
ScottLstochastic, ping00:53
holsteinhey bobweaver :)02:16
ScottLhi bobweaver 02:16
holsteinScottL is the project lead02:16
holsteinScottL: i just grabbed bobweaver from #ubuntu-beginners02:16
bobweaverHello ScottL  02:16
ScottLbobweaver, are you interested in ubuntu studio?02:17
bobweaverYes I am 02:17
holsteinhe's a gold start supporter in the *-beginners channel02:17
holsteinand was asking about how to get more involved helping02:17
bobweaverthanks holstein  !!02:17
holsteinmaybe something to put on the resume02:18
holsteinand i told him we need more code-minded folk02:18
holsteinto help with backporting and maintaining our upcomping LTS :)02:18
ScottLis there particular type of task you would like to assist with?  or would you like me to run down a few topics?02:19
bobweavertopics would be great ! thanks 02:19
ScottLwe are going to need testers02:19
ScottLfor general testing throughout the cycle which includes both QA ISO image testing and actual performance testing02:20
ScottLthe QA stuff is only about once a month02:20
ScottLthe other is usually for only specific items we are concenred with02:20
ScottLwe will need specific testers perhaps for the -lowlatency kernel we are tyring to get into ubuntu studio02:20
ScottLthe broader the hardware available for tetsing the better02:21
bobweaverScottL,  would you like to see lshw ? 02:21
holsteinyeah, virtualbox, netbooks... supercomputers ;)02:21
ScottLwe will be moving towards a live dvd and incorporating a patched ubiquity02:21
ScottLbobweaver, sure :)02:21
bobweaverScottL,  I had to patch ubqity on a distro that I made :>) 02:22
ScottLsuper cool :)  we will be stealing much from what edubuntu does, but having experience should make it even easier i hope02:22
ScottLbobweaver, the idea with the ubiquity patch is to allow users to select specific work flows during installation and download those packages02:23
ScottLthis allows us to support specific work flows and tool chains without having to make everyone download every app when they will not use most of them02:23
ScottLwe will most likely ship a standard set of workflow packages on the dvd though02:24
ScottLwe will be also updating our wallpaper, theme, UI, and lightdm theme this cycle02:24
ScottLholstein, this is the guy i talked to today who said he's coming back to canonical but wants to help us as well, he has recording experience too02:25
ScottLbobweaver, how does any of that sound to you?02:25
ScottLwe have other stuff as well, like updating documentation and other kinda tedious, menial stuff as well02:25
bobweaverthat all sounds GREAT  http://paste.ubuntu.com/726901/02:26
bobweaverthat is hardware inso 02:26
bobweaverinfo * 02:26
bobweaverI am the kinda person that might need some direction  but I am supper willling to help 02:27
bobweaverwhat I mean by that is 02:27
bobweaverI might need to be told what to do 02:28
bobweaverkinda shy 02:28
bobweaverBut I want to jump in with you great people :>) 02:28
ScottLbobweaver, it looks like you are using the onboard audio on that laptop02:28
ScottLbut sure, we can provide direction on stuff to help with02:29
bobweaverso like docs and vector stuff gimp and pretty good at 02:29
ScottLdid holstein say you have done coding?  or was that someone else?02:29
bobweaverI have 02:29
* ScottL is checking backscroll02:29
ScottLokay, which language?  python maybe?02:30
ScottLdone any GUI work with the programming, glade perhaps?  or qt?02:30
bobweaversure I know python perl lisp lua luna c c++ c# ect 02:30
ScottLLOL...rock on man!02:30
ScottLi've never even heard of lua :)02:30
bobweaverlua is great scripting lan 02:31
ScottLyeah, yeah...we can probably find you something to code later on :)02:31
bobweaverfast 02:31
bobweaverlua is WOW 02:31
ScottLhere's a quick thumbnail of where we are at currently02:31
bobweaverI think 02:31
ScottLlast release sucked for some very specific reasons02:32
ScottLit was extremely functional but not pretty02:32
ScottLand there have been some major milestone improvements we have been trying to get done for years02:32
ScottLthis cycle we make it pretty and get those milestone improvements done02:32
ScottLthese generally include the things i mentioned previously02:32
