
slashtommygood morning09:27
=== ebel_ is now known as ebel
BenChapmanDoes anyone here have experience with the Go language (http://golang.org)? (X-post from #tog, sorry for the repettion)10:57
sadsunnot me, sry11:23
Paddy_NIHello :-)11:49
Paddy_NIJust got out of hospital yesterday.. I now have a brand new nose11:50
Paddy_NIwhich is a total mess at the moment :)11:50
Paddy_NII started a web design course a month ago too.. really enjoying it... although my skills are currently limited so my sites look like they are from the early 90's11:52
Paddy_NIDid sabdfl do a keynote at UDS this year? If so is the video in the wild anywhere?11:53
ebeli don't know...11:54
ebelczajkowski is at UDS now11:54
Paddy_NIoh oka11:54
czajkowskiPaddy_NI: he did and it should be up on line11:55
czajkowskitry ubuntu uds or ubuntu developers11:55
czajkowskinot sure where it is right now as headig out wil post back later11:55
Paddy_NIOh thanks Laura11:55
Paddy_NII wonder if I should put a new profile pic up on g+ of my face as it is now11:56
Paddy_NIczajkowski, Enjoying UDS?11:57
czajkowskiPaddy_NI: ^^13:11
Paddy_NIOh thanks :-)13:14
=== sheng is now known as dumb1224
dumb1224anyone going to the talk in ICS tomorrow?15:41
tdr112slashtommy: the ilug agm16:09
tdr112thats where its on16:09
tdr112there will be cake16:09
tdr112i am told16:09
dumb1224There will be cake, like, literally?16:12
slashtommyTog open social is also tomorrow16:48
slashtommyas i will be building my TV-B-Gone in Tog, i will probably be staying there for the social16:49
czajkowskianyone home?19:28
czajkowskisadsun: hi19:31
czajkowskiyou're new?19:31
sadsunso you like classical music?19:45
czajkowskinope fraid not19:48
sadsunah, I thought so 'cause of your name19:49
czajkowskithat's my surname19:52
sadsunwow, cool, any relations to the composer?19:52
czajkowskimy name is polish his was russian19:55
sadsunah I see19:55
sadsunis it a common name in Poland?19:56
czajkowskino idea I'm irish19:59
* sadsun 's confusion is complete now... o_O20:00
Belgarathsadsun: :)) people move around. Anyway there are some people earing this name in poland but it is not common20:04
sadsun:) true, where r u from?20:05
Belgarathbtw the composer name spelling is different20:06
Belgarathme ?20:07
sadsunhmm... did all the irish move to america? :P20:07
* sadsun is Dutch20:07
sadsunwiki-ed it and u r right; it is Tchaikovsky20:09
Belgarathwell it is the same surname20:09
sadsunis the pronunciation the same though?20:09
Belgarathrussian letters are divverent so the spelling in every country is adjusted to represent the correct  pronunciation20:10
Belgarathyes it is the same20:10
sadsunI see, fascinating20:10
Belgarathalthouth it would be more complex if we were in poland or russia as it would be impossible for female to be called czajkowski  :)20:11
sadsunuhm okay, why?20:11
czajkowskiI live in England20:12
Belgarathsadsun: it is because there are different grammer forms for male and female20:13
Belgarathand while male surname is czajkowski the female would be czajkowska which would hold mostly true for any surname notending with a in the male form20:13
sadsunreally? so what would be the female version then? u r ahead of me ^^20:14
sadsundoes 'ski' mean son and 'ska' daughter?20:15
Belgarathsadsun: no20:15
Belgarathhowever in russia it is still known to use midle name of the father in your name, however that was never commonplace in poland20:16
sadsuncomplicated stuff o_O20:18
Belgarathyou have no idea :))20:18
Belgarathbut the way we beat everyone is exceptions to exception to the grammer rules :)20:19
sadsunis Polish grammar hard?20:20
sadsunis it like German grammar?20:20
Belgarathno, german is much simpler20:21
sadsunokay, then Polish grammar must be really hard, because I thought German grammar was tough in my schooldays20:22
Belgarathit is, polish my not be most difficult language in the world because of ease to read as pronounciation is stright forward if you lern all the letters and two-letter vocals20:24
Belgarathbut the grammer is probably one of the hardest20:24
sadsundo u have great Polish literature?20:25
Belgarathunlike english each letter in polish (unbless in 2-leter vocal) gives only one sound20:25
Belgarathsadsun: you mean proper or school books ?20:25
sadsunDutch has 2 letter vocals as well20:25
BelgarathI do:)20:26
sadsunCzech has Kafka20:27
sadsunis there a Polish equivalent?20:27
Belgarathwell depending on what you mean, are you looking for somebody form the same time or just in general renown polsih writer?20:28
sadsunsomeone who would do the polish language justice... maybe a poet or songwriter?20:29
Belgarathin general : Adam Mickiewicz, Juliusz Slowacki, Stefan Zeromski (i skipped polish characteres in the surname)20:30
sadsunah wow, cool, Dutch is a poor language, we are better in visualisation and therefore have great painters instead ^^20:31
sadsunRembrandt, van Gogh, Vermeer20:32
Belgarathok, time to go20:36
Belgarathsee you all later:)20:36
sadsunc ya :)20:36

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