
monstaRtruckw the driver i got from nvidia site00:00
alexeikarp_Hello everyone. I'm a complete newbie and I would really like your help on one subject: I am running a machine with ubuntu 11.10 and I have a mobile broadband connection setup. Is there any way of forcing this connection alive after the machine boots up?00:00
monstaRtrucksum1 help me not be nuub00:01
* R3db3ard wonders which is best: AppArmor or selinux00:02
pozicanI'm missing the windows preferences from the system settings menu; is there anything I need to do to get it there?00:04
monstaRtruckhow do i use that ppa00:06
Soci3tyrm -rf00:06
EvilResistancemonstaRtruck:  are you asking how to use a PPA?00:06
EvilResistanceif so, in what context?  to install packages it uses?00:07
EvilResistanceSoci3ty:  can we help you?00:07
Soci3tyEvilResistance: eeh somebody meantioned a new bot here00:07
Soci3tyjust wanted to see it00:07
EvilResistanceSoci3ty:  there is no new bot here.  what "new bot" was this?00:07
Soci3tywarning about rm -rf00:07
Soci3tynot to run it00:07
monstaRtruckjust want to install nvidia drivers00:07
EvilResistanceit would warn about rm -rf /00:07
EvilResistancenothing else00:07
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:07
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!00:07
EvilResistancemonstaRtruck:  from where?00:07
alexeikarp_Hello all! I have a network settings question. Would anyone be willing to help me?00:08
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qinSoci3ty: Is that what fillful your silliness?00:08
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Soci3tyi remember few years ago00:08
monstaRtrucksilly goose00:08
Soci3tywhen i had first installed linux00:08
Soci3tysomebody had me run it00:08
monstaRtruckit was me00:09
Soci3tyback then i didnt even know what a fucking command line was00:09
qinSoci3ty, monstaRtruck: There is also #ubuntu-offtopic00:09
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Matrix30001isn't it "sudo rm -rf /"00:09
EvilResistancemonstaRtruck:  in the terminal:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates00:10
Soci3tynot if your root00:10
EvilResistancemonstaRtruck:  then sudo apt-get update00:10
Matrix30001cant do "rm -rf /" without sudo00:10
EvilResistancemonstaRtruck:  it might then work.  even so, you need to know which specific package you need to install00:10
Matrix30001but on ubuntu to become root requires sudo -s00:10
Soci3tymost of my systems only have a root account00:10
Soci3tyso :P00:11
Matrix30001you created one for some reason?00:11
bobweaverSoci3ty,  O_o00:11
Matrix30001security risk much?00:11
Soci3tyno i do vps's00:11
Soci3tytemplates i made only have a root account00:11
monstaRtruckhow come its not showing up in additional drivers00:11
Matrix30001you aren't doing this to production servers or systems right?00:12
ngc0202Is there anyway to make sure my OS install is all good?00:12
qinSoci3ty: Then you are complete incompetent to connect and run remote system as root, anyone would sack you on the spot.00:12
Soci3tyMatrix30001: our production vps's only have the root account enabled00:12
Soci3tyits impossible not to00:12
Soci3tymy vps nodes00:13
Soci3tyyou have to ssh in as another user then su to root00:13
Matrix30001Socie3ty, we leave all root logins disabled and make sure you have to has sudo rights00:13
Matrix30001make sure you have to have sudo rights to run commands00:13
Soci3tyMatrix30001: you know how a vps works?00:13
Soci3tyits pretty hard to pipe in a username00:14
Matrix30001well its an image, you can push down00:14
Soci3tycreate a user00:14
Matrix30001cant you create that by script??00:14
qinSoci3ty: adduser or useradd, you really already proven it. Stop.00:14
Soci3tyMatrix30001: it would require root access00:14
Soci3tyon the main hub00:15
Soci3tywhich is quite insecure00:15
Matrix30001that's what sudo is for00:15
* Soci3ty facepalms00:15
Matrix30001then you execute the script with sudo00:15
nixxohello all i'm trying to install ubuntu right now. i'm not sure where to install the bootloader... i've got windows on one partition and wanting to put ubuntu on another right now00:15
Matrix30001i guess i don't sacrafice security for simplicity00:16
Matrix30001but that's just me00:16
monstaRtruckhow come the drivers i got from nvidia.com mess up my themes?00:16
|||||||||Who needs Windows? just delete Windows and start anew.00:16
nixxogreat answer00:16
nixxobut that's not going to work for my situation00:16
Matrix30001nixxo you didn't use the Wubi?00:16
nixxono i didn't i booted from a live usb00:17
Matrix30001how many partitions do you have then00:17
monstaRtruckjust install nixxo00:18
Matrix30001the bootloader has to know you have windows on there00:18
monstaRtruckon another partition00:18
nixxoi've got 3. sda1 is windows. sda2 is storage ntfs. sda3 will be ubuntu00:18
monstaRtruckafter reboot grub2 will take over and ur windows will be in it00:18
|||||||||When I first used Ubuntu, I had Windows on my machine, and it will prompt you, it was easy, and worked very well.00:18
Matrix30001i believe00:18
Matrix30001then should ask which system to boot into00:18
monstaRtruckrecovering grub2 is easy00:18
Matrix30001but why not use a vm?00:18
nixxofrom what i understand, grub will remove windows loader and then i wont have windows anymore00:19
monstaRtruckgrub2 will have windows loader in it00:19
monstaRtruckonce u click win loader00:19
nixxowhen i used 11.04 i had a nightmare with that00:19
nixxoyou sure?00:19
monstaRtruckull be taken to windows boot options00:19
monstaRtruckfrom there u select ur win os00:20
monstaRtruckits a loader w in a loader00:20
|||||||||after installing, you will get a prompt to ask you what to load: Windows or Ubuntu00:20
monstaRtruckif anything fails which it wont00:20
nixxook. so again, which partitition will i install grub to? sda, sda1, sda3?00:20
rchavikhow do i make services NOT start automatically at boot ?00:20
monstaRtrucknixxo it doesnt ask you where00:21
monstaRtruckit just asks you to pick a partition00:21
monstaRtruckand mount point which is /00:21
ShamanicFreedomafter installing back track, how do you change root and password?00:21
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eazyigzI am having a hard time connecting to my Epson NX110 printer.  I already installed the Linux driver for it.  Any ideas?00:21
nixxoit says device for bootloader installation in the installer on the liveusb00:21
hichamim using ubuntu 11.10 my computer always asking me for the internet password.what should i do to make it automatic00:21
Oer!backtrack | ShamanicFreedom00:21
ubottuShamanicFreedom: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition00:21
hichamthanks in advance00:22
monstaRtruckthat should be /deb/sba00:22
|||||||||rchavik: System then "startup applications"00:22
monstaRtruckbecause it goes on the main drive not in partition00:22
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nixxomonstaRtruck you sure?00:22
nixxocool. i'm going with that.00:22
monstaRtruckalways leave a 1G empty space on ur drive00:23
monstaRtruckthats where the mbr lives00:23
monstaRtruckgrub lives in /boot00:23
kyanIn the process of installing a dual boot of Ubuntu and Mac OS, I accidentally deleted the partition table (thinking I was converting it from GPT to MBR). What should I do?!00:23
monstaRtruckworst case scenario restore grub00:23
monstaRtruck2 commands00:23
rchavik|||||||||, i want postgresql to start manually, but postgresql does not appear there..00:24
monstaRtrucksudo mount /dev/sdaX /boot00:24
monstaRtrucksudo grub-install --root-directory=/boot/ /dev/sdX00:24
monstaRtrucksudo update-grub00:25
|||||||||sorry rchavik, Im just a user of Ubuntu. but hang around and maybe one of the techies can help you.00:25
nixxofor my particular situation, sudo mount /dev/sda /boot ???00:25
monstaRtruckit need the number00:25
rchavik|||||||||, no problem.thanks.00:25
monstaRtruckur mounting the partition00:25
monstaRtruckthe second line ur ommiting the nuymber00:26
nixxowhat number? you just said to install the bootloader to sda  and not sda1 or sda300:26
monstaRtrucksudo grub-install --root-directory=/boot/ /dev/sdX00:26
monstaRtruck1st line mounts ur partition00:26
monstaRtruckso u can write to it00:26
nils_how can I disable the graphic boot for plymouth? I really only want the old text based bootscreen00:26
monstaRtrucksecond line00:26
monstaRtruckinstalls grub to the disk00:27
monstaRtrucknot a partition00:27
monstaRtrucku get it00:27
nixxoyou use teamviewer? take a look for me please... i'd hate to mess up00:27
nixxoi do get it but still. worried00:27
monstaRtruckur installing mbr to the disk00:27
Dark_ApostropheHello, I'm having heat problems with a laptop - it frequently gets very warm, for no apparent reason - CPU usage low, the nVidia driver is uninstalled (I have both an integrated Intel video card and an Nvidia one in a Optimus setup), I see no logical reason for it developing so much heat. In Win7 (dual boot), it doesn't have heat issues to anywhere near the same extent... suggestions?00:28
monstaRtruckur telling mbr to use grub on partition00:28
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monstaRtrucksudo grub-install --root-directory=/boot/ /dev/sdX00:28
dudemanI am having trouble with the new version, when installing I have two partitions 150g for win  7 and 850g for storage. for some reason the installer method "install along side windows 7" hides my windows 7 partition and only lists my storage partition. Any way to make the installer list all partitions other than the manual method00:28
monstaRtruckuse /boot instead of /mnt00:29
Drone4fouri can't move the counts of a directory to my home folder...i'm trying to use the mv command but it says it doesn't recognize the recursive operator, -R00:29
Drone4foursee here: gnull@oneiric:/media/8d070516-2f12-4a32-85d3-c36d04a49f56/home/danielhomefolderfromnatty2$ mv -R * /home/daniel00:29
Drone4fourmv: invalid option -- 'R'00:29
ActionParsnipDrone4four: use -r not -R00:29
Drone4fourboth don't work, ActionParsnip00:29
ActionParsnipDrone4four: or -a ?00:29
Drone4fouri'll try -a00:29
dudemanwell thanks anyway, maybe I will submit a bug00:30
Drone4fourActionParsnip, -r, -R and -a both are unrecognized00:30
nixxomonstaRtruck can you just have a look with teamviewer?00:30
monstaRtrucki gota go00:31
Drone4fouri mean all three, not both00:31
monstaRtruckjust install it00:31
monstaRtrucku dont need to restore grub yet00:31
heoyeasmash pc00:31
monstaRtruckwhen it asks u where to put bootloader00:31
monstaRtruckthats mbr00:31
monstaRtruckso put that in sda00:31
monstaRtruckno number00:31
heoyeais usually sda or sdb00:32
nixxook. done with my questions. just doing it now00:32
monstaRtrucknixo ur geting ahead00:32
monstaRtruckif it fails then use live cd00:32
monstaRtrucktype those 3 comands00:32
Drone4fourActionParsnip, any idea why -a, -R and -r are unrecognized? what else could i try?00:32
itaylor57maybe man mv is in order to look at the options00:32
Drone4fourah yes, I used cp rather than mv and that worked00:33
PiciDrone4four: you don't need any arguments to do a 'recursive move'00:33
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gluehow i update my 10.04 release to 11.10 ?00:34
glueim running ppc00:34
gluei did update-manager -d00:34
gluebut suggests 10.1000:34
gluei want to go directly to 11.1000:34
rchavik|||||||||, fyi, found sysv-rc-conf package that does this00:35
Piciglue: You need to upgrade through every intermediary release. There is no supported upgrade path from 10.04 to 11.1000:35
glueoh that sucks :(00:35
glueokay im doing it00:35
|||||||||cool rchavik glad it works for you. i learn a lot just reading this chat00:37
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ActionParsnipglue: I'd do a clean install. It'll get you to Oneiric faster and you will get a cleaner OS00:45
glue iv ran out of cd's lol00:45
ActionParsnipglue: USB or SD card etc?00:46
glueon emac ppc00:46
ActionParsnipglue: as long as the system can boot USB, it'sfine00:48
gluenah i dont think it can00:48
glueActionParsnip, ill do a fresh install when it breaks00:48
gluei got the dist upgrade going to 10.1000:48
gskelligwhat are the downsides of a separate /home00:48
groundnutyhey, any info when ubuntu is planning to adopt Wayland?00:49
john75077hi all - anyone here that could give me some simpler instructions to install a CA certificate?00:49
rickb06figured out my permissions, never trust webmin.00:50
PCPDCGgskellig: The space is limited by the partition you made00:51
gskelligcan't you resize partitions though00:51
gskelligas long as they aren't mounted00:51
ActionParsniprickb06: webmin isn't compatible with ubuntu00:52
PCPDCGyes but its a bit more trouble and you cannot unmount main while you are using your installation00:52
DerpyHoovyHey, can someone help me out with an installation problem?00:53
ActionParsnipglue: good move00:53
DerpyHoovyerror: unknown filesystem; grub rescue> - BootRepair attempt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/727578/00:54
glueActionParsnip, any idea if opengl works00:54
nils_heh I just upgraded from 9.04 to 11.1000:55
gluenils_, how00:56
nils_works reasonably well considering how screwed up that whole system is at the moment (network bootable rescue system)00:56
ActionParsnipglue: in what way?00:58
qmanjr5Why is it I can run Unity-2D perfectly fine, but I can't use Unity? When I try to, I can't do anything. Nothing is clickable. This happened after I installed the latest version of the nVidia driver :/00:59
reisioqmanjr5: downgrade your nvidia driver, then01:00
YoungMoney112233hello peeps01:00
reisioYoungMoney112233: hi01:00
qmanjr5reisio, how am I supposed to do that?01:00
pozicanI want focus follows mouse. You used to change this settign in windows preferences in the system panel. After upgrading to 11.10 windows preferences is no longer there. How do I get focus follows mouse back?01:00
YoungMoney112233Do we have any time travellers in the room?01:01
reisioqmanjr5: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto maybe, though it's possible you'll only need to skip a single version01:01
nils_ask me yesterday.01:01
reisioYoungMoney112233: no I'm not a time traveller, and I'll thank you to stop bringing it up01:01
scottjI've got shift-insert (paste from other apps) working in urxvt until I select some text in urxvt at which point shift-ins only pastes what I selected in urxvt, even if I make new selections in other apps. ideas?01:01
reisiopozican: http://askubuntu.com/questions/64605/how-do-i-set-focus-follows-mouse01:02
pozicanWow, that's not annoying01:02
pozicanreisio: thanks  :)01:02
GeneralcamoI need help with Ubuntu software manager01:02
GeneralcamoIt seems, I cannot install anything01:02
GeneralcamoError message "The action would require the installation of packages from unauthorized sources01:03
GeneralcamoAnd that is not just with wine, with Ubuntu updates, and more01:03
Uns0b1llhello, can i somehow check in ubuntu if my NIC cards 802.1q compatible ? thanks01:03
qmanjr5Also, why does my theme sometime change to this one? http://imgur.com/JTiMs  It's usually the default one, but it sometimes changes to this, and I'm unable to change it back. :/01:03
qmanjr5And then it'll randomly come back01:03
oopsHey folks, I'm a just a tad confused. I went to run Lampp and descovered I was already running an apache2 server.... is this standard on 11.10 for should I be worried.01:03
PCPDCGGeneralcamo: You have a source that is not verified01:04
DerpyHoovyI need help with installation [11.10]. Boot-Repair: http://paste.ubuntu.com/727578/ Dual booting Windows 7 & 11.10 - Unknown Filesystem, grub rescue>01:04
GeneralcamoHow is that possible?01:04
GeneralcamoWith ubuntu updates?01:04
qmanjr5oops, check where you're running it from.01:04
GeneralcamoThey should be verified on installlation of ubuntu01:04
qmanjr5oops, if it's in its default directory, and that is empty, then you're fine.01:04
oopslemme check.01:05
GeneralcamoWell, how would I verify it?01:05
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GeneralcamoHow would I verify a source in ubuntu?01:06
oopsits running out of etc/apache201:06
PCPDCGGeneralcamo: You have to get the key for the PPA. There are some instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu01:07
qmanjr5Sorry, what I meant was what your web directory is. By default it's in /var/www01:07
qmanjr5Put a test file in there01:07
smangois there a way to turn off the unity backlight and have it never hide the launcher bar without installing that compiz-config program?01:07
qmanjr5gksudo gedit /var/www/index.php01:07
qmanjr5then put in <?php phpinfo() ?>01:07
qmanjr5Or, you can just put a blank .html file in it01:07
qmanjr5with Hello01:07
qmanjr5I would do the first one, 'cause then you won't have to trouble figuring out if you're running an entire LAMP setup01:08
Stanley00smango: you can, using gconf tools,01:08
oopsah, its just got the default page in it, I'm newbie from windows so I was a little concerned01:09
qmanjr5No problem.01:09
qmanjr5It's odd however, that it was already installed01:09
qmanjr5As far as I know it shouldn't be.01:09
oopsI know, thats where I was confused01:09
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qmanjr5Well, no harm done.01:09
robin0800nixxo, it should just be sda the root of the drive not a partition01:09
Stanley00smango: all keys are at /apps/compiz-1/plugins/unityshell/screen0/options in my case01:10
ShamanicFreedompeople from miami please text me01:12
qmanjr5kthomas_vh_, is your first name Kevin? I know someone named Kevin Thomas...that's weird.01:13
raptor67682would you be happy to have such a little PDA  OQO ? http://www.popsci.com/files/imagecache/article_image_large/articles/2inhand_white.jpg01:14
tensorpuddingwow what a terrible device01:14
tensorpuddingthat's surely a faked image01:15
scottjit used to cost $2k01:15
DerpyHoovyI need help with installation [11.10]. Boot-Repair: http://paste.ubuntu.com/727578/ Dual booting Windows 7 & 11.10 - Unknown Filesystem, grub rescue>01:15
reisiotensorpudding: even if it is, it exists01:15
reisiounfortunately it's pretty wide if you look at it from the side01:16
reisiothese days smart phones are smaller and better designed01:16
robin0800nixxo, yes sda sdb sdc etc01:16
tensorpuddingno one would want to use a device that small with a pointer that you control like that01:17
reisiotensorpudding: luckily it's so expensive few people have the opportunity to01:17
tensorpuddingthat thing actually sells for $2k?01:17
tensorpuddingwho would spend that much for something like that01:18
reisiotensorpudding: same people who would spend that much on anything: people with more money than sense01:19
tensorpudding$2k would be reasonable for a comfortable, future-proof workstation01:20
reisiofuture proof is a joke these days01:20
reisiomore like a waste of $150001:20
nils_I heard they went for like $5k on ebay01:21
reisioI heard that01:21
reisiobut I heard there was two of'm01:21
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robin0800nixxo, I have never specified the root directory if you have no boot partition it is not needed01:22
urlin2uDerpyHoovy, are you real attached to using that boot repair app I think you just need to reload grub to the mbr with a lucid cd and boot in.01:22
john75077any certificate experts here?01:23
robin0800nixxo, sudo grub-install /dev/sda ......... is all you need01:24
urlin2uDerpyHoovy, follow this link it defaults to the load grub from the cd use a lucid cd and read carefully if you get into the installed OS run a super update-grub then not from the live cd01:24
urlin2uDerpyHoovy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Copy_LiveCD_Files01:25
urlin2uDerpyHoovy, sorry sudo update-grub     DOH.:D01:25
thoegerTRying again - isn't there a way to reconfigure X and redetect hardware, like there used to be with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?01:26
wonderworldthoeger: which hardware is not working?01:27
thoegerwonderworld, for some reason, my wifi card and trackpad and even sound has stopped working (works a charm from bootable live media)01:28
Jordan_Uthoeger: Wireless and sound have nothing to do with Xorg.01:29
reisiotake that you various IPs!01:30
thoegerJordan_U, okay must be something else then01:30
thoegerJordan_U, wonderworld Any idea what can be up? The devices are simply not detevted even though they are when booted from live USB stick01:30
Jordan_Uthoeger: Is the LiveUSB the same version of Ubuntu?01:32
NoWayJoseHow do you completely remove ubuntu from a computer?01:32
NoWayJoseI am wanting to do a clean install.  The computer has 9.04 and I am wanting to upgrade to 11.0401:33
urlin2uNoWayJose, just 9.04?01:33
fishheadjust install it overtop 9.0401:33
NoWayJoseurlin2u, Yes, I am wanting to delete 9.0401:33
thoegerJordan_U, yes, I ran an upgrade 11.10 to 11.10 from it (that might have been a risky business but something in the latest update broke my X)01:33
Jordan_UNoWayJose: Just do a fresh install using the entire drive.01:33
NoWayJoseIt will erase 9.04 auto?.01:34
NoWayJoseok thats what i needed to know, thanks01:34
urlin2uNoWayJose, the install will give you option to use the whole disc that will delete it and build the new partitions01:34
thoegerNoWayJose, Yes but be aware that it will also remove all files on the drive, so make a backup of whatever documents and music and stuff you have there01:34
Jordan_UNoWayJose: If you tell the installer to use the whole drive, yes.01:34
NoWayJoseok cool01:34
NoWayJoseappreciate it guys01:35
jjgalvez__my empathy contact list gets messed up when I mouse over it, anyone have any idea how to fix it or troubleshoot it?01:39
chaospsychexahoy ubuntites!01:41
SinjetAhoy chaospsychex.01:41
urlin2uchaospsychex, argh matey01:42
ssfdre38Movie Player is saying it needs a DVD decryption install, what package should i get?01:45
cordorwhat do i need to internet sharing to a router? internet from wlan and eth0 to router01:47
Jordan_U!dvd | ssfdre3801:47
ubottussfdre38: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:47
Jordan_Ucordor: Network manager can do it.01:48
pis0gaHi all. I'm playing CS 1.6 on Lucid & Wine 1.2.2. All things are good but my CS window is auto-scaled to full screen. In  my Windows XP, there is an option called Scale Monitor (in graphic driver). if I disable "scaling" the CS' window will have two black bars placed on left & right and this makes the scene in that game to be more proper (proper ratio). I try to search on google but cannot find anything, so somebody can help me out please. Thanks.01:50
cordorJordan_U: I follow the document about ICS, but wherever i enable the eth0, my computer don't have access to internet.01:50
reisiopis0ga: check winecfg01:50
NOSaturnQuestion.... how do i tell if i'm using the best drivers for my computer?01:50
cordorand the ip of eth0 set to 10.....01:50
reisioNOSaturn: outside of graphics drivers, there's usually only one driver per device01:50
reisiowhen they overlap, the inferior drivers are usually culled from repos & source01:51
NOSaturnreisio, i'm more or less talking about my graphics driver :)01:51
reisioas for graphics drivers, you'll have to test each and decide which you prefer01:51
NOSaturnhow do i find graphics drivers?01:52
NOSaturnintel's website has a big tarball i downloaded01:52
reisioNOSaturn: lspci | grep -i vga will tell you your device01:52
pis0gaReikoku, I checked it but found nothing. There's only "emulate a virtual desktop", that not my wish :D.01:52
reisioNOSaturn: you virtually never should be going to a website to get packages in Linux01:52
DerpyHoovySorry, I'm a complete noob here. Error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).01:52
reisioNOSaturn: if you have an intel device you're probably already using the best driver01:53
DerpyHoovyon sudo update-grub01:53
quixotedoni'm using firefox and trying to access cisco webex with my java enabled, i also downloaded openjdk java7 run time, but why the website still says that my java is disabled01:53
NOSaturnreisio, oh? the system info says the graphics are unknown01:53
reisioNOSaturn: well then that app is dumb01:53
urlin2uDerpyHoovy, did you follow the link reboot to the install and run that command?01:54
DerpyHoovyOh, I didn't rebooot to the install. Ok01:55
Scott0anyone have experiences with lubuntu?01:55
NOSaturnreisio, so i used lspci... it just says "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)01:55
NOSaturnabout right then?01:55
reisioNOSaturn: yes, it's unlikely you have a choice of drivers, you're probably already using the only logical choice01:55
urlin2uDerpyHoovy, do the commnds again if it does not give you the grub menu, running that update-grub may have broken your work.01:55
reisioNOSaturn: but if you're interested, lspci -k | less will tell you01:56
quixotedoni'm using firefox and trying to access cisco webex with my java enabled, i also downloaded openjdk java7 run time, but why the website still says that my java is disabled then when i access the website, i can't listen to the audio (ciscowebex is a webinar)01:56
NOSaturnreisio, thank you.  i now feel better01:58
reisioNOSaturn: it's more ati and nvidia cards that have more than one driver to choose from01:59
quixotedonguys, i need your help.. the webinar is happening now, anyway 11.04 hasn't got any issue with.. i'm using 11.10 now02:00
NOSaturnreisio, thanks.02:00
reisioquixotedon: ?02:00
quixotedonreisio: i'm using firefox and trying to access cisco webex with my java enabled, i also downloaded openjdk java7 run time, but why the website still says that my java is disabled then when i access the website, i can't listen to the audio (ciscowebex is a webinar)02:01
StarminnUbuntu 11.10 > Nautilus keeps forgetting my icon set. I've tried unity --replace but it had no effect.02:01
ejvwhats the name of the ubuntu app that can monitor a software raid?02:02
railbaitI resized a partition from Windows, but don't have a CD burner. I'd like to install a full/normal version of Ubuntu to that partition, but I hear Wubi isn't quite as fast due to some disk issues02:02
railbaitIs this true?02:02
reisiorailbait: more or less02:03
reisiorailbait: do you have a USB stick?02:03
railbaitNot at the moment, I could probably get one cheap though02:03
reisiowhat wubi does is install Ubuntu into _a file_ inside your Windows NTFS filesystem02:03
railbaitThen boot off of htat02:03
reisioit's less than ideal, to put it conservatively02:03
railbaitVmware style02:03
FloodBot1railbait: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:03
reisiorailbait: yes they're pretty cheap02:03
dr_willisseen 4 gb usb on sale for $5. even a 2gb works02:04
railbaitYeah just has to fit the CD basically02:04
dr_willisnot seen a 1gb in years02:04
railbaitThat'll work for me. Thanks for the advice02:04
urlin2urailbait, actually not having a cd or loadable is not good practice, the cd is a good tool to have.02:05
dr_willismy whole linux install is on a 32 gb flash ;)02:05
reisiodr_willis: oh yeah?  Mine's on a 31 GB flash!02:05
* reisio wins02:06
railbaitI have a CD drive, it just happens to not be a CD burner, it's a million years old02:06
railbait$ isn't the issue, just seeing if I could get it done tonight02:06
railbaitPajama mode02:06
dr_willisi dd it to new machines as a fast way to clone them. :-)02:06
railbaitI'll dd it by hand like a baus02:07
dr_willisrailbait: you could dd the iso to a small hard disk02:07
AmdpcHi..is there any way to broadcast music from my computer over wifi ?02:07
StarminnWhy isn't Nautilus respecting my choice of icon set? It keeps reverting back to the GNOME defaults. (In Ubuntu 11.10 - Unity)02:07
urlin2uStarminn, how are you doing it?02:08
dr_willisAmdpc: broadcast to what receiver02:08
DerpyHoovyNo luck, same error: unknown filesystem, grub rescue02:08
StarminnAmdpc, Perhaps something like this: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/radio-broadcasting-made-easy-with-internet-dj-console/ ?02:08
Starminnurlin2u, What do you mean?02:08
urlin2uStarminn, how are you changing the icons, say individually or through with the gnome tweak tool.02:09
Amdpcdr_willis :To other pc's with wifi...I want to stream live audio..My pc as transmitter and others as recievers (all using WIFI)02:10
Amdpc<Starminn> Let me seee..02:10
urlin2uDerpyHoovy, can you give a description on your follow the link.02:10
Starminnurlin2u, Gnome Tweak. The one's I've changed individually work perfectly (and they're in the same directory as the rest of the icons, etc., and the launcher respects them as well -- just not unspecified Nautilus ones)02:11
DerpyHoovyI loaded up the Live CD, mounted /dev/sda3, and grub-installed --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda02:11
DerpyHoovyHere, send me a PM on Ubuntu forums (tman0) - I g2g02:12
bagelsdoes anyone else have problems in banshee, when it skips to the next song, it crashes?02:13
urlin2uDerpyHoovy, you may have to try the other options below the first there is a chroot and a purge and reinstall of grub. Take a look at your partitions from gparted as well and see if the any errors on them.02:13
scwizardwhen I try to install postfix the ncurses interface or whatever is horrible and I can't read anything02:14
Starminnbagels, Apparently some do. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/76378102:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 763781 in banshee (Ubuntu) "Banshee crashes when switching played song from last.fm" [Medium,Triaged]02:14
bagelsStarminn, when i went to banshee's irc, they only told me to submit a bug bnut yeah i've seen that02:15
bagelsStarminn, it's on any song though02:15
Starminnbagels, *shrug* Did you try the fix proposed in the bug report?02:15
scwizardthis is what I'm looking at: http://i.imgur.com/XutxG.png02:15
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scwizardis this a unicode problem or what?02:16
bagelsStarminn, when I look at these kinds of things my brain locks up.02:16
reisioscwizard: I told them the euro was a bad idea, but did they listen?!02:17
Starminnbagels, Me too. That's why I scroll to the bottom and look for plain english02:17
reisioscwizard: is that a VM?02:17
scwizardreisio: >_> so any ideas how to fix?02:17
Starminnbagels, In this case, it's the last message02:17
bagelsStarminn, trying it02:17
reisioscwizard: is that a VM?02:17
Amdpc<Starminn>  : I have installed it...Can you please guide me for how to stream  ?02:17
Starminnbagels, If it doesn't work, I can't really do much more to help, ;) I'm just a Googler heheh02:18
scwizardreisio: my terminal is putty, it's in a gnu screen, ubuntu itself is a vm02:18
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bagelslol Starminn it didn't help.02:18
reisiowell that's a lot of layers for encoding mismatches to happen02:18
bagelsstill crashed.02:18
StarminnAmdpc, Read the docs. I have never used the program, nor any program even slightly related to it. I just happened to see it online. Have you tried searching for "How to stream using [program]"?02:18
Starminnbagels, You restarted BAnshee when you tried it?02:18
reisioscwizard: you might start by trying with the window smaller, though02:18
WulfHow can I install more recent firefox on Maverick?02:19
scwizardI did it was even more horrible :(02:19
reisioscwizard: the goofy chars instead of line chars aren't as big a deal02:19
reisioscwizard: what VM system is it?02:19
StarminnWulf, From Mozilla.02:19
WulfStarminn: so no packages from ubuntu available?02:19
bagelsStarminn, yup02:19
scwizardsome vmware, but I haven't had any problems with encoding mismatches stemmign from that02:19
scwizardseems like it would be the terminal or some nonsense02:20
Starminnbagels, :( Then sorry mean, I've done what I can lol02:20
reisioscwizard: well you can get them from both putty and screen :p02:20
Majere_DravenHey. So .. I installed the Gnome shell thing. What now?02:20
StarminnWulf, Are you looking for a beta channel or something else?02:20
reisioscwizard: but that doesn't really explain the line dislocation, IME02:20
StarminnMajere_Draven, What do you want to do?02:20
reisioscwizard: why are you using putty and screen for an install?02:20
scwizardwhen I exit screen I get this02:20
WulfStarminn: I don't really care if it's beta.02:21
WulfStarminn: what is a "beta channel"?02:21
StarminnWulf, Just a repository that serves that program's beta version02:21
scwizardreisio: what would you suggest?02:22
WulfStarminn: does this exist for maverick and firefox?02:22
scwizardalso this is w/o the screen: http://i.imgur.com/4HnVE.png02:22
Majere_DravenI want to start using the gnome shell02:22
reisioscwizard: that looks good enough02:22
StarminnWulf, Like, what you've got now gives you the latest stable version (after it's been tested by Ubuntu devs, thus why it's a little behind the rest of the world).02:22
reisioscwizard: I'd suggest not using putty or screen...02:22
reisioscwizard: why do you need them for an install?02:22
scwizardreisio: how would I get anything installed then?02:22
StarminnWulf, As far as the beta PPA goes, there used to be one > ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next < I assume it's still valid02:22
scwizardreisio: what terminal should I use if not putty?02:23
StarminnWulf, I'd add that then search for "Firefox" in the Ubuntu Software Center02:23
StarminnMajere_Draven, So use it.02:23
Majere_Draven.. How?02:23
Majere_DravenI'm still in unity02:23
WulfStarminn: ah thanks, I'll try that.02:23
reisioscwizard: most people use putty as an ssh client, what're you using it for?02:23
StarminnMajere_Draven, Oh. Logout, then on the login screen hit the cogwheel next to your name. Choose GNOME Shell02:23
scwizardI'm using it as an ssh client02:23
Majere_DravenI love you Starminn02:23
StarminnMajere_Draven, I love you too. :)02:24
benlebovitzevening folks... Does anyone have any suggestions... I'm about to spend $700 on a laptop that I'd like Ubuntu to be pre-installed on.02:24
Majere_Dravenquick question, is there a keyboard shortcut for logging out?02:24
Majere_DravenIts been years02:24
benlebovitzI'm looking to make a little home recording studio on it02:24
Starminnbenlebovitz, Have you looked into these guys: http://www.system76.com/ ?02:24
Majere_DravenMy last peice of advice to someone was telling them about beryl, if that dates my ubuntu experiance.02:25
scwizardbut yeah there's at least two levels of encoding mismatches :(02:25
benlebovitzctrl+alt + L = lock screen02:25
bjrohanI need some serious help02:25
benlebovitzStarminn thanks, I'll look now02:25
bjrohanI am not sure what I did, but everything on my desktp disappeared, I mean the unity launcherbar, and the bar across the top that has my name, battery status, etc02:25
Majere_DravenHuh, It still looks like unity02:25
bjrohanI am new to Ubuntu, so I do not know much about the terms02:26
Majere_Dravenreboot bjrohan, you were maybe messing with the CCSM ?02:26
bjrohanI was using Compiz02:26
reisiobjrohan: open your eyes :D02:26
Majere_Dravencompiz config settings manager02:26
bjrohanYep, that was it, I have ATI X1400, a page recommended I disable something in Compiz, I did, and poof things are gone02:27
bjrohanwill reboot02:27
Majere_Dravenreboot then. If it doesn't work. reboot in unity 2d, undo the changes you made, then boot back into unity awesome.02:27
Majere_Dravenwhich is code for unity not so awesome02:27
bjrohanI am starting to believe that unity not so awesome02:27
Starminnbjrohan, If you disable CCSM Unity will stop working02:27
Majere_DravenI did that six times today02:28
Starminnbjrohan, There is a CCSM plugin called "Unity Plugin" or some such that will kill Unity if you disable it, or CCSM (obviously) :)02:28
Starminnbenlebovitz, All come complete with an "Ubuntu key" -- rather than a "Windows key" :)02:28
Majere_Dravengonna log out and back in now02:28
bjrohanIn CCSM I only went to OpenGL, and disabled Sync to VBlank, that is when it went crappers02:29
bjrohanI did install Gnome panel, is there any performance sacrafice if I use that instead of Unity?02:29
Majere_Dravenyes bj02:29
Majere_Dravenyou're sacrificing unity02:30
davfI've just installed ubuntu 11.10 and trying to get my bluetooth headset to work. I can pair but there is no option to redirect sound to the headset. When I press the button that start/stops audio, I cant a grey "no" sign (the circle with the slash through it). Any ideas?02:30
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Majere_Dravenbrb for real now02:30
bjrohanand unity sux right? what is the sacrafice?02:30
davfusing gnome-shell btw02:30
bjrohanchecked the VBland box as it was, will reboot and hopefully come back.02:30
infiniteHi: I redownloaded Ubuntu 11.10 and installed; still I am unable to go beyond a white screen upon initial login. So I installed 11.04, now I can login, but am unable to connect wireless from my laptop (passphrase is correct; WPA & WPA2 Personal)02:33
slinkeeyHello I have  a machine running 11.10 that always wants me to enter the key for my network..  Any ideas?  I have a gut feeling that it is the keyring or something.02:34
Starminnbenlebovitz, Also, http://zareason.com/shop/home.php?cat=02:35
dr_willisinfinite: what video card. what wireless card...02:35
bagelsanyone know why I can't install Grumblr?02:36
estatementHow do I view an estatement in pdf format in Firefox??02:36
dr_willisslinkeey: the gnome keyring asks for a passorwd on first use. you can leave it blank uf you want02:36
reisiobagels: how have you tried02:36
bagelsthe website has a list of terminal entries to make, it doesn't work.  Want a link?02:37
bagelsreisio, ^^02:37
reisiobagels: I guess02:37
slinkeeydr_willis, I understand that..  My problem is that my network always wants my network key on this one notebook...02:37
estatementFirefox will not load estatements or bills from within my secure banking site02:38
Starminnestatement, So you wish to view PDFs withing Firefox, correct?02:38
slinkeey"Authentication Required by Wireless network"   I cannot figure out why it is not being saved.02:38
bagelsreisio, http://themactep.com/grumblr/ i'll put up my terminal output.02:38
Starminnestatement, Like how Chrome/Chromium does?02:38
estatementstarminn: yup02:38
Majere_DravenNow how do i customize the gnome shell?02:38
Majere_DravenI mean, wheres the settings thing02:38
reisioMajere_Draven: gnome-tweak-tool will help02:39
Starminnestatement, Here's the answer to your prayers: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-tiphow-to-open-pdfpostscript-files-inside-firefox.html02:39
infinite dr_willis : The laptop is Toshiba P25-S507; with NVIDIA Video card; it is Pentium 4; Wireless card is Atheros something?02:39
estatementI wonder why my bank does not give the option "open with: evince"02:39
Majere_DravenOh okay02:39
Don_Radhi all02:39
Starminnestatement, What it does (or, what it did 3 months ago when I last used it anyway) is essentially open the default document viewer within a Firefox tab02:39
reisioestatement: because you haven't told Firefox about evince02:39
bagelsreisio, http://pastebin.com/rLxV9RwW02:39
bjrohanI rebooted my computer and alas, nothing is better. When I first start I have one bar across the top that says File Edit, View, Go BMarks, Help, I can use GO to open file manager to go to user bin Unity 2D to get the launcher to work and I can access Konversation. I have no system tray :-(02:39
reisioyou can use Adobe's acroread plugin in Firefox as well02:39
slinkeeyestatement, you bank don't know what you use.02:39
Don_Raddoes anybody are connected by an usb broadband modem ? can you explain to me howto?02:40
Majere_Dravenadvance settings?02:40
reisiowithout mozplugger02:40
bjrohanHELP I have LOST everything in ubuntu 11.10, I am a newbie and need a LOT of help02:41
Starminnbjrohan, Try resetting CCSM to all system defaults, logout, then log into "Ubuntu" (as opposed to "Ubuntu 2D" like I assume you just did)]02:41
bjrohanwill do Starmin02:41
slinkeeyHello, how do I get Ubuntu 11.10 to remember my Wireless network key?02:41
Starminnbjrohan, Alternatively, if you can't get Unity to work at all, you can (other than a complete reinstall) just use GNOME Shell instead, much like many others in this room02:42
VermicelliIf every time I restart rhythmbox showed zero tracks (while set to watch a folder on another hdd) until I re-assigned the folder to watch or manually imported the folder, what would be my best bet to fix the behavior?02:42
bjrohanStarmin, how do I reset defaults?02:42
StarminnVermicelli, Is the HDD mounted when this occurs?02:42
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Starminnbjrohan, Well, have you re-enabled all plugins that were acvtive to begin with? (Namely, the "Unity Plugin" or whatever)02:42
bjrohanNope, I just re-enabled the one Video VBlank checkbox, I do notice that Ubuntu Unity Plugin is not checked02:43
VermicelliThe hdd is mounted automatically. It's my media drive. When it mounts I have no idea, but it's accessible before I fire up rhythmbox.02:43
bjrohanIs there a one click -reset to default?02:44
Starminnbjrohan, That is your problem. If "Ubuntu Unity Plugin" is disabled, then, consequently, Unity itself will be disabled.02:44
Starminnbjrohan, No. But if Ubuntu Unity Plugin is disabled, simply marking it on again should suffice. You turned it off when you unchecked it.02:44
bjrohanI checked that box, most everything comes back02:44
urlin2uslinkeey, it should automatically if your not getting a auto logon or in right click the icon-edit connections click on your name-edit then click connect automatically and available to all users. you can also put your password in this gui as well.02:45
StarminnOkay. Now log out, then on the cogwheel next to your user name, make sure you click on "Ubuntu" then login. All should be well02:45
bagelsreisio, anything02:45
slinkeeyurlin2u, available to all users is disabled02:45
bjrohanOkay. Thank you Starminn02:45
StarminnVermicelli, I had a similar problem when I used Rhythmbox. I had to import the all the audio every time I started, ha02:45
Starminnbjrohan, Well, let's see if this works first. ;)02:46
urlin2uslinkeey, do this all from the original install desktop.02:46
StarminnVermicelli, I just started to use other media players though, I never fixed it.02:46
reisiobagels: ?02:46
slinkeeyI am on th original install desktop02:46
Don_Radhi all , i have a laptop dell inspiron 1545 and i can not make it work an usb modem broadband , the network manager is not responding on the set up of a new connection, is there something missing or any clue to how set up properly?02:46
VermicelliI had the same setup before I replaced my main hdd. Before it was a PATA, now a SATA. Only difference, as far as I know. Xubuntu 11.04 before and after.02:46
bagelsreisio, http://pastebin.com/rLxV9RwW02:46
bagelsreisio, http://themactep.com/grumblr/ i'll put up my terminal output.02:46
slinkeeyurlin2u, I am on the orig install desktop... I never added any other profiles02:47
Don_Radand ubuntu 11.10 sorry02:47
VermicelliThanks anyway, Starminn.02:47
slinkeeyurlin2u, hahahahah I got it.. once I type the key it unhides...I just assumed it wouldn't02:47
urlin2uslinkeey, what desktop and what release?02:48
reisiobagels: looks like it wants you to install libpango1.0-dev02:48
StarminnVermicelli, :( The "hacky" way to solve this I can think of is to create a startup script that tells Rhythmbox to import it all whenever the HDD gets mounted. Find out how long that takes, then set a timer for that script accordingly.02:48
StarminnVermicelli, But then, that's not really solving the underlying issue of course.02:48
urlin2uslinkeey, cool02:48
slinkeeyurlin2u, Ubuntu 11.10 Gnome02:48
bagelsreisio, sudo apt-get install libpango1.0-dev ?02:49
reisiobagels: should work, yeah02:49
urlin2uslinkeey, unity is the install desktop, if you have more problems.02:49
bagelsreisio, http://pastebin.com/XT08FCHK02:50
VermicelliStarminn, it would make sense if it's set to auto-monitor a folder, if it went "oh, hey- music!" when it made a periodic scan. Apparently auto-monitoring only happens at application startup?02:50
StarminnVermicelli, I suppose so. Really, if there's a channel for Rhythmbox that may be the best place for this (and pray they don't just say, "File a bug.") Is there an option to "Rescan Music Library"? You may have to do it manually whenever you turn Rhythmbox on, sure but that's quicker than importing everything over and over again02:51
KingSphinxWheeeee..... I can't install xubuntu-desktop because the installation hangs when trying to fetch libpurple.02:52
bjrohanStarminn That worked great, thanks again. I won't use CCSM for a while :-)02:52
Starminnbjrohan, :) Oh, don't be afraid of it. Just make sure not to disable Unity. Because, well, that disables Unity. :)02:52
Starminnbjrohan, A suggestion to re-acclamate yourself to it -- go to the Unity Plugin (click on the name, not the box), and go to the Experimental tab. You can change icon size and transparency and stuff.02:53
Starminnbjrohan, Don't be afraid of it -- just respect its power. ;)02:53
VermicelliStarminn, the channel had one other occupant, and then zero, at least on freenode. Supposedly there's a irc.gnome.org server with support, but it must be down.02:53
StarminnVermicelli, Is the channel you tried on the irc.gnome.org network?02:54
ShdwdrgnEvening folks.  Upgrading from maverick to natty.  My first issue is that my raid0 is being listed in /prod/mdstat as md127, and not mountable.  I've regenerated mdadm.conf numerous ways, but cannot get the array to start up as md0 and mount during boot (note this is NOT a bootable raid, just an array that gets mounted from fstab)02:54
Don_Rad<bjrohan> same thing happened to me when i playarround a littlebit with CCSM ubuntu unity plugin was disabled and i was freak out but i login to ubuntu 2d and re open CCSM and just click to enable Unity plugin and that was all02:55
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VermicelliStarminn, I goofed earlier. Made a mistake with adding the server in xchat. I bet I'l have better luck if I'm actually connected to the server.02:57
StarminnVermicelli, That's what I was thinking. :)02:58
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:58
Majere_DravenSo, Ubuntu, As far as I can tell, Is not not as customizable as it once was.02:59
Majere_Draveneven in gnome classic02:59
StarminnSo, I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 and Nautilus has decided that it does not wish to use my icons. That instead, it wishes to use the GNOME defaults. Help?02:59
StarminnMajere_Draven, GNOME 2 is still GNOME 2. Ubuntu or not.02:59
StarminnMajere_Draven, GNOME Shell and Unity though are both very new developments, so they're working on stability first, then customization later. More important that it works than to tweak it.03:00
robin0800Majere_Draven, in gnome classic did you try alt click03:00
Majere_Dravengnome 3 is what I'm with, I probably need to go back to gnome 2 to be happy.03:00
reisioMajere_Draven: a viable option03:00
StarminnMajere_Draven, *nods* More than likely, yes.03:01
xanguayou can read webupd8 tweak post, it may help to customize what you want03:01
StarminnMajere_Draven, Have you installed the gnome tweak tool?03:01
Majere_Dravenall i found was Advance settings. not gnome tweak tool03:02
robin0800Majere_Draven, what can you not do in gnome 3 then03:02
ActionParsnipMajere_Draven: Gnome2 is no longer developed03:02
robin0800Majere_Draven, that's what's called03:03
Majere_DravenOkay, I'm going to wait out gnome 3...03:04
reisioMajere_Draven: heheh03:05
reisioMajere_Draven: on 10.04?03:05
Majere_DravenReally hoping it developes like gnome 2 did.03:05
victoriaI've got a question. I currently run Ubuntu 10.04. I've run several Linux systems in the last two years. My boyfriend would like to check out Ubuntu. I'm thinking Wubi Installer. How is installing with Wubi different than installing from a regular disk?03:06
reisioMajere_Draven: it's hard to imagine it not03:06
reisioMajere_Draven: that doesn't necessarily mean it will eventually be configurable to be more like GNOME 2, but I'm betting it will be03:06
reisiothere are probably dozens of script kiddies trying to make it like GNOME 2 right now, for their own glory :p03:06
reisiovictoria: Wubi installs Ubuntu into a _file_ inside the Windows filesystem03:07
reisiovictoria: it's less than ideal, but frequently works just fine03:07
Majere_DravenOh, and progress quest still refuses to boot up.03:07
Majere_Draveni can play dwarf fortress through wine, but not ubuntu's progress quest03:07
victoria@reiso Ok. I just don't want to f*ck up his computer. I've done a partition/install several dozen times, but not with XP.03:07
reisiovictoria: the worst that can happen is you confuse the Windows boot loader03:08
reisiovictoria: you can grab a copy of EasyBCD and make a backup beforehand if you like03:08
reisioor... XP?  EasyBCD might work with XP, I don't know03:08
slinkeeyWhy did ubuntu start using unity out of curiosity?03:08
reisiovictoria: if you have the time/inclination/disk space, you can dd an exact copy of his Windows install as a backup03:08
victoriaBecause they thought it would look pretty, I think!03:09
robin0800victoria, linux detects windows xp just fine03:09
reisiovictoria: http://mark.koli.ch/2009/05/howto-whole-disk-backups-with-dd-gzip-and-p7zip.html takes a while03:09
victoria@reisio I haven't looked at his computer yet. I just know it's a million years old and has XP on it.03:09
reisioslinkeey: the biggest difference is GNOME 2 and GNOME 303:09
reisioslinkeey: which was GNOME's upstream decision03:09
Bentley_hi all, I'm printing a log file from an app, and "tail -f" it in terminal. Newline characters ( \n ) don't translate and just display literally as \n. Is translation of these characters and option?03:10
reisioslinkeey: Unity is a natural result of GNOME 3 having "shells" and being easily reconfigurable in that way03:10
reisiovictoria: ah, good times03:10
reisiovictoria: like I said the worst that can happen AFAIK is you'd have to fixmbr from a Windows XP install image03:10
slinkeeyreisio, ok...  There is stuff i like, but I tend to accidently make the unity slide menu come out on me while browsing the web03:10
reisiovictoria: and there are Linuxland utils for doing that, too, so you don't even really need a Windows install image03:10
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victoria@reisio, Ok. that sounds easy03:11
StarminnSo, I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 and Nautilus has decided that it does not wish to use my icons. That instead, it wishes to use the GNOME defaults. Help?03:11
reisiovictoria: basically if anything goes wrong don't panic, get on IRC03:11
slinkeeyreisio, I love the Windows key  program...  That is great.. It's like a search engine for my pc03:11
reisioslinkeey: yeah lots of people like those03:11
slinkeeyreisio, No I am talking about that thing that comes out of the box with 11.1003:12
reisioslinkeey: I know03:12
slinkeeyreisio, they did a nice job with that..03:12
reisiobut that's what it is, an application launcher03:12
Majere_Dravenahhh progress quest. Now I can start playing my favorite game.03:13
slinkeeyreisio, It is nice for when I am not sure about what I am looking for but I know for example I want to do something with a PDF03:13
reisiovictoria: oh and I don't know what hardware you use Ubuntu with, but if his is really a million years old, you might try Lubuntu03:13
reisioslinkeey: mmmhmmm03:13
reisioslinkeey: KDE has one, too, built into the menu03:13
slinkeeyreisio, I am an AS400 (iSeries, system I) guy so it feels like home... Yes I know AS400 is text based, but still  I feel more at home with Ubuntu compared to Windows..03:14
reisiobecause of the commands, yar03:15
slinkeeyI want to find something much like WRKACTJOB on the AS400 that lets me drill into a job/service running on my PC and see what files it has open and etc...  That would be sweet!  :)03:16
newmemberhow do I do an arp for a virtual IP address  do I use   the physical interface or the virtual one?  eg    arping -I bond0 or arping _i bond0:103:18
robin0800slinkeey, system monitor can do that03:18
StarminnSo, I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 and Nautilus has decided that it does not wish to use my icons. That instead, it wishes to use the GNOME defaults. Help?03:19
reisiosevink: hi03:19
slinkeeyrobin0800,  awesome... I can see what files are open... you are right...03:20
reisioStarminn: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22nautilus%22%20%22icons%22%20%2211.10%22%20site%3Aubuntuforums.org ?03:20
sevinkquestion: what does (xchat:17621): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_xmap", mean?03:20
reisiosevink: means the developers have some work to do03:21
slinkeeyrobin0800, Much nicer then Windows Task manager.. WRKACTJOB on the 400 spoiled me...  Can you actually use system moniter to see if I a program is looping (running the same instruction or set of instructions over and over?)03:21
reisiosevink: and you're for some reason running xchat from a terminal :p03:21
soreausevink: It's a warning which is typically just a harmless informational message03:22
sevinki'm a linux newbie and decided to install/start xchat from terminal just to get more familiar with it03:22
pp7_what's the difference between unity 2d and 3d and how do i select which one to use?03:22
reisiopp7_: 3d has fancy hardware accelerated effects03:22
reisiopp7_: 2d doesn't03:22
ActionParsnippp7_: you select it at login03:22
reisiopp7_: I think you pick from the login screen03:22
robin0800slinkeey, sorry don't know don't think so03:23
leo2007what's the most preferred Chinese input method on ubuntu?03:23
reisioleo2007: dunno, but wubi [sic] is the bestest03:23
slinkeeyrobin0800, that's cool03:23
bagelswhere's the banshee channel here?03:24
ActionParsnipbagels: possibly #bamshee03:24
slinkeeyrobin0800, I am liking this though......  Thanks for your time03:24
reisiobamshee, that's a better name03:24
bagelsbam lol03:24
sevinki see that when i click on the "dash home" icon on the left side, there are some white "glitch-y" boxes on the window.03:24
reisiobagels: /msg alis list *whatyouarelookingfor*03:24
* derp farts.03:24
sevinkcovering a portion of the search bar.03:24
Starminnreisio, GNOME defaults, not blank03:24
reisioStarminn: the solution for that could still apply03:25
bagelsthere is no banshee channel on here. at least not #banshee03:25
rich_are people using vmbuilder?  or is that too old-school?  it looks like the docs are a little crufty.03:26
reisiobagels: it's on irc.gnome.org03:26
urlin2u# banshee irc.gnome.org  bagels03:26
bagelsreisio, oh, herp.  there it is03:26
sevinkexample of my problem: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/710/screenshotat20111103191.png/03:27
rich_I'm building vms and vmbuilder used to seem like the thing to use, but I'm running into bugs and missing docs now.  it was an awesome program last time I used it.  hope it's just a few glitches.03:27
Starminnreisio, Guess I'll just have to end Nautilus by command each time. *shrug*03:27
Starminnbagels, It's on a different network I believe. irc.gnome.org IIRC03:28
bagelsfound it!03:28
Starminnbagels, http://banshee.fm/about/contact/03:28
Starminnbagels, There ya go, lol03:28
slinkeeyWell later all03:29
leo2007how to switch input method in ubuntu?03:33
JasonGriffeewhat it the default directory for installing programs?03:33
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: all over the file system03:35
JasonGriffeeActionParsnip, i need the skype directory03:36
ActionParsnipleo2007: http://askubuntu.com/questions/36245/no-keyboard-layout-indicator-text-in-the-notification-area03:39
urlin2uleo2007, this is an english channel I would go to the source.03:39
ubottuchanserv.py is a ChanServ helper script for !XChat | https://github.com/seveas/chanserv.py03:39
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: the main binary is /usr/bin/skype   but there are files in /lib and other places. It doesn't just go to one place03:39
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: nor is it just the one deb, it will use deps which will have files in other places.03:39
ActionParsnipJasonGriffee: why do you need the skype 'location'?03:40
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JasonGriffeeActionParsnip, Skype customer support asked me to create a folder for skype to log errors03:42
LewocoHow does GDM remember what programs I had running when I logged off and restart them? Can this be turned off?03:42
reisioLewoco: yes, in GNOME's preferences03:42
reisionot GDM's03:42
HamledHi I accidentally run command "chsh -s yes" on my user on a remote server, how best to fix??03:43
jd225Hi, have a random question about telnet03:44
jd225The telnet architeture requires a client & server03:44
jd225how is that one can telnet to any open port03:44
jd225say google.com 44303:44
jd225and see the banner03:44
jd225obviously there isn't a telnet server running on 44303:45
jd225how is it able to return a connection03:45
reisioHamled: any other users you can remote in as?03:45
Lewocoreisio, Well I just checked and it's already disabled.03:45
Hamledno :(03:46
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soreaujd225: Since this has nothing to do with ubuntu, you probably should ask in a more appropriate channel like #networking03:46
jd225good call03:46
jd225will do03:46
reisioHamled: another reason why Ubuntu should have root like everybody else :p03:46
reisioHamled: that's a good question, ask ##linux03:47
reisioHamled: you might have to get someone to boot a liveOS for you03:47
Hamledokay, thanks!03:47
not_bootinghey all, i'm having some serious problems with my ubuntu 10.10 install, i ran a kernel upgrade a few days ago, restarted once and everything was fine, restarted a second time and was greeted by the black screen of death, while the hard drive is plugged in I can't boot from a cd or usb live disk, I tried to run boot-repair from a live cd, it said it was sucessful, but it wasnt i reinstalled 10.10 and still the problem persists, i see the initial lenovo03:47
not_booting splash screen and get stuck at a blinking cursor before grub, oh it's a dual boot xp/ubuntu laptop with separate home partition03:47
jmichaelxapparently ubuntu can mount USB drives which have spaces in their names, but has a difficult time unmounting them?03:48
reisiojmichaelx: entirely possible03:49
reisiodeco: agreed03:49
eHAPPYHow do i stop rtorrent so i can edit rtorrent.rc ?03:49
ProthoneHAPPY: service rtorrent stop?03:49
eHAPPYProthon it says unrecognized service03:50
Prothonsudo pkill rtorrent03:50
eHAPPYhold on let me google for 5 minutes trying to find what "pkill" does -_-03:51
eHAPPYlinux documentation is so poor03:51
ProthonIt really isn't that bad03:51
Prothonpkill = process kill03:51
not_bootingpkill --help03:51
eHAPPYwhat does pkill do what kill doesnt?03:51
jmichaelxwould anyone here have a suggestion as to how to unmount a USB drive, that has a space in its name?03:51
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ProthoneHAPPY: every unsure of something, just type man [command here]03:51
Prothonkill normally works off of pid (process id)03:52
Prothonyou'd hav to use top to find that out03:52
not_bootingjmichaelx: how are you trying to unmount?03:52
eHAPPYoh ok so its just a lazy way of kill then?03:52
JasonGriffeecan someone please explain this to me? i need to create a folder but I don't know where: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/727833/03:52
not_bootingcommand line? gui?03:52
jmichaelxnevermind, i was able to just umount /dev/sdX03:52
ProthoneHAPPY: Yeppers.03:52
jmichaelxnot_booting: GUI first, then command line... neither would work03:52
ProthoneHAPPY: Work smart, not hard.03:53
not_bootingi like to use disk utility if there is an issue03:53
StarminneHAPPY, Ever heard of the man? It is run by "man <command>" in a terminal. So "man pkill" will answer more questions than you've ever wanted answers for about that command.03:53
qineHAPPY: In rtorrent window, ctrl-q03:53
eHAPPYProthon i try but there is little documentation of what im trying to learn, and rarely if ever reasons why do use one over another :/03:54
w30jmichaelx, try tab completion of the name03:54
eHAPPYStarminn ok ty im sure ill be using that a lot03:54
