
stlsaintbodhizazen: sup04:21
bodhizazen'lo stlsaint04:25
stlsaintgotta go to work04:30
=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
chuteHello to all - Is there a specific room for Unity beginner questions?10:28
IAmNotThatGuyHi chute. You can ask here and If we know, we will answer. Or you can try #unity3d10:30
chuteThanks :) - I suppose that compiz is an integral part of Unity. What compiz settings would reduce CPU overhead. Compiz consumes 10-15% just on a idle session. I don't need transparent windows, etc...10:32
chuteAlso, is there a way to make Dash opaque/non-transparent?10:33
IAmNotThatGuyDid you install conpiz config manager ?10:34
chuteccsm (or similar), yes10:34
chutewas able to reduce the launcher icons to 32pixs and make it remain in place.10:36
IAmNotThatGuythere is a bug regarding CPU usage Bug #80394310:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 803943 in unity "compiz consuming a lot of cpu" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80394310:37
IAmNotThatGuyIts unassigned yet :(10:38
chutemy question is what settings would reduce.... OK - it is a wait for updates then :)10:39
chuteany chance of getting rid of the Dash transparency?10:40
IAmNotThatGuychute: you can change the background if you wish. I think that will do for your query. Kindly look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/32658/how-to-make-unity-2d-dash-background-blurry-transparent-using-qt-code10:44
chuteWill have a look now - thanks for your time10:46
Frozen11.10 freezes immediately after login, any suggestions here? Started only after updating and restart.13:28
bioterrorcan you: ctrl+alt+f1?13:28
bioterrorand log on to the tty?13:28
FrozenI could, but what's the tty, and what should I do if that works?13:30
Frozensorry, first time with ubuntu today13:30
bioterrormaybe someone with more patiance could assist you ;)13:31
Frozenwhat would i by trying to do on the tty?13:32
bioterroryou should check for /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:32
bioterrorfor errors for example13:32
Frozenand if there are errors?13:33
bioterroralso ~/.xsession-errors is intersting file13:33
bioterrorthen we could try to solve problem13:33
Frozenok, I'll check. Thanks a lot.13:34
duanedesignhello malev13:42
malevhello duanedesign!13:42
nothingspecialtelnet towel.blinkenlights.nl14:39
Snicksiewasnt that the starwars-thing nothingspecial ? :p14:41
* nothingspecial is playing a game on the forum :P14:41
NodingMy software centre is empty, do I have to do something to activate it?15:31
NodingHello? Is this chat empty?15:35
bdfhjkhi Noding15:42
bdfhjkAre You still here?15:42
bdfhjkYou say that your software center is empty15:46
bdfhjkCan You put in console apt-get update15:46
NodingI just installed ubuntu for the first time and it is empty when i open it from the launcher15:46
bdfhjk1. Please put apt-get update in console and put log in pastebin.com and send me link to it15:46
bdfhjkplease make screenshoot and send me link to it15:47
bdfhjkI will look at thi15:47
bdfhjkand try to help :-)15:47
Nodingsorry, I'm a genuine beginner, I don't know how to do that15:47
Nodingwhere is the console I should put the apt-get into?15:47
bdfhjktry search informations about console in google15:48
bdfhjkand about making screenshot15:48
bdfhjkif after 10 minutes You still can't do this15:49
bdfhjkI try to clarify You15:49
SnicksieNoding, did you found out what your problem was yet with the software centor or do you still need help? :)15:52
NodingWell, I know what a console is now, and was about to see what pastebin.com was15:56
hobgoblinNoding: hi there - do you have the terminal/console open? IF you do paste this command in  - all of it and hit enter, it will ask for your password - when you type it it will not be visible - this is normal15:59
hobgoblinsudo apt-get update15:59
hobgoblinthen once that has run you can have a look in spoftware centre again16:00
hobgoblinbdfhjk: why are you telling someone to run apt-get update without root rights?16:00
Nodingso I just plug in the command and then see if that helped?16:02
Nodingis there a way to have the console and desktop open together?16:03
hobgoblinNoding: oh ...16:03
hobgoblindid you ctrl+alt+Fsomething?16:03
hobgoblinif you did then Ctrl+ALt+F7 and you should be back at the desktop and we'll start again :)16:04
hobgoblinNoding: what we are trying to do with the apt-get command is to update the repositories - this is where you should get the majority of your software16:05
