
tsaavikhey all, just had to power my xbuntu box down. I have 2 monitors and i'm getting mirrored desktop instead of spanned, where can I change this, can't find it anywhere! :D00:23
xubuntuNewbielooking for a lightweight distro that actually has some support for a newbie;  Is this it?00:27
holsteinxubuntuNewbie: its free, and easy to run live... give it a try00:28
xubuntuNewbieI actually am running live, and installing... ATM00:28
holsteinxubuntuNewbie: i will personally refund your money if you are not satisfied ;)00:28
xubuntuNewbieThis is my first time on IRC, too.  So if I offend, plz let me know.00:29
EdgEyI have been using linux for years, but recently switched to xubuntu00:35
EdgEyhaven't had to fiddle with anything for over a year00:35
EdgEyeverything just worked including video and wireless00:35
EdgEythough, I don't play 3d games etc (ultraportable)00:35
holsteintsaavik: what graphics hardware?00:36
tsaavikintel builtin00:36
tsaavikits mirroring like a champ, just can't find the swtich, lol00:37
holsteinhmmm... intel *should* be well supported00:37
holsteinmight just need to make your own custom xorg.conf00:37
tsaavikI was doing this before, I just powered down to move the PC :d00:37
tsaavikOh, I wonder if i booted as xfce instead of xubuntu! brb00:38
tsaavikhmm, nope00:39
xubuntuNewbieOK, time to boot my new OS. wish me luck.00:41
tsaavikgood luck :D00:41
tsaaviksudo apt-get install arandr00:50
tsaavikarandr, gui to fix it00:50
holsteintsaavik: you got it?00:51
holsteingreat :)00:51
tsaavikyup :D00:51
xUbuntuNewbieIs there a way to switch users, keeping this session open, but hidden?01:09
holsteinxUbuntuNewbie: i use screen for terminal apps01:11
holsteinim using irssi for chat in screen01:11
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babbledo I want to try living in Debian stable?01:36
S_SubZerolive in Debian UNstable01:41
babbleI'm trying to wean myself off of tweaking with crud just because it's there to tweak ;)01:43
art_Hi everyone........I recently duplicated a drive using the dd command to make a second bootble hard drive copy of my primary drive. But, instead of removing the cloned drive for archive purposes, I rebooted the system.02:14
art_Now the cloned drive won't do anything, gparted can't detect it and the red led drive light stays on constantly and hangs when trying to boot.02:15
art_Is there any way to get control of the drive so that I can reformat it???02:15
xubuntu585what is the meaning of "encrypt my home folder"? and what is the real function and benefits?02:49
xubuntu585anyone knows? and  ca nexplain a little bit?02:50
Unit193Well, it encrypts your home folder, that's it's real functiom...02:51
holsteinyeah.. you lose you laptop02:52
holsteini boot into recover kernel reset the password and im in you data02:52
holsteinthe encryption helps with that02:52
holsteingives you more time to change passwords or whatever02:53
xubuntu585good, any special key need for the encryption?02:53
holsteinand maybe enough of a deterent for someone not to mess with it02:53
xubuntu585thanks guys! i've learned a bit more today.02:57
xubuntu585c u02:57
holsteinxubuntu585: hey02:58
holsteini just set it up myself02:58
holsteinlast week really02:58
holsteinits pretty seemless with the userpassword so far02:58
holsteinno deal breakers02:58
holsteinno reason *not* to do it on a laptop for sure02:58
Unit193Or you can always use TrueCrypt too ;)02:58
xubuntu585ok, i am starting the installation now. let me continue that..02:59
xubuntu585c u.02:59
mariongood evening everyone03:40
marionso i am in a bind here and i was wondering if anyone knew how to set up a static ip address03:41
holsteinmarion: this is the gerneral guide i use when i setup a server box03:42
holsteinbut, you do it in the GUI in xubuntu or ubuntu or whatever03:43
holsteinclick on the network icon... go to 'edit connections'03:43
holsteingo to the tab you want, wired or wireless03:43
holsteinselect the connection and hit the 'edit' button03:43
holsteingo over to ipv4 (assuming thats what you are on) and select 'method - manual'03:44
