
leoggnice! :)00:01
paultagleogg: should be a nice upload, new images and stuff :)00:02
paultaga fairly "swagged out" :)00:03
* leogg thinks he should give fluxbox a try00:03
leoggmaybe when gnome3 comes to debian00:03
paultagleogg: I'm using fluxbox + xfce, it's nice00:03
paultagleogg: it's in Debian00:03
paultagleogg: I have it on this machine, it works fine :)00:03
leoggpaultag, well, not by default00:03
paultagsure it is00:03
paultagjust in sid, not squeeze00:03
leoggpaultag, I have squeeze :)00:04
paultagthere's your problem :)00:04
paultag's machine can't run without linux-3.000:04
leoggbut I definitely dig xfce so...00:04
paultagxfce + fluxbox is a nice fit00:04
leoggyea? I'll should probably give a try00:05
paultagleogg: the SSD I just got is awesome00:05
paultagleogg: yeah :)00:05
paultagleogg: I've not documented anything, but fbautostart (from percise or sid) will help00:05
paultagit'll autostart stuff like nm-applet etc :)00:06
leoggpaultag, no problem... I'll ping you know when I break my debian install :)00:06
paultagnice. let's try this baby out00:08
paultagnice, kickass00:10
paultaglet's build this baby00:10
paultagleogg: did you see my new fluxbox web2.0 github thingey? :)00:11
leoggpaultag, noup? 00:12
paultagleogg: pull requests on github will turn into format-patches sent to us via email :)00:12
paultagleogg: so we have github "mirror" with pull-request support :)00:12
paultaglucifer.pault.ag is turnning into an awesome mirror server00:12
leoggpaultag, oh, that's nice! :)00:13
bkerensahello cYrilD05:38
cYrilDhello bkerensa06:07
bkerensacYrilD: Hi06:07
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