ScottL1. lowlatency kernel02:33
ScottL2. live dvd02:33
ScottL3. update website02:33
ScottL4. update theme and UI02:33
ScottLand wallpaper02:33
ScottL5. update lightdm theme02:33
ScottLwe get that and i think we are pretty good02:33
ScottLholstein, did i miss anything for 12.04?02:33
ScottLheh, he might be busy or afk for a bit02:34
holsteinScottL: i dont think so02:34
holsteinyeah, i just made it back in the door02:34
ScottLoh, good :)02:34
holsteinlooks good02:34
ScottLbut bobweaver, we do have some long range goals that include some coding stuff02:34
bobweaverI would say for this up and coming project I I am best fit in cat 3,4and 5  02:34
ScottLdoesn't mean we can't start on it now though02:34
bobweaverScottL,  yes I do 02:34
ScottLbobweaver, do you know about lightdm and theming it?02:35
bobweaveryes a little 02:35
ScottLthat's probably our weak link right now02:35
ScottL.g UDS02:35
bobweaverare you also doing a neew plymouth ? 02:35
holsteini should get thelonius over here though02:35
ScottLyeah, i keep doing that holstein :P02:36
holsteinwhats the deal with bots in this channel?02:36
holsteinits not logged right?02:36
holsteineh... for later..02:36
ScottLbobweaver, we hadn't really planned on it, it looks fairly decent compared to the other items, but if we have time then i wouldn't mind it02:36
bobweaverScottL,  do you want me to sign a ND ?02:37
bobweavernon -=disclose 02:37
ScottLnon disclosure?  naw02:37
ScottLthis is all open source stuff, it's all available in the repository, including source code02:37
ScottLbut back to lightdm, here's the deal02:37
holsteinyou can sign a disclosure agreement ;)02:38
ScottLubuntu with unity is really freaking up the unity-lightdm-greeter package02:38
ScottLi'm l;earning a abit about this at UDS in florida02:38
bobweaveryou are at the dev summit lucky !02:38
ScottLso luke, i.e. the.muso, is suggesting that we use the lightdm engine or backend but use the gtk-lightdm-theme02:38
ScottLor whatever the pakcage names are02:39
ScottLapparently the guys working on the unity-greeter are making it really, really fancy with stuff we don't need and hardcoding stuff which will make it difficult to make it work how we want02:39
ScottLbobweaver, it's really exciting being here, but it's a complete drain on me mentally and physically02:40
bobweaver:>) 02:40
ScottLi'm starting to have trouble seeing properly and i'm getting really tired02:40
bobweaverget some sleep 02:42
bobweaverwe are on the same time line 02:42
ScottLbobweaver, i'm okay for now, i need to get some stuff done tonight and this is important as well02:42
ScottLthis is a good page to keep up with:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/ContributeToDevelopment02:42
ScottLi'll be updating it tonight and tomorrow with some of the stuff we talked about and more02:42
bobweaverhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/josephmills     <--me  02:42
ScottLbobweaver, but back to #3, #4, and #502:43
bobweavernp 02:43
ScottL#3 is probably well covered02:43
ScottLand #4 we will be stealing quite a bit from xubuntu, although you are welcome here as well02:43
ScottLand #5 probably needs help as we discussed02:43
bobweavercool 02:44
bobweaverI will read everything that I can tonight 02:45
bobweaveralso can you get me more info on what you have heard there please 02:45
bobweavermaybe email me in the next day or so 02:46
bobweaveror when ever 02:46
bobweavercan I also get what you guys have right now 02:46
bobweaveris there daily builds ?> 02:46
ScottLbobweaver, let me find a few links for you02:46
bobweaver I am going to DL the os right now 02:47
ScottLhere is where the dailies will be built:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/daily/current/02:47
ScottLoh, they are not being built right now i believe02:47
ScottLit's showing the last for oneiric i think02:47
bobweavercool 02:48
ScottLfinding other links, connection is slow....02:48
bobweaversweet 02:48
ScottLhere is our current code for our lightdm theme:  https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio/ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme02:48
