
micahgLaney: tumbleweed: highvoltage: only solution I see to resolve the conflict for ARB members at the MOTU BoF that is doable is to move the MOTU session to 4:15PM, 12PM also seems to work, but that's when the 64 bit session is08:25
ajmitchmicahg: what did you need?08:28
micahgajmitch: ah, was going to ask you about moving the ARB session, but that won't work due to stgraber's commitments, so our only option to allow the ARB MOTUs to be at the MOTU BoF is to move the MOTU session08:29
ajmitchso you're going for least-worst time that might suit people?08:30
micahgI guess so08:30
ajmitch4:15 is ipv6 health check, which stgraber will be rather involved in08:31
micahgajmitch: right, he's only interested in the ARB session though08:32
micahgor at least scheduled as such :)08:32
ajmitchit's hardly guaranteed that I'll still be awake & coherent at any of the listed times, so just schedule around who'll actually be there :)08:33
micahgajmitch: thanks08:34
* micahg wanders off to catch a few hours of sleep08:34
ajmitchlucky for some, neighbours just put some music on... :)08:34
* micahg has to be up in a few hours08:35
* ajmitch was going to try & be up for all the sessions as well08:35
micahg:(, well good luck08:35
ajmitchwe'll see, good night08:35
Tm_Ttavasti: welcome (;11:59
tavastiso, to real things, what we started: bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zabbix/+bug/76173012:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 761730 in zabbix (Ubuntu) "zabbix-server-pgsql should depend on php5-pgsql" [Undecided,New]12:00
tavastisure, thats trivial to fix. If I fix it, how I can get my fix to ubuntu?12:01
Tm_Ttavasti: while waiting others to answer, I suppose this could help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing12:04
tavastiand when looking at zabbix bugs, most likely zabbix-server-mysql has similar dependency problem12:04
tavastiTm_T, ok, thats good starting point12:05
ajmitchmicahg: did you find a suitable time for the MOTU BOF?12:55
micahgwell, haven't heard from the others yet12:55
tumbleweedmicahg: sorry, I was sleeping13:08
micahgtumbleweed: understandable at the hour I pinged you :)13:14
tumbleweedwell, I got back to my room and decided I didn't want to open my laptop13:16
nigelbtumbleweed: what!13:16
tumbleweednigelb: it *was* 2:30 in the morning, and the laptop was shut down (it had run flat)13:17
nigelbtumbleweed: pffft excuses :P13:17
micahgtumbleweed: wise decision, opening the laptop kept me up for another hour when I got back :-/13:19
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ajmitchtumbleweed: almost 2:30 in the morning here, how I love how timezones line up...13:24
tumbleweedUS UDSs work well for european/african timezones, you can get work done in the morning and listen to UDS in the afternoon13:25
nigelbtumbleweed: This one works well for eme. Starts right at EOD from work.13:25
ajmitchbut or NZ, it means starting at 2AM & still listening to sessions when at work in the morning13:26
nigelbExcept it goes into 1:30 in the morning13:26
tumbleweedajmitch: sounds lovely :)13:26
ajmitchtumbleweed: oh it is, I was playing civ iv for a few hours while waiting ;)13:26
Quintasanajmitch: Civ IV++13:34
micahgtumbleweed: so, what do you think about moving the MOTU session to later13:40
ajmitchmicahg: when do you think you can fit it in?13:48
tumbleweedmicahg: none of the options are ideal :/13:48
micahgtumbleweed: yeah, I know :(13:49
tumbleweed1500 is ideal for me, although I'd be triple-booked. Dunno about other people13:49
tumbleweedI think the 64bit discussion would be too popular13:50
tumbleweedand I want to get to new package workflow13:50
ajmitchMOTU probably has a bit of overlap with the developer advisory team discussion at 150013:50
micahgright, that's why I was thinking 16:1513:50
tumbleweed1600 kinda works13:50
* ajmitch can listen to 2 streams at once then :)13:51
broder1600...UTC or EDT?13:51
tumbleweedbroder: summit time13:51
tumbleweedajmitch: that's what recordings are for :)13:51
tumbleweedalso, yeah I move around between sessions a lot more when participating remotely13:52
ajmitchtumbleweed: that's what having 2 computers is for13:52
broderi can live with 16:15. i guess i'm the only one who didn't get a conflict with the original block? :-/13:52
tumbleweedbroder: app review board has a reasonable overlap13:52
