
=== allquixotic_ is now known as allquixotic
redeightanyont here good with tablets (wacom driver)?00:28
EvilResistanceredeight:  what about it00:32
EvilResistancewacom tablets work ootb since 11.0400:32
EvilResistancewell at least a majority of them do00:33
redeightyes, i was atempting to fix my issue where touch stops working after resuming from sleep and not i dont have any touch at all00:33
EvilResistancei think that's because you went into sleep mode00:33
EvilResistanceits a known bug that sleep mode sometimes breaks that stuff.00:34
EvilResistanceto my knowledge, there's no solution except a reboot00:34
redeightbut even after reboot i have no more touch. befor, when i rebooted i still had touch00:34
redeightis there a way to restore the wacom driver that comes in 11.10?00:34
EvilResistanceredeight:  sec00:48
EvilResistanceholy god...00:49
EvilResistanceremind me NEVER to do `modprobe -l`00:49
EvilResistanceno factoid00:49
EvilResistanceredeight:  all i can *guess* is unplug your tablet, boot into your system, login, then try plugging the tablet back in00:50
Unit193Grep is your friend...00:50
EvilResistanceUnit193:  okay, you tell me that after you have 2500 lines flood Konsole and crash it00:51
redeightif i only knew what to grep...00:51
EvilResistanceredeight:  try this: sudo modprobe wacom00:52
redeightits a touch screen tablet pc (HP tmh worked 2t) and touc00:52
EvilResistanceoh wait its a tablet pc?00:52
EvilResistanceand you've got a WACOM pen/touch tablet hooked up to it?00:52
EvilResistanceor smth00:52
redeightits the convertable screen laptop tablet00:53
redeightHM tm2t tablet laptop00:53
redeightgeez... *HP00:53
* EvilResistance initiates massive google search00:53
EvilResistanceFOR WHAT ITS WORTH...00:53
redeightheh, been googing for an hour...00:53
EvilResistance<(ID-)redeight> anyont here good with tablets (wacom driver)?  <-- HP TABLET LAPTOP IS NOT WACOM00:53
EvilResistancegod damned caps00:53
* EvilResistance kicks his keyboard00:54
EvilResistancenow before i go into twitchy, burn-the-planet confusionrage, clarify something00:54
EvilResistanceredeight:  what COMPUTER are you running these items off of, and what WACOM tablet/device is connected to that COMPUTER?00:55
redeightthe touch screen built into the tablet is a wacom device, it worked great when i firct installed but would stop working when you resume from sleep. i was trying to possibly compile a newer one (read 11.10 came with 1.11.0 and they have 1.11.1 wacom driver) and i peobebly mad a bad wacom.ko00:55
redeightin kool aid man voice *OH YA!!!!*00:58
* EvilResistance pulls out an AK-47, and decides to take a spontaneous trip to the tactical training facility00:58
OerHeksredeight, maybe the guys in #Ubuntu-touch know a fix .. but i agree with EvilResistance, it could be a known issue01:02
redeightcool thanks01:03
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hecacodehey i cant find sendmail.mc in 10.10 wats going on01:43
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LinkmasterSo..I'm trying to install 11.10 on a lenovo s10e, and before I wiped the system on it(a standard from the kid I got it from) I noticed that one of the partitions was oddly missing, and he had brought me the computer where it wouldn't boot with a grub error, 16 I do believe. He wanted me to put kubuntu on it, so I did. Everytime I run the installer, it catches on creating the partitions, stating that it fails to create an ext3/402:21
Linkmasterthere indicate that something on the harddrive may be broken?02:22
Linkmasteroh...now I have an input/output error on /dev/sda02:22
LinkmasterSomething tells me this drive is utterly borked02:23
Linkmasterand retrying/ignoring cause the message to come back up. I do believe this drive is borked02:23
semitonesHey is there anyone on here also in #kde?02:51
semitonesI'd like to get in contact with an op there -- I seem to be banned and I don't know why02:52
Starwatcherhi all, on the task bar the time is in UTC and I would like it to be local. last update switched it but I can't get it back, help03:09
Starwatchernever mind found it real dummy here03:13
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jamil_1def banana[A, B](f: A => State[S,B], ma: State[S,A]): State[S,B] =  ??03:46
jamil_1srry wrong channel03:47
jmichaelxsometimes Dolphin claims to have successfully unmounted a directory when it has not03:53
Bearcatdoes anyone have any experiance with the Network Management applet in kde4? I cant' seem to get a network up at all, unless i restart /etc/init.d/network, which seem to be besides the point. I can't find a way to get the nic to turn on.04:04
BearcatAfter i figure that out, i'll start trying to get a pppd mobile modem working04:04
Bearcatbut i'd love some help04:04
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
cmtWhat can i talking about....04:21
MneumonicDoes anyone use a dock in KDE?  Im not sure which one to try in kde04:22
bkovacsI wonder what the plans will be for Kubuntu 12.04.04:33
Nickmhhas anyone tried the winodws 7 or Xp themes for KDE?04:38
NickmhHi All by the way :)04:38
NickmhI'm tryin' to get the entire office over to Linux, Debian/Ubuntu etc.  But they're gonns freak out with all the new stuff :-)04:39
Nickmhgonns = gonna04:39
NickmhBKovacs, the only problem I see coming is the potential for Ubuntu to be bloated and basically become a processor, hard drive and bandwidth space hog as is windows04:41
jamil_1how can I make muon install packages without asking for password ?04:46
EnzoMatrixCan anyone joing #php?05:24
well_laid_lawnI just did EnzoMatrix05:25
well_laid_lawnyou might need to register your nick05:25
EnzoMatrixwell_laid_lawn: Can you please invite me? I get an error about it being "invite only".05:25
EnzoMatrixThat might be it.05:25
EnzoMatrixThank you.05:25
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode05:26
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HulkHoganno1 home05:56
Tm_Tnumber one home?05:57
=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
werner_Hi, I have Kubuntu 11.10 and a bug is causing the task manager on the taskbar to have blank spaces and use multiple rows (instead of one row) as in my settings. I googled and can only find complaints about this, no fixes though? Does anyone know of a way I can fix this myself, please06:41
Num83rGuy_Muon tells me that a package manager is running though one is not.07:03
well_laid_lawn!aptfix | Num83rGuy_07:06
ubottuNum83rGuy_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »07:06
Num83rGuy_OK thanks will do in a bit. using aptitude as a fall back at the moment.07:08
well_laid_lawnif aptitude works then the apt database isn't locked07:09
well_laid_lawnso running that command won't do anything07:09
Num83rGuy_Yeah doing an update with aptitude now.07:09
dsaintzhello everone07:29
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Aprendizhi all09:48
=== Federico is now known as Maxiride
Maxiridehi all\ciao a tutti10:05
well_laid_lawnMaxiride: you need to just ask your question and be patient in support channels :)10:10
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:10
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots10:11
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag10:11
Maxirideok ty. I'm pretty new on Kubuntu 11.10 and I don't understand the differences between the activities panel and the double desktop, they seem to provide differents workspace. But which is the differences?10:11
well_laid_lawnI don't use activities much but you can set up what applications to open with a activity10:12
Maxirideso it's like the star button in windows? There isn't already the K button to choose wich app to lunch?10:13
well_laid_lawnan activity you might have could be web where you have a twitter client and a browser open - that's the activity10:14
well_laid_lawnit opens several apps at once basically10:15
Maxirideaaah ok, now it's more clear10:16
Maxiridethank you10:16