ScottLxubuntu will be making changes as well during this cycle (they are in the same position) and we may coordinate about that with them02:49
bobweaverthat is Great 02:49
ScottLbut i certainly would not be upset if we lead the way in this and then helped them out for a change ;)02:49
* bobweaver grins 02:50
holsteinyeah, id like to see that too02:50
holsteinthat team is really why we have a release this cycle02:50
ScottLthe theme, UI, and wallpaper is a bit messier because it's spread across various packages though and i'm not sure how it aligns with xubuntu's packages02:51
ScottLmaybe we should wait a bit until someone from xubuntu is back next week or so02:51
ScottLi can talk to mica though while i'm here about who we should talk to in xubuntu-devel about the theming, holstein 02:51
ScottLbobweaver, even if you start with concept "sketches" (via gimp or inkscape or whatever) for the lightdm theme, we'd love to see them and give some guidance02:52
bobweaverthat sounds Great 02:53
ScottLholstein, i still want to do a OMG!UbuntuStudio! blog ;)02:53
bobweaverI am also pulling apart the souce code for light dm 02:54
bobweaversource * 02:54
holsteinyup :)02:54
bobweaverI like it alot simple 02:54
ScottLcool, bobweaver, i'll talk to someone tomorrow about some issue with lightdm as well and feed it back to you02:55
ScottLbobweaver, are you a graphics kinda guy too?  can you make wallpapers?02:55
bobweaverthat sounds wonderfull02:55
bobweaveroh yeah 02:55
bobweavericons 02:55
bobweaverand what not also 02:55
ScottLokay, later in the week i'll try to get you some ideas for wallpapers, etc02:56
ScottLi think it would be nice to have a "theme" across the wallpaper and lightdm background02:56
bobweaverI know when I was doing my distro I was always looking for vector  work for icons 02:56
ScottLand i think i can do it conceptually02:56
ScottLholstein, do you have another five minutes to work on the etherpad a little more for tonight?02:57
bobweaverI think that a theme sounds like a good idea 02:57
ScottLi'm tired but i would like to finish that to a certain stage if we can02:57
ScottLbobweaver, i saw a really cool image yesterday that was inspirational02:57
holsteinim there! :)02:57
bobweaverScottL,  cool pictures ?? 02:58
ScottLbobweaver, i wish i did!  now i have to see if they scheduled another session, sneak in, and take a picture02:59
* bobweaver nods 02:59
ScottLholstein, one more thing, what do you think about making a visual design statment by using the ubuntu monospace font03:39
holsteina statement like 'i dont really care for the ubuntu-monospace font' ;)03:40
holsteinScottL: nah, what do you have in mind?03:40
holsteinsomething like what we have, but with this font?03:41
ScottLit was just a thought, but yeah, just switching to a different font but keeping stuff the same03:45
ScottLxubuntu uses droid which might be slightly small03:45
holsteini like what we got too03:45
ScottLthat's cool then, was just thinking about stuff03:46
holsteintheres a sense of branding that i dont mind keeping03:46
ScottLi wouldn't even mind change the Circle of Friends (CoF)03:46
ScottLdid you know that the circles in the CoF is supposed to be audio waves?03:47
ScottLi don't know how many know that03:47
ScottLokay, going to bed now but leaving irc open03:47
holsteinOH... you mean the logo?03:48
holsteinyeah, i did know that03:48
ailoHello guys10:25
ailoScottL, How are things going?10:25
ailoCould someone ask abogani not to update his kernels faster than Ubuntu does. Usually he doesn't, but now, in order to get nvidia drivers working, you need kernel headers, and they are uninstallable as long as -generic headers are not existing as well10:31
ScottLhello ailo , how are you?!10:51
ScottLwe haven't talked in a while, my friend10:51
ScottLwe have been working on with the kernel team to set up a nice working relationship to get the -lowlatency kernel into the repos10:52
ScottLi believe we will get it down this cycle (as long as the kernel guys keep their end of the bargain)10:52
ScottL 10:52
ScottLhallo shnatsel , i spoke wih the ubiquity patch dev yesterday10:53
shnatselScottL: hello!10:53
ScottLhe seems very keen in us using his patch (and maybe helping to maintain it too)10:53
shnatselScottL: great!10:53
