
cryptopsyi saw it yesterday but now i don't remember where it is00:05
cryptopsyoh i found it, bottom of the 'edit' page00:12
Kre10s_hello. I uploaded a new package to my ppa using dput ppa:schneidersoft/brewery morse_0.1-1.changes... The command exited successfully, but i do not see the package in my ppa... whats up with that?11:01
sagacihow long ago11:11
maxbIt takes (usually) 1 to 5 minutes for an upload to be processed by the cronjob which reads your uploaded files. At that point, you get an accepted/rejected email, and if accepted, the package is visible in the web UI11:18
scotty^Has anyone else noticed that lately Launchpad Janitor is changing bug statuses to "Confirmed" with the message "Status changed to 'Confirmed' because the bug affects multiple users." even though no there is no direct evidence of the bug affecting multiple users?12:52
StevenKscotty^: People clicked on "affects me too" on the top of the bug report?12:54
maxbscotty^: that's based on multiple users clicking the 'affects me too' thing12:54
scotty^Woops.  Sorry, I didn't notice that.12:55
scotty^Silly me.12:55
scotty^I'm glad I asked before I changed the status back to New.12:55
scotty^Thanks again.  Bye.12:56
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
genjixi'm trying to change the description on my launchpad page15:55
genjixit keeps saying15:55
genjixPlease try again15:55
genjixSorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.15:55
glenhey, if i want to create new branch, i just do push to it?18:21
glenbecause if i do so, it says invalid project error:18:22
glen20:20:51 glen[load: 0.20]@lucid ~/bzr/chromium-browser.head.daily$ bzr push lp:~glen666/chromium-browser.head.daily18:22
glenbzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~glen666/chromium-browser.head.daily": No such project: chromium-browser.head.daily18:22
glenah, it needs one level more, a project dir. okay18:23
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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