
=== aw is now known as Guest84030
ptrkmjHi there. Is lubuntu provisoned with software to build kernel from it?01:13
lubuntu214wants to disable startup apps. I know that "Check for new hardware drivers" isn't necessary so I turned that off. what about "Disk NOtifications" and "Notification Daemon"?01:38
lubuntu214all the other apps I know are a total must01:39
=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
buzz_running lubuntu oneiric. from the login screen "lubuntu netbook" session, returns right away back to the login. known issue, or ideas to debug ?11:40
buzz_lxdm.log shows "/usr/bin/startlubuntu-netbook lang" being run11:41
faint545how do i customize the notification popups? sometimes they go off the screen and get cut off.12:57
faint545im using lubuntu 11.10 btw12:57
l33i guess in the "start menu" under preferences desktop session settings you can switch this service on and off by disabling to load it on startup automagically ;)13:01
jitaHow do i decrease the brightness of my desktop ?13:34
bioterrorlaptop or desktop?13:35
jitabioterror: laptop13:35
jitabioterror: fn + f4 isnt working13:35
bioterroryou usually have a key combo for that13:35
jitabioterror: got it, it was up down arrow keys thanks13:36
jitabioterror: would it remember when i reboot ?13:36
bioterrorgive a shot :)13:36
jitacool ty13:36
jitabioterror: nope it just sets back to maximum13:38
Cheapshotwonder why there isnt a gui for setting gamma13:45
Cheapshotatleast xgamma works perfectly13:45
jitaHow can i make lubuntu 11.10 remember the brightness of my laptop13:46
jitait seems to revert to max upon rebooting13:47
Cheapshotjita:  Have you checked your power manager? Check if you have something in the monitor section there.13:54
Cheapshotjita: There is a setting for automatically drop your brightness to a certain level when idle for a period of time etc..13:54
=== c933103 is now known as orzxx
croqueIs there any way to make a given application "live in the system tray"? Basically like Xchat or Pidgin does, but for another app (I'm thinking of Task Manager, Conky, things like that).14:02
glaucehi folks lxappearance (11.10) doesn't previewing openbox themes as it should be... any thoughts?14:41
jitawhenever i open the run dialog using alt+F2, the run command opens in the background.16:13
jitaIs there a way to launch it on the foreground16:13
OneKoreahi, im trying out lubuntu in vmware, just installed and booted up, and kinda suprised to see using 214mb of ram. Is that normal, as I was actually expected it to be lighter?16:15
* wxl yawns17:58
=== AmberJ is now known as JainAmber
=== AmberJ is now known as JainAmber
pmatulishi gang.  how do i create a key binding to maximize a window?18:23
Unit193Alt+space+x should do it by default18:25
wxlnevermind that18:26
wxl<action name="ToggleMaximizeFull"/> in ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml18:26
wxlassuming you know how to do hotkeys18:27
Unit193Note that this isn't the same, but may give you an idea https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#I_want_to_bind_a_key_to_lock_my_screen.2C_how_do_I_do_it.3F18:27
pmatulisUnit193, wxl: thanks, i'll go from there18:29
=== JainAmber is now known as AmberJain
gwishhello good people :) is it possible to change LXDE theme to dark? I'm either searching by wrong keywords, or I'm missing the obvious, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to theme my lubuntu in a dark fashion...22:18
gwishall I've found is to change just the title-bar and bottom panel, but not about the color of overall windows and buttons and stuff22:19
Unit193lxappearance may be what you're looking for22:20
wxlpreferences > customize look and feel22:20
gwishwxl: ah, thanks22:21
wxluse color tab22:21
gwishI've originally installed Ubuntu, then lubuntu over it and I have a mess of menu entries right now22:21
Unit193!purelxde | Give this a shot22:21
ubot5Give this a shot: If you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »22:21
wxl^^ what he said22:21
gwishwxl: thanks a lot, this helps :D22:21
gwishUnit193: thanks, I'll try that as well :)22:22
gwishwell, you guys answered more than I had hoped, big thanks to all and have a nice day :)22:26
eztkthanks unit193, following that as well. lubuntu is working like a charm on my almost 10 year old laptop!22:30
Unit193Great! That's always a good one22:30