StarminnJasonGriffee, In ~ (your home folder)/.Skype (a hidden folder named "Skype")/ Logs03:54
eHAPPYqin no rtorrent window03:54
MrCartelHow do you passthrough a usb 2.0 device on qemu-kvm? It seems to only register as 1.103:54
* ZombieSickBoy slaps 17SABTGWE around a bit with a large trout03:55
qineHAPPY: Then equip yourself with htop, comfy tool03:55
StarminnJasonGriffee, For all folders beginning with "." they are hidden in Linux. To reveal them, go to View->Show hidden folders -- or hit CTRL+H03:55
JasonGriffeeStarminn, is that what "~" means? that makes way more sense, thank you03:56
jtgiri_HI guys, I am trying to upgrade kernel on ec2 machine. current version installed is 2.6.32-309-ec2, I installed new version with apt-get install linux-image-2.6.32-319-ec2, and restarted the instance, but it's still showing old kernel, any idea why ?03:56
StarminnJasonGriffee, Haha, yeah -- the tilde (~) is just shorthand for "Home"03:56
Shdwdrgncan anyone help with a raid0 being detected at boot as md127, and not started?  Just upgraded to natty, cannot seem to resolve getting this to start during boot-up.03:56
eHAPPYqin ty that looks very helpful03:56
JasonGriffeeStarminn, my mind was taking me to the top of the drive03:57
StarminnJasonGriffee, At root (/)? Heh. Well, if it isn't explained then it can be confusing.03:57
StarminnJasonGriffee, This should help significantly if you ever want to learn some good basic commands for Linux. http://www.tuxfiles.org/ It's what I used, and what I reference still in the rare case I use the command-line03:58
not_bootinghey all, i'm having some serious problems with my ubuntu 10.10 install, i ran a kernel upgrade a few days ago, restarted once and everything was fine, restarted a second time and was greeted by the black screen of death, while the hard drive is plugged in I can't boot from a cd or usb live disk, I tried to run boot-repair from a live cd, it said it was sucessful, but it wasnt i reinstalled 10.10 and still the problem persists, i see the initial lenovo03:58
not_booting  splash screen and get stuck at a blinking cursor before grub, oh it's a dual boot xp/ubuntu laptop with separate home partition03:58
not_bootingany body have any ideas?03:58
aeon-ltdnot_booting: if you're running a blank install with separate /home why don't you try the latest ubuntu?04:00
JasonGriffeeStarminn, thank you, bookmarked04:00
not_bootingdidn't want to have any config issues04:00
not_bootingbut it's looking like i'm going to try 11.0404:01
aeon-ltdnot_booting: what happened on the boot that after you upgraded and it worked?04:01
switch10not_booting: when you say "when the hard drive is plugged in" do you mean a USB drive or something?04:02
not_bootingno, the actual sda harddrive, i unplugged that it now it boots04:02
not_bootinginto a live cd before it would just blink even when i adjusted the boot order in the bios04:02
not_bootingi didnt see anything unusual04:02
not_bootingwhen i rebooted04:03
not_bootingturned my computer off for the day came back to work the next day and nothing would work04:03
urlin2unot_booting, are you familiar with the bootscript?04:04
not_bootingin which way? i know it exists but i dont know anything about it04:05
not_bootinghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/727843/ this is my fdisk -l04:05
switch10not_booting: this is with sda unplugged?04:06
urlin2unot_booting, how are you getting that if you have b=no boot and can't get a cd to boot.04:06
not_bootingi unplugged the hard drive, then once i got to the live cd i reconnected the main hardrive, i'm using a live usb04:06
not_bootingif i have the hard drive installed, i get tot he black screen of death04:07
not_bootingnothing else will work04:07
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urlin2unot_booting, do you know the key prompt to get the boot from menu outside the bios f12 ia quite common so you could boot the cd with all drives plugged in a run the bootscript.   Also is one HD a slave?04:08
BattousaiXHello, I was wondering if anyone had any experience with setting up a PXE boot image within a Centos environment for Ubuntu.  I was working on getting a linux iso up, but the furthest I got was booting up to a initramfs and was looking for pointers.04:08
switch10not_booting: That is very strange considering your BIOS reads a CD first if it is first in your boot order, regardless of what is on a HDD.04:08
not_bootingno my main hard drive is listed as sdb because i think the live usb is taking up sda04:08
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not_bootingi agree it's puzzling04:09
not_bootingonly have one hd04:09
urlin2uswitch10, if you can find the key prompt and get the cd booted run this script and pastebin the results.txt   http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/04:10
quixotedonreisio: sorry i rebooted to windows.. any solution to my problem?04:11
urlin2unot_booting, it is not that uncommon for a cd to not boot being first in the bios that is why you want to know the out of bios key prompt for choosing the boot from a gui.04:12
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reisioquixotedon: what was your problem?04:12
not_bootingok i'm gettin gthe boot script thing i'll psate the results04:12
StarminnHello, I am using Ubuntu 11.10, and Image Viewer has decided to stop working. Any suggestions? (This occurs in both Unity and GNOME Shell, I have tried logging out/in, restarting the DE manually, as well as full restarts to no avail)04:12
quixotedonreisio: webex stated that my java is disabled (using firefox though i have downloaded javajdk run 7) which made me unable to listen to the audio of the webinar because the app is still accessible but with no functions of ja va04:14
quixotedonreisio: this happens after i'm using 11.10, before when i used 11.04, nothing goes wrong04:14
reisioyeah I think Oracle changed some things between those versions04:15
not_bootingurlin2u: i ran the script http://paste.ubuntu.com/727848/04:15
ischlikyIs it common to have problems with 11.10 playing nice with win7 via samba? I cant seem to get any configuration to work at all...04:15
urlin2unot_booting, cool hold on04:15
not_bootingthanks i can hold :)04:15
quixotedonreisio: are you talking about Oracle to me?? :)04:16
huttanischliky, it works great...did u add the samba users?04:16
switch10not_booting: you have to reinstall grub04:16
quixotedonreisio: this is a big issue then, since i'm using the webinar for several times a month and the only solution is to access it using windows.. :(04:16
switch10the boot partition is sdb2, an ntfs partition.04:17
not_bootingso i should put it in sdb7 the ubuntu partition?04:18
popschdoes anyone know a linux mail client that offers something like this (note, it doesn't work with the latest version of thunderbird): https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/thunderbird/addon/remindit04:18
reisioquixotedon: I'm sure you can fix it, but I don't personally know what to tell you04:18
reisioquixotedon: webex is fairly popular though, so you might search ubuntuforums.org first04:18
reisiopopsch: does it not work or not install?04:18
popschreisio, it doesn't work once it is installed (overriding the compatibility check)04:19
reisiojust checking04:19
popschreisio, it is such a useful feature to keep track whether people responded to important email04:19
urlin2unot_booting, you have syslinux in the sdb mbr not grub it is as you suggetsed reading that way as the cd shows as sda, so use this link with the cd to follow the default on the link use the fdsik to confirm how your ubuntu partition is showing and if still sdb use the commands with sdb and sdb7 if fdisk reads thenm that way. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Copy_LiveCD_Files04:19
quixotedonreisio: the thing is my firefox is set to enable java and webex said it is disabled:-O04:19
switch10not_booting: you installed ubuntu first, and then Ubuntu after?04:19
switch10not_booting: sorry, ubuntu first, and windows after?04:20
not_bootingwindows first04:20
switch10not_booting: ok, thats good.04:20
not_bootingi've been using ubuntu for more than 6 months on this laptop with no issues04:20
StarminnHello, I am using Ubuntu 11.10, and Image Viewer has decided to stop working. Any suggestions? (This occurs in both Unity and GNOME Shell, I have tried logging out/in, restarting the DE manually, as well as full restarts to no avail)04:21
switch10not_booting: this just started happening after a kernel upgrade or something?04:21
ischlikyhuttan, where are you adding users?04:21
not_bootingi will try that urlin2u04:22
evelynhi how do i get to the grub menu when booting into ubuntu? is there a particular key press needed?04:22
urlin2unot_booting, cool it will never boot with syslinux in the mbr04:23
not_bootingok so just to double check where should i put the bootloader?04:23
not_bootingin the ubuntu partition?04:23
ActionParsnipevelyn: hold shift at boot04:23
urlin2unot_booting, did you not post the whole results.txt as well?04:24
ischlikyhuttan, im not sure that is my problem tho, i cant see any windows computers and vice versa04:24
marsfligthAptitude suggests the installation of many packages that nor 'apt-get install -f' and nor 'apt-get install --install-recommends' suggest. Please can you give me your opinion about? Should be fault of incomplete o partial installations? Why all these packager are suggested to be installed?  http://pastebin.com/5PtJ2UmW04:25
not_bootingit looks like it got cut off half way04:25
evelynActionParsnip: excellent thank you! on to the next problem...04:25
ActionParsnipStarminn: try eog or imagemagick :)04:25
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evelynwhen i try to run startx i get "no screens found" (failed to load module intel vesa and fbdev)04:26
urlin2unot_booting, read the link you have a fdisk -l command to confirm the stuff and two commands one mounts the partition and the second puts grub in the mbr.04:26
evelyndo i need to grab special xorg packages for these modules?04:26
StarminnActionParsnip, But...but...but.... I want ImageViewer to work... :(04:26
not_bootingok i'm gonna try this copy live cd thing04:28
javier_Hi! I'm in ubuntu 11.10 and I've noticed internet goes much slowler than in windows. It's not the matter of navigator, happens with firefox, chromium or jdownloader04:29
urlin2unot_booting, cool the instructions are clear the ubuntu lines showing show the right files, but since you did not post the whole results.txt we assume  here that the grub files in the partition are okay, and your problem is no grub in the mbr=sdb04:29
not_bootingok thanks04:30
not_bootingback to the command line i go04:30
StarminnActionParsnip, It used to work, then it suddenly stopped when I removed it from Main Menu. I tried adding it back but it never returned04:30
Starminnjavier_, Flash or normal webpages?04:31
javier_Starminn: everything. Every kind of webpages. I' ve just read in google about ipv6. Do you know what's that?04:32
ActionParsnipStarminn: if yu make a .desktop in /usr/share/applications to run the command, it will appear04:33
Starminnjavier_, You know what an IP address is?04:33
killswitchguyhi guys, i want to know how to delete files inside the bin and other blocked directories that require permisson04:33
Starminnjavier_, Instead of (IPv4), IPv6 is
ActionParsnipjavier_: what if you switch to google's DNS?04:33
javier_Starminn: ah... I tried it in firefox and it seems to work fine now04:33
ActionParsnipjavier_: disabling ipv6 can help a little04:33
aeon-ltdkillswitchguy: using sudo, or be root. BUT be absolutely sure about what you're doing; this could be system breaking04:34
javier_ActionParsnip: I never heard about google's DNS04:34
ActionParsnipjavier_: you can add the boot option: ipv6.disable=1    and it will make your OS not use ipv604:34
ActionParsnipjavier_: http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using.html04:35
aeon-ltdkillswitchguy: if you have a problem ask for solutions before attempting any 'gut feeling' type job04:35
killswitchguyaeon-ltd: how can i do that ? be root that is04:35
quixotedoni announce good bye to banshee, after desperately experiencing crash..04:35
killswitchguynothing serious, just editing a config file for scalpel04:35
Starminnkillswitchguy, In the commandline you use terminal commands with "sudo" at the beginning. Or the easy way -- hit ALT+F2, then type "gksudo nautilus" you are now God on your computer. Just be careful04:35
ActionParsnipkillswitchguy: if you run:  sudo -i    you will get a root console04:35
aeon-ltdkillswitchguy: login as root, or 'sudo su' in a terminal; for editing files type in terminal 'sudo gedit /path/to/file'04:35
ActionParsnipkillswitchguy: run:  exit   when you are done04:36
javier_ActionParsnip: what I have actually done is in "about:config" in firefox change false value into "true". It means I disabled it or enabled?04:36
Starminnkillswitchguy, then "gksudo gedit /path/to/file.config should work04:36
ActionParsnipjavier_: not sure dude. I don't use firefox04:36
linuxuz3ris there a way to resize the launchbar in 11.1004:36
BrumagemI need help installing a wireless driver on a Toshiba Satellite.04:37
cowlicksIs there a way to do a full disk encryption after an installation of ubuntu?04:37
javier_ActionParsnip: but, you know what makes it faster? enable or disable ipv6?04:37
urlin2ulinuxuz3r, in the3 compizcofig manager is a unity plugin you can resize the left unity panel there.04:38
StarminnActionParsnip, Image Viewer is already listed.04:38
BrumagemWhen I type in the sudo modprobe command for RTL8188ce_pci it gives me FATAL: ...04:38
linuxuz3rurlin2u: do you have nvidia gfx card04:38
ActionParsnipStarminn: what if yuo run it from terminal?04:38
urlin2ulinuxuz3r, nope04:39
HannofcartHello, I'm trying to connect to a wireless network from a new Xubuntu install. The wireless device does not show up in ifconfig. lshw shows me that my wireless card is a BCM4311 device. I don't have any means to connect via ethernet either (I am chatting from a different machine) so I tried the 'STA - No Intenet Access' method as described in the documentation: http://bit.ly/w0DUvf04:39
HannofcartHowever, running System->Additional Drivers doesn't show any new drivers available for install. Can someone please tell me how to proceed?04:39
StarminnActionParsnip, Would the path to the file in /usr/share/applications suffice or is there a separate system-wide command?04:39
HannofcartI already asked in #xubuntu (not enough people there I am afraid)04:39
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:39
ActionParsnip!broadcom | Hannofcart has an offline install method using the install CD04:40
ubottuHannofcart has an offline install method using the install CD: please see above04:40
Hannofcarturlin2u, that is the instructions I am following (I linked to it above)04:40
ActionParsnipStarminn: it will be listed in there as a desktop file, but the exec line for the command may be different04:41
ActionParsnipStarminn: once you find the name of the file you can run:  grep Exec filename.desktop04:41
HannofcartActionParsnip, I have already installed Xubuntu, its only the network I am trying to configure. I did follow the instructions on the page you pointed out already (thats the link I posted in my question)04:42
urlin2uHannofcart, the link is about the limit of my knowledge in this area hang tough though there are a couple of people on who know this stuff, I am just hesitant to out them.04:42
Hannofcarturlin2u, alright, thanks for even trying to help me with this :)04:43
zoombuggyMy backrounds don't work anymore how do I fix it?04:43
BrumagemIs there anyone here that would be able to give me instructions on installing a RealTek wireless driver on a Toshiba Satellite?04:44
robin0800zoombuggy, what do you mean? more details please04:45
urlin2u!realtek | Brumagem04:45
ubottuBrumagem: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b04:45
zoombuggyThey were changing but after some update, they stopped.04:46
DugieHi, ubuntu users04:46
zoombuggyhow do I make them change again?04:46
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quixotedonrecommend you guys using clementine for music player.. :)04:47
robin0800zoombuggy, what was making them change?04:47
zoombuggyA progamme called gbackgound04:47
BrumagemThe information on that webpage doesn't provide me with the info. I need.04:48
urlin2uBrumagem, here is a ubuntu forum link with that card. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177020204:48
reisioDugie: hi Dugie04:48
robin0800zoombuggy, what version of ubuntu are you running?04:48
chelzis there a way with lspci or hwinfo or something to find out if a computer has PCI Express 2.0 or just 1.0?04:49
zoombuggy11.10 now04:49
infiniteHi: I redownloaded and reinstalled Ubuntu 11.10 and yet get a white screen upon initial  login; I installed 11.04 and am able to login; but cannot use the wireless connection on Laptop as it does not recognize my correct passwd. Laptop Toshiba P25-S507; Pentium 4, Nvidia Video Card; Atheros WiFi card. Thanks for your help!04:49
pipaloin terminal how can I list process usage ?04:49
pipalocan ps give you that information ?04:49
chelzpipalo: ps does, has cpu time info04:49
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BrumagemStill doesn't help.04:50
robin0800zoombuggy, the easiest thing to do is install wallch to change your wallpapers04:50
quixotedoninfinite: wireless connectioin works fine for me, go to 'network connection' and edit04:50
quixotedoninfinite: or try updating the driver of your wireless device04:51
urlin2uinfinite, your login password is the same for the wifi but the wifi has to have the personal key correct.04:51
quixotedoninfinite: the same thing like urlin2u said, sometimes it's when you need to press the button on your wireless router (sometimes it happens to me too)04:52
zykotick9pipalo, try "ps aux"04:52
javier_ActionParsnip: can you tell me a bit more about google's DNS? I found something in google, but not very clear. Do you advise me to use it with Wicd or Network Manager is ok?04:53
bumblebeebatHi Guys, I am using 11.10 and I have having trouble with the printers. I cant seem to add my network printer. It is an old school laserjet with a network connection.When I go to add printers it does not show under local host (obviously), in network, I can type in the address but the add button does not become selectable. Any know how to add manually add a network printer?04:53
StarminnActionParsnip, I tried running it with "eog" and received this output: "GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: Timeout was reached" All I can get is bug reports on Launchpad confirming it's not just me04:53
infinitequixotedon: Should I use ethernet to update wifi drivers then connect wifi? urlin2u: My logini passwd is different from my Wifi passwd on Linksys Wifi router04:53
urlin2uBrumagem, realteks are not very Ubuntu friendly in general, not many of us use them knowing that if your waiting for help instead of looking on the web with the cards info you may wait a long time; just saying.04:54
Brumagemurlin2u: hello!04:54
quixotedoninfinite: yup, you gotta connect to the internet then go to "additinonal drivers' (just press dash and type 'drivers') find the wireless broadcom driver04:55
mark_When I boot my desktop I am getting the following "SP5100 TCO timer: mmio address ..... already in use" and it just hangs. Also when I attempt to boot into recovery mode I get the following message, "Couldn't find whiptail, starting root shell instead of recovery menu."  Is there a way to blacklist a driver from root shell?04:55
urlin2uBrumagem, hello I have no idea of a fix here just passing on what I have seen on the irc, it is a personal observation.04:55
quixotedoninfinite: well, i'm also using atheros but guess, it works fine without any hassle of updating the driver, maybe it will work for you (only a suggestion from a newbie though) :)04:56
infinitequixotedon:  OK Thanks will try that04:56
urlin2uquixotedon, he has a reltek I think.04:57
pipalozykotick9 Cheers man that is a good one. and also i just found about 'top' that is really handy !04:57
quixotedonurlin2u: isn't realtek the router??04:57
infinitequixotedon:  Will try that04:58
urlin2uquixotedon, I think it is the card04:58
quixotedoninfinite: good luck then, urlin2u: hopefully that's the same way to resolve his problem, this is all i know though :)04:59
Jack_Sparrowmy atheros disconnects from wi-fi on on both acer laptops 10.10 and 11.10 but the manual for the arm system i hooked up said it may cause a wireless connection problem :(04:59
bumblebeebatOh, the add a new printer window displays the message "FirewallD is not running. Network printer detection needs services mdns, ipp, ipp-client and samba-client enabled on firewall."05:00
bumblebeebatI am not sure if that is what is preventing me05:00
Thelmariapipalo: Top is useful. htop is also cool :)05:02
BrumagemI type in find . -name  "*.ko" and find the rtl8188ce_pci.ko file then I type in sudo modprobe rtl8188ce_pci and it gives me a FATAL: ... message.05:02
zoombuggyrobin0800: thank you for helping me out , it does work thanks05:03
StarminnAlright, my Ubuntu Software Center won't open. Help?05:06
BrumagemDoes anybody here know how to go about installing a RealTek wireless adapter driver on a Toshiba Satellite?05:10
ruslan_osmanovhi. how do I disable Unity in 11.10?05:12
reisioruslan_osmanov: what do you want to use instead05:12
reisioBrumagem: any particular toshiba satellite?05:12
ruslan_osmanovreisio, the classic environment05:13
quixotedonStarminn: try reboot05:13
reisioruslan_osmanov: that's gone in 11.10, AIUI, the best you can do is install gnome-shell / gnome-tweak-tool / gnome-panel / gnome-session-fallback05:13
ruslan_osmanovreisio, it was available in 10.10 on the login screen05:13
reisioruslan_osmanov: log out and hit the cog next to your name05:13
reisioruslan_osmanov: 10.10 != 11.1005:13
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic05:14
reisioBrumagem: what's the device? lspci | grep -i net05:14
Starminnquixotedon, Ever since I started using 11.10 random applications have lost configurations, won't open, etc. I'm not going to  pull the whole "Windows mentality" and reboot every time something goes wrong. Will it help with the USC? Most likely. Will it solve the underlying problem? highly doubtful. I am determined to fix these problems. For right now, I'm using the command-line in lieu of the USC.05:15
mark_My desktop will not boot is there a way to get into a full terminal where I can use "apt" to update and fix my issues?05:15
Starminnquixotedon, But, thanks for the suggestion which I am 99.9% sure would solve it. ;) I'm just stubborn heh05:15
Starminnmark_, CTRL+ALT+F105:15
quixotedonStarminn: sorry can't help with bash command,05:16
Starminnmark_, F1-F6 are virtual terminals, F7 is the GUI05:16
Starminnquixotedon, I don't need help with them, I'm installing and removing myself. Just want the USC to work. :)05:16
StarminnAnd Eye of GNOME, and Nautilus.05:16
javier_hi, internet goes very slow with ubuntu (in firefox, chromium, jdownloader...), much slowler than windows. How can I change this?05:16
mark_Thanks Starminn05:17
leo2007how to teach IBUS to input Chinese?05:17
ActionParsnipjavier_: how much RAM does the system have?05:17
javier_4 mb05:17
pipaloHey ActionParsnip! whatup ?05:18
javier_AntionParsnip: 4mb05:18
mark_hum...when I hit ctrl+alt+F1 and I try to do sudo apt-get update it says, "-bash: sudo: command not found"05:18
reisiojavier_: GB you mean?05:18
reisiojavier_: try turning your torrents off :p05:18
ActionParsnipjavier_: cool, run:  gksudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf    and add these lines: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/sysctl05:18
javier_reisio, ActionParsnip: 4 gb I mean05:18
reisiomark_: there wasn't already something running on F1?05:18
ActionParsnipjavier_: if you save the new file, close gedit then run:  sudo sysctl -p    it will apply and can help05:19
pipalohow can I feed 'ps -ef | grep defunct05:19
mark_When I boot it is hanging on my graphics card driver.  So at that point I hit control+alt+F105:19
pipalohow can I feed 'ps -ef | grep defunct | grep -v to kill ?05:19
pipaloso it kills all of them ?05:19
mmkcan i know that how to use a battery meter in Ubuntu05:21
mmkhellow Any one there/>05:21
javier_ActionParsnip: I did that. What is it exactly?05:21
mark_When I login it doesn't recognize me as a root user05:22
ActionParsnipjavier_: assigns more RAM to network activities05:22
ActionParsnipmark_: you aren't a root user, you are just a member of the admin group. That group gets to use sudo etc05:22
ActionParsnippipalo: kill `command here`05:23
mark_Oh I see...then is there a default root username and password?05:23
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ActionParsnipmark_: no, the root account is disabled. If you want a root console run: sudo -i05:23
javier_ActionParsnip: ok, thanks. What about what you mentioned about google's DNS? Do you think it may work?05:23
mmk'can i know how to use a battery meter in ubuntu 10.1005:23
mmkany one pleace help mee05:24
ActionParsnipjavier_: it may be faster than what you have now. Its worth a shot05:24
mark_Where do I want to run sudo -i from?  From the recovery bash prompt?05:24
ActionParsnipmark_: in a gnome terminal. The other stuff you can do happily as your user05:24
javier_ActionParsnip, ok, i will try to follow the tutorial you sent me. thanks!05:24
bobweavercould some one please explain this to me PLEASE [code] $ for file in *.JPG *.jpeg05:25
bobweaver    > do mv "$file" "${file%.*}.jpg"05:25
bobweaver    > done [/code]            let me see if I can get this right  $file means grab the filename and then  and do is the loop vm all "files "  and rename to file   the % I have no clue the * is wildcard ? and .jpg is the new renamed picture in this case ?05:25
FloodBot1bobweaver: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:25
mark_I am not able to boot - i am hanging when it comes to loading my graphics driver (I am getting "SP5100 TCO timer: mmio address ..... already in use")05:25
bobweaver#$%^&* FloodBot105:25
Flannelbobweaver: Please mind the language and your tone, thanks.05:26
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:26
bobweaverI dont understand you bot05:27
BrumagemAlright evidently there are know Linux gurus in here.05:27
pipalonet prob, how can i do something like 'cat < ls' where ls can be anything with standard output ?05:27
BrumagemOkay, so nobody can help?  I am about to leave.05:28
bobweaverBrumagem, whats up ?05:28
Tech-1what are (unreadahead processes)  and how can i overcome this ?  thanks.05:29
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Brumagemokey doke no help05:31
ActionParsnipmark_: possibly an IRQ conflict05:32
ActionParsnipBrumagem: bobweaver asked you to clarify your issue, try a bit of patience...05:32
mark_What is an IRQ conflict?05:34
ActionParsnipmark_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interrupt_request05:35
bobweaverActionParsnip,  he pm mes asks me to help I say ok then I say open terminal and he says I am on windows05:35
bobweaverpm's me *05:36
ActionParsnipbobweaver: figures05:36
mark_Ok I know what you mean - how do I resolve it?05:36
ActionParsnipmark_: check BIOS to ensure the BIOS is doing stuff right. You may need to manually set stuff. Not sure05:36
mark_I have read that I can just blacklist the driver.  Is this something that I can do without root access?05:37
CarlFKmark_: no.  where are you seeing the IRQ conflict?05:38
erasehi, someone executed: "sudo chmod -x chmod" how do i give chmod executing permission again?05:38
mark_When I boot it hangs and says "SP5100 TCO timer: mmio address ..... already in use"05:38
bobweavererase,  with the +05:38
CarlFKbobweaver: look closer...05:38
bobweaverchmod +x05:38
erasebobweaver, but chmod isn't executable05:39
CarlFKbobweaver: chmod won't run ;/05:39
erasethat's the challenge i'm presenting ;)05:39
bobweaverreinstall chmod ?05:39
ActionParsnipmark_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/38920/boot-splash-broken-by-sp5100-tco-timer-mmio-address-0xyyyyyyy-already-in-use05:39
ActionParsniperase: if you boot to live CD you can chmod it there05:39
pnormanerase: write a short c program that calls chmod()05:40
linuxuz3ris there a way to increase the number of work spaces in 11.10?05:40
eraseActionParsnip, i can't reboot05:40
ActionParsnipmark_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/74001105:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 740011 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "Natty: the driver sp5100_tco prevents PC startup" [Undecided,Fix released]05:40
ActionParsniperase: why not?05:41
eraseActionParsnip, it's a server.05:41
pnormanerase: do you have python installed?05:41
bobweaverreinstall bash ?05:41
bobweavercan you do thata >05:41
bobweaverthat ? *05:41
nocturnal_how can i see what is installed on my computer?05:42
erasebobweaver, yap05:42
erasebobweaver, no05:42
leo2007where is unity's preference setting?05:42
erasepnorman, yap05:42
nocturnal_how can i see what is installed on my computer from cli?05:43
CarlFKpnorman: python is part of ubuntu's base install.. it would fall apart without it :)05:43
ActionParsniperase: then you qwill need to plan a maintenance window to do it. You could use sshfs and then access it from another system at cli and chmod it there. You may be able to also reinstall the package which chmod is part of05:43
pnormanCarlFK: it'd also fall apart without a working chmod :P05:43
pnormanerase: if you (as root) open up python and use os.fchmod it might work05:43
bobweavernocturnal_,  one way to see programs    cat /usr/share/applications05:44
rumpe1nocturnal_, dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall05:44
bkerensaleo2007: Which settings do you need?05:44
bkerensaleo2007: If you want to customize Unity then you need to install CCSM05:44
erasepnorman, ActionParsnip, bobweaver thanks. already solved it: perl -e 'chmod 0755, "chmod"'05:44
bobweaverwhy you could not do that with bash is above me05:45
leo2007bkerensa: sometimes when I open the file browser, the unity bar flashes when does not switch to the newly-launched app05:45
leo2007that happens with firefox too.05:45
ActionParsniperase: nice05:46
leo2007for example, when I open a link in emacs05:46
nocturnal_bobweaver: that didnt work05:46
grayhatpythonhey can anybody tell me how to upgrade ubuntu 10.10 to 11.10 without losing the data?05:46
bkerensaleo2007: What you describe sounds like a bug or defect versus a setting needing a tweak05:46
nocturnal_rumpe1: how can i keep i see it page by page in a tty?05:46
ActionParsnipgrayhatpython: make sure your backups are sufficiently recent05:46
rumpe1nocturnal_, add "| less"  at the end of the command05:47
grayhatpythonso it's not possible without a backup?05:47
ActionParsnipgrayhatpython: you will need to upgrade to natty first, then to Oneiric05:47
bobweavernocturnal_,  ls /usr/share/applications/05:47
ActionParsnipgrayhatpython: yes it is but you should have a backup if it is of value to you05:47
mynoteshow to add user to groups05:47
bobweavernocturnal_,  sorry05:47
grayhatpythonya but that takes lot of Internet, i think i need to do fresh install05:47
bkerensaleo2007: However you can install CCSM by sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager05:47
bkerensaleo2007: do that from terminal05:48
HulkHogannocturnal_: dpkg --get-selections |more05:48
mynotesI'll try this but got an error useradd -G developers myusername05:48
ActionParsnipmynotes: sudo usermod -a -G group user05:48
qinmynotes: sudo adduser user_name group_name05:48
* leo2007 installs05:48
pipaloHow can I list all user and groups ?05:48
ActionParsnipgrayhatpython: upgrading does take a lot of time, clean install gives a clean OS rather than the old fluff from the old install too05:49
nocturnal_HulkHogan! wrestler hero!05:49
HulkHogannocturnal_: =)05:50
* nocturnal_ gives HulkHogan a handshake and a cookie05:50
ActionParsnippipalo: cat /etc/passwd |grep "/home" |cut -d: -f1    will list all local users05:50
pipaloActionParsnip cheers, is that ubuntu specific or should work other dist as well ?05:51
ActionParsnippipalo: which dist are you meaning or are you just curious?05:52
pipalojust curious, cause of /etc/passwd05:52
leo2007bkerensa: after install CCSM, how to launch it?05:52
erasecan i go from 10.10 to 11.10  directly?05:52
ActionParsnippipalo: linux uses that file so will be portable05:53
bkerensaleo2007: Click the App lens button on the launcher and type in Compiz05:53
urlin2uerase, nope.05:53
b0ri5hi anybody have suggestions for setting up a fish tank webcam server?05:53
ActionParsniperase: you can but its not advised nor supported. You'll more than likely end up with a big mess05:53
bkerensaleo2007: Should offer your a compiz settings manager05:53
bobweaver ActionParsnip  |cut -d: -f1    means cut cut the text command -d is delimiter -f1 is field 1 ?05:53
eraseok tks, ActionParsnip and urlin2u05:53
bkerensaurlin2u: Yes he can05:53
bkerensaerase: Its not too hard but its not advised05:53
erasebkerensa, i'll just download the 11.10 iso. thanks05:54
urlin2ubkerensa, so if I had said not advised would you be happy05:54
bkerensaerase: You can switch between architectures and releases regardless of what people say but its not advised... I switched from x64 to i386 and i386 back to x64 without issues05:54
leo2007bkerensa: whereto find the compiz settings manager?05:55
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz05:55
HulkHoganjust setup sperate partition rather then upgrading05:55
bkerensaleo2007: Click top button on launcher and search for compiz?05:55
bkerensaleo2007: Or as ActionParsnip indicated go to system settings them appearance05:56
bobweaver!loop > bobweaver05:56
mynotesActionParsnip: I tried this 'sudo usermod -a -G groupname user'. got an error 'sudo : usermood : command not found '05:56
b0ri5the webcam-server package doesn't run on ppc?05:56
ActionParsnipmynotes: read the error you just pasted...05:57
bobweaver!for > bobweaver05:57
bkerensabobweaver: What are you trying to do?05:57
bobweaverlearn about for loops05:57
bkerensaahh :)05:58
bkerensabobweaver: Is it working?05:58
leo2007bkerensa: thanks05:58
bkerensa!loops | bobweaver05:58
bkerensano factoid for that05:58
bobweaverthe bot knows nothing about it05:58
mynotesActionParsnip: is says that usermod is not a command do I need to install that? is there any other command I can use05:58
ActionParsnipmynotes: 'sudo : usermood : command not found'  is your error. I said to run usermod not usermood05:59
ActionParsnipmynotes: again, READ the error05:59
bobweaverbkerensa, I am reasing this but it is real ?????05:59
bobweaverreading *   http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide/06:00
mark_ActionParsnip:  I am looking through the launchpad page and somone ran grep -i sp5100 /boot/config-`uname -r` to what appears to turn off SCP5100 (# CONFIG_SP5100_TCO is not set)  When I type grep -i sp5100 /boot/config-`uname -r` I get "no such file or directory"06:01
mynotesActionParsnip: I pasted a wrong error..   here the error 'sudo: usermod: command not found'06:01
bkerensabobweaver: Real? Yes it seems to be a guide to BASH06:01
ActionParsnipmynotes: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc06:01
bobweaverbkerensa,  I got it from the bash channel they saud to check this out http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/scripting/tutoriallist      but they are all?????06:02
mynotesActionParsnip: Final06:02
bobweaversaid *06:02
ActionParsnipmynotes: can you run:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit; pastebint /etc/lsb-release      what is the URL generated please06:03
bkerensabobweaver: Do you have a Ubuntu related support question?06:04
kcjIs there any way to change what causes my laptop to wake from suspend? I want it to only wake when I press the power button. I'm running 11.04.06:05
ActionParsnipmynotes: are you running centos ?06:06
tonyyarussokcj: I think that's actually a BIOS setting06:07
mynotesActionParsnip: I ask my admin that we are using centos06:07
mynotesI forgot that06:07
ActionParsnipmynotes: then it's not supported here, this is ubuntu support only06:07
mynotesActionParsnip: yes. I forgot that. thanks06:08
ActionParsnipmynotes: np bro06:08
kcjtonyyarusso, Really?06:08
NewbeeansHi awake ppl06:08
tonyyarussokcj: I recall seeing "wake on ..." options sometimes06:10
kcjtonyyarusso, I think that would be wake on lan.06:10
StarminnEye of GNOME (Image Viewer) fails to start. The following is the error message -- GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: Timeout was reached06:10
tonyyarussokcj: No, not just that - things like keyboard activity, modem ring, etc.06:11
kcjtonyyarusso, My BIOS doesn't have such luxuries.06:12
bobweaverbkerensa,  yes I am trying to figure out bash so I can use it to use this   http://paste.ubuntu.com/727910/06:12
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bkerensabobweaver: Learning Bash is not a support question though.... There are many resources for online learning of BASH however06:13
ActionParsnipStarminn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eog/+bug/88022706:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 880227 in Eye of GNOME "eog fails to start with: GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: Timeout was reached" [Critical,Fix released]06:13
ActionParsnipStarminn: found that in about 10 seconds using websearches....06:13
bobweaverumm... did you read what I am trying to do for real trying to do . making iso of ubuntu on while loops06:14
SkapareI'm trying to do an "apt-get remove" or "apt-get purge" on a group of packages (APACHE) ... then apt-get tells me what packages it is going to install (some PHP5 stuff) ... why does it want to install those and how to I prevent it?06:14
NewbeeansI'm still running slow...does anyone know the top 2 or 3 causes/fixes for this?06:15
bobweaverNewbeeans,  open terminal and enter "htop" what is taking up all the resources ?06:15
napsterHow can I create a disk image of the current installation?06:16
bobweavernapster,  a live iso ?06:16
ActionParsnipnapster: partimage or dd can do it06:16
StarminnActionParsnip, I found that last time I looked. I found no fix in it06:16
bobweaverif so remastersys is all right06:16
bobweaveras long as it is 4gig or smaller06:16
ActionParsnipStarminn: then its still a bug and will still affect the software until it is solved06:16
Skaparehere are the apt-get remove results that show it trying to do install ... http://pastebin.com/EiEyb8Qy06:17
StarminnActionParsnip, :( So.... the other program you mentioned -- ImageMagick?06:17
ActionParsnipStarminn: could use gthumb instead06:17
napsterbobweaver: not exactly. I just want to copy my hard disk image to another machine. It will be great since I can save my time06:17
ActionParsnipStarminn: imagemagick can view pictures too06:17
ActionParsnipStarminn: or gpicview06:17
bobweaver!wodim > napster06:17
ActionParsnip!info gpicview06:18
ubottugpicview (source: gpicview): lightweight image viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-1 (oneiric), package size 113 kB, installed size 956 kB06:18
StarminnActionParsnip, So all of these alternatives are also light image editing progs as well, yes?06:18
StarminnActionParsnip, Then why do we include Eye of GNOME at all? Why not just go all Shotwell?06:19
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!06:19
bobweavernapster,  wodim -> http://linuxconfig.org/using-command-line-wodim-tool-to-burn-iso-image06:19
ActionParsnipStarminn: gpicview is a viewer, there are image editting tools available. I believe gthumb can do stuff06:19
napsterbobweaver: ok, let me check06:19
Newbeeansbobweaver: I am not sure what I'm looking at here...virt?06:20
bobweaverNewbeeans,  htop is a live monitor it monitors what the system is using and the cpu usage and mem usage06:20
napsterbobweaver: But, I dont have a burning device. Can I create an image file?06:21
bobweaverNewbeeans,  in other words what is eating up you cpu06:21
NewbeeansNTP is at 30g06:21
bobweavernapster,  you have to create iso before burring a iso :>)06:21
StarminnActionParsnip, Ah, okay. On a separate note though, why do we have both Eye of GNOME *and* Shotwell as defaults? When they both do they same thing when simply viewing an image?06:21
bobweavernapster,  most gui programs use wodim to create the iso06:22
bobweaverlike k3b06:22
bobweavernapster,  have you thought about taring it up ?06:23
ActionParsnipStarminn: not sure. I don't use gnome desktop these days, and when I did I used minimal install and installed what I needed rather than having to gut the fluff out I don't use and instal what I want06:23
StarminnActionParsnip, Ah, I see. Out of curiosity, what do you use?06:23
HulkHoganStarminn: shotwell is is photo manager, EOG is just a viewer06:23
ActionParsnipStarminn: LXDE and KDE06:24
StarminnHulkHogan, Yes, but if you right-click on an image and click, "Open With -> Shotwell Photo Viewer" you can see that Shotwell clearly has a section devoted to being a Viewer.06:24
StarminnActionParsnip, Ah, okay.06:24
StarminnActionParsnip, I'll just remove EOG then, as there really isn't much use for it then in my eyes. *shrug*06:24
HulkHoganStarminn: Shotwell does both but it is not a better viewer, thats why is quicker to use EOG06:24
StarminnHulkHogan, I do agree -- EOG is quicker to start06:25
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ActionParsnipStarminn: if it is of no use to you, why not :)06:25
StarminnActionParsnip, Well, and if it's not working anyway.. *Shrug* heh06:26
HulkHoganStarminn: use Mirage, is lighter then EOG06:26
StarminnUsing Ubuntu 11.10, Nautilus is constantly replacing my chosen icon set with the default GNOME icons06:26
StarminnHulkHogan, I'll look into that, thank you.06:26
Newbeeanswhat is the addy for uploading my htop screenshot. I am not sure what is vital and what can be stopped.06:27
StarminnNewbeeans, imagebin.org is usually a common one06:27
bobweaver!screenshot | Starminn06:27
bobweaversorry starminn06:27
Starminnbobweaver, Not a problem. And ubottu's left the channel anyway06:27
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bobweavercool I meant it for Newbeeans06:28
* Starminn nods06:28
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induhi frnds06:29
Newbeeansbobweaver: http://imagebin.org/182404 (or anyone else can look too)06:29
induhow to remove the file in ubuntu what are commands using for remove06:29
bobweaverin rm06:30
bobweaverindu  rm06:30
bobweaverNewbeeans, looks like mem is more of a issue then cpu06:30
NewbeeansI wonder if it is using all the mem06:31
Newbeeansbrb sry06:31
HulkHoganNewbeeans: firefox mem leak?06:31
pshrhi, this might be irrelavent but how do I stop getting messages like some one has quit or some one has joined the channel ?06:31
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ActionParsnippshr: which client?06:32
bobweaverNewbeeans,  please open terminal and type in   uname -a && free -m     and paste.ubuntu.com06:32
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bobweaverNewbeeans,  looks like samba is taking up a bunh of mem06:34
StarminnUsing Ubuntu 11.10, Nautilus keeps replacing my icon set with GNOME default. This is only in Nautilus -- not the whole desktop. Assistance?06:34
Newbeeansok back ok on -m06:34
bobweaverNewbeeans, paste.ubuntu.com PLZ06:34
Newbeeansi'm not getting anything ..command not found06:35
Newbeeansjust a sec06:35
bobweaveruname -a && free -m06:35
NewbeeansLinux main-desktop 3.0.0-13-generic #21-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 17 20:18:51 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached Mem:          1754       1643        110          0         22        222 -/+ buffers/cache:       1399        354 Swap:         5139        450       468906:36
HulkHogan /exit06:36
bobweaverNewbeeans,  64 bit with only 2 gig mem ?06:36
Newbeeansno way06:37
bobweaverNewbeeans,  do you use samba all the time or something ?06:37
b0ri5where do usb webcams usually show up in /dev?06:37
fleixiusHow do I get my bootup text back without pressing escape during bootup.  I have a HTPC which i would love to watch bootup in the event of failures.  I have removed quiet and splash from my default grub params, still a no go.06:38
pshrActionParsnip: using webchat.freenode.net06:38
NewbeeansI don't know what samba is...but it looks like the machine I bought for learning does show on sticker 2GB DDR306:38
pshrActionParsnip: All these status messages from all the users are cluttering the real messages06:38
bobweaverNewbeeans,  Yes free -m shows us that06:39
NewbeeansI thought it might not be using all avail mem..but it is sadly06:40
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ActionParsnippshr: not sure in the web client tbh06:41
fleixiusNewbeeans, whats your issue?06:41
Newbeeansnonissue fleixius :)06:41
p1oooop1hey ActionParsnip06:41
p1oooop1just saying hi again :)06:41
Newbeeansmy brain is the problem I'm new :))06:41
p1oooop1Newbeeans: CONSOLE COMMANDS! :D06:42
fleixiusFree is a poor reference for available memory.06:42
p1oooop1the best part of being new is the console commands... all the data just makes me melt with excitement.06:42
NewbeeansI have to say when the command is good it excites me ...is that pitiful?06:43
pshrActionParsnip: figured it out, tq06:43
NewbeeansI wanted to mention I was able to fix my palmpre (accidently left it connected to pc during Ubuntu install)06:44
bobweaverNewbeeans,  cO_ol06:44
NewbeeansI was told it was linux based but i don't know if thats true06:44
bobweaverNewbeeans,  do you know what sysv-rc-conf   is ?06:44
bobweaveror B.U.M06:45
fleixiusBUM is for bums06:45
Newbeeansb.u.m. yes...doesn't work or leave my couch...no command correct it!06:45
bobweaverNewbeeans,  they are tools to stop things or to start things on boot like samba06:45
fleixiusIf you are going to teach him sysv, at least teach him update-rc,d06:46
bobweaverfleixius,  jusmp in and teanh06:47
bobweaverwow teach *06:47
bobweaverjump *06:47
Newbeeansbobweaver: your typos are nothing...the other day I was asked if english was my first lang06:47
bobweaverfleixius,  please teach us about update-rc06:48
fleixiusbobweaver, working on removing these screen artifacts after an autologin + mythtv with lightdm.  It's kicking my arse.06:49
tp43I would like to do some flash development on Linux, is it possible?06:49
fleixiustp43, certainly.06:49
fleixiusI used to do AIR devel on arch.06:49
tp43fleixius, great, can you forward me somewhere to get started?06:49
fleixiuswine is your friend ;-)06:49
tp43fleixius, well, i just wanted to simple stuff for webdesign06:49
divine9is it possible to run demos from command line interface?06:50
bobweaverdivine9,  time to install figlet ?06:50
bobweaverdemos ?06:50
fleixiustp43, But, you can certainly use eclipse if you want a full-blown IDE.06:50
tp43fleixius, yeah true that so had a good experience, did it cost money?06:50
marunI have installed squid 2.7.STABLE9 on ubuntu 11.04. I need to block few sites by putting them in a text file. I searched docs. But couldn't fix. Please help06:50
tp43fleixius, well, no I dont want to go full blown for now, just a little bit06:51
divine9ever download a game, and the intro to the crack is an audio/visual experience? those are demos06:51
bobweaverdivine9,  by demos you mean presentations ?06:51
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fleixiustp43, Google up some flash development archives for ubuntu in google, you'll get hundreds of results.06:51
tp43fleixius, ok06:52
fleixiusIt really depends if your going flash or actionscript..06:52
bobweaverNewbeeans, I dont know about update rc I am sorry06:52
Newbeeansme either06:52
fleixiustp43, http://www.williambrownstreet.net/wordpress/?p=78 -> will guide you through most of it using a simple text editor, gedit.06:52
NewbeeansDo you use text editor in Ubuntu to build a website?06:52
tp43fleixius, yeah, I don't know the difference, the flash site is overwhelming, and installing their prodcuts on linux is  pain06:52
Newbeeanso nvrmd...fleixius said it06:53
fleixiusNewbeeans, update-rc.d creates symbolic links between the bootup run levels and the actual startup scripts.06:53
tp43fleixius, thanks for the link. I would prefer to stick to text editors06:53
fleixiustp43, check out sublime text 2 - bad ass text editor06:53
tp43fleixius, really, good for html, css, php, and flash?  Cause I've been using emacs, and its freezing on me when switch away and back for some reason06:54
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fleixiustp43, emacs..ugh...talk about old and out-dated.06:54
Newbeeanswhat is emac?06:54
os_i have installed xen from a binary package06:54
tp43emacs has some nice commands, like search and replace06:55
bobweaverNewbeeans,  a text editor and more made by gnu06:55
os_but i do see any new kernel in boot menu06:55
fleixiustp43, I do a lot of ruby/rails and metasploit development.  It'll conquer just about anything.06:55
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code06:55
Newbeeanso I thought it was from apple06:55
tp43I like less mouse involvemet06:55
fleixiustp43, check out sublime.  It's retarded awesome.06:55
bobweaverNewbeeans,  nope I think that satallman made emacs06:56
Newbeeansquite the oxymoron...love it fleixius06:56
bobweaverthink is key word06:56
fleixiusNewbeeans, ;-)06:56
tp43Whats the difference betwee flash and as3?06:56
os_any ideas/06:57
fleixiustp43, let me put it this way, about 2 months in its alpa state the editor was far superior then most products which have been on the shelf for years.06:57
marunos_: I think xen has its own console06:58
bobweaverallright fleixius  I have to see this txt editor06:58
fleixiusAS handles most of the interactive pieces.  AS will also enable you to use logic within your applications06:58
marunos_: check the conse and try to boot from it06:58
solofighti recently upgraded my os. Atta ! ! i hate the how the menu and docs have changed. how do i retain the latest os upgrade with just reverting back the UI portion of it to the old state ?06:58
bobweaverfleixius  this is freesoftware or opensource ?06:59
fleixiussolofight, Are you on 11.10 now or ...06:59
fleixiusbobweaver, it's a paid for app with an unlimited free trial.  ;-)06:59
os_marun, how to do this06:59
bobweavernot free as in beer06:59
os_just a moment !06:59
fleixiusThe trial is unlimited, but I always pay my respect for good work ....beer is a wonderful by-product for good work07:00
bobweaverbeer is great for opensource and foss07:00
bobweaverand fsf07:01
fleixiusHowever, I would urge single barrel bourbon any day of the week...07:01
aniHello anybody working on BBxM?07:01
marunos_: got it? in the menu, u wil find xen menu item. click on that to open the console. Or, u can check xen --help for cmdline07:02
aniHello anybody working on BBxM?07:02
Islamhow do I know that I'm running on 64-bit or 32 ?07:03
rumpe1Islam, in console: "uname -m"07:03
fleixiusIslam, type arch in console07:04
fleixiusor the faithful uname :-)07:04
anifor bit type :    getconf LONG_BIT in ur terminal07:04
fleixiusani, cool story bro.07:04
anithank you fleixius !07:05
ActionParsnipIslam: i686 == 32bit. x86_64 == 64bit07:05
soidexeHey there! if would be nice to split particular tasks into different workspaces and not show it on another workspaces. Anyone know the right way in unity?07:05
tp43fleixius, see the download link at http://www.williambrownstreet.net/wordpress/?p=78 for the flex sdk, it's dead now it seems, there's no Linux version there anymore07:05
Islamthanx guys07:05
fleixiustp43, It's probably outdated.  You'll have to do some old fashion research.07:06
IslamActionParsnip: does it make a diffrence to have the 64 ? and can I have it any way ?07:06
AdminSetupCan enyone please guide me with Internet DJ Console ?07:06
aniHello Anybody in there working on BeagleBoard xM07:06
fleixiusI havent worked on AIR in a bit.  But I know its there.07:06
fleixiusani, try going to #beagle07:07
tp43Ahhh, forget flex and flash and adobe07:07
bobweaverI can not find license for sublime looks real cool is it open source ?07:07
aniFleixius: I posted in Beagle but no replies07:07
tp43fleixius, lets see what stuff you do with ruby/rails07:07
fleixiusbobweaver, it's free.07:07
bobweaverfleixius,  not price07:08
fleixiusbobweaver, It's an unlimited trial..just download and use it07:08
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fleixiusani, try ##linux07:08
bobweaverIt looks like they use github07:08
anithank you fleixius !07:08
bobweaverfleixius,  I try not to put that stuff on my computer07:08
fleixiusWho doesnt now-a-days.  Git is superior and github makes my loins quiver.07:09
anli_Hello! I tried to install nvidia nonfree. Now, I only get screen garbage when trying to startup. How to revert?07:09
GeorgeJIs there any place one could find the latest sun-java jre and jdk? Either a repository or debs would be cool07:09
* bobweaver has love for the bazzar 07:09
ActionParsnipIslam: if you have a 64bit CPU you can run either. High CPU intensive tasks benefit with 64bit. Standard desktop stuff doesn't see much07:09
icerootGeorgeJ: only oracle.com07:09
icerootGeorgeJ: everything else is not allowed anymore07:09
ActionParsnipGeorgeJ: www.java.com07:09
bobweavernot in medibuntu ?07:10
icerootbobweaver: no07:10
AdminSetupHi...Is there any live audio streamer available in UBuntu ? I want to stream music over wifi.(Where my pC will be transmitter and others with Desktops/laptops with wifi will be reciever)07:10
bobweaverthanks iceroot07:10
icerootbobweaver: not allowed anymore to distribut java07:10
GeorgeJAye, aye, I know. I just find it exremely uncol for them not to provide .debs >.>07:10
icerootGeorgeJ: say thank you to oracle07:10
ActionParsnipGeorgeJ: Linux (self-extracting file)  filesize: 20.6 MB    for 32bit from http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp07:10
Islam__thanx guys07:10
bobweavericeroot,  more proprietary licenses ?07:10
fleixiusActionParsnip, software written for 64bit benefits, nearly every software now-a-days has 64bit support.07:10
os_marun, but there is not any xen item !07:10
icerootbobweaver: they changed the licence so you are not allowed anymore to distribute java07:11
GeorgeJFreaking oracle. Argh!07:11
ActionParsnipfleixius: its quite insignificant if the user is word processing and web browsing07:11
ActionParsnipGeorgeJ: yep, exactly07:11
ActionParsnipGeorgeJ: its not hard to install07:11
fleixiusActionParsnip, doubtful, let me see you open an excel sheet with over 64k lines.07:11
* bobweaver turns green 07:11
os_marun, i use kubuntu07:11
fleixiusOr a multi-megabyte access file ;-)07:11
GeorgeJI know, it's not about that. I like everything clean, who knows what the installer will do the the filesystem. Rogue files everywhere!07:12
ActionParsnipfleixius: I bet the difference is about 5 seconds, which in human time is not a lot at all07:12
AdminSetupAnyone to help ?07:12
marunos_: hmm.. no idea07:12
os_marun, maybe i have to compile xen07:12
fleixiusActionParsnip, perhaps your not fully utilizing your computers potential..perhaps why the benefits are merely invisible to you.07:12
ActionParsnipfleixius: and hugs files like that would be classed as "High CPU intensive", right?07:13
os_not install it as a deb package!07:13
icerootActionParsnip: 5 seconds? you mean 5ms :)07:13
fleixiusActionParsnip, No, 64bit doesnt mean HIGH CPU.  It means a kernel that can support over 32bits of data.07:13
* bobweaver is marching on oracale 07:13
ActionParsnipfleixius: I know what it means07:13
GeorgeJI've created a bin folder in my $HOME. .profile should add it to $PATH, but when I open a terimnal, $PATH doesn't contain $HOME\bin. Is .profile just for terminal logins?  How can I add $HOME\bin to $PATH automaticaly when I open a terminal(ctrl+alt+t)?07:14
ActionParsnipfleixius: for a user whom is web browsing and emailing the difference between 64bt and 32bit will be hardly noticable at all07:14
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IslamActionparsnip: I got that reply on the terminal, does that mean I have a 64 cpu ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/727939/07:14
bobweaverbashrc ?07:14
NewbeeansI just created a html page...text editors are powerful lil things :D07:14
ActionParsnipGeorgeJ: to ~/.bashrc   add the line:   export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin07:14
GeorgeJAllright, so .bashrc gets executed. Thanks!07:15
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swethahi frnd07:15
ActionParsnipGeorgeJ: you can then run:  source ~/.bashrc    and it will be applied from then onwards07:15
IslamActionparsnip: I got that reply on the terminal, does that mean I have a 64 cpu ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/727939/07:16
swethahow to remove the file  which command using07:16
Newbeeanswell I learned 2 things tonight...back tomorrow for more tidbits gn lovely ppl07:16
GeorgeJActionParsnip: Aye, tyvm07:16
ActionParsnipIslam: it says dtes64 so more than likely07:16
IslamActionParsnip: so thats a yes ?07:17
ActionParsnipIslam: if you find out what your CPU is using: cat /proc/cpuinfo      you can use the web to find out07:17
fleixiusIslam, why not just run arch or uname -m?07:17
icerootActionParsnip: Islam lm is the important flag which says the cpu is amd6407:17
ActionParsnipfleixius: uname -m   isn't necessarily the arch of the CPU, which is what is desired07:17
icerootfleixius: uname is not reading the hardware-architecutre, its reading the kernel-architecutre and does not say what your hardware can do07:17
GeorgeJHmm, wouldn't I first have to remove openjdk before installing the oracle jdk?07:18
icerootGeorgeJ: no07:18
Islamok I have ubuntu 11.10 32-bit, how do I upgrade to the 64 ?07:18
fleixiusUnderstandably, but for most-users it whom don't know how to decide which arch (being 32/64) their system is running, it'll do fine.07:18
GeorgeJOh, great. But then I'd have to switch binaries, no? Is this dnone with update-alternatives?07:19
icerootIslam: reinstall07:19
grayhatpythonhi swetha you can remove file from rm command07:19
icerootIslam: you cant upgrade the architecture07:19
icerootGeorgeJ: dont know if it is detecting your manually installed sun-java but yes that is normally the step07:20
Islamiceroot: how ? and reinstalling the 64-bit will matter that much ? I mean will it make a big diffrence with me ?07:20
icerootIslam: only if you have more then ~4gb ram07:20
Islamiceroot: nope I got 3GB ram07:20
icerootIslam: ram + vga-ram + bus07:21
swethagraypatpy: im using this one rm etc/init.d/openbravo-postgresql07:21
swethagraypa:it's nt remove07:21
icerootIslam: then there is no real reason if this means to install amd64. if it is a fresh system i would reinstall, if the system is already running i would run with 32bit07:21
grayhatpythontry sudo rm etc/init.d/openbravo-postgresql07:21
GeorgeJHmm, does glassfish work with openjdk?07:22
rickyrichhi all, i have a great problem with a partition on my system withe a triple boot07:22
Islamiceroot: so you say it wouldnt make a big difference with my 3GB ram, so you recommend me not to reinstall07:23
icerootIslam: if you dont plan to upgrade your ram, everything is fine07:23
icerootIslam: but if it is a fresh installation i would reinstall07:23
icerootIslam: but there is no difference you will see, just the ram-size07:24
grayhatpythonswetha try $ sudo apt-get remove openbravo-307:24
Islamiceroot: so you recommend the 64-bit ubuntu for me07:25
rickyrichthis is my situation with gparted --> http://imageshack.us/f/26/schermatadel20111104082.png/07:25
icerootIslam: amd64 is always recommend when the hadware supports it07:25
alvin2_is there an ideal partition table for installing ubuntu netbook10.10 for it to boot ightning fast?07:25
rickyrichthe last partition sda5 i can use it with ubuntu and with lion but not with windows707:25
icerootrickyrich: ##windows07:26
Islamiceroot: but with the 3gb is it still strongly recommended ?07:26
rickyrichiceroot: maybe here someone can help me07:26
