
mgwSpamapS: do you know if perhaps koan —static-interface is broken?00:00
mgwSpamapS : ...00:00
mgwor anyone else00:01
mgwmy xml is coming out with "ksdevice=link" instread of eth000:01
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scalability-junkwhat would be the best way to backup a full kvm based on lvm storage?01:04
scalability-junkis there any good article about how to ?01:04
scalability-junkI want a full snapshot backed up, with the ability to restore the full vm, any ideas?01:05
patdk-lapscalability-junk, the best way?01:14
patdk-lapshutdown the kvm01:14
patdk-lapmake a copy of the lv, using like dd01:14
patdk-lapor just back it up like any other computer01:14
scalability-junkpatdk-lap: yeah I already got a backup from inside the vm, but I just wanted to have a way of backup up the whole vm once a month or so01:16
scalability-junkso the best way would be shutdown, dd, and then backup to remot01:16
patdk-lapif you don't care about data consistancy, and want to do it without a shutdown01:16
patdk-lapand don't care about lvm snapshots slowing things down01:16
patdk-lapthen you can do a lvm snapshot01:16
patdk-lapthen do the dd backup from the snapshot01:16
scalability-junkmh consistency would be better... any experience on how long the downtime would be of a 100G vm with dd?01:17
twbLVM snapshots are O(1)01:17
patdk-lapthat all depends on what your coping from and where you copy to01:17
scalability-junkfrom disk 1 to disk 1 :D01:18
patdk-lapthe speed of 1 disk to 1 disk01:18
patdk-lapwhatever speed your disks have to spare01:18
twbIt's faster if you write to /dev/null instead01:18
scalability-junktwb mh great suggestion :D01:18
twbAnd only slightly less reliable01:18
patdk-laptwb, faster if you don't bother reading :)01:19
twbpatdk-lap: but then you don't have a backup!01:19
twbOne of my customers, they had a broken backup script01:19
twbFor FIVE YEARS they were dutifully swapping new tapes in each week01:19
twbThe backup script did nothing but eject the tape01:19
patdk-lapya, love those :)01:19
patdk-lapI try to check atleast once a month01:20
scalability-junkoh they could have saved so much money on tapes :D01:20
patdk-laphell, saved manpower to change them :)01:21
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scalability-junkmhhh gzip is just using one cpu damn01:31
patdk-lapwell, use something better01:32
twbscalability-junk: that's because it's sooper-optimized in assembly on x8601:32
patdk-lapp7zip, pigz, ...01:33
scalability-junkwhat's better than just use dd if=/vm | gzip -9 > vm.dd01:33
patdk-lapdepends what you call better01:33
twbpatdk-lap: that's a funny way to say xz-utils01:33
patdk-lapmore space saved, or done faster01:33
patdk-laptwb, never used xz01:33
scalability-junkyeah -9 seems overkill probably01:33
patdk-lapnormally use 7z myself01:33
scalability-junkmh I try with -1 first01:33
twbxz is the same algo as 7z01:34
twbBut it doesn't stupidly conflate archiving with compressing01:34
patdk-lapif you want faster, lzop gives ok compression at full throughput01:34
twbI'm a big fan of mksquashfs foo foo.sq -compr xz01:34
scalability-junkI think I go for using dd withoutg compression and then do the compression afterwards so the vm can be started up again01:35
patdk-lapcompression, using say lzop could make it faster01:35
scalability-junkok I'll check that out thanks01:36
patdk-lapany compression that doesn't overload the cpu, means less disk writing01:36
twblzop is designed for real-time use01:36
twbso it won't overload any normal cpu01:36
patdk-lapI love using it for memcache type things01:36
scalability-junkmy estimation right now dd the whole vm would be a downtime of about 5-20 min01:37
patdk-lapscalability-junk, should be around 6-7min01:37
twbJust quiesce the VM, ensure the VM subsystem has flushed to disk, then LVM snapshot and back that up01:37
patdk-lapunless the box is busy doing other things01:37
twbOr worst case, stop the VM, make an LVM snapshot, start the VM, then do the backup from the snapshot01:38
scalability-junkpatdk-lap: yeah unfortunately it won't be too idle...01:38
patdk-lapya, stopping the vm, snapshot, start vm, would work also01:38
patdk-lapbut also make disk slower, till you remove the snapshot01:38
scalability-junkwould that be faster in terms of downtime?01:38
twbpatdk-lap: unless he's some stupid mysql user, who ccares01:38
patdk-laptwb, unless you do any disk writing :)01:39
scalability-junktwb: mysql is not the only thing writing to ram01:39
scalability-junkI'm a fan of loading stuff into ram ;)01:39
patdk-lapram? we are talking about writing to disk, in the vm01:39
twbMaybe he knows how reliable mysql databases are, so only uses them on tmpfs01:40
* patdk-lap hasn't had a mysql issue01:40
* scalability-junk me neither01:40
* scalability-junk is using mysql master in ram and slave on disk sometimes :(01:40
patdk-lapscalability-junk, shutdown kvm, snapshot, restart kvm01:43
patdk-lapshould only take very very little time01:43
patdk-lapthen do your backup, and remove snapshot01:43
scalability-junkprobably the best yeah01:43
patdk-lapdid that for mysql on freebsd to back it up01:43
scalability-junkjust to clarify for restoring .dd files it would be enough to do "dd if=vm.dd of=/path/to/new/lv/vm" right? and then start the vm with virsh --create vm.xml ?01:51
patdk-lapbut didn't know lvm's did that01:52
patdk-lapyou using files? or lvm?01:52
patdk-lapso your using raw partitions, so like, /dev/mapper/vg-lv, or /dev/vg/lv01:53
patdk-lapor tell kvm to use the file instead of the partition :)01:53
scalability-junkso instead of restoring to a partition I'm just using the .dd file?01:54
scalability-junkbut wouldn't that have performance issues?01:54
patdk-lappretty sure kvm file access is about the same as partition access01:55
patdk-lapthere is some extra overhead01:55
patdk-lapbut normally not enough to bother about01:55
scalability-junkthe same with .img files?01:55
patdk-lapnow, if you used sparse files, and it gets heavily fragmented over time, that could really be a perofrmance issue01:55
scalability-junkI used them before and they were a lot slower01:55
scalability-junkthat's why I switched to lvm ...01:56
patdk-lapI haven't had an issue either way, but only tested with xen01:56
