
snap-lhey now00:03
gamerchick02nah. i was early00:06
Blazeixrick_h: snap-l: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=317950502:00
snap-lBlazeix: Ouch03:15
brouschgo away12:29
snap-lGood morning12:35
rick_hBlazeix: awesome, that's perfect timing and going into my talk!13:02
rick_hso they don't run jslint and crash horribly after a ycombinator post, love it13:02
snap-lThat and the founders have to personally answer the flood of disgruntled emails.13:03
rick_hheh, love that the post has no comments13:03
snap-lThey might have them turned off13:03
brouschrick_h: what talk?13:05
snap-lI wonder if someone had (in the early days) implemented python instead of Javascript.13:05
rick_hbrousch: I'm giving a talk at 1devday tomorrow13:05
brouschah, the detroit thing13:05
snap-ltomorrow or Saturday. :)13:05
rick_hoh sweet, sat...I've got another day13:06
rick_hyay me!13:06
* snap-l apparently is rick_h's personal assistant this week13:06
rick_hfirst sealer coat is on the desk top13:06
rick_hman, I tell you what...I feel lost in a cloud this past week13:06
rick_hand not a high powered computing cloud13:06
snap-lIt's the sound of $LASTJOB leaving your mind13:07
rick_hyea, I'm "between jobs" kind of strange13:07
snap-lseriously, if someone asks you next week about something, you'll have to really think about it.13:07
snap-l"wait, what? the who? where are you calling me from?"13:08
rick_hok, I'm hating these damn unity notifications13:16
rick_hthey show up, and when I go to click/close them they fade like "can't catch me..."13:16
rick_hand then won't leave13:16
snap-lUbuntu One, or just in general?13:16
brouschyou're not supposed to click them13:16
rick_hdropbox in this case13:16
rick_halso hit it for when I ran gribber13:16
rick_hgwibber that is13:16
snap-lYeah, Gwibber is a real PITA when you start it up13:16
snap-lespecially if you've been, oh, I dunno, active on Twitter for more than a day.13:17
Wolfgerwelcome to the pain, rick_h13:24
snap-lBiggby has a 100oz mug of coffee13:39
snap-lapparently 7-11 now has coffee competition.13:39
jjessebut there coffee sucks13:39
snap-lI like their coffee13:56
brouschi like biggby14:00
jjesseit seems to have no flavor to me14:00
rick_hyea, the one time I went wasn't a big fan14:00
rick_hbut people can make a bad cup so I should try again but they're not really around my area14:01
brouschi'm currently stuck with biggby or starbucks14:01
brouschor the filtered wastewater that is office coffee here14:02
jjesseyeah wastewater coffee sucks14:05
jjessei've tried several different bigbies and haven't really enjoyed it14:06
rick_hsnap-l: http://gilir.wordpress.com/2011/11/03/uds-day-3/ see the end of this one14:09
brouschrick_h: if i leave right after my GRDevDay talk on Saturday I could make your 1devday talk14:20
rick_hheh, not sure it'll be worth the drive14:20
brouschhay, you stole our swedberg!14:21
brouschdangit, get your own jquery expert14:21
snap-lRhythmbox is back? Seriously?14:22
jjessesnap-l they will change next release again14:23
brouschbut i was just getting used to banshee!14:24
snap-lI think we should just write a new one14:24
snap-lAnd Banshee in 11.10 became the default for just about every media type14:25
jrwrenYAY BANSHEE!14:26
jrwrenI love debian/ubuntu mono and banshee.14:26
jrwrenits come so far over the years and really countered everything the naysayers have said.14:26
snap-lAnd because it's not GTK3, it's getting bumped from the CD. ;)14:26
jrwrenit is?14:27
jrwrenrb is default?14:27
snap-lConclusion, RB will probably be back on the CD, if no problem is raised by the other teams not present during the session. The decision was not easy, but IMO it makes sense in the context of an LTS. And, well, Banshee will still be available in the archive, will at least the same level of integration than in 11.10.14:27
jjessethought the post said it would still be on the cd14:27
jjessegot confused14:27
brouschhm, i was going to put some python eating various animals pics in my talk, but they are all kind of off-putting14:28
snap-lAnd yes, I've finally gotten used to Banshee's quirks. :)14:32
rick_hsnap-l: I thought you'd appreciate that14:32
jrwrenfrom waht I've seen of RB in the past, i'd not be surprised if it take more space on the CD than banshee14:32
rick_hthan banshee + mono?14:33
rick_hRB is getting all the gtk for free since it's shared14:33
rick_hbut they're saying banshee is the last mono on the cd14:33
jrwrenmono is TINY to ship.14:33
jrwrenin debian.14:33
jrwrenand ubuntu14:33
jrwrendamn shame.14:34
jrwrenend of an era.14:34
jrwrenits a bad precident.14:34
jrwrenI'll bet LOTS of gtk2 python apps ship on CD.14:34
jrwrensince that is most of what canonical writes for ubu mgmt14:35
jrwrenisn't software center a gtk2 python app?14:35
jrwrenoh nope, its been updated to gtk3.14:35
jrwrenwow, i wonder how much work it was to move all the canonical python apps to gtk314:35
snap-llikely as much effort as it was to get the lirary for GTK3+ working with Python14:43
rick_h5k isn't a ton to start, but it's a start15:05
rick_hthat's cool, my wife wanted to read the hunger games series and now she just can without having to buy them, sweet15:08
