
valoriedarkwing -- isn't here02:08
valorieprobably flying home.....02:08
* valorie emails instead02:11
ronnocHi all. I wanted to install Choqok V1.2 and I noticed, from the Choqok website, that the package for 1.2 is held in ~neversfelde's PPA. However, upon signing into Launchpad, I get the following error: "Not allowed here Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page.". I've never had this happen before. I'm assuming that the PPA is public (why else would it be on the Choqok download page). Any idea on why I'm not able to 06:38
ronnocaccess it? :/ 06:38
nigelbronnoc: link to said PPA?06:42
valoriecan you paste in the whole link so I don't ahve to hunt for it?06:42
ronnochttps://launchpad.net/~neversfelde/+archive/experimental as linked on http://choqok.gnufolks.org/download/06:43
ronnocand, good moring to you both :)06:44
nigelbronnoc: He probably disabled the experimental ppa, and created a new ppa06:44
nigelbhttps://launchpad.net/~neversfelde/+archive/ppa (probably right place)06:44
ronnocnigelb: hmmm makes sense, although Choqok isn't updated there yet. I could just compile it but I'll ping the Choqok folks as a heads-up to the link.06:45
ronnoci mean to their incorrect link for V1.206:46
nigelbYeah, good idea :)06:47
ronnocso what was / is the overall impression of UDS from a Kubuntu Dev POV? I assume blogs are forthcoming? :)06:48
valoriemy impression as a desperate remote person was just jealousy06:49
valorieerr, my emotion06:49
valorieimpression: sounded awesome06:49
ronnocvalorie: lol. I hear you. Impression DID sound better :) I would love to have be there as well. I will skim through the archived logs here over the weekend. 06:52
valoriemy dad broke his hip last thursday, so I'm glad I wasn't sponsored06:53
valoriehaven't had time to really participate, or even catch up with the recordings06:53
ronnocouch. My grandmother ust did the same. Hope for a speedy recovery! 06:54
nigelbvalorie: Ouch. Hope he's better soon.06:55
valorieit was touch and go for awhile, because he came to the hosp. with pneumonia06:55
valoriewhich ended up in heart failure06:55
valoriebut he pulled through, and they were able to do a minimally invasive fix to the crack in his hip06:55
ronnocdang that's a lot to deal w/ at once06:56
valorieturns out that it might have been lucky that he broke his hip06:56
valorieotherwise, maybe he would have just been found dead of pneumonia06:56
valorieit's awfully hard on old folks06:56
valoriehe's now out of the hosp. and into a rehab place06:57
valorieso hopefully it's all up from here06:58
ronnocsounds like a blessing in disguise then06:58
valorieso this last week has been pretty intense07:01
bulldog98Quintasan: could you put https://code.launchpad.net/~quintasan/+recipe/telepathy-kde-approver-daily under ownership of ~telepathy-kde?07:20
bulldog98Quintasan: btw why has telepathy-kde-accounts-kcm .cpp and .h files in it?08:20
ronnocbambee: good morning08:32
bulldog98Quintasan: ping08:59
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
QuintasanRiddell: You around?13:09
QuintasanRiddell: I'll be hanging around Lobby until 11. Wanted to say bye yesterday but couldnt find you ;(13:44
macoQuintasan: his flight was at 6am14:16
bambeeI uploaded cmake 2.8.6 to revu, if someone could review it... that would be cool :)15:13
shadeslayerQuintasan: ping ping16:55
shadeslayerQuintasan: is there a new toolkit coming out or sth?16:58
shadeslayerfor transformer and stuff16:59
Quintasanshadeslayer: yes it is17:19
QuintasanI am already using it17:19
Quintasanbut keep it quite17:19
shadeslayerQuintasan: pm then17:30
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | 11.10 Released!
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Cookies for Everyone! | 11.10 Released!
bambeesalut :)21:40
Riddellhe suis en france, mais c'est pas la france21:40
bambeeRiddell: tu es à la réunion, c'est ça ?21:41
Riddella guadeloupe21:42
bambeeah :)21:43
apacheloggerRiddell: salut22:30
apacheloggercomment est guadeloupe?22:30
* apachelogger needs to write more french22:31
apacheloggerit is rotting away like that -.-22:31
BarkingFishI'll stick with English, it's easier and I can read it :P22:32
apacheloggerpar consequent22:33
apacheloggerfrancais est plus mysterieux22:33
apacheloggerje pense22:33
apacheloggeractually I was thinking about learning russian or something22:34
apacheloggerto not be entirely bored out of my mind at uni22:34
BarkingFishje pense je "un pencil avec les bloody great nails" into votre nose I will shove :D22:35
apacheloggeror polish, then I could totally swear at Quintasan in his mother tongue22:35
BarkingFishlearn Icelandic, then you can do the same to me.22:36
apacheloggericeland has an own language? :O22:36
apacheloggersomething new to learn everyday22:36
BarkingFishof course we do. We knew it as Islenska, the rest of the world knows it as "What the hell is that?"22:36
=== kubotu_ is now known as kubotu
apacheloggercurious austrians claim to speak german yet germans go "what the hell is that?" ^^22:37
apacheloggerkubotu: hi22:43
kubotugood evening, apachelogger!22:43
apacheloggerkubotu: where have you been? I missed you :(22:43
* apachelogger fondles kubotu22:43
apacheloggerkubotu: order beer22:43
* kubotu gives apachelogger a nice frosty mug of beer.22:43
apacheloggerkubotu: you are the best22:43
apacheloggerwhere is darkwing22:48
Riddellapachelogger: it's an island paradise22:56
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
valorieRiddell: are you visiting, or staying?23:11
valoriein paradise, I mean23:11
Riddellvalorie: staying for a couple of monthsa23:11
valorieyou'll miss out on Scots winter23:12
claydohRiddell: how is the 'net speed?23:12
valorieyou can canoe in a speedo instead of a fur coat!23:13
Riddellvariable.  gets about 300Kb/s23:13
Riddellnot great for downloading CDs but the roundtrip on ssh back to England is surprisingly unnoticaable23:13
claydohyeah, thats good23:14
Riddellclaydoh: back home?23:14
valorieRiddell: did you hear what Casey from Amarok is doing (Ramblurr)23:14
valoriehe's in Peru, and then off to parts unknown23:14
valoriewhile working23:14
Riddellit's a fun lifestyle23:15
valoriehe wanted to learn Quechua23:15
valoriebe sure to blog!23:15
claydohRiddell: yes, about 2 hours ago23:17
claydohapachelogger: hugs are good, we missed you23:18
apacheloggerin may I shall return23:19
apacheloggerand then we start shaping the product that will revolutionize the world :)23:20
apacheloggerRiddell: so, I hear rumors precise will not be 700MiB of size anymore, is that true?23:20
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh

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