mtron2hello! Is there a way to add custom keybindings for kde4 (i have them in a .khotkeys file) via the terminal?10:44
mtron2in kde3 i used 'usr/lib/kconf_update_bin/khotkeys_update --id <khotkeys file>' but it seems khotkeys_update is gone from kde410:47
katsrcthis is amazing: http://oxygenkde.altervista.org/exceptionsguide.html10:51
katsrcwe should have this by default on Kubuntu10:52
klein_saludo a todos10:52
katsrcif GTK3 doesn't come through quick enough for the next release of Kubuntu10:52
klein_alguien entiende español10:52
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:52
BluesKajHey all11:25
Aprendizwhere can I configure trash folder in kmail? I can only do setting for draft and sent but not for delete11:40
well_laid_lawnklein_: hi ????11:43
ahoxHi, I have problems with kmail. It does not send emails after upgrading to kmail2. Also my .xsession-errors gets about 10 "akonadi_maildispatcher_agent(2521)/libakonadi: Resource id's don't match:  "akonadi_maildir_resource_2" "akonadi_maildir_resource_0"  per second.11:48
well_laid_lawnahox: all I can suggest is try with a new user and see if the same error occurs11:49
ahoxis there some way to completly remove the current kmail settings/account etc?11:49
well_laid_lawnthe config might be in .kde I'm not on a kde box atm to check11:50
werner_Hi, I have Kubuntu 11.10 and a bug is causing the task manager on the taskbar to have blank spaces and use multiple rows (instead of one row) as in my settings. I googled and can only find complaints about this, no fixes though? Does anyone know of a way I can fix this myself, please11:58
BluesKajwerner_, which kde version .4.7.2 ?12:01
werner_Hi BluesKaj yes, 4.7.212:02
BluesKajwerner_, does resizing the panel affect the layout in the taskbar ?12:03
TheLastProjectI can't install any software, as soon as I want to install something using Muon Software Centre (even after I just booted) I get "Another application seems to be using the package system at this time. You must close all other package managers before you will be able to install or remove any packages."12:09
ahoxwell_laid_lawn: it does work with a new user12:10
BluesKajTheLastProject, did you try installing any apps in the terminal?12:10
ahoxTheLastProject: try an apt-get install. This may tell you which program to run to fix the problem12:11
ahoxsomething along the lines of dpkg --reconfigure -a12:11
BluesKajTheLastProject, if you still have a problem , run this command in the terminal, sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a12:12
well_laid_lawnahox: then it must be something in your config ;)12:12
TheLastProjectBluesKaj. ahox: It seems to work in the terminal, but trying to install LibreOffice through there tells me I have broken packages =/ It's the program I need installed so yeah =/ Which command should I use to fix that? =/12:12
werner_BluesKaj: Yes, as per normal. I can see all open aps, etc. Problem is simply 2 fold: 1) There are blank spaces (looks like invisible tasks) 2) There are multiple rows in the taskbar (by my settgins specified max 1 row). I have also seen that when  I close a window sometimes the space remains where the button was. It never "collapses"12:12
ahoxwell, yes - what I would like to know is how to remove my old config completly and redo everything12:12
ahoxTheLastProject: What does an apt-get install say?12:13
TheLastProjectahox: http://paste.kde.org/142226/12:14
ahoxwhich version of kubuntu are you running? And do you have some ppa's enabled?12:16
ahoxIt looks to me that the version 3.4.4~rc1 is not the official version12:17
TheLastProjectahox: Ah, I guess I should try removing the libreoffice PPA from my software sources list, forgot I have that there...12:17
TheLastProjectahox: Yep, that fixed it. Thanks a lot for the help!12:19
TheLastProjectThank you as well, BluesKaj.12:19
BluesKajTheLastProject, ahox dexerves a cookie ! :)12:19
BluesKajerr deserves12:20
* TheLastProject gives ahox a cookie12:20
well_laid_lawn!cookie | ahox12:21
ubottuahox: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!12:21
* ahox munching12:21
BluesKajdamn ppas are pita , they hang around like unwanted guests12:21
TheLastProjectI was not aware that was there12:21
TheLastProjectThe !cookie feature, I mean12:21
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa12:21
progre55hey guys, anyone else has problems with skype? from time to time it just freezes, and cant even kill it. have to kill -912:22
well_laid_lawnsee the warning12:22
progre55I'm guessing it has something to do with pulseaudio, but not sure12:22
well_laid_lawntry starting it from a terminal progre55 to catch any errors12:22
progre55good idea, thanks12:23
well_laid_lawnheh that's linux 10112:23
* BluesKaj slurps coffee12:24
well_laid_lawngot milk?12:25
BluesKajwell, I gave up on amarok , mislists some of my fav artists double cds and puts the same numbered songs together in a single playlist so I have two1s two 2s etc ...didn't realize the devs were trying to emulate the bugs from windows media player :)12:28
=== lenny is now known as Guest23259
Brace_WorkBluesKaj: banshee does that as well, drives me potty12:33
BluesKajBrace_Work, yeah the amarok ppl told me it wasn't the app but the tags were attached in the wrong format whatever that may be , but it has to be edited to make it work . guess I should have learned more about the defaultn settings in amarok before I let it screw up the playlists12:35
Kalidarndoes anyone else get crashes with plasma when logging in12:37
Kalidarnand logging out12:37
Kalidarnseems to be a great way to crash plasma otherwise it's pretty damn stable when it's running12:37
Kalidarnmuch more so than unity12:37
BluesKajwhy can't there just be a simple player that doesn't treat the user like he needs help managing his music files without asking first :)12:37
BluesKajKalidarn, I get the odd crash when logging out , but not at login12:38
well_laid_lawnBluesKaj: I use  mplayer -ao alsa -shuffle -playlist ~/music/playlist.txt | egrep "Title|Artist" and it always works12:39
BluesKajwell_laid_lawn, I like the cli as much as the next guy , but I don't shuffle and really do prefer a gui for handling media12:41
well_laid_lawnit's the only one I've found that's consistently predictable12:41
well_laid_lawnand on that note12:41
phunyguy_workHello, how can I make VPN connections persistent in network-manager? There is an option to "Connect Automatically" but I don't think it does anything.  Every time my network connection has a hiccup, the VPN disconnects.13:06
phunyguy_workand doesnt reconnect.13:06
BOY992good morning peopleeeeeeeeeeeee13:09
BOY992can u read me?13:09
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ucenik19noob :D13:28
ucenik19NO LIFIERS :D13:28
ucenik19FUU ALL NO LIFAS13:30
=== ucenik19 is now known as Fagio
FagioOmfg ucenik00 noob13:31
=== Fagio is now known as asdasdas
=== asdasdas is now known as ucenik19__
=== ucenik19__ is now known as Fagio
FagioI am  known as Fag13:31
pangolinFagio: Please stop13:32
pangolinucenik18: you too please13:32
=== Fagio is now known as ucenik19__
ucenik19__why is it so silent13:33
mitchlessany ktrace users out there?13:33
ucenik19__any1 tell me how to install Flash Player on ubuntu 7.04 ...13:33
jussiucenik19__: Sorry, we dont support 7.04 any more :(13:33
ucenik19__just tell me13:34
ucenik19__terminal commands13:34
ucenik19__to install it13:34
jussiI have no idea.13:34
pangolinyou can't13:34
ucenik19__i am at school right now13:34
ucenik19__this computer13:34
ucenik19__\has flash13:34
ucenik19__and its 7.0413:34
ucenik19__but the other ones13:34
ucenik19__dont have and are the same13:34
ucenik19__so dont know how ....13:34
pangolinask the school's network admin to do it13:34
jussiucenik19__: seriously, we don't know - lots of things changed sinced 7.04 and I really don't remember. In addition, its no longer supported.  :(13:35
ucenik19__well why d hell did they put 7.0413:36
pangolinask the school's network admin13:36
jussiucenik19__: another question for your sysadmin :)13:36
