
snap-lGood evening02:25
brouschtired. someone bring me coffee12:05
brouschrick_h: are you even working right now?12:17
_stink_yeah, was gonna say12:17
_stink_just sleep in!12:17
_stink_or, go back to sleep after taking kid to school.12:17
rick_hheh, I've got a talk to finish12:18
rick_hdidn't get a ton done yesterday with the family home and such12:18
* Wolfger throws coffee at brousch12:36
WolfgerI think I may have found my Linux salvation... http://www.osnews.com/story/25283/KDE_3_5_Fork_Trinity_Releases_Third_Major_Update12:36
brouschi sent you a link to that last week :P12:44
Wolfgerwell :-p13:07
WolfgerI missed it somehow13:07
WolfgerThanks, though!13:07
snap-l Good morning13:11
brouschWolfger: i kind of wondered why you weren't excited by it when i mentioned it ;)13:11
lotiagreetings all. anyone know what the earliest version of ubuntu that supported logical volume snapshot merging?13:31
snap-llotia: Not offhand, no13:46
snap-land a question like that can lead to no good. ;)13:46
* snap-l should take on a new career as conference call music DJ.13:50
ColonelPanic001do it13:51
snap-lYour call w-w-w-will start when the hoho-ho-ho-host arrives.13:51
snap-lPlease wawawawawawawawawawaaaaaaaaaait13:51
snap-lAnd here he/she is, the host of your call. Take it away, host!13:52
ColonelPanic001I'd hire you13:52
lotiasnap-l: thanks13:58
rick_hthank goodness I brought headphones to the coffee shop14:01
jjessedo you work every day out of the coffee house?14:02
rick_hplace is packed and teenage girls going over the last week's "How I broke up with my boyfriend" text by text blow by blow14:02
rick_hjjesse: no, but the temptations at home to work on my desk/office reorg are too great14:02
jjessedo you write off the coffee as a business expense? :P14:02
rick_hthen again...mwf are usually some coffee house time14:02
rick_hheh, I need to14:02
rick_hjust say it was "office rental fee, $4.12"14:02
widoxrick_h: hows the talk coming along?14:03
rick_hwidox: so long way to go still, but went offline to write it out and I think I've got a way to bring it together14:03
ColonelPanic001yeah, I plan to heckle you tomorrow14:03
rick_hproblem is it's 3 ideas I want to go over, but not sure how to bring them together14:03
rick_hbut think I have it now, so slides appear14:04
* rick_h checks .rst file...14:04
rick_hhmm, that didn't work14:04
rick_hanyone know of a generator for these things that I can download a nice big image from?14:58
brouschbah, just blow up the little ones15:03
Blazeixrick_h: this is the original source: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_D_Z-D2tzi14/TBpOnhVqyAI/AAAAAAAADFU/8tfM4E_Z4pU/s1600/responsibility12(alternate).png15:06
Blazeix( http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/06/this-is-why-ill-never-be-adult.html )15:07
rick_hcool, thanks Blazeix15:08
snap-l logged in remotely15:18
snap-lJust got back from the nursing home and Caribou16:58
snap-lGt one of their grown-up grilled cheeses.17:07
snap-lThey're half-off, so it's not so bad. :)17:07
rick_hheh funny17:22
rick_hhmm, test task is 34min17:24
rick_hneed more slides17:24
Blazeixjust fill the remaining time with bad language and offensive pictures. The ruby community can't have all the fun.17:54
brouschBlazeix: i see you watched my pyohio talk18:22
brouschi just added a "didn't get to" slide to my talk for all the stuff i won't have time to cover19:14
snap-lbrousch: NOw's the time to optimize. :)19:16
snap-lSo you can squeeze in the stuff on that slide that you think is too important to ignore.19:16
snap-lbello from 1dev20:55
ColonelPanic001I'll be there tomorrow20:57
ColonelPanic001workshops were full, and I don't care enough to drag myself out there for a couple of keynotes. :\20:57
brouschColonelPanic001: gonna heckle rick_h?20:58
ColonelPanic001only reason I'm going20:58
snap-lyeah, i wanted to be here for the keynotes20:58
wolfger_snap-l: I'm sure you've heard already, since you're always up on radio news, but in case you don't know: http://www.freep.com/article/20111104/ENT03/111104023/Detroit-radio-station-WDTW-FM-106-7-changes-format-put-modern-twist-classic-rock21:58

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