yemingI have setup my ubuntu and installed some packages and did some configurations. Now I want to save the current system state and maybe later restore to this particular state if I screw up. What should I do?07:26
Islamiceroot: 3GB ram07:26
grayhatpythonswetha try this link for more information on uninstalling postgresql  http://wiki.openbravo.com/wiki/Installation/Ubuntu:_advanced_topics07:26
icerootrickyrich: no07:26
icerootrickyrich: its related to windows because you need a driver for windows to read that type of filesystem07:26
icerootIslam: its always recommend to use amd6407:27
icerootIslam: but if you dont plan to upgrade your ram or vga-card (with more ram) there is no reason to reinstall if the system is already in usage07:28
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alvin2_what is the best partition table for ubuntu netbook 10.10?07:28
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icerootalvin2_: the one the installer is suggesting07:28
Islamiceroot: thatnx mate, I really appreciate your help, your answers was very helpful,, thanx alot07:28
icerootalvin2_: if you mean partition-layout07:28
icerootIslam: you are welcome07:28
alvin2_iceroot: i have windogs 7 and dual booting with une10.10 , i need to do it manually :D07:29
minsikhi i need help since libreoffice is not starting in ubuntu 11.1007:29
icerootminsik: what is the error when starting it from the shell?07:30
VyasKadkolminisk : do u get any kind of error message when you try to start it?07:30
alvin2_iceroot: i want to know what is the best partition layout for ubuntu to boot as fast as it can07:30
minsikiceroot: if i open in shell (using libreoffice --impress or something), it says that The Application cannot be started. [context="shared"] caught unexpected exception'.07:30
icerootalvin2_: the layout has nothing to do with boot-speed07:31
icerootminsik: nothing more?07:31
alvin2_iceroot: if so where?07:31
solofighti recently upgraded my os. Atta ! ! i hate the how the menu and docs have changed. how do i retain the latest os upgrade with just reverting back the UI portion of it to the old state ?07:31
minsikiceroot: i've bug filed (#885077), but I think it should be something related to upgrading to oneiric, since the problem occurred after upgrading ubuntu from natty to oneiric.07:31
icerootalvin2_: hm libreoffice doesnt have a debug-mode07:31
rickyrichany suggest? :(07:31
icerootalvin2_: sorry wrong nick07:32
ActionParsnipalvin2_: put / on SSD and swap /var /tmp and /home on a platter based partition. Makes things nice07:32
icerootminsik: seems like libreoffice doesnt have a debug-mode, maybe the overkill "strace" is helping to find the reason07:32
arun_mummidiminsik: what is ur h/w config?07:32
minsikiceroot: got it... :) i've uninstall and re installed it, but same...07:32
solofightam using ubuntu 11.10 now07:33
minsikiceroot: whatz  'strace'07:33
minsikarun_mummidi: i3-390m with AMD graphic card07:33
Islamhow to get info about my vga ? I know my ram is 3GB, how to know my vga ?07:33
icerootminsik: i would suggest to run "strace libreoffice --impress 2> libreoffice-strace.log" and append it to the bug07:33
icerootminsik: debugging tool (not installed by default)07:33
minsikiceroot: ok thanks :) i'll do that07:33
icerootminsik: sudo apt-get install strace07:34
alvin2_ActionParsnip: ouch! i don't have SSD , just a harddisk and i have windogs7 with it,07:34
roibackbuntu 0.2 upgrade?07:34
Islamiceroot: how to get info about my vga ? I know my ram is 3GB, how to know my vga ?07:34
icerootIslam: sorry cant remember that command, i guess it was lspci | grep vga07:35
icerootIslam: but i always forget it07:35
ActionParsnipalvin2_: ubuntu boots in about 20seconds here on my hardware circa 2000 to 2005. I'm sure the default boot is plenty fast on anything you have07:35
alvin2_ActionParsnip: my current partition layout is 512mb=ext2=/boot ; 18gb=ext4=/ ; 1gb=swap <<< all in ext307:36
Islamiceroot: no its not that one it doesnt come up with any thing07:36
arun_mummidiIslam: or u cn just "sudo lshw | grep raph"07:36
minsikarun_mummidi ... waitin for repl....07:36
ActionParsnipalvin2_: why not make the OS faster while you actually are using it07:36
arun_mummidiminsik: Sorry. no much idea07:37
skandranonI have a question. Upgrading my girlfriends ubuntu pc from 10.04 to xxx to 11.04.. computer rebooted, came up to the ubuntu loading screen for a sec, then a black screen with a list of stuff, and then [ok] for most of them... then it froze there. Reset it after half a hour, and now it is sitting back on the same screen. How do I fix this?07:37
ActionParsnipalvin2_: how much RAM do you have?07:37
minsikarun_mummidi: it's okay :) thanks for trying to help anyway :)07:37
Islamarun_mummidi: but it didnt show how much MB it is07:37
alvin2_ActionParsnip: but as i choose ubuntu, there's a two line messages saying "FATAL: mod probe can't load modules /var/lib/ blah blah. . . i worry what is that message.. i havve 1gb RAM07:38
ahmadiceroot: grep -i ;)07:38
icerootahmad: :)07:38
quleaphello, i cant get my system to boot, i tried the drive in qemu and grub 2 does a screen resize and hangs, here is my boot info http://paste.debian.net/14257607:39
quleapits ubuntu07:39
ActionParsnipalvin2_: then you want 2gb swap as you have less than 2gb ram so you should use double your ram amount for swap. If you had 2gb ram or more you would use the same amount07:39
ActionParsnipalvin2_: have you considered buying more ram. You could double your ram for very cheap07:40
localg0dI have an issue where my speakers on my laptop are not put in the right settings where only the built in subwoofer is playing audio and i can't find the graphic equalizer which lets me tell the audio which speakers to go to ... any idea ?07:41
quleapsdc which is from my raid array boot into grub in qemu and so does my usb stick which i put grub on but not from boot07:41
arun_mummidiIslam: sudo lshw -html >>test.html... open test.html and search for "display".. u can find memory in hexadecimal format.. as far as i know07:41
theadminlocalg0d: Install pavucontrol, set another output as default07:42
ahmadquleap: root (hd0,1) for sda1 ??07:42
quleapI think so..07:42
theadminahmad: Yeah, that's the right way in grub207:42
alvin2_ActionParsnip: i thought 1gb swap for a 1gb RAM is quite enough... btw, is that ok that i have a seperate partition for /boot?07:42
ActionParsniparun_mummidi: why not just:  sudo lshw -c display07:42
quleapsda  is ext407:42
localg0dtheadmin: ty sir .. will try it now ..07:42
theadminDrives start with 0, partitions start with 1 -- messy07:42
VP how to switch off monitor without turning off the laptop?07:42
anli_Seems like nvidia non-free only fubars my system: http://www.flickr.com/photos/69403728@N03/6311611522/07:43
ahmadtheadmin: not 0,0 ??07:43
theadminahmad: Nope.07:43
ActionParsnipalvin2_: its fine but may fill if you don't clear old kernels out using the package system07:43
theadminahmad: That'd be the right way in the old grub, though07:43
anli_Is there anyone that knows why my screen looks like that after having installed the gfx driver?07:43
furyoshonenI have been trying to install some post-release updates to my proprietary graphics driver, and I keep getting this error:  "Sorry, installation of this driver failed.Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log" been looking for the log, but I can't find it in this new Unity format. HELP07:43
arun_mummidiActionParsnip: thats cool07:43
ajahhow to remote startup network configuration i don`t use network-manager07:43
ActionParsniparun_mummidi: single step ;-)07:44
theadminfuryoshonen: less /var/log/jockey.log07:44
ahmadtheadmin: thnx ;)07:44
ActionParsnipajah: restat network service via ssh07:45
alvin2_ActionParsnip: but why am i getting that message? fatal error: couldn't fine modules linux-xxx failed to load modules /var/lib/modules bla blah ,,,, i can't remember the exact message07:45
furyoshonentheadmin, thanks... Heyzeus... thats a lot of debugging text07:46
ajahActionParsnip, didn`t understand07:47
theadminfuryoshonen: lol...07:47
ActionParsnipalvin2_: sounds like you added a module name in /etc/modules  or are loading it with a command. If you can get the error you can use it in websearches07:47
harsh343I am not able to open ubuntu 11.1007:48
anli_Should asus graphics cards work well on linux?07:49
ActionParsnipharsh343: can you define how you mean by "open" thanks07:49
theadminanli_: asus makes graphic cards?...07:49
harsh343ActionParsnip, means i am not able to see login page and all thing07:49
alvin2_ActionParsnip: where in the log viewer can i find that message about /var/lib?07:49
harsh343in my system07:49
ActionParsnipanli_: depends on the chip, not the manufacturer07:50
harsh343I am not able to start my ubuntu OS07:50
anli_VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT218 [GeForce 210] (rev a2)07:50
ActionParsnipalvin2_: dmesg   possibly07:50
ActionParsnipanli_: nvidia work very well in Linux07:51
anli_I wonder how I could get this screen garbage when I tried the nonfree driver then07:51
ActionParsnipharsh343: is it a fresh install?07:52
=== tfilipczuk is now known as makak
harsh343ActionParsnip, yeas I am using on my laptop which is working fine but my office system donot work means i m unable to start from 1 hours07:52
arun_mummidiharsh343: any errors? what you see on screen? blank? If so tell me if u r able to boot from live cd07:53
harsh343arun_mummidi, yes blank screen07:53
alvin2_ActionParsnip: not in there, maybe i might just have to clean and install ubuntu again for 4th time in just a month :(07:53
harsh343alvin2_, this is my 5th time fresh installation07:53
skandranonWhile upgrading Upgrading my girlfriends ubuntu pc from 10.04 to xxx to 11.04.. computer rebooted, came up to the ubuntu loading screen for a sec, then a black screen with a list of stuff, and then [ok] for most of them... then it froze there. Reset it after half a hour, and now it is sitting back on the same screen. Where can I find the info I need to fix this? Not sure what to search for.07:54
alvin2_mine is just for a month, because i can't revert back to a fresh install state07:54
arun_mummidiharsh343: while installation, make sure that you check the option "install boot loader(preferably grub)"07:54
auronandacearun_mummidi: that is enabled by default07:55
harsh343arun_mummidi, ubuntu do not ask me any Question while installation07:55
harsh343next time i remember07:55
harsh343what i can do right now07:55
=== subshift is now known as SubShift
SubShifthi all07:56
gongnaixiaohow to upgrade gub to gub207:57
harsh343ubuntu screen is blank now what i can do i m not able to start07:57
harsh343and i have all the important document in my system07:58
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theadminharsh343: You can back your stuff up using a livecd, don't worry about that nonsense07:59
arun_mummidiharsh343: boot from live cd, back up data07:59
HannofcartHello, I'm trying to connect to a wireless network from a new Xubuntu install. The wireless device does not show up in ifconfig. lshw shows me that my wireless card is a BCM4311 device. I don't have any means to connect via ethernet either (I am chatting from a different machine) so I tried the 'STA - No Intenet Access' method as described in the documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA_-_No_Internet_access07:59
HannofcartHowever, running System->Additional Drivers doesn't show any new drivers available for install. Can someone please tell me how to proceed?08:00
gongnaixiaotty1-7 OK?08:00
theadminHannofcart: It would only work if you're on ethernet08:00
auronandace!broadcom | Hannofcart08:00
ubottuHannofcart: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:00
gunztunzwhat does it mean if my login fails and all it says is "lsb_release command not found" and "module unknown" ?08:01
Hannofcartauronandace: That link is the same I quoted in mu question and it is the without internet method (using packages from the installation media)08:01
auronandaceHannofcart: oops, sorry08:02
auronandace!offline | Hannofcart08:02
ubottuHannofcart: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD08:02
TheUndertakerHannofcart: hilo08:02
HannofcartTheUndertaker: greetings. Any idea of what I ought to be doing?08:03
CaelThunderwingim in need of a lil help, how can i setup my 56k Modem in Xubuntu?08:03
auronandace!modem | CaelThunderwing08:03
ubottuCaelThunderwing: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up08:03
theadmineww 56k08:04
CaelThunderwingmore so its not detected by gnome-ppp08:04
CaelThunderwingthers a Linux Dreamcast to PC Guide08:04
CaelThunderwingto allow ya to still use PSO online.08:04
Hannofcartauronandace, I have successfully installed the driver packages. What I have left to be doing is setup the drivers. The instructions ask me to use the Additional Drivers GUI app. Isnt there someway I can do it from the shell, using kldload or something?08:05
CaelThunderwingsadly its not showin up on lspci08:06
auronandaceHannofcart: i would have thought it was just a case of loading the driver if you have it installed08:06
Hannofcartauronandace, yes, can you please tell me how to do that?08:06
auronandaceHannofcart: sudo modprobe nameofdriver08:07
auronandacei think08:07
Hannofcartah... ok, lemme try08:07
auronandaceHannofcart: lsmod should give you a list of what is already loaded08:07
skandranonPlease I really need some help. I asked my question, waiting patiently.08:08
theadminskandranon: Could you ask again? Some of us might have skipped over it08:08
skandranonWhile upgrading Upgrading my girlfriends ubuntu pc from 10.04 to xxx to 11.04.. computer rebooted, came up to the ubuntu loading screen for a sec, then a black screen with a list of stuff, and then [ok] for most of them... then it froze there. Reset it after half a hour, and now it is sitting back on the same screen. Where can I find the info I need to fix this? Not sure what to search for. Not really sure what the screen it is stuck on is..08:09
alvin2theadmin: can i make a /tmp partition? and for what /tmp is?08:09
Hannofcartauronandace, nope, that doesnt help. ifconfig still doesnt list my wireless network device. only lshw lists the network device.08:09
CaelThunderwingthe modem's an Conexant Modem08:09
theadminalvin2: It's for temporary files, and you shouldn't really need one08:10
phlak_useralvin2, /tmp is a temporary storage area used by the operating system08:10
auronandaceHannofcart: sorry i can't help further, my wireless is intel which has always worked straight out the box08:10
TheUndertakerauronandace: hi08:11
phlak_userHannofcart, what card do you have? can you pastebin the output of that lshw -C network command?08:11
theadminskandranon: yay a girl using Linux... Anyway, I'd suggest a clean install due to the fact that upgrades break everything :/08:11
os_i have installed linux-kernel-server08:11
auronandaceTheUndertaker: need help?08:11
os_for xen08:11
alvin2theadmin: how about /var? can i have that partition?08:11
skandranonlol, ok.. she's not gonna be happy >.<08:11
skandranonthank you08:11
os_how did i create a new virtual machine?08:12
theadminalvin2: You can...08:12
theadminalvin2: I see no point at all though08:12
theadminalvin2: Unless you're running a massive server of some sort08:12
theadminskandranon: No problem, sorry I couldn't really help >.<08:12
alvin2theadmin: ahh i see :D thanks08:12
localg0dtheadmin: hmm it turned out not to have channel tuning .. :(*08:12
theadminalvin2: You should read more about FHS to see what is what08:13
Adriannomhi.  how do i disable escape sequences on the console?  that is, i just want a regular escape key08:13
localg0dit only had 2 channels and no subwoofer adjustment :(08:13
Hannofcartphlak_user, i am afraid i cant do that. I am installing on another machine. And the only way i can connect to it using wireless, which is what i need to setup :) The device is a BCM431108:13
theadminAdriannom: umm, I don't think you can08:13
phlak_userHannofcart, ah the bcm4311 :) we helped someone with that yesterday08:13
alvin2got to clean install 10.10 again :D  BTW, how can i install netbook-launcher-efl completely without problems?08:14
Hannofcartits liseted under the *-network-UNCLAIMED section, phlak_user08:14
localg0dfhs = fairly hot s**t ??? lol jk08:14
theadminlocalg0d: Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.08:14
localg0doh cool thank u theadmin :-)08:14
theadminalvin2: Maybe you would install 11.10?08:14
Hannofcartphlak_user, any chance i can persuade you to do it again? :) or probably pastebin a chatlog of yesterdays conversation?08:14
Adriannomtheadmin, oh... :s08:14
phlak_userHannofcart, ok here goes08:15
Adriannomtheadmin, that's...  stupid...08:15
phlak_userHannofcart, do an apt-get update08:15
phlak_userHannofcart, and then sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer08:15
theadminAdriannom: What exactly is? The keycode the escape key produces is the only thing it can do, anyway08:15
Adriannomtheadmin, sure, but it's the terminal that's choosing what to do with it right?08:16
theadminAdriannom: It's the app running in it.08:16
Hannofcartphlak_user, I am not able to connect that machine using ethernet (I dont have a wire :P)08:16
theadminAdriannom: Say, less would interpret that keycode as "exit"08:16
Hannofcartphlak_user, I can get the packages and install it using usb08:16
Adriannomtheadmin, nah the app wants a basic escape08:16
harsh343how can i start my ubuntu 11.10 again currently i am not able to start my OS08:16
shubbarhow can i disaple input correction?08:16
phlak_userHannofcart, so get this one08:16
theadminAdriannom: What is a basic escape, anyway, in your opinion?08:17
phlak_user!info  firmware-b43-installer | Hannofcart08:17
ubottuHannofcart: firmware-b43-installer (source: b43-fwcutter): Installer package for firmware for the b43 driver. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:014-9 (oneiric), package size 3 kB, installed size 52 kB08:17
theadminphlak_user: It's just the installer though ... It would need network, I beleive08:17
Adriannomtheadmin, i only just found out about escape sequences, so i want an escape key where they don't exist ;)08:17
JapyDooge\o/ theadmin \o/08:17
Adriannomtheadmin, so that i can use an app that binds something to the escape key, something used a lot08:18
tp43harisund, you gotta hit some hot keys during boot to get to grub shell and then there are a bunch of movies such as try single user mode]\08:18
phlak_usertheadmin, the logic is that you need to install this and remove the incorrect driver (bcmwl)08:18
theadminAdriannom: Ah, well... hm...08:18
shubbarharsh343, a black screen?08:18
theadminJapyDooge: yo08:18
harsh343shubbar, yes08:18
os_how do i create a new virtual machine in xen?08:18
JapyDoogegood morning =)08:18
arun_mummidiharsh343:  I gues your boot config file is corrupt. check /boot/grub/grub.cfg (after booting through live cd). It should contain atleast one line similar to  linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.38-8-generic root=UUID=F442446282442808 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro   quiet splash08:18
shubbarharsh343, i faced that ... let me look up the bug08:18
theadminAdriannom: You can try killing the escape key whatsoever and then binding...08:19
AdriannomAdriannom, i guess one solution is to run xp in virtualbox and use dos, but that's disgusting ;o08:19
auronandaceos_: is there a #xen channel you could ask in?08:19
Adriannomtheadmin, sounds good, any idea where i can start?08:19
tp43auronandace, just wondering, what other os you running08:19
Hannofcartphlak_user, thanks. i'll try it08:19
os_auronandace, sorry08:19
theadminAdriannom: Well, I think the idea is something like: xmodmap -e 'keysym esc=', not sure what's the proper name for the escape key though08:19
auronandacearun_mummidi: it sounds to me as if he can boot but the screen goes blank (graphics problem (not grub))08:20
DandyKoffinhey people08:20
shubbarharsh343, the is the bug and fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/81144108:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 858122 in sysvinit (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #811441 incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,Triaged]08:20
=== Berg is now known as Guest47890
auronandacetp43: i run xubuntu, arch, haiku, pcbsd and windows08:20
tp43my scree goes blank, now I use external monitor08:20
Adriannomthanks theadmin08:20
theadminauronandace: haiku? That's a real OS? I thought they invented it in xkcd, lol08:21
harsh343any possibilities to start from recovery mode08:21
harsh343I have all the important data in my system08:21
auronandacetheadmin: based on beos from the 90's (also i little off-topic here)08:21
arun_mummidiharsh343: r u able to boot through live cd?08:22
harsh343live cd ?????08:22
harsh343I have an installation cd08:22
TheUndertakerharsh343: welcome08:22
tp43haiku has its own kernel or is it linux08:22
localg0darun_mummidi: u may have a hunch there .. live cd is good idea lol08:22
auronandacetp43: ask in #haiku08:22
zambai need a tool to actually view a text file to see what special characters are used08:22
zambawhat can i do?08:23
FloodBot1zamba: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:23
divine9Any recommendations for a netbook brand? gonna be putting ubuntu on it08:23
theadminzamba: Vim, and :set list08:23
harsh343from where i got live cd ?08:23
localg0dharsh343: use the cd u installed ubuntu with to start your computer by probably pressing f12 at reboot and then choose cd/dvd-rom drive to boot with :)08:23
phlak_userdivine9, look at the hcl08:23
phlak_user!hcl | divine908:23
ubottudivine9: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:23
zambatheadmin: ah.. what does ^I mean? that's a tab, right?08:23
CaelThunderwinglooks like im screwed using the Linux DC to PC guide because my laptop's 56k modem's an Conexant08:23
zambatheadmin: \t08:24
theadminzamba: I would suppose so, it has weird codes for things08:24
phlak_userdivine9, this will also help -> http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/08:24
harsh343After click on f12 what next ?08:24
arun_mummidiharsh343: the installation cd itself is live cd. boot from cd and select "try ubuntu with out making any changes" in the first screen08:25
divine9ahh nice, thanks phlak/ubottu!08:25
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harsh343when i start my booting with cd08:25
harsh343localg0d, ya my default booting is cd only08:25
harsh343after that what next ?08:26
arun_mummidiharsh343: now ubuntu loads and desktop ..you can access all your files now.  now back up your data... got it?08:26
harsh343they ask me try ubuntu and install ubuntu ???08:28
harsh343where i should click08:28
arun_mummidiharsh343: try ubuntu :)08:29
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harsh343arun_mummidi, ye now my scree appears now what next08:30
smoophHey Guys I need some help ... how can i downgrade a specific package ... there is a problem with the current kmail ... so i want to go back to kdepim4.4 whats the best safest way to do that08:30
arun_mummidiharsh343: back up your data to a n/w drive or usb drive/ flash drive08:31
theadminsmooph: Downgrading is not supported, sorry.08:31
theadminsmooph: Report a bug and wait for a fix08:31
harsh343is it possible to repair  ???08:31
harsh343from here08:31
gebihi all :)08:32
* DandyKoffin needs advice on what college to attend for Comp Sci (for-profit? local tech colleges?)08:32
arun_mummidiharsh343:backed up data?08:32
harsh343hows ?08:32
smoophtheadmin: are you sure thats true ... my way of doing it would have been ... uninstalling kdepim ... setting a preference for kdepim4.4 and installing again ... downgrade done !08:33
harsh343arun_mummidi, but i m not able to see my download document08:34
theadminsmooph: Dependencies... You'd have to downgrade every single one of them08:34
gebiwhere do i choose to install a commandline only system in the alternative installer?08:34
denebeniselamın aleyküm08:35
arun_mummidiharsh343: sorry,not aware08:35
smoophtheadmin: true but a quick apt-cache depends kdepim shows only all the related kontact software08:36
theadminsmooph: Well, downgrading is still not supported in this channel.08:36
smoophgebi: cmd only would be server install08:37
gebismooph: and where do i change that?08:37
smoophits a special cd08:37
gebii'm in the boot menu of the alternative installer now08:38
gebifrom the wiki: "To install a base system, boot from any Alternate CD and choose "Install a command-line system." It is exactly the same command-line system on Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Ubuntu Alternate CDs."08:38
ejvDandyKoffin: this is the ubuntu support channel, you question should be asked in #ubuntu-offtopic08:38
smoophor maybe you can choose packages in the alternative ... sry cant help with the installer08:38
smoophgebi: it says press f4 and change options08:39
chaospsychexne1 having internet problems ?08:40
gebi smooph: THX, didn't get it that F4 changed content when not on 'install ubuntu' option08:40
wideballhow to check for installed packages using apt ?08:41
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)08:41
localg0ddowngrade ? why don't u just install an old version of ubuntu using a live cd and then use the new version's home folder when u log in ;)08:42
icerooti have a asc-file which contains a private and a pulic-key, ssh is saying the key is wrong. i am not sure if there have to be the private and public key in one file. is that correct or is the file wrong?08:43
icerootssh for passwordless auth08:43
llutziceroot: those have to be 2 files08:44
phlak_usericeroot, afaik private key and public key should never be in one file. the public key is what you share with the world; the private key is private :)08:44
divine9if I booted from a live usb, but the interal hard drive was encrypted, what would you see on the live boot? could you still access it with password?08:44
phlak_userdivine9, encrypted with what?08:44
icerootphlak_user: llutz ok, the file is localy in ~, on the remote-server there is only the pub-key, so it should work? (i know its bad to have both in there)08:45
=== eric is now known as Guest73134
llutziceroot: keep your private key on local machine, copy the pub-key to the remote .ssh/authorized_kays (ssh-copy-id)08:45
wideballhttp://extras.ubuntu.com/ oneiric release NO GPG KEY08:45
phlak_userllutz, iceroot thats authorized_keys08:45
llutzphlak_user: it is, typo sry08:46
icerootllutz: that is my setup08:46
wideballhttp://extras.ubuntu.com oneiric release signatures cannot be verified because NO public KEY08:46
wideballhow to fix this issue08:46
phlak_usericeroot, so what gives?08:46
llutziceroot: ssh -vvv user@host               to get more verbose output and errors08:46
=== Neo is now known as Guest93643
icerootllutz: without ssh-copy but ssh (sftp -o -i) is saying "pem_read private key failed"08:47
icerootllutz: cat on the local key file is showing me a priv and a pub-section08:47
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phlak_usericeroot, ah, the keyfile used with -i is a .pem certificate08:47
phlak_usericeroot, you dont need to use  -i if youve exported your public key over08:48
Guest93643wat r d command for xchat08:48
Guest93643can u tell08:48
icerootphlak_user: the key is not in the directory ssh is looking so i thought -i (IdentityFile) is just changing the path08:48
phlak_userGuest93643, xchat08:49
llutziceroot: how did you generate those keys?08:49
icerootllutz: not generated by me08:49
phlak_usericeroot, the normal way to  do it is via ssh-keygen08:49
Guest93643how to use dem08:49
=== Guest93643 is now known as Oracle
phlak_usericeroot, which would create a private key and a .pub key (eg id_rsa and id_rsa.pub)08:50
phlak_user!cn| akk_08:50
ubottuakk_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:50
icerootllutz: phlak_user i just have /opt/foo/bar.asc  so i was using sftp -o IdentityFile=/opt/foo.bar08:50
dr_willisOracle: the xchat homepage and help has info08:50
tp43I think Ubuntu should join back to Debian like a good boy08:50
Oracleis there anyone to help me08:50
icerootllutz: phlak_user so my problem is that bar.acs has the wrong format?08:51
tp43Oracle, you are proprietary, you must do it alone08:51
llutziceroot: are you sure those are key or just fingerprints?08:51
Oraclehow i don't know08:51
zambado cronjobs run in parallell?08:51
dr_williszamba:  i would think so08:52
icerootllutz: cat on that file shows hash ----end pgp public key block \n hash -----end pgp private key block08:52
RaTTuS|BIGzamba yes08:52
llutziceroot: http://blog.marc-seeger.de/2007/12/18/using-your-gpg-pgp-public-key-to-authorize-your-ssh-connections/08:52
JoelixnyHello, I am trying to get PAM to unlock the keyring while using the "sufficient" option, but it only seams to do so when I use "[success=1 default=ignore]"08:52
llutziceroot: those aren't ssh-keys08:52
phlak_usericeroot, oh gpg keys08:53
icerootllutz: phlak_user ah ok so the keys are not in the correct format i got from the person, that is the problem08:53
llutziceroot: correct08:53
icerootllutz: the correct format is called?08:53
icerootllutz: rsa-key?08:54
llutziceroot: yes, preferred. could be dsa or every method ssh supports too08:54
phlak_usericeroot, file id_rsa shows PEM RSA private key08:54
icerootllutz: phlak_user thank you very much, that helped me alot on that issue08:55
phlak_usericeroot, yw08:55
ssedanoHi, any good and ligth bash shell ?08:55
llutzssedano: bash is bash, what do you want?08:56
ssedanosorry, I meant terminal08:56
ssedanognome-terminal is way too heavy08:56
JapyDoogexterm, eterm08:56
icerootssedano: lxterminal08:56
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ssedanothank you all, I'm going to take a look at them!08:57
JapyDoogebut gnome-terminal is good looking08:57
phlak_userssedano, terminator is also ok08:58
ssedanowell but I want is light and that you can split it out08:58
JoelixnyHello, can someone please help me? I am trying to get PAM to unlock the keyring while using the "sufficient" option, but it only seams to do so when I use "[success=1 default=ignore]".08:59
icerootphlak_user: terminator is not a terminal its calling gnome-terminal, lxterminal or whatever you set08:59
vanihi frnds08:59
icerootphlak_user: imo08:59
phlak_usericeroot, is it?09:00
icerootphlak_user: my terminator is using gnome-terminal, terminator is just a "window-manager"09:01
phlak_user!info terminator09:01
ubottuterminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-1 (oneiric), package size 226 kB, installed size 1884 kB09:01
phlak_usericeroot, you're right :)09:01
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ssedanothank you guys, I will try eterm, looks good lxterminal thou109:02
phlak_usericeroot, where would you set someother terminal?09:03
bindu/etc/init.d/openbravo-erp-postgresq  i want remove the openbravo-erp-postgresq09:03
phlak_usericeroot, in terminator09:03
binducan any body help09:03
phlak_userbindi, sudo apt-get remove 'package name'09:03
phlak_userbindu, otoh, that doesnt look like an ubuntu package :)09:05
bindufilename or package name09:05
phlak_userbindu, how did you install it?09:05
JapyDoogenp ssedano09:05
bindu1 sec09:06
bindui instal postgresql09:06
bindubut i want remove folder inside file09:07
wawrekhi, I try to install el-get with  aptitude, it doesn't work...09:07
melvincvThis happens each time I run apt-get: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/727992/09:08
Joelixnybindu, did you install from source?09:08
bindujoeli: yes install source09:08
Joelixnydid you keep the source?09:08
wawrekit seems to be in tha package repository: http://packages.ubuntu.com/nl/oneiric/el-get09:09
melvincvI'm on Ubuntu 11.04, did an upgrade and this kernel package install fails. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/727992/09:09
solofighti recently upgraded my os. Atta ! ! i hate the how the menu and docs have changed. how do i retain the latest os upgrade with just reverting back the UI portion of it to the old state ?09:09
solofightam using ubuntu 11.10 now09:09
bindujoelixny: but i want folder inside file remove09:09
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic09:09
harsh343how can i able to copy all my material from downloads folder ????09:10
llutzmelvincv: sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/README09:10
harsh343I am not able to start my ubuntu09:10
Joelixnybindu, if you kept the source, you can try to see if the package has a uninstall option by doing 'make uninstall'09:10
harsh343and when i try live cd i am not able to show my download material09:10
harsh343Help me please please please please09:11
phlak_userharsh343, a) boot from livecd b) mount the partition on hd that contains the downloads folder c) insert external hd or usb d) copy from downloads folder to external media09:11
phlak_user!please | harsh34309:11
ubottuharsh343: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude09:11
planet_ada cewek09:11
harsh343phlak_user, i m not understand your b point09:12
Joelixnyharsh343, don't spam 'please'09:13
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount09:13
RaTTuS|BIGharsh343 - what downlaod directory are you talking about09:13
tresorineerveur irc.epiknet.org09:14
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dr_willistell the channel what your pc is doing exactly it may be fixable09:15
RaTTuS|BIGharsh343 if you have a system you want to get at your Downloads folder - after booting from teh livecd you will ahve to mount the drive where that downloads folder is so you can see it - if this is notthe problem then please re-frase it09:16
tresorinesomeone is using ppx ubuntu 10.04 ?09:16
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ09:17
mchoimodou choi09:17
Joelixnybindu, were you able to uninstall if? if the package doesn't contain a uninstall option then you could use checkinstall on the source to install it again, but this time it makes it a easy to remove package which can me removed with 'dpkg -r packagename'09:17
mchoifrom banjul09:17
mchoimy full name is muhammed choi09:18
catmandohey all09:19
catmandohaving a bit of a weird issue09:19
catmandomy ./notify-send settings don't seem to be sticking09:20
catmandoeven after restarting notify-send09:20
catmandoi can't seem to change background colours/timeouts09:20
catmandoany ideas?09:20
phlak_usercatmando, by default they arent supposed to stick09:21
catmandoso, how do i change them09:21
phlak_usercatmando, by stick, do you mean you want the notifications to be on screen permanently?09:21
catmandosorry, i mean that the settings are not applying09:21
harsh343phlak_user, how can i mount all my datas in pendrive09:21
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catmandoas in, changing the bg color either through the gui or the text file is having no effect09:22
catmandofor example09:22
dr_willisthey work once?09:22
catmandodr_willis: no09:22
catmandodr_willis: they don't work at all09:22
phlak_userharsh343, you dont mount data in pendrive; you mount data on the PC and *copy* to pendrive09:22
phlak_usercatmando, what command are you using?09:22
dr_willis!mount > harsh34309:22
ubottuharsh343, please see my private message09:23
christoferis it possible to make banshee hide artists who only appears on compilations from artist-list?09:23
catmandoin addition, after the latest update, gwibber notifications no longer appear in the bottom notification area, just in notify-osd bubbles09:23
catmandophlak_user: i tried using notifyconf09:24
catmandoand editing the file by hand09:24
harsh343phlak_user, can u plz give me those commands09:24
harsh343how can i mount data on the pc09:24
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phlak_userharsh343, did you see the pm that dr_willis sent your way? just follow the instructions in that09:25
phlak_usercatmando, no, i meant does notify-send "hello World" work?09:26
harsh343phlak_user, yes i see the link but not able to understand them actually i m newbie in ubuntu09:26
phlak_userharsh343, actually it has nothing to do with Ubuntu, the mount action is the same across all linuxes09:27
catmandophlak_user: sure, that works, but the way the notification _looks_ is not conforming to my settings09:27
phlak_usercatmando, oh ok09:27
user_salve a tutti09:27
harsh343yes i know that but i m newbie in linux from the past 7-8 Years i m using windows09:27
deej1976harsh343: how many hard drives are in your computer?09:27
harsh343deej1976, 409:28
harsh343in c windows i installed09:28
Joelixnyharsh343, do 'sudo fdisk -l' and PM the output09:28
Joelixnyto me*09:28
brainsofthi, im trying to balance 6 servers. 1 would be the main and the other five then. so i should do pen -r -a -f -d ip2 ip3 ip4 ip5 and set the dns of the domain to the external ip of ?09:29
melvincvWhy aren't the kernel packages getting installed? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/727992/09:29
harsh343this is the output09:29
ksinkaranyone doing haskell development on ubuntu?09:29
llutzmelvincv: sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/README             did you try this?09:29
melvincvoh, let me see...09:29
phlak_usercatmando, this looks like something you want to do -> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/07/patched-notifyosd-updates-option-to.html09:30
gryHi. I installed both ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop but now need only the first one. How do I remove kubuntu-desktop (KDE) while keeping ubuntu-desktop (presumably Gnome)?09:30
melvincvI'm getting this: sudo: /etc/sudoers.d/README is mode 0777, should be 044009:30
phlak_usergry, sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop09:31
llutzmelvincv: you messed up your permissions on /etc09:31
iceroot!puregnome | gry09:31
ubottugry: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome09:31
deej1976harsh343: from a terminal sudo mount /dev/sda8 /mnt09:31
melvincvllutz: I guess so...09:32
llutzmelvincv: i guess you did a stupid "chmod 777 something" on it. whyever09:32
catmandophlak_user: thanks i'll check that out09:32
icerootgry: removing kubuntu-desktop is only removing the meta-package but kde is still there09:32
gryiceroot: I see what you said, that's what I thought. I'm reading the page for proper instructions now.09:32
catmandophlak_user: any ideas on why gwibber notifications are not showing up in the bottom notification area any longer?09:32
harsh343deej1976, sorry this is not the correct info of my office system wait09:32
deej1976harsh343: sudo nautilus /mnt/home/harsh/Downloads09:32
Joelixnyharsh343, what size is your windows partition which has the data you want to move?09:32
klawdhow can i make terminal start fullscreen?09:33
klawdi'm using xubuntu09:33
gryklawd: Try asking #xubuntu if you like.09:33
melvincvllutz: the entire /etc is now 777 :P09:33
phlak_usercatmando, in unity?09:33
klawdoh, ok09:33
ikoniaklawd: you have to change the default terminal properties to do that09:33
waheedhi everybody09:33
icerootklawd: your-terminal --help  to see the fullscreen option09:34
gry<-- klawd (klawd@kamundo.de) has left #ubuntu <-- iceroot09:34
icerootdont know what xubuntu is using by default09:34
dr_willisxfterm is my guesd09:34
icerootgry: i am ignoring the whole stuff :) and when tab-completing his nick he was still there09:34
melvincvllutz: Can I do something about it?09:34
llutzmelvincv: you could try to repair from live-cd09:34
gryiceroot, ok. :-)09:35
gryThank you for the link, it's good to see that it is updated for 11.10.09:35
melvincvllutz: there is a repair option???09:35
llutzmelvincv: setting all to root:root 755/644, /etc/sudoers to 44009:35
llutzmelvincv: nope09:35
icerootgry: but thanks for the info09:36
waheedI have a problem with apache on ubuntu 10.10, it doesn't work, opening the "localhost" on the browser doesn't work, tried to restart apache using the command "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart " but gives me the message: apache2: Syntax error on line 227 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf: No such file or directory Action 'configtest' failed. The Apache error log may hav09:36
waheedI have a problem with apache on ubuntu 10.10, it doesn't work, opening the "localhost" on the browser doesn't work, tried to restart apache using the command "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart " but gives me the message: apache2: Syntax error on line 227 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf: No such file or directory Action 'configtest' failed. The Apache error log may hav09:36
melvincvwill that solve the kernel issue?09:36
FloodBot1waheed: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:36
llutzmelvincv: the kernel doesn't install because the postrm failes (because you stupidly chmodded all 777)09:36
phlak_userwaheed, logic demands that you look into line 227 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and set it right09:36
catmandophlak_user: in gnome-shell09:37
wawrekanyone tried to install el-get, using aptitude on ubuntu? it is a piece of software which makes it possible to install necessary plugins and dependencies from within emacs.09:37
llutzmelvincv: repair permissions and it should install (if you don't know how, reinstallation could be easier)09:37
HalabundCan someone please take a look at this bug report and try to confirm it? --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim/+bug/884127   Or at least tell me how to draw some attention!09:37
phlak_usercatmando, oh ok; am not using gnome-shell myself so cant say09:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 884127 in vim (Ubuntu) "gVim freezes when entering input mode and Chinese IME (IBUS) is installed" [Undecided,New]09:37
catmandophlak_user: thanks for your help!09:37
AdvoWorkive got a 1tb usb drive, its plugged into my ubuntu client machine,i need to format this, and have the option of fat, ext2, ext4. Any suggestions? for max speed also?09:37
phlak_usercatmando, yw09:37
ikoniaHalabund: join #ubuntu-cn you'll find chinese users there, ask them to test it, ask them to contribute to the bug09:38
phlak_userAdvoWork, is it going to be used on other non-linux machines?09:38
dr_willisAdvoWork:  de0ends on what you are going to do with it09:38
ikoniausing a usb drive and looking for "max speed" are in direct contradiction09:39
Halabundikonia, and that's how the people who actually CAN fix it will never find out, because they don't speak Chinese!  I don't speak good enough Chinese to speak there either, and it would take literally 5 minutes to try this for anyone here ...09:39
harsh343how can i check the username through command09:39
dr_willisusb2 will be the bittleneck. not the fs09:39
melvincvllutz: I'd like to try repair. And I don't remember why I did that :P Anyway, where do I find the repair option in the live cd?09:39
ikoniaHalabund: then why are you logging the bug if you don't actually want to use this config09:39
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Halabundikonia, I *AM* using this config!!!09:39
llutzmelvincv: there is no repair-option, its done by hand. mount your /-fs and try to fix09:40
ikoniaHalabund: ok - so you must be able to speak basic chinese to use the chinese language input09:40
ikoniaHalabund: there are chinese orgin/speaking people on the development team too09:40
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dc5alaharsh343, you mean something like "whoami" or "id"?09:41
llutzmelvincv: chmod/chown are the commands you'll need09:41
Halabundikonia, why are you doing this, seriously?  OK, you don't want to help, you don't have to say it explicitly.  Have you never heard of people learning a language?  Or people sharing a computer?09:41
ikoniaHalabund: totally, that's why I'm advising you09:41
ikoniaHalabund: join #ubuntu-cn and find others using the config and get them to confirm and comment on the bug09:42
waheedphlak_user, here is line 227 : Include conf.d/ ,, should i fix it to what??09:42
ikoniaHalabund: contact the chinese loco group on their mail list and ask them to confirm comment on the bug - get a good few people to confirm and detail their system info09:42
parapanhi fellows > can ;someone please point out the proper command for moving all files in a directory to the base(upper) directory ?09:42
ikoniaparapan: mv * ..09:43
parapanikonia: thanks but is not working ...09:43
ikoniaparapan: define not working09:43
waheedphlak_user, here is line 227 : Include conf.d/ ,, should i fix it to what??09:43
harsh343deej1976, this is the output http://pastebin.com/U5sDTqvH09:43
parapanaaaa oops ....I did that command before ...but it gave me some error .....now I see the move was done .......09:44
harsh343Joelixny, this is the output of ur command http://pastebin.com/U5sDTqvH09:44
AndyUbuntui have an interesting question for everyone09:44
waheedhey, can anybody help me?09:44
Joelixnyharsh343, what size is the partition your data is on?09:45
AndyUbuntuis there a way to play divx moives in google chrome or other browsers?09:45
melvincvOh my, repair by hand? I took a look at the permissions. They seem to be tough to repair... http://paste.ubuntu.com/728007/09:45
ikoniaAndyUbuntu: if the webpage you are viewing has an embedded player, sure09:45
parapanikonia: mv: cannot move `.' to `../.': Device or resource busy - I have received this and this -- mv: cannot stat `*': No such file or directory , but the move was actually performed ....hmmmm09:45
ikoniaparapan: you will never move "." as that is the pwd, so that's just a warining, you can't stat * as the files are already gone, don't worry about that09:46
AndyUbuntuikonia, everytime i access a site that has divx it says there is a missing plugin09:46
harsh343I do not no much actually is my office system and i m not installed anything09:46
parapanikonia: k man thanks for the explanation09:46
harsh343I am using ubuntu on my lapy also but this works fine09:47
waheedanybody help me to fix apache !!09:47
JoelixnyHello, can someone please help me? I am trying to get PAM to unlock the keyring while using the "sufficient" option, but it only seams to do so when I use "[success=1 default=ignore]".09:47
deej1976harsh343: Is the Download directory you want on the installed Linux System?09:47
jwtiyarCtrl+H does not show the hidden files/folders09:47
AndyUbuntuikonia, only when I go to play the video. Its interesting as I think it works in firefox :S09:47
waheedppl, anybody help plz to fix apache!!09:48
cemhi I cannot login to my account in Ubuntu 11.10 , Even I enter the correct pass It does not work. Also when I try to close Gnome and login with Grub i Am getting input type not supported from the monitor. I need one file from that computer immediately what can I do ?09:48
Joelixnywaheed, check your config file09:49
HulkHogancem: use a live cd09:49
dr_williswaheed:  be more specific with the ussue09:49
Joelixnyharsh343, where do you want to copy it?09:50
harsh343deej1976, i want my downloads folder data right now i am not albe to see09:50
dr_williscem live cd is one way09:50
harsh343in my pendrive09:50
waheedJoelixny , I said it detailede previously, wait09:50
cemHulkHogan, Because I need it immediately and I don't have the live cd with me downloading is the last choice09:50
AdvoWorkPHLAK, dr_willis possibly using it on this ubuntu machine, but maybe on a win machine to copy back along? i dont mind if i can only use it on ubunut, its only for backups09:50
deej1976harsh343: Your on the Ubuntu LiveCD now?09:50
waheedJoelixny , I have a problem with apache on ubuntu 10.10, it doesn't work, opening the "localhost" on the browser doesn't work, tried to restart apache using the command "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart " but gives me the message: apache2: Syntax error on line 227 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf: No such file or directory Action 'configtest' failed. The Apache error 09:51
harsh343yes i m under ubuntu right now, after selecting option try ubuntu09:51
Joelixnywaheed, I know, I saw it, check your config file09:51
deej1976harsh343: Start a terminal and type sudo mount /dev/sda8 /mnt09:51
Joelixnyharsh343, you want a file that was on your download folder in ubuntu but now it's gone?09:52
waheedJoelixny, I don't know exactly what to do? how to fix it, here is the line 227 : Include conf.d/, then what??09:52
HulkHogancem: try drop to tty screen, see if u can login from there09:52
harsh343waheed, try to remove apache2 and install again09:52
cemHulkHogan, I did once and copied the file to a directory but when I logged in with the guest again it dissapeared09:52
waheedharsh343 , i did so, and still the same problem09:53
cemdirectory tmp/guest-some_id09:53
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HulkHogancem: copy to pendrive then09:53
cemdid that too and could not find that in there too09:53
cemstrangely it disappears09:53
waheedJoelixny , phpmyadmin is installed09:53
dr_williscem or to ubuntu one.09:53
HulkHogancem: what file?09:54
dr_willisor dropbox09:54
cema psd file09:54
dc5alawaheed, install phpmyadmin, or remove the symlink  /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf09:54
cemdoes dropbox sync without the Gnome ?09:54
jwtiyarwhen using my mouse the theme will change and the mouse will stop and work repeatly09:54
HulkHogancem: not sure what u mean by disappear it should be there09:55
deej1976waheed: look under /etc/apache2/sites-enabled09:55
HulkHogancem: how else would u copy it09:55
waheeddc5ala , how to remove the symlink??09:55
lantiziaHow can I terminate gnome-screensaver manually?  everytime i open my laptop up i get my normal desktop but the screen is frozen and i can see in the processes gnome-screensaver is running.... in the past ive just killed it but it hasn't unfroze anything09:55
cemI know it is strance but I cp /filename /mounted/partition for the usb disk used ls and viewed the file09:56
dc5alawaheed, try this in a terminal to check: ls -l /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf09:56
HulkHoganlantizia: killall gnome-screensaver ?09:56
lantiziaHulkHogan: didn't i just say ive done that before09:56
cemI will downgrade to 10.0409:57
HulkHoganlantizia: u said kill, didnt say anything about killall09:57
melvincv_http://paste.ubuntu.com/728007/ How may I set the permissions right?09:57
HulkHogancem: can u open the file?, maybe is not the right one09:58
deej1976harsh343: how is the mounting going?09:58
harsh343mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda8 is already mounted on /mnt09:58
harsh343this is the output deej197609:59
deej1976harsh343: ls /mnt/home09:59
HulkHoganharsh343: just use pySDM to mount drives10:01
deej1976harsh343: nautilus /mnt/home/volition/Downloads10:01
llutzmelvincv_: 1st: find /mnt/etc -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;                       if you mounted your /-fs to /mnt from live-cd10:02
harsh343got it thanks10:02
harsh343deej1976, thanks10:02
johnyB1does anybody know how to create nautilus icon that runs nautilus as root?10:02
deej1976harsh343: No problems10:02
kk_1010hello, I have a del machine with i386 processor.  When i try to run ubuntu 10.10 live cd, I get the busy box error can't fine a life file system on the media10:03
dr_willisjohnyB1:  make a launcher that runs    gksudo nautilus10:03
icerootkk_1010: linux cant be run on i386 cpus, minimum is i48610:03
go^hello, does anyone know a GUI for cpufreq-set ?10:04
icerootkk_1010: but i guess you mean you have a 32bit cpu higher then 38610:04
kk_1010iceroot: sorry I ment i3 processor10:04
johnyB1dr_willis: thanks!10:04
icerootkk_1010: ok10:04
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EgyParadoxkk_1010, did u check the md5 hash?10:05
DarsVaedacan I have a buttom bar with all open applications like in gnome befor in unity or something equivalent?10:06
harsh343deej1976, now i am able to take all my datas but now what next means i can again install os or something else10:06
EgyParadoxDark_Apostrophe, can a docky work?10:06
HulkHogankk_1010: i think i had that a while back, what i did what remove the cd when i saw the ubuntu logo, then put it back in, then it booted10:06
DarsVaedaI think it was called application chooser or something like that10:06
bkuyateh1hi  how are  u doing10:06
andrzejHELLO can anybody help mi. i have problem with connect modem sony ericsson gc79 to my notebook10:07
DarsVaedaEgyParadox: yes?10:07
dr_willisDarsVaeda:  easy way would be to use a dock like awn or others10:07
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.10:07
EgyParadoxi mean dock*10:07
DarsVaedaokay thanks I'll look into that10:07
deej1976harsh343: What next is up to you, you could reinstall ubuntu over the top of the old install, it might even offer a repair. The choice is your.10:08
kk_1010iceroot: intel i310:09
kk_1010iceroot: basically I am getting the  busybox shell and it says unable to find live file system.10:09
kk_1010is there any kernel parameter which I need to pass and how?10:09
harsh343how can i repair because now i donot want to reinstall (total 5time i reinstall ubuntu due to some problem)10:09
deej1976harsh343: What happens when you boot your machine, Do you see the grub prompt to select ubuntu10:10
DarsVaedadr_willis: but a dock is more like a replacement of unity? or do I get this wrong10:10
harsh343when i start my system thenafter 2 options occurs mainly try ubuntu and install ubuntu right now i copy all my important material through try ubuntu10:11
kk_10101iceroot: r u there?  I had got disconnected.10:11
deej1976harsh343: what happens if your boot from the HD after removing the CD?10:12
dr_willisDarsVaeda:  its just a fancy app. awn and unity can be fun10:12
q_a_z_steveIs there still an alternate download for AMD64+mac ? I want to install 64bit.10:13
kk_10101can some one give me a solution for the problem i get with ubuntu 1010 live cd?  when I try booting on an i3 intel processor based del machines, i get the busybox shell and error that says unable to find a media with live file system.10:13
harsh343after removing the cd blank screen appears10:14
harsh343as i told u earlier10:14
prathamhi does anybody know how to customize xterm ??10:14
q_a_z_stevekk_10101: have you checked the contents of the cd?10:14
prathamor how can i install other terminals in slitaz??10:14
harsh343means i am not able to see the start ubuntu but i have some option in boot, like ubuntu 11.10 and recovery and my other os window 710:15
kk_10101q_a_z_steve: yes they are cds from canonical and they work on all other machines.10:15
harsh3433 options occur when i start my system10:15
cypr1nushi, could You please advise which library I can use for simple 2d physics simulation?10:15
deej1976harsh343: That better, What do get if you select recovery?10:15
q_a_z_stevekk_10101: But I mean have you run the utility to check the contents10:16
harsh343if i select recovery then commands screen appears and they execute there own command after 2-3 mnts nothing new happens10:16
harsh343means i think hang10:16
kk_10101q_a_z_steve: and I guess this is some thing known but I am not getting exact solution10:17
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deej1976Does it give you a prompt % at all, what's the last message on the screen?10:17
q_a_z_stevekk_10101: when you first start the boot and see the weird blurry icons on the bottom of the screen hit F810:18
kk_10101q_a_z_steve: then?10:18
q_a_z_stevekk_10101: Then you'll see the option to which I am referring. Run it.10:19
atifhello every one10:19
localg0dis there a way to adjust the treble of the internal speakers on my laptop  ????????10:19
kk_10101q_a_z_steve: sorry I think i missed some of your messages then, which option you recommend to run?10:19
q_a_z_stevekk_10101: It's called something like Check contents of the CD10:20
q_a_z_stevelocalg0d: what have you tried?10:20
localg0dpuvac or wutever10:21
kk_10101q_a_z_steve: Do you think that will work?10:21
stethoI've set up an Ubuntu box as a router between two networks. is on eth0 and is on eth1. I've enabled ip forwarding and I can ping between the networks. The 199 network is effectively the WAN and there's a route to which is the gateway to the internet. My question - when I enable NAT with iptables -t nat --append POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE everything dies.10:22
kk_10101q_a_z_steve: coz, the cds are working absolutely perfect elsewhere10:22
q_a_z_stevekk_10101: some cd drives are pissy10:22
atifjust installed 12.04 pre-pre-alpha10:22
stethoEither iptables -t nat --append POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE is wrong or I'm missing a step which Google isn't helping me find.10:22
atifbut my system information show that am still using the old ver 11.1010:23
q_a_z_stevekk_10101: individual disks in individual drives have issues.10:23
localg0dpuvac or wutever10:25
odb|fidelatif: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue10:25
atifsorry am not technical10:25
odb|fideland why are you testing a pre alpha then?10:25
atifwas just curious about it so could not wait10:26
sveinseWhere can I download the 11.04 install iso?10:26
stethoThey're the best testers.10:26
arunmhi i am installed ubuntu 11.04 in my pc ,but its slowdown my pc,i have mechine with 1gb ram intel p4 processor,what is the reason behind this?10:27
jeusi have noise in second monitor10:27
odb|fidelarunm: check what eats your resources10:27
odb|fidelit might help to use a window-manager with a smaller mem-footprint10:27
arunmodb|fidel:how to check that can you please?10:29
jeusi have samsung SF510 and have problem with second monitor and show image with tiny wave10:29
jeusi have samsung SF510 and have problem with second monitor and show image with tiny wave10:29
jeusi have samsung SF510 and have problem with second monitor and show image with tiny wave10:29
FloodBot1jeus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:29
odb|fideldont repeat please10:29
jeusodb|fidel, sorry10:29
garretrazielhi, does anybody knows how to blacklist module from automatic kernel loading? I putted "blacklist i915" into /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, but lsmod still shows i915 module loaded after reboot.10:30
jeusi have a big problem10:30
deavidhi, i'm plugging a USB ticket printer on a Ubuntu OS Oneiric, and cdc_adm module is registering the printer as if it was an ACM modem... ¿how i can fix this?10:30
jeusi have samsung SF510 and have problem with second monitor and show image with tiny wave10:30
odb|fideljeus: i guess that article might help you asking "improved" questions: http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html10:31
jeusodb|fidel, TNX10:32
RandomRogerCan I haz answerz now pease10:32
jeusodb|fidel, i read thi 3 years ago10:33
deej1976RandomRoger: To What10:34
jeusbut my problem is very shit . odb|fidel10:34
odb|fideljeus: please talk to the channel and not single persons & good luck - gonna put you on ignore now ;)10:34
RandomRogerThanks deej1976, I was making a joke and typed in the wrong channel. My bad.10:34
obert-hello,are there known issues on using ubuntu ona vm?10:37
ikoniaobert-: depends what type of vm10:38
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ikoniaobert-: the short answer is "no" any bugs are normally the problem of the VM - not the guest10:39
obert-ikonia: mah..thanks10:39
bobothi everyone10:40
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boboti just install ubuntu 11.0410:41
obert-ikonia: then i must think that i got issues and i should try to re-install the guest os at least. the vm is vmware10:41
HalabundDoes this new kind of menu (on the top row, with unity) have a name I can refer to it by?10:41
bobotwhen connect my network cable , seems don't detect it10:41
bobotso i can't surf the internet  ,i am using acer10:41
deej1976Halabund: global-menu10:42
Halabunddeej1976, thanks10:42
bobotplease don't u have a solution ?10:42
odb|fidelbobot: check the output of: ifconfig10:43
odb|fidelbobot: check if your lan internaface (most likely en0 or similar) has an ip-adress - if so: check if its one which makes sense ;)10:44
bobotifconfig  or ipconfig ?10:44
odb|fidelipconfig is a windows-cmd10:44
brainsoftanyone here have used pen with apache for load balancing?10:44
odb|fidelso: ifconfig ;)10:45
bobotthe line eth0 don't have an adress ip10:48
bobotjust wlan and lo have it10:48