hobgoblinNoding: are you still there?16:14
=== Noding_ is now known as Noding
Nodingso, that command sent the computer endlessly listing the same error, I had to turn the comp off completely16:21
holsteinNoding: whats the error again?16:22
* holstein looking at the scrollback16:22
holsteinsudo apt-get update will evetually calm down16:22
holsteinyou dont want to force shutdown very many times at that stage16:22
holsteinat any stage where the machine is potentially writing to the disc for sure16:23
Nodingit's normal for 10 mins of the same error page affter page?16:23
holsteinyou *will* damage the disc that way16:23
holsteinNoding: depends on you connection16:23
holsteinand the error16:23
holsteinwhat was the error?16:23
Nodingdrm:radeon_cs_ioctl] *ERROR* failed to schedule IB16:24
NodingThe desktop was also completely frozen at throughout the period16:25
Nodinghobgoblin was helping before16:26
holsteinNoding: but thats not package manager related.... whats the bigger issue?16:26
holsteinyou got no desktop?16:26
holsteinwhats going on?16:26
NodingMy software centre is empty when I open it16:26
hobgoblinsoftware centre is empty holstein - we were trying to get back to the desktop after Noding went to a console instead of a terminal16:27
Nodingand the screen flashes to black several times after a time and then freezes often16:27
NodingI thought I was supposed to go to a console16:27
hobgoblinNoding: you can do with a terminal in the desktop :)16:28
Nodingoh, it's like the console but opens simultaneously?16:29
NodingBy the way, it seems to have worked, thanks! The software centre is no longer empty16:30
hobgoblingood - we'll want to have a look at yourt other issue then I guess :)16:30
holsteinNoding: i would like you to try something next reboot16:30
holsteinwhen booting, you hit shift, and you'll get a list of kernels in GRUB16:30
hobgoblinNoding: http://i.imgur.com/VI4u8.jpg16:31
holsteini would like you to try booting an older kernel and see if the machine seems more stable, less error-y ;)16:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 583891 in linux "X.org crashes sometimes. [drm:radeon_cs_ioctl] *ERROR* Failed to parse relocation -12!" [Medium,Confirmed]16:31
hobgoblinholstein: not if it's a new version of ubuntu - only one kernel at the moment16:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 717870 in linux "RV710: [drm:radeon_cs_ioctl] *ERROR* Failed to parse relocation -35!" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:31
holsteinis that true Noding ? you havnet upgraded?16:31
holsteinanyways Noding , you are in good hands with hobgoblin :)16:32
hobgoblinholstein: we have no detail as yet16:32
hobgoblinholstein: not if the iussue is anything to do wqith At16:32
holsteinfeel free and google *any* commands anyone links here or anywhere else for you to just drop in the terminal and run16:32
hobgoblind'oh - ATi16:32
holsteinbut, we dont do anything here that is not in what we consider to be your best interest16:33
Nodingyes, just the 11.10 version16:33
hobgoblinNoding: in the terminal run    lspci    - that's a lowercase L not a 116:34
NodingI'll try and take some time to read up more, I have no real idea at the moment, I'm afraid.16:34
hobgoblinlook for the VGA line and give us that line - only16:34
holsteinif you have upgraded, you'll likely have an older kernel to try, if you havent, upgrading can be helpful... you can get upgraded packages that can potentially provide better support for your hardware16:35
holsteinor break it more ;)16:35
holsteinbut, its a troubleshooing step to try a newer and/or older kernel16:35
Chaciousmorning ubuntu-ites16:41
Chacioushow ya doin?16:44
e33my bluetooth is on, but if i click setup new device it gave me no adaptor found16:44
Chaciousis your bluetooth device in a mode to be found?16:44
Chaciousthey usually have a button to hold to put it in  the mode16:45
e33yes, it is on16:45
Chaciousalso not sure about linux but with windows you have to put your ocmputer to be able to be found16:45
Chaciousso someone elses equipment wont use yours on accident16:46
e33i have ubuntu as opearting system16:46
Chaciousare you on the latest version and up to daate with updates?16:47
e33on ubuntu 11.04, the bluetooth was always off16:48
e33but when i upgrade to 11.10, it became blue16:49
e33but when i click add device, it gave me no adaptor found16:49
Chacioushmmm weird16:50
Chaciouswhat kind of devie you trying to use?16:50
e33telephone nokia16:50
e33same problem with wireless :)16:51
