
gunztunzwhat does it mean if my login fails and all it says is "lsb_release command not found" and "module unknown" ?08:05
HalabundHi, can someone please take a look at this bug report and try to confirm? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim/+bug/88412709:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 884127 in vim (Ubuntu) "gVim freezes when entering input mode and Chinese IME (IBUS) is installed" [Undecided,New]09:35
Halabundor at least tell me how to get some attention for it, or how to work around it ...09:35
jasoxdoes anyone know where is indicators icons , in ubuntu 11.1010:09
jasoxi want to create indicator for redmine in python10:09
jasoxi fount it10:17
xtianhi everyone. have the gnome versioning plans for precise materialized somewhere? so far, i did not find a primary source of information (just reports from people attending the "Ubuntu Developer Summit for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS" in orlando)10:34
xtianand there is ... say ... some "fuzz" in the information i gathered so far10:35
geserlet the people return back from UDS and write down what was decided at UDS10:36
xtiangeser: so they're still at it, ok10:38
xtiangeser: any typical place where the decisions are gathered? ubuntu-wiki, maybe near to the release schedule somewhere?10:39
gesernot sure, but check the blueprints for the sessions10:44
xtiangeser: ok thanks, will do10:45
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cjwatsonstgraber: there was a regression report on IRC last night for ifenslave-2.6/lucid - see bug 482419 and bug 82336613:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 482419 in ifenslave-2.6 (Ubuntu Lucid) "802.3ad interface bonding fails if started too early" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48241913:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 823366 in ifenslave-2.6 (Ubuntu) "bond_primary is ignored in /etc/network/interfaces" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82336613:18
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stgrabercjwatson: assigned the new bug report to me, I'll have a look early next week when I have hardware around13:52
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cjwatsonstgraber: thanks14:03
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balloonsdoes anyone have a thought about how we can properly determine if a user is running under gnome in python? I have conditional logic that I don't want run for a user running xfce, kde, etc..15:07
broderballoons: you can use os.environ['XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP']15:12
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balloonsbroder, thank you..15:58
balloonscan someone help me with fixing a bug? I'm walking thru this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix, and I used bzr branch lp to get my source code. I have changed the code and tested it on my local box and I would like to know what I should do next. How can I generate a patch or submit this back to the project?16:05
GRiDballoons, i think the general procedure is to commit it to your own branch on lp, then propose a merge16:15
balloonsGRiD, alright.. so I'm coming from a git perspective on this, bzr being new.. I take it I create a local branch, commit to it, then push to lp? The pushing to lp is a bit confusing, since I pulled from a development master. It's ok to add a branch to the project?16:17
tumbleweedbroder: yes16:17
tumbleweedballoons: I mean16:18
balloonsI shall give it a try then16:18
balloonsis there anything special that should go in the commit message? something like the lp bug number perhaps?16:21
jelmerballoons: you can use "--fixes lp:BUGNO" as argument to commit to mention the bug number16:22
jelmerthat will also take care of adding links to the relevant bug automatically on launchpad16:22
balloonssweet.. thank you16:22
balloonscool.. looks like that worked fine16:45
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genjixis there a channel for people who build ubuntu packages? i'm learning how to create a deb package.19:38
genjixwant to package cppdb up19:38
Riddellmicahg: "The name 'kubuntu-dev-owner' has been blocked by the Launchpad administrators." any idea why that would be?19:39
tumbleweedgenjix: #ubuntu-packaging19:40
Riddellstgraber, highvoltage: did edubuntu-dev-owner have a similar problem being registered?19:40
genjixthanks TheMuso19:40
highvoltageRiddell: not that I'm aware of19:45
stgraberRiddell: nope, I messed up some membership stuff when I created it that needed LP intervention but that was entirely my fault :)20:01
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