bobotodb |fidel are there ?10:49
odb|fidelwell - i would check /etc/network/interfaces now10:49
deej1976Halabund: And if you don't like google for removing/disabling it.10:50
Halabunddeej1976, it's fine for as long as it works.  (It doesn't show at all in gVim)10:51
christian__Hey guys10:53
HalabundAny ideas about this, anyone?  --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/75395/poor-sound-quality-on-ubuntu-compared-to-winxp-why10:54
bobotno way to get answer in the terminal10:55
odb|fidelbobot: ?10:55
bobotthis is why i tape : /ect/network/interfaces10:55
odb|fidelyou should check the content of that file and fix it if needed10:55
odb|fidelso ... its not a cmd - its a path to a file10:56
aakifI'm new here...10:56
bobotok , check it now10:56
aakiffirst time Xubuntu on my PC... :)10:56
aakifhello @all10:57
aakifm alone here?10:58
boboti got the file10:58
bobotauto lo10:58
bobotiface lo inet loopback10:58
odb|fidelbobot: dont paste the file10:58
odb|fidelcheck if there is a configuration for your eth010:58
aakifOK bye friends.....still loads of configuration/updates :\10:59
odb|fidelif not - ask yourself if you need a static or a dnyamic config10:59
odb|fidelgoogle for examples - add the matching one and see what happens10:59
christian__i need some help :(11:00
fmauroHalabund: The sound chip producer often delivers drivers for XP with some extended functionality (Dolby and equalizing) which isn't used under ubuntu. You could check if you can find a better driver for your card.11:00
odb|fidelchristian__: asking for help is a bad idea11:00
odb|fidelstart with a problem description - as detailed & complete as possible11:01
odb|fideland hope someone is willing to spend some time ;)11:01
Halabundfmauro, thanks.  Do you have any suggestions on *where* to look for the driver?  It seems to be a very common model11:01
boboti see , i need a dynamic ip , i got your method , and have and idea to configure it11:02
fmauroHalabund: I don't but rather I'd try to use the current driver and try to equalize it through the software you're using, as replacing the driver can get nasty pretty fast11:02
christian__ok let me explain my problem ^^ : i am running a program that wants to create a bridge for tap0 and eth0, but it always says :11:02
christian__Let's wait until qemu is ready...         (qemu is the base of the program, it uses modified qemu source)11:02
christian__can't add tap0 to bridge eth0: Operation not supported11:02
christian__/etc/qemu-ifup: could not launch network script11:02
christian__Could not initialize device 'tap'11:02
FloodBot1christian__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:02
christian__sry i didnt want to flood, i just wanted to format my message11:03
HalabundDoes anyone know how to prevent gnome-terminal from capturing the F1 key?  I'd like to pass the keystroke to the console program  I'm running!  (Edit -> Keyboard shortcuts seems to be only a list, but it's not editable)11:03
christian__why cant it add tap0 to bridge eth0 :/11:03
christian__i want that tap0 uses the internet connection of eth011:03
jribHalabund: the list *is* editable11:04
Halabundjrib, can you please tell me HOW to edit it ... ?11:05
Halabundokay, got it11:05
Halabundhave to click in the SECOND column11:05
jribHalabund: click on the right column after selecting the appropriate row. Then you can hit a new key or just hit backspace11:05
Halabundnot the first11:05
conntrackGuess I've been a little hasty connecting my firewall to the net11:06
tomodachi /win 1311:07
harsh343deej1976, there ?11:07
velcroshoozloss 1311:07
deej1976harsh343: yep11:08
seth_anyone have a problem where it won't let you move one application to a new workspace?11:08
harsh343Begin : Running /scripts/init-bottom ... done11:08
harsh343this is the message in my recovery mode11:08
harsh343and cursor blink11:08
harsh343and i am not able to do anything11:09
apoagehi im just trying to run luxmark (64 bit) on my Ubuntu (studio) 11.04 (64 bit) and application saying: /luxmark-linux64: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_thread.so.1.40.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file... where can i get that library ? i have libboost_thread.so.1.42.0: already installed on my system11:11
harsh343deej1976, thr11:13
yuri_88hey, my evolution stopped showing messages. i see new email indicator, but can't viwe them!11:16
MonkeyDustapoage: ask in #ubuntu-studio11:16
deej1976harsh343: sorry, this is beyond my experience11:17
apoageMonkeyDust, well ok ..11:17
SilfenXwhen loging onto server via terminal, it lists 2 zombie processes - how can I get rid of them?11:18
paul_ukhey all, anyone using vmware workstation 8 with ubuntu 11.10 and is it stable?  I'm thinking I'll stick with 7 for the time being11:18
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mohsinhijazeeHow do I force updating rubygems on Ubuntu 11.04?11:21
mohsinhijazee$ REALLY_GEM_UPDATE_SYSTEM=1 gem update --system11:21
mohsinhijazeeThis does not wrk.11:21
MonkeyDustSilfenX: http://www.linuxsa.org.au/tips/zombies.html11:21
SwashBucklahello, has anyone got experience in locking down Ubuntu Desktop for public use? I wish to do this11:23
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Gentoo64SwashBuckla: dont give them sudo rights11:25
req^Opinnäytetyöni on ymmärtääkseni nyt tarkastamista vaille valmis. Ohjaajani on Maritta Hoffrén. Olisin erittäin mielelläni valmistumassa marraskuun aikana, mutta tajusin, että minulta puuttuu vielä Seminaari 2 ja Kvalitatiiviset menetelmät.11:25
FloodBot1req^: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:25
req^Opinnäytetyökansiostani löydän Kvalitatiivisten menetelmien raportin, mutta sitä ei näy Moodlessa palautuksena. Mielestäni palautin sen jo kerran, mutta laitanko sen moodleen, että saisin tuon merkityksi?11:25
BluesKajHey all11:25
mericcreate an account without sudo rights11:25
JoFoI’ve just found a bug in the Free Mono font. Does anybody know where I can report it?11:27
SwashBucklaGentoo64: yeah obviously11:27
deej1976SwashBuckla: look at sabayon, bastille11:27
yuri_88fixed! just selected left panel, then chose my imap section11:27
Gentoo64SwashBuckla: what do they need to do?11:27
SwashBucklathey just need to browse the internet11:27
req^Apologies for my paste flood, right clicking accident (I disabled as soon as I did that)!11:27
SwashBucklaand open office11:27
SwashBucklathat is all11:27
SwashBucklano customising the browser11:28
deej1976SwashBuckla: and pessulus11:28
Gentoo64SwashBuckla: not sure if theres an easy way11:28
Gentoo64without using some access control11:28
SwashBucklaI may end up using something like Archlinux as it's much easier to customise11:28
Gentoo64i dont think itll make it easier for what you need11:29
wunnlehey all11:29
SwashBucklaGentoo64: I think it will make it MUCH easier11:30
wunnlehow do i change start of a week to Monday?11:30
wunnle(on ubuntu 11.10)11:30
Gentoo64SwashBuckla: arch wont prevent anyone doing stuff11:30
SwashBucklaGentoo64: step 1) only install what you need (firefox and libreoffice)11:30
Gentoo64SwashBuckla: but it would probbaly be a better start (more clean)11:30
jribSwashBuckla: in gnome 2 days there were pretty good guides to locking down and using pessulus on library.gnome.org11:30
SwashBucklastep 2) write your own desktop environment11:31
Gentoo64SwashBuckla: but to prevent them changing things, youd need (afaik) some access cntrol11:31
velcroshooznone of that is going to prevent them from modifying firefox11:31
SwashBucklastep 3) have some slim login manager and boot to init 5 so they can't spawn terminal11:31
SwashBucklavelcroshooz: then lock down firefox as per http://www.pcc-services.com/kixtart/firefox-lockdown.html11:31
SwashBuckla(step 4)11:31
jribSwashBuckla: why are you just answering your own question and spamming the channel with it?  Please stop11:32
Gentoo64i would set up grsecurity(easy) and rbac, but youd need to customise the profiles for each app11:32
velcroshoozi was wondering that as well .. if you have a plan, why not implement it11:32
Gentoo64thatd give you strict control11:32
SwashBucklajrib, velcroshooz: I first asked if it could be done with Ubuntu (saving me the effort). Nobody could answer me, so I provided my own solution for criticism/review.11:33
Gentoo64SwashBuckla: but just because arch would be more minimal, wont stop people using stuff11:33
jribSwashBuckla: that's fine to do.   But don't spam the channel with it; just write it on one line or use a pastebin if there are many details11:33
SwashBucklaGentoo64: "stuff"?11:33
Gentoo64yeah.. by default: "anything"11:33
SwashBucklajrib: ok, I'll do this next time.11:33
sum1nilhas anyone successfully compiled ldap on ubunt, I can't get past configure11:34
SwashBucklaGentoo64: please explain what you mean by "stuff"?11:34
velcroshoozSwashBuckla: well i agree with the arch approach in this case - building up rather than trimming down seems to be more suited to your case11:34
Gentoo64SwashBuckla: you want restriced access right?11:34
SwashBucklaGentoo64: right11:35
Gentoo64so chromium gives users the ability to customize, as by default chromium has access to a lot of files11:35
Gentoo64youd need to restrict that11:35
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velcroshoozhe has stated he is using firefox and has links to lock it down ..11:36
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SwashBucklayeah I haven't looked into locking down chromium. If it's easier than locking down firefox, fine, I'll use that.11:37
Gentoo64stick with ff if you have a solution11:37
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xero771hello, I am trying to mount an iso file in fstab but i am getting an error, here is the line i added /home/uname/something.iso /mnt/isomnt iso9660 ro,loop,auto 0 0, thanks in advance11:41
atifi have a problem . my totem movie player is only playing sounds of the videos but no visuals are being displayed11:46
tresorineserver irc.epiknet.org11:46
chaospsychexwhat happens if i am running 10.10 and software updater says there is a new version and i click UPGRADE? will i lose all my data or will it upgrade to newest ubuntu ?11:47
xero771atif open the software center and download vlc and the codecs11:47
dr_willisxero771:  whats the exact line? you are doing this from fstab?11:47
dr_willisatif:  what sort of video file is this? where did it come from?11:48
velcroshoozchaospsychex: wont lose your data unless something totally dies - backups are always best, but i just did the same thing last night and lost nothing.11:48
xero771@dr_willis i am trying to mount an iso image after system start up11:49
dr_willisxero771:  so whats the exaqct command line you are using?11:49
velcroshoozchaospsychex: the upgrade will tell you what apps are being upgraded, removed, and what is not supported anymore, you can make the decision from there.11:49
atifam playing youtube videos11:49
atifbut just sounds are coming no display of videos11:50
dr_willisatif:  you arew refering to videos In the browser then at youtube.com ?11:50
atifonly blank screen11:50
xero771nothing just sudo nano /etc/fstab and adding this line /home/myusername/example.iso  /mnt/isomnt  iso9660  ro,loop,auto  0 011:50
atifno i imported videos in totem11:50
dr_willisxero771:  whats the error if you try to do a 'sudo mount /mnt/isomnt'11:51
chaospsychexcan i use DD to make a usb boot from iso ?11:51
dr_willischaospsychex:  that works with 11.10, but not earlier ubuntu releases11:51
xero771@atif can you give us the file extention and tell us did u update your distro?11:51
gener1chey, was there a samba update lately that overwritten the smb.conf file?11:51
chaospsychexdr_willis: how ?11:51
dr_willischaospsychex:  dd if=foo.iso of=/dev/sdXX11:51
gener1cah shit , the server runs fedora11:51
dr_willisbasic dd ussage.11:52
dr_willischaospsychex:  actually it may be of=/dev/sdx   ie: sda, not sda111:52
atifwell just downloded pre pre release of ubuntu 12.0411:52
atifmay b its a bug11:52
dr_willisatif:  why would you be using that at this timne?11:52
LinoSPhi someone knowk how    after creating a new user , generate a file  in the /home/user directory?  (automatically)11:52
atifafter all its not even the alpha11:52
xero771@dr_willis  after rebooting it gives me two option either skip S or M for manual maintenance  and says it failed to mount in /mnt/isomnt (my iso mount point)11:52
atifwas just damn curious :)11:53
velcroshoozthis is not the channel to be asking for help with that version regardless11:53
atifwasted my time11:53
atifnow will have to go alalong removing and installing 11.10 again11:53
dr_willisthats what virtualbox is for.. testing things. :)11:53
atifvery right11:54
xero771@dr_willis i think i do have a clue on what's really going on, the /mnt/isomnt dir exists but when i ls my /home/username it doesn't view any of my files but rather a README.TXT and access-your-private-data.desktop11:54
chaospsychexdoes 11.10 support the b43 wireless card? my wifi card would work out of the box in 10.10 but when i tried 11.04 it wouldnt. will it work out of the box for 11.10 ?11:54
dr_willischaospsychex:  my b43 worked in my other laptop11:55
xero771@dr_willis i think fstab doesn't even see my /home/username to mount from11:55
dr_willisbut the b43 are not the best cards out11:55
chaospsychexdr_willis: on 11.10 it worked out of the box?11:55
chaospsychexdr_willis: why do ppl keep saying that, do you know how many hp laptops have a b43? lol11:55
dr_willischaospsychex:  it had to download some firmwarefiles.. and it then worked fine11:55
staffcomphi... kat kee!!...11:55
chaospsychexthats not what i mean11:56
chaospsychexi won't have net access to download the firmwarefiles11:56
dr_willismy one hp laptop worked fine. i was impressed it all worked with so little errort.11:56
dr_willischaospsychex:  then you are going to have issues.11:56
staffcompsome to skype with me?11:56
dr_willisas far as i know all b43* need addational firmware11:56
chaospsychexdr_willis: didn't need additional firmware with 10.1011:57
dr_willischaospsychex:  i recall needing it with 10.10 also.11:57
dr_willisand 11.0411:57
tasslehoffisn't atime updated with 'defaults' in /etc/fstab for an ext4 partition?11:58
chaospsychexwhat about the netgeat usb wireless adapter? would that be supported ?11:58
chaospsychexare most usb wireless adapters supported in 11.10 ?11:58
dr_willisive never used a usb wireless on anything. so no idea11:59
dr_willisit would depend on the exact chipset its using11:59
xero771realtek works pretty good with me11:59
`coryhola mis amigos12:00
xero771should i give up on auto mounting an iso file at the start up and just mount it manually ?12:00
chaospsychexis anyone in here using a usb wireless adapter?12:00
xero771i do12:00
dr_willisxero771:  you couild do it from the command line, or via a command in n /etc/rc.local12:00
chaospsychexxero771: what kind do u have? netgear?12:01
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.12:01
mericin trying to do a mount in ubuntu 11.10 I am not getting access to my home directory and the only path accessible as a targed mounting point is / and /proc can anyone assist12:01
chaospsychexxero771: did it work after you installed or did u have to download firmware?12:01
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:01
dr_willisxero771:  whats the exact fstab entry you are using?12:01
xero771@chaospsychex i use a usb stick from realtek (azurewave)12:03
paul_ukhi, with unity how do I connect to a remove server?12:03
xero771@dr_willis after rebooting it gives me two option either skip S or M for manual maintenance and says it failed to mount in /mnt/isomnt (my iso mount point)12:04
xero771@dr_willis after rebooting it gives me two option either skip S or M for manual maintenance and says it failed to mount in /mnt/isomnt (my iso mount point)12:04
xero771@dr_willis after rebooting it gives me two option either skip S or M for manual maintenance and says it failed to mount in /mnt/isomnt (my iso mount point)12:04
dr_willis/iso/SLES-9-i386-CD1.iso /free iso9660 loop,auto 0 012:04
dr_willisis example line i just googled for mounting na iso from fstab12:04
dr_willis /iso-archiv/image.iso /mnt/image1 iso9660 ro,loop,auto 0 012:05
xero771@ubonttu Thanks, i am sure my iso file is valid and i did mount it with mount -o loop before and its working but its really redundant to do that everyday.12:05
dr_willistheres no need for @ on irc...  :)12:06
dr_willisand ubottu  is a bot...12:06
xero771ok i feel stupid its my first time on irc^^12:06
paul_ukhi, with unity how do I connect to a remote server?12:07
xero771ssh or with graphics?12:07
dr_willispaul_uk:  File browser has the places/connecgted to server menu item like it always has12:07
susundbergit kind of depends how you want to connect12:07
susundbergoh, lots of helpers12:07
xero771is there a mount order fstab?12:09
dr_willisthe order in fstab does not matter12:09
paul_ukdr_willis, ok worked it out, talk about hidden heh12:09
dr_willisat least not that ive ever seen12:09
xero771i put my line at the end of the file and it doesn't read my /home/user12:09
dr_willishidden? its right there in the menus...12:10
dr_willisxero771:  you home is on its own partition?12:10
merichelp trying to do a mount in ubuntu 11.10 I am not getting access to my home directory and the only path accessible as a targed mounting point is / and /proc can anyone assist ?12:10
dr_willisxero771:  mount the iso to /media/iso file  and just make a link from /home/whatever/iso to it...12:10
dr_willisI cant recall ever seeing the order in fstab matter.12:10
Stanley00meric: can you use the "sudo" command?12:11
burlynnmy feather wallpaper i gone! trains are good too. incremental update from 10.10 to 11.10 went flawless on my laptop .. a macbook even. ;)12:11
=== burlynn is now known as velcroshooz
xero771dr_willis: does changing the mount point from /mnt/myfile to /media matter?12:13
mericStanly00: Yes I am using sudo12:13
xero771dr_willis: i think the main problem is that ubuntu isn't even reading my contents in /home/user when i ls from the recovery terminal it doesn't show anything or my folders12:14
dr_willisxero771:  you are thinking that having the mountpoint be on a subdirectory on a nother mountmoint is the issue.. if you use  /media or /mnt/whatever  it would not be doing that.. so try it and see12:14
xero771dr_willis: alright12:14
dr_willisxero771:  your users home is not encrypted is it? THAT could be an issue..12:14
xero771its not12:14
dr_willisid just set up links to /media/whatever  personally..12:14
xero771just installed the system and ignored the ecryption12:15
dr_willisnot much to gain by having it in /home/bubba/iso vs a link to it.12:15
mericStanly00: the error given is "mounting failed..invalid argument" its invalid because its not seeing it12:15
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xero771i will try to encrypt the /home/user dir and see12:16
xero771brb in 10-15^^12:16
dr_willisxero771:  i did not say to encrypt home...12:16
dr_willisxero771:  in fact encrypting it could cause issues..12:16
xero771well when i ls my home i get two files12:16
dr_williswhich are?12:17
xero771README.TXT and access-your-private-data.desktop12:17
* dr_willis is going to guess tha tyour home IS encrypted.. and thats the issue12:17
xero771the readme was talking about ecrypt-something-private command and i ran it and said its not setup properly12:17
dr_willisso mount the iso to /media/iso and link it.. is the easy thing..12:18
dr_willisto do.12:18
dr_willissomnthing is very weiord with your system then if all you see in your current home is those files.12:18
brainsofthow do i neable an accesible local address for pen to be run on port 80 while apache is doing to? so both access from diferent local addresses?12:18
xero771i really didn't change anything in the config files...12:19
xero771using 11.04 btw12:19
dr_willisxero771:  as a test. boot a live cd.. see whats in the home dir.. if its not encrypted you should see  the normal files.. if it is encrypted.. well im guessing you would see those 2 files.12:19
xero771ok brb12:19
* dr_willis is guessing hes got an encrypted home.. somehow.12:20
faint545anyone know what the character is to denote a comment in Conky?12:20
SwashBucklaor just create another user and see if they can see your files12:21
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dr_willisi never use the encrypted home stuf. :)12:22
Stanley00meric: sorry, you type my name wrong so I cant get the highlight, so what is the command you use to mount?12:23
bugsweedhi everyone, need some help. i had edited the file /etc/lsb-release and /etc/issue but why did it changed back to the original setting after i restart.t hanx in advance!12:24
Dave-MaydewI wonder if anyone can help?12:25
Dave-MaydewI'm having Nvidia driver issues when installing or viewing 11.10 on my Sony Vaio VGC-V2M12:26
dr_willis/pathtoiso/blabla.iso /mnt/iso udf,iso9660 user,loop 0 012:26
Dave-Maydewthe Desktop is grey and I can't see anything to access12:26
Dave-MaydewThe PC in question has a nVidia GeForce FX Go570012:27
Dave-MaydewIt runs every other distro without an issue.  Is there a way of installing or activating the driver via the Terminal?12:28
dr_willisDave-Maydew:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current    i recall worked for me12:30
dr_willis or theres the jockey-text program12:30
Dave-MaydewCheers Dr Willis, now is it worth me upgrading to 11.10 or waiting till the LTS?12:31
dr_willisi always do clean installs  and i rarely worry about sticking to lts.. :)12:32
dr_willis11.10 works for me fine12:32
bugsweedhi everyone, need some help. i had edited the file /etc/lsb-release and /etc/issue but why did it changed back to the original setting after i restart.t hanx in advance!12:32
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:32
taheri have problem with ubuntu 11.10 on my hp dv6 6080 laptop12:33
Dave-MaydewI asked this question on the Ubuntu Forums, but 3 weeks on nobody answered me, hence why I came here12:33
taheri can't connect my laptop to projector12:34
sagacitaher: great, what's the problem12:34
dr_willisDave-Maydew:  what question? theres alwyas askubuntu.com12:34
taherand i can't adjust my laptop lcd brightness12:34
Dave-MaydewMmm true.  It was the question you answered for me Dr Willis12:34
gryHow do I add current input locale indicator to Gnome3-fallback panel?12:35
tahercan every one help me?12:35
MeanEYEI am missing some default configuration files for apache. Can someone give me a command to reinstall/restore those?12:35
somsipMeanEYE: sudo apt-get install apache2 --reinstall12:36
MeanEYEsomsip: Hm, I think I tried that. But it didn't restore it. Let me try again.12:37
taherhow can i connect my laptop to projector in ubuntu?12:37
taherin win7 when i press key it do this12:38
taherbut i don't know how to in ubuntu 11.10!!!12:38
taherno any way?12:38
somsip!patience | taher12:39
ubottutaher: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:39
bugsweedhi everyone, need some help. i had edited the file /etc/lsb-release and /etc/issue but why did it changed back to the original setting after i restart.thanx in advance!12:39
dr_willistaher:  samew as you set up a 2nd monitor.12:39
dr_willistaher:  and your video chipset is?12:39
taherdr_willis : my laptop has 2 vga card one intel sandy bridge and other ati12:40
taheri use intel vga on ubuntu12:41
dr_willistaher:   those new multi-card setups are still a work in progress on ubuntu. (and linux)  You may want to check into them at askubuntu.com or the forums.12:42
zmbmartinAnyone recommend a good book about ubuntu for a more moderate to advanced user?12:42
dr_willisif it works the same as normal intel, the monitors, or displays setting dialog sould let you enable the 2nd monitor12:42
dr_williszmbmartin:  any good books wold be on speciifc topics not just ubuntu in general i imagine. :)12:43
dr_williszmbmartin:  learning bash, and regular expressions is always a good idea12:43
velcroshoozor a book on linuxin general maybe12:43
zmbmartindr_willis: yeah I do need to advance my knowledge of reg exp12:43
dr_willisi always hit the bargin bins looking for oreialy books on sale.12:43
dr_willisall the general books are always too general. :)12:44
MeanEYEsomsip: Nope. Nothing. Am missing /etc/apache2/envvars12:44
dr_willis'mastering regular explressions' :)  is a nice find i picked up one day for $512:44
taherdr_willis: i asked my question in askubuntu but i can't get respond! http://askubuntu.com/questions/74898/cant-adjust-using-brightness-keys-on-an-hp-dv6-6080-and-cant-using-projector-s12:45
dr_willis'usin sed and awk' alsohandy12:45
jasonmchristosHow do I chck if my cpu has pae enabled?12:45
LeaoWhats the use of regular expressions ?12:45
dr_willistaher:  you did search first to see if others had asked a similer quuestion?12:45
velcroshoozsed and awk could take up multiple books themselves ;)12:45
dr_willisLeao:  pattern matching.12:45
Leaooh the patterns of bash script u mean ?12:45
dr_willisor searching for text. or parseing inputs.. or files lines12:46
velcroshoozsed ninjas are very rare.12:46
dr_willisawk, sed, bash, perl, python,  all have regular expression features12:46
Leaoso its shell scripting variables12:46
taherdr_willis: i can't find a workable approach on my laptop!12:46
dr_willisits not limited to shell scripting bariables.12:46
MeanEYEAnyone knows which package should I reinstall to get /etc/apache2/envvars file back?12:46
Leaook i can see the big picture now :p12:46
dr_willis!find /etc/apache2/envvars12:47
SwashBucklavelcroshooz: sed ninjas are rare12:47
SwashBucklavelcroshooz: are you one?12:47
ubottuFile /etc/apache2/envvars found in apache2.2-common12:47
velcroshoozSwashBuckla: no :/ something i need to work on for sure. sed is a beast when known well.12:47
dr_willisthere ya go :)12:47
[SySteM]Hello, got a ATI Radeon HD 6500 with direct rendering "Yes", but got unity 2D, i dont understand12:47
dr_willisbe back in a bit..12:48
SwashBucklavelcroshooz: I just think people need to be given a reason to need to use it12:48
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SwashBucklaif more people handled files, text, and used command-line more, I think there would be more sed ninjas12:48
SwashBucklainstead it's limited to sysadmins really12:48
velcroshoozthis is true12:48
deej1976I've just setup a sed script to autoconfigure Apache/PHP it was sweet12:49
llutz_cli is old-fashioned, GUI is 1337 (so the opinion of todays users majority)12:49
conntracklol something changed in the matrix12:49
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SwashBucklaconntrack: there IS no spoon :O12:50
newhey guys12:50
SwashBucklahey new12:50
newhows it goin swash buckla12:51
=== Guest12115 is now known as jasef
julianhillei have a problem with squid on my ubuntu 11.10 i added it as a transparent proxy in our lan to access the wan. Now my developers cant access a ip with a host header anymore. So mydomain.tld has dns entry ip: and if i call now with host header mydomain.tld the squid still gets the content from the dns entry server. Any ideas? is this a ubuntu a config a squid or something else problem?12:51
taherok i can't find responds to my problems12:51
SwashBucklajasef: join #squid12:51
jasefHuh. Why?12:51
newi could do with q little guidance to a simple graphical issue iv caused myself12:52
SwashBucklajasef: sorry mishighlight12:52
newif anyone woulkd care to oblige it wud be much appreciated12:52
SwashBucklajulianhille: join #squid12:52
MeanEYEAnyone knows which package should I reinstall to get /etc/apache2/envvars file back?12:52
velcroshooznew: just ask, if someone knows, they will answer ;)12:52
SwashBuckla!ask | new12:52
ubottunew: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:52
llutz_ 13:47 < ubottu> File /etc/apache2/envvars found in apache2.2-common MeanEYE12:52
deej1976!repeat | MeanEYE:12:52
ubottuMeanEYE:: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:52
velcroshoozMeanEYE: you have already been told12:52
newim on netbook remix i think on an asus Eee12:53
newi switched to desktop view in settings restarted and now i just get a blank desktop12:53
newi googled a fair bit but kept coming up short12:53
dr_willisMeanEYE:  the bot just said...12:53
SwashBucklanew: please ask your question on one line12:53
dr_willis!find /etc/apache2/envvars | MeanEYE12:53
ubottuMeanEYE: File /etc/apache2/envvars found in apache2.2-common12:53
jmacgowanGood morning world12:54
newbut yes, my main issue is i cannot navigate back to the display settings to figure out why my menu bar is invisible on my desktop view12:54
newit was there before i restarted the netbook and sinc reboot the menu bar and time and everything is gfone12:55
zmbmartindr_willis: you got favorites on reg exp books?12:56
newany ideas swashbuckla???12:57
h-soloalguien habla español12:58
conntrackThen you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself12:58
llutz_!es | h-solo12:58
ubottuh-solo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:58
=== Guest66838 is now known as jacksonsward
newpls some one here must be able to help me get into the display settings manually as i have no gui display and need to find the relevant settings menu to change back13:00
SwashBucklanew: hi new13:00
albertoHello everyone13:00
newhey again swash13:00
albertoI need some help, I can't configure a network printer with Ubuntu 11.1013:01
SwashBucklanew: I'm reading through your question posts13:01
newah wicked thanks sorry iv been protesting in london for a week solid my mind is fried and i just wanna be able to use this netbook properly to document the media lies lol13:01
MeanEYEdr_willis: velcroshooz: Am not being boring and repeatable. My internet is dying and I don't often recieve messages. Sorry for repeated messages13:01
SwashBucklanew: wow!13:02
jmacgowan@alberto can you elaborate a bit?13:02
SwashBucklanew: yeah I'd say to try and find out what the name of the settings program is first13:02
newis that good or bd news to ur eyes??? lol13:02
deavidi'm trying to install a thermal printer on ubuntu, but cdc_acm takes ownership of it. I tried to blacklist that module, but nothing happens. ¿Can anyone here help me with this?  http://dpaste.com/647256/13:02
SwashBucklanew: then launch that program from terminal13:02
newwell its just the standard display settings13:02
newbut i am not a linux user13:02
SwashBucklanew: and you're using Ubuntu Remix?13:02
albertojmacgowan Sure, I'm trying to install an HP 1317 series network printer which is connected to a Windows 7 machine13:03
newim trying to learn as android opened me up to it at first and now i hav a mac old school ppc tower which has a simalair interface and feel to this13:03
newubuntu 9.0413:03
SwashBucklanew: you need to find what Ubuntu Remix calls their display settings program, and then launch that from terminal (assuming you can launch termianl)13:03
newit was in some crappy netbook view thats like linux for babies13:03
jmacgowanalberto: Is it connected via TCP/IP or USB the the windows machine13:03
newi switched to desktop view all was fine till i rebooted and now its all gui gone13:04
albertojmacgowan USB13:04
SwashBucklanew: if you can't run terminal, try and kill the display server13:04
helpless767Hi. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10. Quite often, w/o any signs "metacity" hangs consuming 99% of CPU. It seems to ignore kill commands from then. Problem makes me have to restart whole PC. Here x-error log: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/403832/ . Has anybody a clue whats wrong?13:04
newi have terminal launcher shortcut up13:04
newand know how to su to root etc13:04
newjus need to find the app name13:04
newim baffled13:04
SwashBucklanew: then change the display manager to something like Twm, edit the config file to launguage the display settings13:04
* phlak_user is back13:04
SwashBucklanew: yeah, finding the app name is crucial13:05
MeanEYEI removed /etc/apache2 and reinstalled apache2.2-common. I got all the files back except for envvars. Is it generater by some script or something?13:05
SwashBucklanew: ask that question now. good luck.13:05
albertojmacgowan It also tells me "FirewallD is not running. Network printers recognition needs mdns, ipp, ipp-client & samba-client to be activated in the firewall"13:07
jmacgowan@alberto make sure that Windows is set up to share the printer and make sure you're trying to add the printer as a Windows Printer via samba13:07
helpless767Hi. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10. Quite often, w/o any signs "metacity" hangs consuming 99% of CPU. It seems to ignore kill commands from then. Problem makes me have to restart whole PC. Here x-error log: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/403832/ . Has anybody a clue whats wrong?13:07
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=== Guest53513 is now known as myung
deej1976MeanEYE: http://paste.ubuntu.com/728144/ default envvars from 11.10 apache213:08
albertojmacgowan Windows 7 file sharing is also a complete mayhem13:08
jasonmchristosIs ubuntu 10.11 compatible with the vanilla kernal13:09
jmacgowanalberto yes, yes it is.  I just set up two new servers in the office this week and Win7 hates to play nice13:09
jmacgowanalberto are you using 11.10?13:09
albertojmacgowan Yes, Oneiric Ocelot13:09
jasefPangolin :D13:11
helpless767Hi. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10. Quite often, w/o any signs "metacity" hangs consuming 99% of CPU. It seems to ignore kill commands from then. Problem makes me have to restart whole PC. Here x-error log: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/403832/ . Has anybody a clue whats wrong?13:11
jmacgowanalberto It looks like that's a know bug, try running 'system-config-printer' from a terminal instead of using the new Control Center13:11
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albertojmacgowan Ok, thank you very much. I'm going to give it a try. :-)13:12
llutz_alberto: better to use cups webfront directly "localhost:631"13:12
myungsh: /home/eca/bin/inxi: not found13:12
myungYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.13:12
myunghow do i install my graphic card?13:13
jasefhelpless767, did you try using kill -9 or killall -9 instead of just the plain kill?13:13
brontosaurusrexis there a good torrent client to act as a standalone trackerless torrent server?13:14
Panagiotis13hey guys, i am desperate! my SUPER+W key combo doesnt work, anyone knows how to fix it?13:14
albertollutz_ Cups? I've heard something about that. I've also read some stuff, but never tried it.13:14
jasefPanagiotis13, mine either - what's it supposed to do?13:14
MeanEYEdeej1976: Thanks!13:14
llutz_alberto: cups is the underlaying "systemthing" handling printers/printing13:15
Panagiotis13it suppose to zoom out all windows, and show them side-by-side13:15
Panagiotis13damn that was an amazing feature13:15
albertollutz_ Is that better?13:15
phox_hi! How to I create a "shortcut" to a folder within a folder? I want my webserver to contain my movie directory on my external hard drive.13:15
helpless767jasef, srry don't remember exactly what kill command i used. The problem for me is more that it happens quite often. So even if I could kill metacity in some way, I would have to restart whole x-session.13:16
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jasefhelpless767, haven't noticed it happening to me recently - have you tried using the Ubuntu2D session instead?13:16
llutz_alberto: imho its always better to configure things directly instead of using some more or less broken wrappers around it. try it and see13:16
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Thelmariaphox_: ln -s. Also man ln.13:17
phox_thelmaria, thx ill look into it13:17
Panagiotis13well, as far as i know, it doesnt work in 2d13:17
phox_Thelmaria, thx it worked13:18
albertollutz_ Then... Is it possible to install a network printer which is connected to a Windows 7 machine?13:18
helpless767jasef, no just standart mode. I guess I can choose this mode in login screen?13:18
albertollutz_ I mean, using CUPS13:18
FrozenMorning, I just installed new Ubuntu, after updating software and restart it freezes immediately after login (and Ubuntu startup jingle)13:18
Thelmariaphox_: No problems :)13:18
Panagiotis13alberto, i did that13:18
jasefYeah, it's one of the available sessions if you click the cog near the password field (in 11.10)13:18
FrozenCan anyone help?13:18
phox_I have a webserver folder, in which i link to my external hard drive. But I can't see it in the browser when i go to the website!13:19
Panagiotis13u need a plugin for the printer13:19
jasefhelpless767, ^ see above - sorry, forgot to put your name in the message :(13:19
Panagiotis13what printer is that?13:19
phox_does anybody know why that is?13:19
hxmwsHi All,  can anyone help me with an upstart question?13:19
jasef!ask | hxmws13:19
ubottuhxmws: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:19
helpless767jasef, thx I'll try this next time. If it doesn't happen then for several hours, do you know anything that might be wrong with metacity?13:19
albertoPanagiotis13 It's a HP 1310 series13:19
llutz_alberto: i don't use windows but i guess it is. add as connection" smb://w7machin/printername"13:19
Panagiotis13oh lucky u! mine is almost identical!13:20
albertoPanagiotis13 Really?13:20
jasefhelpless767, no, I don't really know why - mine used to do it a bit but it stopped, I use 2D now though to save my resources.13:20
myunghow do i install my graphic card's drivers???????/13:21
Panagiotis13okey listen, google for something called hplip-3.11.1013:21
myungI have a Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/91013:21
albertoPanagiotis13 Ok :)13:21
JoFoI’d like to make a bug report about the truetype font Free Mono. On #debian, they said to use reportbug, but that program doesn’t seem to work on Ubuntu. What should I do?13:21
albertoPanagiotis13 Done13:21
jasefJoFo, ubuntu-bug13:21
helpless767jasef, seems to me like a real bug anyways. Maybe I'll post it into bug tracker....13:21
FrozenNew Ubuntu freezes after login, why? Help available?13:22
Muphridmyung: intel drivers are free software and included by default in the install13:22
Thelmariaphox_: Assuming you're using apache, you could look at the documentation for mod_dir, or the DirectoryIndex, which I *think* is what you're after. If you've got an index.[html|htm|php] in the folder, apache may be serving that back instaed of showing index of files.13:22
helpless767jasef, ok thx for now. Got to get sth to eat ;) Bye13:22
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albertoPanagiotis13 By the way... Is that some sort of driver?13:22
=== Guest1785 is now known as jasef
jasefhelpless767, -.-. Sorry, my SOCKS proxy on my ubuntu server got disconnected13:23
phox_Thelmaria: I am using apache. The second I add a file to the www-folder, i see it in the browser, but the link to a folder on a different drive it doesnt even show.  Maybe it's just not possible?13:23
helpless767jasef, no problem ;) I'll try 2d session for now13:23
JoFojasef, who is away, suggested me to use ubuntu-bug. But as far as I understand, Free Mono comes from Debian, not from Ubuntu.13:24
jasefJoFo, you can still report the bug, it'll be taken upstream if it has to be.13:24
velcroshooz11.10 is refusing to wake from automatic sleep/suspend for me - anyone had similar issues?13:24
chaospsychexubuntu 11.11 recognized my wireless usb adapter13:24
jasefhelpless767, I used to use Gnome3 as an alternative - works really nicely, except it ate too much of my RAM and battery, so I use Unity2D now.13:25
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JoFojasef:  OK. (I didn’t see you were back.)13:25
Thelmariaphox_: According to the apache docs, "The <Directory> directive will follow the symbolic link without resetting the pathname" - so I'd guess it's possible, and that it's a misconfiguration issue - it's not something I have currently got running, though, so I dont know if I can be much more help. I'm virtually certain it's possible, though.13:25
Frozen11.10 freezes just after login, any insight?13:25
jasefhelpless767, so if Unity keeps crashing, you could try Gnome3 and see how that works, "sudo apt-get install gnome-shell"13:26
Thelmariaphox_: You could always ask in #apache. :)13:26
sleepdeadhello everyone! i'm wondering.. how can i choose which services start running on boot, or manually?13:26
phox_Thelmaria, ok ill do that =)13:26
helpless767jasef, battery comsume is too high on my side to.... But this is due to the lag of optimus support13:26
chaospsychexwhen i try to execute a command using the Administrators password it says authentication error ?13:26
helpless767helpless, took me hours to make scripts to send acpi commands by hand really annoying ...13:26
helpless767jasef, took me hours to make scripts to send acpi commands by hand really annoying ...13:27
chaospsychexi installed 11.10 then made a standard user account and i can't use sudo with the admin password?13:27
velcroshoozchaospsychex: sudo works with your users passwd, not admin13:27
jasefhelpless767, lol, well my power consumption seems a LITTLE better since my most recent kernel update... don't know if it's coincidence or if they're actually fixing it. I have
hxmwsI'm trying to use upstart to restart a process that I kick off manually when it crashes 'nohup /usr/bin/ruby /home/blahblah/ruby.rb &' but for some reason I cant seem to get this to work. Am I correct in thinking that i need to add a .conf file to /etc/init? Does anyone have an example of a similar scenario?13:28
chaospsychexvelcroshooz: what? so normal users can make system changes?13:28
chaospsychexvelcroshooz: that's a security risk!13:28
_Rod2kHello everybody13:28
velcroshoozchaospsychex: if they are in the admin group, yes13:28
Soul_Samplewhat's the best way to mount hard disks at startup\login so that they are accessible only to my account? if i add them to fstab then even guest sessions can access them13:28
chaospsychexvelcroshooz: no, i am talking about using sudo when logged in as a standard user13:28
lauratikai reinstall ubuntu 11.10 a ubuzillion times already and some how after logging into guest account to configure admin account get stuck in gnome theme and gnome icons, fonts are missing and few icons are also gone frome unity and the system itself... any ideas how to solve this issue, doing a clean install fix it for a while only.13:29
_Rod2kWell I'm wondering whether I can install GNOME3.2 on Ubuntu 11.1113:29
helpless767jasef, as far as I know now, the problem on my side is known since over a year and still doesn't get fixed. Can't really understand. If I don't find workarounds I have no choice than to go back to windows...13:29
_Rod2kwhoops, 11.1013:29
chaospsychexor how do i add a standard user to the sudoers file ?13:29
Thelmariachaospsychex: You don't. You add them to the admin group, thus giving them sudo priviledges.13:30
llutz_chaospsychex: to add users with sudo-access, "sudo adduser <user> admin"13:30
_Rod2kHas anybody here tried to install GNOME on ubuntu?13:30
xangua_Rod2k: there is no ubuntu 11.1113:30
icerootchaospsychex: if i am correct, add the user to the group "admin"13:30
xangua_Rod2k: if you mean 11.10 oneiric, it comes with gnome 3.213:30
icerootchaospsychex: dont edit the sudoers-file directly13:30
_Rod2kYeah I apologized for that already, I meant 11.1013:30
chaospsychexi don't want them to have admin priveleges13:30
velcroshoozyeah ... repeat of what was just said13:30
icerootchaospsychex: you know what sudo is?13:30
chaospsychexif i am logged in on there account i need to be able to use the sudo command to do things13:30
_Rod2kAre you sure?13:31
llutz_chaospsychex: then just don't add them to admin-group. by default only the 1st created user has sudo-access13:31
velcroshoozchaospsychex: sudo is giving them admin .. so yeah. think it through.13:31
chaospsychexso 'standard' users can never install software?13:31
llutz_chaospsychex: no why should they?13:31
jasefchaospsychex, if you want to do admin things in another user, you can type 'su <yourusername>' to switch to your command prompt.13:31
icerootjasef: chaospsychex please use "su - username" instead of "su username"13:32
jaseficeroot, okay, can I ask why?13:32
icerootjasef: environment is not setup correctly13:32
zykotick9jasef, the - basically fakes a login13:32
mimo_when I switched upgraded from 11.04 to 11.11, I lost my compositing windows manager (?) it went from mutter to compiz (?) I tried to bring mutter back, and now the windows don't seem to be set up correctly.13:32
chaospsychexthat's not working13:32
luca_bido you know MOTU??13:33
luca_biMaster Of The Universe?13:33
jaseficeroot, zykotick9 - thanks :) I always like to learn something new about Ubuntu.13:33
chaospsychexin 10.10 all i had to do was 'sudo apt-get install <pkg>' put in the admin pass and it worked13:33
llutz_chaospsychex: sudo never uses roots password13:33
iceroot!motu | lauratika13:33
ubottulauratika: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU13:33
icerootllutz_: wrong nick13:33
llutz_besides there is no such in ubuntu13:33
xanguamimo_: mutter¿ you mean gnome shell¿13:34
icerootlauratika: sorry wrong nick13:34
chaospsychexwhat's the difference between 'su' and 'sudo' ?13:34
dr_willischaospsychex:  non admin users dont install stuff 'system wide;13:34
iceroot!motu | luca_bi13:34
dr_willis!sudo | chaospsychex13:34
velcroshoozchaospsychex: you were not puttinh\g in the admin pass, you were putting in the user pass. sudo does NOT use any pass but the users.13:34
lauratikamasters of the universe please heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!13:34
luca_biubottu: I read the page can you partecipate to the group??13:34
dr_willischaospsychex:  in most cases you dont want to be using su. :)13:34
dr_willisluca_bi:  ubottu  is a bot..13:34
luca_bilauratika: what is your problem??13:35
Thelmariachaospsychex: man su, man sudo. su changes to the given username or to root, sudo grants superuser (root) privs.13:35
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jasefI love using su :P13:35
franklin56is there any talk of the classic view being brought back to 11.1013:35
ubottuluca_bi: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU13:35
_Rod2kI believe that Canonical has switched to GNOME, I just hope this is a definite step and they will never look back at Unity13:35
ubottuchaospsychex: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:35
ubottuluca_bi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:35
xangua_Rod2k: nonsense, unity uses gnome13:35
zykotick9Thelmaria, sudo can be used for other users as well, su logins in while sudo executes a single command13:35
luca_biwhat is a bot?13:35
xangualuca_bi: as in robot13:36
jasefluca_bi, an automated program.13:36
jasefluca_bi, yes.13:36
xangua!nounity | franklin5613:36
ubottufranklin56: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic13:36
velcroshoozlike bender from futurama.13:36
_Rod2kxangua I mean in therms of GUI13:36
mimo_xangua: emm, maybe gnome shell? whatever let me hit ctrl+alt+numpad 7 to place window in top left corner of screen13:36
luca_biso we are talking to a robot13:36
xangua_Rod2k: it uses gnome for the gui13:36
chaospsychex'sudo' does work when given an admin password13:37
lauratikaluca_bi: no mater what i do reinstall ubuntu 11.10 iim stuck in gnome theme fonts are missing from the borwser and icons too in unity ...13:37
moodydeathhi all... small problem with installation on UEFI system, no "ubuntu" entry is created in my boot-options13:37
Thelmariazykotick9: Noted. I could have worded that better :)13:37
_Rod2kxangua I mean the way things and files are manipulated by it13:37
xanguamimo_: so you have unity and what gnome shell¿13:37
TheProfGood day.  How do I send a pop-up message to all users logged into my Ubuntu server? Looking for a GUI solution please. I tried notify-send but that is only for one person.13:37
velcroshoozchaospsychex: that is the user passwd. there is no default passwd set for root... reading would help this confusion.13:37
llutz_chaospsychex: sudo never uses roots password, it uses users-password13:37
luca_bilauratika: If you reinstall it you can lose your data13:37
chaospsychexwell i never set a 'root' password. how do i do that13:38
llutz_chaospsychex: you don't13:38
TheProfPurpose is to warn them that the printer will be off-line for the next 20 minutes, or an announcement of some sort.13:38
chaospsychexthen root doesn't have a password?13:38
mimo_xangua: not sure which gnome shell, how do I find that?13:38
jasef... chaospsychex, sudo ALWAYS uses the user password, even with root having a password, sudo would STILL use the user password13:38
lauratikanope, i have home in a second partition and all my info it's safe... and i already reinstall ubuntu a gazillion times and is not working13:38
llutz_chaospsychex: you don't have an active root-account, so root needs no password13:38
llutz_!sudo | chaospsychex13:39
jasefchaospsychex, no, by default in Ubuntu, there is no root password. But login is denied without a password13:39
ubottuchaospsychex: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:39
velcroshoozchaospsychex: no, and shouldnt. security issue. instead you give a user admin priveleges, and use that password to enable sudo.13:39
llutz_!root | chaospsychex13:39
ubottuchaospsychex: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:39
lloyd__Is there a fairly easy way I can ghost my running/live HD to another connected via USB?13:39
`AbhijitOCR software in Ubuntu 10.04 .. Any recommends? Thanks13:39
mimo_xangua: oh, looks like I was using unity? (staring at the clusterbeep.net 11.04 cheat sheet)13:39
lloyd__And I don't just want a backup of data, I want a backup HD.13:39
llutz_chaospsychex:follow those links ubottu gave you. you need to know the differences13:39
jasefCurious for an opinion here, what's more secure about not having a root password and instead using a user password? I mean apart from if the user leaves the computer logged in.13:40
luca_biwhat is the difference between gnome shell and unity??13:40
llutz_jasef: attackers have to estimate username too13:40
velcroshoozjasef: its more of a remote invasion issue than local - there is no user by default that has root privs you can login as. its low level secure, but still sound.13:41
jasefvelcroshooz, llutz_, good point, but I have root access to my friend's ubuntu server through the builtin IRC account :P13:41
llutz_jasef: you are a hero13:41
franklin56ubottu, thanks13:41
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:41
lloyd__jasef: as llutz_  indicates, there is no root login available and so the attacker does not know of a specific user name for any one Ubuntu system.13:41
velcroshoozyour friend is a poor admin then13:41
MisterMom`Abhijit, last time i used a scanner the package i used was "sane"  i think thats wahat it was called13:41
zykotick9luca_bi, besides differences in appearance and functionality, Gnome is created by the gnome foundations, while Unity is created by Canonical13:42
_Rod2kOK so I have an ATI Radeon HD 4200 and my question is what driver should I select to install on my machine? AFAIK there are two drivers, open source and closed-source aka ati main driver.13:42
lloyd__jasef: How is it you have "root access"  to a ubuntu server?13:42
chaospsychexok i understand it now lloyd13:42
lloyd__jasef: Has your friend enabled the root account?13:42
chaospsychexone more question.....13:42
`AbhijitThanks MisterMom .. but i was looking for OCR software for image to text conversion .. with GUI if possible13:43
chaospsychexshould i install the 'proprietary' gfx drivers?13:43
jasefLol. He was using sudo, and didnt realise it kept the authentication for a short while, and wasnt looking, so he typed the password on the screen in plain text. I quickly logged in with it and did sudo adduser irc sudo, and set its password. And yes - the company that he has his VPS through has root enabled by default.13:43
chaospsychexmy install seems to be running fine, should i install them13:43
MisterMom`Abhijit, oh i see, not sure about that13:43
Muphridchaospsychex: not needed13:43
puffI have a thinkpad t520 running 10.4 LTS.  Loathe though I am to leave LTS, I need to upgrade to get various things working.  What's the safest way to do this?13:44
velcroshoozchaospsychex: are you planning on gaming or using high end rendering software? if so, especially on nvidia, i would say yes, otherwise, for normal comp use, no.13:44
puffI've already backed up my machine, of course...13:44
xangua!upgrade | puff13:44
ubottupuff: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:44
`AbhijitMisterMom, Thanks anyways .. :)13:44
auronandacepuff: a fresh install would be better13:44
puffauronandace: Hm...13:44
MisterMom`Abhijit, np :-)13:45
jasefpuff, if you've got everything backed up, would probably be easier to just reinstall and restore your files then apt-get your packages back on.13:45
strangeseraphHi, I have a problem getting my netbook to boot from a USB Key with any OS I try to install. The only OS that will boot from a key is Chromium, which I've been trying on my netbook with much success, but now I can't put anything else on it. I get a blinking cursor when the USB boots, and thats it13:45
puffDang, was hoping not to spend the weekend reinstalling and reconfiguring everything.13:45
jasefpuff, just so you know, if you install 11.10, and use synaptic, you'll have to apt-get install synaptic - it was removed from the default package set13:45
francisvgarciado u know any tool for cloning ubuntu ?13:45
dr_willisweekend? :) this is ubuntu, not windows.13:45
phlak_userpuff: download the iso; burn it to cd/usb; boot off it; click install; select upgrade when presented with the option13:45
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:45
puffjasef: I generally use aptitude.  What's replacing synaptic?13:46
luca_bizykotick9: What do Ubuntu 11.10 use? Gnome or Unity?13:46
jasefpuff, software center13:46
puffjasef: ah.13:46
dr_willisinstall synaptic if you like it.,13:46
zykotick9luca_bi, both ;)  Unity requires Gnome, it's a shell13:46
lloyd__jasef: Well, you have effectively defeated a level of security on that system. (Ubuntu users believe that having the root account dissabled affords an extra level of security.)13:46
prashantthis is prashant13:46
velcroshoozpuff: i just went from 10.10 to 11.10 today incrementally. it may not be the best choice but its doable .. havent seen any issues yet.13:46
prashanti am new to ubuntu13:46
puffdr_willis: what's the advantage to cloning?13:46
auronandacepuff: also aptitude isn't installed by default anymore (you can still apt-et it)13:47
francisvgarciaI have 27 netbooks to install13:47
strangeseraphrepeat: I cannot get my netbook to boot Ubuntu from a USB key13:47
francisvgarciaand I don't want to install them one by one13:47
jaseflloyd__, yeah, but once one person has sudo access, it's simple enough to just type 'sudo passwd'13:47
mimo_thanks guys, I've got an idea now, gonna go tinker with it =)13:47
dr_willispuff:  you want an identical set of packages installed again, or on a differnt machine.13:47
Muphridfrancisvgarcia: you may try clonezilla13:47
puffdr_willis: ?13:47
luca_bizykotick9: Does Unity require Gnome 3??13:47
puffdr_willis: I want the same set of packages, etc.13:48
dr_willisfrancisvgarcia:  set up an apt-cache server, and use the clone commands.. or do one, and dd the hd image to the rest13:48
zykotick9luca_bi, in 11.10 it does, previously no13:48
dr_willis!clone  | puff13:48
ubottupuff: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:48
auronandaceluca_bi: on 11.10 yes13:48
velcroshoozstrangeseraph: what version of ubnutu are you trying to boot, how did you put it on the usb key, is the bios set to boot from usb .. information is needed.13:48
puffdr_willis: I'm on a t520 on 10.4 LTS, but a lot of the T520's hardware isn't well-supported on 10.4.13:48
dr_willispuff:  those commands make a list of packages you then reinstall.13:48
lloyd__jasef: Well, sure, if you give your computer, (or some sort of direct access to it), to another person - all bets are off when it comes to security.13:48
francisvgarciaMuphrid I will try so13:48
jaseflloyd__, yeah. I know. I was just lucky he slipped up with his password lol.13:48
llutz_jasef: your "friend" has strange friends, compromising his systems13:49
dr_willisfor a small lan of pc's the apt-cacher-ng server setup on a main server is very handy..13:49
jasefllutz_, I'm not doing anything mean on it :P13:49
AmdpcHI...Whats the diffrence between Kubuntu cd and kubuntu dvd ?13:49
Panagiotis13so guys anyone knows how to fix super-w error?13:49
dr_willisAmdpc:  dvd has extra languages.13:49
llutz_jasef: you created a security-hole13:49
dr_willisAmdpc:  most people dont need the cd.13:49
lloyd__jasef: But what you are trying to say is;  Ubuntu systems are less secure?  (We should take this to #ubuntu-offtopic, I invite  you to follow me there, this is a busy channel.)13:49
dr_willisAmdpc:  i mean dvd.. :) stick to the cd.13:49
jasefllutz_, I didn't enable the root account. and lloyd__ kk.13:49
Amdpc<dr_willis> Does it have more softwares too?13:50
dr_willisAmdpc:  not really13:50
strangeseraphI have tried several version velcroshooz, Remix, 11.04, 11.11 Linux Mint, etc. The only OS's I can get my netbook to boot from USB are Chromium and Jolicloud. As to how, I used the Linux USB Creator tool that the Ubuntu website suggested, I torrent the OS, do the USB tool to write the image to my USB key, and set up my netbook bios to boot from USB13:50
luca_bizykotick9: Is there a way to understand the version on gnome you are using n ubuntu??13:50
lloyd__jasef: You just said that you DID enalbe the root account.13:50
strangeseraphwhen it boots, unless its Chromium or Jolicloud, I get a flashing cursor13:50
dr_willisstrangeseraph:  with 11.10 you can just 'dd' the iso to a flash drive. :)13:50
xangualuca_bi: understand¿13:51
dr_willisstrangeseraph:  try the nomodeset option yet?13:51
zykotick9luca_bi, (i'm not familiar with Gnome3), but isn't there an "About Gnome" somewhere in the menu?13:51
strangeseraphwhat does 'dd' mean?13:51
dr_willisstrangeseraph: its a linux command..13:51
strangeseraphI can't get into grub13:51
strangeseraphI get my bios screen then a flashing cursor13:51
dr_willistheres also numerous tools at pendrivelinux that may help get a bootable usb going.13:51
dr_willispendrivelinux.com I think is the url13:52
luca_bizykotick9: somewhere in the menu??13:52
strangeseraphalso, what is nomodeset?13:52
zykotick9luca_bi, I don't know the answer sorry.13:52
zykotick9!nomodeset | strangeseraph13:52
ubottustrangeseraph: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:52
zykotick9strangeseraph, but if you see a flashing cursor, i think your issue is more likely grub then nomodeset13:53
dr_willisgrub or syslinux13:53
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dr_willisdepending on what tool made the bootable pendrive13:53
AmdpcWhere can I download Kubuntu 10.10 cd ?13:53
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Oneiric, and help keeping the servers' load low!13:53
strangeseraphsince Vanilla Chromium is what is on the netbook right now, I'm not sure whats going on13:54
TheProfWow busy channel. I think my question was perhaps lost in the scrolling.  I'm looking for help on how to broadcast a message to all students who are logged into the Ubuntu server please.13:54
dr_willisstrangeseraph:  sounds like some tools are just  making the pendrive incorrectly13:54
velcroshoozchromium is not an OS for one thing.13:54
dr_willisTheProf:  they on X or the consoles?13:55
jimmy8888i have a problem with gdebi not accepting my user password when installing deb files13:55
strangeseraphI'm talking about Chromium OS13:55
TheProfdr_willis, Hello.  They are on X.13:55
mayakuzahello. can anyone help me to gett a mincraft server to work?13:55
MuphridAmdpc: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/10.10/release/13:55
TheProfdr_willis, gnome specifically.13:55
dr_willisTheProf:  not sure there is a good way to do it.. given how X seucrity works.13:55
obert-hi.i've to symlink all files of a dir, what is the correct syntax please? ln -s /dir/ dest/dir/ ?13:55