ucenik19__how can i upgrade 7.04 without cd13:37
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:38
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:38
pangolinlast link will tell you how.13:38
ucenik19__where should i type that13:38
Quintasanjussi: I don't want to be a pesimist, do you think upgrading from that will work?13:39
pangolinucenik19__: you don,t type it. you click on the link and read13:39
jussiQuintasan: yeah, if you do it the eol releases way, all the way through all the releases...13:39
QuintasanHmmm, it would be a valuable feedback if he got that working13:40
jussiQuintasan: it certainly would be interesting, but somehow Im guessing no sudo access...13:40
jussi(he is at school)13:40
jussimaybe I shoudl do that for fun... :P13:41
QuintasanOh, gotta bash his sysadmin at least13:41
TheLastProjectI can't get access to the "File/Edit/etc" menu bar in Kopete anymore, it disappeared a few days ago but won't come back, not even if I press Alt in the hope to trigger it. Does anybody know what to do?13:48
pangolinyou've tried restarting kopete?13:50
TheLastProjectpangolin: Multiple times, to no avail13:52
TheLastProjectpangolin: I can see this tab in any chat window (Chat/Edit/Format/Tabs/Tools/Settings/Help) but not in the main window13:52
mweijtsTheLastProject:  try CTRL-M13:52
TheLastProjectAnd thank you, mweijts.13:53
TheLastProjectI knew I was missing something simple...13:53
pangolinmenu was invisible?13:53
TheLastProjectYeah, it was, apparently Ctrl-M triggers it, which I was not aware of. Must've pressed it once by accident or so.13:53
pangolinsomething to remember.13:54
pangolinnice job mweijts :)13:54
mweijtsi have a problem at the moment with Kopete it's always connecting on the ...@hotmail.com account can't reach server, while the second account ...@msn.com logged in correctly13:56
=== veselin is now known as veselin_
=== veselin is now known as veselin__
alexdevillxAny minecraft clone for kubuntu?14:37
belliHello, is anybody here? My exboyfriend talked me to install and use kubuntu, then he left me and I have problem with loud fan and overheating and no one to help me :(14:51
BluesKajbelli, laptop or desktop?14:52
genii-aroundThis sounds more like a hardware problem than a software problem...14:52
bellisony vaio vpcea2s1e laptop14:52
belliit is software, in windows it was okay14:52
belliin gnome it was okay, in KDE it is overheating14:53
belliI have 60-70 degrees of cpu while idle :(14:53
bellino idea anybody? :(14:55
BluesKajbelli, have a little patience , someone will help if they can14:56
belliwell I hope.. I don't even know where to ask14:57
ahoxbelli, can you run top and powertop to see if there is some process that is at 100% or so?14:59
bellino, it is under 10% all the time15:01
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.15:01
ahoxbelli, what does powertop say?15:02
belliahox: sorry, what is powertop and where can I find it?15:02
ahoxits in the powertop package15:03
amichairis it just me, or is there no sun-java6-* in oneiric repos?15:03
ahoxand its basically the same as top, just for power-related stuff15:03
ahoxamichair: its just you ;-)15:04
amichairahox: are they still in the partner repos? I don't see them there...15:05
ahoxI am just trying to figure that out - how do I see the source-repo?15:05
ahoxfound it - its in natty/main (archive.canonical.com)15:06
amichairahox: maybe apt-cache show <package>?15:06
amichairnatty ain't oneiric :-)15:06
ahoxgood point - must be a leftover from before the upgrade15:07
amichair!info sun-java-jdk15:09
ubottuPackage sun-java-jdk does not exist in oneiric15:09
amichairthere u have it15:09
amichair!info sun-java-jdk natty15:09
ubottuPackage sun-java-jdk does not exist in natty15:09
amichair!find sun-java-jdk15:09
ubottuPackage/file sun-java-jdk does not exist in oneiric15:10
amichair!find sun-java-jdk natty15:10
ubottuPackage/file sun-java-jdk does not exist in natty15:10
ahoxso I assume its now the openjdk-6-* packages15:10
ahoxbelli, your cpu certainly runs a lot in the higher cpu states quiet a bit, but not that much - the only thing I find a bit strange is your touchpad15:13
belliahox: but what is wrong with my touchpad?15:13
ahoxno idea, maybe google for it?15:14
ahoxor upgrade to oneiric15:14
belliunder what phrase? :D15:14
ahoxyour laptop name15:15
ahox+touchpad problems15:15
belliahox: but in gnome and in windows I have no problems with anything :/15:15
ahoxthought, if this is a driver issue, then upgrading may be the easiest option15:15
ahoxthen add an kde or linux to it15:15
ahoxactually, you could run powertop again under gnome to see if it changes15:16
ahoxif it doesn't then this is not the problem15:16
belliok, Im going to try..15:16
belliahox: but it has nothing to do with touchpad.. that % in powertop is according to my movement of cursor with touchpad.. when I don't move with it, it under 10%, when I move, it's more15:20
=== flemming is now known as hanne38
RandomRogerumm, where is the menu.lst file in kubuntu ?15:21
belliand it is some bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/194489 any other idea?15:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 194489 in XOrg-Driver-Synaptics "ps2 synaptics touchpad causing huge amounts of wakeups" [Medium,Won't fix]15:22
ahoxwhich version of kubuntu are you running?15:24
RandomRogerI found it its grub.cfg in 10.1015:24
belliactually I have ubuntu 11.04 with KDE installed.. in some chat told me that it is like having kubuntu 11.0415:24
RandomRogerHow do I get kubuntu to display the menu when I boot so I can select which entry I want to boot ?15:24
kochhow to see every pc connected on my network?15:25
ahoxthat's correct - but you may want to try out 11.1015:25
=== flemming is now known as hanne38
RandomRogeryeah that's what I meant, my bad.15:25
RandomRogerI am running 11.1015:25
belliahox: I would love to, but this month I can't because of limits on my internet connection.. I will upgade asap15:25
RandomRogerIs there some key I have to hit on boot to get the grub meny ?15:25
claydohRandomRoger: shift key iirc15:26
RandomRogerOk, will give it a try.15:26
claydohbut do you have a dual boot RandomRoger?15:26
RandomRogerNope, not shift key.15:28
RandomRogerAnyhow, my new kernel works but the gfx are borked.15:28
=== flemming is now known as hanne38
RandomRogerI have to 3D acceleration.15:28
ahoxbelli, the only other thing I can now think of is to use ksysguard and go through the sensors to spot something odd there15:28
ahoxCPU Load/Interrupts/Total may be an interesting number15:29
RandomRogerAnyone else know how I mite get into the grub menu on boot ?15:30
BluesKajRandomRoger,  hold the shift key down right after the bios scrn until the grub menu appears15:30
RandomRogerK, will try.15:30
RandomRogerNow to find if I can somehow enable my gfx card on the new kernel.15:32
ahoxRandomRoger: otherwise have a look at /etc/defaults/grub15:32
RandomRogerActually I remember some error regarding fglrx when compiling the kernel, so that mite be why the new one has no 3D15:33
amichairis there a utility that makes all changes necessary for properly using an ssd?15:36
amichairone can try...15:41
claydohRandomRoger: are you dual booting, or have both ubuntu/kubuntu installed together?15:42
RandomRogerI just have Kubuntu15:42
claydohshift key to bring up grub can be tricky timing wise15:42
claydohRandomRoger: you wouldnt use grub then, you would choose kde or unity or whichever desktop at the login15:43
RandomRogerNo, I needed it because I have multiple kernels15:43
RandomRogerI'm experimenting with compiling my own. So I need to get into grub to select which kernel to boot.,15:44
claydohmake sure you run update-grub to add the kernels to it, the kernel build might not be adding an entry to grub15:46
RandomRogerIts there15:46
RandomRogerI needed to boot the old kernel again though because there's a problem with fglrx15:47
