[06:04] Gareth: pong [06:08] nhaines: hey. [06:10] Gareth: heya [06:11] Gareth: what's up? :) [06:12] nhaines: just wanted to confirm that we talked about an Ubuntu booth? [06:13] Gareth: I can confirm that we didn't. :) [06:13] ah ha. [06:13] I would assume that even though we didnt talk about it that you intested in having said booth? [06:13] Gareth: yup, we should totally do that. [06:14] okay good. [06:15] Great. Also we like corner booths better than middle ones. But that might be planning too far ahead. :P [06:16] everyone likes corner booths...just depends on the briefcases that show up anonymously on the doorstep. [06:17] haha [06:19] Gareth: I'll just await the Ubucon discount code for registration then! [06:22] Gareth: Next year maybe I will come down for Scale :P [17:54] YokoZar: you appear to be at the Ubuntu Developer Summit. [18:03] SCaLE registration just opened: https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale10x [18:47] Gareth: Can we get another SCALE promo code for Ubuntu California? Last year it was UBUCA for 50% off. [21:02] http://i.imgur.com/XU4hf.jpg [21:23] https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-z0ycfDu52tI/TrRWsHdyF3I/AAAAAAAAIOE/UYwczseGv4I/h301/323459_hedgehog_after_a_bath.jpg [21:24] just going to keep posting cute things until there is discussion! :) [21:26] * akk doesn't generally click on random links that arrive with no explanation ... have heard other channel members say similar things [21:30] * MarkDude likes the links BotenAnna [21:30] Daleks ftw [21:38] So last night I met with some friends to practice for an upcoming flashmob. Good news, I think I can learn the dance moves. Downside, there will be some videos made of this- so I DOUBT I will ever be able to live it down. [21:42] Poor MarkDude, I know how shy you are about stuff like that. :) [21:42] lol [21:42] A dancing flash mob sounds pretty fun! Especially if you get to practice beforehand. [21:42] Well [21:42] * MarkDude is actually a rather shy person [21:43] BUT, I like meeting people MORE than being shy [21:43] So I force myself to be outgoing [21:43] People think I am completely outgoing, so I guess I do a good job of forcing myself to do so [21:44] Im tellin' ya, some of the moves are ALMOST the whole *jazz hands thing* [21:45] Pure comedy gold. Then there are a few gyrating my hips moves, rofl [21:45] akk: I promise I won't paste gay porn in here on purpose! [21:45] I can't wait for the youtube. :) [21:46] if you don't click random links in irc, you're not living dangerously enough ;) [21:46] This channel is fine for links [21:46] BotenAnna: Hey, some people might want to see gay porn. :) But not everyone wants to see every type of link. [21:46] * MarkDude is part of a few OT channels, that I WONT click links [21:47] akk, we should have video next month [21:47] I'm not worried about links here being some horrible goatse thing, it's just that if I clicked on every link that ever showed up in IRC I'd go dangerously over my daily limit of cat pictures. :) [21:48] can there be a limit??? [21:48] here's a cat picture https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-NEKKq1nBu9E/TrDCLfKtlbI/AAAAAAAAfIw/iMY_4ndkjTE/s720/DSCN1854.JPG [21:48] And most people are doing other stuff, so if it's just some unlabeled link, it's not clear if it's worth stopping to click, whereas if it's labeled "adorable baby pangolins!" they might decide it's worth it. [21:54] Well we dont have a bot announce what links are [21:54] Oregon for example has a bot that says what links actually are [21:54] I'm not sure that would work for raw jpg links, though. [21:55] Unless it was a really really smart bot. :) [21:55] * akk is working on an exercise in image recognition for this week's ML class homework, but even once it's working it won't be that smart [22:44] there are bots on synirc that do things like say the title of youtube videos and such [22:44] so i heard foie gras is illegal now in CA [22:44] who wants to bet foie gras sales increase in Vegas? [22:45] "drive to vegas, play the slots, eat foie gras" [22:45] why not? [22:46] another thing NV allows that CA does not, just after gambling, prostitution, etc. [22:46] and formerly divorces... [22:46] foie gras fits in perfectly with Vegas the land of excess. [22:54] hi everybody [22:55] hi seidos i was saying [22:56] so i heard foie gras is illegal now in CA who wants to bet foie gras sales increase in Vegas? [22:59] that's interesting, i wonder if that mat made of faux grass a friend of mine sold is worth more now [22:59] :/ [23:00] ah foie gras != faux grass [23:00] foie gras, duck meat [23:00] it has an animal right thing [23:00] sacre bleu [23:00] foie gras is specially fattened duck [23:00] it's tasty [23:01] especially fattened duck liver? [23:01] animal rights issues. [23:01] :( [23:01] yeah, couldn't be good for people animals to eat that [23:01] just get it in NV. [23:01] i mean, especially in large quantities [23:01] no , it tastes good [23:01] and no one eats it in large quantities - it's gourmet food [23:02] you'll be seeing it at the Wynn in 3.2.1.. [23:02] not sure how something like that would get metabolized by the liver [23:02] dude, i eat beef liver all the time. [23:02] i wouldn't eat it if i could avoid it [23:02] how's your health buddy? [23:02] fine [23:02] beef liver is metabolized like any other fodo [23:02] how do you measure that? [23:03] i could be healthier [23:03] look, the liver part isn't the problem [23:03] liver is still legal; even duck liver [23:03] my mile is pretty atrocious [23:03] it's specially fattened duck liver. [23:03] the problem is the way they raise the ducks [23:03] relatively speaking [23:04] poor quackers :( [23:04] * ryaxnb would like some foie gras. [23:04] i like ducks and all, but i luck duck meat more. [23:04] * seidos is vegetarian [23:04] i like ducks and all, but i like duck meat more. [23:04] luck=health [23:05] liek [23:05] like [23:05] meat is good for your health [23:05] how's you B12 level? are you taking B12 supplements? or do you eat eggs or milk? [23:05] it certainly beats strict nine [23:05] our bodies need B12. [23:05] i'm vegetarian, not vegan [23:05] those vegans are crazy. i bet they run around with ak-47s [23:06] good. [23:06] probably chew kat [23:06] or marijuana leaves [23:06] creepy stuff [23:06] you need dairy products because of the B12. [23:07] i drink dairy cuz' i heard it's good for rebuilding mucus [23:07] it is probably possible to get b12 from specific plants, but that's too gourmet for me [23:07] no, it's not. [23:07] . According to the UK Vegan Society, the present consensus is that any B12 present in plant foods is likely to be unavailable to humans because B12 analogues can compete with B12 and inhibit metabolism.[56][57] [23:08] you can get it from supplements [23:08] that's interesting [23:08] but basically, you're admitting that veganness is such a restrictive diet you need supplements to survive [23:08] that's bad :( [23:09] i didn't admit anything [23:09] i guess the UK Vegan Society is [23:09] well, the UK Vegan Society is [23:09] for all they espouse about vegan food being healthier, and naturaler, that's the elephant in the room [23:09] i would have to do a test on myself to know for sure [23:10] i wouldn't know what plants to try though...or seeds for that matter [23:10] Claimed sources of B12 that have been shown to be inadequate or unreliable through direct studies[58] of vegans include laver (a seaweed), barley grass [23:10] B12 :/ [23:10] of course, dairy provides a lot of b12. [23:11] and well-cooked eggs provided a small but probably sufficent amount of B12. [23:11] so vegetarians shouldn't have issues. [23:11] apparently alcohol leeches b12 [23:11] i'm too young to drink [23:12] don't they make vegetarian cheese? [23:12] or do you just eat cheese? [23:12] i hope so [23:12] i mean, cheese with meat in it? [23:12] (strict vegetarians don't eat normal cheese) [23:12] most cheese is produced with rennet, which is animal... something [23:12] you mean vegans don't eat cheese? [23:13] ah [23:13] no, rennet is a weird intestinal part of the animal usually used in cheesemaking [23:13] only tiny amounts are used, and it's stuff that would go to waste otherwise [23:13] is it used in jello too? [23:13] but strictt vegetarians are strict. [23:13] strict vegetarians can afford to be strict [23:13] so they only eat cheese made with artificial rennet. [23:13] which luckily exists. [23:14] i've never made cheese [23:14] i've made sour milk, but never cheese [23:14] i do have gratitude for the cows though [23:15] i wonder what would happen if cows ate hemp or marijuana [23:21] hey MarkDude are you using fedora? [23:22] i was trying to use chrome with it, but there's apparently a glitch [23:22] seidos, yes, m uch of the time [23:22] Well F16 should be great to use [23:22] 2 weeks after the release [23:22] F17 even better, not just because it is codenamed Beefy Miracle [23:23] * MarkDude can show you in person at Scale - if you are making it [23:24] yeah, should be there [23:24] 15 is pretty nice, i like the volume control graphic [23:24] it's a lot like my old macbook [23:25] oh yeah, i met that guy David at a sikh ashram, do you remember him? the dude with the beard? [23:25] hopefully he makes it this year. he's cool [23:30] Yes, I do remmebr [23:30] so what have you been up to? [23:30] Well it is good to remind people ahead of time, Scale is earlier this year [23:30] oh yeah? is it still going to be in february? [23:31] i should put something on my calendar [23:31] January [23:32] ah, good to know [23:33] * MarkDude has been busy. Put artistic stuff on hold for a while [23:33] how did you manage to pull that off? [23:33] it seems like the artistic stuff is everywhere [23:33] Just started making more plans tho... Have a photoshoot for comic book set for next weekend [23:34] Zombies and a vampire- ftw [23:34] right on, you win [23:34] MarkDude: I'd be there late. Is that ok? [23:35] dragon, yes, unless you need to pick up the backup makeup artisit [23:35] we can make other plan if needed [23:35] erm. Who is it? [23:35] Pamela, I dont think you met her [23:35] She just moved back from Portland [23:36] Bring your camera also, we want to try a few effects with it [23:38] I have a phone. [23:38] or two. [23:38] But no camera. I returned it to my family, since I wasn't using it as much. [23:42] Hmmm, ok [23:42] Will see about getting another for this [23:42] My backup plan camera may be in use that weekend [23:42] My camera does well though. You've seen the pics we took at the tech, right? [23:43] Yes, well lets see if we can get some effects from it [23:43] Maybe use it for old timey looking pics [23:44] brb [23:44] alrighty. [23:50] back [23:51] People are craaaaaaazy in Walnut Creek sometimes [23:51] well much of the time [23:53] http://i.imgur.com/GWmlg.jpg [23:53] http://i.imgur.com/Sx4gu.jpg [23:53] more cute pictures! [23:54] Yay cat pics [23:54] at least 1/3 of the internets consist of kitty pics [23:55] Anyone feel like living on the edge and submitting a talk for Scale with me? [23:56] A focus on how people should focus on commonalities between Distros [23:56] and not find ways to divide. FOSS folks share many common ideals type thing [23:59] that's a good idea [23:59] i'm not really sure what i would say on the topic though