holsteinfill it in03:44
holsteinat that point, i usually open a terminal and run ifconfig so i can see what information i need to put in there03:45
marionthanks holstein. I swear I am gonna keep you on speed dial03:46
marionwhy does it say never under last used03:48
holsteinmarion: i forget03:48
holsteinthat was on the papercuts list AFAIK03:49
holsteindont worry about it though, its not clear03:49
marionweird that i can irc now03:51
marionbut I cant connect to web pages03:51
mariondo I really need to put in dns addresses03:51
holsteini put the gateway03:51
holsteinmy router03:51
holsteinyou can use whatever03:52
holsteini like open dns03:52
marionis it
marioncorrect me if i am wrong but the netmask is right03:55
holsteintechnically, that depends03:56
holsteinbut, that should be the case03:56
holsteinthats why i run ifconfig in a terminal while still on DHCP03:56
holsteinyou can see most of those settings03:56
marionok now got that fixed time to set up my printer scanner on here03:58
marionmy wife is 100% windows so i have a week to prove she can do everything she liked doing in windows on here03:59
holsteinyeah, good luck with that03:59
zenroxi got my wife to switch03:59
holsteinthe wife'll use what works if you stop fixing things for her03:59
zenroxby doing just that03:59
marionall she does is facebook email and image editing04:00
holsteinin what though?04:00
marionthats why i am doing dual boot04:00
holsteinfirefox? IE?04:00
holsteinwhat about the image editing?04:00
holsteinshe wont reboot04:00
holsteinor thats my findings04:01
holsteini wouldnt04:01
zenroxi switced my wife from ps to gimp04:01
zenroxshe loves gimp04:01
holstein'hey, let me edit a photo".... waiting 6 minutes for reboot04:01
marioni havent done gimp yet04:01
holsteinthe gimp is great04:01
holsteininkscape too04:01
zenroxvery great04:01
holsteinthose tutorials in inkscape are spot on04:02
marioni do not remember how to install using a tar like i said i havent messed with linuc in like a year or so04:02
holsteini would right click on it, and deal with it from there04:03
holsteinor do it in the terminal04:03
holsteinbut, i try and find PPA's for apps04:03
holsteinthen .debs04:03
holsteinotherwise i get some packages all over that i dont know what to do with04:03
holsteinanyways.. enjoy all... GN!04:04
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xUbuntuNewbielooking for a way to switch users without logging out, I am new to xubuntu....05:04
ballIs it practical to install Xubuntu from a USB Flash drive?07:07
zenroxi did it07:11
ballzenrox: What did you use to write the install image to the flash drive?07:12
ballUnetbootin? (I'm googling ;-)07:15
* ball tries it07:19
Shirakawasunaball: if you're already using ubuntu, you should have usb-creator-gtk07:21
Shirakawasunait's meant for exactly the purpose you need07:21
ballShirakawasuna: I have one Qimo machine around, which is a Xubuntu derivative, but I somehow removed from both of its users the ability to su.07:22
ball...so I thought I'd try a clean Xubuntu install and then look for my daughter's games as packages.07:23
ballLooks like this is going to take a while.  I'll head to bed and check on it in the morning.07:24
ballShirakawasuna & zenrox, Thanks for your help.07:24
DoverOsinstalled nvidia drivers from their site, broke X xP08:09
Sysithat's why you should use "Additional drivers" app08:10
Sysiyou propably need to edit/create xorg.conf, nvidia-xconfig does that automatically08:11
DoverOsya, there was this pop up for the drivers, but i just decided to get the one from the site08:12
Sysiand your xorg broke :)08:13
ubuntuhow do i like boot in rescue mode?08:14
S_SubZeroon Ubuntu if I installed anything newer than the nVidia 173 drivers it would become unstable and unusable.  I'm afraid to try with Xubuntu since I have it working.08:14
DoverOsbe afraid! :308:15
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peerAUim still having problems with my network card08:30
peerAUit wont accept routes08:30
peerAUno matter what08:30