claydohgood, you just have to hit or hold down shift at the right time, I have seen it be tricky so try a few times if  you have to15:49
claydohRandomRoger: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Boot_Display_Behavior15:50
claydohif you need to edit the file to turn it on permanently15:50
RandomRogerLove Linux man, its so fun.15:52
kochhow to change the name of ntfs disk, via terminal linux?15:56
kochso thnks.16:04
bios`hi I am looking for a tool which allows me to make anotations in pdfs (xournal is a way to limited since you can only write text on the white boarders and okular does not allow me to send the anotatins to friends who are not using okuklar as well)16:08
WalzmynI'm tyring to install skype. The interwebs say it's in the partners repo, but I don't see it. I downloaded the .deb from skype but it's telling me skype is availiable in a repo channel. What gives?16:18
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »16:21
Walzmynpangolin: right, but skype's not in there. I found a dozen articles saying that was where it was16:25
Walzmynand I've searched the repos for it and not found it, but the .deb from sykpe said there was a repo verson availiable some where16:25
pangolininteresting, I am getting the same results16:28
amichair_!find skype oneiric partner16:29
BluesKaj32 bit skype is available in the repos here16:29
amichair_what's the syntax again?16:30
amichair_!find skype oneiric16:30
ubottuFound: pidgin-skype, pidgin-skype-dbg16:30
BluesKaj!info skype16:30
BluesKajI usually download the static version , for palin skype ...it works ok on 64bit16:31
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga16:31
ubottuPackage skype does not exist in oneiric16:31
BluesKajconflicting factoids16:32
Walzmynsorry, taking care of kid. I need 64 bit, so just get it from skype?16:33
BluesKajWalzmyn,yeah , probly your best bet16:34
WalzmynI got it, but havn't installed yet. it said it needed to install 95 additional packages16:34
BluesKajWalzmyn, I usually get it from the website ...wonder how old that ubuntu tutorial is .16:37
Walzmynsome of what I was reading was referencing 11.1016:38
BluesKajWalzmyn, ok , because al I see on the skype site is a beta version16:40
Num83rGuy_Just installed Kubuntu 11.10, Muon crashes, Now Muon will not get new packages with the error along the line of "package system in use close other package managers". No other is in use and aptitude, apt-get works16:51
Num83rGuy_Where is muon's lock file?16:52
ishaanNum83rGuy_: Have u tried restarting the Os?16:52
Num83rGuy_ishaan Yes16:53
ishaanNum83rGuy_ Whats the exact error and where?16:53
phunyguy_workit is definitely the lock file, but where is it16:54
Num83rGuy_Muon package manager. When trying to apply a change to a package install, remove, etc.16:54
ishaantry sudo apt-get muon --restart16:54
phunyguy_worka muon crash will cause a lock file to remain according to google16:55
phunyguy_workjust not sure how to kill it16:55
ishaanthen find the process using "ps -A" command in the konsole16:56
Num83rGuy_Command line option --restart is not understood Did you mean reinstall16:56
ishaanno restart.16:56
ishaanits a the force strart type.16:56
Num83rGuy_I put in "sudo apt-get muon --restart" and the output was "Command line option --restart is not understood"16:58
ishaancan u send me the processes running in ur system using "ps-A" in the konsole?16:58
phunyguy_workishaan, i dont think there is a process running16:58
phunyguy_workthats what he is trying to say16:58
ishaanthats why iam checking it against background ones...it may run and cause crash or there are other apps running which is causing the same.16:59
Num83rGuy_ishaan http://pastebin.com/xK3Bk3XH16:59
Num83rGuy_No not that I am aware of.17:00
Num83rGuy_Muon only crashed once and now is locked out of the package system but, aptitude and apt-get still work so it is not the apt lock file.17:01
BluesKajNum83rGuy_, just try muon in the terminal , see what comes up17:03
ishaanBluesKaj: thats a good suggestion17:05
ishaanNum83rGuy_: try that.17:05
phunyguy_workishaan is the IRC traffic cop.17:05
ishaanphunyguy_work: who me??17:06
phunyguy_workNum83rGuy_: follow ishaan's suggestion to follow BluesKaj's suggestion.17:06
phunyguy_workishaan: that was a good suggestion to follow BluesKaj's suggestion17:07
phunyguy_worklunchtime, bbl17:07
ishaanhmm..which country are u in phunyguy_work?17:07
Num83rGuy_LOL yeah, running "sudo muon" in konsole works.17:07
ishaantry not use sudo when executing GUI's17:08
ishaanuse gksudo17:08
BluesKajNum83rGuy_, what about muon only , in user mode rather than sudo17:08
ishaanyes iwas gonna write that too..17:08
BluesKajishaan, this is kubuntu , kde territory17:09
Num83rGuy_It seems to run but says I don't have authorization.17:10
ishaanyes i knw..thats why i said gksudo..do one thing,try sudo dolphin and see the result in the konsole.you can see what is said BluesKaj17:10
Num83rGuy_When I try to install17:10
ishaanNum83rGuy_: install what?17:11
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why17:11
Num83rGuy_kdesudo muon works too.17:11
Num83rGuy_I installed 2ping17:11
genii-aroundNum83rGuy_ and ishaan .. please see the ubottu's link as to why not to use sudo to run gui apps17:12
Num83rGuy_first thing in the list and small.17:12
ishaangenii-around: i knw that.Thanks for the heads up.17:12
ishaanNum83rGuy_: and what happens then?17:13
Num83rGuy_It works with sudo it works with kdesudo just not run from the menu.17:13
genii-aroundishaan: I see now... pulled the factoid up so that others would not think this should be a good way to run muon or dolphin, then checked backscroll :)17:14
Num83rGuy_I know that it is not the best method and the issues it causes. thanks17:14
ishaangenii-around: I think u got my point...Somewhat!17:16
Num83rGuy_let me try again and see .17:16
* BluesKaj has learned the lazy methods. my ~/.bashrc file is full of aliases17:18
deweyanyone on good with wifi issues ?17:20
phunyguy_workjust ask your question.17:20
deweyok well when i am using wifi it works for a few seconds then kind of freezes. if i reconect its fine again for a few seconds but stops again17:21
deweyits an intel wifi and i download the drivers17:21
deweystill does it17:21
AmdpcHi..does anyone here know how to connect to mobile broadband in kubuntu 10.10 ?17:21
deweyAmdpc it works just like regular wifi17:22
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup17:22
Amdpcdewey : When I plug the dongle , It is shown in the network option in the panel...But I am unable to connect it...Can you help ?17:23
deweyoh your using the USB one17:23
deweywitch one do you have ?17:23
deweyshould be a model number on the back by the ESN (barcode)17:26
BluesKajdewey,for the intel wifi module , try , sudo modprobe iwlwifi , in the the terminal17:27
deweyblueskaj says module not found17:29
deweybut its in /lib/firmware where it said to puti it17:29
Amdpcdewey : Tata Photon Plus (INdia)17:30
deweyamdpc not familiar with that one17:31
deweyamdpc try this link http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-configure-tataindicom-mobile-broadband-on-linux/17:32
genii-arounddewey: firmware should be put in /lib/firmware ( and usually only if you intend to use ndiswrapper as the driver )17:35
Amdpcdewey : dewey : n one more thing...I am able to connect my dongle using Ubuntu..17:35
deweygenii-around ok so where should i put it ?17:35
deweyamdpc it has ubuntu on the site check it out17:36
genii-arounddewey: Where did you download the drivers from, are they Windows or Linux drivers?17:36
Amdpc<dewey> : Yeh....I am on UBuntu only and it is connected :)17:37
genii-around( and what is the extension of the filename either way )17:37
deweythey are linux drivers i got from intellinuxwireless17:37
genii-arounddewey: OK, so that file actually is in the correct place. But for it to be used, you have to be then using ndiswrapper for your driver and not the native linux driver17:39
deweyok let me google that thanks17:40
