screen saying "cryptsetup failed, bad password, or options"22:15
gigastress_bobweaver, and nothing??22:15
bobweavergigastress_,  you are still chrooted ? \22:18
gigastress_i have acces to sda222:18
bobweaversudo aptitude install cryptsetup hashalot initramfs-tools lvm222:18
bobweavergigastress_,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemLVMHowto22:19
bobweavertake a lOok plz22:19
gigastress_do you have an idea? bobweaver?22:20
bobweaver^^ that shows you what to add to ect/fstab22:21
bobweaverCustomize files22:21
bobweaverEdit /etc/crypttab and enter the following line.22:21
bobweaverbut looks like you need to mount other things firdst22:22
bobweaver1st *22:22
gigastress_bobweaver, i think thats the howto of the old 8.04 aproved encryption22:26
bobweaverNote by DB6EDR: At least on my netbook with Natty (11.04), i22:26
bobweaverdo you see that ???22:26
gigastress_sry, bobweaver, exthd on #ubuntu is me, i put it in the wrong window22:27
bobweaverohh lol22:27
bobweaverI was wondering about that22:28
gigastress_bobweaver, i think thats the howto of the old 8.04 aproved encryption22:28
bobweavergigastress_,  try this http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/11275/how-to-change-dm-crypt-aes-256-lvm-password-after-install22:29
gigastress_and if i edit fstab, how can boot see it, when sda2 is not mounted yet? bobweaver22:30
gigastress_ok, ill see22:31
bobweavergigastress_,  I think that I am at my end with this I am really trying to help out but I dont know that there is anything else that I can doo but just point you to links22:31
bobweaverI am sorry I wish that I could do more22:32
gigastress_i know i know22:32
bobweaverbut this is all I know about it22:32
gigastress_and i highly appreiacte this, bobweaver22:32
bobweaverit is no trouble I really wish I could help more22:32
bobweaverbut it seems to me that something is crazy. you might have to bite the bullet22:33
bobweaveror try and find more help22:33
gigastress_its always nice to see there are people who are willing to help other, bobweaver, thats what makes the world go round22:33
bobweaveror buy a new HD22:34
bobweaverjust a hard dive22:34
bobweaverthis is a laptop or a desktop22:34
gigastress_an internal one then22:34
bobweaverlaptop or desktop ?22:34
bobweaverwhat is make and model22:35
bobweaverwhy I ask is I have a bunch of extra hardrives laying around22:35
bobweaverlots dor desktops22:36
bobweaverfor *22:36
gigastress_hardware: processor: AMD sempron(tm) 2300+, bobweaver22:37
bobweavergigastress_,  have you ever replaced a harddrive before ?22:39
gigastress_internal one s yes.22:41
bobweavercool there is a thing called masscool22:41
bobweaveryou can hook up what ever harddrive you like22:41
bobweaverI use for customers that are trying to recover stuff22:42
bobweaverbut customers dont ussaly encryt there stuff :>)22:42
gigastress_well am i a costumer?22:43
gigastress_im more of  a victim of my doing here.., bobweaver22:43
bobweaverwhat is so important that is on there ?22:43
bobweaverI mean what is in your home folder that is so importand22:44
bobweaverand how big is your home folder22:44
bobweaverhave you thought about taking just the home folder and uploading it to staorage22:44
bobweaversay ubuntu one22:44
bobweaverthey give only 5 gigs of free online22:45
bobweaverbut if you contact and tell them what is going on who knows22:45
gigastress_nah i dont do sth like that online22:45
gigastress_dont trust taht22:45
bobweaverall my servers are  not that big Or I would offer22:46
bobweaverthey are just for me to play with22:46
bobweaveryou have no other computers ?22:46
bobweavermaybe some one that you trust >?22:46
gigastress_no ones with 100gb of free space22:46
bobweaveryou could use something like teamveiwer to transfrer then transfer back after22:47
bobweaverhome folder is bigger then 100gig ?22:47
bobweaverthat is huge22:48
bobweaverwell for the time you can just keep using live cd22:48
bobweaverhow about buying a usb and doing a persetiant22:49
bobweaverthere are alot of options out ther22:49
bobweaverthere *22:49
bobweaverbut I am sure if you keep on looking that you will find the lvm Guru out there22:50
bobweavertry to email davelachapelle.22:50
bobweavertry to email dave lachapelle.22:50
gigastress_ill write that in #ubuntu^^ LVM-Guru , the Great, I msut summon you22:52
bobweaverloll :>)22:52
bobweavertou have read this http://www.davelachapelle.ca/guides/ubuntu-lvm-guide/22:53
gigastress_bobweaver, sry i first thought this was a joke mixing the name with dave chappelll of chappelles show22:58
gigastress_bobweaver, after looking through this i dont think theres any useful information i can us for my crux23:02
bobweavergigastress_,  what I was trying to say is there might be a email in there some where23:05
bobweaver"contact me " sorta stuff23:06
gigastress_uh, k, didnt look at this23:06
gigastress_hm  so  am I contacting the maybe-Guru about this or just get an ext.HD working....hm23:09
gigastress_bobweaver, thx for all your time and help, i think im gonna try the ext.hd solution tomorrow night23:25
gigastress_have a good upcoming night, hope you'll take care of yourself23:25
gigastress_have a good one, and dont mess it up with doggy dog23:26

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