
HulkHogannot sure00:00
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Snuggles88When you change between activities, can you display some info, like the name of the activity or something?01:29
Snuggles88It is easy to get "lost" when you toggle through all your activities01:29
claydohSnuggles88: I dunno, but you can give each one a unique name and that shows in that tab up on the corner, the thinhgy with the cashew01:41
Snuggles88How do you do that?01:41
Snuggles88Because I have named the activities, but the name don't show01:42
claydohSnuggles88: if the 'cashew' is in the corner, it is small and only shows the cashew, you can drag it along the edges and it will show the name01:52
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StepNjumpI changed my hostname and now I get this error whenever I run a sudo command. sudo: unable to resolve host. Please help. Thanks04:07
kirtahHi all :) I just got my sound card (mostly) working, but it has 2 physical outputs for left and right and alsa seems to be sending a stereo signal through both, so I have effectively mono sound. Any ideas? :)05:19
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hexacodehey you guys wat does this mean?   "stty(1), pcap(3PCAP), bpf(4), nit(4P), pcap-savefile(5), pcap-filter(7) "08:33
hexacodehere we go08:34
Kalidarnwhere did you see that08:34
hexacodeSEE ALSO stty(1), pcap(3PCAP), bpf(4), nit(4P), pcap-savefile(5), pcap-filter(7)08:34
Kalidarnoh it means to see those man files08:34
Kalidarnithey might be applicable08:34
Kalidarnor similar08:34
hexacodeyes but i tried it for man bpf but it didnt work08:34
Kalidarnwhat is bpf?08:34
hexacodeberkely packet filter08:34
hexacodefor snort ids08:35
Kalidarnthe man file will only be there if it's installed08:35
hexacodealright thanks08:35
Kalidarnapt-get install bpf :P08:35
Kalidarnactually thats not what the package is called08:36
well_laid_lawn!find bpf08:36
ubottuFound: libpfqueue-dev, libpfqueue0, libpfs-1.2-0, libpfs-dev08:36
Kalidarni doubt those are the packages08:37
Kalidarnyou would want to install either08:37
Kalidarnhttps://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Berkeley_Packet_Filter im not even sure if it works on linux due to legal action looks like stuff got removed08:39
Kalidarnmm looks like its new to kernel 3.008:41
MarcoPauhi, since last upgrade to oneiric emacs windows are opening up very small and I always have to enlarge them manually. do you know what this could be related to?09:02
Kalidarnmaybe there's some sort of config option09:03
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Guest13233ciao a tutti10:05
mischasworld_hello guest, how i can i help you10:16
zorsHi. New here.  One question:  Currently have Ubuntu 11.10 with Unity installed on my notebook, but it runs too slow.  Seriously considering switching to Kubuntu 11.10 (heard good things about it).  Would it run any faster than Unity on my system.  Specs are 1.8 GHz single core CPU, 2GB ram, intel 965 GMA & 12GB HDD.  Downloading the Kubuntu ISO as I type just wondering whether it's worth installing on this system. Any help welcome.10:28
zorsI meant 120GB HDD.10:28
jmichaelxzors: you should be fine with those specs... if you have problems with kwin effects, turn off 'blur'10:41
jmichaelxzors: you may better off yet, if you can live without desktop effects10:42
jmichaelxyou *may* also want to turn off automatic file indexing10:43
spartan779Hallo! people.10:45
spartan779here rain's as it's preparing for Noa's ark again.10:46
jmichaelxsomeboady make god mad again?10:47
zors@ jmichaelx, thanks for the advice.  Will take the plunge and install it.10:47
spartan779hahahha may be the angels left the tap opened10:49
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Barbobasket_salve a tutti11:22
Barbobasket_ho l'audio con un solo canale qualcuno può aiutarmi?11:23
luc4penso avrai più possibilità in inglese :-)11:24
Barbobasket_Ok thaank you11:24
Barbobasket_Hi, I've a problem with my integrated audio  on my P5KPRO, only left channell work, I tried with Win xp, 7, ubuntu anfd kubuntu. Anyone can help me?11:27
Barbobasket_Grazie luc411:27
luc4Do you mean it is not working only with Linux or it is not working with any of those OS?11:28
Barbobasket_It doesn't work with any OS!11:29
luc4Maybe not related to OS? Are all the drivers provided by the manufacturer?11:30
Barbobasket_Surely I changed Headphone to exclude speaker11:30
Barbobasket_I never changed anything, I'm going to unistall and reinstall drivers if I Haven't best suggestion.11:31
luc4Anyway, I would consider it not OS-related if I were you... no, I guess it won't change anything.11:32
Barbobasket_Maybe a wire detached?11:33