genii-arounddewey: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper might get you started17:42
deweygenii-around it requires a .inf file? so it wont work with .ucode will it ?17:49
rymate1234kubunntu uses a load of ram17:50
rymate1234why is this?17:50
genii-arounddewey: Most adapters when used with ndiswrapper will require BOTH... the firmware to the hardware ( .ucode or .fw file) and the windows device driver information ( .inf file)17:51
deweyok so i need to find the windows driver too ?17:52
genii-aroundrymate1234: KDE can be fairly resource-heavy compared to other desktop environments like GNOME, or XFCE17:52
genii-arounddewey: Yep17:53
deweyso i should install it to /lib/firmware as well ?17:53
rymate1234genii-around: but surely it shouldn't be using 70% of my ram17:55
rymate1234only applications I have open are xchat and chrome17:55
genii-arounddewey: Usually when there are more than a couple files involved for the single device, to make a subdirectory under /lib/firmware and put all of the stuff into that17:56
genii-aroundrymate1234: How much ram does your system have?17:56
genii-aroundApologies on lag, work requires my attention here periodically17:56
rymate1234holy shit17:57
rymate1234ram usage went wayyy down when i closed chrome17:57
genii-aroundrymate1234: Now ya know. ... also, please try to keep the language family friendly here :)17:59
rymate1234oh ok :P17:59
deweygenii-around it appears to be impossible to download the inf files....18:03
deweygenii-around all i  can fine are the .exe18:05
genii-arounddewey: The usual thing is to download the Windows driver entirely. They are usually in .zip or sometimes self-extracting .exe ... then extracting the .inf and also .sys files18:05
deweyhow do i get the inf out of an exe? lol18:05
Num83rGuy_Ugh, Sorry went to reboot suddenly everyone wanted to come over.  Found out what my issue with Muon was.18:06
genii-arounddewey: Usually by having wine already installed and then using that to run it, etc18:06
deweyyeah thats what i figured18:06
deweyinstalling wine...18:07
Num83rGuy_Cryptic error messages.  I was trying to install a package that caused broken depends was putting up the package system in use error.18:07
Num83rGuy_ishaan Installing a package with broken depends causes the package system in use error.18:09
BluesKajNum83rGuy_, sudo dpkg --configure -a , then it might suggest , sudo apt-get -f install18:11
Num83rGuy_It 's OK I have it fixed now but, thank you.18:12
BluesKajBBL...stuff to do18:16
deweyok genii-around lets see how long this works18:40
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...18:41
genii-aroundIt's rate-limited18:41
deweystill seems to be lagging out18:43
deweycant open any web sites now18:43
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...18:43
deweyim getting pinged though18:43
deweyugh ever since unity was put in ubuntu i went back to windows. thought i would try kubuntu but i am about to go back to windows again18:45
rymate1234dewey: want my advice?18:47
rymate1234afaik there is an option on the ubuntu login screen to use the "classic" interface18:48
rymate1234its a dropown box on the bottom18:48
rymate1234or use 10.04 lts18:49
BluesKajdewey,   sudo ifconfig wlan0 up18:49
BluesKajdewey, any error messages?18:50
deweyi dont understand why i am fine here but websites time out.18:50
deweyno error18:50
BluesKajthat means it's connected18:50
deweyi am connected but on wireless everything times out18:50
deweylike package installs18:51
deweyand websites18:51
genii-arounddewey: So you are connected to irc fine but websites having issues?18:51
deweynot just websites18:51
genii-aroundSmells like dns issue18:51
deweyyeah its odd18:51
deweyideas ?18:51
genii-arounddewey: You are connected by both wireless and wire to same router/access point but only one connection is working?18:52
deweyno i unplugged wired18:52
deweylet me try a reboot after i did all this network stuff brb18:53
genii-arounddewey: Might want to try: sudo dhclient wlan018:54
genii-around( assuming it's supposed to be automatically getting an ip)18:54
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BluesKajdewey, do you see your network/router, sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid19:06
deweygenii-around ok I am wired again the icon in the bottom right corner that let me search for wireless networks is gone. Any idea how to get that back ?19:07
ubuntubye bye guys19:07
BluesKajdewey, look at my post above19:07
deweysays device doesnt support scaning19:08
BluesKajyou need the wifi connection on , no wired for that test19:08
deweyyeah i know i am looking for how to get that icon back one sec19:08
deweyany idea ?19:10
deweygot it19:11
deweyok one sec19:11
deweyswitching to wireless19:11
calcmandan_tpso its kdesudo now and not kdesu like it was?19:14
deweyBluesKaj what ever i did has completely removed my wireless19:17
deweyit doesnt detect my card at all now19:17
genii-aroundcalcmandan_tp: Correct19:20
deweygenii-around any idea why now the network software doesnt see my wifi ?19:23
deweybut when i do lspci | grep -i net it finds my card19:23
genii-arounddewey: Did you do something like blacklist the linux driver it was using previously?19:23
deweyall i did was ndiswrapper -i mydriver.inf19:24
deweyshould i do the .sys too ?19:24
genii-arounddewey: Is ndiswrapper a currently loaded module?19:25
genii-aroundeg: does lsmod| grep ndiswrapper     show it?19:25
deweyno it doesnt19:26
deweyso its not loaded19:26
deweydoesnt ndiswrapper -m make it come on at startup ?19:26
genii-arounddewey: You would still need to probably put ndiswrapper in /etc/modules for it to be loaded each boot19:27
deweygenii-around so just add the line ndiswrapper to the file ?19:30
deweyok so how do i run it now19:31
genii-arounddewey: For the moment just manually: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper19:37
linux4u2why does bluetooth headsets not work in 11.04?19:38
deweyok brb testing19:38
linux4u2I have yet to see any post a how to or anything close to a set of working instructions?19:38
genii-aroundlinux4u2: If in Konsole you put: sudo service bluetooth restart        and try again your headset does it see it then?19:41
linux4u2ok let me try19:47
linux4u2ok I have restart bluetooth19:49
linux4u2I have the headset paired. but how to I get any sound out of it.19:49
deweygenii-around now its seeing my connections but doesnt connect. Just says wait for authorization19:49
deweyi have remove the connection and readded it19:50
linux4u2I have tried blue-devil, blueman and bluetooth-applet.19:50
genii-aroundlinux4u2: Do you see a usb audio device in kmix?19:51
linux4u2dont think so, let me double check19:51
linux4u2no usb audio device in kmix19:52
linux4u2I cant see the sink in pulseaudio.19:52
linux4u2what kills me is this worked perfectly in 10.1019:52
genii-arounddewey: Hm. I currently have no suggestions19:52
genii-aroundlinux4u2: If you put: alsamixer              and then in there F6  does it show the headset?19:53
OrcrisIs there any way to make Kdenlive work, or do I just need to wait for an update?20:00
linux4u2ok let me try genii20:00
linux4u2genii-around,  no it doesnt show a headset20:01
linux4u2do I need a .asoudrc file?20:01
jmichaelxi don't think anyone has .asoundrc in oneiric by default20:06
=== andrew_ is now known as Orcris
BluesKajjmichaelx, , linux4u2 , ~/.asoundrc is usually required if you have a pci soundcard that needs to be made the default in the bios ..but that's my experience ..yours may differ20:09
jmichaelxBluesKaj: that may well be the case.... on two machines i have had constant issues with the wrong audio device be set as the default20:09
jmichaelx(in oneiric)20:10
andyccThis might be a stupid question, but why is my mouse cursor disappearing when I'm not moving it? I looked through System Settings and couldn't find anything relevant...20:10
jmichaelxin both cases, phonon settings seems to be fairly worthless20:10
jmichaelxandycc: i see that, too.... but only when a firefix window is open. if i move the mouse, it comes back20:11