Chaciousi've only used blutooth mouse and wifi usb adapter on ubuntu16:51
e33but i am trying to solve one by one16:51
e33if you put bluetooth mode on your telephone, your will recognize that??16:53
ChaciousI would help but I dont even know what brand my bluetooth dongle is :( its a really cheap one16:54
Chacious with ithaving issues in windows16:54
Chaciouswow cant type, sorry jus woke up16:54
Chacioushaving issues with windows 7 with it16:54
Chaciousissues in windows 7 with it*16:55
Chaciousanyone familliar with bluetooth in ubuntu?16:55
Chaciousat least more famillair than me16:56
Chaciousdo you know the brand of yours? if so you could try seraching for a forum for your device brand16:57
e33you know, i will look in bluetooth room, maybe will have answer over there16:57
e33anyway, thx for your help16:57
Chaciouspossibly, hope u get help man16:57
Chacioussorry i am not much help16:58
e33no worry man, hope to see you around later16:59
Chaciousim suure we will if you frequent here, I try to help when i can16:59
Chaciousdoes anyonoe know how to update programs in apt-get?17:21
nlsthzn_sudo apt-get update?17:22
Chaciousi know how to update and upgrade the os17:22
Chaciousis that not to update the os?17:22
nlsthzn_that updates everything installed that is updatedable form the repos configured17:22
Chaciousok thanx for the info17:23
nlsthzn_if you want a newer version of a specific application you might need to add another repo or something else depending on the software...17:23
Chaciousfor a long time iv used linux through gui and only dabled in some command line, trying to go more command line than gui17:23
nlsthzn_Chacious: but using apt-get or the software center or synaptic is basically the same...17:24
nlsthzn_different ways to achieve the same means17:24
Chaciousi figured jus wasnt sure on commands to update programs17:24
Chaciousdoes anyone know what repo boinc-client and boinc-manager are under?17:25
Chaciousgotta get something to eat17:36
Chaciousits chilli in here17:36
=== jay is now known as Guest495
AirwardHow can I change automatic login on user  accounts? I cant change it back from system setings and so on, it is locked and says system policy prevents changes or smthng like that...19:26
escott11.04 or 11.1019:28
escottAirward, with lightdm presumably19:35
escottAirward, you could check /etc/lightdm but lightdm ignores its own config files in favor of this accounts-service daemon, and i have no idea how/where that is configured19:36
Airwarddo you have any idea why I cant change it normal way, couse i have admin rights (i cant unlock it)?19:41
escottI have an opinion about lightdm that cannot be expressed in language suitable for this channel which would explain your difficulties19:45
=== jay is now known as Guest16076
Airwardfair enough19:47
ChaciousI just downloaded the .sh boinc newest release, and it's a .sh file, however I installed boinc through sudo apt-get install; how do I get the update to work as the normal boinc already installed?19:50
Chaciousboinc-core and boinc-manager19:51
nlsthzn_Chacious: not sure... .sh is just a script... not sure what it does exactly19:51
Chaciousor maybe it was boinc-client19:51
escottChacious, you probably dont want both installed so apt-get remove boinc-blah19:52
escottChacious, then follow whatever instructions to install the new version, but be sure to put it in /usr/local or /opt19:52
Chaciousshould i be asking in the other room how to get it to act like normal one?19:52
Chaciouswasnt sure whether to address boinc channel ur ubuntu19:52
lassyhello everybody20:21
lassyis someone willing to help me formatting a ext. usb hd20:21
escottcli or gui?20:22
lassygparted doenst work out giving me20:23
lassyGParted 0.5.1  Libparted 2.2 Create Extended Partition #1 (extended, 931.51 GiB) on /dev/sdc  00:00:00    ( ERROR )       create empty partition  00:00:00    ( ERROR ) libparted messages    ( INFO )       mac disk labels do not support extended partitions.20:23
lassyso gui wont work right20:24
escottcli=command line interface; gui = graphical user interface; ie are you using a terminal or gparted20:24
lassyi tried gparted20:25
lassythats the error log i just posted20:25
escottits trying to create a dos partition type on a gpt disk20:25
escottwhat version of ubuntu is this20:25
lassyi selected ext3 and ext4 extended20:26
lassy10.4 lucid, but the live cd20:26
lassyits a lacie hd, which had like a setup partition for mac and win which i removed20:26
escottthats a really old version of gparted20:26