scalability-junkah ok01:56
patdk-lapbut then, you have to set it all up correctly01:56
scalability-junkmh I'm trying the dd from file to new lv and hope it's working as supposed :D01:57
scalability-junkoh damn I love gzip :D01:58
scalability-junk20G down to 200M, perfect for not fully used lvs :D01:59
patdk-lapexcept you had to read that 20gigs :(01:59
scalability-junkpatdk-lap: yeah that's not perfect, but I have no other solution yet.02:00
scalability-junkand it's not the main backup solution, the main one is from inside the guest which is much smarter...02:00
yabooany mdadm experts about02:14
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:16
yaboook have a raid 5 unit with 5 disks, rebooted and seems I have a non functioning raid with three disks and two spares02:20
yaboohow can I fix my raid array02:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #885522 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88552202:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #885538 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88553803:11
yabootrying to reassemble a raid array have four of the five disks and recreates the array, but cannot mount the array03:30
i3luefirewhat is the best way to create an RSA key pair in windows03:40
twbi3luefire: use putty, ssh into a normal box03:48
i3luefirei thought the key gen had to happen on the machine to be used03:53
twbWell, it is better to minimize the places the secret key occurs03:56
twbIf you move or copy the secret key, it could be intercepted at either end, or in transit03:56
twbBut RSA is just an assymetric crypto algorithm; it doesn't even have to be used on a computer03:57
twbYou could use it to encrypt paper notes to pass to your girlfriends in class if you really wanted to03:57
i3luefireso if i use putty do i need to type in the key passphrase everytime i log in03:59
twbUm, it kinda depends what you want this for04:00
i3luefirewell i used like a 30 char passphrase so i think im gna make it shorter04:03
virusuylol, i dont imagine myself sending some encrypted paper notes to my girlfriend :-)04:04
virusuythat sound funny :-D04:04
twbcos you ain't got one04:04
virusuygirlfriend ? or encrypted message to send ?04:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #885554 in mysql-5.1 (main) "mysql-server-5.1 Unpacking Halts 11.04-11.10 Server Upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88555404:21
i3luefireok. i think i have it set up with reasonable defaults but i get the error connection refused04:34
=== Guest96131 is now known as onre
zetuianyone there ? ²07:38
afuentesis there a technical reason why bash.autocompletion is disabled for root account but its enabled for regular users by default?10:26
zetuihello anyone there ?10:39
afuentesdont ask to ask, just ask zetui10:40
zetuiask to ask what ask ?10:40
afuentesif anyone knows it and its awake, they will probably answer you10:40
zetuiok what this command do : tar -C /overlay -cvf - . | tar -C /mnt/sda1 -xf -10:40
afuentesi hate to be that guy, but: man tar , then press /  and type -C (n for next ocurrences) and do so for every option...10:42
afuentesas hints, | (pipe) redirect the output of a comand to the input of the next, - (hypen) means standar input, . (dot) means current directory10:43
zetuitake it easy afuentes10:46
zetuiof course i check on man tar10:46
zetuifor -C it is written change to directory DIR10:46
zetui   -c       create a new archive10:47
onrewhat part is unclear?10:47
onrethe first command changes directory to /overlay and starts archiving that dir to stdout, which is piped to another command which changes dir to /mnt/sda1 and starts to unpack stuff from stdin10:48
afuentessorry if i sounded rude zetui, something is not working here and its frustrating me lol10:48
onreso, in a way, the command is quite similar to cp -a /overlay/* /mnt/sda110:48
zetuithis one - . |10:49
onrethe '-' is actually argument to option -f, which takes a filename. if filename is -, tar uses stdin/stdout instead of file. '.' is the directory that tar will archive. '|' is unix pipe10:51
onreafuentes told this a few lines earlier, actually10:51
zetuian archive should always be in a format .tar right ?  correct ?10:59
greppyzetui: a tar archive will have a .tar or if it is also gzipped it would could be tar.gz or .tgz or if it is just compressed it could be .tar.Z11:03
greppythere are multiple archive formats11:03
afuenteszetui, if u mean that a tar file should end in .tar, yes, its preferable but its not requerided11:03
ibatronhey all, i have a problem with getting a java cgi script to run with apache2 (yes i know cgi is bad, its part of a uni lab), the shell script contains "java -Xms16m Hello" and does not seem to run when accessed from url as cgi11:37
ibatronit runs well when tested on cli, both as me and user apache11:37
ibatronive tried instead running a python script or echoing out the header which works11:37
ibatronbut the java program never seems to run (have it write to a file just to see, which it doesnt)11:38
ibatronbut apache does not report what is the problem, i only get "malformed header" which is quite true since the program never ran11:38
gnuyogaibatron: can u run a hello world11:45
gnuyogaibatron: also i remember setting the correct environment varible. its been a while i used CGI ;-(11:46
gnuyogaibatron: anything apache error logs says ?11:46
ibatronyea i know was surprised to see us being asked to use it but guess they want to teach us to feel pain11:46
gnuyogaibatron: tail -f /var/log/httpd/access and error will give some clue11:47
gnuyogaibatron: that sad ;-(11:47
ibatronin my cgi script, if i echo content type it works fine11:47
gnuyogaibatron: is ur prof a sadist ;-(11:47
ibatronapache error reports malformed header11:47
ibatronbut the header printed is fine11:47
ibatroni know the java app never even exuctes, because if it did it would write a file11:48
ibatronit seems like it yes :S11:48
ibatronill check what access says11:48
ibatronaccess just says 500 (internal server error) which is because of the malformed header, which in turn is due to the java program never running11:49
ibatronive tried running sudo -u apache ./hello.cgi and that executes just fine11:49