luc4Did you install the latest drivers under XP? You might try with a more recent Windows OS.11:33
luc4Might be anything at this point, sorry, don't know how to help you.11:34
luc4You might want to try aplay with an audio with 2 channels, passing the parameter to the command line. But I strongly doubt it will work.11:35
Barbobasket_No problem I thank you for the tentative, I think to buy a new audio scheda and  cut the head to te bull!11:35
luc4I guess it is the best thing to do at this point.11:35
Barbobasket_Ciao Luc4, I'm in Rome Italy andthis is time to eat!   I use winxp usually, but in future I want to pass to LINUX at all!11:37
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DarsVaedagreeting, I just switched from debian + kde to kubuntu...in the former my wireless worked flawless (after installing iwlwifi) now in kubuntu the card works fine and I can scan for networks, but I can not connect to my hidden network anymore11:57
UKMadBeefi had that problem with 11.0411:59
UKMadBeefapparently there is a way around it but involves command line12:00
UKMadBeefi forget the specifics sorry12:00
UKMadBeefbut it had something to do with iwlist / iwconfig12:00
UKMadBeefif ur on 11.10 u might have more success12:01
DarsVaedaI am on 11.10 and have not more success ^^12:01
DarsVaedabut thanks :)12:01
UKMadBeefhaha me neither :)12:01
UKMadBeefhang on let me see if i can find the page i found before12:01
UKMadBeefi gave up in the end though12:01
DarsVaedait is really a pain in the ass, nothing works without problems :/12:02
DarsVaedaexcept plain ubuntu12:02
UKMadBeefyeah try that http://yuenhoe.com/blog/2011/02/connecting-to-hidden-wireless-networks-using-kdes-networkmanager/12:02
UKMadBeefi agree - it is 95% of the way there but it seems like every time they release a new version, still 5% doesnt work but its a different 5% hehe12:03
UKMadBeefi did clean install from 11.04 to 11.10 and now brightness control is real flakey and hibernate doesnt work12:04
UKMadBeefand kmail2 is a disaster12:04
DarsVaedaI was always on gnome and thunderbird12:04
UKMadBeefno disrespect to the devs12:04
UKMadBeefah i never liked gnome, been using kde since the early 4.x's12:05
UKMadBeefunity is a silly idea, gnome 3 seems to be also, i like kde but there are still rough edges12:05
UKMadBeefim looking at opensuse and chakra now, kubuntu has always been a second class citizen12:06
DarsVaedaha! the iwlist scan did it :)12:06
UKMadBeefawesome :)12:06
DarsVaedathanks mate ;)12:06
UKMadBeefany time, glad you got it sorted12:07
UKMadBeefi only found out about that trick AFTER i needed it haha12:07
DarsVaedatoo bad ^^12:07
UKMadBeefhiding ssid is not really any more secure anyway12:08
UKMadBeefbut my friend had it like that and i couldnt connect to his wlan12:08
UKMadBeefshoulda just booted into xp :)12:08
DarsVaedaI named it "blackhole" so I had to hide it :D12:09
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hexacodehey you guys. is this normal http://pastebin.com/ENZTFuT212:19
hexacodemy logs are full of those12:19
UKMadBeefthats a cron job12:19
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svencitothat chat room makes no sense to me!12:19
hexacodeUKMadBeef:  but why s many?12:20
UKMadBeefseems to be every minute12:20
hexacodemy cron job only has one crontab entry firing every 24 hours12:20
hexacodeis there another crontab entry somewhere else?12:21
hexacodemaybe a hacker?12:21
UKMadBeefwhat is smmsp12:21
UKMadBeefdo you have any monitoring enabled like cacti or munin etc?12:22
UKMadBeefalso look in /etc/cron.d/12:22
elcasethexacode: do you mean a malicious hacker?  hackers = software developers.12:23
* UKMadBeef assumed he meant malicious12:23
elcasetja, I think you're right.  now even computer folk say hacker to mean malicious hacker.  sad.12:24
UKMadBeefwell to be fair so do i12:24
UKMadBeefyeah, rightly or wrongly :)12:25
UKMadBeefhence the expression "OH NOES I GOT HAXED" hehe12:25
UKMadBeefi dunno, hackers, crackers, phrackers, phreakers, its hard to keep up :)12:26
yofelit's a fuzzy definition. I mean, if the person that harms your systems knows exactly how the exploit he's using works - then he's a hacker per definition too, and a cracker.12:27
UKMadBeefufw enable and hope for the best :)12:27
elcasetbut when i go to hackerspaces, i meet lots of friendly people who teach me how to use computers, not how to do mean things with computers.  i guess when I hear hackerspace, i should run away!12:27
UKMadBeefhaha :)12:28
UKMadBeefhexacode did you find anything in /etc/cron.d/ ?12:29
UKMadBeefmaybe he got h4x3d hehe12:35
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BluesKajHey all12:53
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UKMadBeefafternoon :)12:58