lassyu think thats the problem?20:27
escottyes. if you can use a newer live cd that will solve your probablems20:28
lassyi might dl the 11.10 live cd then20:28
escottalternately you could you could try the command line20:28
lassyare u sure here?20:28
lassyi think i rather try the new live cd, im not so well equipped with any knowledge of commands20:29
escottalmost certain. im a little puzzled by the "mac disk label" comment, but mac anything is probably gpt and gpt support is a bit late to arrive for gparted20:30
ashamsanybody know where to get support for ubuntu mailing lists?20:31
lassyhu? what "mac disk label" comment??20:31
lassyuh k i saw it...20:32
lassymaybe i can try primary, even though its just gonna be for stroage?20:33
Chacioushmm anyone know a way to remove the workspace switcher icon from the launcher that shows up on the left? "ubuntu 11.120:34
escottlassy, in the error message it said "mac disk labels do not support extended partitions"20:34
escottlassy, i think that should read "gpt does not support extended partitions" or something like that20:35
escottlassy, in any case i think gpt is likely and would get a newer live cd to verify20:35
lassyim already dl20:36
lassyescott, gpt, does that mean gparted?20:36
escottlassy, no it means guid partition table20:36
escottlassy, as distinct from msdos partition table which has been the standard since msdos20:36
marionhello everyone  I am trying to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 and its telling me that it cant support the kernel for the graphics. Does anyone know a way to fix this20:56
escottmarion, what exactly is the error message20:56
marioni cant remember. it was like kernel unsupported when i was trying to run the live cd20:58
marionand when i try to do a direct install it freezes when its looking at the kernel20:58
escottit freezes on boot?21:00
ubot2A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:00
marionok so i tried to do the the nonmod thing and it just gave me another error21:33
=== Frozen is now known as Noding
escottmarion, you have to tell us what those errors are21:36
marioni took a picture on my camera phone im trying to get it to an image bin thing21:36
marionso escott this is what im getting http://imagebin.org/18251921:42
escottunfortunately that looks like the end of a kernel panic not the beginning21:43
escottyou could try and catch the beginning of the panic using the scroll-lock key21:43
marionso when i get back home you need the beginning and you can probably help me?21:43
escottanother approach might be to use the minimal installer21:43
escottwhich may support the hardware better21:44
marionhow do i do that21:44
escottits a different download21:44
escottis this an already installed system21:44
escottor a livecd21:44
marioncause i am using xubuntu. i have tried using the livecd and the alternate21:44
marionand i know my system uses the i38621:45
escotti wont be around much later, but i would suggest trying the ubuntu-minimal installer https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD or if you have a working system trying to figure out what is going on from that end21:46
escottits much easier to identify problems when its working21:46
marionok but can that help me with xubuntu?21:46
escottxubuntu should have its own minimal cd, if it doesnt then the ubuntu minimal should work, you just need to install xubuntu-desktop instead of ubuntu-desktop21:48
Unit193It doesn't have a mini cd as it would be the EXACT same21:48
marionok so i have to do the ubuntu mini cd and then go to the software distribution center and then download the xubuntu download21:49
marionand will this update the xubuntu distro that i already have21:50
escottmarion, you won't have a gui with the minimal cd. you will have to type the command sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop. Unit193 can hopefully correct me if im wrong on that21:51
Unit193Nothing to correct21:51
marionok heres hoping it works when i get home21:52
=== nothingspecial is now known as angela-android
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
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M0hiWoke up in the middle of a sound sleep LOL22:41
ubuntu1110hi guys23:14
ubuntu1110im trying out ubuntu 11.10 oneiric right now and im somehow shocked to find nothing here, where i s the menu, how do i open sthe terminal, open gpaterd etc, i wont find help in google either. im used to the older distributions23:16