greppyibatron: are you setting the path in your cgi script? if not, try giving the full path to the java interpreter11:50
ibatronyea using the full path to java11:50
shaunoI'm not sure it should be needed anymore, but I used to have to set JAVA_HOME to the absolute path to the binary (eg, /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java on mine, not the /usr/bin symlink)11:51
ibatronhrm it might be a path error but not the binary11:52
ibatroni am using java Hello11:52
ibatronit might be that it cant find Hello?11:52
greppyibatron: could be.11:53
ibatroncan i specify the path to Hello somehow?11:53
ibatronusually running all my java apps in eclipse so a bit new to cli running java11:53
ibatronlike java /var/www/Hello.class --run-main or something11:54
ibatronhrm maybe thats what that $CLASSPATH is all about...11:55
dnjarambawhat flavour of linux would be best for an internet startup?11:58
pmatulisdnjaramba: ubuntu11:59
* greppy looks at the channel name11:59
onrei'd prefer something with cherry in it, possibly with a hint of vanilla12:00
dnjarambapmatulis: anyone using it out in the  wild? pardon me asking12:00
pmatulisdnjaramba: is anyone using ubuntu?12:00
pmatulisdnjaramba: yes, many people are using ubuntu in the marketplace12:01
onrewe're probably talking tens if not hundreds of thousands of people here, i'd guess12:01
ibatrongreppy: tried CLASSPATH=/var/www/html/ then export CLASSPATH but still same issue12:01
dnjarambapmatulis: i think am trying to ask how sturdy the server version is, in terms of performance and security12:02
pmatulisdnjaramba: very good12:03
shaunowikimedia run some fairly trafficed sites off it12:03
onrednjaramba, i worked for a year at an internet startup and we had server infrastructure in amazon ec2, and all of our servers ran ubuntu server 11.04 lts. not a single OS-related problem occurred12:03
onrednjaramba, we didn't have more than about a dozen instances, but we had real production use without any problems, including a major launch12:03
pmatulisdnjaramba: next april will be the next LTS release (security and major bug updates for 5 years).  it is more geared towards the corporate world12:04
onrednjaramba, also my hobby project has about 3.5 million page loads per month and it runs on a single dell poweredge running ubuntu server12:04
pmatulis!lts | dnjaramba12:04
ubottudnjaramba: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)12:04
greppydnjaramba: I use the LTS versions for mail/web/shell servers12:04
pmatulishmm, can someone correct that factoid to state that beginning with 12.04 desktop is supported for 5 years also?12:05
dnjarambathanks guys!!12:06
pmatulisdnjaramba: see you around12:06
dnjarambai already know alot about ubuntu for desktops, was just wondering about the server version because i wanna use ubuntu for a gig12:08
pmatulisdnjaramba: time to come onboard then.  what kind of gig?12:08
dnjarambapmatilus: sort of like salesforce for schools12:10
pmatulisdnjaramba: database backend i presume?12:10
dnjarambapmatilus: yeah12:10
pmatulisdnjaramba: what database?12:11
dnjarambai am currently looking at MongoDB, neo4j and of course MySql12:12
incorrecti am passing log level debug to syslog, but i can't see where or which console it is logging the message to12:16
ikoniadf -h12:19
ikoniaoops, sorry12:19
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denderhi... how i can know if i'm running ubuntu server or desktop uname -a and lsb_release are too similar13:28
ninjixdender: you can cat the /etc/lsb-release13:31
_rubenthe most obvious difference is the lack/presence of X13:31
ninjixdender: I also use this in a few scripts13:34
ninjixdpkg --get-selections | grep linux-image | grep -v deinstall13:35
ninjixI found it at: http://askubuntu.com/questions/12562/how-to-check-if-ubuntu-desktop-or-server-is-installed13:35
Kiallthat seems awful heavy to check if its server/desktop!13:35
patdk-wkdpkg -l ubuntu-desktop?13:35
Kiall`uname -a | grep server` .. if $? == 0, its a server13:35
patdk-wkkiall, unlikely to work13:36
Kiallpatdk-lap: works every time ..13:36
patdk-wkthere are too many kernels other than -server13:36
patdk-wkkiall, none of my servers have a -server kernel13:36
patdk-wknormally -virtual :)13:36
Kiallall the server ubuntu server kernels have -server?13:36
patdk-wkdunno if it's still the case, but for 32bit it used to be -general-pae13:37
patdk-wkoh -generic-pae13:37
patdk-wkbut I also use -generic-pae on desktops too13:38
ninjixI ran into the same regex pattern search headaches for desktop/server/virtual writing puppet modules13:39
Kiall`uname -a| grep -P '(server|virtual)'` ;)13:39
patdk-wkkiall, still doesn't work for 32bit servers :)13:39
patdk-wklucid 32bit uses -generic-pae13:39
Kiallthere *has* to be a better way than dpkg ..13:39
ninjixfacter provides the "operatingsystemrelease => 3.0.0-12-virtual"13:39
patdk-wkoh ya, you also have -xen too :)13:40
ninjixKiall: it does seem like a basic need someone would have solved a while ago13:41
ninjixlet us know if you find a more efficient way13:45
patdk-wksee if openssh-server is installed :)13:46
storrgieI am running 10.04, is it possible to easily install the 2.6.35 kernel?13:57
storrgieor even more recent kernels?13:57
ninjixstorrgie: yes, the .35 kernels are now in the LTS repo13:58
ninjixyou just have to manually select them for install13:58
ninjixI've found 10.04 LTS handles higher IO workloads a little better with the .35 kernel13:59
storrgieninjix, how do I do this, my apologies I'm a little concerned about doing this on my system14:05
storrgieI dont want to screw it up14:05
patdk-wkinstall it, reboot14:05
ninjixstorrgie: just a moment while I log into one of my LTS boxes14:05
patdk-wkif it didn't work, reboot with the old kernel :)14:05
scalability-junkI have a problem with virsh and thought perhaps someone here knowns about it. when I destroy vms they disappear on one of my servers and I don't know how to fix it14:06
scalability-junkso instead of saying domain1 is shutoff it just shows nothing14:06
storrgieninjix, thanks!14:07
storrgieninjix, just checking your history? :D14:08
storrgiepatdk-wk, I'm doing this on a remote system, I would have to drive about 200 miles to fix it if it doesnt work14:08
storrgieIts in a locked closet14:08