ScottLthe guy seems rather brilliant10:53
shnatselScottL: have you met the cdimage team yet?10:54
ScottLshnatsel, holstein and i were talking last night about how we should handle this transition as well10:54
ScottLno, i have not met the cdimage team, per se10:54
shnatselScottL: that patch kinda defines seeds structure, we'll have to make quite a lot of small overlapping seed metapackages10:54
ScottLi have met many people on it and they know my intent though, i assure you of that10:54
ScottLshnatsel, that is what me and holstein talked about10:55
ScottLwe were thinking of keeping the seed changes somewhat small this time, not too much delta10:55
ScottLwe can always add to them in the coming cycles10:55
ScottLbut we want to make sure we get things done this cycle!10:55
ScottLnot bite off to much10:55
ScottLor spend too much time thinking about seeds and workflows10:56
shnatselyeah, fair enough10:56
ScottLshnatsel, these were the ones we thought about last night, not written in stone yet, but considering....10:56
ScottL1. light-installation10:56
ScottL2. audio-recording10:56
ScottL3. audio-generation10:56
ScottL4. video10:57
ScottL5. graphics10:57
ScottLand audio-common will be pulled in by #2 or #310:57
shnatseloh, ok10:57
ScottLwe are also considering a possible #6 for podcasting10:57
shnatselsounds sane10:57
shnatselI'd also add photography.10:57
ScottLbut i don't know if itis tehre10:57
ScottLOH GOOD!10:57
ScottLplease make suggestions for additions and modifications10:57
ScottLi will write photography down as well10:58
ScottLmike and i talked about reviewing with workflow page again to see if we were missing anything in particular10:58
shnatselbecause, there is darktable, there is cinepaint which is not packaged, there are photographic plugins for GIMP...10:58
ScottL_can_ cinepaint be packaged?  i seem to remember some difficulty about it10:58
ScottLperhaps it was unstable at the time and crashed alot10:59
shnatselScottL: AFAIK last time they tried to do it, there were some bugs on the debian side10:59
shnatselScottL: and then the process stalled for years10:59
ScottLi am supposed to speak with quadrispro while here, i'll ask him about it10:59
shnatselScottL: and right now cinepaint website doesn't seem to be maintained10:59
ScottLoh :(10:59
ScottLwhat do you suggest for importing the images from camera?11:00
ScottLi really should go back and refresh myself with the work flows page11:00
shnatselScottL: Darktable I guess11:01
shnatselScottL: not quite sure though11:01
ScottLoh, i didn't know it would import images11:01
shnatsellet me check...11:01
ScottLi'm not very familiar with darktable to be forthcoming11:01
shnatselScottL: yes, it can11:02
ScottLi'm really excited about all this stuff11:05
ScottLshnatsel, next week i would like to really have a pretty final idea of what we want as far as seeds11:05
ScottLcolin watson (cjwatson) has asked that i give him a block diagram of where we are heading and i am keen to keep him happy11:06
ScottLespecially since he is involved with the cdimage team ;)11:06
ScottLwe can certainly make considerations for additional workflows we might consider supporting later on and include them as potentials as well11:06
ScottLin fact i would firmly suggest this11:06
ScottLi am also trying to figure out how to do roadmaps in launchpad as well11:07
ScottLi've met a lot of people here and some have asked about this and getting the roadmap would be an easy way to make things public and accessible11:07
shnatselScottL: I think I'll go updating the workflows11:09
shnatsels/go updating/go update/11:10
ScottLgood :)  i should have time today and i'll review them as well just to refresh my memory11:10
ScottLshnatsel, i'm at uds and it is a very intense, exciting experience, but it leaves very little free time to do things11:10
shnatselScottL: awesome, Darktable covers almost all protographic workflow!11:22
ScottLsweet!  that is really great news and thank you for doing the work to get it into the repos11:22
ScottLthat is awesome :_)11:22
* jussi waves to ScottL11:23
ScottLhi jussi :)11:23
shnatselScottL: oh btw, I've failed to get anything into Debian repos, I've stuck with their buggy tools and obscure processes11:25