holsteinubuntu1110: check out 10.0423:17
ubuntu1110hehe, thats what i did before23:17
ubuntu1110but this gparted didnt work for me23:17
holsteinthis = ??23:17
holsteinwhat gparted?23:17
holsteinand how did it not work for you?23:18
ubuntu1110the version coming with the 10.4 live cd23:18
ubuntu1110problems formatting23:18
ubuntu1110with gparted23:18
ubuntu1110why is this ubuntu 1110 so much different ijm lostr here23:18
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1110 in gringotts "dpatches in build modify Makefile.in without modifying Makefile.am" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111023:18
holsteini also like the http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/ which has parted magic on it23:19
holsteinubuntu1110: different from 10.04?23:19
ubuntu111011.10, yes very much, holstein23:20
holsteinwell, 10.04 has gnome as the desktop, 11.10 has unity23:20
holsteinits a year and a half newer, so the packages are a year and a half newer too23:20
ubuntu1110hm any chance getting gnome back?? i need the terminal, calculator and all that23:21
nlsthzn_ubuntu1110: to open terminal Ctrl+Alt+T23:21
holsteinubuntu1110: sure, but its gnome323:21
holsteingnome shell23:21
ubuntu1110any different?23:21
holsteinubuntu is doing what its always done, which is provide the most recent version of gnome23:21
holsteinubuntu1110: ?23:21
holsteinyes, gnome3/gnome shell is different from gnome 223:21
holsteinits more like unity that gnome323:22
holsteinxubuntu is a lot like gnome2 in look and feel23:22
holsteinlubuntu too maybe23:22
nlsthzn_ubuntu1110:  also hit the super key (windows) and start typing the name of an app and it will search and show it for you...23:22
ubuntu1110hmm, what ever this unity is, i diont like it23:22
holsteinubuntu1110: yup, thats why there are options23:22
holsteinits all open, you can make your own :)23:23
ubuntu1110hmm, seems like stress for me23:23
holsteinor, you can try and learn unity23:23
holsteinubuntu1110: ??23:23
holstein10.04 has gnome223:23
holsteinthats what im using23:23
holsteininstall, enjoy :)23:23
ubuntu1110well, nlsthzn_, ctrl,alt and T doesnt open a termianl23:23
ubuntu1110i need to partition that exd. hd first23:24
holsteinubuntu1110: dont leave unity because you havent learned where the terminal keyboard shortcut ie23:24
holsteinyou can change those, make more23:24
holsteinthere are quite a few handy shortcuts in unity AFAIK23:25
nlsthzn_ubuntu1110:  strange... it should... then you could hit super key type term and hit enter I guess23:25
ubuntu1110but i wanna be able to use the mouse to open it23:25
ubuntu1110as well23:25
ubuntu1110iam a neeb, wantr to see what im doing23:25
holsteinthis is handy23:25
ubuntu1110wheres the superkey?23:25
holsteinits the one that usually has a windows logo on it ubuntu111023:26
holsteinthe menu key?23:26
holsteinubuntu1110: KDE is what comes with kubuntu23:26
holsteinyou might enjoy that, though i find it heavy23:26
holsteintheres a fallback mode23:27
ubuntu1110but not a lot of users use kubuntu, right, i still wanna have max. support23:27
ubuntu1110thanks, now i could open termianl and gparted23:28
holsteinim not sure what you mean23:28
ubuntu1110any chance of doing this with the mouse?23:28
holsteinyou want to use the main distro, use it23:28
holsteinthere are plenty of options if you dont like it though23:28
holsteinlots of users use KDE23:28
holsteinits quite popular23:28
holsteinarguably as popular as gnome23:28
nlsthzn_ubuntu1110: if you click on the top icon in the bar on the left, then click on applications, then click on the top right to choose the catagories etc... so you can use the mouse... but it takes longer23:29
ubuntu1110is that like the old, easy gnomepanel in the old distros?23:29
holsteinsupport is really not an issue23:29
holsteinkubuntu = ubuntu = xubuntu23:29
ubuntu1110i dont think its equal23:29
holsteinthey are all just different package sets on top of the same or very similar frame and same repositories23:29
holsteinubuntu1110: doesnt really matter23:29
holsteinthey arent equal23:29
holsteinthey are the same23:30
ubuntu1110can i use ubuntu 1110 with gnomw panel?23:30
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1110 in gringotts "dpatches in build modify Makefile.in without modifying Makefile.am" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111023:30
holsteinthey have the same pacakges23:30
holsteinubuntu1110: you can run gnome323:30
holsteingnome shell23:30
holsteinthats the version of gnome that is in 11.1023:30