patdk-wkwell, either drive if it doesn't work14:10
patdk-wkor setup grub to failover on reboot14:10
storrgieif ninjix got it working fine, I'll just take his advice14:10
ninjixstorrgie: do you have console access at all? Serial or Virtual?14:11
ninjixI'll caution you on switching kernel families remotely14:14
ninjixwithout access to the console14:14
storrgieSure, understood. I'm guessing you have done this on some of your remote machines14:15
ninjixUbuntu and Debian do an awesome job of making this easy but it doesn't alway go according to plan14:15
storrgieThis machine is quite vanilla, I think the only weird I have is a single mdadm volume14:16
storrgieotherwise, I'm installed to a basic storage device14:16
storrgieeverything should be pretty vanilla14:16
ninjixI find that on average about 1/25 machines need console attention for some reason after switching kernels14:16
ninjixDo you have all of your packages updated?14:16
storrgieyeah*, just did a dist-upgrade14:16
ninjixdid it pickup an updated .32 kernel?14:17
storrgieagd@minerva:~$ uname -r14:18
ninjixis a restart request pending?  ls /var/run and look for a restart request file14:18
storrgienope I restarted after install14:18
storrgieim going to restart again though, just in case14:18
ninjixIf it's restarting remotely then you *should* be OK14:19
storrgieas soon as it comes back up I'll be ready14:20
storrgieI rebooted it last evening also14:20
storrgieok, up14:20
ninjixyou've got a choice of also using the newer "Natty" kernel build with 2.6.3814:20
storrgieyou said that 2.6.35 is in the lts tree?14:21
ninjixaptitude search linux-image should give you the list of available kernel packages14:21
ninjixLTS has .32, .35, .38 kernel families14:22
storrgieI think I'll go for 2.6.3514:23
storrgiehowever I'm making this choice arbitrarily14:23
storrgieI do need 2.6.35 or greater because I'm trying to do usb audio 2.014:23
storrgieim worried that I may update my kernel and alsa may need update also14:23
ninjixthis a desktop or server?14:24
storrgieI literally use it for smb, mdadm and mpd/alsa14:25
storrgiejust got a new dac (schiit bifrost) at this location, they want to play music from the thing via usb 2.0.14:26
ninjixI don't do much with audio devices on servers14:26
storrgiewell, I can shoot for 2.6.35 and see if it works14:26
storrgiedo I literally just do a:14:26
storrgiesudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.35-30-generic-pae14:27
storrgieand everything else works out?14:27
elb0wHow can I change the motd so its always the same thing?14:27
storrgiegrub regens and such?14:27
elb0wkeeps getting regenerated14:27
patdk-wkeblow, fix your update-motd script14:28
storrgielets roll the dice!14:28
ninjixhave to thank all of the people that have worked so hard over the years making it so easy. :)14:29
elb0wpatdk-wk: I installed update-motd14:30
elb0wnow what14:30
elb0wIts not changed anything14:31
ninjixGodspeed, man14:32
patdk-wkelb0w, try man update-motd, and you probably want to UNINSTALL it14:33
hallynstgraber: could you push http://people.canonical.com/~serge/lxc.debdiff (for oneiric-proposed, fix two SRU bugs for xlyz)14:33
storrgieninjix, working!14:37
storrgieninjix, also, alsa picked my usb dac right up14:37
storrgieninjix, thank you so very much!14:37
ninjixstorrgie: excellent14:37
maxbSuppose I have several PEM X509 certificates and RSA private keys in a directory, and past owners haven't been all that tidy.. is there an openssl or other command that will check whether a given certificate and key match?14:48
patdk-wkis there anyway I can download a source package from like precise? without having to update all my apt sources?15:09
stgraberhallyn: looking15:10
genii-aroundpatdk-wk: You could try https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/  , using the search.15:14
patdk-wkya, that isn't really a command line option :)15:14
genii-aroundThere are command-line web browsers :)15:15
patdk-wkI was hoping for something like, apt-get source -t percise xxx15:16
patdk-wkcause I want the source from the other system, but I don't want to screw up my updates15:16
pmatulispatdk-wk: did you read the man page for apt-get?15:38
pmatuliselb0w: go to #ubuntu-offtopic for that stuff15:41
elb0wwrong chan15:41
elb0wmy bad15:41
CrazyGirhello, using qemu for linux kvms, is there a qemu-specific module that is needed? (separate from kvm)15:53
CrazyGirwhen trying to start a vm I get an error about the supported vm types: error: internal error unable to start guest: Supported machines are:15:54
=== SDCoeyer_ is now known as Zhann
filo1234hi all, when I configure ethernet interface with dhcp, who writes /etc/resolv.conf file?16:16
genii-aroundfilo1234: dhclient-script16:27
pdtpatrick1Question .. iptables does not have a daemon .. upstart or init.d script. Is this part of the base package? Built into the OS ?16:38
Ursinhapdtpatrick1: I think that talks pretty much with the kernel16:41
patdk-wkwhy would iptables need a daemon?16:44
patdk-wkor are you thinking of the rhel iptables startup script to enable default firewall rules?16:44
pdtpatrick1right something along those lines16:46
pdtpatrick1albeit .. was just curious16:46
mgwanybody know how i can get cobbler to kickstart with the local squid proxy instead of gb.archive.ubuntu.com?16:52
jamiemillIs it possible for temporary downtime (let's say recurring 20 minute gaps in service) to be caused by DNS problems?16:53
jamiemillA server has been unreachable today intermittently by people, whereas AWS, didn't notice any problems16:54
patdk-wkbut how should we know?16:54
jamiemillpatdk-wk who is that to?16:54
patdk-wkyou know, almost anything can do that :)16:54
jamiemillpatdk-wk is that directed at me?16:54
patdk-wkthis is the internet, no one said 100% of it is up and running 100% of the time16:54
patdk-wkjamiemill, na, just to the internet irc channel ghost16:55
mgwSpamapS : do you happen to be here?16:55
jamiemillpatdk-wk OK. I just wondered because I'm not sure how DNS works, I know it is cached so I thought it strange that the availability was intermittent. But still I suspet DNS is where the problem lies because a few times recently my browser said "name not resolved" or something, and then magically came back a few mins later16:56
