
seidosit would kind of be cool if there was a way to connect people demographically00:00
seidoswell, hmmm, there is LOPSA and UUASC...00:01
seidosmaybe just stand up in front of everybody and chant "don't be mean"00:02
seidosuntil i get booed, or someone throws a tomato00:02
seidosis that what you had in mind MarkDude?  or perhaps something more elegant00:04
MarkDudeWell elegance may not be my strong point00:05
MarkDudeBut more the natural evolving of my Linux is a cult talk00:05
* MarkDude thinks a few people are more than capable of giving talks00:06
MarkDudeIt is much easier to have another person your 1st time out00:07
MarkDudegrantbow, was nice enough to help me my 1st time00:07
seidosi'm more than capable, but i don't like talking without something good to say00:17
seidosor something that i'm excited about00:17
seidosi for one welcome our new cow buddies >_>01:49
philipballewcows are pretty cool seidos01:50
akkThey have super cow powers!01:57
philipballewbkerensa, I sent a individual to the Organ channel who is looking to find a way to lead a college class at a school there on FLOSS development03:16
Faqtotumare people grabbing the conf kit passes yet?16:59
MarkDudefor what Faqtotum ?18:32
Faqtotumsince registration opened the other day18:34
MarkDudeOh, cool18:34
* MarkDude 's is taken care of.18:34
MarkDudeGood to do it early18:35

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