ScottLi can talk to quadrispro about these as well,11:26
shnatselScottL: I think I'll just post to debian multimedia mailing list, give links to the packages and let them mess with their processes themselves11:26
ScottLah good!11:26
ScottLi have found them to be most helpful11:26
ScottLshnatsel, which packages are you considering?11:27
shnatselScottL: I've started from GIMP Paint Studio11:27
shnatselScottL: never got to other packages11:27
ScottLshnatsel, if there is any one particular that you really want for this cycle, you might hurry and at least mail their list about them11:29
ScottLwe will be running into debian freeze for ubuntu not too far from now11:29
ScottLbut i'll make it a point to ask alessio about gimp paint studio when i see him11:30
ScottLis there another specific package or two that you really want to get in now?11:30
shnatselScottL: thanks!11:30
ScottLshnatsel, you are most welcome, my friend :-)11:33
shnatselScottL: well, XFCE have changed their thumbnailing architecture, so ora-thumbnailer for Thunar is out 11:34
shnatselScottL: it would be absolutely awesome to get gimp-painter in11:35
shnatselScottL: but since it's a patched GIMP 2.6 and the patches are no longer maintained (though they're really stable by now), it will be hard to do11:35
holsteinailo: YO13:16
holsteinim about to do some testing, and i was hoping i could find you to help me stay scientific about it13:16
holsteinand when i say 'about to' i mean next week13:16
ScottLhere is a preliminary plan for precise.  can people review it and make additions/modificantions/comments?13:51
ScottLi am hoping to some how document a roadmap for precise, shnatsel do you have any experience with creating a roadmap in launchpad?13:51
ScottLi will be back online in about ten/fifteen minutes13:52
ScottLunplugging and back into channel in fifteen 14:56
shnatselScottL: yes I do, see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/elementaryos/0.214:56
ScottLshnatsel, i am saving that link and will check it in fifteen or so14:56
shnatselScottL: it's no way urgent14:57
ScottLshnatsel, that link is your "roadmap"?15:03
ScottLi ask because i'm not exactly clear about what defines a roadmap15:04
shnatselScottL: yes, those are our plans for 0.2 release with details, links to specs and code, status info, etc15:04
shnatselScottL: ubuntu uses the same, + they have strictly formatted work items in blueprint whiteboards15:05
ScottLi seem to remember other projects using a roadmap which had a more visual or graphical aspect to it15:05
ScottLit seems that ubuntu does not follow the same model15:05
shnatselScottL: than it works like this: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/15:05
ScottLagain, i am very ignorant about roadmaps15:05
shnatselScottL: docs on that: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorkItemsHowto15:05
shnatselScottL: ask ubuntu guys, you're at UDS!15:06
ScottLi already have but haven't gotten an answer yet, i'm scheduled to later though :)15:06
shnatselScottL: talk to the devs to get your ubuntu flavor there15:07
ScottLuds is extremely fast paced and busy, finding time to actually talk is sometimes difficult15:07
ScottLshnatsel, that is another conversation i'm trying to schedule with kate stewart (release manager) who uses that page mainly15:08
ScottLsadly, i just learned about this page yesterday :(15:08
ScottLshnatsel, but i should say that you are a wealth of information and have helped ubuntu studio considerably :-)15:08
ScottLjust moving to blueprints has been a great move15:09
shnatselScottL: thanks :)15:09
shnatselScottL: yeah, sometimes I just do nothing and tell others what to do, and somehow it's helpful :_15:09
ScottLany other pages or ideas you think are helpful, please let me know15:09
ScottLlol :)15:09
ScottL^^^ that was in reference to "telling others what to do"15:10
shnatselScottL: switching to elementary desktop in 12.10? ^^15:11
ScottLlol, maybe ;)  it would certainly make a design statement15:12
shnatselScottL: oh btw, you can catch some elementary project guys at UDS15:12
ScottLi've seen a session listed and i checked to see if you were there15:12
