
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (eristikophiles appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)06:13
ubottuIn ubottu, chazwoza said: so this is the support channel?09:19
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (tim_ appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)17:47
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (tim_ appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)17:47
=== gord is now known as Guest21674
Myrtti!away > Pilif12p19:42
Myrttihealthy attitude he has19:46
* Logan_ pokes the ops.19:56
Logan_pangolin: Maschio_40 is sending an Italian greeting via PM automatically to everyone who joins the channel.19:57
Logan_I just tested it with two clients.19:57
pangolinwhat does it say? I didn't get anything19:57
Logan_<Maschio_40> Ciao, Bella Ciao19:57
LjLi didn't get it either19:57
Logan_Here, I'll quite my "Test" and try again.19:58
Logan_Hmm... didn't happen this time.19:58
Logan_Oh, well, he quit.19:58
LjLwell he's gone anyway19:58
Logan_That works too. :P19:59
LjLthe quit message was perhaps debatable in italian19:59
pangolinthanks for looking out Logan_19:59
LjLin case we're looking for an excuse to banforward anyway19:59
Logan_Thanks for your patience. :)19:59
pangolinup to you LjL if you want to set a ban20:00
LjLi don't want to set anything20:03
LjLi'm in nicotine withdrawal, i only want a cigarette >_>20:03
* pangolin hands LjL a smoke20:04
PiciLjL: on purpose?20:04
LjLpangolin: no! vade retro, i must resist ;(20:05
LjLPici: yesh20:05
pangolinLjL: you don't want to be cool any longer?20:05
LjLi don't want to be broke the day i need to pay for my cures for cancer ;(20:06
pangolinDoesn't Italy have universal health care?20:06
LjLyeah, they kill you slowly for free20:07
pangolinthat is the funniest thing I read today20:07
pangolinthank you :)20:07
pangolinBy not smoking you are wasting all the taxes your parents pay so you can have the choice to smoke and be killed slowly for free.20:09
pangolinI think this is very selfish of you.20:09
* pangolin hands LjL a smoke.20:09
LjLmust refuse, i made a promise ;(20:16
pangolingood boy20:17
EvilResistanceis it generally considered improper to advertise a website / channel / irc network in #ubuntu?21:08
EvilResistancethen two things...21:09
EvilResistance(1) ChrisWere should be talked to21:09
EvilResistanceand (2) there should be a factoid about it21:09
FlannelEvilResistance: You already talked to him about it.21:09
* Pici thinks about factoids.21:09
EvilResistanceFlannel:  i meant if he continues - i'll be off in approx. 15 minutes at a client's fixing their equipment.21:10
PiciThats what we're here for :)21:10
PiciFlannel: Perhaps pointing them to -offtopic wasn't the best...21:15
EvilResistancehate to say it but i agree21:15
FlannelPici: I'd rather have a long discussion with them in -ot than in #u, so no, I disagree.21:15
PiciFlannel: Nono, thats not what I meant.21:16
FlannelAlthough I think he needs to look up the defnition of "advertising" and how it fits with "just wanted to show off some work"21:16
PiciFlannel: Thats the point I meant.21:16
FlannelI was going to mention the above to him, but people had already jumped on him at that point; I figured the slightly different message wouldn't have gotten through.21:18
PiciFair enough :)21:18
FlannelThere are ways to bring up things like that, and -ot would be a suitable place.  [join][nothing][link drop] isn't a viable method though.21:19
ubottuIn #ubuntu-motu, Laney said: !ppu is Per-Package Uploader. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers#PerPackage for more information and application process.21:24
Pici!ppu is Per-Package Uploader. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers#PerPackage for more information and application process.21:25
ubottuI'll remember that, Pici21:25
=== Guest21674 is now known as gord

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