andycc(I also STFWed, but it didn't turn up anything relevant either)20:11
* jmichaelx STFWed?20:11
* jmichaelx understands the TF, but not the S or W....20:12
andyccjmichaelx: STFW = search the F-ing web20:12
jmichaelxgot it now20:12
BluesKajalso the  /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file nedds to have the new pci card kernel module/driver:  options newsoundcardmodule index=020:12
jmichaelxBluesKaj: yea, i have alsa-base.conf set correctly, but the machine sometimes still sets the wrong device as the default (a USB microphone, of all things)20:13
jmichaelxBluesKaj: right now, the default devie is set correctly 3 out of 4 time.... when it tries to make the webcam mic the default, i just unplug the webcam, then plug it back in, and things are fine20:14
BluesKajjmichaelx, make sure you have first in the list under this line : # Prevent abnormal drivers from grabbing index 020:14
jmichaelxBluesKaj: yes, that is how i have it20:15
jmichaelxi did not have this problem in natty20:15
jmichaelxthis issue is mildly annoying, but there are several issues in kubuntu oneiric that annoy me much more than this20:15
BluesKajok, then that webcam mic must have some drivercode that kills anyother audio drives20:16
jmichaelxBluesKaj: entirely possible.... although one would think that a mic should never be the default audio device20:16
BluesKajkde window sizing is one of my pet annoyances20:16
mivasahello everyone20:17
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: hi20:17
BluesKajanywayn , back to raking ...bbi20:17
phoenix_firebrdmivasa: hello20:17
jmichaelxyes, trying to move a window by dragging titlebar often results in resizing20:17
mivasai am looking for a usent server any recommendations20:17
mivasasorry Usenet Server...20:18
BluesKajthe davance window and application settings won't hold unles i use 'force' ...remember doesn't remember anything :)20:18
BluesKajok , gotta do some work for a bit20:18
linux4u2hey BluesKaj  I agree, but I was at the point to try anything.20:20
linux4u2why is there no howto for 11.04? since they changed everything in 11.04 I figure someone would have created a howto.20:20
merlin1991is it a known bug that rekonq keeps crashing, or am I special?20:23
well_laid_lawnthere's beena few ppl with that issue20:25
merlin1991known solutions?20:25
well_laid_lawnuse something else20:25
merlin1991my symptoms are random crashes + definite crash when I try to dl anything20:25
merlin1991I was looking forward not to install mozilla for once :D20:25
merlin1991what would be a lightweight browser for kde then?20:26
well_laid_lawnkonqueror amybe20:28
genii-aroundkonqueror is fairly serviceable, yes20:28
andyccmerlin1991: if lightweight is what you're looking for, then yeah, +1 for Konqueror.20:29
phoenix_firebrdmerlin1991: do you get any error messages?20:29
merlin1991phoenix_firebrd: I didn't check logs (does rekonq write some)20:30
merlin1991but the window simply closes20:30
merlin1991looks like the regular sigsev to me20:30
phoenix_firebrdmerlin1991: no try to run it from terminal20:30
phoenix_firebrdmerlin1991: you can also try disabling plugins20:30
TheTaLlesTmy audio card can use 2 input sources at the same time. front mic and line in for example this shows up just fine in alsa but in pulse i can only select one. i assume this is because of the profile. I am useing  'Analog Surround 5.1 Output + Analog Stereo Input'. can i add another profile?20:35
=== anna is now known as Guest11476
Num83rGuy_Oh boy, I just realized I have no sound. alsamixer is showing my sound card (Audigy 2 platinum) as does the phonon ksm. But phonon has the card grayed out.20:40
BluesKajTheTaLlesT, I believe you can setup more profile if you have pavucontrol installed .. not real sure since I only use pulse because have to for webaudio content to play20:40
BluesKajNum83rGuy_, that's pci card right ?20:41
BluesKajNum83rGuy_, did you set it as the default in the bios ?20:42
andyccOK, asking again: does anyone have any idea why my mouse cursor disappears when I don't move it?20:42
Num83rGuy_It should be. I upgraded (fresh install using old home) from 11.04 last night. It worked in 11.04.20:43
Num83rGuy_The cursor hideing is annoying to me too.20:44
mweijtsi have a problem with Kopete on WLM, I have 2 accounts ...@hotmail.com and ...@msn.com witch is working fine but the ...@hotmail.com account is always connecting, i reinstalled kopete, cleared all config files but problem is stilthere20:45
andyccOkay, now my touchpad is dead. And there is no cursor at all.20:45
Num83rGuy_andycc: The package that does that is called unclutter.20:46
andyccAh, indeed, I just killall-ed it and I can see the cursor now.20:46
andyccThanks for that.20:46
Num83rGuy_I usually uninstall it20:47
Num83rGuy_I am going to have to install more pulse stuff aren't I? I hate pulse.20:54
BluesKajNum83rGuy_, look for the chip in alsmixer  , lsmod | grep snd , that  module should be your Card 0 (default) or  index=0 in alsabase.conf20:54
BluesKajyeah, pulseaudio is a dirty fix IMO , I'm not happy with it but i need it for flash and other audio content on the web20:54
BluesKajalsa is supposed to link to flash on webaudio content ...it used to work with my onboard , but it doesn't with the m-audio20:55
Num83rGuy_I don't see any thing that looks like my sound card in the out put of  lsmod | grep snd20:56
Num83rGuy_Yet alsamixer sees it.20:57
BluesKajNum83rGuy_, so the chip listed in alsamixer doesn't show up in lsmod ?20:59
Num83rGuy_I beleve yes.21:00
BluesKajmake sure21:00
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy_: it probsbly should me ca0106 or emu10k21:01
Num83rGuy_alsa mixer says the chip is SigmaTel STAC9721,2321:01
Num83rGuy_lasmod does not have that but does have emu10k21:02
Num83rGuy_Actually emu10k121:03
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy_: thats your card21:03
andyccAh, a Sigmatel. Aren't those "supported" by the standard hda-intel driver?21:03
andycc(or whatever it's called)21:03
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy_: have you disabled the onboard audio?21:04
Num83rGuy_OK, phonon has it grayed out.21:04
Num83rGuy_ac97 disabled in BIOS.21:04
BluesKajNum83rGuy_, try this  sudo lshw -C multimedia21:04
Num83rGuy_here is the output http://paste.kde.org/142382/21:06
BluesKajNum83rGuy_, ok what does this show ..there may be a conflict , cat /proc/asound/modules21:08
Num83rGuy_ 0 snd_emu10k121:10
Num83rGuy_ 1 snd_usb_audio21:10
Num83rGuy_The second is a USB web cam with mic.21:10
Num83rGuy_I unplugged it and phonon wants to know if I want it permanently forgotten. Will it work if I plug it in later?21:13
Num83rGuy_If I say yes.21:13
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy_: it should21:13
Num83rGuy_Now the USB mic is gon but the soundcard is still gray.21:15
BluesKajwish i knew more about audigy soundcards ...wonder what the module /driver name is ..does anyone know ?21:17
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy_: can you purge and reinstall pulseaudio?21:17
adarshajoisais there any way to make a widget visible above active windows?21:17
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i am sure its emu10k1 chip21:18
Num83rGuy_Me too. Running pactl tels me that the default sink is auto_null I will try to set the sink to something meaningful before I go nuclear and purge.21:20
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, yeah i just ssh'd into my other pc which has an audigy which uses that driver altho it's not the default21:23
Num83rGuy_I am installing pulse control I think I had to do this last time. And then kick it a few times.21:25
BluesKajNum83rGuy_, try this , sudo modprobe snd-emu10k121:26
Num83rGuy_No output.21:26
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj:  I am having a alsa asoundrc file that works for web too, i was using it. If you are interested i can paste it here21:28
