
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
psusifor everyone who made it to UDS, I have this to say:  BOOBIES!  that is all...01:35
slangasekcyphermox: heh yuck, looks like the usb-modeswitch merge just became higher priority: usb-modeswitch-data is synced and needs a newer version of usb-modeswitch04:40
Kre10s_ok. so i'm trying to create a package for ubuntu... I seem to have done everything correctly up to, creating the actual package  sudo pbuilder build ../*.dsc08:47
Kre10s_pbuilder tries to build my package, but can not find ao/ao.h. My package depends on libao... how do i specify this dependancy?08:47
slangasekinfinity, lamont: does LP currently cope with :any multiarch build-dependencies?10:54
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
genjixhey i seem to be having trouble with missing m4 macros for configure.ac and such in ubuntu12:59
genjixi installed autotools-dev and autoconf13:00
genjixautoreconf -i13:00
genjixconfigure.ac:11: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR13:00
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
genjixhow can i tell configure.ac to copy other include/* to /usr/include/ ?14:23
genjixduring make install14:23
brodergenjix: you probably want to be looking for a Makefile.am or Makefile.in instead - those control what actually happen when you run make14:24
genjixlibfoo_la_INCLUDEDIR = $(includedir)14:28
genjixlibfoo_la_include_HEADERS = ... list of heades.hpp14:28
genjixis that correct?14:28
genjixoops wrong channel :p14:30
genjixso i've packaged 2 libraries15:47
genjixhow do i get them into universe?15:48
mewerner_arandgenjix: The most common way is to get them into Debian first, also, #ubuntu-motu is likely the more appropriate channel for this15:57
* Chipzz facepalms at https://bugs.launchpad.net/calibre/+bug/88502716:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 885027 in calibre "SUID Mount Helper has 5 Major Vulnerabilities" [Undecided,Fix released]16:38
Chipzzwhat a bloody ignorant f*ck16:38
slangasekthat seems to be a popular bug number this week16:52
penguin42it ended up on some website/mailinglist somewhere didn't it?16:55
penguin42unfortunately I don't think most of the people who look notice that the Ubuntu package had it fixed sensibly16:55
slangasekseems to have been reddited17:03
macoslangasek: still around the hotel?17:07
slangasekmaco: no, somewhere over Wyoming17:07
macoOh in flight wifi?17:08
penguin42Devil's tower wyoming?17:08
slangasekyes, Delta has in-flight wifi on all their domestic flights17:09
slangasekit's a good way to pass the 4 hours between coasts17:09
broderno fair, how are your flights 4 hours? mine is 617:12
slangasekbut that's the flight from Atlanta17:12
genjixconfigure:15902: error:  SSL development library not found17:13
genjixbuilds fine on my local system but not on launchpad17:13
genjixthe control file clearly specifies libssl-dev17:13
broderslangasek: ah, ok17:13
genjixwhat am i missing?17:13
slangasekgenjix: hard to say without the build log and source code17:14
genjixbuild log ^17:14
genjixPKG_CHECK_MODULES(SSL, libssl >= 0.9, :, AC_MSG_ERROR([ SSL development library not found]))17:15
slangasekwell, see the previous line17:15
slangasekit didn't find pkg-config, so it can't use pkg-config to find anything17:15
slangasekergo, you need a build-dependency on pkg-config too17:15
genjixok thank you17:16
penguin42slangasek: Out of interest what do the geolocation stuff make of it?17:18
broderdo i need to worry about, e.g., getpwnam caching results across a chroot() call? (chroot(2), not chroot(1))17:18
slangasekpenguin42: whose geolocation stuff?17:20
slangasekI assume you don't mean GPS, which FAA regulations prohibit turning on while on board ;)17:20
penguin42slangasek: I mean the stuff based off the nearby wifi signals17:20
genjixslangasek: reminds me of c++ template errors. always ignore everything except the first and last line ;)17:21
macoOr geo ip since I imagine it changes as the plane moves17:22
penguin42maco: That depends; the one on the UK east coast trains all gets routed through somewhere in Sweden and that's the externally visible address17:25
slangasekpenguin42: looks like google maps doesn't want to even try17:26
