
philipballewhello iheartubuntu02:17
=== danielg4 is now known as Faqtotum
BotenAnnagooooooooooooooood morning ^_^16:07
philipballewhello BotenAnna16:08
MarkDudeMorning BotenAnna16:35
nhainesEureka: good morning!17:21
EurekaFactoid good morning! not found17:21
nhainesEureka: good morning?17:21
EurekaFactoid good morning? not found17:21
nhainesI signed up for learnvest.com to take advantage of some of their financial tools.  I'm just brushing up and thought some of their daily "financial bootcamp" email courses would work.17:22
nhainesIt's all good advice and more or less what I've been doing, but I like being able to refer to them so I don't miss a step as I'm revising.17:22
nhaineslearnvest.com is aimed at women, but the advice is universal and I don't mind having every page and email contain a photo of a happy, confident, professional-looking woman.17:23
BotenAnnanhaines: minus 10 points to gryffindor!20:36
BotenAnnalol j/k. strong female characters own20:36
MarkDudeUbuntu wiki is down?20:39
philipballewMarkDude, I cant access my page20:55
MarkDudeOk and launchpad also20:55
MarkDudethx philipballew20:55
philipballewMarkDude, great timing with UDS and all20:56
MarkDudeI know20:56
* bkerensa is having a not so swell day20:56
* philipballew ask's why20:56
jtatumwiki and launchpad working for me for some reason :(20:57
philipballewjtatum, !20:57
philipballewthanks for the stickies20:57
jtatumsure thing. did they work?20:57
akkThe orange u-w sticker shows up fine on the red Dell, turns out! I worried it wouldn't be contrasty enough.20:58
jtatumneat :)20:59
philipballewthey do. I am trying to come up with good uses for them. I put one on my laptop and will hand out others at the ubuntu hour soon20:59
MarkDudejtatum, its not working for anyone21:01
jtatumhm, i thought i was going to have to move the november uh but looks like it will be on the 17th21:01
jtatumshould be interesting :)21:01
jtatumhow strange, MarkDude21:01
philipballewwhere do you host them jtatum ?21:01
jtatuma coffee shop, philipballew21:02
philipballewme to!21:02
* philipballew loves coffee21:02
philipballewgtg! work time21:03
* philipballew dreads this 2 hour shift21:03
jtatumstill working for me, oddly enough21:04
jtatum(wiki and LP)21:04
MarkDudeAnd wiki now works21:10
Garethnhaines: ping23:51

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