DoverOs-doesn't know-08:31
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PolitikerNEUHi everyone, does anybody know how the "power manager" applet for XFCE is called (so that I can adjust brightness settings)11:22
PolitikerNEUhave found it: it's xfce4-power-manager11:32
uffodoes Ubuntu 12.04 get XFCE 4.10, it would be disaster if not because 5 years is looong time?12:54
uffoXubuntu i mean12:54
babbleuffo: I think it's really too soon to predict WHAT 12.04 will use for a community-maintained distribution like Xubunty12:58
babbleespecially given that 4.10 isn't available *itself* yet12:59
uffoi really have hope you devs that you avoid Ubuntu policy rules and bring 4.10 inside 12.04 - 5 years is wayy long for 4.1013:02
uffoi meant 5 years is long for 4.813:03
babbleuffo: well, again, it's not as if Xubuntu devs would be averse to including 4.1013:12
babblebut still again, it's a community-maintained distribution.13:12
babblethat means the folks working on it are largely volunteers.13:12
babbleif there are any paid devs working on *Xubuntu*, I'd be surprised (pleasantly, but surprised)13:13
babbleit's largely a matter of when Xfce is ready, and when 12.04 is ready13:13
babbleif 12.04 doesn't ship with latest Xfce on its release date, there will very likely be a backport in due time.13:14
ochosiuffo: it's highly unrealistic that 4.10 will be ready for 12.04, but yeah, this question is discussed by the dev-teaM13:38
mikem94590I'm looking at going the Xubuntu route (Xfce) given the way that Ubuntu/Unity/Gnome3 is going.  My question here is; does Xubuntu have the same hardware support that Ubuntu does?17:27
mikem94590As in...I can install Ubuntu 11.10 and have all of my hardware/drivers/firmware working out of the box.  So Xubuntu 11.10 would be the same, or are there drivers that are "stripped"?17:28
Sysinope, exactly the same17:28
Myrttithe "drivers" are in the kernel, and the kernel is the same across all *buntus17:28
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »17:28
mikem94590Wow, thanks!  You've made my day here.17:29
mikem94590See, I know I can install Xfce on a Ubuntu installation, but I'd rather just have a CD laying around for clean installs so I don't have to download Xfce on my slow connection every time I install/reinstall.17:30
tjingboemwhere can i find sun-java for 11.10?17:33
genii-aroundtjingboem: There is an unsupported ppa. https://launchpad.net/~ferramroberto/+archive/java?field.series_filter=oneiric17:52
tjingboemgenii_around, thanks for the link to the ppa18:57
genii-aroundtjingboem: You're welcome18:59
noob13hey, is there a reason fonts seem to be rendered differently in xfce4 and gnome?19:27
noob13i just switched, turned on all the smooth font settings, and yet, it looks a lot worse here for some reason19:27
msknightHi, sorry to barge in with a problem. Can anyone help with compiling "handbrake" on xubuntu 11.10 64 bit version please?19:27
noob13msknight: isn't there a .deb package?19:29
msknightNo, not yet. A ppa link, but no package for Onieric yet.19:29
Sysinoob13: set hinting to RGB and test different hinting options, and possibly different fonts19:30
msknightI have installed g++, yasm, libtool and autoconf. The error concerns.... "/usr/bin/ld: Cannot find -lbz2" which I think can probably be solved by a soft link, but that's only from generic searching.19:30
msknightI don't know if a soft link will solve it ... or even if it will, I'm not sure what files to soft link.19:31
Sysimsknight: use ppa or download .deb from there and try to install that19:33
msknightSysi, There is no onieric in the ppa, and no deb that I can find.19:34
noob13shouldn't the natty ppa work just fine?19:35
noob13excuse me if i'm wrong, i really have no clue19:35
msknightnoob13, I don't know how to override the PPA to tell it to get the natty ... if such a thing is possible.19:35
ScottEmsknight, the commandline version of handbrake works fine in 11.10. The gui version is supposed to be fixed soon.19:37
ScottEI'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the natty version won't work in 11.1019:38