TheProfdr_willis, is there an OK way? :)13:56
Amdpc<Muphrid> : All are dvd's I want a cd to download..13:56
dr_willisobert-:  yiou want to make a  'copy of a directory' that is all symlinks not the actual files?13:56
genii-aroundTheProf: Traditionally for console-only it used to be the wall command. But this will not send anything into a user's desktop.13:56
dr_willisobert-:  i recall cp having some 'make symlinks instead of copying' option.13:56
TheProfgenii-around, I did see some documentation about wall while searching but as you said it is only for console and the kids don't know anything about that.13:57
obert-dr_willis: not sure. i want to symlink a dir in /var/www but working in my home,basically13:57
MuphridAmdpc: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/10.10/ here :P13:57
llutz_dr_willis: cp -l13:57
obert--srf :p13:57
strangeseraphokay, gonna torrent LTS Netbook version of Ubuntu and try that13:57
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phlak_userobert-: ln -s /home/dir/ /var/www/link-name13:58
dr_willisobert-:  you want a link to the dir.. or the files..13:58
strangeseraphdownloaded a different USB creator from the pendrive site, and this has more features so maybe it'll sort the problem13:58
obert-dr_willis: -s mm13:58
obert-dr_willis: to both?:)13:59
dr_willisstrangeseraph:  they got a dozen creators. :) some use grub2 and boot iso files..13:59
dr_willisobert-:  wouldent make sence to do both13:59
Amdpc<Muphrid> Thanks Mate ;)13:59
obert-dr_willis: :(  /var/www/test/ and all symlinked files in it of /home/user/test ?14:00
genii-aroundTheProf: There is something called xmessage, but I have not used it myself.14:00
dr_willisobert-:  if you link /home/.usr/test to /var/www/test   what exactly are you going to be doing with it?14:00
obert-dr_willis: perhaps all files in the dir,then14:00
obert-dr_willis: i need to see changes made on the files in the home, from /var/www14:01
dr_willisobert-:  you make a dir and link the files into it.. or just link the dir.. (easier)14:01
TheProfgenii-around, I will check it out now thanks.14:01
ubidoobi2installed ubuntu and win7 on a 200 gb hdd (sata drive) .... same live cd will not install on larger 700 gb hdd OR 1tb hdd on same system ... any ideas? ... installer does not recognize the hdd ... have tried changing from IDE to RAID to ACHI ... none work on the latter 2.  Is it because these drives are newer and are therefore not yet supported?14:01
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning14:01
dr_willisobert-:  a link to the files.. wont show any new files made..14:01
obert-dr_willis: thanks. that's a point. so..which command are to be used? ;)14:02
genii-aroundTheProf: I believe there is a package gxmessage available in Ubuntu which is it's equivelent14:02
phlak_userobert-: also, if you're going to access the /var/www from across the 'net; its a security risk14:02
phlak_userobert-: now that your home folder is on the internet ;)14:03
obert-yes i know thanks phlak_user ;)14:03
phlak_userobert-: cool14:03
obert-but i've to test a site on a testing local site14:03
obert-well even if i do the right thing.14:04
phlak_userobert-: can the test site sit inside /var/www?14:04
obert-indeed i just remember that is php. maybe i need to have physical files in /var/www instead symlinks :(14:04
phlak_userobert-: yes14:04
obert-i need a vacation14:04
mimo_I miss my window-placement keys from 11.04 (ctrl-alt-numpad 9 puts window in top right of screen) and I'm willing to reinstall to get it back --- unless there's an easier way. Is there something I can reconfigure/install?14:05
obert-tip of the day: dont mix langs during stuff14:05
obert-sorry and thanks14:05
puffHm, when I google on: thinkpad t520 ubuntu 11.10  ... the first link is http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201102-722914:05
obert-just cp -r /source/ /var/www/dest/ then,isnt it?14:06
puffHowever, it's 32 bit... shouldn't I be installing 64 bit?14:06
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dr_willismimo_:  its a compiz feature/plugin14:06
puffWhat's the best way to check for known compatibility issues?14:07
xanguapuff: if you want 64bit install 64bit14:07
Muphridmimo_: check the Grid item on compizconfig-settings-manager14:07
xanguapuff: the best way is to test it yourself with live cd/usb14:07
mayakuzaanyone know how to install a mincraft server on ubuntu?14:07
jimmy8888im having issues with gksu accepting my non-privileged user password14:08
=== strangeseraph_ is now known as strangeseraph
phlak_userjimmy8888: what issues14:08
RaTTuS|BIGmayakuza http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Tutorials/Setting_up_a_server14:09
vovaubuntu sucks14:09
mayakuzaRaTTuS|BIG i tryed to follow the instruktions but nothing happend14:10
jimmy8888phlak_user: it will not accept my password (auth.log gives this error: http://pastie.org/2810101). normal sudo from the CLI works fine14:10
luca_biUnity now uses gnome 3 but the question is: can ubuntu 11.10 survive also without unity? Only with Gnome 3??14:11
zykotick9jimmy8888, "failed su for root" what are you trying to do exactly?14:11
xangualuca_bi: gnome shell is on repository and gnome is also not the only desktop enviroment14:11
zykotick9jimmy8888, try both "gksu" and "gksudo" to see if there is a difference14:12
xanguajimmy8888: by non-privileged you mean, no administrative user¿14:12
phlak_userjimmy8888: did you try with gksudo14:12
ubidoobi2Acer Aspire M3203 triple core with 5 gb ram .... 200 gb maxter drive took ubuntu install (dual boot with win7) 700gb seagate and 1 tb  would not take the same live cd ... 64 bit Amd desktop ... any ideas as to why feel free to prv msg me.  I have seen this problem all over the web but no real solutions for it. Gparted recognizes both latter drives but the installer does not.  I have tried IDE RAID and ACHI confi14:12
ubidoobi2gurations for the last 2. Ubuntu finally installed as IDE on 200 gb drive.14:12
SubNormalis there any command to copy a long chain of ./configure from nano straight into terminal (if I use copy paste somehow I dont get the whole ./configure string)  i'm using ubuntu server 10.04 LTS14:12
jimmy8888zykotick9: i am trying to install a deb file through gdebi as a normal user (which is a member of adm group). this i assume envokes gksu14:12
TheProfgenii-around, Can't seem to find an option for all users with gmessage.  It lets you send to another specific user, but not all users as far as I can tell.14:12
zykotick9jimmy8888, adm != admin14:12
luca_biyes but noe I'm using both gnome 3 and Unity14:14
jimmy8888zykotick9: i though membership to the adm group allows elevation to run everything as root? how does admin differ?14:14
phlak_userSubNormal: why do you need to copy it? save the file as a shell script and execute it14:14
luca_bithe question is: can I use only gnome 3 without unity?14:14
xangua!nounity | luca_bi14:14
ubottuluca_bi: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:14
phlak_userluca_bi: yes with gnome-shell14:15
zykotick9jimmy8888, admin allows sudo14:15
luca_biBut what is better between gnome shell and unity??14:15
zykotick9jimmy8888, i don't know what adm is for - i've never used it14:15
zykotick9luca_bi, which is better apples or oranges?14:15
luca_bihow can I found if I'm using the one or the other?14:15
jimmy8888phlak_user: hmm gksudo seems to work for console applications only. i get display unavailable with X apps14:16
Thelmariajimmy8888: according to google, "adm: Group adm is used for system monitoring tasks. Members of this group can read many log files in /var/log, and can use xconsole. Historically, /var/log was /usr/adm (and later /var/adm), thus the name of the group."14:16
phlak_userjimmy8888: are you launching gksudo from a text only console or a terminal within the gnome env?14:16
jimmy8888zykotick9 Thelmaria: ok sorry im an idiot, yes i am a member of admin group14:16
zykotick9luca_bi, but i hope you can see, some people might disagree (like me, apples ftw)14:16
luca_biis there a way to understand if i'm using unity or gnome shell?14:16
xangualuca_bi: yes, with your eyes14:17
phlak_userluca_bi: yes; if you see a launcher on the left ; its unity14:17
zykotick9luca_bi, they look VERY different - do you have a menu on the left side?14:17
jimmy8888phlak_user: running it from a term within xfce14:17
luca_biyes I use the launcher14:17
phlak_user!es| joaq_bu14:17
ubottujoaq_bu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:17
ubidoobi2Acer Aspire M3203 triple core with 5 gb ram .... 200 gb maxter drive took ubuntu install (dual boot with win7) 700gb seagate and 1 tb  would not take the same live cd ... 64 bit Amd desktop ... any ideas as to why feel free to prv msg me.  I have seen this problem all over the web but no real solutions for it. Gparted recognizes both latter drives but the installer does not.  I have tried IDE RAID and ACHI confi14:17
ubidoobi2gurations for the last 2. Ubuntu finally installed as IDE on 200 gb drive.14:17
luca_bifor me the launcher is very good14:17
strangeseraphwhoo! it boots!14:17
luca_biis it an invention of unity the launcher?14:18
phlak_userjimmy8888: you shouldnt be getting the display error14:18
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strangeseraphso it was the tool I was using to make the key14:18
strangeseraphthanks :)14:18
zykotick9ubidoobi2, the alternative cd supports installing to raid better then the livecd does (or so I've come to understand, as I wouldn't touch RAID on a home desktop)14:18
_Rod2kForgive my ignorance but I gotta ask this... What is Unity after all? (Another) front-end for GNOME?14:19
xangua!unity | _Rod2k14:19
ubottu_Rod2k: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity14:19
nierosit's an alternative to GNOME14:19
jimmy8888phlak_user: brb14:19
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:19
ubidoobi2zykotick9 - could i use the alternative cd to install in either achi or ide?14:20
SubNormalphlak_user how would I do that? so that shell script, I just execute it and it autmaticly "pastes" the ./configure for me into the terminal?14:20
phlak_userSubNormal: no it executes the configure command14:20
luca_biI don't know if i have installed gnome shell package even if i'm using unity14:20
genii-aroundTheProf: Are all the xsessions being delegated from a central box? eg: There are a bunch of thin clients14:20
dr_willisluca_bi:  they share a lot of stuff.14:21
zykotick9ubidoobi2, sorry i don't know what achi even is - i'm not a RAID person14:21
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jasefzykotick9, I think he means AHCI, as in SATA.14:21
SubNormalphlak_user it executes the configure command just as I would have pasted it or writen it right?14:21
luca_bignome-terminal data14:21
ubidoobi2thanks jasef14:22
phlak_userSubNormal: yes14:22
_Rod2kSo, I wish Ubuntu 11.10 was Gnome-shell based, not unity. In order to use GNOME 3.2 shell what is the command to do so? Is it risk free?14:22
SubNormalphlak_user allright thanks for that14:22
luca_bii don't see the package gnome-shell14:22
zykotick9!nounity | _Rod2k14:22
ubottu_Rod2k: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:22
zsolthi there.I'm, looking for a solution,to connect to sftp from my website.could somebody give me a suggestion?thank you14:22
Muphrid_Rod2k you can choose during the login screen (lightdm) clicking in the engine next to the name14:22
_Rod2kzykotick9 Muphrid Okay so I now know it's possible to use gnome-shell I just want to know IF I REPLACE Unity by gnome-shell, is it going to break my system?14:24
luca_biI have the package gnome-shell installed but i have the launcher and so i'm using the launcher14:24
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Muphrid_Rod2k: no, they coexist peacefully, just choose between them during the login screen, in the worst case it will break only if you remove the unity package14:25
gloeroeHey, I bought a new working 8 gb sd card and its working in my camera but not being detected by ubuntu when i insert it. any ideas14:25
TheProfgenii-around, yes that's exactly how it is set up.14:25
TheProfgenii-around, it is specifically an LTSP server (edubuntu)14:26
luca_biI'm using the launcher so i'm using unity but this is compatible with gnome shell?14:26
llutz_gloeroe: your card-reader doesn't support sdhc?14:26
gloeroemy previous card was sdhc this is sdhc aswell but extreme 30 mb/s ultra hd14:26
mimo_dr_willis and muphrid: thank you! okay, I installed the compizconfig-settings-manager and checked out the grid settings. its default was what I wanted, which was awesome... but even so, the shortcuts aren't kicking in.14:26
minsikchohi does somebody know how to change the icon in gnome-shell (the dockbar icon)?14:26
genii-aroundTheProf: There is a program for LTSP called Teacher Tool which allows you to broadcast a window to all stations14:27
zykotick9_Rod2k, i doubt it...  but perhaps someone that uses ubuntu 11.10 should answer you.14:28
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ElTimoWhat's the issue? I'm on 11.1014:28
Jewess1Check out my gay p0rn blog! http://bit.ly/563e14:29
TheProfgenii-around, I had heard about it, but I thought it might be over-kill for that purpose and was hoping there was a single-tool command.  However I will check it out.14:29
TheProfgenii-around, thanks.14:29
gloeroemy sdcard drive supports sdhc cards and my precious worked fine14:29
llutz_gloeroe: check "dmesg" if you insert the card for any usefull info14:29
genii-aroundTheProf: A somewhat older but still relevant page regarding it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPFl_TeacherTool14:30
TheProfgenii-around, Awesome.14:31
gloeroe[ 1512.040567] sdhci: Switching to 1.8V signalling voltage failed, retrying with S18R set to 014:31
TheUndertakergloeroe: welcome14:31
gloeroety undertaker14:31
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r_a_fhello - i removed pulseaudio & gnome - now cant login ,start ubuntu - can i clean new install some easy way ( i dont want to destroy my home folder - lots of imprtant files) ???14:34
dr_willisr_a_f:  imporntant stuff should bebacked up14:35
chandru_inWhen I try to play a VCD, I get this error "could not open location you might not have permission to open the file.". Is there a workaround for this?14:35
r_a_fdr_willis:  thank for Y advice ^^14:35
zykotick9chandru_in, does "mplayer vcd://1" work14:36
gloeroe[ 1512.040567] sdhci: Switching tllutz_ o 1.8V signalling voltage failed, retrying with S18R set to 014:36
dr_willisr_a_f:  if  yoiu keep your /home/ on its own partition - reinstalling is a lot easier also.14:36
chandru_inzykotick9, I don't have mplayer installed. will try that14:36
r_a_fdr_willis:  yup - right ;)14:36
oobilozr_a_f:  it'll work.  that's what i did14:37
llutz_gloeroe: pls ask lady google if that is relevant or not. sounds like a reason not to read the sd-card _to me_14:37
icrusader_a_f: did you try apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ?14:37
belliHi, I have installed ubuntu for just a week and my computer is overheating. I am beginner, can anybody help me solve it please?14:37
r_a_ficrusade: now i cant log in14:38
dr_willisr_a_f:  you tried loggoing in at the console yet?14:38
r_a_fonly root password in recovery mode - but I dont know root pass :/14:38
chandru_inzykotick9, fails with "Error selecting VCD track. (get) Failed to open vcd://1."14:38
icrusader_a_f: you need to start with the maintenance kernel in grub14:38
dr_willisor boot to the text mode..14:38
dr_willisthere is no root password by default.14:38
zykotick9chandru_in, so try 2 -- vcd://214:39
r_a_fdr_willis: icrusade: tryied it  - i need root pass ...14:39
chandru_inzykotick9, failed with same error except the track number14:39
zykotick9chandru_in, are you sure it's a vcd?14:39
belliI don't want to repeat myself, but I am totally lost girl.. I have installed ubuntu for just a week and my computer is overheating. I am beginner, can anybody help me solve it please?14:39
chandru_inyes it's14:39
icrusader_a_f: try ALT + STR + 1-6 to get a terminal if login fails14:39
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chandru_init is getting detected as vcd and asks to open with totem14:39
Gentoo64belli, are you getting errors? whats overheating14:40
oobilozif it's overheating could it be the fan?14:40
r_a_ficrusade: OK - ill try it -  now i have a loop nvidia screen and some fail message :/14:40
zykotick9chandru_in, if you type "eject" does it eject the vcd?14:40
chandru_inzykotick9, alas no14:41
oobilozr_a_f: u trying to install from flashdrive or cd14:41
chrisgeorgeAnybody have issues with gnome-terminal not listening to the new-tab command with a keyboard shortcut in 11.10?14:41
belliI have no idea, temperature is about 65-70 degrees and fan si too loud.. while I have windows it wasn't like this, temperature was about 5014:41
zykotick9chandru_in, so try "mplayer -cdrom-device /dev/YOURREALDEVICEHERE vcd://1"14:41
Gentoo64belli, is it a desktop? what fan is it if you know, the gpu or cpu14:41
NixGeekI'm trying to get the multiple IP's for my server to configure at startup without having to do ifconfig eth0:[#] [ip] up and when I configure it in /etc/network/interfaces and restart the network with /etc/init.d/networking restart the IP's don't configure.14:41
r_a_foobiloz: not yet - but if some other ways didnt work Ill do it ;)14:42
oobilozehehe, well just to let you know, i did it from flashdrive and it worked easily.. if you have /home14:42
oobilozif all else fails, u have that option.. ifu have / and /home14:42
DasEiNixGeek: sudo apt-getinstall pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/network/interfaces14:43
DasEiNixGeek: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/network/interfaces. ^typo14:43
chandru_inzykotick9, that worked14:43
zykotick9NixGeek, after changing my own interfaces file yesterday - i also found issues a ".. networking restart" didn't update the address.  I rebooted :(14:43
r_a_fok - tank you all :814:43
NixGeekokay, and that works?14:43
zykotick9NixGeek, for me it did14:44
NixGeekzykotick9, It says something about the network restart being depeciated, but it doesn't give any other command to use, any idea why that is?14:44
zykotick9chandru_in, FYI if eject is broken it's because the /dev/cdrom link is pointed to the wrong device14:44
llutz_NixGeek: use ifdown -a && ifup -a  , /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated iirc14:44
DasEiNixGeek: ifdown/up14:44
garymI have a liveCD of 11.10, trying to configure networking, as soon as I select 'manual' the 'save' button grays out.  Is manual network setup forbidden on the liveCD?14:44
zykotick9NixGeek, i've asked about the deprecated message - never gotten a good answer.14:45
chandru_inzykotick9, yes this is an external drive. The one in my laptop is  dead14:45
kingfisherrecently installed Ubuntu alongside XP, now XP will not boot, any suggestions?14:45
zykotick9chandru_in, ahh14:45
NixGeekokay, thanks both of you14:45
DasEikingfisher: tried to run os-prober ?14:45
kingfisherDasEi, no have not tried that14:46
chandru_inthanks again, zykotick9. bye14:46
DasEi!info os-prober | kingfisher, so try it14:46
ubottukingfisher, so try it: os-prober (source: os-prober): utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives. In component main, is optional. Version 1.49ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 16 kB, installed size 192 kB14:47
AcidCrapHow can I execute a shell script on another computer via SSH without the output being redirected to me? I'm looking for something like this: ssh -l root "cd /admin/scripts; ./script.sh". I need to execute this script on 10 computers at the same time and I don't want to wait for each one to finish.14:47
TheUndertakerDasEi: hi14:47
DasEihi, TheUndertaker14:48
GneaAcidCrap: screen14:48
llutz_!info mssh|AcidCrap:14:48
ubottuPackage msshAcidCrap does not exist in oneiric14:48
belliguys, I have problem, can u help me please? I have ubuntu 11.04 with KDE (I hate unity) on sony vaio laptop and problem with loud fan and high cpu temperature.. in gnome everything is okay, but in KDE is something wrong.. no idea why?14:48
llutz_!info mssh    | AcidCrap:14:48
ubottuAcidCrap:: mssh (source: mssh): tool to administrate multiple servers at once. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 18 kB, installed size 112 kB14:48
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AcidCrapthanks @ Gnea, llutz, ubottu -- I will check that out14:49
chrisgeorgeGuess this isn't the right channel.14:50
DasEikingfisher: xp found ? additional sudo update-grub might be needed14:50
llutz_AcidCrap: you could try "ssh -l root "nohup /admin/scripts/script.sh &>/dev/null"14:50
kingfisherDasEi, resuts from os-prober:  /dev/sda1:Microsoft Windows XP Professional:Windows:chain  ,  suggestions?14:50
kingfisherDasEi,  already ran update-grub14:51
Gneallutz_: I like screen because if something goes wrong, he can gain access to that terminal via ssh if need be14:51
DasEikingfisher: yes, chaiining is right, but to make changes take effekt run again as root14:51
llutz_Gnea: true14:51
kingfisherDasEi,  I ran sudo os-prober14:52
babak6I have hp pavilion dv6 6080 and i want to install ubuntu 11.04 on it.But i cannot boot the cd.I check cd on a different computer and it works. So cd is right. when booting it says erorre on input output buffer14:52
babak6what should i do?14:52
dr_willisbabak6:  could be dirty cd drive. or some how missaligned..14:52
DasEikingfisher: so should be fine now, press left shift once grub2 starts looding to get menu14:52
DasEiergo sudo reboot or look in grub.cfg14:53
babak6dr_willis: No. I have ubuntu on my flash either. But the problem also exist14:53
babak6It seems that the linux cannot recognize the hard drive.14:53
Gneababak6: is it a cd or dvd?14:54
babak6Gnea: it is cd.14:54
kingfisherDasEi,   not following  your comments??  New at Ubuntu, do appreciate your help, please explain14:54
Gneababak6: tried turning acpi off?14:55
DasEikingfisher: so should be fine now, press left shift once grub2 starts looding to get grub's menu when rebooting, or look for a win entry in file /boot/grub/grub.cfg14:55
DasEiloading, err14:56
puffHow long ago did 11.10 come out?14:56
dr_willispuff:  the version # is the date.. year/month14:56
puffdr_willis: Ah, cool, never knew that.14:56
babak6Gnea: As i know acpi only hide errors.Is it helps to me?414:57
Gneababak6: if you know, then why haven't you tried?14:57
kingfisherDasEi, the windows entry is in grub, when xp is selected it freezes at a prompt14:58
Gneababak6: and I mean turn acpi=off while booting, not in the bios14:58
puffAlso, it sez here ( http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/make/Lenovo ) that ubuntu 11.10 32-bit is "certified" on the t520, but doesn't say anything about 64-bit....14:58
DasEikingfisher: any errormessage ?aka grub 15... or...14:58
daviddoriaI am trying to setup my machine to connect a VPN. The info I have is an IPSec ID, and IPSec secret, and Xauth username, and an IPSec gateway. I don't see see fields for most of of these things when I go to the  "VPN COnnections -> Configure VPN" in Ubuntu 11.10. any suggestions?14:59
kingfisherDasEi, it just goes to a blinking underscore14:59
CanHaving an issue hope someone can help, I installed Ubuntu last week, then also installed the desktops for Lubuntu and Xubuntu, and now i can only log into the desktops for Ubuntu and Lubuntu only, it wont let me log into any other desktop, i put my username and password in and it just kicks me back to log in, also the login screen changed from the default Ubuntu screen to a Lubuntu one and i have no idea why it did that, i apologize for the wa14:59
DasEikingfisher: previously you had just xp, then installed ubuntu ? on one drive ?did you preformat or how did you spit the space up ?15:01
belliI will try it one more time.. I have sony vaio laptop with ubuntu 11.04 and KDE and 62-70 degrees temperature of cpu, fan is loud, computer overheated and I have no idea what to do. While I used windows, I have about 45degrees. While I used gnome, I solved it by installing official ATI drivers and temperature wa about 50degrees, but after installing KDE my laptop went crazy :( any idea?15:01
babak6Gnea: ubuntu gives me these errors and then it shows a black screen.So if I use acpi=off I only don't see errors.But the problem remains.I don't see the ubuntu suggest to install.Even I can't start ubuntu live15:01
dave305can someone help me fixing wifI?15:01
sagaciby default in ubuntu 11.10, does 'sudo apt-get install package' install the recommends and suggests or just recommends or neither?15:01
fuhoHi, does anyone know where could I set the the hidden top panel to wait little longer before being shown?15:02
AcidCrapllutz: nohup doesn't work because it still blocks my terminal until the script has finished15:02
deej1976Can: When you enter your userid at the log screen the should be a little cog in the top right corner clicking this allow you to select a different sessoion15:02
Gneababak6: then you need to edit the whole line to omit 'quiet splash' so that you CAN see the errors.15:02
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DasEidave305: I'm not best with it, but see:15:02
=== Charliesu is now known as CharlieSu
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:02
DasEidave305: tell channel which chip you use15:02
Candeej1976: im aware of this and it lets me login to Ubuntu and Lubuntu ONLY.15:02
belliI will wait here if anybody gets some idea..15:03
Candeej1976: its also not the standard ubuntu login screen its a lubuntu one, and i have no idea how it changed15:03
dave305where can i see it?15:03
DasEikingfisher:how was the partioning done when installing ubuntu ?15:03
lauratikano matter what i do i cant change icon thme and fonts in ubuntu 11.10 unity... mayor help please!15:03
kingfisherDasEi, i had just xp installed before and yes they are on only one drive15:04
babak6Gnea: I don't understand your sentence:"edit the whole line"15:04
DasEi!pm | dave30515:04
ubottudave305: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:04
Gneababak6: the same line that you edit to put acpi=off into15:04
CanDasEi: if he didnt defrag before he repartitioned in the install screen for ubuntu it may have corrupted his XP partition when it tryed to resize15:04
DasEidave305:see given link, lspci | grep Network  for your chip15:04
Gneababak6: line = string15:04
DasEiCan: so ;) ?15:05
kingfisherDasEi, the partitioning was do with the automated ubuntu installer i think15:05
luca_bido you think I should unistall the gnome-shell pakage??15:05
DarsVaedacan I install gnome2 on 11.10?15:05
dave305i just installed ubuntu, i dont know what !PM is15:05
DasEikingfisher:ok, ,  sudo fdisk -l least shows the ntfs still being there ?15:05
mayakuzahi. i have a problem whit installing java. can someone help? (new to linux)15:05
dave305lspci | grep15:05
dave305or this15:05
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:06
dr_willis!java | mayakuza15:06
ubottumayakuza: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.15:06
CanDasEi, kingfisher: i wonder if reinstalling grub would fix his issue?15:06
DasEipm is personal Message, dave30515:06
mayakuzathank you15:06
kingfisherDasEi, it is still there because i can access all the files on the c:\ drive15:06
deej1976Can: Try changing the login manager with sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm15:07
DasEikingfisher: first good sign, so it might be mbr was tampered by grub,  did you try safemode on after choosing xp ?15:07
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Candeej1976: gimme a sec ill try that15:07
mr_danielI want to setup a virtualization environment on my sever (Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS) with libvirt. My first idea was to create a single master-disc-image with minimal configuration and use this master to copy and create new guests as needed.15:07
luca_bisomeone can help me with gnome-shell package?15:07
kingfisherDasEi, http://pastebin.com/cgL5wCm915:08
Candeej1976: the joy of 2 computers lol, tech support on one while the other isnt working15:08
dave305so the thing is i just installed ubuntu 11.10 and i installed wifi driver too but it doesnt connect the wifi despite the fact that i typed the code in15:08
mr_danielBut the setup process of ubuntu 11.10 wants me to input a name and password for a normal user. Is there an easy way to quickly create a guests? The problem is that when I create user and password on the master-disc-image, the data will be the same on alle guests copied form this master15:08
kingfisherDasEi, the ability to get to safemode on xp doesnt exist15:08
mr_danielI don't want to execute an installation process when I want to setup a new master, it would good if I could avooid that.15:09
Candeej1976: says GDM is not installed15:09
DasEikingfisher: F6 or F8or whatever that was15:09
babak6Gnea: Can you tell me all the sentence that i must edit in boot time?15:09
lauratikafuck this im reinstalling i hate ubuntu 11.10 so badly15:09
robinduckettlauratika: sup?15:10
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pangolin!language | lauratika15:10
Canlauratika: what do you hate about it?15:10
kingfisherDasEi, i will try that15:10
DasEikingfisher: what these -v -h options for on os-prober ?15:10
ubottulauratika: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:10
DasEiwhat are , kingfisher*15:10
kingfisherDasEi, i was just trying to see what was going on15:10
Gneababak6: all I can tell you is that you need to find the end of the line (the right side) and backspace over the parts 'quiet splash' and put in 'acpi=off' and then press enter15:10
lauratikaim stuck cant change thmes, fonts, keyboard controls wont work (volume, lockscreen)15:10
kingfisher-h help15:10
kingfisher-v verbose15:11
Candeej1976: that command you gave me didnt work it says gdm is not installed15:11
zykotick9lauratika, reinstalling an old version of ubuntu doesn't make sense (you'll have to update eventually) - if you hate Unity try another distro15:11
deej1976Can: yep tried on a VM got some thing15:11
DasEikingfisher: -v verbose,, err carefull with such experiments,they are different on some commands; sudo os-prober && sudo update-grub15:11
lauratikais not unity im fine with it finally, is that i cant shange icon theme no mater what i do, fonts or get the keyboard keys to work... been weeks trying to solve this issue and is soooooooo frustrating15:12
kruxor install another graphical user interface and log out and log in to it ?.. fluxbox ?.. KDE ?? LXDE ?... and many more..15:12
obert-firefox is totally destroyed15:12
Profsomebody use pear library?15:12
kingfisherDasEi, http://pastebin.com/Rcy5xyKy15:12
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Prof*do somebody use pear library15:13
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robinduckettlauratika: gnome-tweak15:13
kingfisherDasEi, now reboot? and try safemode15:13
icrusadeProf: pear php?15:13
DasEikingfisher: I guess you chat fromanother system right now, nor ?15:13
zykotick9lauratika, sorry, my bad (when people make outbursts like that, it's usually Unity)15:13
kingfisherDasEi, no15:13
JetBoyJetGirlhow do you substitute for a space on the command line?15:13
icrusadeProf: hmm, better off in a php channel :)15:13
JetBoyJetGirljust type a space?15:14
kingfisherthis is the only system15:14
jribJetBoyJetGirl: in a file?  what context?15:14
Profwhat chanel?15:14
lauratikarobinducket: already try that and nothing15:14
ProfI'm new here15:14
robinduckettlauratika: it works for me fine?15:14
JetBoyJetGirlyeah, unzipping with 7z jrib15:14
DasEikingfisher: since then haven't seen you rebooting ?!15:14
deej1976Can: I'm just installing lubuntu-desktop to try and solve15:14
lauratikadconf-editor either15:14
JetBoyJetGirli'm extracting an .rar file, sorry about all the lines :P15:14
jribJetBoyJetGirl: you mean in a filename?  Just enclose the name in single quotes ('foo bar'), or use a backslash (foo\ bar)15:14
lauratikayes i know it works for everyone except laura...15:14
dave305can someone help me fixing the wifi?15:14
kingfisherDasEi, im going to now15:14
Candeej1976: ya i may have to reinstall xubuntu, might fix my issue15:15
DasEikingfisher: : well try.. I do a pastie meanwhile15:15
turbomettwurstmy gnome3 is crashing about 4-5 times as day, meaning the windows die and do not respond to input, i can however still open and close apps and the "overview" still works as well15:15
turbomettwurstis that bug known?15:16
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Canwhich desktop is the most light weight? KDE LXDE or XFCE?15:18
DasEiCan: lx>xf>kd light to heavy15:18
Profwhat chanel php developer?15:18
CanDasEi: where does gnome fit in that list?15:19
DasEiCan: xf>gn>kde15:19
CanDasEi: so for an older laptop such as mine LXDE is the best choice?15:20
kingfisherDasEi, no luck. it still does nothing after selecting windows. it just goes to a blank screen with a blinking underscore. and I tried safemode but didnt get anything15:20
DasEiCan: define older, specs ?15:20
DasEikingfisher: http://pastebin.com/VbrLiw6z15:20
CanDasEi: cause im thinking of wiping Ubuntu completely and installing Fedora LXDE15:20
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.15:20
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:21
CanDasEi: 1.4 ghz celeron processor, 768mb pc 2700, 60 gig hard drive, intel mobile graphics 85515:21
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DasEiCan: mm,lubuntu, and compiz and such might also be lil annoying15:22
CanDasEi: compiz?15:22
DasEi!info compiz15:22
ubottucompiz (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.6+bzr20110929-0ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 56 kB15:22
francisvgarciaI am actually using15:22
deej1976Can: Which Ubuntu variety did you start with?15:22
francisvgarciaubuntu 11.10 how can I change the theme to the ubuntu classic15:23
Jonii^Is it easy to install Ubuntu on my netbook using some crypto-filesystem?15:23
ptrkmjI'd like to install lubuntu to my usb flash drive (not "from" but "to"). Can I do it from other distro?15:23
Candeej1976: standard Ubuntu, but i found it was too slow so i installed both Lu and Xu to test which one ran faster15:23
DasEi!nounity | francisvgarcia15:23
ubottufrancisvgarcia: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:23
Candeej1976: the unity desktop just kills my lappy15:24
deej1976Can: through sudo apt-get install ?ubuntu-desktop ?15:24
icrusadeCan: look at crunchbang15:24
Candeej1976: ubuntu is still there it and lu ae the only 2 it lets me log into15:24
DasEikingfisher: so next time doing so 1)defrag xp 2) make free space 3)install ubu15:24
DasEiCan: you can change to lubuntu without reinstalling15:25
deej1976Can: Strange I've start with ubuntu, now just sudo apt'd lubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop15:25
DasEiWesley_: he15:25
* ptrkmj wonders if he can install ubuntu from other distro (???)15:25
Jonii^Okay, I format my question better so it's easier to spot if anyone who knows anything about it happens to read this log...15:25
Canicrusade: actually im looking into Fedora LXDE, my Networking professor sad it would be more stable and faster considering my ancient laptop15:25
jpdsptrkmj: That sounds hard and unsupported.15:25
Wesley_Question, we're having some vague problems with what seems to be related to ubuntu. We have multiple people using ubuntu here.. but for some reason only one person is able to access certain websites. When one exits the session the other person is able to view it15:25
deej1976Can: Have all the session options available15:25
Jonii^Crypto-fs, install ubuntu, encrypted filesystem, how to, netbook15:26
Wesley_we do see the requests coming in when doing a tcpdump (syns)15:26
blawizis it possible to map the back-forward buttons on the mouse to work like page-up/down for all apps?15:26
NodingMy software centre is empty??? Help!15:26
puffI'm searching launchpad for t520-specific bugs, but it's only showing me bugs for 11.10.  How do I search in 11.4?15:26
Candeej1976: i have them all available as well, i go to log into most of them and it kicks me right back to login screen15:26
Wesley_any suggestions?15:26
DasEiJonii^: you want a netbook luks-encrypted ?15:26
Wesley_syn ack ok15:26
noisebleedHi all. I have a pc booted with SystemRescueCd LiveCD, a clean hard drive to install Ubuntu to and ubuntu-11.10 iso file on a external hard drive. Is this tutorial the best match for my needs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromKnoppix ?15:26
noisebleedIt says "article is candidate for deletion"15:27
noisebleedbut I can't find anything better15:27
ptrkmjjpds, anyone already tried that?15:27
icrusadeCan: up to you. for me crunchbang is currently the most useful lightweight debian distro. havent looked into major distros.15:27
DasEiptrkmj: bad idea15:27
jribnoisebleed: I've seen dr_willis (I think) talk about grub being able to boot .iso files on filesystems15:28
kingfisherDasEi, well that doesnt help me now and the ppl in ##windows are in some argument and are not helping15:28
DasEiptrkmj: dependencies, versions, paketmanagement, err.. and more devils than I'd list details15:28
Canicrusade: i just want something that runs better then flippin XP, if i could solve my desktop login issue then i wouldnt have an issue, honestly all i use is Lubuntu anyways15:28
ptrkmjDasEi: There's a guide on how to do it from Knoppix, so?15:29
noisebleeddr_willis: hi15:29
noisebleedjrib: ok, will ask him, thanks15:29
DasEikingfisher: no too big deal , google fixmbr xp, have your win cd ready, anything else you got so far15:29
Canwats the command to uninstall xubuntu?15:29
ptrkmjThe guy just posted it15:29
babak61I have problem with installing ubuntu. I have ubuntu cd.But when i boot from it, it shows the ubuntu logo for minutes,15:30
babak61without progressing it15:30
Canbabak61: cause your booting from a CD15:30
icrusadeCan: give it a try, i'm running an ancient system here and everythings fine. start with live install to see if its working.15:30
Canicrusade: for crunchbang?15:30
DasEiCan: well, I don't want you to leave with a tty just; sudo apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop15:30
Canicrusade: can i make a Live USB?15:30
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:31
babak61i can not even start with live install.15:31
icrusadeCan: yea i think i did a live usb15:31
DasEican: saves lot cd's ;)15:31
babak61I have no problem with this disk on another computer. But it doesnt't work for me15:31
fuhoAnyone know how to change the timings on GnomePanel autohie15:31
babak61me = my computer15:31
Canicrusade: i just read crunchbangs disclaimer, i think ill pass15:31
icrusadeCan: seriously its more stable and useable than current ubuntu :)15:32
babak61I think this is relevant to my hard disk drive. I think ubuntu doesn't see it.15:33
Canicrusade: ima try this fedora LXDE first, its what my networking professor recommended and fedora is what my school teachs anyways, so might as well eh?15:33
DasEiCan: see, you can have several surfaces in parallel and choose session wise, then decide what to remove, you don't want to chat/browse from commandline with no gui this time15:33
icrusadeCan: whatever you want ;)15:33
mr_danielI am installing Ubuntu Server and the installer asks if I want to install additional software (e.g. OpenSSH server, LAMP server, etc.). What is "Basic Ubuntu Server" ???15:33
DasEiCan: another option15:34
babak61is says : "error while loading shared libraries " and many error.15:34
CanDasEi: at the login screen i see all the desktops installed, but it only lets me log into 2 of them15:34
babak61what should id do?15:34
DasEiCan: as there are ?15:34
dweezmr_daniel, if you want to remote into your server, you want OpenSSH Server installed and configured15:36
mr_danieldweez: not if it is a virtualized system15:36
mr_danielOpen-SSH server not needed, because virsh already gives me access to terminal15:36
dweezfair enough15:36
NodingMy Software Centre is empty, does anybody know if I have to activate something?15:36
llutz_mr_daniel: i'd suggest to use minimal-iso for setting up a basic installation15:36
mr_danielI am only curious what the Package "Basic Ubuntu Server" could be good for?15:37
dweezmr_daniel, LAMP is a http server set up, Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl (and/or PHP15:37
mr_danielllutz minimal-iso? where can I get that?15:37
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:37
DasEiNoding: is your /etc/apt/sources.list also empty ?15:37
dweezmr_daniel, it's probably just the core OS15:37
blawizis it possible to map the back-forward buttons on the mouse to work like page-up/down for all apps?15:37
jribblawiz: sure, use something like xbindkeys or imwheel15:37
Noding@ DasEi Where do I find that list?15:38
blawizjrib, ok, ill try :) thanks15:38
DasEiNoding: heh,, gedit /etc/apt/sources.list15:38
mkc_81I can not share any folder from Ubuntu. Cna someone help me please ?15:38
jribblawiz: here is an example binding button 8 on my mouse to alt-left: http://paste.ubuntu.com/728246/15:38
jribblawiz: that's in my ~/.xbindkeysrc15:38
DasEi!pm | Noding15:39
ubottuNoding: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:39
blawizjrib, looks easy :D15:40
DasEiNoding: open a terminal ..15:40
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DasEiNoding:  gedit /etc/apt/sources.list15:41
Nodinghow do i open a terminal?15:42
DasEiNoding: nothing wrong with being new, a good guide : http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-11.10-oneiric-ocelot15:43
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:43
puffHm, how hard would it be for me to install the newer release in a separate partition and dual boot?15:43
puffmy laptop has 500GB, currently partitioned as swap (8GB), / (20GB), /home (50 GB) and /bulkdata (387 GB).15:43
jribpuff: not very15:43
deej1976Can: The following commands worked for me to reconfigure the login manager ( Add more option by installing xdm , gdm, kde ), sudo dpkg-reconfigure lxdm/lightdm/xdm/gdm/kdm15:43
puffCan somebody point me at a howt/tutorial for this?15:44
jribpuff: just install ubuntu as normal15:44
puffjrib: and?15:44
jribpuff: that's it15:44
DasEipuff: get unallocted space n install to it15:44
puffjrib: Er... I have ubuntu 10.4 LTS on the machine already.  I want to install 11.4 or 11.10 alongside it.15:45
jribpuff: the installer will let you shrink the other installer to make space.  I would suggest though that you not install grub to mbr (let your other (main) install handle that)15:45
jribpuff: yes.15:45
puffjrib: Clarify what you mean by main install?15:45
puffjrib: You mean the 10.4 LTS install?15:45
go8765hello. Can I asked about libreoffice-impress?  when I make some object in slide transparent - it be lost his colour and become grey. How I can fix this?15:45
DasEiuse gparted to shrink, df -h too see current space (bulk you'll shrink I guess,mind 4 primarys , use lvm/extended partitions)15:45
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zhengyanghi, do i need to use encrypted home dir after choosing encrypted lvm in installation?15:47
puffThis says ubuntu 32-bit is "certified" for thinkpad t520, but nothing about 64-bit.  What would I lose by installing 32-bit instead of 64-bit?15:47
jribpuff: yes, I mean 10.04 install by "main install".  I'm assuming you just want to play around with the other15:47
DasEizhengyang: no, can, but realy usefull then15:47
DasEi(perfomance, no additional safety)15:48
DasEibut NOT usefull15:48
JapyDoogedepends DasEi.. if its a multi user system, then it is additional safety15:48
JapyDoogebut indeed15:48
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zykotick9puff, if you need to ask - stick to 32bit.  The big advantage to 64bit is access to more then 3.2GB of RAM (without 1-10% performance hit of PAE)15:48
puffjrib: I want to upgrade, I've just been burned too many times by hardware incompatibilities.15:48
JapyDoogeit's encryption in encryption15:48
deej1976puff:  how much memory is in your laptop15:48
puffzykotick9: I have 8GB of ram.15:48
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jribpuff: why not just try live cd then?=15:48
unkrhey can anyone tell me how can i mange linux client like there is ACTIVE DIRECTORY in window15:48
zykotick9puff, with that much memory i'd consider 64bit then15:49
DasEizhengyang: saw JapyD.. ?15:49
Toph2i want to install Xfce but both apt-get and the Software Center can't find it.. How do I go about finding it?15:49
puffjrib: I want to install them side-by-side and make 11.10 the default, but have the option to quickly  fall back to 10.4.15:49
jrib!xfce | Toph215:49
ubottuToph2: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels15:49
zhengyangDasEi: JapyD?15:49
jribpuff: ok15:49
DasEiToph2: apt-cache search xubuntu-desktop, no dice ?15:50
puffIn the past I've had to use the ubuntu alternate install CD instead of the normal live CD to install on a thinkpad.  Anyone know if that's still the case?15:50
unkrhey can anyone tell me how can i mange linux client like there is ACTIVE DIRECTORY in window??15:50
Toph2Dasda,,, tes,, that's working,, thanks15:50
deej1976puff: why not try a live USB stick15:50
DasEizhengyang: few lines above it was mentioned ecryptfs on luks might be of interest in multiuser environments15:50
auronandacepuff: i have a t40 t61 and t510, all of them install fine with the normal livecd15:51
zykotick9!ldap | unkr15:51
ubottuunkr: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer15:51
puffauronandace: Thanks.15:51
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unkrzykotick9: thnxxx15:51
auronandacepuff: you said you got t520? does that have nvidia optimus?15:52
puffdeej1976: I don't want to "try", I want ot upgrade... I just want a bailout option.  Is there any actual problem with dual-booting?15:52
puffauronandace: Yah.15:52
unkrzykotick9: is it as much powerful as active directory??15:52
zhengyangDasEi: ok, i just want to have a deeper understanding what it really means by double encryption15:52
puffauronandace: All that power and I can't use it :-(15:52
auronandacepuff: that can be problematic15:52
JapyDooge16:48 <JapyDooge> depends DasEi.. if its a multi user system, then it is additional safety @ zhengyang15:52
zykotick9unkr, i wouldn't know - never used it.15:52
DasEipuff: maybe vm, and to play alot more around is nice for you15:52
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications15:52
zhengyangDasEi: 'coz someone says it's overkill to have both options on15:52
puffauronandace: Yeah, I've currently got it disabled in BIOS, so it just uses intel onboard.15:52
unkrzykotick9: okk there is one more problem if you can help  my gnome network manager applet crashed when i logon what to do??15:53
zykotick9unkr, don't know - i don't use N-M anymore.  Good luck.15:54
DasEizhengyang: I'd tend tosay so, but think one big box for whole family, well luks protects against stolen harddrive, ecryptfs you reading Moms loveletters, single user I can't find any advantage, more the opposite (perfm/maintenance)15:54
molossusis there a tool like "tuned" in fedora linux to create a profile for laptops in ubuntu 11.10?  tuned is an application in fedora that lets you select a profile that tunes disk cpu, and it improves battery life as well as laptop temperature, ubuntu 11.10 makes my laptop run hotter than fedora , do any of you guys know if there is something like "tuned" for ubuntu?15:54
unkrzykotick9: any suggestion or replacement for that ??15:54
zykotick9unkr, nope.15:55
JapyDoogeyep DasEi / zhengyang home dir encryption while full drive is encrypted is only really interesting in multi user environments (altrough it allways adds another layer of protection)15:55
JapyDoogedepends a bit how sensitive your data is15:55
JapyDoogeif you are smuggling government secrets on that notebook, i would encrypt it even if it was single user :P15:56
zhengyangthanks JapyDooge  and DasEi15:56
JapyDoogebut then, i would also not store them in my homedrive ^^15:56
zhengyangthat helps :)15:56
DasEiJapyDooge: if you knock luks w good pass, ecryptfs, well15:56
unkrzykotick9: okk15:56
JapyDoogegl zhengyang :)15:56
Xsengirany with experience in Ubuntu in Hyper-v?15:56
JapyDoogeyea DasEi15:57
unkrhey can anyone help my NETWORK MANAGER APPLET crashed all time when i log on to the system ??15:57
DasEimolossus: a single suite dooesn't come to my mind, but there are ways, dependeng on hardware to do scaling, cpufreqd for cpu speedste nwhatnot,same as hdparm for disk or ,or..15:58
GRMrGeckoany mind helping me with a complex math equation with networking? I have a T1 and it appears as if I got a /29 and wanted to try to use one of those ips on a ubuntu computer.15:59
soreauGRMrGecko: If it's a network specific question, you might try #networking16:00
soreau! cn | sdfasdf16:00
ubottusdfasdf: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw16:00
soreau! jp | sdfasdf16:01
ubottusdfasdf: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。16:01
jimmy8888hi is there a sticky or a faq for installing sun/oracle java in ubuntu 11.10?16:02
soreau! java | jimmy888816:02
ubottujimmy8888: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.16:02
galactusI have a little problem on u 11.04, and wireless connection. I ve got time out on dhcpd16:02
unarohi. ubuntu 10.10 installs the bootloader correctly and 11.10 fails. can i see the command line ubuntu 10.10 uses for installing grub or can i find out where grub is currently installed?16:02
jimmy8888soreau: perfect thanks!16:03
soreau! grub2 | unaro16:03
ubottuunaro: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:03
zykotick9soreau, looks like !java should be updated, is sun-java even in partner anymore?16:03
soreauzykotick9: No idea, I don't keep track of it16:03
galactusdo you have idea why this time out? It s a random time out. thanx16:03
zykotick9soreau, i don't think it is (it's certainly been removed from debian and other distros)16:03
soreauzykotick9: I guess you should be able to update https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java16:04
bios`hi I am looking for a tool which allows me to make anotations in pdfs (xournal is a way to limited since you can only write text on the white boarders and okular does not allow me to send the anotatins to friends who are not using okuklar as well)16:04
zykotick9soreau, ya, it's not really the factoid that has the issue ;)  my bad16:04
bios`anyone knows such a tool?16:04
galactusbios sorry i dont know any tools like that16:05
go8765Can anybody help me with libreoffice-impress question here, because in libreoffice channel, no-one answer the questions :  when I make some object in slide transparent - it be lost his colour and become grey. How I can fix this?(16:05
auronandacego8765: maybe it would be better answered in #libreoffice16:07
go8765auronandace, I try, but no-one answer me there :(16:07
sekyourboxwhat is a good iso editor for ubuntu?16:08
caddoocan you create a ln -s from a folder to another16:08
caddoolike say a virtual host is pointed at dir A but i actually want it to use dir B without changing the virtual host config16:08
soreaucaddoo: You can create a symlink to a folder but not one that already exists of the same name16:09
blsh0phow do I change the default pdf viewer?16:09
caddooso the real folder needs to be deleted really16:10
blawizjrib, hmmm.. xbindkeys will only work once when i press on of the 8 or 9 mouse button, then i have to restart it and it works for one more click :S know what this could be?16:10
erle-my oneiric sometimes does not shut down properly16:12
erle-any ideas what could cause it?16:13
zykotick9blsh0p, with Nautilus, right click a PDF - Properties, then use the Open With tab (would be one option)16:13
erle-it freezes in the shutdown screen16:13
lukethedukeerle-: same here, I just use shutdown -r instead16:13
lukethedukeerr, shutdown -h16:13
lukethedukethat works16:13
go8765Anybody here use transparency in libreoffice-impress? It didnt work for me...16:13
erle-luketheduke, didnt work here either16:14
erle-luketheduke, have you fglrx running?16:14
lukethedukeerle-: oh, that's weird.16:14
bios`hi I am looking for a tool which allows me to make anotations in pdfs (xournal is a way to limited since you can only write text on the white boarders and okular does not allow me to send the anotatins to friends who are not using okuklar as well)16:14
erle-luketheduke, i was suspecting it16:14
erle-luketheduke, 99 % of linux problems come from the 0.1 % proprietary software16:14
lukethedukeanybody here know their way around ad-hoc wireless? I've been trying for hours to set one up between two netbooks and google isn't helping. One of the wireless cards is an ralink rt2860, and I'm using the rt2800pci driver so I can set it to ad-hoc mode. the only weird thing - apart from it plain not working (can't ping between them) - is that "iwlist scan" shows encryption:on for the network from the ralink machine although it's ...16:14
deej1976!repeat | bios16:14
ubottubios: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:14
luketheduke... set to off on the other one.16:15
napsyHello. I have a problem with a upstart startup service ... it won't start on boot even if I add 'start on startup'. Am I missiong something? The script is located in /etc/init/supervisor.conf16:15
lukethedukeerle-: yep, of course they do16:15
icerootbios`: cant "acroread" do that?16:15
bios`well in windows yes in ubuntu i cannot find the option for doing that iceroot16:15
icerootbios`: or was it only this "adobe reader pro" thing?16:15
icerootbios`: ah ok16:15
lafonSo using any of the gui shutdown/restart methods don't work. they just log me out16:20
blsh0pzykotick9 thank you so much16:20
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nacho_anybody know how could i control grooveshark with mediakeys16:22
ska_Im running LTS and I can't find my icons for running apps now. Is there a special applet for that?16:24
ska_The running apps just disappear when lowered. no icon is shown on panel.16:24
xanethhay i hav a hp 2000-219dx laptop and the wifi ain't work'n16:24
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luis_xaneth: What driver are you using?16:26
blawizjrib, looks like i have this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xbindkeys/+bug/763260 i hate bugs16:26
ubottuError: Bug #763260 is a duplicate of bug #750167, but it is private (https://launchpad.net/bugs/750167)16:26
xanethcan someone help16:26
MonkeyDust!ask| xaneth16:26
ubottuxaneth: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:27
mkc_81can one person from God can help me to share folders with Ubuntu-windows ? it gives me 255 error.16:27
auronandace!samba | mkc_8116:28
ubottumkc_81: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:28
bios`hi I am looking for a tool which allows me to make anotations in pdfs (xournal is a way to limited since you can only write text on the white boarders and okular does not allow me to send the anotatins to friends who are not using okuklar as well)16:28
luis_mck_81: Samna16:28
luis_I ment Samba16:28
wriggleHello whats the best command to wipe completly all data and making it unrecoverable?16:28
mkc_81auronandace samba is default netwroks share application for Ubuntu. did you think i did not try it ?16:28
lafonwhenever I try to turn off my computer with the gui I only get logged out. when i use the "shutdown" command it turns off16:29
Jonii^I'm not sure what do I want16:29
Jonii^But I want it to be so that my data is not readily available to anyone who happens to find or take my netbook16:29
lafonautomount also won't work16:29
auronandacemkc_81: i was linking you to a guide16:30
Jonii^I'm unsure about how to proceed16:30
mkc_81auronandace ok.16:30
mkc_81auronandace samba can not share .16:30
mkc_81auronandace at least on me.16:30
wriggleanyone? the best way to completly wipe all data and making it unrecoverable ?16:30
MonkeyDust!details| mkc_8116:31
luis_wriggle: Did you try Bleachbit?16:31
auronandacemkc_81: i've never needed to share stuff over a network with windows16:31
ubottumkc_81: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:31
rhizmoeupstart sure has some funky error messages16:31
go8765wriggle, may be try Gringotts16:32
mkc_81MonkeyDust 255 error from nautilus when try to share a folder. samba-GUI no error. and i can not see any folder from "entire network" button of nautilus.16:32
wriggleis it possible with 'rm' command aswell?16:32
deej1976bios`: Adobe Reader can make comments as long as the document has comment right set16:32
xanethi have a wifi problem in ubuntu 11.10 no channels ive tried forums and used nm-tools and then some says that the state is unavaliable16:35
natrixnatrix89if I have intel i3.. should I install ubuntu 32bit or 64 bit? which would do better?16:36
=== share_ is now known as share
xanethi have a wifi problem in ubuntu 11.10 no channels ive tried forums and used nm-tools and then some says that the state is unavaliable16:38
nDuffnatrixnatrix89, how much RAM, and what will you be using it for?16:38
nDuffnatrixnatrix89, if you're going to run processes that use lots of RAM, or do virtualization, you're better off 64-bit16:38
natrixnatrix89nDuff: 4gb ram16:38
natrixnatrix89and I'm going to do mostly web development16:38
icerootnatrixnatrix89: use amd64 (doesnt matter how much ram) if the support supports (and your cpu does)16:39
deej1976 bios`: Try pdf edit from the repo16:39
natrixnatrix89so I'd be using lamp16:39
nDuffnatrixnatrix89, doesn't sound really compelling either way, but I'd go 64-bit16:39
dorkcan anyone help me fix a broken grub after a dist-upgrade?16:39
icerootnatrixnatrix89: cpu supports16:39
natrixnatrix89what would be the benefit of 32 bit version in my case?16:39
deej1976bios`: I've just added Text to a PDF (ABS-guide) and open in Adobe16:39
zooppCan someone tell me how to make Ubuntu save screen brightness settings between sessions? Each time I reboot my system or restart X brightness is set to 100%.16:39
icerootnatrixnatrix89: with 32bit you cant use your complete ram16:39
nDuffnatrixnatrix89, 32-bit software fits in less RAM -- that's the only real advantage, other than not needing to have two copies of your libraries installed for compatibility with older 32-bit code16:39
nDufficeroot, not true -- PAE16:39
icerootnatrixnatrix89: 32bit just supports 4gb ram (including vga)16:40
nDufficeroot, though with a 32-bit system he couldn't use all his RAM in a single process16:40
icerootnatrixnatrix89: pae is bad16:40
natrixnatrix89right.. o then I'm going for 64 bit16:40
icerootnDuff: pae is bad and can only adress 1.2 gb per process16:40
nDufficeroot, *shrug* -- PAE is overhead, but it's not _that much_ overhead for most use cases.16:40
ellipsis_Hey, I duel boot gentoo and ubuntu and after installing the lastest update for ubuntu it no longer boots? What should I do?16:40
icerootnDuff: pae is really bad16:40
nDufficeroot, and yes, I specified earlier that if he was going to run individual processes that were going to use much RAM, 64-bit was the Right Thing16:40
zooppCan someone tell me how to make Ubuntu save screen brightness settings between sessions? Each time I reboot my system or restart X, brightness is set to 100%.16:41
* BluesKaj watches deulling boots16:41
icerootnDuff: i386 can adress up to 4gb per process, pae can handle 1.2gb per process16:41
nDufficeroot, ...re: "really bad" -- not so much, no. My servers are hosted with linode; they suggest 32-bit for many use cases (things that aren't databases or memcached), and have compelling benchmarks that the overhead of PAE is actually below the noise threshold.16:41
BluesKajduelling even16:42
nDufficeroot, yes, but how often do you _need_ more than 1.2gb/process when all you're doing is webdev?16:42
icerootnDuff: https://cl4ssic4l.wordpress.com/2011/05/24/linus-torvalds-about-pae/16:42
icerootnDuff: read that, then rethink about "pae is not so bad"16:42
nDufficeroot, ...I can't say I care more about Linus's opinion than about benchmarks.16:42
harsh343I got an error when i run this command  mysql -u root -p16:42
harsh343ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)16:42
nDufficeroot, ...I mean, I'm never saying it _isn't_ an awful, ugly hack16:42