jamiemillBut I wonder how I can detect and prove a DNS problem16:56
patdk-wkjamiemill, and the DNS in question is?16:56
patdk-wkthat isn't a dns, that is random numbers/letters16:56
jamiemillusing a CNAME to map to a amazon load balancer16:57
filo1234genii-around: I read right now your answer.. thanks, but can I modify that script for to set a couple of DNS like google dns for example?16:57
patdk-wkdon't tell me your depending on dns search to map hostnames to full names?16:57
jamiemillpatdk-wk ah sorry, yes it's a XXX.XXX.com which is a CNAME pointing at AWS elastic load balancer16:57
patdk-wksorry, if your going X out everything I ask, or not give it, I can't help you16:58
filo1234genii-around: or what I can modify for my goal? :)16:58
patdk-wkif you dns name is so super secret, maybe you should use it on the internet?16:58
Ursinhapatdk-wk: calm down, man :)16:58
EvilResistanceif i'm using an external hard disk to act as backup storage space, would it be prudent to throw additional linuxswap onto the external disk to supplement the swap on the drive which the system runs off of?16:59
EvilResistancei ask because i've got most of my swap and RAM already used16:59
patdk-wkEvilResistance, what does free -m, say?16:59
genii-aroundfilo1234: Instead of modifying the system scripts, why not instead add post-up directives to your interfaces file?17:00
EvilResistancepatdk-wk:  it was hypothetical.  its got about 5 VMs on the server17:00
EvilResistancehence the usage of RAM and SWAP17:00
jamiemillpatdk-wk OK it's not super secret, if it will help you to help me, the record in question is secure.skylightit.com17:00
filo1234genii-around: you mean dns-option?17:00
EvilResistanceits an unorthodox question, i know, but still17:01
noballi have installed x11-common but startx doesn't work17:01
noballplease help17:01
shaunodare I ask what bus the external's going to be on?  the last thing you want to do with swap is add yet another bottleneck17:01
EvilResistanceshauno:  USB 2.017:01
patdk-wkjamiemill, on your side, 1day cache for dns, on amazons side, 1 min17:01
EvilResistanceactually wait17:02
* EvilResistance checks17:02
patdk-wkso maybe if the dns server that was looking it up, for the client was having timeout issues17:02
patdk-wkor other internet routing issues, bgp flaps17:02
Ursinhanoball: startx.. why are you using that? :) what's the error message?17:02
patdk-wkamazon is defently not failure proof though17:02
noballUrsinha: i have installed ubuntu server and i want to run virtualbox to host other operating systems17:03
filo1234genii-around: can you say me an example about post-up directive for dns domains?17:03
noballUrsinha: but problem is i cann't start startx or blackbox17:03
EvilResistanceshauno:  USB 3.0.  I forgot i installed a USB 3.0 card that's compatible with Linux.17:03
Ursinhanoball: so you might want to install another package that would install all you need instead of installing the packages manually17:04
jamiemillpatdk-wk Hmm thanks, I see, kind of. The thing is, we had reports from two different countries today that the site was intermittently unavailable - UK and India, so it wasn't just one person. I can't 100% rule out a problem with the app itself, but still I suspect something around DNS.17:04
UrsinhaI mean, you install evilwm and it installs all it needs to make it work17:04
genii-aroundfilo1234: under iface eth0 inet dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces  you could add something like dns-nameservers x.x.x.x     if you wanted to specify one there. Or you can also add something like  post-up echo "nameserver x.x.x.x" >> /etc/resolv.conf17:04
noballUrsinha: thanks17:04
patdk-wkjamiemill, I wouldn't point my finger at dns too much17:05
jamiemillpatdk-wk Plus I've seen a DNS failure myself a couple of times, but I put it down to my wireless router.17:05
jamiemillpatdk-wk OK fair point17:05
Ursinhanoball: I'd use a minimalist environment for that, like evilwm17:05
patdk-wkamazon could of had a dns server failure17:05
patdk-wkbut so many other issues are much easier to have issues with :)17:05
patdk-wkmainly bgp routing, and peering17:05
noballUrsinha: evilwm says unable to open display17:05
Ursinhanoball: that's pretty much access to terminal with graphic windows :)17:05
jamiemillpatdk-wk So to you there's nothing obviously wrong in the current DNS at least?17:06
patdk-wknot from what I can see, but I'm in the usa, using amazons usa servers17:06
Ursinhanoball: so you can try this: see if you are running xorg somehow, if not, run it17:06
filo1234genii-around: ok, I tought about dns-nameservers directives but it run only with resolvconf package installed right?17:06
patdk-wkuk should be using the ireland amaozon17:06
patdk-wkand india should be using singapore17:06
filo1234genii-around: I'll try post-up17:06
Ursinhanoball: then go to another tty and start evilwm pointing to the display where Xorg is (possibly :0.0)17:06
patdk-wkthe scale of amazon makes it really hard for a user to track an issue like that down, cause you can't test all paths17:07
noballUrsinha: ok17:07
jamiemillpatdk-wk Yeah, and the service status page claims everything is hunky dory.17:07
noballUrsinha: i am installing xorg17:08
jamiemillpatdk-wk Anyway I set up pingdom to monitor from all over now, so will see if that sheds any light.17:08
noballUrsinha: but i wanted a light weight desktop manager17:08
Ursinhalighter than evilwm is hard :P17:08
patdk-wkjamiemill, hmm, your using the appbalancer?17:09
patdk-wkI wonder if maybe your app/ec2/... was not responsive and it took it offline for a min or two?17:09
patdk-wkand it came back when it wasn't overloaded17:09
patdk-wkI can't say for sure, cause I have never used amazons loadbalancers myself17:09
VivoDePyreHey mates17:09
kintshi dunno if someone can help me i'm making a clean ubuntu 11.10 install with a nvidia quadra nvs 295 but i'm not being able to connect to Xserver17:09
VivoDePyreSo I accidentally my entire GNOME shell17:10
kintsdunno if i'm in the correct place to ask here but no one in #ubuntu could help me17:10
Ursinhakints: does it work with the live cd?17:10
kintsi've blacklisted nouveau and i've tried to install nvidia-current with apt-get and wget the most recent x86_64 drivers with no luck..17:10