holsteinyou can use that23:30
ubuntu1110well hm all new to me23:30
holsteintheres a fallback mode that looks a lot like the old way23:30
holsteinubuntu1110: right23:30
holsteinits all new to everyone23:30
holsteinits the latest from gnome23:31
holsteinthe latest and greatest :)23:31
ubuntu1110so howto install gnome shell and set it to fallback mode? maybe thats the solution here ffor me...23:31
ubuntu1110holstein ur german?23:31
holsteinbut, if you want a gnome-2 desktop experience, i suggest XFCE23:32
ubuntu1110i thoght the fallback mode is the same?23:32
holsteinubuntu1110: same as?23:32
holsteinits similar looking23:32
holsteinwhich is what i said23:32
holsteinits not the same23:32
ubuntu1110the old 10.4 desktop experience23:33
holsteinif you want something with the same look and feel23:33
holsteina panel23:33
holsteina menu23:33
holsteinthats XFCE23:33
ubuntu1110im used to that23:33
holsteinbut, the fallback mode 'looks' like that23:33
holsteinsudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback23:33
ubuntu1110can i install that on this live cd?23:33
holsteinfrom http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/08/return-to-ubuntu-classic-desktop-in-ubuntu-11-10/23:33
ubuntu1110[23:33] <ubuntu1110> can i install that on this live cd? [23:33] <holstein> sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback23:33
holsteinubuntu1110: it literally wont hurt anything permanently to try it23:34
holsteinyou can search gnome-session-fallback from the package manager of your choice23:34
ubuntu1110hm the link says u need to restart23:34
holsteini just logged out and logged back in when i did it23:35
ubuntu1110but anyway, im gonna try this solution once i stalled 1101 i think23:35
holsteinubuntu1110: again, it *literally* *cant* hurt to try it23:35
ubuntu1110ill do it but only in fallbnack mode, hope that works23:35
ubuntu1110*that will work23:36
holsteini didnt care for it23:36
holsteinor unity23:36
holsteinor gnome323:36
ubuntu1110holstein, ur name suggests ur from germany?23:36
holsteini wanted gnome2 like look/feel23:36
holsteinim using XFCE23:36
ubuntu1110so do I23:36
holsteinanyways... my name is german23:36
ubuntu1110is that better than the fallback mode, why?23:36
holsteinim in the US23:36
ubuntu1110uh k23:36
holsteinubuntu1110: better is a matter of opinion23:37
ubuntu1110howdy, over ther....^^23:37
holsteinwhat is fact is, XFCE is the most like gnome2 right now in look and feel23:37
ubuntu1110so what is the main reason u like that better than the fallback?23:37
holsteinfallback is not gnome2 like23:37
holsteinthe panel23:38
holsteinthe look23:38
holsteinthe feel23:38
holsteini didnt care for it23:38
holsteintry it though23:38
holsteinits all free to try :)23:38
ubuntu1110well, what do i need if i want the old menu and stuff bakc? fallback or xfce?23:38
holsteinubuntu1110: its gone23:39
holsteingnome doesnt support gnome 2 anymore23:39
holsteinyou can install 10.04 and enjoy it :)23:39
ubuntu1110well, i want the updates, 10.4 will cease support in some months23:40
holsteinubuntu1110: actually...23:40
holstein11.10 is supported for 18 months23:40
holsteinand 10.04 is supported for 3 years23:40
holsteinSO, they will be supported for the same amount of time23:40
holstein10.04 is an LTS23:40
holsteina long term support23:40
ubuntu1110i thought 223:40
ubuntu1110i know23:40
ubuntu1110im gonna think23:41
holstein3 years23:41
ubuntu1110but i f you say fallback is like the old gnome, that is maybe gonna do it for me23:41
holsteinwell, the only way you are going to know is to try it23:41
holsteinthis is what i did23:41
holsteinjust last week... i installed ubuntu 11.1023:41
ubuntu1110and, was it the sameß??23:41
holsteini tried *all* teh UI's23:42
holsteini tried unity again23:42
holsteinuser interfaces*23:42
holsteini tried gnome3/shell23:42
holsteini tried the fallback23:42
ubuntu1110tell me about fallback?23:42
holsteinXFCE, LXDE, and KDE (also, kubuntu and lubuntu's netbook interfaces)23:42
holsteini messed around for a week or so23:43
holsteintrying compiz23:43
holsteini personally landed at XFCE23:43
ubuntu1110doesnt sound good...23:43
ubuntu1110why was it so messy, fallbck?=23:43
holsteinits not messy23:43
holsteintry it23:43
holsteinits just not gnome223:43
ubuntu1110in what way is it not?23:44
holsteinubuntu1110: you'll just have to try it23:44
holsteingnome2 is gone though23:44
holsteini think mint is going to try and support it23:44
ubuntu1110haha, you cant tell me?23:45