harsh343why ???????????????????????????16:43
icerootnDuff: so there is no single reason to use pae16:43
nDufficeroot, but if it doesn't impact production performance, I have trouble caring how awful or ugly it is.16:43
zooppCan someone tell me how to make Ubuntu save screen brightness settings between sessions? Each time I reboot my system or restart X, brightness is set to 100%.16:43
deej1976harsh343: Is mysql running? ps -ef | grep mysql16:43
savidI have a daemon app that runs in X (touchegg for multitouch gestures),  but I need to have it monitored so that it runs all the time when X is running, and if it crashes I want it to automatically restart.  What's the best way to do that?16:43
harsh343deej1976, hi dear16:43
nDufficeroot, sure there is -- memory usage in constrained environments. Which a 4gb system probably _isn't_, granted.16:43
chaospsychex2can somehelp help me SSH into another ubuntu comp? i have installed openssh client and server on both systems. i get an error when trying to ssh in though.16:43
deej1976harsh343: yep me again16:43
zagibuwhat error?16:44
SilfenXhow can I find out which program/service is causing zombie processes to occur? I have run 'ps -1' but it only lists a bunch of numbers, not the actaul name of the program/service ...16:44
harsh343this is the output harsh    11496  2146  0 22:13 pts/2    00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql16:44
icerootnDuff: you read the think about "more then 1gb should use amd64"?16:44
deej1976harsh343:  not running16:44
chaospsychex2zagibu: connection timed out16:44
nDufficeroot, ...it's probably a fair rule.16:44
xanethi have a wifi problem in ubuntu 11.10 no channels ive tried forums and used nm-tools and then some says that the state is unavaliable16:44
harsh343deej1976, then ?16:44
deej1976harsh343: service mysql start16:44
zagibuchaospsychex: sounds like firewall troubles16:44
chaospsychex2i do 'ssh 'username@<iphere>' and it doesnt work16:44
harsh343again the same error16:45
chaospsychex2its working,lol!16:45
zooppCan someone tell me how to make Ubuntu save screen brightness settings between sessions? Each time I reboot my system or restart X, brightness is set to 100%.16:45
=== Leao is now known as KocaYarak
chaospsychex2how do i copy files from the server to the client?16:46
monstaRtrucku guys have failed me16:46
harsh343means the output is long but the same as i run my previous command16:46
deej1976harsh343: try sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart16:46
monstaRtruckmy gtx560 is owning in windows16:46
monstaRtrucki got 1000 fps in quake16:46
chaospsychex2only 1000fps?16:47
chaospsychex2dude i get 15k16:47
monstaRtruckand glxgears wont even move in ubuntu16:47
KocaYarakHello! I need function content assisting on my text editor (which shows information on library/functions and COMPLETES the code). Text editor is Gedit but it seems there is no such Plugin. Any ideas?16:47
zagibuchaospsychex2: with scp16:47
icerootKocaYarak: vim16:47
harsh343this is the output of my several commands http://pastebin.com/n646QMTr deej197616:47
zagibuyou must log out again, though16:47
deej1976harsh343: should return mysql start/running, process .....16:48
zooppCan someone tell me how to make Ubuntu save screen brightness settings between sessions? Each time I reboot my system or restart X, brightness is set to 100%.16:48
KocaYarakYeah im soon going to transfer to vim. I should start learning it i guess...16:48
monstaRtruckto vim from where16:48
monstaRtruckvim is great16:48
harsh343deej1976, no i think so16:48
icerootKocaYarak: "vimtutor" is a good start, just type it into the shell after installing vim16:48
monstaRtrucki like the colors16:48
JapyDoogecleaning my desk16:48
xanethi have a wifi problem in ubuntu 11.10 no channels ive tried forums and used nm-tools and then some says that the state is unavaliable16:48
KocaYarakokay iceroot thx16:49
monstaRtruckits lame when ppl use pico16:49
monstaRtruckpico is super lame16:49
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nDuff...It's also lame when people type "ppl" (or otherwise omit vowels from their communications).16:49
deej1976harsh343: see what returns from  dpkg-query -l mysql-server16:50
monstaRtruckppl who name themselvs nduff r lame16:50
monstaRtruckhey wat were u using before vim16:50
h00kmonstaRtruck: Do you have any support questions?  If not, we have #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic chatter16:50
deej1976harsh343: should get "ii  mysql-server"16:50
NDPMacBookProIncrease maturity by 84%.16:50
puffAll of the dual-boot tutorials I'm finding are about adding linux to an existing windows install.  Are there any about adding linux to an existing linux install?16:50
zooppCan someone tell me how to make Ubuntu save screen brightness settings between sessions? Each time I reboot my system or restart X, brightness is set to 100%.16:51
monstaRtrucki told u glxgears are frozen16:51
monstaRtruckHELP ME!!!16:51
EvilResistancepuff:  why would you need that?16:51
monstaRtruckexaclty cause u cant16:51
harsh343deej1976, yes16:51
Palace_Chanhow do i assign an shell variable like mastring='const * void' or somethign without the * expanding?16:51
monstaRtruckand now im pissed16:51
EvilResistancemonstaRtruck:  you need to calm down before someone calls the ops in16:52
monstaRtruckso go ahead and try to provide your so called support16:52
KocaYarakPalace_Chan, use \*16:52
h00k!patience | monstaRtruck16:52
ubottumonstaRtruck: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:52
puffEvilResistance: I'm installing a newer version of ubuntu alongside an older version.16:52
KocaYarakPalace_Chan, its a special character that prints * literally without pointing16:52
xanethi have a wifi problem in ubuntu 11.10 no channels ive tried forums and used nm-tools and then some says that the state is unavaliable16:52
KocaYarakPalace_Chan, thats what you meant or ?16:52
Palace_ChanKocaYarak: but i have a ton of things like *..is there a way to say fixed string dont do anything to it? like triple double quotes or something?16:52
EvilResistancepuff:  the process is *generally* the same.16:52
EuroNerdDid anyone here try to install the AwOken custom icon theme for Ubuntu?16:52
monstaRtrucksuport is something you cant google16:52
EvilResistancepuff:  resize partitions to make space, tell Ubuntu to use that free space16:52
EvilResistances/Ubuntu/the newer Ubuntu installer/16:53
monstaRtruckseems to me the only answers that come out of here can be googles16:53
KocaYarakPalace_Chan, i don't know sorry, thats beyond me. I'm a beginner =)16:53
aaronh5is it possible in a bash script to echo the current directory the user is in16:53
chaospsychex2how can i map a network drive of another ubuntu system?16:53
puffEvilResistance: Okay... burn a liveCD ISO, boot it, use gparted to repartition?16:53
EvilResistance!ops | monstaRtruck16:53
ubottumonstaRtruck: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!16:53
chaospsychex2i want to browse the filesystem of a network hd on this system16:53
h00kEvilResistance: that wasn't necessary16:53
xanethi have a wifi problem in ubuntu 11.10 no channels ive tried forums and used nm-tools and then some says that the state is unavaliable aka wifi not working16:53
icerootaaronh5: echo "$PWD"16:53
EvilResistanceh00k:  sorry, i'm getting horrible lag and his stuff comes in bursts16:53
aaronh5iceroot, thanks!16:53
h00kmonstaRtruck: If nobody can help you, please look at the forums or other documentation while you wait16:53
puffEvilResistance: I vaguely remember hearing/reading in the distant past that there are gotchas about where on the disk the partitions are, etc.16:53
EvilResistanceh00k:  the timestamps are messed up, so i'm seeing his ranting in bursts - i assumed nobody was watching16:53
deej1976harsh343: As normal fresh 11.10, sudo apt-get install mysql-server ; specified mysql password, it installed and worked, mysql -u root -p enter password and in.16:54
h00kmonstaRtruck: can you give the channels more information?  What graphics card you have, for example, what driver you're using?16:54
monstaRtruckthx h00k16:54
harsh343deej1976, yup but last time run but due to some reason i uninstall and when i again install now such thing happens16:55
puffWow, they really moved stuff around in the UI.16:55
xanethi have a wifi problem in ubuntu 11.10 no channels ive tried forums and used nm-tools and then some says that the state is unavaliable aka wifi not working16:55
puffThis is my first look at post-10.4 ubuntu.16:55
xanethi have a wifi problem in ubuntu 11.10 no channels ive tried forums and used nm-tools and then some says that the state is unavaliable aka wifi not working16:56
monstaRtrucki have ubuntu 11.04, nvidia gtx560, driver 270, glxgears sends my cpu thru the roof, compiz and cairo seem to be running in opengl mode tho16:56
deej1976harsh343: hmmm, just apt-get remove mysql-server, then installed and still works16:56
JapyDoogelol yep puff16:56
Palace_Chanok screw the * stuff, i shortened the string and escaped..my real question is why isnt this regular expression for sed capturing only apr_time? http://pastebin.com/M3LgpKpM16:56
puffJapyDooge: Where do I find the apps, e.g. Accessories/Terminal?16:57
xukunhello everybody. Just suddenly my system want start. I get the message when I boot: cant mount /var press S to skip or M for manual mount. I have no idea what to do from here. Please help if u can16:57
deej1976harsh343: mine just broke16:57
monstaRtruckbows to bill gates16:57
xanethi have a wifi problem in ubuntu 11.10 no channels ive tried forums and used nm-tools and then some says that the state is unavaliable aka wifi not working16:58
=== daftykin1 is now known as daftykins
deej1976harsh343: now working: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start16:58
puffJapyDooge: Ah, under the top icon.  Geez, it's all windowsy with a search box and all.16:58
deej1976harsh343: now I can log back in16:58
ska_What is the ubuntu-desktop package, and can it be removed?16:58
JapyDoogehaha puff good luck exploring :p i cleaned my desk and going home :)16:58
JapyDoogeska_ it's a virtual package for all desktop components16:59
JapyDoogeso Unity, desktop utility's, etc16:59
harsh343deej1976, u r going to ofline now ?16:59
deej1976harsh343: yes, home time16:59
ska_JapyDooge: removing nautilus-sento wants to remove it..16:59
xukunplease anybody? I have ssh connect with the failed system16:59
ubidoobi2Acer Aspire M3203 triple core with 5 gb ram .... 200 gb maxter drive took ubuntu install (dual boot with win7) 700gb seagate and 1 tb  would not take the same live cd ... 64 bit Amd desktop ... any ideas as to why feel free to prv msg me.  I have seen this problem all over the web but no real solutions for it. Gparted recognizes both latter drives but the installer does not.  I have tried IDE RAID and ACHI confi16:59
ubidoobi2gurations for the last 2. Ubuntu finally installed as IDE on 200 gb drive.   please msg me in prv should you have a fix.  Win7 will install on all 3 drives.16:59
deej1976harsh343: back on Monday16:59
JapyDoogelol wtf ska_16:59
harsh343Again the same error17:00
deej1976harsh343: Good luck17:00
harsh343tk cr deej197617:00
puffJapyDooge: Thanks.17:00
zagibuxukun: press M and try to mount it manually...do you know which device/partition your /var is on?17:00
xanethi have a wifi problem in ubuntu 11.10 no channels ive tried forums and used nm-tools and then some says that the state is unavaliable aka wifi not working17:00
JapyDoogegl puff :)17:00
zagibuxukun: it probably means your disk is bust, though, so prepare to restore a backup17:01
zagibumentally prepare, I mean17:01
chaospsychex2how can i map a network drive of another ubuntu system?17:01
blawizcan one map buttons with imwheel to work on all apps?17:02
h00kchaospsychex2: You can use sshfs, nfs17:02
h00k!fstab | chaospsychex217:02
xanethi have a wifi problem in ubuntu 11.10 no channels ive tried forums and used nm-tools and then some says that the state is unavaliable aka wifi not working17:02
ubottuchaospsychex2: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:02
h00k!sshfs | chaospsychex217:02
ubottuchaospsychex2: sshfs is a !Fuse based filesystem which allows you to mount a remote system over !SSH - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS for instructions17:02
xukunzagibu, is there a way to really make that sure? I have ssh connection to that pc17:03
zagibumake what sure?17:04
zagibuyou can try to run an fsck on the partition17:04
florian_Hello. I'm new and I have a problem. I don't know how to instal the Nvidia drivers.17:05
e33hi guys, my bluetooth is on, but when i click on add new device it gave me no adapters found17:06
soreau! bluetooth | e3317:07
ubottue33: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup17:07
e33i just want my pc to recognize that the bluetooth mode is on on my phone17:07
e33ubottu: thx man17:08
xukunzagibu I'm kind of noob can u please tell wat exactly to do?17:08
zagibudo you know which device/partition the /var is on? if not, try listing /etc/fstab17:09
AmdpcHi,,In ubuntu if we want to connect a mobile broadband connection,it gives me the options of country and my carrier etc..And I am able to connect to the net.But I am unable to connect it in Kubuntu..How to create a mobile broadband connection in kubuntu ?17:09
xanethi have a wifi problem in ubuntu 11.10 no channels ive tried forums and used nm-tools and then some says that the state is unavaliable aka wifi not working17:09
harsh343I got the error again and again after runing any command what i can do ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) ?????????????????????????????????/17:10
xukunzagibu, it's sda317:10
g1c9easiest way to add .txt to every file in a dir?17:10
zagibuokay, try mounting it manually with the mount command17:10
felipespathhello, good morning, I want to install some wireless drivers. In Ubuntu 11.04 version I would go to the directory, put sudo su, then make, then make install and they would install17:10
felipespathnow, it dosent work with ubuntu 11.10 version...17:11
harsh343felipespath, here is the gud evening17:11
felipespathcan Anyone help me to install them17:11
soreaufelipespath: What wifi chip is it?17:11
harsh343felipespath, go to ubuntu software centre and try17:11
thoidingjami need help installing fifrefox upgarde on 9.10 karmic17:12
felipespathi dont know, i have the drivers in a directory, my computer is a samsung, and the ones that come with ubuntu dont work well so i have to install those so it works properly17:12
harsh343or go to VPN connections17:12
xukunzagibu, this is wat is in the var: /dev/sys/var    /var            xfs     logbufs=8,logbsize=256k,noatime17:12
harsh343Hello all i need help17:12
Amdpc!ask | harsh34317:13
ubottuharsh343: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:13
ivandistanislavsorry people but mysql is open source?17:13
soreaufelipespath: lspci should tell you what wifi chip it is or lsusb if it's usb17:13
thoidingjami need help installing firefox upgarde on 9.10 karmic17:13
zagibuxukun: you mean that's what's in the fstab for var?17:13
harsh343ubottu, hi dear17:13
auronandacethoidingjam: karmic is no longer supported17:13
CarlFK1ivandistanislav: yes.  so is postgresql, which is my current fav :)17:13
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ivandistanislavok thanks17:13
xukunzagibu, sorry that is what I meant17:13
zagibuand what does "mount" without parameters list?17:14
harsh343I got an erro ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) whenever i run the command mysql -u root -p17:14
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ok_hi, I need some help17:14
harsh343ubottu, yes i have allots of patience17:14
ubottuharsh343: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:14
harsh343ubottu, yes i know17:15
ubottuharsh343: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:15
ok_I'm trying to unrar a multi-part rar archive and it just fails17:15
harsh343ubottu, how many time you paste this17:15
ubottuharsh343: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:15
e33Discover the hciX location of the dongle, what mean dongle, is it the usb for bluetooth?17:15
felipespaththe controler is: 02:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8192E/RTL8192SE Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)17:15
ok_I run the command and it starts extracting... "Failed"17:15
roundnumbersok_ did you check to see if it needs any pars17:15
soreaufelipespath: What's wrong with the drivers included with ubuntu? should work fine17:16
xukunzagibu, http://pastebin.com/uQeKKsgB17:16
ok_roundnumbers: I didn't, no. I don't know how to either.17:16
fatninjaHow to monitor my tcp network traffic ? For port 21, I need to see what raw commands are being sent to the ftp server..17:16
xNorevbig ubuntu-channel17:17
soreaufatninja: maybe try #networking17:17
gp5st1i'm trying to compile stud (https://github.com/bumptech/stud). i have libev4, libev-dev, and libssl-dev installed, but it's acting like it can't find either of these things. http://pastebin.com/drmg81Tv i was wondering if anyone would be able to help. I'm @ ubuntu 11.1017:17
felipespaththey dont work so good, sometimes they work, sometimes they wont, so at the last ubuntu verision i would install other drivers i downloaded and they would work fine17:17
xukunzagibu, I have a raid1 and a ssd which is where the os is17:17
soreau! realtek | felipespath17:17
ubottufelipespath: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b17:17
felipespathnow i try to install them but going to the directory, puting sudo su, then make, then make install17:17
velcroshoozjust upgraded my lapop to 11.10, does not wake on automatic sleep .. any suggestions17:17
chaospsychex2how do i enable ftp server ?17:18
zagibuxukun: so did you try to mount var manually? did it work?17:18
felipespathbut in this ubuntu version, they wont install, as they dont find some config file or somehting..17:18
xukunzagibu, sudo mount /dev/sda3 /var?17:19
elgatongp5st1: have you tried (if possible) passing appropriate ./configure switches?17:19
soreau! who | felipespath17:19
ubottufelipespath: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:19
soreaufelipespath: Can you pastebin the output from your terminal to pastebin.com?17:19
zagibuxukun: what's the result?17:19
unkrchaospsychex2: use /etc/init.d/vsftpd start    note: if you installed vsftpd server17:19
gp5st1elgaton: there aren't any. it's just a make file.  it doesn't look like it points the compiler anywhere specific17:19
elgatongp5st1: Edit the include and library path in the makefile then17:20
chaospsychex2what is the easiest way to transfer a large amount of files from a ubuntu sys over the network17:20
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:20
gp5st1elgaton: there isn't one17:20
elgatongp5st1: Could you paste the Makefile in a pastebin, please?17:20
xukunzagibu, mount /dev/sda3 /var17:21
xukunmount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'17:21
zagibuah, crap, your raid stuff...17:21
zagibuso it's not actually sda317:21
gp5st1elgaton: it's in the repo i linked to (https://github.com/bumptech/stud/blob/master/Makefile)17:21
soreau! pm | felipespath17:21
ubottufelipespath: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:21
zagibuis it a software raid?17:21
soreaufelipespath: I said pastebin, not pm17:21
xukunzagibu, yes17:21
gp5st1elgaton: mine's unmodified from the repo17:22
noisebleedIs there a guide to install Oneiric through the command-line?17:22
harsh343i thinks i need alots of patience in irc channel17:22
felipespath<soreau> make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.0.0-12-generic' gcc: error: /lib/modules/3.0.0-12-generic/build/include/linux/autoconf.h: No such file or directory gcc: fatal error: no input files compilation terminated. scripts/Makefile.build:49: *** CFLAGS was changed in "/home/felipe/Documents/Ubuntu/drivers/HAL/rtl8192/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS.  Stop. make[1]: *** [_module_/home/felipe/Documents/Ub17:23
soreau! paste | felipespath17:23
ubottufelipespath: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:23
soreaufelipespath: looks like you need to apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)17:23
zagibuxukun: can you paste your whole fstab somewhere, please?17:23
Geoffrey2I'm trying to find some straight forward instructions on how to mount a usb stick from the command line...my laptop died the other night, and I've got it's hard drive in a laptop with only 512MB of RAM..not enough to do a full boot of Ubuntu, I'm sure..so I booted from command line, inserted a USB stick which was recognized...now I just need to get it mounted so I can copy over some data files I need...17:24
felipespathShouls I type that at the terminal?17:24
Geoffrey2everything I'm seeing is modifying fstab for a permanent mount, this is a one time only need....17:24
elgatongp5st1: just a minute17:24
gp5st1elgaton: np:) thanks for your help17:24
xukunzagibu, http://pastebin.com/Vs5WJpgY17:25
soreaufelipespath: The drivers included in the linux kernel should work fine already17:25
ok_Could anyone help me? I try to extract a multi-part rar archive and it says the extraction is successful but when I choose "Show the files" there's nothing there.17:26
felipespaththey work sometimes, sometimes they dont, so i have to restart the computer, and they work, sometimes a few times before they work17:26
zagibuxukun: /var is not on your raid17:26
felipespathwith this new version it wont work17:27
felipespathI was told before that it is a problem with the drivers for my controller, so i downloaded some, and install them in the other ubuntu versions17:27
xukunzagibu, no17:27
xukunzagibu, I think my /dev/sda is not a part of the raid17:27
soreau! who | felipespath17:27
ubottufelipespath: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:27
_platypus_Can someone recommend music software that's better than Banshee?17:28
elgaton_platypus_: Amarok (but it uses the KDE libs)17:28
soreau_platypus_: rythmbox17:28
zagibuxukun: well, unknown filesystem type "linux_raid_member" sounds kind of suspicious, don't you think?17:29
auronandace_platypus_: exaile17:29
luis_Unable to mount Ipod,  Unhandled Lockdown error (-15) Anyone seen this before? It happens when I plugin my ipod. I am running Ubuntu 11.0417:29
elgatongp5st1: are you running on a 32 or 64 bit system?17:29
velcroshoozanyone have issues with hardlocks during automatic sleep on 11.10?17:29
xukunzagibu, I have no Idea why that is17:30
luca_bidear friends, I have the package of gnome-shell installed but I have also the launcher do you think I should uninstall this package??17:30
gp5st1elgaton: 6417:31
Amdpcharsh343 : PLease see my PM17:31
zagibuxukun: me neither, unfortunately...try mounting some of your other stuff in the fstab, like /dev/sys/var17:31
elgatongp5st1: try adding at line 11 (the one starting with LDFLAGS) the following text: -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/17:33
nixmaniackhey! I probably know the solution of one of the questions asked on askubuntu.com but just noticed to answer there I need 10 reputations? Why is it like that?17:33
c0strexubuntu 11.10 works scary good :)17:35
xukunzagibu, mount /dev/sys/var gives me no errors but it takes ages and nothing happens17:35
c0strethe only thing I have to get running is bitcoin, it cant seem to import my stuff from my backup. I have to blow them all before they get *totally* worthless :)17:35
zagibuxukun: out of ideas, sorry...are you sure you didn't play around with partitioning or raid admin tools?17:36
Dexter20082001I have a problem while installing and using Ubuntu 11.10 on a Dell Optiplex XE. The keyboard causes a full system freeze for at least a minute. Any help or suggestions?17:36
xukunzagibu, not at all. Thanks for the try and your time17:37
c0strekeyboard, as in "when I press a key"?17:37
monstaRtruckanyone else having opengl issues with ubuntu17:37
monstaRtruckw new video  cards17:37
Dexter20082001Yes when any key is pressed17:37
c0streand then it works after that?17:37
AmdpcHi....currently kdm is set to default in my pc,,I want to change it to gdm...How to do it ?17:38
IndustrialWhy does the Software Center reload the whole window every time a package is done uninstalling? what if I want to uninstall 20 packages? I need to wait for each one to uninstall because I cant keep on browsing for packages in the list and I have to navigate to where I was (and remember where in the list I was) before being able to uninstall the next package...17:38
Dexter20082001after a minute it finally catches back up17:38
IndustrialCan I get synaptic back?17:38
zagibuxukun: if it takes ages, it might really mean there is something wonky on the partition17:38
zykotick9Industrial, sure, install synaptic17:38
Industrialwill it continue to exist?17:39
Industrialbecause this is really shitty interface...17:39
escottAmdpc, install gdm and uninstall kdm17:39
aguitelIndustrial, apt-get install synaptic17:39
Amdpcescott : How to do that ?17:39
Industrialif its a queue of actions, why reload the whole screen with a spinner?17:39
zykotick9Industrial, it's the same as aptitude - just because they remove it from the default install, doesn't mean it's gone from the repo17:39
escottAmdpc, sudo apt-get install gdm; sudo apt-get remove kdm17:40
xukunzagibu, I will let it run for a while. But what would that help eventually?17:40
zagibuxukun: you could back up your data and then reinstall17:40
Dexter20082001c0stre, any suggestion?17:41
jadonim looking to run a minecraft server in ram disk, can anyone point me to some good ramdisk documentation or irc channels ?17:41
zagibuxukun: about the raid stuff...it seems /dev/sys/bla devices are indeed raid partitions17:41
xukunzagibu, data on /var do you mean?17:41
qirkHow to adjust the number of lines to scroll with "synclient"? Currently it seems like it scrolls 3-4 lines at a time, would like to reduce it.17:42
zagibuxukun: well, I don't know where your data is...if you could get the thing mounted, it might be possible to start the rest of the system17:42
xukunzagibu, thanks17:43
zagibuxukun: can you try lvdisplay? i think LVM might be involved17:43
xukunzagibu, ok17:44
coffeeburritoI changed the hostname of one of my computers and updated the permissions in my remote MySQL server ('username'@'newhostname'), but when I try to connect it says Access denied for user 'username'@'oldhostname'. Is Ubuntu caching the old hostname somewhere, or is this a MySQL client issue?17:44
gp5st1elgaton: sorry for the delay. minor problem here, resolved now. LDFLAGS = -lssl -lcrypto -lev -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ is my line, same probelm17:45
escottcoffeeburrito, its in the mysql config. mysql records users as user@host so root and root@localhost and root@mycomputername are all different17:45
xukunzagibu, http://pastebin.com/zP3TW79T17:45
zagibuokay, so we indeed have to deal with logical volumes17:46
coffeeburritoescott: do you know where I might fix that, or is that a question for #mysql?17:46
escottcoffeeburrito, you need to login with the correct root@host and update any logins/permissions for the new hostname17:47
coffeeburritoescott: I think there is some confusion - I already changed my server to accept the new hostname instead of old, but the mysql client is still trying to authenticate with the old username17:48
xukunzagibu, only the sda disk is on lvm and is not part of the raid.17:48
coffeeburritoold hostname*17:48
zagibuxukun: try vgchange -ay sys17:48
zagibuto activate the volume group17:48
escottcoffeeburrito, i guess check if there is a .mysql file in your home directory17:49
lauratikais it possible to change which side unity bar is? i want unity to be at my rigth hand side17:49
italicis there any way to access an env var in .Xresources?17:49
xukunzagibu, it's still busy mounting. can I  do the vgchange too?17:50
najamsalauratika: there is a unofficial compiz plugin to ove the launcher to bottom, I am not sure if right side is supported17:50
xukunzaggynl, while mounting17:50
elgatongp5st1: Sorry too, I was called. Could you please move the -L switch so it is before the -l ones?17:50
zagibuxukun: no, just about the mount17:50
gp5st1elgaton: sure.  it's been a while, i forgot order mattered17:50
noahnoahHello.  new to ubuntu (converted from fedora last night.)  I've over clocked my cpu, but somehow things seem a bit slower in ubuntu.  is there a good way to benchmark the system?17:50
zagibuxukun: then do the vgchange, then try mounting again17:50
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lauratikanajamsa: what is the name?17:51
xukunzaggynl, 3 logical volume(s) in volume group "sys" now active17:51
najamsalauratika: check the webupd8.org site17:51
gp5st1elgaton: same errors:(17:51
zagibuxukun: that's not me :P anyway, try remounting now17:51
Muphridlauratika: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/how-to-move-unity-launcher-to-bottom-of.html17:52
xukunzagibu, shall mount /dev/sys/var to /var?17:52
zagibuxukun: yeah, try that now17:53
xukunzagibu, if that is yes then it's again just sitting there. nothing is happening it seems17:53
elgatongp5st1: could you add the -v flag to CFLAGS and LDFLAGS and paste the log in a pastebin?17:53
=== Mud is now known as Guest55220
xukunzagibu, mybe reboot again?17:54
monstaRtruckcarp is abundant in these waters17:54
zagibuxukun: i don't think the vgchange will stick...17:54
gp5st1elgaton: http://pastebin.com/fWkd6Tad17:54
zagibuxukun: anyway, you could try to boot a livecd, and do the vgchange and mount there...if it doesn't work, there, too, the disk is definately busted17:55
xukunok will do that. Will be back and if you are still here I will let you know17:56
matrix3000anyway to show ufw rules without ufw enabled17:56
zagibualright, good luck17:57
zagibumatrix3000: isn't ufw just an iptables frontend?17:57
zagibuso I guess iptables -L could work...17:57
matrix3000but iptables -L is blank17:57
matrix3000cause i haven't enabled ufw yet17:57
zagibuah, I see...have to find out where ufw stores the rules17:58
DonaldKeyzi found a script to rotate the screen 90 degrees and I want to add a launcher that runs the script to the panel area, how do I do it?17:58
elgatongp5st1: Try doing a "make clean" and rebuild with "make". I have no other idea...17:58
NixGeekI'm using /etc/network/interfaces to add more ip's to our server and if I use /etc/init.d/networking restart or ifdown -a && ifup -a after editing the file, the new interfaces don't show in ifconfig.  Th only way I can find to add them is with ifconfig eth0:[#] [ip] up, and that doesn't stay between server reboots, any ideas?17:59
macRoverWhere can I find the changes to Ubuntu 11.10 from the previous released version?17:59
noahnoahIt definitely  looks like my ubuntu install is causing my over clock to run slower.  Any ideas why?17:59
srf21cNixGeek: what version of Ubuntu are you using? Do you have a GUI installed?18:00
escottDonaldKeyz, create a bash script and create a launch with alacarte18:00
NixGeeksrf21c, 11.10 server edition, no GUI.  It's all over ssh18:00
mattalexxI installed Nautilus-elementary in Natty and now I want to remove it. I used ppa-purge, then apt-get update, then apt-get dist upgrade, then I restarted the machine. After all of these things, nautilus-elementary is still there! How can I restore the nomal nautilus?18:00
MuphridmacRover: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/ReleaseNotes18:00
zagibumatrix3000: they should be in /var/lib/ufw18:00
douglis there a support channel for evolution? I would like to delete all my duplicate messages... for some reason evolution downloads already downloaded messages off my mail server, How do I stop this?18:00
EgyParadoxmacRover, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes18:00
elgatonmattalexx: you have removed only the PPA, not the package18:00
escottnoahnoah, run prime9518:00
elgatonmattalexx: Use "apt-get purge" to uninstall18:00
noahnoahescott:  Sure, but how do I know how fast it is running?18:01
noahnoahHave a big process in matlab.  Took ~ 1 hour in fedora.  Takes ~ 3 hours in ubuntu.  Same harware18:01
masqueradare there any linux utilities which would let me edit my pc's escd/pnp data and save the new data back to the nvram?18:01
mattalexxelgaton, Nothing seems to have happened when I ran that: "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded."18:02
unkrcan anyone reffer me to any book that will help me to handle ubuntu via command in cli ??18:02
escottnoahnoah, you can check things like cpuinfo and see how the scheduler is set in /proc18:02
WhiteStarEOFQuestion for the brain trust. I have a touchpad on my laptop that allows me to put one finger in one place on the pad, another finger in a different place on the pad and have the cursor jump across the screen. Ubuntu 11.10 restricts this movement to basically useless distances. How can I fix this?18:02
matrix3000zagibu: /var/lib/ufw doesn't work18:02
elgatonmattalexx: You will need to append the package name for Nautilus elementary (for example, "sudo apt-get purge nautilus-elementary" - I don't know if that is the correct package name).18:02
noahnoahdefinitely something wrong.  /proc/cpuinfo shows some cores a 3.4 and other cores at 1.6!!  this is over clocked in the bios to 4.518:03
unkrelgation: when i use "apt-get update" why some packages get ignored ??  can u tell me ??18:03
srf21cNixGeek: do the additional IP values addded to /etc/networking/interfaces persist across reboots?18:03
mattalexxelgaton, Thanks, that worked!18:04
gp5st1elgaton: i always do a make clean before i make:-\ thanks for your help18:04
elgatonmattalexx: YYou're welcome18:04
yasmaniHello guys, I'm using a PPTP VPN as a client, I want my external ip address (public one, ppp endpoint) to accept connections on port 80 and redirect it to my machine (internal ip), I've done this in the past but somehow it doesn't work now, any of you have a clue on what iptables rules I should put in? Thanks18:04
ivandistanislavhi people , but java is all open source?18:04
escottnoahnoah, are you referring to the cpu MHz line?18:05
elgatongp5st1: You're welcome (though I didn't solve your problem)18:05
gp5st1elgaton: but you tried. all i can ask for:)18:05
escottivandistanislav, there are open source java compatible implementations, but sun/oracle java is not18:05
srf21cNixGeek: I think that running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated, that may be your issue18:05
noahnoahubuntu is definitely scaling things somehow.  the slower running matlab process is one huge red flag.   the cpu Mhz is another18:05
escottnoahnoah, thats just what the cpu is currently running at, not its maximum. its normal to have them running at different speeds18:06
elgatonunkr: look at the man page for apt-get (note the difference between "upgrade" and "dist-upgrade")18:06
NixGeeksrf21c, I'm changing this more incase of reboots. If I actually reboot the server, I need to schedule it and notify players, as it's a game server.  I more want to know why restarting the network interface with commands isn't causing the changed to take effect.  enen if i go ifup eth0:0 it says the interface is already configured, but it doesn't show in ifconfig and I can't access the server using the ip18:06
qirkcan scrolling number of lines be adjusted?18:06
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noahnoahOK.  How can I verify that it gets up to the proper speed under load?18:06
unkrelgaton: ya i know the difference now what18:06
elgatonunkr: Basically, some packages do not get upgraded if you just perform an "apt-get upgrade" because if they were upgraded they would have required installation/uninstallation of other packages.18:07
elgatonunkr: Doing an "apt-get dist-upgrade" upgrades everything.18:07
monstaRtruckany1 having opengl issues?18:08
elgatonunkr: Also, some packages may be "blacklisted" (not upgraded) for safety reasons, but these exceptions are rare.18:08
masqueradare there any linux utilities which would let me edit my pc's escd/pnp data and save the new data back to the nvram?18:08
monstaRtruckfor some reason new nvidia vidio cards have issues with linux18:08
unkrelgaton: by upgrading to 11.10 will allow me to run the software that was installed in 10.10??18:09
=== ceej_ is now known as ceej
srf21cNixGeek: Try restarting the network using some of these methods http://serverfault.com/questions/269921/what-is-the-preferred-method-to-restart-networking-in-ubuntu-and-debian18:09
unkrelgaton: does will affect some softwares?18:09
NixGeekmonstaRtruck: I've never had big probelms with nvidia card in ubuntu, are u using the proprietary drivers?18:09
monstaRtruckyes i tried both18:09
escottnoahnoah, you can change the cpufreq throttler in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu#, but you just need to collect more data on what is happening when you are running your processes18:10
monstaRtruckfresh install of 11.418:10
elgatonunkr: Yes in 99.9% of cases (the packages just get upgraded to the newest version). An exception may be proprietary display drivers (some may lack support for newer Ubuntu versions).18:10
monstaRtruckglx gears frozen18:10
noahnoah A little more digging.  Looks like there is a scaling_max_freq set at 3.4 in the /sys/devices18:10
glitchdhoping someone can help me with this...http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/784138-howto-boot-existing-ubuntu-partition-using-virtualbox-inside-windows/18:10
glitchd* http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/784138-howto-boot-existing-ubuntu-partition-using-virtualbox-inside-windows/18:10
noahnoahThis is strange.  Why wouldn't ubuntu use the max from the bios??18:10
monstaRtrucktried drivers from latest nvidia18:10
monstaRtruckglxgears still frozen18:10
unkrelgaton: okk thanx18:10
elgatonunkr: You're welcome18:11
NixGeeksrf21c: I'll try those, thanks for the link.. I actally have to go, Thanks for the suggestion18:11
srf21cNixGeek: you bet. Good luck18:11
unkrelgaton: can you suggest me how do i get familiar with commands any book ?18:11
NixGeeksrf21c: thanks18:11
escottnoahnoah, to protect hardware from buggy bioses18:11
elgatonunkr: Do you mean basic shell commands?18:11
noahnoahStrange.  Fedora, cents, etc. don't have this "feature".18:12
noahnoahI have 8 cores (4 with hyper thread), so I would need to change this max_freq for each one?18:12
glitchdcan someone possibly help me with this?  http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/784138-howto-boot-existing-ubuntu-partition-using-virtualbox-inside-windows/18:12
unkrelgaton: no not basic one  like handling dhcp servers, ftp server   server kinds of commands18:12
noahnoahIs there a utility for this, or do I have to manual edit these files?18:12
unkrelgaton: or some kind of tutorials for them18:13
unkrelgaton: in one place18:13
masqueradnoahnoah, are the slow cores the extra virtual ones created by hyperthreading?18:13
noahnoahNo.  All the cores are slow18:13
noahnoahLooking in the /sys… directory, I see 8 cpu directories, all have a max limit.18:14
noahnoahI guess I could manual edit them all18:14
masqueradoh, I thought you wrote that some wewrew at 3.4 and some at 1.618:14
elgatonunkr: I haven't read it personally, but if I recall correctly there is an Ubuntu Server Administration Guide on the market - search for it on Amazon for the details. The contents look good to me.18:14
noahnoahBut thinking there must be a better way18:14
unkrelgaton: ok :)18:14
escottnoahnoah, thats exactly how you are supposed to do it18:14
noahnoahOK.  Will do.18:15
noahnoahSurprised that the other disros don't have this "feature"18:15
escottnoahnoah, you can make a script and add it to rc.local18:15
noahnoahNice idea.  Will these values reset on reboot?18:15
masqueradwhen you split one real cpu into two virtual hyperthreaded cpu's, they both are slower than the real cpu was18:15
noahnoah@masquerad, not sure that is accurate.  On previous system, cpu had all 8 running at 4.5   Was really fast18:16
vachoanyone has experience with git here? :)18:16
robinduckettvacho: ask the boys in #node.js18:16
escottnoahnoah, most likely the kernel is reading the cpu capabilities from some known database and ignoring what the bios tells it. so yes it would reset on reboot, which is why you should add it to rc.local18:16
robinduckettvacho: they love it18:16
BluesKajBBL...stuff to do18:16
noahnoah@escort.  That makes perfect sense :)  Good explanation!18:17
escottvacho, yes, but git questions are probably better directed to #git18:17
noahnoahI'm not an expert in startup scripts.  How can I make it edit/write a file automatically?18:17
escottnoahnoah, its just a sequence of "echo value > file"18:17
noahnoahGot it.  Thanks!18:17
masqueradare there no escd/pnp editing utilities in linux?18:17
dorkcan anyone help me fix a problem with grub and software raid?18:18
MisterMomdoes anyone know what causes sound to be choppy and broken in 11.10,  never had this happen in 10.0418:18
masqueradMisterMom, what kind of sound card?18:19
MisterMommasquerad : soundblaster xfi18:19
glitchdcan someone help me with this? http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/784138-howto-boot-existing-ubuntu-partition-using-virtualbox-inside-windows/18:20
noahnoahOk.  Here's a weird development:   sudo echo '4500000' > /sys….scaling_max_freq  gives: permission denied18:20
noahnoahbut I'm using sudo?18:20
MisterMomi see a few people reporting this but not many18:21
trismnoahnoah: > is captured by the shell before it gets to sudo, use tee18:21
mjrsnyder_how much faster is esxi than other virtualization options18:21
noahnoahahh.  thanks18:21
escottnoahnoah, sudo only runs the echo command as root, the redirect > is handled by bash which is you. you have to sudo -i and then run it. not necessary in rc.local as that is root interpreted18:21
trismnoahnoah: echo 4500000 | sudo tee path18:21
escottglitchd, can you bee more specific about what you are having trouble with18:21
FlavioTrashPunkn-1.cc  ?  ALGUEM AI USA O CHAT DO N-1.CC  ACABEI DE HABILITAR.. mais nao sei como usar.. aguem pode ajudar.. vamo testar ..18:21
escott!br | Flannel18:22
ubottuFlannel: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:22
escott!br | FlavioTrashPunk18:22
ubottuFlavioTrashPunk: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:22
ActionParsniptrism: or tee -a  to add to the file ;-)18:22
trismActionParsnip: indeed18:22
masqueradMisterMom, some people report the same problem with windows 64bit drivers18:22
glitchdescott, ok sure, i have windows 7 x64 and ubuntu 10.04 installed with dualboot. im not really tech savvy enough to jus out right do this. this is kinda confusing to me. thats why i posted a link to the page containing the instructions for what i want to do.18:23
MisterMommasquerad : im running win 7 64 right now with no problem18:23
glitchdescott, i want to boot my existing ubuntu install while booted into windows.18:24
HannofcartHello, I'm trying to connect to a wireless network from a new Xubuntu install. The wireless device does not show up in ifconfig. lshw shows me that my wireless card is a BCM4311 device. I don't have any means to connect via ethernet either (I am chatting from a different machine) so I tried the 'STA - No Intenet Access' method as described in the documentation: http://bit.ly/w0DUvf18:24
HannofcartI tried installing firmware-b43-installer by downloading all the packages and running dpkg -i but that keeps failing.18:24
HannofcartCan someone tell me what's my next alternative? I cannot connect that machine to the internet without wireless, I have to download whatever I need and transfer by usb18:24
ActionParsnipglitchd: the guys in #vbox may help too :-)18:25
scriptwarlockdoes anyone has an idea why i have this: FXComposeContext: illegal parameter windows18:25
glitchdActionParsnip, so i should switch channels then?18:25
IronSightdoes anyone know of a faster loading gtk based file manager than thunar? Thunar takes like a minute plus to load for some reason.18:25
escottglitchd, that was understood. just asking broadly for help on the instructions won't get you much, because nobody on the channel is doing exactly what you are doing at exactly the same time and having exactly the same difficulties. what exactly is confusing to you18:25
masqueradMisterMom, if it happens in one os but not another, maybe it's one of the other linux drivers causing interference with the xfi?18:25
ActionParsnipglitchd: ask in both18:25
glitchdescott, pretty much everything..18:25
ActionParsnipIronsight: pcmanfm or rox18:26
IronSightthank you ActionParsnip18:26
scriptwarlockdoes anyone has an idea why i have this: FXComposeContext: illegal parameter windows18:26
ActionParsnipHannofcart: you can install it offline using the install cd18:26
masqueradMisterMom, I ended up having to dump my creative labs card because despite working well in windows, it caused problems in linux18:27
MisterMommasquerad: ubuntu 11.04 works just fine but 11.10 is so choppy i can not here any sounds and mp3 is just crapola18:27
escottHannofcart, have you checked "rfkill list"18:27
ActionParsnipHannofcart: the broadcom how to shows how to do it18:27
IronSightActionParsnip, ahh nice, pcmanfm is instaloading :D18:27
HannofcartActionParsnip, I am followingthe broadcam HOWTO18:28
escottglitchd, you might jump over to #ubuntu-beginners (its a bit lower traffic) and just go line by line what is confusing you18:28
Hannofcart(The link in my question is just that)18:28
masqueradMisterMom, that makes it all the more likely that it's a problem with one of the other drivers which is newer in 11.1018:28
glitchdescott, ok thx for the tip18:28
dorkanyone know if you can do a dist-upgrade from a chroot environment18:28
escottdork, yes18:28
ActionParsnipHannofcart: then you don't need to get anything via usb18:28
Hannofcartescott, can you explain what you mean by "rfkill list"18:28
ActionParsnipDork: absolutly18:29
HannofcartActionParsnip, well, I already tried the method without internet18:29
Hannofcartdoesnt work18:29
MisterMommasquerad: ok that makes sense, i wonder if it might get fixed or if there is a easy way to fix it18:29
masqueradMisterMom, because if it were a newer xfi driver at fault, then there would have been a popular outcry by now18:29
escottHannofcart, just run the command it will tell you if your hw radio is turned off (sometimes that is a gotcha for people who think the radio is on and its not)18:29
csenger41hello everyone :)18:29
ckendallis there anyway to log all messages from 10.2.*.* devices to a specific log file (rsyslog)?18:29
ckendallI know of fromhost-ip, but what about any device with ip 10.2.*.*18:29
Hannofcartescott, radio?18:29
escottHannofcart, wireless = radio18:30
csenger41please help me where can I find a working version of OpenUT?18:30
SadlyMistakenI can't see megavideo videos in fullscreen, in webs People only give 1 solution "Uncheck Aceleration Hardware" but it is uncheked and it doesn't work yet. what can i do?18:30
GriGiHi i got problem with U1, when i use it on 11.04 it works great but when i update Ubuntu to 11.10 it return "Method "CreateItem" with signature "a{sv}(oayay)b" on interface "org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection" doesn't exist" error when i want to login :18:30
GriGi:/ anybody can help me?18:30
Hannofcartescott, alright, i'll give it a try18:30
ActionParsnipHannofcart: what do you think wireless transmitted via?18:30
masqueradMisterMom, the way to figure it out would be to compare a dmesg log from 11.04 with one from 11.10, and see which drivers changed18:30
GriGiI was trying everything i even asked here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/73504/i-cant-login-to-ubuntu-one18:30
HannofcartActionParsnip, heh, didnt know :)18:30
GriGibut nobody knows the answer, i was trying to reinstall ubuntu and still nothing (i reinstalled 11.04 and performed upgrade again)18:31
MisterMommasquerad: thanks will try that18:31
ActionParsnipHannofcart: well its rated in hz like radio stations and such. You learned something new today :D18:32
EgyParadoxckendall: ufw18:32
HannofcartActionParsnip, yup, indeed. thanks!18:32
douglanyone know if there is a support channel for evolution mail client?18:32
ckendallEgyParadox, I don't need a firewall18:32
EgyParadoxoh I see18:32
ckendallEgyParadox, I want to log syslog messages from a particular subnet to a specifc file18:33
csenger41GriGi: i heard many people having issues when upgrading from 11.04 to 11.1018:33
ckendallI know you can match a specific IP, but I don't know about a subnet18:33
tolmunsearching for solution: using ubuntu server to stream live webcam on web page?18:33
HannofcartActionParsnip, wait, ofcourse its rated in Hz. So are microwaves (all EM for that matter) I knwo that much! I assumed that you meant that the same band of EM waves are used for wireless transmission as are radio waves18:33
csenger41GriGi: try using another distro, like Xubuntu18:33
GriGicsenger41, it's really annoying cause it works on my netbook but didn't work on PC, and that's what im using U1 - for syncing files between 2 PCs18:34
GriGibut i think i'll wait for another Ubuntu, because im not using that PC very often18:34
escottHannofcart, radio waves is a more general term, and includes tv, radio, satellite etc...18:34
csenger41GriGi: try Xubuntu, it's working like wonder for me and would never return to Ubuntu18:34
scriptwarlockdoes anyone has an idea why i have this: FXComposeContext: illegal parameter windows18:35
EgyParadoxckendall: Sorry I cant help18:35
csenger41i g2g now, bye :)18:35
GriGicsenger41, when i was upgrading i get many "error adding /usr/ssl/certs/..." it may be the problem? I know it's just SSL certificates but maybe this is it18:35
EgyParadoxI  dont know18:35
Hannofcartescott, yes I know. I assumed they use a different segment of the electromagnetic waves spectrum as compared to wireless18:35
ActionParsnipGriGi: are there bugs reported?18:36
ActionParsnipGriGi: if you make a new ubuntu user and log in, is it ok?18:36
escottHannofcart, its regulated country by country, but it is a different band (or at least should be)18:36
volga629Is some body know ftp client support lookup of SRV records ?18:36
GriGiActionParsnip, on AskUbuntu some guy told me to login into Guest account and try there but i can't login into U1 even on guest account18:37
escott!details | scriptwarlock18:37
ubottuscriptwarlock: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:37
GriGiActionParsnip, i got error in my language, it's something like "There are problems with authentications lists"18:38
scriptwarlockafter issuing mkahawa -nossl this came out18:38
scriptwarlockFXComposeContext: illegal parameter windows18:38
scriptwarlocki think its from libfox1.618:38
ActionParsnipGriGi: make your own new user and try there18:38
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escottscriptwarlock, sounds like a bug in mkahawa. its not uncommon to have these kinds of warnings/bugs in gui applications, as long as it is working correctly i would ignore it18:39
scriptwarlockescott, does foxtoolkit made changes or ubuntu 11.10 does? because mkahawa is working properly on 11.0418:40
escottscriptwarlock, i dont know what any of these libraries programs are. if the program you are running is in apt and is not working you should file a bug at launchpad.net. if you got this program from a third party you need to get an updated version from them if there is an incompatibility between libraries18:42
yasmanilet me rephrase18:42
ActionParsnipGriGi: there is #ubuntuone with 62 users in18:43
scriptwarlockescott, i'm not sure what libraries are update on ubuntu 11.10, do they update it especially the libfox thing?18:43
yasmaniI have a pptp connection, internal ip: 192.168.x.x, external ip: 69.x.x.x, I want traffic from 69.x.x in port 80 to come to my box, how to setup iptables this way, anyone? I've been doing this for ages and now it doesn't work, help plz18:43
escottscriptwarlock, check the versions http://packages.ubuntu.com/18:43
qirkis there possible to get a smooth scrolling on linux as on macbook?18:43
GriGiActionParsnip, thanks, i didn't know about that channel, now im trying with that new user18:44
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.18:44
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support ended on June 1st 2011. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.18:45
ActionParsnipqirk: there are often options in the browser. You may need an addon or extension18:45
* ActionParsnip misses Gutsy18:45
ptrkmjAnybody knows if this still works: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromKnoppix18:45
ptrkmjIt seems little old18:45
ubottudebootstrap is used to create a !Debian or Ubuntu base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of !dpkg or !APT. It does this by downloading !.deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory you can eventually !chroot into.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot for more information18:46
qirkActionParsnip: found one for chrome already, but I would like it to apply for pdf readers etc too, I've tried to adjust synclient too but I haven't found anything for scrolling lines per 1 scroll on touchpad18:46
scriptwarlockescott, ok thanks for the time gonna check ubuntu, foxtoolkit and mkahawa.18:46
genii-aroundptrkmj: The basic principle still works, yes18:46
ptrkmjgenii-around: good news18:47
ActionParsnipqirk: not sure dude. Never spent time on stuff like that. Try a few readers18:47
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:47
genii-around!it | liu18:47
ubottuliu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:47
noahnoahOK.  After much digging, cpufreq just won't cooperate.  I'd like to just disable it.  Is there an easy way to prevent it from loading at all.  (My hope is that the cpu will then just run at the bios limit)18:48
masqueradqirk, which pdf readers have you tried?18:49
qirkmasquerad: okular evince18:49
francisvgarciadoes anyone has good results on runing internet explorer 8 un ubuntu 11.x18:49
qirkaccording to this it should be pathed in synaptics by now http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTU1MA18:50
IndustrialIn Unity, how/where do I remove the keybinds that exist for the quicklaunch bar on the left? e.g. SUPER_L + s goes to workspace switcher and SUPER_L + t to the trash. I want to turn these (and the ones for the number keys off).18:50
qirkwould like the smooth mac scrolling feature to appear universally18:50
genii-aroundptrkmj: The assignment of hd names has changed since Dapper, will be sda sdb and so on , not hda hdb   as there18:50
IndustrialI instead want to use the number keys for switching to a workspace.18:50
Industrialit works!18:50
escottnoahnoah, you would likely have to get a different kernel18:51
trash_how do i chance my name?18:51
masqueradqirk, "xpdf" smooth scrolls for me18:51
Industrial /nick foo18:51
ptrkmjgenii-around: yeah i know such things :D but will this work for lubuntu as well?18:51
noahnoah@escort.  Hard to believe that.  See some startup stuff in rc3.d.  Must be a way to either disable, for fix it.18:51
noahnoahIt looks like "bios_limit" is set and then locked.18:51
daviddoriaI am trying to setup my machine to connect a VPN. The info I have is an IPSec ID, and IPSec secret, and Xauth username, and an IPSec gateway. I don't see fields for ID or Secret when I go to the  "VPN Connections -> Configure VPN" in Ubuntu 11.10. any suggestions of how to set this up?18:51
qirkmasquerad: I'll try it out then, for example in okular if you hold down left mouse button and drag down so the hand appears, the scrolling feature is smooth, but with simple scroll it takes about 4 lines at once18:52
=== trash_ is now known as trashoot
venik212In trying to VPN into my linux machine from home, I get the error message: You do not have permission to change the hosts files.  Please verufy that you have write permissions in the /etc directory.  I used chmod to modify these, but I still am getting the error.  What do I do?18:52
tensorpuddingfrancisvgarcia, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=2518:52
escottvenik212, you should not be chmod'ing stuff in /etc18:52
genii-aroundptrkmj: The principle is the same, yes18:52
venik212how else can I give permission ?18:53
escottnoahnoah, if you see a bios_limit being set then use a similar command to unset it18:53
trashoot'couldn't conect to the remote server' means which mistake?18:53
escottvenik212, are you following the vpn documentation?18:54
noahnoahThere is not command to set it.  It is a file in the sys info.18:54
noahnoahNot sure what sets it.18:54
glebihannoahnoah, Wouldn't disabling the ondemand service do the trick ?18:54
venik212escott-- I was just trying to use the java secure application manager to get in, and that is where I got stuck18:55
escott!vpn | venik21218:55
ubottuvenik212: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN18:55
escottvenik212, if you are using some java program you need to be running that program as root18:55
Dougie187Does anyone know how to make a laptop *not* blank the screen when the lid is closed?18:56
escottvenik212, but chmod/chown on root owned files is almost always the wrong thing to be doing18:56
venik212escott-- good idea-- I'll try that18:56
noahnoahI'm working on turning off the startup scripts that enable cpufreq at all.  Hoping that will prevent this debacle.18:56
Dougie187This is in 11.10 btw.18:56
PehnepDougie187: Remove the button that causes it to.18:56
Dougie187Pehnep: button?18:56
glebihannoahnoah, I thinks those scripts are the ondemand ones I just mentioned18:57
Dougie187you mean like take the laptop apart, and remove the physical switch?18:57
scriptwarlockescott, there is indeed some changes of libfox from the two releases of ubuntu18:57
PehnepDougie187: Or switch, which is probably under your laptop screen, hardware.18:57
PehnepDougie187: Yeah.18:57
Dougie187that's not a very good solution.18:57
Dougie187Isn't there a software based method?18:57
escottnoahnoah, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/13240318:57
PehnepDougie187: Gets the job done, unless it's not your laptop.18:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 132403 in linux-source-2.6.22 (Ubuntu) "Cpu frequency scaling is limited to stock speeds" [Undecided,Won't fix]18:57
escottscriptwarlock, check packages.ubuntu.com and it will tell you what version is included in each release18:58
venik212escott-- is there an easy way to set permissions to what they used to be, without noting all the changes I have made?18:59
scriptwarlockescott, yeah saw everything this is a lot of work and hunt down of mkahawa18:59
IndustrialHow do i get more then 4 desktops in unity?18:59
IndustrialI want 9.18:59
escottvenik212, do you know what files you changed?18:59
venik212all files called host*19:00
venik212I restored the /etc folder permissions-- that was easy19:01
escottvenik212, 644 root:root for all19:01
PehnepI'm trying to install a DVB-C PCI card onto my system properly (hardware is fitted already) to watch Digital TV, I'm using Digital TV Control Center but it keeps giving me this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/728442/ Does anyone perhaps know what to do/try from here?19:01
=== kevin is now known as Guest52858
daan4711Hi, I've got a Apple Wireless Keyboard (bluetooth), but I needed a numeric keypad, so I bought one. The problem is: when my numlock is on (so I am able to type numbers), my keyboard doesn't work anymore (it types numbers with some keys). Is there a way to use the Apple wireless keyboard and Numlock at the same time?19:01
IndustrialHow do I make alt-tab only show items on the current desktop in Unity?19:01
lvellaHow can I create a shortcut in Unity?19:02
monstaRtruckomg do i have to return my awesome gtx560?19:02
monstaRtruckor should i return ubuntu19:02
monstaRtrucki mean linux19:02
BluesKaj!nomodeset | monstaRtruck19:03
ubottumonstaRtruck: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:03
monstaRtruckno my glxgrears crawl19:03
escott!info alacarte | lvella19:04
ubottulvella: alacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.2-2ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 52 kB, installed size 348 kB19:04
