
* NRWlion reports back after hosptial visit16:16
CheeseheadWelcome back17:09
NRWlionhad to jump against a door of an elevator and hurt my ellbow17:10
NRWlionashams: welcome and salam17:11
ashamsNRWlion, hey Salam17:12
ashamsHow r u doing?17:12
NRWlionashams: (18:10:30) NRWlion: had to jump against a door of an elevator and hurt my ellbow17:12
ashamsso sorry to hear that17:13
ashamsr u okay now?17:13
NRWlionmy elbow is fracutred as it seems17:15
NRWlionbut i safed a life of a 2year old girl ... that is reason enough, isnt it?17:15
NRWliongirl was playing outside the elevator pushing the button again and again17:16
NRWlionnot realizing the door going open and closing again17:16
NRWlionmother was chatting with a person no visible contact17:16
NRWlionso i had to decide whether the hand / arm of the girl or risking and injury17:17
NRWlionknowing the result you may know which decision i took17:17
ashamshow r u going to treat your elbow?17:18
CheeseheadDoes this mean you are off work for a few weeks?17:20
CheeseheadNRWlion: Contrgatulations on your heroism.17:24
NRWlionCheesehead: that is no heroism17:40
NRWlionashams: no treat6ment17:41
NRWliongoing party tonight17:41
NRWlionCheesehead: i am trained to recognize those situations and take actions without thinking17:43

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