
czajkowskiPendulum: mmorning11:55
czajkowskiam starving11:55
Pendulumczajkowski: are you ready for food? because I can be ready in about 5 minutes11:56
czajkowskisounds like a plan11:56
czajkowskichilling at the halls16:28
czajkowskihttp://pix.ie/czajkowski/album/426006  UDS-P photos are up18:05
duanedesignthanks czajkowski18:09
duanedesignyou got some really nice pictures.18:12
czajkowskithank you18:12
pleia2czajkowski: mind if I take one for a blog post (w/ attribution :))19:26
* pleia2 hangs out at orlando airport19:27
pleia2having mhall119's blog posts x-post to the cloud blog on planet is fantastically confusing :)19:28
mhall119pleia2: I know, I need to get the cloud planet only fetching my posts tagged as "cloud" :(19:32
mhall119but I doubt anybody is around to do that today19:32
pleia2hehe, no, I suspect not19:32
pleia2have a nice bbq!19:33
duanedesignpleia2: made it home yet?19:37
pleia2duanedesign: nope, in the orlando airport now, my flight boards in about an hour19:37
pleia2duanedesign: you?19:37
duanedesignpleia2: aha. Have a safe trip home19:37
pleia2thanks :)19:37
duanedesignpleia2: i snuck home last night :)19:38
pleia2ah, sneaky indeed!19:38
duanedesignpleia2: it was great to finally meet you, in person.19:38
duanedesigni think i managed to only get a minor case of ubuflu19:38
czajkowskipleia2: help yourself19:38
pleia2czajkowski: great, thanks!19:38
pleia2duanedesign: yeah! very nice to meet you19:39
czajkowskipleia2: np nice one of you me and also you me and ducky19:39
pleia2I feel ok so far19:39
pleia2czajkowski: yeah, that's the one I'm grabbing :)19:39
czajkowskipleia2: is the lush shop there19:39
duanedesignczajkowski: and  it was great to see you again19:39
pleia2czajkowski: I wasn't paying attention :\19:39
duanedesignhope to see you all again soon19:39
czajkowskiduanedesign: yup it was19:39
czajkowskipleia2: how long does it take to get through security b?19:39
duanedesignnot sure how it is today but it was pretty quick for me yesterday19:40
pleia2czajkowski: 20-25 minutes, which is longer than I'm used to19:40
pleia2this airport can be a zoo at times19:41
duanedesignpleia2: once I got back to tulsa it was like a ghost town after visiting Dallas and Orlando airport :)19:41
pleia2duanedesign: haha, I bet19:42
pleia2I'm flying back into Oakland at 10PM so it'll be dead there19:42
duanedesignweird my flights from dallas to tulsa have wifi. the longer flights from dallas to orlando never do19:42
duanedesignthe wifi is nice but the flight is 35 minutes19:43
pleia2my orlando to phoenix one does, phoenix to oakland doesn't (but I got upgraded on that flight, so it's ok :))19:43
pleia2hah, yeah19:43
duanedesigni was jealous, ted was on my flight and he went first class19:43
pleia2no one pays for upgrades on phoenix to california because it's such a short flight, I always get upgraded on those19:44
duanedesigni had never talked with Ted before very nice guy19:44
czajkowskipleia2: nods ok19:44
czajkowskipleia2: good to know19:45
pleia2duanedesign: gould? yeah he's super friendly19:45
duanedesignmy list of ubuntu friends i need to meet in person is getting shoter19:46
duanedesignnigelb is still in my crosshairs :)19:46
mhall119mine too, but for unrelated reasons19:46
pleia2I got to meet him in budapest, he's great19:46
duanedesigni heard rumors the next uds might be in the US again19:47
mhall119there's a lot of rumors going around, nothing is being confirmed though19:47
pleia2yeah, that's what I heard too19:47
mhall119probably that means a location hasn't been picked yet19:47
pleia2well, if it's in SF we will have the ubuntu women dinner on my roof :)19:48
pleia2no fire pit, but there is a grill!19:48
duanedesigni heard an even more unsubstantiated rumor it might be on San Francisco19:48
duanedesigni guess ou heard the same19:48
* duanedesign wants to go to SF19:49
czajkowskipleia2: if so can we hide the cats....19:49
pleia2czajkowski: no need to go into my condo except to use the bathroom :)19:49
czajkowskipleia2: good :)19:49
pangolinI suppose eating the cats is out of the question?19:49
duanedesignmy cats have not left my side since i got back19:49
duanedesignwhile i was gone the cats knocked the router off the table. i think they saw their chance to get revenge on the thing that takes so much of my attention away from them19:51
pangolinif the next UDS is in SF I will be happy for the California LoCo but disappointed I can't attend and meet pleia2 in RL. I hear RL hugs are better.19:51
bkerensaAnyone know what package handles system wide proxy settings on 11.10?20:09
pangolinmy new default answer to everything20:24
doctormo-otherpangolin: The next UDS will be in Europe.21:19
jcastroI heard san francisco21:24
czajkowskijcastro: hi22:04
czajkowskijcastro: http://pix.ie/czajkowski/album/42600622:05
jcastroooh looking22:05

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