shnatselScottL: see what they have to offer and discuss the collab possibilities15:12
ScottLi will try to catch them15:13
shnatselScottL: I'm not at UDS because I live in Russia and the trip would cost an insane amount of $$ :(15:13
ScottLnobody has any comments on the preliminary release plan?18:11
astraljavaI'll read it thoroughly later when the fever's gone.18:33
ScottLastraljava, i'm sorry to hear you have a fever18:34
astraljavaThanks. No worries, didn't have to work yesterday nor today, and I'll probably be home tomorrow as well.18:34
ailoholstein, I've been thinking about doing some testing myself. Haven't thought much about it yet, so all I can assist with at the moment would be to describe how we did precious tests19:43
holsteinailo: sure19:44
holsteinthats enough19:44
holsteinjust keeping it scientific19:44
holsteini want to test with my USB, some interenal hardware and firewire19:44
holsteinwith the new generic kernel19:45
holsteinmaybe even a mainline19:45
holsteintheres a script on the way too that scott is privvy too19:46
ailoYea, I've got pci and firewire myself. I could borrow a usb as well19:47
ailoA script?19:47
ailoThat's the way I would like to go. Just haven't started working on it at all, since we talked about it at the beginning of this year19:48
holsteinyeah, ive been busy too19:48
holsteina break-up19:48
holsteina move19:49
holsteinnot all bad, but still...19:49
holsteinanyways, i'll look for you when i actually get harware prepared19:49
holsteinit would be easier for me to do it with a live CD, but whatevre19:50
holsteini want to find the mainline kernel for 12.04 i guess19:50
ScottLailo, you mentioned a script earlier for testing the kernel21:19
ScottLduring the -lowlatency kernel blueprint the kernel guys mentioned this quite a bit21:19
ScottLapparently one of the guys has been wanted to quantify kernel performance for some time21:20
ScottLwhich also happens to align with the upstream desires to quantify performance as well21:20
ScottLthey talked about a pacakge in red hat called 'rteval'21:20
ScottLalthough they are considering setting up a chain of computers to test latency21:20
ScottLas well, not just the rteval test21:21
ScottLthe test would be to have a computer generate tones that would be routed through the test machine and measure by either the first or another machine21:21
ScottLvery objective i think21:21
ScottLthey want to do this on variety of audio interfaces and compile a 'latency range'21:24
ScottLyou can read more in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-lowlatency21:24
ScottLand here are the etherpad notes:  http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/meeting/19798/other-p-lowlatency/21:25
ailoLooks great ScottL.22:04
stochasticailo, ScottL ain't in at the moment23:21
stochasticargh, sorry I had my window scrolled up, not seeing the current conversation23:22
ailostochastic, Are you an old contributor to US? I don't remember if I've seen you here before. 23:25
ailoI appeared myself at the beginning of this year23:25
stochasticYeah, I've been around for a bit here, but the past year or two have been too busy with work (two jobs totalling 70hrs+/week)23:26
stochasticnice to meet you ailo23:26
ailostochastic, Likewise23:26
ailoCan't say I've contributed much, though I did spend some time testing kernels and coding a replacement for us-controls23:27
ailoHappy to see that -lowlatency is getting some attention now23:27
ailoOne of my main motives on helping US was that since it's in the main repo, you'd be able to add stuff for making any Ubuntu derived distro audio friendly23:29
ailoAnd, the kernel is of course the most important component, since most of the apps come from Debian23:29
ailoAlso, us-controls would be a nice app for tuning the system for pro audio, so that users won't need to know all the details in order to make it happen. Just push a button.23:31
ailoThose were my goals, pretty much. Haven't done much to reach them these last months, though23:32
stochasticI agree, though it's always good for us to help get useful apps into Debian (or directly into US)23:32
stochasticWell I'm looking forward to making 12.04 a killer release.23:33

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