* micahg was hoping a mentoring MOTU could be in the developer advisory team meeting13:52
micahgbroder: no, we don't have a conflict either, it's for the ARB people13:53
ajmitchthose dastardly ARB folk, messing everything up13:55
ajmitchso was it decided to move the MOTU session?14:54
ajmitchah well15:02
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c_kornhum, a postinst script is normally run with set -e. now I want to run a command where it is completely safe that it exists with 0 and 1. (but no values other than that because 2 is a real error while 1 is only a warning). but when it exists with 1 postinst fails. I basically do a "run x; ret=$? ; if [ $ret != 0 -a $ret != 1 ] ;" …19:47
broderc_korn: i would write that with "run x || [ $? = 1 ]"20:30
broderthe shell will evaluate that as a single expression, and the whole expression has to be non-0 to trigger set -e20:30
broderso if "run x" returns 0, the shell stops and we're good.20:31
broderif it returns 1, the shell looks at the second half of the expression and evaluates that to determine if the whole expression returns "true" (i.e. 0) or "false" (i.e. 1)20:31
c_kornoh, this is brilliant broder20:35
broderit's just one of those idioms you pick up over time :)20:36
c_kornso the if statement results into this? "if [ run x -o $? = 1 ] ;"20:39
broderno, that's incorrect for several reasons20:40
broderfirst, "[ run -x -o $? = 1 ]" won't cause "run -x" to be executed20:40
broderyou should think of "[" as if it were an actual program20:40
broderit used to be20:40
broderit just has a funny name20:40
c_kornor a special variable: ret=run x || [ $? = 1 ]20:40
broderyou don't need an if statement or anything20:40
broderjust do "run x || [ $? = 1 ]"20:41
broderwith set -e, it'll either exit, or you keep going20:41
c_kornthe thing is, in case the return value of "run x" is neither 0 nor 1 I want to bring a warning and to some clean ups20:41
c_kornhum, is this why there is "ls /usr/bin/\[" ? ;)20:42
brodermaybe you should go into some more detail about what your postinst is doing. my instinctive response is that if you need to do explicit cleanup, your postinst may be too complicated20:44
c_kornok, here it is: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=uucGVP3p20:45
c_kornor with line numbering http://pastebin.com/uucGVP3p it is line 42 (yay)20:46
jcfpc_korn: you just want the script to continue past line 42 with the result of unzip in $ret?21:01
c_kornhm, yeah. but what I basically want is that unzip is allowed to access with both 0 and 1 but nothing else21:02
jcfpc_korn: unzip ... && ret=$? || ret=$?21:23
jcfpor ret=0; unzip ... || ret=$?21:23
jcfpsets ret but doesn't exit asap21:23
c_kornuff, the first one definitely required some thinking ;)21:24
c_kornan assignment like ret=$? always returns 0 I assume. or does it return the value of $? ?21:25
broderit returns 021:26
jcfpyup, that always succeeds so it continues with ret set to whatever unzip came up with21:26
c_kornok, this worked fine, thanks broder and jcfp21:34
=== jack is now known as Guest53363
Guest53363I have a quick question, what do I do after I have read the Packaging Guide and the Getting Started Guide?21:52
jtaylorpackage something?21:57
jtayloror adopt an orphaned package21:57
jtayloror fix bugs21:57
jtaylordebian policy is also always a good read21:57
Guest53363How do I find a list of aphoned packages?21:58
broderGuest53363: we also have a project to keep track of bugs that we think would be easy to work on and good starter projects: http://harvest.ubuntu.com/opportunities/?pkg=&opplist=bitesize22:00
broderGuest53363: but right now UDS (aka our big planning shindig) is just wrapping up, and the closing party starts in an hour, so things may be a bit dead around here this evening22:13
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Guest53363Ah ok :)22:19
benonsoftwareHi all22:40
tumbleweedbenonsoftware: hi. as broder said just before you appeared. UDS (the 6-monthly developer summit) is just starting its closing party, so everyone who is normally helpful here is away from their laptops23:19
* tumbleweed heads to the party23:19
benonsoftware:) Ok thanks for letting me know23:19
tumbleweedof course, not everyone is at UDS, though23:20

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