jrwreni've not looked at how different the gtk3 api is from gtk2. i'd guess it is very similar so maybe some ports are trivial?15:15
snap-ljrwren: Not sure. I haven't looked at GTK3 either.15:17
snap-lThis site for beneifts stuff at work has a usage agreement15:24
snap-lProvider grants you, according to your Service level and account standing, the non-exclusive, limited right, with a standard web browser not supplied by Provider, to use the Service and the text, information, software, images, and other material contained on or made available in connection with the Service, all for your own personal use. You may not share your access to or distribute any of the15:25
snap-lContent to others without the prior written permission of Provider.15:25
snap-lThat's so cute.15:26
greg-gwhat the hell?! Rhythmbox?16:01
rick_hhttp://raynos.org/blog/14/jQuery-vs-POJS :)16:05
snap-lI <3 programming pissing contests. They're so much better than real work. ;)16:54
snap-lhttp://www.freep.com/article/20111103/NEWS01/111103023/Feds-charge-Detroit-city-official-bribery-embezzlement <- Surprise!16:57
greg-gyo dawg...17:44
snap-lAlready there.17:45
Wolfgersnap-l: Detroit city officials being charged with crimes? Inconceivable!17:46
jjessetalk about crazy talk17:47
WolfgerSo, wait... Ubuntu kicked RB to the curb in favor of Banshee, and now is kicking Banshee to the curb in favor of RB? wtf?17:48
snap-lWolfger: It's not 100% official17:48
Wolfgerkick them both to the curb and go with Amarok instead17:48
snap-lWolfger: Yeah, because THAT'LL solve everything17:49
Wolfgerand since that's a Qt app, may as well just kick Gnome to the curb as well and go all KDE apps17:49
snap-lColonelPanic001: no?19:19
snap-lIs it just me, or are all of the 5by5 podcasts essentially 5% content, and 95% host / guest wanking?19:28
ColonelPanic001a podcast of guest wanking. So that's what you listen to all day.19:31
brouschthe explains a lot19:33
snap-lSometimes I wonder why I come here. ;)19:36
ColonelPanic001to listen to the wanking19:42
snap-lWell, at least I don't have to wonder what you guys are doing in here20:10
snap-land now I have a mental image that is difficult to erase without power tools20:10
ColonelPanic001there's a reason I sit at a desk20:12
brouschthere's a reason i have electrical tape over my webcam20:15
snap-lThere's a reason I don't have a webcam. ;)20:17
ColonelPanic001there's a reason I'm wan... er, nevermind20:19
snap-lhttp://lacquer.fi/pauli/blog/2011/11/why-the-mac-app-sandbox-makes-me-sad/ <- Wow20:44
snap-lWhat the hell is going on with the industry?20:44
rick_hyou're surprised?20:46
rick_hthis was called out when the app store first came to the mac20:46
snap-lA little20:46
snap-lWell, between this and secure boot, it's like we're going away from open and more towards closed20:47
brouschnot we, they20:47
snap-lAt some point we might as well call the applications "cartridges"20:47
rick_hit's the slow (or not so slow really) progression of the iOS'ing of the PC20:47
rick_hit's always been too much power, "normal users" want appliances20:48
rick_hand Apple is giving it to them20:48
snap-lor in the parlance of every fucking flea-market / garage sale: Tapes.20:48
rick_hseriously, take an all non-moving parts macbook air, and iOS'ify it and you've got an appliance they'll need to upgrade every couple of years20:49
rick_hand they can't open/do anything with it20:49
snap-lWell, and you also have the program s that can be swapped out whenever they need to be without them really needing to kno or care about satate.20:49
snap-lThey just show up with some widgets to crank20:49
snap-li dunno.. seems like we're giving up a lot for security20:50
brouschwe are linux20:52
brouschwe are freedom and tinkering!20:52
snap-lHow long before someone thinks this is a good idea for Linux? :)20:52
snap-lI mean, Ubuntu is becoming a phone / tablet20:52
brouschunity is pretty much un-tweakable, and it has a software center20:53
brouschfortunately you can easily move to another window manager/distro20:53
brouschOSX users are not so fortunate20:53
brouschhm, only 1 animate gif in my talk. this must be rectified20:54
brouschwhat bothers me the most is how much you have to buy in to apple to make appliances20:55
brouschselling appliances is way more profitable than open source20:55
brouschmoney or freedom? a hard choice20:56
snap-lnnThe One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project has devised a bizarre plan for deploying its new XO-3 tablet. The organization plans to drop the touchscreen computers from helicopters near remote villages in developing countries. The devices will then be abandoned and left for the villagers to find, distribute, support, and use on their own.20:59
snap-lI believe this is the WTF moment for the day.21:00
snap-lAlso up for contention for WTF moment of the day: http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20111031/14012416574/various-lawsuits-trying-to-avoid-admitting-that-porn-classics-debbie-does-dallas-deep-throat-are-public-domain.shtml21:04
greg-gawe. some.21:13

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