eztkunit193: its running even better than x pee! just trying to find intel optimised drivers for the on-board graphics... not very smooth when it comes to youtube and stuff like that22:31
Unit193I'd guess jockey wouldn't pull something in, but getting X to configure may help (Without X running, sudo x --configure)22:33
eztkthanks again :-)22:33
wxlthat reminds me, i need to try nv over nouveau22:36
dynafishhi everybody22:41
dynafishhave a swap question22:41
dynafishgparted shows my swap partition as unknown, I am using an encrypted home partition btw22:42
dynafishfree -m shows swap but usage is 022:42
dynafishand I get the /dev/mapper/cryptswap1/ not ready at boot22:43
dynafishdoes lubuntu mount swap after login due to encryption?22:43
dynafishor do I need to reformat the swap and add to fstab?22:44
dynafishthe partition does show up in etc/cypttab22:45
dynafishhi M0hi22:45
dynafishI have a question if you an help22:46
M0hiI ll try my best =)*22:47
dynafishI installed lubuntu 11.10 on my netbook and gparted shows my swap partition as unknown, I encrypted my home partiion btw22:47
dynafishswap shows up in /et/crypttab but not fstab22:48
dynafishand free -m shows swap avaiable with 0 usage22:48
dynafishwondering if lubuntu is able to use my swap or if I should eformat the swap and add to fstab22:49
wxli have that same problem22:51
eztkdynafish: i get that same error on boot up about that thing not being ready... i just keep ignoring it for now. would be interesting to know how to fix that.22:51
wxlsame problem meaning sharing swap22:52
dynafishI wonder if it mounts the partition at all22:52
wxlEVERYONE has that problem with crypttab22:52
wxlso i had a debian partition and an ubuntu partition22:52
wxltrying to share swap with them22:52
wxlubuntu = lubuntu btwq22:52
dynafishpretty clever22:53
wxlso i set up one with the uuid of the other and it's like the uuid changed so then it didn't work with the first22:53
wxlso i'm still in process of figuring that out22:53
dynafishI could reformat and add to fstab with uuid22:53
dynafishbut the swap would be unencrypted that way I am sure22:53
wxlassumedly you want encrypted?22:54
dynafishnot like I am storing cia docs but still lol22:54
dynafishencrypted would be nice22:54
dynafishI have seen this in the forums allot22:55
wxlsounds like there's some bugaboos with it22:56
dynafishI used sresstestapp and put lubuntu under a 2000mb load on the ram and it froze up (have 2gig ram) so I assume lubuntu is not using the swap but I am not positie22:57
dynafishty wxl22:57
dynafishkeyboard batteries low :(22:58
wxlapparently it's still a bug if the man page is to be believed22:58
wxlso as long as you don't give a crap about hibernate you could encrypt swap22:59
dynafishwith 2gigs of ram I may not even need it but it would be nice23:00
wxlhm i guess i didn't encrypt swap on this vm23:00
dynafishso it is a bug and lubuntu isn't using  the swap though as is23:01
wxli do have a swap tho23:01
dynafishI mainly encrypted it  in case my netbook is lost that someone wih a live cd couldn' access my data so maybe encrypted swap isn't neessary23:02
dynafishI did a net install of SUSE and encryped home and when I neglected to supply password it booted ino a minimal x wih root access lol23:04
dynafishthat was the end of suse on my netbook :)23:04
dynafishwell I wonder what I should do then maybe I will just put debian squeeze on it23:05
wxli swear #ubuntu is so full of random chatter and crosstalk you can never get a word in edgewise23:06
wxlanyways check this out too https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto323:07
wxli'd suggest debian or arch if you're looking for something else to play with23:09
wxlif you want to get hardcore, there's only one: slackware :D23:09
* nlsthzn_ has had more trouble with debian than slackware :)23:10
wxlhah now THAT'S funny23:11
wxldebian was a pita to install for me23:11
wxlpart of that's because i have a ppc23:11
wxli used the net install and set up the base system23:11
wxlthen tried the lxde-desktop task23:11
wxlonly to discover it erroneously pulled in gnome23:12
dynafishI did netinstall of debian and did lxde but I still needed so much stuff23:12
wxlso i started over and built up lxde basically piece by piece23:12
wxli don't entirely mind that philosophy of keep it simple23:12
dynafishlike synaptics so no trakpad which is a pia23:12
wxli.e. building up what you want23:12