holsteinbut, its gone anyways... it'll just be old software23:45
holsteinubuntu1110: ??23:45
holsteinubuntu1110: i didnt like it man23:45
holsteinthats it23:45
holsteinthe panel23:45
holsteinthe apps in the pane23:45
holsteinthe look, the feel23:45
holsteinits just not gnome223:45
holsteini found XFCE to be *much* more like gnome223:45
holsteinand current23:45
ubuntu1110so different then, other appas23:45
holsteinup to date, and supported23:45
holsteinwell supported23:45
holsteinubuntu1110: the apps are all still there mostly23:46
holsteineven some gnome apps23:46
holsteinive pulled them in23:46
holsteinno issues, or a bunch of apps23:46
ubuntu1110so the fallbck mode isnt going to be supported any longer?23:46
holsteinubuntu1110: i dont know, and that answer doesnt matter to me23:46
holsteinits not similar enough23:47
holsteini dont like/want it23:47
holsteini would think it'll stay there though, and maybe develop23:47
holsteinbut, ubuntu/canonnical is focused on unity23:47
holsteinnot that gnome wont progress anymore23:47
holsteinits just a UI anyways... i know it frustrating for some23:48
holsteinive just been using 10.04 til this new-ish netbook23:48
holsteinand i kicked the tires, and landed at XFCE... and i feel like i can live here without much hassle23:48
holsteini actually prefer it to gnome2 in a lot of ways23:49
ubuntu1110someone experience formatting an external hd? still getting errors herer23:51
holsteinubuntu1110: i would just use a live CD23:51
holsteinthat ubcd has tests23:51
holsteinmaybe the drive is bad ?23:51
ubuntu1110thats what im doing right now23:51
ubuntu1110its all new, shouldnt23:52
holsteini like to take those opportunities to run a test23:52
holsteinubuntu1110: new doesnt matter23:52
holsteinthey come out of the box bad, after shipping or whatever23:52
ubuntu1110i know, but its the second, u know23:52
Space-DuckI'm having compiz issues, on a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10. I installed ccsm then the extra animations. I changed the launcher styling and added the burn effect to closing windows... nothing has taken effect, even after a reboot23:52
ubuntu1110chances are small that its corrupted23:52
holsteinSpace-Duck: make sure you are not in unity-2d...23:52
Space-DuckI'm not23:53
holsteinubuntu1110: only one way to be sure :)23:53
holsteinSpace-Duck: you have that unity checkbox selected?23:53
ubuntu1110that would be holstein?23:53
holsteinin ccsm?23:53
Space-Duckyep, the unity plugin23:53
holsteinubuntu1110: test it.. there are test in that live CD i suggested23:53
ubuntu1110what is the test called udisk?23:54
holsteinubuntu1110: theres a 'disk utility' in the ubuntu live CD's23:54
holsteini suggested http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/23:54
ubuntu1110tried to format with that, gave me errors23:54
holsteinubuntu1110: i thought you were using gparted from 10.04?23:55
ubuntu1110i was23:55
holsteinubuntu1110: ok, theres a 'disk utility' in 10.04, and in the other live CD's23:55
ubuntu1110someone suggested to use it from 1110, thats what im about to do23:55
ubuntu1110or better; doing right now23:55
Space-Duckholstein,  last night I changed the settings and the screen went white, no controls, so I turned it off. Today I went into Unity and everything looks fine, with the exception that my settings are not taking effect.23:56
holsteinubuntu1110: theres gparted, then theres 'disk utility'23:56
holsteinnot the same23:56
holsteinyou can access SMART data from the utility23:56
holsteintheres no reason to go to a different version of ubuntu for gparted23:56
holsteini cant imagine it being significantly different23:57
ubuntu1110hm, so this user was wrong23:57
ubuntu1110sudo open udisks doesnt open anything23:57
holsteinubuntu1110: its a suggestion... you tried it.. doesnt seem to have helped you right?23:57
holsteini would test the disk23:57
holsteinubuntu1110: theres a 'disk utility' in the live CD's23:58
holsteinin 10.0423:58
holsteinor http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/23:58
ubuntu1110HM, udisks in 10.4 said it was fine23:58
holsteinubuntu1110: how long was the test?23:58
ubuntu1110then tried to format it, dang, didnt work23:58
holsteinim talking about he hour or so test23:59
ubuntu1110is there a disk util. on this live cd , so i can do thisẞ23:59
holsteinSpace-Duck: well, i would try and undo those changes.. get back to square one at least23:59
holsteinthats the risk when trying experimental stuff23:59

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