
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
=== c933103 is now known as orzxx
nubaeEven though this is really a very genral linux thing, I feel like I found the last puzzle to get an LTSP server running AOK no matter what the system has gone through15:12
nubaefor years I would have this issue where some people log on, yet others couldn't15:14
nubaeit wasnt fuze issue15:14
nubaeand it wasnt  a /home/dir ownershp problem either15:14
nubaeI must have pent man weeks after weeks trying to get olde users to log back in without aval.15:16
nubaeAdding a new one cause no issue so that puzzled me more15:16
nubaeThen tjere were cruptic X messages depending on the mood if the server15:17
nubaelo and behold.... I did what I had been dreading for years... I cleaned the DB by hand, /etc/passwd open in one file, /etc/group in another and the gui in yet another15:22
alkisgnubae: man pwck15:23
nubaeone would think that somehow a type of synchronsation would happen here15:23
nubaewell... there was none15:23
nubaeother than, if i save in group or passwd it would reflect in gui15:24
nubaeget gui then made everyone administrator and disabled options15:25
nubaein other words the gui was no good only for changing passwords15:25
nubaefortunately linux internal logic did not allow all uses to be sysadmins15:26
nubaebut conclusion: user and group gui is ver very srewed up15:27
nubaei know w've been looking for agoodgui/user/group, is there reallt nothing better than this?15:28
nubaebtw tested on virgin system too15:29
triunityGood morning17:37
triunityI have a question, I am running edubuntu live, and testing out LTSP, I got everything working but when the Thin Client loads, it has nothing.  No way to access Programs, just a bar at the top, but none of those allow the student to get to applications17:39
triunityI logged in using one of the LTSP users it had in the system...17:39
triunityAny idea on what I am doing wrong?17:40
triunityTo test, i created a file on the desktop of the client, and put the word firefox inside.  Saved the file, marked it as executable, and then ran it.  It worked fine.  But the problem remains, that I dont want my students to need to create shell scripts to start firefox...17:41
triunity... is there anyone even here?17:42

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