wxlthat's what arch is all about23:12
wxlonly problem is when you don't knwo what you're looking for :D23:12
dynafishhave installed slackware in a vm but nver arch23:12
wxli once had arch w/ xfce on a usb key i was running of my powerbook23:13
dynafishI really must try arch someday23:13
wxlit's purdy nice23:13
dynafishI un fedora on my desktop23:13
dynafishI ran ubuntu quite a bit though in he past23:14
wxlstill my vote's with the buntus and debian because i (A) like the packaging system and (B) think they are #1 in support23:14
wxlfedora.. meh23:14
wxli'm not into hats23:14
dynafishalways easy to find answers on ubuntu forums and such23:14
dynafishplus ubuntu seems to get the new apps/toys first23:15
wxli think debian represents real innovation and commitment to more than one platform23:15
dynafishdebian is nice23:15
wxlthe fact that they still support ppc for example23:15
wxlthey're like the netbsd of linux23:15
wxl(plus it will kick ass if they ever get the hurd-equipped debian out)23:16
dynafishI gotta put freebsd in a vm sooon23:16
wxlmy problem with debian is kind of the same problem i have with the bsds.. they're stable to a fault23:16
wxli just tried to update my stable debian to testing (not experimental mind you) and it totally failed upon reboot23:16
dynafishghostbsd looks cool but it never piks up on my wieless keyboard23:17
wxloh i've had great luck with ghostbsd.. but only on wired up desktops23:17
dynafishof ourse my wieless keyboard is messed up now so maybe I will just hook up a wired one23:17
dynafishI changed batteies but it is still omitting keystokes23:18
dynafishsee aboove lol23:18
wxlheh i'm gonna install hurd for fun23:19
dynafishI am addicted to the wireless though23:19
dynafishlooking into what I need to do a lxde of debian squeeze for my eeepc 1005ha23:20
wxlit's the first time i've seen the page be greater than dismissive23:20
dynafishmy first time here actually23:20
wxlfeel free to idle and help with the rest of us23:21
dynafishubuntu channel was confusing and teh only guy who replied to me logged out23:21
wxltraffic is fairly mellow23:21
wxlpeople are actually helpful23:21
dynafishsure I am bored anyway23:21
dynafishI helped a winblows user yesterday in this other chat23:21
dynafishhe couldn't find drivers for his printer even when I gave him the link23:22
wxlmake sure you got all your proposed/testing updates and report bugs as needed23:22
wxlit happens :D23:22
dynafishso I downloaded the driver for him and put it in my dropbox public and gave him that link lol23:22
dynafishyeah, if I didn't like the guy and talk to him al, the time it would be a different story ;-P23:23
dynafishplus it was easier that way, he kept saying "it says no driver is available" when I was looking at the download link myself23:24
dynafishI figured hell I'll just download it and post it to dbox lol23:24
dynafishso how long have you been a linux user wxl?23:25
wxltoo darn long23:25
wxlespecially if you count all the many years on freebsd23:26
dynafishI stated in like 05 with Mandake 10.123:26
dynafishI want to get my CompTIA and eventually Red Hat certs23:27
wxldamn hats23:27
dynafishI did a year in college after I got laid off from my factory job and studied web design / programming23:27
dynafishI used to write simple web pages as a hobby when I was a machinist23:28
dynafishbut after 12 years of cnc machining time to find a new career path23:28
wxlmy history is like cp/m -> freebsd -> dos -> windows -> red hat/slackware -> os x (freebsd) -> a whole bunch of linucies before finally landing on lubuntu at which i finally felt at home23:29
wxlas a web programmer, did you see google's latest css3 display?23:30
dynafishlubuntu is nice, glad it's an official branch finally23:30
dynafishI use xfce on my desktop but lxde is so much lighter23:30
wxli actually like lxde a lot23:30
dynafishme too23:30
eztkme too23:30
wxlwmii is a little too extreme for me23:30
dynafishediting the xml file for the menu is fun23:31
wxlxfce is nice.. but just a little more than i need23:31
wxllxde is.. just right23:31
eztkworks very well on pentium iii M, 1 ghz..23:31
dynafishmy only other machine at the moment is my netbook so lxde is a no brainer23:31
wxli have a powerbook g4 1.5ghz running lubuntu23:31
eztkfar less swapping since i added 512MB to the 256MB that was already installed. especially since I use multiple tabs on chromium23:31