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, are you using pulseaudio as well ?21:28
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: ya21:29
Num83rGuy_If I could get rid of pulse that would be great.21:29
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: pulseaudio without the alsa configuration file21:29
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, nm ..If I could dump pulse I would21:30
BluesKajI have an ,asoundrc file set up21:30
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: shall i paste the config here21:30
BluesKajpaste your file , phoenix_firebrd I'll check it out21:30
BluesKajin pastebin21:30
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: http://paste.kde.org/142388/21:31
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i have added a  lowpass filter to it, if you dont wont remove it21:32
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: *want21:32
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phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: only one application can use the soundcard at once21:33
BluesKajNum83rGuy_, open this file ,/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf , and find this line : '# Prevent abnormal drivers from grabbing index 0' , paste this line directly under it , options  snd-emu10k1 index=021:35
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, where did you get that .asoundrc file ...that looks to me like an analog output setup ...I use spdif/pcm only21:37
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: oh, i did a research and created my own, yes its for analog, you can use to make your own21:38
Num83rGuy_OK I did that. also this was in that file http://paste.kde.org/142394/21:39
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
BluesKajthis is mine phoenix_firebrd , http://paste.ubuntu.com/728575/ , simple but effective21:44
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i guess your sound card supports hardware mixer21:45
BluesKajNum83rGuy_, ok , try a reboot , then we'll see what happens with phonon and pulse21:45
Num83rGuy_oK in a bit.21:45
BluesKajNum83rGuy_, those lines you pasted are common strings in the conf file afaikt21:46
calcmandan_phoneCan someone please pastebin their apt.sources file for 11.10?21:48
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, yes the m-audio card has several opyional devices it can connect to21:48
BluesKajcalcmandan_phone, are you upgrading your OS ?21:49
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: mine is creative soundblaster , which is based on ca0106 chip and it doesnt contain a hardware mixer21:50
calcmandan_phoneBlueskai: I will be but I want to make sure I get all the repos after the transition. The live boot has only one source21:52
andyccWhy Kubuntu just spontaneously shut down, I will never know. ...21:52
andycc(This isn't common, is it?)21:52
calcmandan_phoneYour cpu overheated?21:52
phoenix_firebrdandycc: what do you mean by shutdown ? halt or clean shutdown?21:54
pietzdoes anyone know when KDE 4.7.3 is gonna packaged?21:54
phoenix_firebrdpietz: it is being packaged21:54
pietzok, next question *g* when is it available :-D21:54
phoenix_firebrdpietz: check this page https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging21:55
pietzi was there21:55
pietzi donÄt know how to read this site21:55
pietzthere is no legend how to read it21:55
pietzsorry :)21:55
pietzis there a description page how to extract the information from this site?21:56
phoenix_firebrdpietz: check at the end of the page there is something called "PPA Testing KDE 4.7.3 Oneiric", if it shows success, then kde 4.7.3 will be available in backports21:58
phoenix_firebrdyofel_: are in uds21:58
phoenix_firebrdyofel_: are you in uds21:58
playuh_jdanyone used DD before to make a HD clone??22:01
Torchplayuh_jd: not an uncommon thing to do22:01
BluesKajBBL ...22:01
playuh_jdTorch: My first time...22:02
playuh_jdAfter the cloning process, my new HD won't boot.. =[22:02
playuh_jdi need help22:02
Torchplayuh_jd: we will probably need more details, like what's the source and target disk, how's the partition layout, what happens exactly now...22:03
playuh_jdsource disk is /dev/sda target is /dev/sdb. I have approximately 5 partitions on source disk which I would like replicated to target disk...22:04
pietzmember:phoenix_firebrd thanks, but a more self-describing website would help millions of people to understand the site :-)22:04
pietzthanks anyways. bye22:04
playuh_jdIt seems that all the files transfered but the disk wont boot. I manually created the partitions on target disk before transferring each partition 1 by 1 from source to target22:05
Torchplayuh_jd: that's not how this is normally done... either you copy the whole disk or you copy partitions.22:05
playuh_jdi was wondering if DD could actually create the partitions on the target disk for me if i just ran a simple command asking it to replicate source to target22:05
playuh_jdi wont to copy the whole disk at once22:06
playuh_jdand have the target replicate the same partitions, is that possible?22:06
Torchplayuh_jd: dd copies data from source to target. it knows nothing of partitions, but it does not have to in this case.22:06
Torchplayuh_jd: what we're seeing as partitions is part of the master boot record at the start of the disk (primaries, at least). so if you copy all information from sda to sdb, this will just be copied as well22:07
Torchplayuh_jd: if you create partitions and copy sda1 to sdb1, sda2 to sdb2 and so on that _should_ work, but may have some side effects and the chance of mistakes is larger22:07
playuh_jdso i should be able to just copy the and clone the whole disk, and the partitions should remain intact...22:07
playuh_jdi see22:08
Torchplayuh_jd: also, you'll have to re-create the boot strap code in the mbr22:08
playuh_jdso i'll reformat my sdb drive, and try again22:08
Torchplayuh_jd: no formatting required22:08
playuh_jdthat will work it?22:08
playuh_jdjust start the process again22:08
Torchplayuh_jd: boot from a CD, don't do this while anything is mounted22:08
playuh_jdsda to sdb...22:08
Torchplayuh_jd: and use dd to copy sda to sdb22:08
playuh_jdTorch, i wont...22:08
playuh_jdsounds fantastic22:08
playuh_jdlets give it a try...22:08
Torchplayuh_jd: make sure to not boot the system with both disks attached once you're done22:09
Torchplayuh_jd: you're probably mounting per UUID in your fstab and this will not work if you have cloned partitions22:09
playuh_jdokay, i will remove source drive after its done...22:10
playuh_jdi hope this works!22:10
playuh_jdthey're quite large drives22:11
SIR_Tacothat's what she said22:11
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
Torchplayuh_jd: read the man page of dd to find out how to make it print how far it is.22:11
playuh_jdi've found out...22:11
Torchplayuh_jd: you need to send it a signal, it's not hard, but be careful not to kill it22:12
Torchplayuh_jd: great22:12
playuh_jdeven the blank bytes will be copied, isn't that right?22:12
playuh_jdthese are 1 terabyte drives, but only about 400gig are full22:12
Torchplayuh_jd: yes. this method will take a lot longer than copying filesystems with appropriate tools22:12
Torchplayuh_jd: if you re-create the partition layout, create the file systems and copy just the files, it will be much faster22:13
Torchplayuh_jd: also, cleaner. and this will magically defragment your filesystems in the process.22:13
playuh_jdi tried that yesterday, but i couldnt get the partitions perfefct22:13
Torchplayuh_jd: is windows vista/7 involved?22:13
playuh_jdthere is one windows partitions22:13
Torchplayuh_jd: xp or vista/7?22:14
playuh_jdso i dont even need to format the target drive?22:14
playuh_jdi guess that makes sense, because everything will be overwritten22:14
Torchplayuh_jd: there's no such thing as formatting a hard disk, it's a myth.22:14
Torchplayuh_jd: you can create and delete partitions and file systems.22:15
