
=== ara is now known as Guest77757
CarlFKcjwatson: for your amusement: append ... SHAZ=shaz url=http://shaz/ubuntu/oneiric/preseeds.cfg;16:27
CarlFKpreseeds... d-i preseed/early_command string cd /tmp && wget http://$SHAZ/ec/early_command.sh16:27
CarlFKand early command does wget http://$SHAZ/...16:28
CarlFKso I only need to change one file when I change servers16:28
CarlFKseems to be working :)16:28
cjwatsonheh, nice16:36
CarlFKd-i preseed/late_command  string cd /target/tmp && wget http://$SHAZ/lc/late.sh && chmod u+x late.sh && chroot /target /tmp/late.sh16:57
CarlFKthat works, but when it errors I don't see anything in syslog16:57
CarlFKI am pretty sure i used to see the output of all the commands in late.sh16:58
CarlFKis that because of the chroot? and regardless of why, what's a good way to log what late.sh is doing?16:59
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK

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