msknightScottE, I've checked the PPA for the CLI and I can't find Onieric in there, either.19:38
SysiIDK if that works but worth  a try19:39
msknightI'm downloading it now! I'm willing to try ... almost ... anything!19:40
ScottESysi, doubtful, that's from may 2010 :-)19:40
Sysiugh, I picked from version anyway19:40
ScottEI wish I could remember how I installed it, but that's on another box at home19:41
Sysi..no, that old19:41
msknightApparently I'm standing at the gates to dependency hell.19:41
ScottEmsknight, see if this helps https://forum.handbrake.fr/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2223019:43
ScottEPretty sure that's the ppa I used for cli version19:43
ScottE(that is, the stebbins/handbrake-snapshots one)19:44
msknightLooks like something is coming down.19:45
msknightYay, I'm up and running ... I think.19:45
msknightMany thanks.19:45
ScottEsure msknight, it will be nice when the full gui version is working again, but at least the cli is something19:45
msknightLooks like the GUI version is running here.19:47
ScottEoh great news msknight. I guess I should update from the latest snapshot too19:48
msknightAnd to think I spent all that time trying to work out all those other compilation errors :-)19:49
msknightNever mind, it was good practice!19:49
msknightWell ... thanks for the help folks. Very kind of you.19:59
xubuntu306hello, everybody20:33
xubuntu306how i can disable monitor mirroring on my xubuntu20:34
Sysiarandr or nvidia/ati-tool20:34
xubuntu306i have intel 945GM Chipset =(20:35
xubuntu306Sysi: so, what i should to do?20:36
well_laid_lawn!info arandr20:36
ubottuarandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.4-1 (oneiric), package size 48 kB, installed size 376 kB20:36
xubuntu306only install Arandr, and i will solve my problem?20:36
Sysiuse it20:37
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Mahmoudhi, why can't my xtfce4-terminal doesn't beep upon the execution of "beep" command, or echo -e "\a"21:51
Anom01y_hi, I recently upgraded xubuntu 10.10 to 11.0421:54
Anom01y_my other Linux acct is no longer able to log on via xfce21:54
Anom01y_or maybe I never could log on in the first place21:54
Anom01y_but when I try I get "unable to load fail safe" error with a quit button, which I can'\t click21:55
Anom01y_so I have to reset the computer21:55
Anom01y_my main xfce acct works fine21:55
ISBBgot a question of the n00b here22:50
ISBBif anyone is around?22:50
ISBBmulti monitors w/ xubuntu22:50
ISBBi cant get them to play the way i want22:50
ISBBhave 4 monitors 2 seperate nvidia cards.. nvidia's manager works OK but doesnt play right22:51
alethiophilewhat doesn't play?22:51
ISBBin a nut shell.. i have my one monitor as my main desktop and the other 3 as a giant twin view array22:51
alethiophileunfortunately I probably can't help with that22:51
ISBBlol no worries bud22:51
ISBBcoming over from windows trying to make things play the same22:52
MarionDoes xubuntu not support rpm.?22:52
alethiophileit uses .deb by default22:52
ISBBand im used to my 4 monitor setup.  I have 3 i use regularly and the 4th is tucked off on the side for media22:52
alethiophileMarion: you can use alien (in the repositories) to convert rpms to debs22:53
MarionSo I nees to dowload the deb instead22:53
alethiophileif one is available, that would be easier22:53
MarionOk I'll have to try that when I get home22:53
well_laid_lawnMarion: cheked if the app is in the repos?22:54
alethiophileso: I have loadkeys, but the keymap files are missing22:54
alethiophilewhere can I get them, and where the f*** is my computer getting its key mapping from on the TTYs?22:55
MarionIts the drivers for my printer scanner22:55
MarionSo I have another question.  How do I make it so that my computer never turns off the display. I have disabled power control however I still get my screen going off22:56
well_laid_lawnMarion: in a terminal you can try   xset -dpms23:07
ochosiMarion: you can also look at the screensaver-settings23:19
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