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escottdaan4711, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89188119:05
daan4711escott: I think that's the solution! I'll give it a try.19:07
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=== max_ is now known as Visionaire
matrix3000anone know where nfs logs are stored19:09
costresystem-config-samba is AWESOME!19:09
escottmatrix3000, /var/log/nfs*?19:10
daan4711escott: It works! Thank you for this wonderful solution...19:10
matrix3000escott: there is no /var/log/nfs19:11
OffleinHello. At some point I ran a script I found to downgrade my PHP to 5.2. Now I would like to re-upgrade to 5.3. I assume it is "pinned" but I am not sure. Synaptic indicates that 5.2 is the "Latest version" but gives me the option to force 5.3, although it never works right.19:11
OffleinHow can I find what is making 5.2 the "latest" version of PHP?19:11
escott!pinning | Offlein19:11
ubottuOfflein: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:11
root__how to install wireless tl-wn 620g...?19:12
OffleinThank you escott.19:12
root__guys...how to install wireless tl-wn 620g...?19:12
yasmaniHello guys, how can I port fwd19:13
costrewhat's a tl-wn 620g?19:14
yasmanian external pptp connection on port 80 for the external ip to my machine19:14
Offleinescott: Seems pretty out of date.. but I think I got it!19:14
OffleinThanks once more.19:14
ActionParsnipyasmani: do you use a router?19:15
root__guys...how to install wireless tl-wn 620g...?19:16
yasmaniActionParsnip, I use a pptp vpn i'm the client I have 3 ips19:16
yasmanimy external pptp internal, the local pptp ip19:17
yasmaniand of course my eth0 interface19:17
yasmaniI want my external ip to redirect to my machine's port 8019:17
root__guys...how to install wireless tl-wn 620g...?19:17
masqueradroot__, what's the chipset?19:17
root__masqueread___. chipset Tp-Link19:18
ActionParsnipyasmani: set a rule to allow connections on port 80 on the ppp0 interface and block it on the others. You may need to port forward on the router if the ppp0 ip is not a class b ip19:19
yasmaniActionParsnip, I have everything setup, but when I nmap the public ip, I don't see port 80 open so it's not redirecting, I tried this vpn weeks ago and worked any chances they've done something to prevent this19:20
ActionParsniproot__: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc19:20
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=== Guest45462 is now known as Airward
ActionParsnipyasmani: i can try the ip in my browser if you want19:21
masqueradI can't find any wn620g listed at http://www.tp-link.com/en/support/download/19:21
psilo23hi there, does anyone know how can i lock someone in his home dir from command line ?19:22
ActionParsniproot__: is it usb or pci based?19:22
psilo23ot disable read/write on an account19:22
psilo23someone i using my box as a ssh proxy19:22
JandofOfftopic: Would anyone happen to know a good channel to ask about chemistry?19:22
psilo23and i want to limit his account as much as possible19:22
root__actionParsnip___: AR552319:23
escottpsilo23, its called a chroot, but its a bit tricky to setup as you have to give them enought to run what you want and nothing more. why not set their shell to being the ssh client directed at their final location19:23
psilo23escott he doesnt need to run anything19:23
psilo23just connect19:23
escottpsilo23, he needs to run ssh19:24
psilo23to use it as a local socks proxy to forward traffic through my machine19:24
ActionParsniproot__: and the output of: lsb_release -sc19:24
psilo23yeah he just needs ssh access, thats it19:24
root__actionParsnip___: nemesis19:25
logi_hi, is it possible to get the nice looking drop shadows from 11.04 back into 11.10?19:25
psilo23hmm chroot, i will take a look at that, seems to be alot to just do it in 5 seconds hehehe19:26
psilo23why isnt there an argument u can give while creating an account, so that the user is locked in his home dir19:26
roasted_Question - I'm looking to set up a custom ISO of Ubuntu with preinstalled software. I heard that Remastersys was now running under a new fork/name. Can I do this virtually? Just install Ubuntu in virtualbox, install everything I want, and then switch the system to boot to the "Remastersys" ISO instead of the Ubuntu VDI and copy it? Or would I be better off doing it on physical hardware?19:26
psilo23thats not a weird thing19:26
jdobriendoes using unity --reset usually hang?19:26
ActionParsniproot__: that's not an ubuntu codename. You aren't running ubuntu19:26
masqueradroot__, http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=TP-Link_TL-WN620G seems to imply that there isn't a native mode linux driver, that you need to use the ndiswrapper pkg with the windows ndis driver19:27
escottpsilo23, no because they need to run programs which are outside their home. so in order to chroot them to $HOME you have to provide enough binaries (and a libc) to be able to run the commands they do need to run19:27
ActionParsniproot__: you are running backtrack. Right?19:27
root__actionParsnip___: im using backtrack4 please help me...19:27
ActionParsnip!backtrack | root__19:28
ubotturoot__: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition19:28
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psilo23cant i just disable read / write access on a account ? :P19:28
ActionParsniproot__: backtrack isn't supported here.19:28
psilo23for all i care he cant do anything, he doesnt need anything19:28
wildc4rdGood evening all19:29
* jdobrien thinks he totally hosed up unity19:30
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RyuGunsHey, using ubuntu 11.10 here, every time I log into ubuntu the panel on top only has the menu items for desktop and the panel is gone.19:30
escottpsilo23, the concern is that he runs a (setuid) binary on your machine which is flawed and escalates his priviliges. so its non-trivial to establish a limited environment with only things you trust that is functional, and then chroot him to that. it can be done, its just not trivial19:30
genjixis there a channel for people who build ubuntu packages? i'm learning how to create a deb package.19:30
xcyclist11.10 first try at git since upgrade from 11.04, Username prompt doesn't echo, authentication always fails.19:30
genjixwant to package cppdb up19:31
jdobrienRyuGuns, this is a wild guess...did you use compiz config? I just did that and I have the same issue19:31
escottpsilo23, but in order to be on the machine he has to run a program, so he has to have access to /usr/bin or a copied version of /usr/bin19:31
psilo23i just gave some random lad ssh access to my box thats why i am asking lol19:31
RyuGunsI did use compiz config.19:31
FTKhey everyone. need some tips to change info on gnome-system-monitor. changed in /etc/issue and /etc/lsb-release, but it revert back to original after a reboot19:31
RyuGunsI was trying to get back the compiz effects. :\19:31
jdobrienRyuGuns, I am trying to figure out how to fix it...19:31
escottpsilo23, see http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/ap-chroot-ssh-env.en.html19:31
psilo23there is nothing on that box though but just was wondering it, i think im gonna need to dive into admin linux19:31
RyuGunsrm -rf .gnome .compiz19:31
masqueradpsilo23, what is their purpose in logging into your machine?19:32
psilo23masquerad: to use as a ssh tunnel to bypass the proxy at work19:32
jdobrienRyuGuns, that seems a little strong :)19:32
RyuGunsRight now I am using KDE, I'll be back to tell you if it works, okay?19:32
monstaRtruckdid a fresh ubuntu 11 install, additional drivers say device is activated but not in use19:32
escottpsilo23, in your case the easiest thing might be to see if you can configure your server to allow that user to execute one and only one command which is the ssh command to the final location19:32
noahnoahHi.  Looks like a combination of a bios update and disabling cpufreq has me working at the correct speed.19:32
psilo23since ubuntu 11.10 im in love with LXDE19:32
Canpsilo23: agreed19:33
noahnoahHowever, I'd like to benchmark this.  Is there an easy way to measure how fast I'm actually running?19:33
csdserverhaving problems with 11.10 and don't know what's going on - certain programs (canonical provided) will fail to launch without an error code.  top doesn't even list them as running processes.19:33
psilo23escott: yeah i will check that later tonight i guess :)19:33
psilo23thanks for your help bro19:33
psilo23Can: Did you try the Unity desktop also ?19:33
masqueradpsilo23, why do you need to let them actually login just to pass their traffic through a tunnel?19:34
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Canpsilo23: ya i dont like it and my lappy cant run it very well lxde is much cleaner and runs better19:34
lanedoes anybody know where firefox is storing its cache?19:34
psilo23masquerad: because thats the easiest way to setup a ssh proxy tunnel with putty19:34
lanei know it's in .mozilla/firefox/bla/Cache19:34
psilo23Can: My pc can run Unity, but i think its too much19:34
laneman... hmm.19:34
escottpsalden, this also a set of helpful links http://stackoverflow.com/questions/402615/how-to-restrict-ssh-users-to-a-predefined-set-of-commands-after-login19:34
psilo23If i want a desktop to slow up my pc i could switch back to windows19:34
kkamalHello, I can no more sudo, and I lost root pw what can i do ????19:34
Viper550Okay, how exactly would I increase the vertical padding on menubars? I switched to gnome-shell cause I couldn't stand Unity, but the menubars seem thin to me19:35
Canpsilo23: 7 year old laptop mainly using it for school work and unity just makes it chug19:35
psilo23Can: yeah i also installed Ubuntu 11.10 with LXDE at the netbook of my stepdad19:35
psilo23He's 65 years old and is now working with Ubuntu 11.10 :D19:35
Canpsilo23: im actually reinstalling Lubuntu right now cause i screwed something up19:36
masqueradif I were setting up a firewall in my business, I wouldn't let it be gotten around so easily as using a ssh tunnel/proxy19:36
psilo23Screwed something up !? :P19:36
Canya long story19:36
root__masquerad___, thanks guys.....!19:36
psilo23I had a problem also with installing new Ubuntu19:36
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psilo23After install the screen turned black19:36
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psilo23on Gnome, KDE and LXDE19:36
psilo23i installed mandriva: same19:36
psilo23backtrack: same19:37
root__actionParsnip___: thanks guys.....!19:37
psilo23only safe mode would work19:37
psilo23Now, guess what was wrong ? :D19:37
psilo23its too funny19:37
root__ubottu___: thaks guys...19:37
Canhonestly dont know enough about linux to even guess19:37
psilo23Can: Well, keep this one in mind19:37
psilo23i was trying for three days installing it on my lappy19:37
psilo23and then i couldnt get it to work19:37
psilo23during booting i pressed FN and arrow up19:38
psilo23top turn on the backlight of my screen19:38
psilo23that was insane, after like 10 reinstalls19:38
psilo23a few days work19:38
psilo23its the brightness that automaticly turned to 0 on my laptop, and turned on when i started safe mode, dunno why that happend19:38
Canits always the dumbest stuff that makes you facepalm the hardest when you do it19:38
psilo23so i had to press FN + Arrows up to turn the lights back on hahahaha19:39
psilo23i was about to buy a new laptop19:39
psilo23i thought19:39
FTKanyone knows how to change /etc/issue setting without it keeping on reverting to original??19:39
psilo23not it just died, somethings wrong with the gfx card19:39
PiciFTK: Why would you want to do that?19:39
masqueradpsilo23, I'd expect your ip address to be added to that person's firewall-blocking the first time their network security persons notice that you were connected through19:39
FTKPici : basically i am changing info on /etc/issue and /etc/lsb-release cause i am building a local Derivative of ubuntu19:40
psilo23masquerad: ive been going online bypassing firewalls for the pas 8 years now19:40
psilo23i worked at the biggest isp of my countryu19:40
psilo23this is the way to bypass a proxy ;)19:40
Picipsilo23: I know this channel isn't extremly busy right now, but #ubuntu is for support only, if you want to chat there is #ubuntu-offtopic19:40
Canthats pry a bit my fault too so sorry19:41
psilo23Pici: If you had read my stuff you would know it was acutally about a problem in Ubuntu19:41
psilo23But thanks for telling me19:41
kkamalHello guys, can anyone tell me how to recover my root password on ubuntu 11.1019:41
masqueradpsilo23, how much do they want to be in trouble at work?19:41
liram(ubuntu noob but learning!) what is the normal mounting point for harddrives? I have 2tb raid setup and an ssd, but now im getting messages my ssd is running full while its not, currently I have it mounted at /home/raid/ and it seems ubuntu is seeing the raid config as the root (/)19:41
Jason10can someone help me with an issue i'm having?19:41
Picikkamal: there is no root password in Ubuntu.  We use sudo instead.19:41
RyuGuns1No luck19:41
psilo23masquerad: Smartyoants, go get a job and see how it works inside a company19:41
Gentoo64Jason10: ask19:41
kimpapsilo23, alot of ppl have that problem, black/dim display after install, installing graphic driver usually solves it :)19:42
Picipsilo23: I saw your discussion on forgetting to press the backlight button, thats not on-topic for this channel.19:42
Jason10after installing ubuntu 11.10 i'm only able to see running programs in workspace switcher19:42
kkamalPici, yes but I get : you mast be setuid root19:42
masqueradpsilo23, I was (some years ago) the person in charge of shutting down what you are proposing. it's so very easy to detect19:42
psilo23Pici: Dude, whats your problem19:42
Picikkamal: What is giving you that?19:43
FTKerrr, anyone..19:43
tableshow do i lock the screen on lid close?19:43
Cancant we all just get along?19:43
psilo23masquerad: IF they take a look at it yes, but i was trouble shootig firewalls of corporate customers of the biggest isp here, and i know most companies dont check it19:43
Gentoo64yes we Can19:43
CanGentoo64: brofist19:43
escottliram, each drive should be mounted once (its possible to bind mount it but outside of chroots its not usually useful). check `mount` and if you see it mounted twice unmount it from the duplicated location19:44
psilo23masquerad: lets move to #ubuntu-offtopic before Pici punishes us19:44
venij212I screwed up big time-- I somehow chmod-ed the mode of sudoers, and now I cannot do anything19:44
venij212anyway to get around that?19:44
RyuGuns1What is a command to list all running applications?19:44
kkamalPici: when i try to sudo, i get that19:44
[1]rocketRyuGuns1 = ps -ef19:45
kkamalPici: and /etc/bin/sudo is owned by root19:45
escottvenij212, boot a livecd and fix it19:45
RyuGuns1[1]rocket: Thank you.19:45
liramthats not the case escott, it seems ubuntu is seeing his /home/ directory as root, and everything within it including the raid setup wich is 2tb19:45
noisebleedIs it mandatory to have /home partition?19:45
noisebleedI'm installing Oneiric19:45
Gentoo64noisebleed: no19:45
masqueradnoisebleed, it's a very good idea to have a directory named "home", but it doesn't need to be a partition19:46
noisebleedGentoo64: and what about /boot?19:46
escottnoisebleed, yes and no. mac has /Users instead of home and some (non-interactive) accounts dont have a /home, but yes you need one for linux19:46
noisebleedI don't see an official guide19:46
Gentoo64noisebleed: the bare minimum you need is 1 / partition19:46
noisebleedand swap19:46
puffI'm making an existing system dual-boot (two different ubuntu installs).  I have a swap, /, /home and /bulkdata partition.  Do I just need an extra / partition and can re-use the existing /home and swap?19:46
Gentoo64noisebleed: you dont *need* swap19:46
escottliram, is he chrooted?19:46
Picikkamal: Is this something new that has happened? or have you been able to use sudo before?19:46
noisebleedGentoo64: I'm used to Gentoo installs, with /boot, / and swap19:47
Gentoo64noisebleed: you dont need them19:47
Gentoo64you should know19:47
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masqueradnoisebleed, how much ram do you have?19:47
noisebleedbut, the recoomended?19:47
noisebleedmasquerad: 51219:47
liramas I said earlier, im fairly new at linux in general but learning each and every day escott so take it slow with me, okay?19:47
Gentoo64noisebleed: with 512 youd want swap19:47
escottnoisebleed, anywhere from 0 to 2x ram is normal for swap19:47
masqueradnoisebleed, unless you mean 512 gigabytes, you need a swap19:48
noisebleeddisk is 40GB19:48
Gentoo64noisebleed: make a 2gb for swap19:48
escott!paste | liram send us the output of the mount and df -h commands19:48
noisebleedI'm using a spare disk and box for ubuntu to do some programming19:48
ubottuliram send us the output of the mount and df -h commands: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:48
kkamalPici: yes it worked before, but recently i did "sudo chmod 777 /usr" by error and after that i couldn't use sudo anymore19:48
noisebleedso, what ubuntu does by default?19:48
Gentoo64noisebleed: some poeple have a seperate boot for kernels, and to have it unmounted on boot. but its not needed. /home is if you want to preserve it for reistalls or whatever19:48
NeosanoHow can I copy a file from my pc to another using ssh? I remember there was some trick for it!19:48
DerpyHoovyHey, my computer won't boot - Grub rescue, unknown filesystem. 11.10 dual-boot with Windows.19:49
Gentoo64noisebleed: if you dont care about that, you can use a / and a swap partition (with your ram)19:49
noisebleedwhat partitions? because the iso is running on an external hard drive and the installer says "this disk already has ubuntu" and I had to go for "other install"19:49
escottNeosano, scp file user@remote:/path19:49
Picikkamal: with -R or not?19:49
liramperhaps its easier to paste the line from my fstab, /dev/mapper/isw_dahigjdcgf_moo1 /home/raid      ext4    defaults        0       219:49
escottDerpyHoovy, boot your install disk and fsck your ubuntu partitions19:49
kkamalPici: yeah :s with -R19:50
escottkkamal, you need to reinstall, your system is toast19:50
Picikkamal: agreed.19:50
Gentoo64noisebleed: you either make the partitions manually, or go for auto partitioner19:50
liramthats the raid config, and my download harddrive(s) but I just recieved that my ssd is getting full wich its not by a long shot19:50
escottliram, need to see `df -h` and `mount` to know what is going on19:51
kkamalPici: yeah :s, yeah it looks like i have to19:51
noisebleedGentoo64: i don't see auto-partitioner, went with /boot, swap and /. Thanks for helping out19:51
kkamalescott, Pici, could single mode help? does it still exist ??19:52
BluesKajNeosano, scp /home/user/filename user@RemoteIP:/home/user , and for folders use  -r  after scp19:52
noisebleedGentoo64: btw, I've tried before installlation with SystemRescueCd, but documentation is missing or outdated19:52
escottkkamal, you won't be able to get the permissions right and you system will be compromised have more problems down the road19:52
Gentoo64noisebleed: i dont knwo what that is tbh19:52
Neosano BluesKaj escott thanks!19:53
IndustrialHow do I turn off the windowskey behaviour in Unity? I want to use other Compiz plugins for that. I can't get rid of the windows key bindings in Unity.19:53
noisebleedGentoo64: SystemRescueCd is a livecd based on Gentoo19:53
escott!clone | kkamal you can at least save the list of installed packages19:53
ubottukkamal you can at least save the list of installed packages: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:53
olimSystemRescueCd is pretty small and handy if you cant get anythign else to work19:53
Gentoo64noisebleed: why dont you just install ubuntu with the normal cd?19:53
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noisebleedGentoo64: don't have cdrom19:53
Gentoo64how are you installing it now?19:54
noisebleedfrom an external hard drive19:54
liramescott, ive send you the info you required in a whisper, perhaps you can shed some light into it19:54
Gentoo64ah ok19:54
celord_CRhi, how can I chance ubuntu mime types in order to use Word (wine)19:54
noisebleedand created liveusb using unetbootin19:54
Gentoo64celord_CR: right click open with?19:54
Gentoo64set as default19:55
kkamalescott, ubottu, Pici, thanks guys19:55
noisebleedbtw, with 512mb and a Via C7 (i think) with 1GHz can I go with default ubuntu desktop environment?19:56
Gentoo64noisebleed: i would definately use lubuntu19:56
NoReGreThow can i find out the cause of http://i.imgur.com/JNXG4.png ?19:56
celord_CRGentoo64, great but how can I set it permanently19:56
Gentoo64noisebleed: plain uubntu will be slow as hell on that19:56
noisebleedinstaller menu is slow...19:57
Gentoo64celord_CR: should have an option to set as default app, use custom command19:57
escottNoReGreT, its trying to open a USB stick that was mounted in the past but is not currently mounted19:57
Gentoo64noisebleed: i would cancel and use lubuntu with that ram and cpu19:57
RyuGuns1jdobrien: Are you there?19:57
jdobrienRyuGuns1, yes19:57
DerpyHoovy./dev/sda3: clean, 141332/93773824 files, 6693246/375063808 blocks19:57
RyuGuns1jdobrien: Go into the terminal and type in "DISPLAY=:0.0 ccsm"19:58
RyuGuns1Then CompizConfig should come up.19:58
escottDerpyHoovy, if they all come up clean follow !grub to reinstall grub19:58
RyuGuns1Enable the unity plugin.19:58
escott!grub | DerpyHoovy19:58
jdobrienRyuGuns1, I can't get to a erminal19:58
ubottuDerpyHoovy: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:58
Neosano BluesKaj escott doesn't work19:58
Neosano BluesKaj escott, Received disconnect from 2: Packet corrupt19:58
RyuGuns1jdobrien: Have you tried running a different DE then?19:58
noisebleedGentoo64: lubuntu is well supported? vs XFCE?19:59
Gentoo64noisebleed: yes19:59
jdobrienRyuGuns1, in the middle of something else right now...thanks19:59
Gentoo64noisebleed: it just has a different set of default apps19:59
Neosanonoisebleed, lubuntu is fine! works very well for me19:59
Neosanonoisebleed, yeah, with your hardware I would definitely suggest you to install lubuntu!20:00
kneauxCan someone tell me where all my preferences/administration programs have gone? (ocelot upgrade)20:00
noisebleedI just need an editor like Kate (because eclipse won't be a choice of course) and apache/mysql/php/python20:00
kneauxNamely, the monitors frontend20:00
Gentoo64noisebleed: you ca put any apps on, gedit etc20:00
BluesKajNeosano, what kind of file were you transferring ?20:01
Neosanonoisebleed, why eclipse wont be a choice?20:01
noisebleedGentoo64: uses GTK (Gnome family)20:01
NeosanoBluesKaj, video. .avi20:01
noisebleedNeosano: eclipse is ultimate slow20:01
kneauxoh, for god's sake, i don't even get a context menu on the panel now? what the hell are these people thinking?20:01
Gentoo64kate uses qt gedit is gtk, so i would use gedit for lubuntu20:01
Neosanonoisebleed, oh really? was working very well on my very old laptop20:01
Gentoo64noisebleed: but i doubt any text edits would run slow20:01
kneauxis ubuntu trying to lose all of its users by becoming mac os x20:01
Neosanokneaux, try another button :D20:02
Gentoo64kneaux: try docky20:02
noisebleedNeosano: maybe i should check java options20:02
Neosanokneaux, I don't have it right now, I don't remember, but there's a button on the right (like log off or something) and there is a control panel20:02
tsaknorrisi have sed 4.2.1  if i want to replace all words what start with let say a letter 's/\sa*\s/plaa/g' how im going to do it?20:02
noisebleedbut isn't Unity designed for notebooks? Once i installed it on a Eeepc of a friend20:02
Neosanokneauf or you can type control panel into your search box. but yeah, very unintuitive, I've felt some regression..20:03
Neosanonoisebleed, too slow for notebooks -_-20:03
mducharme-workgood afternoon20:03
Gentoo64noisebleed: its not designed for them20:03
mducharme-workI have an ubuntu server where the network configuration tool does not work20:03
noisebleedinstalled notebook edition, isn't that unity?20:03
mducharme-workit does not appear to create the /etc/network/interfaces file20:03
mducharme-workthat file does not exist20:03
mducharme-workI assume it's a permissions issue20:04
Gentoo64noisebleed: what version is it?20:04
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mducharme-workbut I have no other ubuntu box to compare with20:04
kneaux>_< so it's now in the logout menu for no reason whatsoever, /and/ i don't get a menu for those items anymore. Great. That's a real improvement.20:04
Gentoo64noisebleed: honestly id use lubuntu. my old downstairs comp had 512 ram and it hard froze on the livecd when i opened firefox20:04
Gentoo64on normal ubuntu20:04
kneauxI see, also, that "About" has disappeared, and f1 on the desktop doesn't do anything20:04
Neosanokneaux, well, yes. I don't see a reason for this to be a default behavior. BUT! you can try lubuntu or kubuntu.. or old gnome ubuntu! ^_^20:05
w0_(11.10) -- how come my title bar in firefox is from a webpage I've opened and since closed?  anyone else seen this?20:05
noisebleedGentoo64: what's lubuntu download site or official page? can't find it20:05
kneauxI /am/ on gnome classic.20:05
Gentoo64noisebleed: google :) hang on ill do it for you20:05
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kneauxSeriously, this is the third time in a row I've downgraded to the newest version. I'm getting tired of it.20:05
Neosanonoisebleed, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu20:06
mducharme-workperhaps is there a way I can see what the default /etc/network/interfaces file is?20:06
Gentoo64noisebleed: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/11.10/release/lubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso20:06
Neosanokneaux, GET LUBUNTU :D20:06
Neosanokneaux, and stop whining! that's how I did.20:06
masqueradkneaux, of you are truly dissatisfied, there are other distros20:06
noisebleedGentoo64: thanks.20:07
kneauxSure. I just didn't upgrade Ubuntu so I could install a different distribution.20:07
virgohi, is it ok, if i ask here about wine problems?20:07
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Jonii^I'm unsure about how to proceed20:07
puffI want to install a different version of ubuntu alongside an existing ubuntu install and dual-boot.  I have / (20GB) and /home (/50 GB) and /bulkdata (367 GB) and I've shrunk /bulkdata down to free up a 20 GB chunk.  Now what to do I do? I presume I format the new 20 GB chunk as ext4, but what mount point do I give it?20:07
masqueradwhy not try debian, it's from where ubuntu was born20:08
Jonii^Crypto-fs, install ubuntu, encrypted filesystem, how to, netbook20:08
imbezolvirgo: you drank too much and got sick?20:08
escottpuff, /20:08
Neosanoimbezol, haha :D20:08
olimkneaux, you can read about new versions before going for the upgrade20:08
Jonii^Those are the keywords I'm working with right now20:08
mducharme-workcan anybody please tell me what the default contents of /etc/network/interfaces are supposed to be20:08
writtencan't connect from win7 to a samba server on ubuntu 11.1020:08
imbezolvirgo: i think there's an existing bug report :)20:08
kneauxi'm about to break something >__<20:08
virgoimbezol, i did not, i did install this wine thing for games, but looks like 3d doesnt work at all and cant even start the applications correctly20:08
kneauxHow do I open up Synaptic?20:08
noisebleedthanks Neosano20:09
olimmducharme-work, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/20:09
kneauxIt's not like I can't do this in the terminal. but WHERE IS SYNAPTIC20:09
virgoi have lenovo 3000 N100 with intel graphics20:09
DerpyHoovyFollowed purge & re-install steps exactly, same error.20:09
imbezolvirgo: ah. honestly, you'll eventually come to the realization that if you want to run windows games, you should just run windows20:09
escottJonii^, ecryptfs and encrypted partitions are different you may want to decide which you want. ecryptfs encrypts individual files, but not the os, while whole partition encryption makes it so you cant boot without the password20:09
Gentoo64kneaux: not sure its there any more20:09
imbezolvirgo: there are exceptions.. games that are known to run well. but they're far and between20:09
virgobut there are so many things i like with ubuntu20:09
masqueradany reports of how well dosbox works for games?20:10
imbezolvirgo: yup. i gave up on games 12 years ago when i switched to linux20:10
kimpakneaux, in 11.10 synaptic isnt there by default20:10
liramthe most joy I get from ubuntu is the learning part ;)20:10
kneauxwhat? is...there a better package frontend? or is it one that does less, which seems to be the trend these days in ubuntu?20:10
Neosanokneaux, use terminal to install it.. or.. get LUBUNTU :D20:10
Neosanokneaux, there is one, called software center20:10
kneauxokay, neosano, not for nothing, but stop20:10
Gentoo64kneaux: try searching for it in the software centre20:10
kneauxthat's not synaptic20:10
imbezolvirgo: but seriously, if you want help, there are winehq forums that are your best bet20:10
kneauxi don't want to use the software center20:10
kneauxi want synaptic20:10
puffescott: Won't that conflict with the existing /20:10
Gentoo64kneaux: stop trollling20:10
Neosanokneaux, install it!!20:10
imbezolvirgo: how to (and if it's possible to) use most games is documented pretty well20:10
kimpakneaux, use software center and search synaptic, install, use.20:11
kneauxwell i'm gonna use the terminal, but thanks20:11
metaHi all! How can i make unity to constantly show if a window is urgent/have something new?20:11
kneauxand i'm not trolling20:11
kronomanquestion> any way to make unity work with my nvidia gforce2 mx 400 video card? im using ubuntu 11.1020:11
olimkneaux, another alternative to using software center to install it is by simply typing apt-get install synaptic in a terminal20:11
metait only wiggles for some seonds then thats all20:11
Gentoo64kneaux: stop acting like one then20:11
qirkmasquerad: unfortunately xpdf is a bit laggy since it has to load every next page :/20:11
escottpuff, no its a different partition. the main source of conflict will be the bootloader. if both versions try to setup their own bootloader they will be fighting over who has control over the boot process20:11
kneauxone step ahead of you olim20:11
kneauxgentoo64, stop trolling20:12
olimoh cool20:12
olimlooks like you dont need help finding it then?20:12
Gentoo64kneaux: i say "search for it in the software center" and you say you dont want to use software center, and keep moaning20:12
kronomani have the nvidia drivers working ok, but unity3d does not work20:12
kneauxnot now20:12
tsaknorrissed 's/ a[a-z]*/ plaa/g'  <- i can do it like that, but its not what i really want :D20:12
kneauxi'm just annoyed20:12
kneauxgentoo. shut up.20:12
Myrttiguys, cool of20:12
kneauxyou're making a bigger deal out of this than i was. you're trolling.20:12
Gentoo64kneaux: good20:12
MyrttiMove on, guys. Seriously.20:12
imbezolyou're a towel!20:12
* olim laughs20:12
kronomanquestion> I have nvidia official drivers working, but yet cant find any way to make unity work with my nvidia gforce2 mx 400 video card? im using ubuntu 11.1020:13
kneauxand if i'm not mistaken last time i checked alt+f2 was bound to run program?20:13
kronomangnome3 does not work either, only classic gnome20:13
kneauxsome bright chap decided that was worth deleting, i take it?20:13
NoReGreTescott: that's true, it's always appearing after login, how can I remove it ?20:13
Gentoo64kneaux: what version of ubuntu did you upgrade from?20:14
imbezolas far as i know you can't skip versions20:14
kneauxwas there an m? i don't remember it20:14
Gentoo64kneaux: youll just have to get used to it. the new one uses gnome 3 but it should be around for a long time20:14
kneauxalso, synaptic's still installed, but not available in any menus, and it crashes when i start it20:14
Gentoo64so i doubt there will be many major changes for a while20:14
imbezolif there are no major changes we're all in trouble!20:15
Gentoo64kneaux: whats it say when you run it from terminal20:15
kneauxhang on i'm reinstalling it20:15
Jonii^escott, but you can't do anything with the OS without having the password, right?20:15
DerpyHoovyFollowed purge & re-install steps exactly, same error.20:15
kneauxterminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'20:16
kneaux  what():  vector::_M_range_check20:16
kneauxstd is the worst abbreviation ever20:16
Gentoo64i dont know20:16
escottJonii^, with ecryptfs one can login as root, but root is still unable to access the ecryptfs protected files without the users password. so you could safely let a friend use a guest account on your computer. you cant with full disk encryption20:16
Gentoo64no idea why its crashing20:16
bkerensaanyone know how to dist-upgrade to 12.04?20:16
kronomangnome3 is not working on my video card> nvidia gforce2 (NV11), all drivers installed and working, any idea?20:16
Gentoo64bkerensa: everyone will say "why"20:17
kneauxgod i was driving out of a rental car place once and the sign by the spikes said, with the first letters of each word highlighted, in red, "Severe Tire Damage."20:17
jdobrienRyuGuns1, I got it fixed thanks20:17
* kneaux facepalmed20:17
bkerensaGentoo64: Yeah Im sure :P20:17
kneauxanyway yeah that's super bizarre20:17
RyuGuns1jdobrien: How did you do it?20:17
puffescott: Okay, fomratting the new partition, next, I guess I use the live CD and install into the new partition?20:17
kneauxi almost forgot why i needed synaptic in the first place20:17
Pici!ot | kneaux20:17
ubottukneaux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:17
puffescott: I guess the real question is how I get the bootloader installed and set up to worth with both installs.20:17
kneauxyeah all right whatever20:18
Gentoo64bkerensa: im not sure tbh, but are you going to be using it for main desktop? i would clonethe drive first20:18
jdobrienRyuGuns1, finally got to the point where i could run ccsm and reset unity20:18
Jonii^escott, isn't that pretty good, then?20:18
kronomanubuntu 11.10 dropped support for old computers?20:18
Gentoo64kneaux: why did you need it?20:18
bkerensaGentoo64: All my data goes to the cloud in real time so Im not afraid of data loss20:18
kneauxi was going to see about a different desktop environment20:18
Gentoo64bkerensa: not data loss, but if there isnt a need to use it id stay with the normal version. i can image 12.04 would break all the time especially in this stage20:19
kneauxnever learned aptitude20:19
escottNoReGreT, you could sudo mkdir /media/whatever it was, and see if you get a better error message that is more indicative of the cause. alternately you could use a combination of ps aux > process.txt; xkill; ps aux process2.txt; diff process.txt process2.txt; to try and find out what process is raising the error20:19
Gentoo64kneaux: you can jyst use apt-get install20:19
Jonii^How much of the data is left unencrypted? Can you have the unencrypted part of the system be read-only?20:19
writtenwhy can't i connect to a samba share from win7 ?20:19
Gentoo64kneaux: and choose the de from lightdm (afaik)20:19
=== pothos_ is now known as pothos
DerpyHoovyDangit... I give up. I'll never get this thing working.20:20
kneauxi'm gonna try ldxe, since that's what neosana was de facto recommending with lubuntu20:20
brahimi have a question20:20
brahimi neet to know the password of ftp account20:21
Gentoo64kneaux: lxde is good. you could try xfce and set it up to look like gnome2 (a bit)20:21
LongRenderUnity issues, the Ausio mixer/banshe controller causes the menu bar and all the aplets to reload when ever I hover over it... any thoughts?20:21
Gentoo64xfce has more gnomeish panels20:21
brahimim in a server i can download any file but i don't know where ftp account password is20:21
escottJonii^, there is some performance penalty, and nothing prevents access to the ecryptfs loopback mount (so your guest could install a trojan and then wait until you login to read your data) so its not perfect. you just have to decide what level of protection you want. read-only is controlled by the filesystem permissions20:21
monstaRtrucku guys think no one hates linux20:21
kronomangnome3 + geforce2 = does not work , any ideas?20:21
brahimcan any one help me to find out this?20:21
Gentoo64monstaRtruck: my brother hatres linux20:21
kneauxi've tried xfce...not the hugest fan...20:21
Gentoo64kneaux: me neither... lol20:22
kneauxOh. Man. My friend told me a while back about an20:22
Jonii^escott, yeah, but to prevent any supposedly encrypted data leaving a trail to unencrypted portion of the system20:22
kneauxscuse me X11 alternative but I can't remember the name of it, anyone have suggestions?20:22
monstaRtruck<kronoman> i just got gtx56020:22
monstaRtruckhow do u think i feel20:22
monstaRtruckthis linux stuff is worthless20:22
kronomanI have the nvidia drivers working20:23
Gentoo64monstaRtruck: whats the problem?20:23
kronomanbut, unity seems to want a better, more expensive card20:23
kronomanIm on third world guys, I cant purchase a new video card20:23
Gentoo64kronoman: if you dont *need* unity, then use something else20:23
monstaRtruckim getting 1000fps in windows opengl20:23
Gentoo64no one needs unity20:23
kneauxX11 (still, after like six years, grumble) won't let you configure more than 4 keyboard layouts at one time, which is why I got a computer virus, because I started using Windows again. The upshot being...what can I use other than X1120:24
monstaRtruckglxgears friken frozen meanwhile20:24
kronomanIm using gnome classic right now20:24
mducharme-workI don't understand why this network connections gui is not working20:24
mducharme-workcan anybody explain20:24
kronomanbut I have a 3D accelerated card20:24
escottJonii^, thats related usually to things like encrypted swap. if you want NSA level security go with a fully encrypted disk. ecryptfs is easier to use and prevents any random thief from reading your email if they steal your laptop.20:24
kronomangnome3 should work with nvidia gforce220:24
kronomanmost games work on wine and all20:24
mducharme-workI can manually set the ip in the interfaces file20:24
kronomanand this thing just for drawing a couple windows needs the latest graphic card?20:24
puffOkay, I now have a second / partition setup, 20 GB formatted ext4.  Now what, just use the live CD's "install ubuntu" option?20:24
kronomanthat is shitty programming20:24
Gentoo64kronoman: its prob 3d accelerated thats all20:24
Gentoo64gnome shell needs it20:25
Gentoo64it just dont let you use a slow card because itll run bad20:25
kneauxi guess everybody uses X11 then20:25
Gentoo64kneaux: yes20:25
Gentoo64its the norm20:25
kronomanGentoo64, but most games work with my card, yet gnome or unity cant render a couple window20:26
kronomanI mean, opengl real games with effects, everything20:26
Gentoo64kronoman: whats happening then, is it trying to work? or denying you from running unity20:27
kronomanyet gnome requires some awesome expensive card just to draw the windows20:27
kronomanunity refuses to run20:27
kronomanand gnome3 just runs20:27
Gentoo64kronoman: gnome shell?20:27
Gentoo64or plain20:27
kronomanthen sometimes gives segs fault20:27
kronomanand does not display windows20:27
kronomanjust white screens20:27
kronomanglxinfo gives20:27
kronomanserver glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation20:27
kronomanserver glx version string: 1.420:27
FloodBot1kronoman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:27
kronomangnome shell20:27
tensorpuddingthat's a lie20:28
tensorpuddingit doesn't require an expensive card to use gnome20:28
tensorpuddingjust a modern one20:28
Gentoo64i can run unity with vbox graphics smooth as anything20:28
kronomantensorpudding, then ubuntu has ditched support for the poor and opressed20:29
kneauxGentoo64, there are others though, right?20:29
Jonii^escott, thanks20:29
kronomanI cant purchase a modern computer, nor most of the people here20:29
tensorpudding"modern" being made in like the last five years20:29
kronomanthe gov has closed imports of "luxury" goods20:29
Gentoo64kneaux: there is an x11 alternative cant remember the name, but nothing will take over x1120:29
kronomanI dont want to involve politics in my card20:29
kronomanbut believe, even if I have the money, I could not purchase a new card20:29
kronomanor new computer20:29
Gentoo64kronoman: who cares . use something else20:29
tensorpuddingand in any case, there's gnome-fallback20:29
kronomanubuntu should give support to 3rd world computers20:30
Gentoo64kronoman: not having unity isnt the end of the world20:30
kronomanIm using gnome classic right now20:30
venik212escott-- I thought I knew how to fix the mode on my sudoers file from the live CD, but I failed20:30
Gentoo64kronoman: ok.. use that then20:30
kronomanbut it should work on any opengl card20:30
venik212it says that the mode is 0660 and should be 044020:30
kronomanI cant see why just to animate a window it needs a modern card20:30
kronomanfrom a programming point of view that is crap20:30
Gentoo64kronoman: it is20:31
Gentoo64so dont use it20:31
kronomanDoom3 runs on my card20:31
kronomanyet unity cant render the calculator20:31
tensorpuddingif doom 3 runs on your card i find it hard to believe it's not powerful enough for gnome20:31
venik212sorry-- it says the mode is 0644 and should be 044020:31
tensorpuddingit's probably a driver bug20:31
kronomanit is powerful for gnome20:31
kronomangnome is buggy20:31
Gentoo64kronoman: i reckon youve done something and messed something up somewhere20:31
Mimoso98Hi guys20:31
escottvenik212, 660 gives too many permissions. they want it 640 or lower20:32
kronomanmeh, I just should do what everything else here does and pirate a win720:32
kronomanso far for the linux community and support for the freedom20:32
kronomangood night for today20:32
Gentoo64kronoman: who cares20:32
venik212they want it to be 0440, but I don't know how to restore it, from the live CD or ...?20:32
waheedi installe LAMP on my ubuntu 10.10, localhost works fine, but when trying opening any of apps on www, it gives me 403 forbidden You don't have permission to access /mysite/ on this server.  what to do ??20:33
kneauxyeah, because that's way less buggy and runs way faster than gnome20:33
noisebleedGentoo64: lubuntu installer menu is a lot faster :)20:33
Mimoso98I have an Ubuntu server Intrepid since 2 years ago I think working fine..I went today to install php5-cli using apt-get and I get a lot of error messages of unfound packages due no server responses. I think I need to update my sources.list, but I don't know where to find this for the Intrepid version, thanks.20:33
kneauxfail, you're.20:33
Gentoo64noisebleed: it will be20:33
noisebleedGentoo64: nice tip, thanks a lot20:33
Gentoo64noisebleed: its a lot nicer to use: basic menus, faster etc20:33
noisebleedGentoo64: I was installing fluxbox on my pentium2 when it finally died20:34
puffCan anyone help me with installing dual-boot?20:35
Gentoo64puff: whats the problem20:35
venik212how do I change the mode of the /etc/sudoers file from 0644 to 0440?  Trying to do it I am told that there is no valid sudoers source found... quitting20:35
puffGentoo64: I'm just not sure what to do next.20:35
Gentoo64noisebleed: ive used openbox for years, basically lxde (lxpanel and pcmanfm)20:35
Gentoo64puff: how did you install ubuntu?20:35
noisebleedGentoo64: oh, and E17 more recently, but I like fluxbox better20:35
puffGentoo64: Alternate install CD of lucid.20:36
zykotick9!eol | Mimoso9820:36
ubottuMimoso98: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:36
Gentoo64puff: did you choose alongside windows?20:36
Gentoo64or on its own partition20:36
puffGentoo64:  want to add dual boot to 11.10 to the existing ubuntu lucid install. I've set up an extra 20GB / partition, formatted ext4.20:36
venik212I would hate to have to reinstall ubuntu just for changing the mode of one file...20:36
Mimoso98No need to upgrade, everything works fine, so no solution???20:36
Gentoo64puff: afaik it should pick it up, if not youll have to edit the grub config file and add it20:36
puffGentoo64: The lucid partition was/is exclusive, wiped the whole drive, have (besides boot and swap) three logical partitions / and /home and /bulkdata.20:37
guntbertvenik212: use the recovery mode20:37
venik212I tried, but I still got the same error message20:37
puffGentoo64: Well, first thing is, I boot up the 11.10 live CD, and select install, and then what?20:37
Gentoo64puff: install it manually to the partition(s) then boot it20:37
escottvenik212, so its looking at sudoers and seeing the permissions are too broad and saying "SUDOERS is compromised DANGER DANGER" and aborting. so you need to go back and fix the permissions on sudoers until its happy20:37
Mimoso98That is the file that apt-get can't find20:37
puffGentoo64: To correct myself, the lucid partition was/is exclusive, wiped the whole drive, have (besides boot and swap) three logical partitions / and /home and /bulkdata, and now the new, extra / where I want 11.10 to live.20:38
Canhow do i make the digital clock app display regular non military time?20:38
puffGentoo64: By "install it manually", you mean...?20:38
waheedhelp please, i installe LAMP on my ubuntu 10.10, localhost works fine, but when trying opening any of apps on www, it gives me 403 forbidden You don't have permission to access /mysite/ on this server.  what to do ??20:38
Gentoo64puff: you just using 1 / partition for the new one?20:38
escottvenik212, so you were doing the right thing with recovery mode, you just didnt do enough of it20:38
guntbertvenik212: the same? in recovery mode you are logged in as root I thought20:38
puffGentoo64: I want the two / installs to share /home20:38
venik212I know WHAT they want-- but I don't kow how to do it-- it is catch 22: to do it I need to be root20:38
smooph_waheed: you give youreself the rights20:38
puffGentoo64: Though come to think of it, might be a good idea for them to have their own swaps, h.20:38
Gentoo64puff: ok. so choose the mnaual partition method on install, and set the home partition as the /home mountpoint20:39
mneptokpuff: you'll be much happier with the -alternate CD image20:39
Mimoso98OK, now I understand why installing Debian definitely worths it!20:39
puffmneptok: Really?20:39
venik212I tried to type chmode 0440 sudoers20:39
venik212but it failed20:39
escottvenik212, in recovery you are root20:39
escottvenik212, and its chmod 440 /etc/sudoers20:39
bekksvenik212: How did you try? which error do you get?20:39
sveinseWhy is font adjustment not available on oneiric out of the box? I find it a pretty wierd thing to remove...20:39
waheedsmooph_ , I used chmod the www directory but still nothing20:39
mneptokpuff: really. parted is menu-driven. selecting what aprtitions to mount and use where is a breeze.20:39
zykotick9Mimoso98, using unsupported versions opens you to security holes.  8.10 isn't supported - and that includes here.  Upgrading is really your only option.20:39
escottsveinse, its there, just hidden a couple menus deep in the font preferences20:40
venik212sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0644, should be 0440 sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting20:40
mneptokpuff: remember, you're going to have to match UUIDs and such across installs to get file permissions happy.20:40
escottvenik212, you dont need to sudo in recovery mode. you are root already. sudo does nothing20:40
guntbertvenik212: in recovery mode you don't need sudo20:40
waheedsmooph_ !!20:40
venik212I know-- I did not sudo there20:40
puffmneptok: Right... does that just mean I have to tweak /etc/passwd & etc to make sure the user accounts have the same numbers?20:40
venik212just typed chmod 440 sudoers20:41
sveinseescott: How to get there?20:41
venik212isn't that what I was supposed to type?20:41
Mimoso98zykotick9, but I have a lot of stuff running there, and no time to erase and re-install a new version from scratch...20:41
justadude41123hello all20:41
smooph_waheed: what exactly is the error msg ... there is a difference between not being able to open the location (lamp doesn't have the rights) not being able to access the location (.htaccess file) and a configuration error in lamp20:41
waheedhelp help help please, why no one answers me ??20:41
escottvenik212, chmod 440 /etc/sudoers (just in case you arent already in etc)20:41
Mimoso98why these updates are not done on real time...20:41
turboneatGentlemen. What's the best way to burn mp3s to a cd?20:41
mneptokpuff: just get used to creating users and groups from the command line, and you can tell the OS what UUID to assign.20:41
venik212let me try one more time... stay tuned20:41
xanguaMimoso98: you had 2 years to upgrade ;)20:41
puffmneptok: Okay, that's easy enough.20:41
zykotick9!eol > Mimoso9820:42
ubottuMimoso98, please see my private message20:42
zykotick9Mimoso98, so read what !eol is telling you20:42
justadude41123i have a small problem, im not sure how i did it before but i am trying to install ubuntu 10.4.3 server to a dell power edge, and well it freezes as soon as setup starts to boot on the language selection20:42
waheedsmooph_ , 403 Forbidden  You don't have permission to access /mysite/ on this server.20:42
mneptokpuff: but if you know what /etc/passwd *is* you are well capable of running the alternate install.20:42
Mimoso98ok, switiching to Debian20:42
Coreywaheed: Time to adjust permissions.20:42
zykotick9Mimoso98, ubuntu (and debian) are not rolling releases20:42
CoreyMimoso98: Good luck.20:42
sveinseescott: i.e. I have no fonts preferences. not immediately in system settings at least20:42
CoreyMimoso98: You'll see the same issues there.20:42
puffmneptok: I'm pretty familiar with this stuff, it's just the dual-boot aspect that's new to me.20:42
Mimoso98I already have a Debian server since 200920:43
Mimoso98still working like a charm20:43
Mimoso98and I still can install packages20:43
escottsveinse, i know i saw this earlier. ill see if i can find it again20:43
smooph_waheed: where is your mysite located on your maschine20:43
CoreyMimoso98: Okay then.  Enoy it. :-)  Use whatever works for you.20:43
puffmneptok: So I run the alternate install CD, manual partitioning, select the new / for the system, select existing /home, then install, right?20:43
justadude41123im thinking i installed 10.4.0 and it worked then, but im not sure20:43
waheedsmooph_ on /www20:43
mneptokpuff: the alternate installer has a few more install tweaks easily available. such as defining partition use and mount points, LUKS, dm-crypt etc etc20:44
waheedsmooph sorry, on /var/www20:44
puffmneptok: And afterwards, make sure I create users with the same UUIDs.20:44
waheedsmooph_ on /var/www20:44
bekkspuff: Users do not have a UUID.20:44
puffmneptok: How do I set up the boot process?20:44
bekksThey do have an UID.20:44
Canwhats the terminal command to install open office or libre office?20:44
waheedCorey adjust permission for which directory??20:44
mneptokpuff: right, you'll get to partitioning, see the stuff that already there, and assign a mount point. you can tell the installer NOT to format it20:44
Cansudo apt-get install libre-office?20:44
puffbekks: Right, typo.20:44
CoreyCan: aptitude install openoffice20:44
CoreyOr apt-get install20:44
Coreywaheed: Whatever's not permitting the apache user to view it.20:45
Canwhich one is current? open or libre?20:45
bekksCan: Both.20:45
mneptokpuff: the GRUB installer should find the other /boot and menuitizerize it20:45
escottsveinse, sorry its in gnome-tweak-tool under fonts. im not sure where unity has it. hopefully unity-tweak-tool?20:45
puffmneptok: The GRUB installer from the new (11.10) install?20:45
dasy2k1can both, I think that openoffice is just a metapackage for libre office anyway20:45
smooph_waheed: try typing "chmod -R a+r /var/www/<direcotry>"20:46
mneptokpuff: another /boot should make GRUB set up menu entries for the other installation. but i have not done any of this recently.20:46
waheedCorey that is what I don't know exactly, what is not permitting me ?, I adjusted the permissions of my /var/www where the apps are, but still the same20:46
Cani did sudo apt-get install libreoffice and its installing a junk load of packs20:46
smooph_waheed: sry brainlag20:46
sveinseescott: Yeah, I have it in gnome-tweak-tool. My question was why it is removed from unity. Seems like a strange thing to do20:47
dasy2k1can err yes, libreoffice itself is in many packages and it depends on many more20:47
bekksCan: So does openoffice.20:47
Canhey as long as i can get my college work done with out having to turn on winfail im happy20:47
c_kif I want to maintain machines with a completely neutral timezone, would GMT or UTC be best to use?20:47
dasy2k1c_k yes20:48
escottsveinse, because if the user needs to specify rgb subpixel ordering thats a bug in the pango/xorg screen detection20:48
Canhow do i change the clock to display normal time not military time?20:48
c_kare GMT / UTC the same thing though?20:48
dasy2k1c_k:  technically no, realistically yes20:48
smooph_waheed: actually that could work you need to give you webserver access to the files ... either allow everybody to read ... a+r or change ownership to www-data20:48
sveinseescott: So its a temporary thing then, right?20:48
Jonii^Okay, this is tricky20:48
rasta1al guien que hable español20:49
Can%R is military %r givs me hh: mm: ss and i dont need the seconds20:49
saju_mhow search file by content in ubuntu 11.1020:49
c_kdasy2k1: thanks :)20:49
Jonii^Are there any serious drawbacks to using ecryptfs instead of full disk encryption?20:49
dasy2k1c_k:  technically UTC dosent include leap seconds GMT does20:49
saju_mthis feature was there in 11.0420:49
noisebleedI'm installing Lubuntu. Where can i check installation progress. Graphical menu says "getting file 1 of 1" for a while (looks stuck). Is there a log or something?20:49
dasy2k1!es > rasta120:49
puffmneptok: Okay, thanks.20:50
escottsveinse, the menu disappearing is permanent, one hopes the support improves to the point where you dont have to worry that your subpixel order is wrong20:50
ubotturasta1, please see my private message20:51
puffmneptok: Sounds risky enough that I'm going to wait until I get home and see if the overnight backups executed properly (didn't have time to check this morning :-()20:51
escottJonii^, drawbacks are it is a little slower, and uses a bit more disk space (very small amount that). advantages are flexibility20:52
tomreynist there an apt-get equivalent to dpkg -i --force-depends foo?20:53
escottJonii^, the other big disadvantage is the disadvantage that happens whenever you mix encrypted and non-encrypted content. its obvious what is encrypted and what is not, and leakages across the boundaries between the two can put encrypted data at risk20:54
saju_mhow search file by content in ubuntu 11.10 ???  this feature was there in 11.04 .20:54
joebonnihi i am new here20:54
dasy2k1welcome joebonni20:54
joebonnithank you dasy2k120:54
sveinseescott: Menu disappearing with unity is fine. But I do have objections to the choices concerning sizes of the fonts. They are too big for my taste20:54
sveinseHaving large screen does not imply I want better rendering of the fonts. Rather I'd like more text into my screen20:54
shawn__Why is it than when I update my NVIDIA drivers my workspace switcher becomes 1D?20:54
atannusHi. I'm having trouble installing beanstalkd on Ubuntu Server 10.04. The package is supposed to be available on 10.04, but I can't install it via apt-get, and I have no idea why.20:54
joebonnisveinse because unity is very new i have switched to gnome3 till all the things are worked out like when gnome 2 was new20:54
atannusIt is supposed to be in the Ubuntu Universe repo. My sources.list has "multiverse universe", "universe", and "multiverse", but no "ubuntu uniserve". Is that the problem?20:54
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venik212escott-- trying to change the mode from recovery mode (as root) failed.  I typed: chmod 440 sudoers and got back: ..read-only file system20:54
venik212the results of ls -l sudoers were identical before and after my chmod20:54
escottvenik212, so you first need to mount -o remount,rw /20:54
sveinseDoes there exist a backports repo for natty?20:56
shawn__Why is it than when I update my NVIDIA drivers my workspace switcher becomes 1D?20:56
xanguasveinse: software center-edit-sources, you can enable it there20:56
escottshawn__, they didnt update correctly and you are now using an unaccelerated desktop20:57
venik212escott: I should type: mount -o remount, rw /   ?20:57
venik212space after the rw?20:57
atannusHi. I'm having trouble installing beanstalkd on Ubuntu Server 10.04. The package is supposed to be available on 10.04, but I can't install it via apt-get, and I have no idea why. It is supposed to be in the Ubuntu Universe repo. My sources.list has "multiverse universe", "universe", and "multiverse", but no "ubuntu uniserve". Is that the problem?20:57
escottvenik212, mount -o remount,rw / ( no space between remount,rw)20:57
shawn__So I uninstalled them and all is well. So sandy bridge is running the graphics?20:57
sveinsexangua: Do you have an URL reference instead? This is for a server where the sources file are edited manually?   ... I can probably google for it...20:57
venik212thanks-- I'll try that20:58
escottshawn__, yes sandys are supported in 11.1020:58
shawn__That's why it's so clean... 11.10 is so nice and so fast.20:58
escottshawn__, but if you have two chips, the nvidia may not relinquish control of the graphics so you could be using nvidia unaccelerated20:58
shawn__I made sure that no nvidia drivers were installed.20:59
escottshawn__, not having drivers doesnt mean the hardware is using intel. check your bios and check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:59
Jonii-^<escott> Jonii^, the other big disadvantage is the disadvantage that happens whenever you mix encrypted and non-encrypted content. its obvious what is encrypted and what is not, and leakages across the boundaries between the two can put encrypted data at risk <- I don't understand21:00
dasy2k1in unity how do i get at the apps that minimise themselves to the gnome system tray in gnome, such as skype21:00
shawn__And how would I do that, escott?21:00
Nixninehey guys, I've installed 11.10 to a 8gb flash drive.  I know this might be a stupid question, but. . . can I copy the entirety of that drive to another and boot from the second one?  or do I need to do an install on the second one?21:01
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xanguadasy2k1: you can whithelist all the apps to show then in the panel, saw a post about it on webupd8blog21:02
venluckeyNixnine, from my understanding, as long a s the other drive is correct format, you should be able to21:02
xangua!google webupd8 oneiric tweak21:02
ubottuI have no google command, use http://www.google.com/21:02
sveinseI'd have to say, being an experienced Linux user and developer, I always feel like a fish being out of the water when I encounter a new Ubuntu release. It seems Ubuntu has strong opinions on how the user should be using the desktop.21:02
xanguaups, well just do the google dasy2k1 ;)21:02
dasy2k1Nixnine: dd if=/dev/sdx of=/dev/sdy  where x and y are the two flash drives (make sure you get this right, it will nuke anything at the destination)21:02
escottJonii-^, a couple cases (a) you are editing an encrypted file, but the kernel swaps gedit out to swap, and so the unencrypted contents are written in plaintext to your swap partition. (b) the FBI raids your office and takes your computer, and finds a folder labeled "money_laundering_operations" with encrypted files inside it, they know exactly where to look and where to put their efforts21:03
Gentoo64sveinse: thats sort of the point of it21:03
NixnineWould I just be better off installing anew?  Didn't take that much time actually.21:03
escottJonii-^, the classic problem of encryption is "what is easier to break... you encryption key, or your arm?" you need to think about what you are trying to protect and establish appropriate levels of security for the value of those items21:04
