
NRWlionhi folks20:04
CheeseheadNRWlion: Hello20:19
NRWlionCheesehead: how is your life?20:19
CheeseheadYoBoY: Hello20:32
CheeseheadNRWlion: My life is pretty good. Lot of takeaways from UDS to apply to Brainstorm20:32
CheeseheadA few ideas to introduce to the LoCo20:32
CheeseheadA bunch of IRC sessions to coordinate20:33
NRWlionCheesehead: ;) welcome to the world ^^ i have a big subject myself :D20:33
CheeseheadIn the non-Ubuntu world, one intervention with one of my students who wanted to drop out (success, he's staying)20:34
CheeseheadAnd I finally managed to work HG Wells 'War of the Worlds' into a lecture yesterday20:35
CheeseheadAnd indeed into the homework assignment20:35
NRWlionCheesehead: pretty busy the man ^^20:35
CheeseheadSometimes. Yet here I am playing in IRC20:35
NRWlioni am trying to start a big marketing strategy for my new employer20:35
* NRWlion is ** because of a PHP Homework that doesnt work :(20:36
CheeseheadOur marketing strategy is simple - we don't advertise.20:36
Cheesehead(I own a violin store)20:36
CheeseheadWe simply use word-of-mouth for all the professional players20:37
CheeseheadAnd referrals for all the students from their teachers.20:37
NRWlionunderstandable that is best possible advert ;)20:37
CheeseheadIt makes the experience very rewarding20:38
* bkerensa upgrades to 12.04 Precise Pangolin20:39
CheeseheadWell, with the new emphasis on stability in the daily updates, and the lack of anything revolutionary this cycle, I hope bkerensa's system is nice and stable.20:40
bkerensaStable is relative before Alpha20:41
* NRWlion is totally satisfied with Lubuntu 11.1020:42
CheeseheadYoBoY: I need non-anglo perspective with the IRC workships. Anyone in Ubuntu-fr interested in looking over the plan and providing input, or even perhaps leading a session?20:42
pleia2Cheesehead: feel free to take anything of mine for that email to use on the wiki page :)20:43
Cheeseheadpleia2: Thank you.20:43
YoBoYCheesehead: plan?20:45
NRWlionwiki? that would be my playground too ^^ (in regards for design and syntax20:45
CheeseheadYoBoY: The plan is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership/Projects#Online_Leadership_Tutorial_Sessions20:45
CheeseheadNRWlion: Any Wiki guru is *welcome* to clean up my hacked text!20:46
NRWlionCheesehead: what you need?20:46
CheeseheadNRWlion: Look it over. You tell me what you think I need.20:47
Cheesehead(Input on both format *and* content are welcome)20:48
NRWlionCheesehead: are you able for and voip phone call (g+ or skype)?20:55
NRWlionor still no mic?20:55
CheeseheadNRWlion: Sorry, no mic20:55
NRWlionok, an email is on its way20:55
NRWlionor lets do a quick pm as i am half on my way to my pillow ... (hate early duty on a weekend)20:55
YoBoYCheesehead: seems good21:24
CheeseheadYoBoY: Thanks for taking a look.21:27
jrgiffordbkerensa: having fun with Precise?21:47
jrgiffordI had to rollback, none of my PPAs work for it yet. :(21:47
valoriejrgifford: impatient much?22:14
jrgiffordvalorie: hah yeah22:15
valorienow that UDS is over, I'm sure they'll shift into high gear soon22:16
jrgiffordyeah, although colin watson was busy with haskell uploads over the past few days22:17

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