jamiemillpatdk-wk Yes we are. I suppose it's possible. We currently only have one server behind the balancer and if it was taken out of service there'd be nothnig. But then there'd at least be a 503 message i believe, whereas we've had reports of blank screens. But CPU on the server has been low all day.17:10
kintsUrsinha: it works with nomodeset and noapic17:11
VivoDePyreMy name is in gray, can anybody hear me?17:11
Ursinhakints: ugh.17:11
UrsinhaVivoDePyre: the color of your nick varies according to the irc client people are using :)17:11
VivoDePyreAh, I see. I'm new to IRC17:11
hidensoftwhat is best version of ubuntu for server ?17:11
kintsUrsinha: actually it only ubuntu (terminal) only boots if i enable (disable) these 2 boot options17:11
patdk-wkjamiemill, blank screens? or the unable to locate server?17:11
patdk-wkblank screens normally means apache segfaulted17:12
VivoDePyreSo, I'm very new to ubuntu, booting 11.10 (oneric). I was trying to install some themes in GNOME 3.2 and I sorta deleted my entire shell17:12
jamiemillpatdk-wk Yes I suppose you're right. If it was DNS they'd at least get a browser error message I think17:12
VivoDePyreIs there anyway I can set all my system files to default settings with a boot-drive?17:13
jamiemillpatdk-wk But the reason I'm investigating DNS is that's the bit that's a mystery to me and I have personally seen the name not resolving a few times in the last few weeks17:13
patdk-wkmy slowest issue with dns is the 123-reg.co.uk17:14
patdk-wkbut that is expected, since they only have servers in the uk17:14
patdk-wkjamiemill, if you have dns issue, use, dig +trace xxxx17:15
patdk-wkthat would show you where the issue is at17:15
VivoDePyreNo suggestions?17:15
jamiemillpatdk-wk Ah thanks, didn't know about that. Just ran and saw some output - will it be obvious if there's a problem?17:17
patdk-wkwell, you would have to do it twice, once for your name, and once for the appbalancer17:17
just-a-visitorVivoDePyre: You could try to ask these questions on http://askubuntu.com/. There could even be already a similar question answered.17:17
patdk-wkbut if there is an issue, it should fail at the point of issue17:17
jamiemillpatdk-wk OK thanks will investigate17:18
VivoDePyreAlrighty then, thanks17:18
filo1234genii-around: thanks post-up is my goal :)17:34
hidensofti buy a vps today , i setup my vps with ubuntu 10.4 LTS ,  i must change host name or its not matter ?17:38
iggi__Virtual Machine question, would you trust a qcow2 image to host mission critical data if the machine is monitored and guaranteed not to hit max disk usage?17:44
iggi__In other words are the only issues with qcow2 when it runs out of space to allocate?17:44
iggi__Also I believe it's slower, but I'd like someone else to confirm/deny17:45
patdk-wkiggi__, I'm used to mission critical always getting fully allocated space, not sparse17:46
patdk-wkmainly cause it's so much easier to HA17:46
iggi__Yeah I thought about that as well17:47
iggi__It doesn't need to be HA necessarily, just a storage location for template VMs and documentation17:48
iggi__if I lost it, it would be hundreds of hours to recreate, so it's kind of valuable, but I was hoping to get away from adding drives when I need more space.17:48
mgwanybody here with juju/orchestra experience?18:02
=== RoyK^ is now known as RoyK
Ursinhamgw: maybe they can help you in #juju18:05
mgwah, ok…. thanks18:05
mgwi'll try that18:05
roaksoaxmgw: howdy! What seems to be your problem?18:05
mgwoh, hi roaksoax18:05
mgwhow're you doing?18:05
roaksoaxmgw: I'm good, yourself?18:06
mgwalso well18:06
mgw2011-11-03 17:58:04,378 ERROR Could not find any Cobbler systems marked as available and configured for network boot.18:06
mgwduring juju bootstrap18:06
mgwbut i've brought up a couple systems with koan18:06
mgwi think it's my management classes18:06
mgwbut not sure how to change that on a system that's already up18:07
roaksoaxmgw: that's one, it is either management classes that should be orchestra-juju-available or the pxe-enabled checkbox18:07
roaksoaxmgw: sudo cobbler system edit --name your-system-name --netboot-enabled=True --mgmt-classes=orchestra-juju-available18:07
mgwok, and then the system should be shut down ?18:07
roaksoaxmgw: yes, when you bootstraps then you should turn on the system and let it PXE18:08
roaksoaxmgw: once installed, juju status should show that the bootstrap is up and running18:09
roaksoaxmgw: we would be soon testing automatic power on/off with ipmi18:10
roaksoaxso you wont have to amnually turn one on18:10
mgwok, so in virsh, i should shutdown?18:11
mgwand then run juju bootstrap?18:11
roaksoaxmgw: oh you are using virsh, so then, shutdown first, then run juju bootstrap, then poweron the machine selected to be the bootstrap node18:11
mgwhmm, shutdown seems to do nothing18:13
mgwi did a shutdown now and i'm in single user mode18:13
roaksoaxmgw: virsh destroy <machine>18:13
mgwsounds dangerous18:14
roaksoaxmgw: nah will just force the shutdown as if you pull the plug out of a system18:14
mgwok, now i'm getting ssh key not found18:15
mgwwhich key do i need where?18:15
roaksoaxmgw: ssh-keygen -t rsa18:15
roaksoaxyou need to generate a key for it to be used in juju18:16
roaksoaxssh key18:16
mgwon the system that i'm running juju bootstrap from?18:16
roaksoaxmgw: yes18:16
mgwok… is this an intentional feature that it changes class to acquired even if it fails on the ssh key?18:17
roaksoaxmgw: nope, but good finding18:18
mgwanyway, looks like i'm bootstrapped and just have some dns issues now18:18
mgw: Invalid host for SSH forwarding: ssh: Could not resolve hostname vm1: Name or service not known18:18
roaksoaxmgw: you need to make sure that the place where you are running juju has DNS access to the name of the vms and you can ping the VM's using their dns names18:19
mgwi know how to do dns, so i'll work on that18:19
roaksoaxmgw: if you want an environment configured for you that's easy to use, you could use cobbler-dev developed by smoser18:19
roaksoaxmgw: that's what I use for my testing18:19
mgwi started with that18:20
roaksoaxmgw: just had to install orchestra on the cobbler server18:20
mgwbut wanted to get a proper system up18:20
roaksoaxmgw: cool18:20