dynafishbut when I get my old pentium 4 going again lsde will be on it23:31
wxlstill working on tweaking it to be jush right23:32
wxl(remember ppc is unofficial with canonical)23:32
wxli have a thinkpad r60 i'm getting some new memory for and if that fixes its problem it's getting lubuntized23:32
eztklubuntu has saved the laptop from further ruining the environment :-)23:32
wxland that's why lubuntu is awesome23:32
dynafishI used to be a kde 3.5 guy and then came KDE 4 lol23:32
wxloh gawd dynafish23:33
eztkwxl: whats the cpu? amazing how much extra memory makes23:33
wxlsorry, i just don't like kde23:33
wxlit's so.. windows.23:33
dynafishI ran sidux for about a year23:33
wxleztk: not sure.. i got it free and because of the memory errors haven't been able to check it out23:33
wxlwow sidux that's obscure23:33
dynafishsidux (now aptosid) will not run on my hp pavillion not sure why23:34
eztkwxl: who cares when its free.. would be great to have lubuntu working on it of course :-)23:34
wxleztk: naturally23:34
eztkubuntu running very well on a much higher spec ubuntu box on my desk.. who needs windoze?? :-)23:34
wxli ran.. oh gosh now i can't think of what it's called.. dreamlinux! for a bit23:34
dynafishsidux was great for awhile until the debian packages switched with the release of stable and then too much breakage23:35
wxlsad: puppy is ranked higher than lubuntu on distrowatch23:36
dynafishI downloaded dreamlinux not long ago but have not tried it out23:36
wxllubuntu is #1223:37
wxlxubuntu is #3123:37
dynafishpuppy I'm not big on, especially since it uns as root by default23:37
wxlkubuntu is #2423:37
dynafishxubuntu is nice23:37
wxlnow don't look23:37
wxltell me the top 5 in order23:37
dynafishI ran kubuntu back in the kde 3 days23:37
wxlxubuntu is like ubuntu + xfce not ubuntu - gnome + kfce like it should be so i'm not too into that23:38
dynafishubuntu, mint, fedora, opensuse, debian (i think)23:38
wxlyou got the players right23:38
wxlmint is #123:38
wxlubuntu #223:38
wxlfedora's #323:38
wxldebian #423:39
wxlopensuse #523:39
dynafisharch #623:39
dynafishwow I have not messed with plos in awhile I cut my teeth on linux using it23:39
dynafishit's at #723:40
dynafishit was a good sepping stone23:40
wxlpersonally i'm surprised people are still using opensuse23:40
wxli'd much rather do arch23:40
wxlmint i don't totally understand23:41
dynafishI use openSuse on my windows partition in VBox it has guest additions by default which is nice23:41
wxli haven't played with it too much but it seems like it's wanting to take over ubuntu's place23:41
wxl..as "debian-easy" ;)23:41
dynafishmint is something I flirt with but never stick around23:42
dynafishI reccomend mint to newbies all the time though23:42
wxli usually mention ubuntu23:42
wxlmaybe i'll have to change my tune23:42
wxlthe fact that they're jockeying for position is telling23:43
dynafishused to reccomend pclos to noobs but mint is way better imho23:43
wxlof course mint doesn't have the ultimate in linux-for-the-masses features: unity23:43
dynafishunity is ok but not for me23:43
wxlme either23:43
wxli abhor it to be honest23:43
wxlbut i see where they're going with it23:44
dynafishgnome 3 has got me questioning too23:44
dynafishI was happy with gnome but now I mainly use xfce23:44
wxli ran xubuntu for a bit23:45
dynafishneeding 3d out of the box seems anti-linux in a way23:45
dynafishmaybe I am somewhat oldskool that way I guess23:45
wxli know what you mean23:46
wxlheck, i love finnix23:46
dynafishfedora is supposedly working on a 2d gnome shell23:46
dynafishI may try gnome 3 again once it matures and I feel like a change23:46
dynafishI have been keeping an eye on elementary os, they are up o some neat stuff wih gnome 3 I heard23:48
wxli'm so old school i add repos to my sources with echo | sudo tee :)23:49
dynafishfedora doesn't easily let you un thunar as root so I have to install my icon themes using the terminal now23:51
dynafishwhich is probably for teh best23:51
dynafishnot sure if su - -c runs all gui apps in fedora or just unetbootin23:52
dynafishI did use beesu but I'd rather just go cli for root file access thes days23:53
wxlsorry disappeared23:55
dynafishnp, I just grabbed last cup of coffee23:56
dynafishI will have to pop in here more often, I love chatting about linux23:57
wxljust idle here23:59

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