playuh_jdi see22:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Torchplayuh_jd: but if you overwrite the master boot record, all information about partitions will be overwritten anyway22:15
Torch(i'm simplifiying, but i'm sure you get the picture here ,-))22:15
yofelphoenix_firebrd: nope, the planning didn't work out for that :/22:16
phoenix_firebrdyofel: bad22:16
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phoenix_firebrdyofel: Jonathan Riddell has said that there will be a tutorial for packaging, did you decide it?22:18
Num83rGuy_OK I did that. also this was in that file http://paste.kde.org/142394/22:18
yofelnope, that was his idea (and we're off topic in here)22:18
Num83rGuy_OK, phonon has it grayed out.22:19
SIR_TacoNum83rGuy_: you can't seriously be having problems with EMU10K1... that driver has been around for well over a decade22:20
Num83rGuy_I am sorry one of children typed that.22:20
TorchNum83rGuy_: your children know about phonon and pastebin?22:21
Num83rGuy_I meant the obscenity22:21
Num83rGuy_Let me reboot.22:22
playuh_jdTorch: Thanks for you help.. THe process is underway!22:23
Torchplayuh_jd: good luck ;-)22:23
playuh_jdTorch: I'll let you know in 3 hours... lol22:24
playuh_jdshould take 3 hours to copy 1000 gigs22:24
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
Num83rGuyI still don't have sound.:(22:53
Num83rGuyPulse refuses to use my sound card.22:55
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: did you try purging and reinstalling pulseaudio?22:55
Num83rGuyah no not yet let me do that and I'll be back.22:55
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: ok22:55
SIR_TacoNum83rGuy: from your pastebin you have 2 soundcards... one is on board via82xx, other is a PCI card emu10k1... which do you use?23:01
SIR_Tacoemu10k1 = Creative Sound Blaster Live23:02
phoenix_firebrdSIR_Taco: emu10k1 is audigy , live is ca010623:03
SIR_Tacophoenix_firebrd: EMU10K1 has always been Live based cards... maybe that changed, I haven't had one in about a decade... either way, doesn't change the fact that Num83rGuy has 2 sound cards present23:05
phoenix_firebrdSIR_Taco: ya23:06
SIR_TacoNum83rGuy: from your pastebin you have 2 soundcards... one is on board via82xx, other is a PCI card emu10k1... which do you use?23:08
Num83rGuyHmm I thought the built in ac97 was disabled in BIOS.  And I realy don't think the ac97 on my MB is via based. I have used the Audgy for close to a year.23:11
Num83rGuyYeah the on board audio is realtek not sure if the via driver is the one for that but.23:14
SIR_TacoNum83rGuy: ok... but which are you using? If you're not using the on-board then disabling it in the BIOS is the easy solution23:15
Num83rGuyIt should be disabled now but, I will check. BRB.23:16
Num83rGuyIt was disabled. On a whim I grabbed a pair of my daughters headphones and plugged them in to the Audigy's headphone jack on it's front panel and got sound.23:23
Num83rGuyThat's with pulse removed.23:23
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: did you purge it?23:23
Num83rGuyYes sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio.23:24
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: can you try installing it23:24
Num83rGuyI still haven't reinstalled it.23:24
Num83rGuyOK after reinstall the only audio device in phonon is Pulse Audio Sound Server. I hit the test button and got no sound.23:27
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: run alsamixer in terminal23:29
Num83rGuyI will now reboot (again) and see if it is better.23:29
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: ok reboot23:30
Num83rGuyWait I just got dinged.23:30
Num83rGuyI have sound in the head phones at least.23:30
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: restart23:31
SIR_Tacomy guess is that Phonon is set to Digital (as default) and not analogue23:32
phoenix_firebrdSIR_Taco: may be23:32
SIR_Tacophoenix_firebrd: however, get him to do an lsmod for audio... I'll be that the onboard driver is still there and working23:34
phoenix_firebrdSIR_Taco: i think he already blacklisted it23:35
SIR_Taconever hurts to try :)23:35
phoenix_firebrdSIR_Taco: ok23:35
Num83rGuyNo sound at all23:35
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: check and increase the volumes using alsamixer in terminal23:36
Num83rGuyThat was the first thing I did. Thet are all good.23:36
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: i got it23:37
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: you have 5.1 right?23:37
Num83rGuyNope just stereo.23:38
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: you said it was a create soundblaster 5.1?23:38
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: you said it was a creative soundblaster 5.1?23:38
Num83rGuyYes an Audgy 2 platinum. With 2.0 speakers.23:39
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: so your headphone is connected to the green jack?23:39
Num83rGuyThe sound card has a drive bay panel with lots of other connections one of which is headphones.23:41
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: is that in green color?23:41
Num83rGuyAnd after reboot that no longer gives sound.23:41
SIR_Tacohas one of those: http://ask.creative.com/wwimages/general/product_guides/Audigy_PLT_drive.jpg23:42
Num83rGuyNope gold/copper there is no color coding on the front.23:42
Num83rGuyJust icons.23:42
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy:can you check in all jacks23:43
Num83rGuySIR_Taco: that's the one sept mine's black.23:44
Num83rGuyStarting some net raido to test jacks23:45
SIR_TacoNum83rGuy: the problem only occurs with the bay jacks (the ones on the front of the computer)? or on the card jacks too(the one's paralell with the floor on the back of the computer)?23:46
Num83rGuyWell all jacks are dead now.  Where as with pulse removed at least the front panel headphone jack worked.23:47
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: ok can you try some thing23:48
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy:  sudo kate /etc/pulse/daemon.conf23:48
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: opened?23:49
Num83rGuykdesudo :)23:50
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: can you find this line '; enable-remixing = yes'23:50
SIR_Tacohi Privacy... who are you?23:50
=== Privacy is now known as Mooqi
SIR_Tacoso much for Privacy ; )23:51
Num83rGuyFound it.23:51
MooqiI dont think you know me. I just started using ubuntu at work and got a question^^23:51
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: remove the ; from the line and save it23:51
Num83rGuyOK done.23:52
=== hecacode is now known as hexacode
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: kill the process pulseaudio one, it will start again automatically23:53
Mooqii am using a notebook with a second flatscreen to extend my desktop. the problem is, that my flatscreens resolution is "higher" so my laptops desktop gets cut off at the top. so everytime i save a file on the desktop it gets put as far top as possible in an area that is not visible23:53
Mooqii hope you can understand what i am trying to describe23:54
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy:  done?23:55
Num83rGuyphoenix_firebrd: OK23:55
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: check for sound23:55
SIR_TacoMooqi: yes, I understand what you're saying23:55
SIR_TacoMooqi: what video card does your notebook have?23:56
MooqiSIR_Taco: I am sorry, I can't tell you right now, since I am at home. if this information is necessary i will find out tomorrow and come back then23:57
Num83rGuyphoenix_firebrd: OK now I'm confounded. Quassel dinged me but the test button in the phonon kml does not work nor does Chromium sound23:57
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: did you upgrade from 11.04?23:58
Num83rGuyNo fresh install with old /home23:58
phoenix_firebrdNum83rGuy: have vlc?23:59
Num83rGuyNot yet ;)23:59

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