mgwi assume i need to put the public key on the vm that's serving the juju env?18:24
mgwor it copies it for me?18:24
jamiemillHow would I know if my apache server had reached the max number of connections it could handle?18:24
jamiemillWould it log somewhere?18:24
=== e-D1O-t is now known as e-DIO-t
roaksoaxmgw: not really, if you use cobbler-devenv or a dhcp server that serves IP's you could just use that18:25
mgwsorry, i'm not sure i understand…. i'm getting this:18:26
mgwCannot connect to machine MTMyMDIwMzQ4MC40Njg2NDc1ODkuMjIwODM (perhaps still initializing): Invalid SSH key18:26
mgw2011-11-03 18:26:06,644 ERROR Cannot connect to machine MTMyMDIwMzQ4MC40Njg2NDc1ODkuMjIwODM (perhaps still initializing): Invalid SSH key18:26
mgwwhen i run juju status18:27
mgwthe bootstrap succeeded18:27
mgwand I can ping vm118:27
roaksoaxmgw: so it might still be installing ubuntu on it18:27
CrazyGirwhen trying to start a qemu/kvm with virst I get an error about the supported vm types: error: internal error unable to start guest: Supported machines are. is there a module or package I am missing?18:27
mgwthe console is up at the login prompt….18:27
mgwi already installed ubuntu18:28
mgwusing koan18:28
mgwi ran koan —server=x.x.x.x —profile=xxx on the vm host18:28
mgwwhen it finished, i used virsh destroy18:28
mgwthen ran juju bootstrap18:29
roaksoaxmgw: right, but when you bootstrap, you need to allow the machine to PXE and install as it will install some cloud-init stuff that is generated right after you juju bootstrap18:29
mgwi see18:29
mgwok, would that show on the console?18:29
roaksoaxmgw: nope, that's all done in the preseed file18:29
mgwor it's in the background?18:29
mgwlogging somewhere?18:30
roaksoaxmgw: so right after you juju bootstrap, juju gives cobbler some cloud-init information which is encoded and then later used on the installation18:30
mgwnm… found it cloud-init.log18:30
roaksoaxmgw: that information is stored in cobbler, and when you run the installation, it gets installed into the machine, but since you *first* installed with koan *before* having that information, you dont have that18:31
mgwok… so i shouldn't use koan?18:31
roaksoaxmgw: I would allow the system to PXE boot instead18:32
mgwis there a quick tutorial somewhere on using cobbler with VMs?18:33
roaksoaxmgw: help.ubuntu.com/community/Cobbler18:33
roaksoaxmgw: help.ubuntu.com/community/Orchestra --> though things need to be updated here18:33
CrazyGirwhy do you get errors like this when trying to start a vm? I created this vm on another system and moved it over, defining it here, so I was thinking maybe missing packages / modules, but this seems ok: http://dpaste.com/646846/18:35
mgwbut those don't seem to give any details on how to set up a vm with virt-inst or something ready to pxe boot...18:36
CrazyGirwhy pxe boot vms?18:36
CrazyGirthat seems like an over-engineered solution18:36
mgwso orchestra can mange them18:37
CrazyGirah, is that a VM management app or something?18:37
mgwmore than that18:37
RoyKdoes orchestra easily allow for a fully redundant setup?18:38
mgwor better… https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Orchestra/Overview18:38
* patdk-wk wonders if there is any brass in orchestra, or if it's just strings18:38
mgwjust cobblers18:39
mgwand squid18:39
mgwtakes a lot of cobblers to shoe a squid18:39
patdk-wkI can't believe how fast launchpad is18:39
patdk-wkwhile everyone is away :)18:40
patdk-wkbuild times of 10min instead of 10hours18:40
mgwwhere is everyone?18:40
CrazyGirwow, interesting. I have actually been working on the same vision with puppet, pxebooting and auto/net installs on debian/openbsd18:40
mgwyeah, we were using puppet before too18:40
mgwand fabric18:40
mgwand some other stuff18:40
mgwbut this ties it all together18:41
mgwcheck out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Orchestra/OverviewJuju too18:41
patdk-wkmgw, they are at UDS18:42
* RoyK just attended a puppet training course and wonders if that was necessary if orchestra can do the same....18:42
mgwi think puppet is more like juju… but juju can actually use puppet18:42
RoyKbtw, orchestra seems to exist only on oneiric, I guess that'll just be the management server?18:42
CrazyGirRoyK: puppet can do a lot more18:43
CrazyGirand it is os/independent18:43
CrazyGirdid you go to the one in nyc?18:43
RoyKCrazyGir: the OS independency is a very good reason to use it.....18:43
mgwi expect to use both juju and puppet18:43
RoyKCrazyGir: no, Oslo18:43
patdk-wkroyk, ya, orchestra is new, and suppost to be cleaned up and big thing for 12.0418:43
CrazyGirjuju, I'll have to look that up18:43
patdk-wkbut kind of like a demo or whatever you want to say for 11.1018:43
CrazyGirI want better vm manangement over vm servers seen as nodes18:43
CrazyGirI have been waiting for openstack to get their act together18:44
mgwopen nebula perhaps?18:44
CrazyGiryea, I haven't seen any simplicity from those projects18:44
CrazyGirthey are ungodly complicated to deploy18:44
CrazyGirwhy do you get errors like this when trying to start a vm?  http://dpaste.com/646846/18:45
mgwroaksoax, so i just need to have a vm with no os, ready to boot… and have it's MAC configured in cobbler?18:48
mgwsorry, a bit confused18:48
mgwsomeone had pointed me to koan (SpamapS I think)…. so i was working from that direction18:49
RoyKCrazyGir: are you using puppet?19:09
* gnuyoga loves puppet 19:12
tashhaven't attempted this yet, but I have 2 hard drives, 1 80GB, 1 1TB.  I'd like to use the TB drive for data storage ( app and mysql db ).  Will it be easy to install Ubuntu OS on the 80GB and use the 1TB for data?19:22
CrazyGirtash: why not?19:41
RoyKCrazyGir: how many servers?20:47
CrazyGirI use it for 3 different projects, totally about 50 or so systems (physical + vm)20:49
CrazyGirI even use it for things like my debian laptops20:49
CrazyGironce you start using it, it is silly not to20:49
CrazyGironce you automate the tasks that you used to spend hours fiddling with, it is insane to go back20:50
CrazyGirRoyK: ^^20:50
* CrazyGir yells at the networking deities20:50
RoyKCrazyGir: I'm an old-timer of sorts, pushing 40, and learning about puppet was a bit of a pick-me-up20:53
