
jussipopey: you probably want to remove the VO from your flags, so you dont get auto opped everythime you join12:32
willcookeHi folks!13:52
willcookeThanks popey for setting this up for me13:52
* jussi bans willcooke :P 14:32
jussinah, just kidding14:32
jussiwillcooke: tell me how to tar a dir from the cli. Im tired and the man page is doing my head in14:33
willcooketar -cvjf foo.tar.bz2 dir/*14:33
willcookecaveat:  I haven't tested that14:35
willcookeit might not, and probably wont, work14:35
willcookeoh, an I assumed you want to compress it, which you might not want to.  "j" will create bz2 and "z" will create gz14:36
jussiit appears to have works, lets see how we go14:37

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