
BenChapmanDoes anyone know any good resources on how to configure IPTables correctly on a server? (best practice, how to allow outgoing connections securely etc)10:16
ebelwell mostly it's easy enough10:19
BenChapmanebel: until you lock yourself out ;)10:20
ebeli mean most of the time it's "block everything except this port and that port"10:20
BenChapmanand outgoing wise? Block everything except 53 and established?10:21
ebelah yes that can happen.10:21
ebelDo you have IPv6 (on your machine & something you can log into machine with)?10:21
BenChapmansadly, no. In neither case do I have IPv610:21
BenChapmanThough, now on rackspace.10:21
ebelthen you can just do ipv4 iptables willy nilly. if you lock yourself out, then connect over ipv6 :)10:21
BenChapmanwhich is awesome10:21
BenChapmanNo, I can't... I *don't* have v6 acces10:22
ebelah well10:22
* ebel should really be careful about giving advise here, since he's not very good at iptables... :P10:22
BenChapmanalso I'd want to protect v6 anyway10:23
ebelyes you should protext ipv6 & 4. but it's handy to do them out of sync, so you can go in via one if you feck up the other, etc.10:24
ebelalso slashtommy knows a bit about this10:27
ebelor someone on #tog might know10:28
slashtommybecareful, you should always have console access available10:48
slashtommyall good ISPs provide this10:48
tdr112BenChapman: while testing you should set up a cron job to clear your tables every half an hour11:00
tdr112that will stop you getting locked out11:00
tdr112a few weeks ago i worked for about a day getting my head around iptables for my servers11:00
tdr112and the cron job makes your life a lot better11:01
slashtommybtw, when is this next irc meeting?11:01
slashtommygood morning11:10
tdr112i think its the 17th11:12
BenChapmanslashtommy: I do indeed have console access :)11:12
BenChapmangot a nice mozilla t-shirt last night at the mozilla meetup12:12
tdr112BenChapman: many at it ?12:13
BenChapmanloads actually, I'd say around 50-6012:14
tdr112wow thats great12:14
ebelwow, cool12:16
tdr112i would think its hard to turn all them into devs to work on ff12:17
BenChapmantdr112: not the idea of those meetups ( though some of the talks were highly technical )12:29
BenChapmantechnical problems with skype: on unity when it goes into the background there's no way for me to call it up again12:44
czajkowskiebel: sorting your typing break issue also13:08
* slashtommy is signed up to his first formal conference as an antedee, next week13:25
ebelczajkowski: oh? cool13:46
czajkowskiyeah it's still there13:53
czajkowskiand there are also other alternatives13:53
czajkowskibut they may see if they can bring it in  from debiabn13:53
ebelah cool.13:54
czajkowskiUDS-P Day 3 http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/11/03/uds-p-day-3/14:08
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