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willcookehey folks.  Popey was kind enough to sort out my official IRC channel yesterday which means that I have an unofficial one I'd like removing.  Is there a proper way to do that, or do I just let it go stale?13:52
Tm_Twillcooke: is it registered channel?13:57
willcookeit is13:57
Tm_TI believe you can unregister it, or optionally just set banforward to the official channel13:57
willcookeAhh, that's a great idea.13:57
elopioHi people.14:35
elopioI want a bot for #ubuntu-centroamerica14:35
elopiowhat should I do?14:35
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-irc's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:11
Tm_Telopio: I recall the last url in the factoid above has the info15:11
elopioTm_T, I can install it by myself, but I read that for American LoCos you use one of the lubotus. Can you tell one of them to get into our channel?15:23
Tm_Telopio: the process to get bot to your channel is described in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots (:15:28
Tm_Tand no, I don't control the bots15:29
lubotu2In lubotu2, locodir-user said: oneiric is broken15:31
elopioah right, it says #ubuntu-bots-team, not #ubuntu-irc15:35
elopiowait, it says #ubuntu-bots--team or #ubuntu-irc :D15:36
elopioI'll try the other channel anyway.15:36
jussilubotu1: join #ubuntu-centroamerica16:48
lubotu1jussi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:48
m4velopio: there's #ubuntu-es-locos already setup (for all spanish locos) why don't use it?18:39
elopiom4v, right, it's as empty as ours. That sounds like a better idea :)18:40
m4valso, I think we could use #ubuntu-es bot rather than lubotu, but we never had the need of a factoid bot there.18:42
m4vsay IRCC, I would like to ask a change in the policy in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots, instead of using one of the lubotu bots, Spanish channels (LoCo or not) should use kubot, #ubuntu-es's infobot, so they can have factoids in Spanish.19:39
jussim4v: I have no problems with that, but to say lubotu is still available.19:40
jussielky: topyli ^^19:40
m4vyes, just mention that Spanish channels would probably prefer a spanish bot :P19:41
topylisounds sane to me19:57
LjLwasn't there ubottu-fr in the spanish channels?20:00
m4vLjL: yeah, but is used as a floodbot.20:19
m4vLjL: and only in #ubuntu-es.20:20
=== Guest98092 is now known as JoeGazz84
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