jasoxHi ppl I am making ubuntu indicator for redmine17:40
jasoxIf you want to test it or help you can find it on https://github.com/jasox/Ubuntu-redmine-indicator17:40
slangaseklamont, infinity: After installing, the following source dependencies are still unsatisfied: gettext:any(missing)17:48
slangaseklamont, infinity: so, no. :)  could either of you give me a pointer to where to fix that?17:49
broderit's kind of depressing that i expect the in-air wifi to be better than the wifi at MCO19:16
infinityslangasek: I assume that you just want it satsified from the current arch?20:49
infinityslangasek: If so, should be a 1-line fix to sbuild.20:49
infinityslangasek: (To just strip the :any off)20:50
infinityslangasek: But if you want it to actually do what I imagine it's intended to do, there's a bit more work here...20:50
slangasekinfinity: we just want it stripped off, yeah - where do I find the right sbuild to patch?21:05
brodermaco: fyi, vx's in-flight wifi + google maps places me on the ground at sfo just after takeoff :)21:12
infinityslangasek: lib/canonical/buildd/sbuild (ish, I'm not looking at an LP tree right now)21:12
infinityslangasek: And once the patch is submitted to LP, go ahead and just throw it at lamont too, since LP rollouts don't actually relate to lp-buildd. :P21:13
brodermaco: geoip puts me in texas, which i guess is probably where the traffic actually goes21:14
=== Guest21674 is now known as gord
sveinseHi. I have a LP bug which is tagged verification-needed. How do I mark it as verified when done?22:57
mewerner_arandsveinse: remove that tag and add verification-done, once it is tested in -proposed23:01
sveinsemewerner_arand: Thanks. Like this: bug 78783123:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 787831 in meld (Ubuntu Natty) "Meld crashes if svn working dir contains svn externals dirs" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78783123:04
jtaylorsveinse: thanks, can you also verify the other ones associated tot hat sru?23:19
jtaylorbug 770549, bug 786134 and bug 77426523:20
sveinsejtaylor: uhm, sorry. This is a first time for me. Where can i find the references to the other "sru"'s?23:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 770549 in meld (Ubuntu Natty) "meld /path/to/folder doesn't work" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77054923:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 786134 in meld (Ubuntu Natty) "Meld chokes on file comparison" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78613423:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 774265 in meld (Ubuntu Natty) "[natty] meld hangs comparing attached files" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77426523:20
sveinseAh, I'll check them23:20
jtaylorsru = stable release update23:20
jtaylorthanks for testing the proposed package23:23
macoSveinse: the list of applicable bug numbers is found in the package's changelog23:24
macoAlso on launchpad23:24
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
sveinseI'm looking at these SRU's now. Just a quick question: Any simple way of going back and forth to the official and to the proposed package? ..or basically how do I downgrade a package?23:26
jtaylorapt-get install package-name=version23:26
jtayloryou can get the version numbers with apt-cache policy package-name23:27
sveinseDone. All of them. That kinda felt good :)23:37
Laneynice work!23:38
sveinseNow, we are very stuck with bug 886690. Would be very nice if someone could verify it. I'm a little clueless how to proceed / search for a workaround.23:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 886690 in qemu-linaro (Ubuntu) "qemu segfaults in armel chroot on i386 host" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88669023:40
* penguin42 looks23:41
sveinseDoes anyone know if theres a oneiric backport of qemu to natty? It seems the bug is not occuring on oneiric, but the server is currently locked to running natty23:42
penguin42sveinse: I'm fairly sure there is a ppa with the latest qemu-linaro in23:43
penguin42sveinse: https://launchpad.net/~linaro-maintainers/+archive/tools/?field.series_filter=lucid23:46

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