RoyKCrazyGir: we have everything from old linux machines to solaris 8 and even some Vax boxes - I don't think we'll be able to integrate them all in the puppet setup, but most of them should do20:54
stgraberhallyn: uploaded21:23
stgraberhallyn: just to confirm, these are currently in Oneiric right?21:23
hallynstgraber: in precise21:25
stgraberright, all good then21:26
hallynstgraber: cool, thanks :)21:26
airtonixis there a nice lvm manager thing that works/operates/appears like htop or jnettop does?21:54
^slacker^airtonix: are you looking for iotop?22:03
^slacker^airtonix: sounds like it might fit the bill22:03
airtonix^slacker^: i'll have a look/see22:03
uvirtbotairtonix: Error: "slacker^:" is not a valid command.22:03
airtonix ^slacker^: ok i see why you recommend this(and i think i'd be using iotop), however i was hoping there was somekind of simple management tool to mount, resize, shuffle, etc lvm volumes22:05
^slacker^airtonix: ah I see. system-config-lvm will do some of these things22:07
^slacker^airtonix: it's probably easiest to mount lvm at command line anyway22:08
airtonix ^slacker^ looks like system-config-lvm is a X windows (gtk) application22:09
airtonix ^slacker^ or does it have an ncurses fallback interface?22:09
^slacker^airtonix: oh it's x-based22:09
^slacker^airtonix: it's not the answer you are looking for, but learning the lvm command line tools is the best way to deal with lvm22:10
^slacker^airtonix: this looks like a good howto: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/40702/how-to-manage-and-use-lvm-logical-volume-management-in-ubuntu/22:12
^slacker^airtonix: but I would use cfdisk instead of fdisk. fdisk always seemed too hard to me22:12
^slacker^airtonix: good luck22:14
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
CantWinnJust wondering if I may get some information22:32
CantWinn<< sorry about Cloud service22:32
CantWinnWhat I am looking for is a solution similar to DropBox.com. I have a company where there are many employees that need to share information back and forth and be able to access it from many locations. I am a fan of Ubuntu and wanted to know what might be the best "cloud" solution that it offers.22:35
CrazyGirRoyK: yea, adding anything to a puppet management stack is wonderful22:37
CrazyGirmy dream is to have a way to deploy full racks at a time22:37
CrazyGirin hours, not days22:37
CrazyGiror weeks22:37
CrazyGirredeploying for security/upgrades/etc22:38
CrazyGirit would all be a breeze :D22:38
mgwis there a way to bootstrap an existing vm into cobbler/juju?22:38
mgwrather than doing a fresh install for every system?22:39
i3luefirewhy doesnt my ssh privatekey work. im using ubuntu server 11.10 on the host side and windows 7 / putty on the client side22:54
Picii3luefire: putty requires the keys to be in a special format before it can use them.22:56
i3luefirei used puttygen22:56
i3luefireshould i not have used puttygen?22:56
PiciNo, thats fine22:56
RandomCakeHi, I've just setup Ubuntu Server on a small server, and it's main NIC is a Wifi dongle, I couldn't get it to connect on the command line, but managed with Network Manager in Xubuntu Desktop, is there any way to get the configuration for the Wifi to work without the GUI?22:57
filo1234RandomCake: iwconfig or ifconfig lists your wifi card?23:01
RandomCakeyeah, I can scan and see my network as well23:02
filo1234do you have wpa password?23:02
RoyKCrazyGir: what sort of OSes do you manage?23:02
RandomCakeyes filo123423:03
filo1234RandomCake: ok do you have installed wpasupplicant?23:04
mcsteveI think I've got a bug here, my server never unmounts /var on shutdown, saying it is busy23:05
RandomCakeyes filo1234, in case it's relivant, I'm running 11.1023:06
filo1234RandomCake: ok look this http://paste.ubuntu.com/727699/ make a file called wpa.conf and configure it with your ssid and password23:07
mcsteveI've edited /etc/init.d/umountfs to run lsof and dump the output to a file before unmounting, and nothing is listed in the output for /var23:07
filo1234RandomCake: your wifi card is wlan0 or something else?23:08
filo1234RandomCake: ok after you configured wpa.conf try :23:09
filo1234sudo wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c /path_where/is/wpa.conf -B23:09
filo1234and look by sudo iwconfig if it is associated with your AP/router23:10
filo1234after if you use dhcp type sudo dhclient wlan023:10
RandomCakeokay, I'm going to have to brb to do this, I'm currently connected to the server via SSH, luckily it's just upstairs :)23:19
filo1234RandomCake: ok btw if you use static ip, you need to set interface by hand with ifconfig23:20
filo1234and resolv.conf too23:20
RandomCakeit's DHCP at the moment, but will be static when the server is finished being setup23:20
i3luefireit keeps saying server refused our key23:20
RandomCakefilo1234: I get ioctl[SICSIWENCODEEXT]: Invalid argument, twice when I run the wpa_supplicant command23:26
filo1234wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c /path_where/is/wpa.conf -B  do you have typed this right?23:29
i3luefirePici: do you have any ideas on why i keep getting that error "server refused our key"?23:29
filo1234RandomCake: and do you have modified correctly wpa.conf?23:31
filo1234RandomCake: are you sure that have wpa password or wep??23:32
RandomCakeWPA/WPA2 Personal, using AES encyption23:33
filo1234uhm AES gets problem, you have to look man iwconfig for change encrypt on wpa.conf23:34
filo1234that file reports wpa-psk23:34
filo1234RandomCake: run wpa_supplicant command with -dd too for verbosity mode, may help you for debug23:39
RandomCakewould TKIP be better? I may be able to just change it on the router23:39
filo1234nope but some linux driver gets problems with AES23:40
filo1234RandomCake: you need to try..23:40
RandomCakeokay, looks like this cheap router from the ISP doesn't let me configure it anyway...23:41
filo1234RandomCake: man wpa_supplicant help you23:42
filo1234sorry but now I cannot make tests23:42
RandomCakeI think the problem is that I have a WPA password that is ASCII, and I should be saving the HEX version, is it just a simple case of converting the ASCII to HEX?23:45
i3luefirenvm. i got it23:46
i3luefirehome dir is lvm so keyfile cant be in home23:46
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