Jonii-^escott, but assuming reasonably strong key, fbi should not have a chance of decrypting my money_laundering_operations -file, just like the case is with full disk encryption?21:04
sveinseGentoo64: Being a fish out of water or having strong opinions?   :P :D21:04
escottJonii-^, a random backpack snatcher at a starbucks is not going to pick apart your swap partition bit by bit to find your secrets, the FBI will21:04
venluckeyHi Gentoo6421:04
Gentoo64venluckey: hi21:05
Jonii-^escott, does ubuntu allow installing itself with full partition encryption on swap and ecryptfs ?21:05
Jonii-^Wouldn't that solve swap-problems kinda nicely?21:05
escottJonii-^, if you are worried about the FBI use full disk encryption so that nothing leaks to swap (and then use a truecrypt hidden volume). if you dont want the guy at starbucks to be able to get your bank account number ecryptfs is good enough and a lot easier21:06
shawn__Will Ubuntu ever be as conservative on power as Windows?21:06
Gentoo64shawn__: who knows21:06
escottshawn__, use powertop21:06
escottshawn__, and i cant comment on your bios, but if you want to past your Xorg.0.log i can tell you what you are running21:07
escott!paste | shawn__21:07
ubottushawn__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:07
shawn__What is Xorg.0.log?21:08
NixnineOk.  Another question.  How can I add an account other than google in the messaging menu?21:08
Gentoo64shawn__: xorgs log21:08
escottshawn__, /var/log/Xorg.0.log it will say how your X server configured the graphics21:08
venluckeyhi dope21:09
xanguaNixnine: what do you mean¿ email¿21:10
d4nt3what do you think about ubuntu 10.11??21:11
failure10.11 is kinda wrong :P21:11
Myrttid4nt3: there is no such thing21:11
Jonii-^escott, how about sleep mode for netbook, are there any reasonable differences between security of ecryptfs and full disk encryption?21:11
lwizardld4nt3, me I hate it21:11
Nixnineyes.  I think.21:11
Myrttid4nt3: also, this channel isn't for opinion polls21:11
NixnineIt's an option under my name in the right hand corner21:11
d4nt3i mean UNR 10.1121:11
venluckey<--- Using 10.04 Netbook21:12
DavidCAIs it possible to fix an Advanced Format Drive's misaligned sectors without losing all of my data?21:12
zykotick9d4nt3, ubuntu versions end in 4 or 10 - to 10.10 do you mean?21:12
Myrttid4nt3: there is no 10.11, there's 10.04, 10.10, 11.04 and 11.10, but no 10.1121:12
d4nt3i mean Ubuntu Netbook Remix ver 10.1121:12
failureDavidCA: are you sure its misaligned ? do you have 4k sectors or 512byte ?21:12
lwizardlanyone here know how to auto add numbers to a column in libreoffice writer ? (sort 001 in column A row 2 in the table)21:12
d4nt3oooppp....sorry my mistake....i mean 11.0421:13
escottshawn__, i read that as intel all the way21:13
ActionParsnipd4nt3: there is no netbook remix now21:13
shawn__Where do I get powertop?21:13
ActionParsnipshawn__: a gay bar ;)21:13
DavidCAfailure: 4k sectors. and yes, its misaligned because I used CloneZilla to to clone from a non-advanced format drive to an advanced format 4k sector drive21:13
xanguaMyrtti: you can add any pop/imap account you want on thunderbird, don't know about exchange21:13
d4nt3is there any ubuntu that still download video in tmp file??21:13
xanguathat was for Nixnine ;)21:13
DavidCAfailure: it even says so in the GUI Disk Manager or whatever its called21:13
shawn__ActionParsnip: CUte.21:13
IndustrialHow do I disable WINDOWS + 1 2 3 4 5 etc keybinds in unity?21:14
xanguad4nt3: if you are refering to adobe flash, adobe is the one that decides where it want to store the files, not ubuntu21:14
failureDavidCA: yes, it dosnt take in mind that we can use 4k sectors :P so its prob. not misaligned21:14
DavidCAfailure: im pretty sure it is, i googled around and it said something about starting on sector 64, but mine starts on sector 6321:14
escottJonii-^, assuming that it is password protected and you aren't logged in on tty1 then they would have to reboot to get access to the system at which point ecryptfs loopbacks will be unmounted and they won't be able to access the files on the drive, but the fbi would not make that mistake. they would keep it powered on and hack into it while you were still logged in. and if they got a system that had been turned off they would scan the sw21:15
escottap bit by bit which ecryptfs does not protect (you can use dmcrypt on the swap partition to prevent swap attacks)21:15
ActionParsnipd4nt3: there are extensions and addons to download youtube. There is als0 youtube-dl you can use in cli21:15
d4nt3thats mean if i want to download video to tmp file...i have to download the previous flash version???21:15
trijntjeHow can I enable third button emulation/paste on my touchpad on oneiric?21:15
escottshawn__, sudo apt-get install powertop21:15
DavidCAfailure: http://pastebin.com/dm1kiEiG21:15
d4nt3youtube-dll won't in my computer21:16
dannnnni went into sshd.config and changed rootlogin to no, however i can still login as root. And yes, i restarted the ssd demon21:16
NixnineHere is where I access the option, under online accounts.   http://imagebin.org/18250421:16
escottJonii-^, who are you trying to protect yourself from? who are you worried about? tell us all your secrets :)21:16
ActionParsnipdannnnn: disable the root account as it is supposed to be and it will double protect you :)21:16
dannnnni dont follow...21:16
dannnnndisable root account?21:16
ActionParsnipdannnnn: did you stop and start the ssh service after you editted the file?21:16
dannnnnyes i did21:16
Myrttidannnnn: there isn't supposed to be root account enabled in the first place21:17
ActionParsnipdannnnn: yes, default ubuntu has the root account disabled21:17
escottdannnnn, do you mean you can ssh root@host or that you can sudo after ssh username@host21:17
dannnnni can ssh root@host21:17
failureDavidCA: thats cylinders, not block you start at cylinder 121:17
Myrttidannnnn: and AFAIK ssh root login should also be disabled by default21:17
ActionParsnipdannnnn: you shouldn't be able to as the account is disabled21:17
Jonii-^escott, at the moment, from backpack thief, but if I would like it if I did have my laptop secured so well even FBI couldn't touch it21:17
PiciMyrtti: Its not actually.21:17
ActionParsnipMyrtti: its allowed in sshd_config which is strange21:17
Myrttilive and learn...21:17
NixnineGoogle is the only thing I can add21:18
failureDavidCA: 1C = 512B according yo your past bin21:18
escottJonii-^, if you want that higher level of protection use truecrypt21:18
Jonii-^If it's possible without any extreme measures. You know, safety is fun21:18
DavidCA"Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary."21:18
escottJonii-^, its more work, and is harder to setup is all, and you cant let anyone touch the machine while its powered on and have any security21:18
Jonii-^It'd be fun to know that even if my netbook was stolen, there's absolutely no way anyone can steal anything whatsoever out of it21:18
k3nany vpn guides?21:19
failureDavidCA: google it up, and count on your own if its inlined or missaligned... it dont trust the "dist utility" anymore21:19
escott!vpn | k3n21:19
ubottuk3n: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN21:19
failureDavidCA: and what disks are you using ?21:19
DavidCA2TB WD21:19
Jonii-^Can you get ecryptfs running during install? How about disk encryption?21:20
failureDavidCA: ok some as me i guess, so we are at 4k blocks21:20
venluckeyJonii, I had mine3 lifted at school, i put a boot message saying about the source code needed to be re-established, All disc are locked!  Janitors found it in a trash can 2 days later21:20
escottDavidCA, is it a WD green because thats 4k that pretends to be 512b21:20
DavidCAescott: yeah it is21:20
escottDavidCA, thats true 4k that lies. treat it as 4k21:21
Jonii-^And, likewise, can you get easily ecryptfs running after installing, and how about disk encryption?21:21
escottJonii-^, ecryptfs is flexible, truecrypt requires a reinstall21:21
venluckeyi guess it scared them enough to ditch it21:21
DavidCAits this one: http://www.amazon.com/Western-Digital-Caviar-Intellipower-Desktop/dp/B004VFJ9MK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1320441664&sr=8-121:21
Jonii-^escott, also, I was under impression truecrypt didn't support full system disk encryption on Ubuntu?21:21
failureDavidCA: tell your fdisk to print blocks and not cylinders21:21
DavidCAfailure: how21:22
escottJonii-^, i think truecrypt is overkill for anyone but freedom fighters and spies, so maybe truecrypt isnt the best choice. but there are a number of full disk encryption tools for linux21:22
shishireI've got a web server with a dedicated unprivileged user (not www-data) who runs the apache instance on the box.  The code from the webserver is in a private github repo that I occasionally need to git pull to update.  I wish to pull using my personal credentials (my local id_rsa key), but for security reasons, I can only access the box via a second, non-root account, and then sudo -iu username into the web server user.  I've tried enabl21:23
shishiressh-agent forwarding, and even had sudo keep the SSH_AUTH_SOCK env variable, but the auth sock file has the wrong permissions (700 for the user I ssh'd into).  Is there a way to change the permissions in an automated fashion?21:23
Kre10sok. So I've got version 0.1 of my project done. Its usable, and stable as far as I know, but not tested. I want to get this package to appear in synaptic... Wheres the definitive guide to package creation/publishing/contibuting please?21:23
escottDavidCA, just make sure you are 4k aligned and that should be good enough21:23
DavidCAescott: what should I be doing to verify that/21:23
escottDavidCA, if you get a cylinder count then count each cylinder as 512b. but tools like parted/gparted should give you size without the CHS nonsense21:24
failureDavidCA: its true, start at 63 sector is missalined, you shall start at 6421:25
escottDavidCA, if your tool is telling you cylinders use another tool. so if you are using fdisk use parted or gparted21:25
failureDavidCA: (64*512)/4096 = 821:25
cryptopsyhow to play .tak files?21:25
failureDavidCA: (63*512)/4096 = 7.8 in other words missalined21:26
failureDavidCA: if you dont have any data on it delete the partition and readd it and tell it to start at 6421:27
DavidCAthats the problem, i do have all my data on it21:27
failureDavidCA: if you have data on it, do some reading before altering your partition table21:27
reise6I'm having some trouble with my window decorator. 'gtk-window-decorator --replace &' works, but window decoration ceases when terminal is closed21:27
escottDavidCA, at one point the disk manufactures suggested that the disk not only would lie about the size of the cylinders but also lie about where the cylinders started and so 63 would be aligned and 64 would not be. i think they realized how stupid an idea that would be, but i would just trust a recent version of gparted to get it right and leave it at that21:27
failureDavidCA: it is possible to remove the partition table with data on it and re add it, you will just loose the first sector eg 6421:27
failurebut that can maybe fuck something up21:28
failureand the data that is on the disk is still missalined21:28
escottreise6, nohup gtk-window-decorator --replace21:28
_r00t_Is http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ the only place for kernels ?21:28
DavidCAi have my full ubuntu install w/ boxee and tv/movies on the only partition21:28
guntbert!language | failure21:29
ubottufailure: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:29
escott_r00t_, they package vanilla kernels for ubuntu. but you can just use stock21:29
failureguntbert: ?21:29
reise6escott: thanks. I have to look up this nohup thing, seems nice :)21:29
guntbertfailure: no swear words here, thank you21:29
_r00t_escott, stock doesn't work otherwise I wouldn't be looking there !21:29
failureguntbert: ooo, didnt even notice, sorry21:29
escott_r00t_, then try the vanilla ppa or you have to compile your own21:30
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_r00t_escott, Hi, ant ideas as what I ppa I should add to synaptic ? I've been downloading them manually :/21:31
failureDavidCA: if you can, backup your data and try to fix your partition21:31
escott!ppa | _r00t_21:31
ubottu_r00t_: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa21:31
escott!addppa | _r00t_21:31
ubottu_r00t_: Since Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details21:31
_r00t_This doesn't help much21:31
failureDavidCA: anyway om off, good luck with your alignment :)21:32
_r00t_I need the ppa address21:32
DavidCAfailure: thanks21:32
_platypus_Can someone explain why when I close Banshee or Rhythmbox is still continues to play?21:32
escott _platypus_ its not closed, just minimized. you have to ctrl-q to quit it fully (like the messaging application)21:33
_platypus_I'll get that a whirl. Thanks.21:33
_r00t_escott, that's only relevant to launchpad ppas ... How do I add http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/21:34
xangua_platypus_: because it doesn't close, it goes to indicator sound21:34
_platypus_So hitting x (close) just minimizes it? Odd.21:34
xangua_r00t_: that is not a repository , you can download the package manually ;)21:34
_r00t_xangua, that's what i've been doing and it's way too much effort LOL !21:35
escott_r00t_, if its not listed here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds then its probably because a ppa for a kernel isn't a great idea. there are a LARGE number of kernel updates, much more than is needed for anyone but a kernel developer21:35
user_whois escot21:35
xangua_r00t_: too much effot to download the main packages and the other 2 that correspond to your arch¿21:35
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xangua_r00t_: sounds like you will be better if you stick to the kernel provided by main repository ;)21:36
xanguauser_: scottie doesn't know¿ great song ;)21:36
Jonii-^What's the best source for finding out how to install ubuntu with encryption enabled?21:37
Jonii-^On a netbook21:37
Jonii-^Most sources I found on google were really really badly outdated21:37
_r00t_xangua, yeah ! 3 downloads ! - I'm running 3.0.8 on 11.04 with 285.05.09 Nvidia drivers21:37
xangua_r00t_: you have linux 3.0 on oneiric ;)21:38
escottJonii-^, what kind of encryption do you want. you still need to decide that21:39
_r00t_xangua, I'd rather stick to what I've got thanks.21:39
Jonii-^escott, I'm unsure still. If it only was as easy to do full disk encryption on Ubuntu as it is on WIndows(with truecrypt), I'd probably use full-disk21:40
Jonii-^But I guess ecryptfs is good enough, if it's a lot easier to install and use21:40
_r00t_xangua, Don't forget I have to reboot into single user mode just to build all this crap.... Had it been in the repo I wouldn't have to go through that pain21:40
xangua_r00t_: build¿¿ those are just percompiled packages21:41
Jonii-^I get this impression they're both good enough21:41
_r00t_xangua, Nvidia driver is not21:41
escottJonii-^, so ecryptfs is literally a checkbox. if you want to go with full disk they recommend LUKS https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystems https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/System_Encryption_with_LUKS21:41
_r00t_time to reboot - ciao21:42
Jonii-^escott, that's solely for full disk encryption and not for ecryptfs?21:43
escottthe last two links are for full disk related things21:44
escottJonii-^, for ecryptfs you just click the "encrypted home" during the install and thats all you need to do21:44
Jonii-^Oh, ok21:45
EbronAnyone know a repo which contains a more recent version of calibre than the one in the regular ubuntu repos?21:45
Jonii-^I think I did do that on this install though21:45
Jonii-^But it didn't happen, I think21:45
Jonii-^Can I get my encrypted home now, after install?21:46
Jonii-^For my tabletop. My netbook still has to have ubuntu installed on it21:46
escottJonii-^, if you type `mount` does it mention /home/username/.ecryptfs anywhere?21:47
NrmGoodbye !21:49
_r00t_escott, you there21:49
Jonii-^escott, it mentions /home/username/.Private21:49
Jonii-^But not .ecryptfs21:49
escottJonii-^, i think thats the same thing21:50
loopywindows died on me with the blue screen of death21:50
escottJonii-^, its a fuse ecryptfs filesystem with "device" /home/username/.something mounted on /home/username21:50
ActionParsniploopy: it happens21:50
tensorpuddingloopy, we can't help you with that21:50
loopynow on ubuntu 11.04 should i update to 11.10?21:50
_r00t_can anyone help me diagnose why cpu scaling is not working ? It works perfectly fine in windows21:50
tensorpuddingloopy, yes21:50
ActionParsniploopy: is Natty working ok?21:50
tensorpuddingloopy, unless you are depending on ubuntu classic, which is no longer going to be there21:51
loopyI had to go back to classic mode, this new look was too weird for me21:51
ActionParsniploopy: if it's ok then why fix it if it ain't broke21:51
writtenis there a way to fix samba or win7 to connect together over samba?21:51
ActionParsniploopy: natty is still very supported :)21:51
escott_r00t_, in what way is it not working21:51
escottJonii-^, if you have that then your home folder is encrypted, and if you were to logout, then it would be unaccessible21:52
tensorpuddingit won't be supported for too much longer21:52
_r00t_escott, cpu scaling doesn't work.... suspend to ram doesn't work21:52
tensorpuddingand there's no upgrade path except through 11.1021:52
_r00t_BS ubuntu tbh21:52
ActionParsnipwritten: the way I've got it to work is to run:  sudo smbpasswd -a $USER   then you can authenticate as your user with the password you set :)21:52
api984has anyone tryed to clone an ubuntu systen from single HDD to RAID config (raid in hardware mode, nvidia raid)21:52
blogaOLÁ ENTREM NO SERVIDOR irc.BrasIRC.org, e conecte num servidor aonde ircops/admins não leêm seus pvts.!21:52
escott!doesntwork | _r00t_21:52
ubottu_r00t_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:52
_r00t_it does not work FACT --- period . I've tried all the kernels from 2.6 and am currently running 3.1 it doesn't work - ubuntu doesn't work21:53
r3b00txHi, i was trying to partition my hdd and trying to mount root and home under a logical volume. when i tried to set the boot flag for root partition, it was throwing an error on setting boot flag for a logical volume. should i proceed without a boot flag?21:53
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Jonii-^/home/jonii/.Private on /home/jonii type ecryptfs (ecryptfs... <lotsa parameters>) is the only reference to ecryptfs when I typed mount21:53
_r00t_escott, can you help ?21:54
escottr3b00tx, yes21:54
escott_r00t_, without knowing specifics no21:54
r3b00txescott, thanks :)21:54
escottJonii-^, /home/jonii is encrypted21:54
Jonii-^So I get this impression I'd need to make a special private-folder(which would be encrypted by filesystem encryption) by a special command ecryptfs(<lotsa parameters>), and home is not encrypted at all21:54
escottJonii-^, the ciphertext can be found in /home/jonii/.Private21:55
_r00t_escott, cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors does not exist21:55
_r00t_escott, that is the problem - please fix21:55
escottJonii-^, it is loop mounted back onto /home/jonii to make it transparently accessible, and when you logout it is unmounted and only the ciphertext remains21:55
escott_r00t_, well does /sys/devices/system/cpu exist and what are its contents21:56
Jonii-^escott, okay, ty21:56
_r00t_escott, yes of course it does - or else I wouldn't be able to IRC21:56
_r00t_ls -l sys/devices/system/cpu | write escott << http://paste.ubuntu.com/728593/21:58
javier_hi! internet works very slow in ubuntu compared to windows. I'm for several days with this problems, and can't fix it. Someone can figure out what can I try? thanks!21:59
IndustrialHow do I disable Unit key bindings? windowskey + 1 / 2 / 3, windowskey +s etc ?21:59
_r00t_j# linux22:00
Drone4fourHas anyone else experienced a discrepency in how windows show up in expo workspaces compared with how they don’t show up in xfce’s workspaces in the panel?  See here: http://picpaste.com/Toubleshooting_Xfce_and_Compiz_-_panel-GGcoOy1m.png   And here: http://picpaste.com/Toubleshooting_Xfce_and_Compiz_-_expo-ZI9B3hiA.png   I’m running 32bit Xubuntu 11.10.22:00
escott_r00t_, and is there no cpufreq folder inside the cpu0 subdirectory22:00
djskiddSNES isn't opening22:01
chaos_the worls is over.. no nintendo!22:01
djskiddI just want to play some EarthBound22:01
_r00t_escott, http://paste.ubuntu.com/728598/22:01
chaos_dude try a diff emulator??22:02
orpOneiric/11.10 freeze many times22:02
djskiddZSNES has my saves22:02
djskiddAnd cheats22:02
chaos_11.10 buggy but worth it22:02
djskiddAnd my copy utility I built22:02
orpyes i like but freez22:02
daviddoriaI am trying to setup my machine to connect a VPN. The info I have is an IPSec ID, and IPSec secret, and Xauth username, and an IPSec gateway. I don't see fields for ID or Secret when I go to the  "VPN Connections -> Configure VPN" in Ubuntu 11.10. any suggestions of how to set this up?22:02
djskiddAnd pretty much everything else22:02
orpfirst was the nvidia22:02
orpnow i have not clue what can be22:03
orpbut i still like it22:03
david028hi just upgraded to ubuntu 10.10. Now flash and mp3s freeze up the player. Ive installed restricted extras. How do I debug? (linux newbie)22:03
orpmate i have not a clue it happens to  me i think is nautilus22:04
_r00t_escott, any ideas ?22:04
orpdo that on shell22:04
djskidddavid028 Hmm... open console22:04
Grossmanwhich one is best for gui development ? gtk ? qt ? wx ?22:05
escott_r00t_, thats an odd one. what kind of cpu is this?22:05
djskidddavid028: Press Alt + F222:05
chaos_gtk all day haha22:05
puchodoes anyone know how I can connect to any of the Development Academy channels?22:05
Grossman@chaos sure bout it22:05
david028djskidd: ok I searched for logs and found "Failed to load module "module-alsa-card". Audio worked before update to 10.1022:06
Grossmanso which one is easy to jump start with gui22:06
_r00t_escott, it's a q955022:07
orpany one know if there is any software to place samsung keys to linux ?22:07
chaos_qt because it all comes in a nice package with an IDE examples etc..22:07
NoReGreTescott: there ?22:07
Grossmanmerci bro :)22:08
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escottNoReGreT, yes22:08
_r00t_escott, I think it's a problem with acpi ... do you know what would be the best way to diagnose it ?22:08
NoReGreTescott: i created the path that gave the error. now, after login, the the directory is opened, that's it22:09
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NoReGreTescott: opened with nautilus i mean22:09
chaos_whats up with avahi-daemon is it really needed22:09
_r00t_escott, You there ? Need your expert skills22:10
chaos_ya me too i need an avahi-daemon expert22:11
vulnHello there. I enabled Compiz in my Ubuntu 11.10 and now I don't have the upper menu anymore and I can't open my terminal through ctrl+alt+t anymore22:11
vulnhow can I fix it?22:11
escott_r00t_, i would think this is something acpi couldnt touch, but maybe. im afraid i dont know the answer to that one22:11
escottNoReGreT, does the window automatically open?22:11
_r00t_escott, ok .... thanks for trying22:12
NoReGreTescott: yeah, just after login22:12
chaos_vuln: what window manager are you using22:12
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escottNoReGreT, so the culprit is nautilus. its remembering that the window was open and wants to open it again or something22:13
vulnchaos_: well, I just installed my Ubuntu 11.10 and enabled compiz22:13
chaos_nautilus = slow22:13
vulnand now it's all messed up22:13
vulnunity is gone and so on chaos_22:13
escottNoReGreT, do you also see messages about ejecting the usb disk. does it seem to think the usb disk was plugged in?22:13
duckweedhi, need a help. why did , when i edited setting in /etc/issue and /etc/lsb-release, it reset to default after a reboot. million thanx to anyone who can actually solve this prob for me22:13
NoReGreTescott: no messages of any sort, just the nautilus window opens with that direcroty22:14
escottNoReGreT, im not really sure. there are lots of nautilus settings, but none that i know of which would make it open a folder on startup22:15
chaos_ya i been fightin with my UI also. you might just logout to the sign on screen and login to unity2D22:15
ActionParsnipchaos_: if you find nautilusslow try rox or pcmanfm22:15
chaos_see if it makes a difference22:16
NoReGreTescott: hmm, also happened after logout then login..22:16
chaos_<ActionParsnip> thanks I will check those out.22:16
Drone4fourUnder compiz there is a discrepancy in how windows show up in expo workspaces and with how they show up (or don’t show up) in xfce's workspaces in the panel.  Compare this image: http://picpaste.com/Toubleshooting_Xfce_and_Compiz_-_panel-GGcoOy1m.png  ...with this image: http://picpaste.com/Toubleshooting_Xfce_and_Compiz_-_expo-ZI9B3hiA.png   How I resolve this?   I’m running 32bit Xubuntu 11.10.22:17
wunnlehey all22:17
wunnlei have a problem with connecting to wireless network on ubuntu 11.10. At first it connects but after 2 secs it disconnects. What should i do?22:18
wunnleit's a WPA with password.22:19
riboturxvt doesnt respond to alt+number, so i'm having trouble changing windows in irssi22:19
chaos_you sure it connects and then disconnects22:19
onsofthhi, i'm trying to update java on ubuntu. i have no idea where to start.22:19
uleonsofth, google it22:19
msqrdstralright, stupid question time: i set a keybinding (in metacity, via gconf-editor) to ^P accidentally, then set it to something else. whatever was ^P before is unset now, because it fails to work in e.g. chrome, irssi22:20
msqrdstri've been unable to find what was ^P before, to reset it :x22:20
onsofthule, i did and tried some solutions22:20
onsofthule, i also downloaded it from the java website as a bin file, installed it, but when i went to check my java version, it said i was still using the old version22:20
chaos_onsofth: use the ubuntu software center or update app22:21
escottonsofth, you shouldn't be downloading java from anywhere. install it through apt22:21
david028sorry if anyone replied my irc webchat froze. I have no sound since upgrade to 10.10. How do I debug?22:21
uleonsofth, you have to uninstall first22:21
djskiddHow do I get ZSNES out of fullscreen?22:21
djskiddPreferably without starting it?22:21
vulnNow that I set up Compiz, binds like ctrl+alt+t stopped working. How can I get them back?22:21
onsofthso in the software center, i should uninstall old java, then install new java from the software center as well?22:22
msqrdstrdjskidd, f11?22:22
djskiddno dice22:22
wunnlechaos_, yes, i'm sure. it keeps dropping.22:22
kurajhello everyone, I'm using ubuntu oneiric ocelot and I'm looking for a way to disable the behaviour that merges the maximized window's titlebar with the top pane... also it'd be great if i could somehow force the menu bar to be always visible instead of when mouse over22:22
david028djskidd: hi again do you know how to fix 10.10 audio? It worked before upgrade to 10.1022:22
escott!google | ule22:22
ubottuule: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.22:22
onsofthi'll try it, thanks everyone22:22
djskidddavid028 Try a reboot22:23
djskidddavid028 But first22:23
_r00t_!howto build kernel from source22:23
ubottu_r00t_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:23
kurajalso I'm afraid to use ccsm since using it has ruined my experience with OO on numerous occasions22:23
Ufunnys up everybody22:23
_r00t_ubottu, I expected more22:23
ubottu_r00t_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:23
escott_r00t_, if you have to go down that path, gentoo slackware will have good documentation22:23
djskidddavid028 Check your sound settings, is anything set to 0?22:23
vulnNow that I set up Compiz, binds like ctrl+alt+t stopped working. I can't see my upper menu anymore, to open my applications and so on. How can I get them back?22:23
Seveasubottu, don't worry, nobody expects any intelligence in here22:24
ubottuSeveas: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:24
uleescott, ok.. sorry22:24
djskiddubottu, am I mad?22:24
escottdavid028, depends on what kind of audio card you have. you need to identify that with lspci or lshw22:24
ubottudjskidd: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:24
_r00t_escott, gentoo also fixed the gnome mouse scrolling issue ... you're right - it's a better distro22:24
auronandace!kernel | _r00t_22:24
djskiddwait, what?22:24
ubottu_r00t_: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)22:24
david0288djskidd:yea tried a few reboots and reinstalling drivers22:24
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds22:25
djskidddavid0288 Put a song on in Banshee, tell me when it starts playing.22:25
_r00t_yep I've tried mainline... time to build my own :(22:25
chaos_ubottu: 1 + 122:25
ubottuchaos_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:25
msqrdstrany ideas on the keybinding? :\22:25
david0288djskidd: Banshee freezes22:25
Seveasnothing like your own kernel to make you feel at home22:25
wunnleanyone knows about this frequent connection problem? i'm connecting from my mobile phone right now and i need internet. real one.22:26
wunnle*frequent connection dropping22:26
djskidddavid0288 Press Alt + F222:26
_r00t_actually I'll copy the .config from ubuntu and tweak it but my problem is how to build initrd22:26
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djskidddavid0288 a box has popped up?22:26
urlin2uwunnle, wireless or etho?22:26
wunnleurlin2u, wireless, WPA.22:27
djskiddis that a yes?22:27
kronomanthere is any way to remove unity without removing ubuntu-desktop?22:27
urlin2uwunnle, your router?22:27
escott_r00t_, i think there is a mkinitrd script22:27
kronomanunity is not working for my computer at all22:27
Seveaskronoman, probably not, but removing ubuntu-desktop isn't that bad22:27
david0288I think everything freezes at sound. IRC, youtube, Banshee22:27
chaos_use unity 2D, its great22:27
wunnleurlin2u, it's huawei.22:27
djskidddavid0288 message me22:28
chaos_or gnome its great too22:28
urlin2uwunnle, or a shred at like a university etc, and what card?22:28
kronomanunity 2d is too slow22:28
kronomanIm using gnome classic22:28
_r00t_escott, mkinitrd: command not found22:28
urlin2ushared doh* wunnle22:28
escott_r00t_, update-initramfs22:28
chaos_slow for what22:28
kronomanI must get rid of unity, unity2d, and gnome 3D22:28
kronomanI have a small hard disk and I need the free space22:28
kronomanbut dont know what packages to remove22:28
kronomanI want to have only gnome-classic22:28
chaos_yes they are all complex code on top of code22:28
wunnleurlin2u, no no, i'm back at mom's home (: how can i check what card i have? (i'm a linux noob)22:28
_r00t_escott, thanks !22:28
Seveaskronoman, do some chainsawing with debfoster22:29
urlin2ukronoman, having that little of disc space is not a good idea.22:29
_r00t_escott, so update-initramfs will pull all my /lib/modules/new-kernel/ right ?22:29
david0288djskidd: message you how? (newbie here trying hard to leave windows..)22:29
escott_r00t_, never used it. don't know what it does22:29
kronomanurlin2u, cant purchase anything else, Im on 3rd world, all the PC made from used parts22:29
kronoman/dev/sda1             9,9G  3,2G  6,2G  35% /22:30
_r00t_man update-initramfs22:30
urlin2uwunnle, if you run in the terminal lspci a lot of stuff is listed just look for the card.22:30
carl_testing testing22:30
aulinI can't seem to get crontab to work. :/ Using crontab -e, adding line */10 * * * * tar -zcf /home/johan/Dropbox/backup_notes/notes_$(date %Y%m%d).tar.gz -C /home/johan/Dropbox notes22:31
riffautaekronoman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems22:31
Seveascarl_, reading you loud and clear!22:31
riffautaekronoman: includes small hdd22:31
wunnleurlin2u,  Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter22:31
kronomanriffautae, thanks!22:31
duckweedhi, need a help. why did , when i edited setting in /etc/issue and /etc/lsb-release, it reset to default after a reboot. million thanx to anyone who can actually solve this prob for me22:31
carl_anyway, anyone have any tips to reduce the 11.04 install footprint?22:32
urlin2ukronoman, understandable but if all you have left is the amount of the unity desktop which is very tiny you risk having the disc filled just with a log and being locked out, and having to clean something out with a booted cd, or by possiblt chrooting in, not very good practice.22:32
_r00t_escott, kernel downloaded - headphones plugged in ... here we go22:32
kronomanwunnle, try in a terminal > sudo lshw -C display22:32
riffautaeduckweed: those are set by the system. what are you attempting to accomplish?22:32
Seveascarl_, gratutitous use of rm and dpkg -P22:33
_r00t_damn it .... what music player does ubuntu use ?22:33
riffautae_r00t_: i think banshee22:33
duckweedriffaute: i want to make a fork out of a ubuntu for my local users.22:33
_r00t_riffautae,  I was using tangerine last night ?22:33
_r00t_ah yes !!!!22:33
kronomanurlin2u, also I have a problem with the graphics card, I got this very expensive geforce2 mx 400 and yet unity does not recognize it,22:34
_r00t_damn it .... I just did apt-get install tangerine22:34
riffautaeduckweed: you will have to find the package that is in charge of naming the release and modify it. might be the kernel package or one of its depedencies22:34
dynafishhi everyone22:34
wunnlekronoman, display?22:34
kronomanproduct: NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400]22:34
_r00t_man tangerine - DAAP server - doh22:34
kronomanwunnle, were you trying to find your display? that command shows my display on terminal22:34
dynafishwas wondering if I could ask a quick quesion22:34
kronomanwunnle,  in my case> product: NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400]22:34
duckweedriffaute: how can i do that??? and why it keeps reverting to default22:34
riffautaedynafish: dont have to ask :)22:35
dynafishwell here it goes22:35
wunnlekronoman, no, i'm just trying to connect a WPA network which is dropping frequently.22:35
_r00t_thanks carl_ - I has sounds22:35
api984can ubuntu be cloned (with all installed software and config) i have a complex HDD config?22:35
djskiddScrew it22:35
djskiddCan't even stay on to get help22:35
aulinCan anyone help me with getting crontab to work?22:35
ActionParsnipapi984: use dd or rsync22:35
Seveasapi984, yes. rsync is your friend22:35
dynafishI installed lubuntu on my netbook with an encrypted home and gparted shows swap as unknown fs22:35
ActionParsnipaulin: are you using a desktop UI?22:36
wunnlekronoman, i don't want to find my "optimus" display, i've found it last week and it annoyed me enough :P22:36
aulinActionParsnip: Nope. Command line.22:36
aulinI can't seem to get crontab to work. :/ Using crontab -e, adding line */10 * * * * tar -zcf /home/johan/Dropbox/backup_notes/notes_$(date %Y%m%d).tar.gz -C /home/johan/Dropbox notes22:36
riffautaeduckweed: here is a thread on a mailing list on the very topic https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-March/016602.html read all the posts22:36
ActionParsnipaulin: and does what you want to schedule need root access?22:36
dynafishI tried to run stressapptest to load my ram and it froze my mahine (was going to use free -m to see swap under load)22:36
api984i am trying to make 3xHDD in fakeRAID (raid 0) , 1 HDD sigle installed ubuntu. transfering from single to dmraid aka fakeraid22:36
wunnleurlin2u,  Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter is my card.22:36
riffautaeduckweed: this is one relevent link someone posts https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization?action=show&redirect=InstallCDCustomizationHowTo22:36
aulinActionParsnip: No, it's just taring a dir under my regular user22:37
dynafishso I am wondering if ubuntu is indeed using my swap22:37
ActionParsnipaulin: ok thats cool, so is that every 10 days run the command? Is that right?22:37
api984Seveas: i still need NOT to copy over fstab and /boot22:37
carl_what is the actual use of swap?22:37
riffautaeapi984: you added 2 drive to a drive that had ubuntu on it and you want to use all 3 in a raid?22:37
dynafishit shows 022:37
_r00t_bunzip2 -c linux-3.1.tar.bz2 | tar xvf - && cp /usr/src/linux-headers-3.1.0-030100rc10-generic/.config .22:37
aulinIt should be every 10 minutes, every day, month, and weekday22:38
api984riffautae: nop22:38
riffautaeapi984: ok so you just have 3 more drives and want to raid?22:38
_r00t_make -j17 oldconfig22:38
api984riffautae: 3x160gb raid 0, 1hdd of 500gb ubuntu installed. need to transfer from 500gb to raid config22:38
duckweedriffaute: i dont really get an answer from there, but my gut says , i better leave them as it is. just change the other. thanx for the info!22:38
ActionParsnipaulin: ok let me check22:38
_r00t_make xconfig failed22:38
david028djskidd you there?22:38
_r00t_Unable to find the QT4 tool qmake. Trying to use QT322:39
riffautaeapi984: the data or the whole install?22:39
ActionParsnipaulin: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/crontab-every-10-min/22:39
api984riffautae: whole install22:39
Seveasapi984, that's why rsync has --exclude :)22:39
api984Seveas: yup22:39
ActionParsnipaulin: I'd make a script, then cron the script22:39
api984Seveas: still thinking what needs to be excluded22:39
riffautaedynafish: post your /etc/fstab to a pastbin22:39
david028can someone help me fix my sound on ubuntu 10.10. It worked on 10.422:40
Seveasapi984, /sys /proc /dev /tmp and /etc/fstab22:40
api984Seveas: and /boot22:40
kronomandavid028, what is the problem with your sound? no sound at all?22:40
api984Seveas: grub menu.lst22:40
Seveasdepends on how you installed the system you're cloning to22:40
aulinActionParsnip: Thanks. But shouldn't it work to just run the command straight up? Running tar is even in the example in the comments of the crontab file.22:40
_r00t_apt-get install qt4-make22:40
kronomandavid028, I solved my sound going to a terminal and using alsamixer to check the volume of each channel, some were disabled22:40
api984Seveas: disk wont be /dev/sdX it will be something else22:40
david028kronoman: freezes everything that tries to use it22:40
riffautaeapi984: you cant just copy grub to a diff hdd especially a raid22:41
Seveaslast clone I did was to exactly the same hdd (well, ssd drive) and was simply booting from livecd and ssh+dd22:41
api984riffautae: i thought so22:41
_r00t_sod it .... I'll use make menuconfig instead22:41
aulinActionParsnip: Is there a GUI for crontab, though? I might try that instead.22:41
ActionParsnipaulin: not sure dude, worth exploring22:41
riffautaeapi984: you have to install it and figure out how to get the bios to regognise your /boot partition22:41
ActionParsnipaulin: there is gnome-schedule22:41
api984riffautae: i am making a fresh same version install on raid22:41
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riffautaeapi984: on my NAS with raid i just have another drive for the os so that i dont have to fuss with that and then backup that drive to the raid22:41
api984riffautae: after new install i will try to overwrite22:42
david028kronoman:Nope theyre up22:42
wunnleI can't connect to a WPA network. My network card is  Atheros AR9285 and router is Huawei something. I use Ubuntu 11.10, and i'm connecting from my mobile phone, i  need "real" internet. Any ideas?22:42
aulinActionParsnip: Thanks! I'll try using that.22:43
api984riffautae: what do you suggest about using a memory stick as swap?22:43
wunnleEdit: I can connect, if you call it connecting. Network keeps disconnecting frequently.22:43
lee__hello every122:43
ActionParsnipapi984: flash storage has limited writes. if you use swap a lot it will shorten its life22:44
dahliahow do I set 32 bit color in kubuntu virtual box guest? Ive installed guest additions but I can only get 24 bit color22:44
riffautaeapi984: you can put swap on raid, the memory stick will get worn out quickly22:44
api984ActionParsnip: i agree22:44
kronomandavid028, and what card do you have? does it shows up in lspci?22:44
api984riffautae: agreed22:44
david028kronoman: oh sorry I ment 11.10 not 10.1022:44
_r00t_make -j522:45
_r00t_in the old days it would take 45 minutes to build a kernel22:45
david028kronoman: intil n10/ich 7 family hd audio c22:45
riffautaeapi984: i think i have it on the small drive with /22:46
riffautaeapi984: if you have enough ram the swap wont matter much22:46
wunnlei guess i have to use windows right now.22:46
ActionParsnip_r00t_: my first gentoo build took 2 days22:46
wunnle:rage quit:22:46
api984riffautae: low ram22:47
_r00t_api echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness22:47
_r00t_ActionParsnip, :) You rox !22:47
api984riffautae: i put one old module today making it 3gb ram22:47
api984riffautae: 2gb not enough22:47
api984riffautae: pc slows down when ram usage is over 90%, starts blocking, swapping.....22:48
AdrenalinHello world !22:48
david028kronoman: ok in system settings>sound there is nothing listed under hardware or output22:49
_r00t_is building a kernel http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/tbtcvyds/Workspace1_001.jpeg22:49
kkamalhello, I'm using ubuntu 11.10 on a virtual machine, and dislay it on the 2nd screen with resultion 1920x1080, but i can't set that resolution, it is not available, can i configure it somewhere ???22:50
EuroNerdkkamal, did u install VirtualBox Additions within the virtual machine?22:51
incissoIt's depend the Virtual Machine22:51
EuroNerdkkamal - I mean the VB Guest Additions.22:52
=== guy is now known as Guest71128
kronomandavid028, weird, does alsa rdetects it?22:53
NoReGreTis there a nautilus setting that makes it open a window with a directory after login ?22:53
chaos_<kkamal>: i dont know right off hand but you can change the resolution. get the virtualbox manual from the website22:53
david028koronoman alsa rdetects? how do I do that?22:54
_r00t_this eeesss taking time22:54
M0TRN_th1Unity sucks but I have decided to give it a chance. How do I get "Workspace Switcher" off the launcher bar?22:54
chaos_its a command line argument. there is alot of hidden options that are only accessible from the command line utility for virtualbox22:54
_r00t_M0TRN_th1, we know it sux tell us something we don't already know22:55
david028kronoman: I put it in terminal and get usage: /sbin/alsa {unload/reload/force-unload/force-reload/suspend/resume}22:55
kronomandavid028, google your sound card, I tried and there is lots of reports of problems of no sound, some forum must have the answer, I cant because Im on a really slow connection22:55
chaos_ya we know it sucks haha22:55
M0TRN_th1_r00t_, lol22:55
kronomandavid028, alsamixer22:55
M0TRN_th1why is oneiric then released with it and not even fallback by default?22:55
kronomandavid028, alsamixer shows the card, etc, on mine on top left22:55
c_khttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_11.04 says to use "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" but thats not right, is it?22:55
_r00t_M0TRN_th1, I use gnome 2 / compiz - it works no need to fux it22:55
M0TRN_th1_r00t_, heh ok22:55
aulinActionParsnip: gnome-schedule helped me find the error. Apparently crontab uses % as a special character, so I had to backslash escape the %-signs for the date command. It works now! :)22:56
chaos_in a year ubuntu will have a grip on it and it will be better then anything22:56
david028kronoman: alsamixer shows my card ok hda intel realtek alc120022:56
M0TRN_th1I already installed the fallback package but the System menu is gone and other fuckage22:56
M0TRN_th1so I thought I'd try unity22:56
=== kevin is now known as Guest56066
kronomandavid028, hit F2 on alsamixer, and check all the info it shows22:56
Guest56066Hi everyone, could anyone help me install adobe flash on Ubuntu 11.10 64bit?22:57
kronomandavid028, /proc/asound/* has lots of files with info on it too about the sound22:57
_r00t_sudo apt-get install qt3-dev-tools libqt3-mt-dev # if you plan to use 'make xconfig' || D'Oh now you tell me ... kernel is building22:57
kkamalchaos_, EuroNerd, am using parallels on mac os x22:57
chaos_<-- uses multiple window managers depending on how he feels and what he gots to do22:57
kronomandavid028, try turning on/off each one of the channels on alsamixer using the M key also, and going on the other views with TAB22:57
ActionParsnipGuest56066: enable partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin22:57
kronomandavid028, usually when I have problems with my card is because a channel is off22:57
M0TRN_th1what packages should I install to get decent gnome functionality back?22:58
Guest56066ActionParsnip: I don't see a partner repo in the software center?22:58
david028kronoman: version 1.0.24. dont understand the rest22:58
kronomanM0TRN_th1, gnome-shell , I did it and you can use gnome3 or gnome classic when you log in back22:59
ActionParsnipGuest56066: you can uncomment it in /etc/apt/sources.list if you want, remember to run: sudo apt-get update   afterwards22:59
EuroNerdkkamal, I apologize then, I have no experience with Parallels.  VB is as good and it's free, so it's my preferred virtualization tool.22:59
ZeitFightIs there a way to copy/paste the content of the terminal window without using the mouse?22:59
kronomandavid028, everything inside /proc/asound is the info of your card, try turning on the channels using the M key on alsamixer22:59
kronomanon each channel22:59
EuroNerdkkamal, in fact you could try VB as a solution to your problem.  ;)23:00
kronomandavid028, on a terminal> cat /proc/asound/cards does show your card?23:00
david028kronoman: yea there all on. Front speakers on23:00
kronomanmmm your speakers are plugged and with good volume? you are trying to listen some music?23:00
ActionParsnipZeitFight: if its the output of a command, you can pipe it to pastebinit or xclip23:00
_r00t_I'm an idiot ... I forgot to reboot into the overclocked profile. Kernel is still compiling - Tubleweed http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/jxb6ql3u/Workspace1_002.jpeg23:00
david028kronoman: everything that tries to use audio freezes23:01
Pici_r00t_: We don't need a play-by-play, thanks.23:01
* _r00t_ wonders if there's a Makefile switch to show full debugging during make23:01
kronomandavid028, I give up, I dont have a clue then :o23:01
Guest56066ActionParsnip: That didn't work, firefox still asks for a plugin?23:01
ZeitFightActionParsnip: How?23:01
kkamalEuroNerd, this is the 2nd time a re install the box, I don't have time and motivation to do that again, I thought it would be possible to configure that manually somewhere23:02
Guest56066ActionParsnip: and chromium23:02
ReidyHeya, I got a little problem with my ubuntu 11.10, running on a lenovo ideapad U460 (and installed via netinstall). When I start the distro, it show me that : http://pastebin.com/aB1KQafs in a black background. I updated the system with the latest update and so, and I don't know how to correct it, I can access to the console mode, but nothing else.23:02
Ntemisam facing a frustrating issue here, i created an raid array and i cannot format it to ext423:02
_r00t_Pici - .ignore works - no ?23:02
ActionParsnipGuest56066: did the package install ok?23:02
Guest56066ActionParsnip: mhm23:02
Ntemismkfs -t ext4 -q /dev/md0partprobe ; mkfs -t ext4 -q /dev/md023:02
ActionParsnipGuest56066: did you close the browser then rerun it?23:03
fooloveI am wanting to do the best narrowing down as possible on searching log data.......   with egrep 'string1|string2|string3'  i believe does string1 or string2 or string3    I am wanting to find string1 and string2 and string3 in a line not or i want all conditions to match23:03
NtemisCould not stat /dev/md0partprobe --- No such file or directory23:03
NtemisThe device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly?23:03
Guest56066ActionParsnip: I closed them before installing, and after starting them after install and seeing nothing worked, restarted both and tried again23:03
Pici_r00t_: This channel is busy enough as it is.  #ubuntu-offtopic exists for precisely this reason.23:03
Ntemiswhat am doing wrong?23:03
ReidyNtemis: try to use gparted ?23:03
wxlhow can one encrypt home post-install?23:03
ActionParsnipZeitFight: just pipe like you normally would, xclip is a cli interface to the clipboard, or you can use pastebinit which will make a url23:04
Ntemisam on a server with only ssh23:04
ReidyNtemis: Can't you boot it via livecd on this server?23:04
david028kronoman: I just tried this help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure Top command, I get libasound2 already the newest version 0 upgraded, 0 installed internal error no file name for libasound223:04
Ntemisbut why i do that, if i put right command will do it!23:05
bil_holy fack, whats the nickserv kill ghost syntax?23:05
_r00t_foolove, cat logfile | grep string1 | grep string2 | | grep string3 LOL ¬¬¬!!!!!!23:05
Ntemisjust need the right command to format md0 (raid) to ext423:05
Osmodivs_Hello. After a sensors-detect scan I was prompted to ype 'service module-init-tools start' But I get this error (I think) message: http://pastebin.com/txmunmUA  What's wrong?23:05
ActionParsnipGuest56066: did you try and install flash before?23:05
_r00t_Ntemis, your raid device should be just /dev/md023:06
ZeitFightActionParsnip: hmm but I can do that without using the mouse?23:06
Ntemisit is23:06
Ntemisnow i nned to format it23:06
Ntemisbut 11.10 dont let me23:06
Guest56066ActionParsnip: I tried to install the flash plugin in the software center for firefox, but then i realized i wanted to use chromium instead. I uninstalled it through the software center before installing this one though?23:06
Ntemisi had not this problems on 10.0423:06
_r00t_Ntemis, so what's the problemo ? mkfs.ntfs /dev/md0  or something ... are you partitioning it ?23:06
ActionParsnipZeitFight: for example.  ps -ef | pastebinit    wil make a URL you can then give peaople, othe link will be a pastebin if the output of the ps command23:06
Ntemisno formatting it to ext423:07
ActionParsnipGuest56066: can you give a pastebin of:  uname -a; cat /etc/lsb-release; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'23:07
glitchdsomeone think they could assist me in getting this done? http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/784138-howto-boot-existing-ubuntu-partition-using-virtualbox-inside-windows/23:07
ActionParsnipglitchd: I'd ask in #vbox23:07
ZeitFightActionParsnip: Alright now I follow. Thanks :)23:07
brightsparkWhen I try to use totem to play youtube videos, I get an error message "Gstreamer encountered a general supporting library error."  I have never been able to use this feature, so I don't suspect a recent update as the cause.  Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?23:08
Guest56066ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/paWf87Dz23:08
iosolidari'm using ubuntu server 8.04 on a virtualbox: is there a way to change the resolution?23:08
fooloveya i just googled the answer thanks root23:08
dasy2k1brightspark: do you have all of gstreamer-plugins-foo   where foo is good, bad and ugly installed?23:09
ActionParsnipGuest56066: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-downloader:i386 adobe-flashplugin:i386 adobe-flash-properties-gtk:i386; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get iclean; sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin23:10
=== haji is now known as magg
brightsparkdasy2k1: I do, as well as some other similar-sounding ones (-base, -bad-multiverse)23:10
Guest56066ActionParsnip: Jesus do you know this off memory or experience?23:10
ActionParsnipGuest56066: long experience of the OS dude23:11
dasy2k1I would have added a sudo apt-get update before all of them too23:12
Guest56066ActionParsnip: It seems to have found some stuff lying around from my previous install etc, i'm going to let it run and I'll brb. Thanks for all the help23:12
brightsparkdasy2k1: All of these show up as gstreamer0.10-plugins-foo; there are none without the number (I presume a version number) available to download.23:12
glitchdActionParsnip, i am asking in that room also atm23:14
dasy2k1brightspark:  yeh, thats just the version numbers, in previous versions there were metapackages without the version number that just installed the one with the relevant version number, seems that has been done away with in 11.123:14
Guest56066ActionParsnip: I hate to be picky but I was running a distribution before this for about a week ... and it had a 64bit version of flash with a 32 bit wrapper or something. The performance was about 2-3x the current. DO you have any idea what that might be?23:15
brightsparkdasy2k1: The update found nothing new.  Also this is a 10.10 install, not an 11.10 one.23:15
* dasy2k1 shrugs23:15
ActionParsnipGuest56066: yeah the 64bit flash is now officially released and stable so is in the repos23:16
Guest56066ActionParsnip: I don't think it was the 64bit verison, I think it was a 32bit version with a wrapper of some kind?23:17
ActionParsnipGuest56066: it used to be that 64bit users used the wrapper or could manually install23:17
brightsparkWhen I run in terminal, I see a bunch of output about unhandled XML, and some more detail on the gstreamer error.23:17
ActionParsnipGuest56066: 32bit has had flash support for ages, the 64bit was always a testing thing but worked well imho23:17
dasy2k1brightspark:  If you pastebin that hopefully somone will be able to make head or tail of it23:18
Faizulhows UDS ?23:20
fission6does 'dig' command tool have a channel23:20
ActionParsnipfission6: http://www.manpagez.com/man/1/dig/ may help, what's up?23:21
stevecamfission6, i don't think so, try asking in ##linux23:21
stevecamyour question regarding dig that is, not weather dig has a channel23:22
brightsparkdasy2k1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/728652/23:22
Guest56066ActionParsnip: I'll have to look around. Though this works it is exactly the same performance I had on Linux mint -- less than 15fps on a 360 video. When I used the 32bit version with the wrapper I got full speed up to 720p23:23
fission6i want to find authority nameserver for a site but dont get any ActionParsnip23:23
splnetAnyone know how to install ksymoops? I'm on 10.0423:24
splnetapt-cache search ksymoops returns null23:24
dasy2k1brighspark: i think it has somthing to do with ffmpeg, I will have to leave it to the experts on that.23:24
genjixso i made my own ppa, and now want to test out the packages i built23:24
genjixW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/zgenjix/libbitcoin/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found23:25
genjixW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/zgenjix/libbitcoin/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found23:25
genjixany ideas why it isn't working?23:25
genjixi follow the instructions on my own page.23:25
ActionParsnipGuest56066: you can always grab the 64bit .so file and put it in /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins   and it will work23:25
genjixadded the 2 lines to /etc/apt/sources.list23:25
brightsparkdasy2k1: thanks for your time23:26
fission6i dont get any authoratative service for digging any site23:26
dasy2k1np brightspark23:26
bekksfission6: Thats a name service problem on your side, not a "dig" problem.23:27
incisso<genjix> if are un source list and error is (404  Not Found) the url is correct23:27
splnetAnyone know which repo has https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+package/ksymoops ?23:27
fission6bekks: what do you mean?23:28
fission6bekks: i want to find all subdomains for a given domain23:28
splnetI have multiverse and universe.. ksymoops should be a pretty standard app23:29
ActionParsnipgenjix: https://launchpad.net/~stretch/+archive/bitcoin is a bitcoin ppa if you want a client23:30
genjixActionParsnip: thanks, but im building something else :p23:31
fission6i guess i cant do this hm23:31
ActionParsnipfission6: nmap may be able to do it23:33
fission6what does this mean in dig ; Transfer failed.23:34
splnetfission6: The domain owner can restrict zone transfers which it sounds what you are looking for. This is for security reasons23:34
fission6splnet: so you just have to happen to "know" the subdomain if you want to connect to it23:35
splnetfission6: yep23:36
splnetfission6: sure23:37
brightsparkWhen I try to use totem to play youtube videos, I get an error message "Gstreamer encountered a general supporting library error."  I have never been able to use this feature, so I don't suspect a recent update as the cause.  Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?23:38
ReidyHeya, I got a little problem with my ubuntu 11.10, running on a lenovo ideapad U460 (and installed via netinstall). When I start the distro, it show me that : http://pastebin.com/aB1KQafs in a black background. I updated the system with the latest update and so, and I don't know how to correct it, I can access to the console mode, but nothing else.23:38
pangolin-bqbb *!*@dslb-094-223-010-109.pools.arcor-ip.net aleale!*@* *!*@cpc1-chms1-0-0-cust304.basl.cable.virginmedia.com *!*@c-98-238-226-218.hsd1.ca.comcast.net23:40
splnetAh: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/i386/ksymoops/2.4.11-1ubuntu1  "Status:deleted"23:44
suspasalut tt l'monde23:44
splnetSo someone arbitrarily decided to delete this?? What is going on23:44
JVizis there a binary package for gcc-3.x.x?23:44
JVizfor lucid23:45
JVizwould I be better off finding and installing an older version of ubuntu?23:46
HulkHoganJViz: yes23:46
JVizHulkHogan: yes to using an older version of ubuntu?23:46
HulkHoganJViz: yes23:46
JVizHulkHogan: any idea on how old of a version i'd be looking for?23:47
HulkHoganJViz: =) well whats the prob exactly?23:47
JVizi need gcc 3 for using bitbake23:48
brightsparkWhen I try to use totem to play youtube videos, I get an error message "Gstreamer encountered a general supporting library error."  I have never been able to use this feature, so I don't suspect a recent update as the cause.  Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?23:48
JVizit's one of the requirements, apparently it doesn't work with gcc 4.x23:49
HulkHoganJViz: u can use apt pinning to grab older packages23:49
JVizHulkHogan: i'm going to go read about apt pinning now23:49
CobraKhan007anybody know where i can configure default smb login details for nautilus?23:50
HulkHoganJViz: but not sure if that will break ur current OS requirements, since gcc4 comes default23:50
alexcockellEvening - anyone around?23:50
JVizHulkHogan: if it completely replaces GCC 4, i'm sure it would break my OS23:51
JVizpreferably, i'd like to have them installed side by side, with gcc 4 as the default23:51
BlouBlouubuntu 11.10 comes with backports enabled by default, should I disable it?23:51
HulkHoganJViz: apt-pinning downgrades it23:51
alexcockellI was hoping to flag the existence of a bug I've filed - which has been caused by a showstopping couple of changes..23:51
stevecamhow do i choose my screensaver in the new ubuntu?23:52
splnetJViz: you can build it from source  if you are ambitious23:52
agoolemy firefox window has these orange move/resize circles around it23:52
agoolehow do I remove them ?23:52
JVizsplnet: i tried that, apparently you can't compile gcc3 with gcc4 under normal circumstances23:52
BlouBloubecause I don't know if this may break my system or not23:53
JVizsplnet: apparently gcc4 code requirements are more strict than previous versions23:53
splnetJViz: right maybe build a tree on an older system and copy it over?23:54
splnetgcc3 tree23:55
agooledoes anyone know how to remove these giant orange resize circles ?23:55
JVizsplnet: i want to make this easier for other people, maybe i should look into making bitbake work with gcc4?23:57
BlouBlouso, anyone knows if I should disable backports (wich come enabled by default) or not?23:57
agooledoes anyone else know how to disable the resize circles ?23:59
pooltablehelp save a file i want to print as a pdf ?23:59

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