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hayswhy is the 32 bit kubuntu recommended13:27
UKMadBeefless complication, I imagine :)13:29
haysim putting it on an i3 figure 64 bit would be the way to go13:30
haysis there a path from 32 to 64 bit/13:30
UKMadBeefhow much ram u got?13:30
UKMadBeefheh yeah i'd go 64 bit then13:30
UKMadBeefno i believe its a reinstall to go from 32 to 6413:31
UKMadBeefdont take my word for it, im no authority13:31
haysgreat..  this should be interesting..  dual boot hackntosh ubuntu if i am lucky13:31
UKMadBeefmay the force be with you13:31
BluesKajhays, UKMadBeef is correct , a fresh install is required for 64 bit13:39
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excognacHI ALL I'm desperate for help: Libre Office 3.4.3 closes itself unexpectedly if a doc and something else is opened at the same time. this is a laptop with 4gb ram, core i3 2310M proc and kubuntu is 11.10 any further info? the problem appeared as well during it was 11.0414:47
UKMadBeefexcognac: do you get a crash / bug report window pop up or not?14:52
excognacno nothing14:52
excognacwhile i restart it the unsaved data is lost14:52
excognacthe files i'm working with are small14:53
UKMadBeefvery strange14:54
UKMadBeefi dont really use libreoffice14:55
UKMadBeefdoes this happen with any other apps or just with libreoffice>14:55
excognacjust with libre. and i meant that occurs if multiply files are opened (docs only and/or presentations/spreadsheets etc)14:56
excognacUKMadBeef: so what do you use instead? LatEx15:01
excognacAny ideas?15:01
UKMadBeefI don't really use office apps that much at all, at work I use ms office15:01
UKMadBeefi just tried opening a docx file and odt file and no problems15:02
excognacI see. Thanks.15:03
UKMadBeefyou could try KOffice15:03
UKMadBeefor maybe the problem is with a specific file you're opening?15:04
UKMadBeefcrashing the importer, etc15:04
excognacnope! It has nothing to do with opening files: say I start to write something in a doc and start spreadsheet too. I'm editing both parally, nothing to fancy, and suddenly libreOffice closes itself15:06
UKMadBeefthats very strange15:08
UKMadBeefyou said it happened with 11.04 and 11.1015:08
UKMadBeefwas the 11.10 an upgrade from 11.04?15:08
UKMadBeefi wonder if it's a configuration issue that has carried over from your previous install15:09
UKMadBeefmight be worth removing libreoffice, deleting configs and then reinstall15:09
UKMadBeef"apt-get purge" rather than "apt-get remove" will clear config files15:09
excognacok, say it's a configuration issue. I have reinstalled Libreoffice twice, nothing15:10
haysis the 11 series still problematic?15:10
haysshould i go with 10 perhaps?15:10
UKMadBeefheh wow man15:10
UKMadBeefhays: 11.04 was rock solid for me15:10
haysits probably wise for me to do 11.0415:10
UKMadBeefI did a clean install of 11.10 and now my screen brightness is screwed up, hibernate doesn't work, and kmail is a bit of a mess too15:11
UKMadBeefcan't hurt to try 11.10 but its not going well for me so far15:11
excognacfor me it wasn't rock solid, this was a brand new machine in the summer. I've tried first ubuntu, it crashed all the time, fedora never fit well, so i went for kubuntu15:11
excognacand the see?15:12
UKMadBeefyeah newer hardware can sometimes struggle with linux15:13
excognacor to be more honest swap the subject and the object in the snetence above:(15:14
excognacUKMadBeef: are you sure it's related to libre office and not Kubuntu itself?15:17
UKMadBeefto be honest, no I'm not15:17
UKMadBeefparticularly if you had problems with ubuntu before15:17
UKMadBeefare you on 32 or 64 bit version?15:17
UKMadBeefi would also have a look at your syslog to see if any errors jump out at you15:18
UKMadBeeftail -n 200 /var/log/syslog15:18
UKMadBeefgives you the last 200 lines of syslog, try that after a libreoffice crash15:18
UKMadBeefvery strange problem you have though, i would still try removing libreoffice, then make sure you remove all the configs, then reinstall it15:19
UKMadBeefbut that is really a shot in the dark15:19
excognaci've just had the crash before i logged on15:21
UKMadBeeflets have a look15:22
UKMadBeefyep thats a segfault15:22
UKMadBeefnot good15:22
UKMadBeefbasically libreoffice tried to do something it shouldn't have done15:23
excognacso what does it mean?15:23
UKMadBeefand the operating system killed it15:23
UKMadBeefreally you would expect an error reporting window to pop up15:23
UKMadBeeftry this in konsole15:23
UKMadBeefcat /var/log/syslog | grep -i segfault15:24
UKMadBeefif you get more than that one line you just pasted, libreoffice may not be the only problem15:24
excognacTHIS ISc cat /var...15:25
UKMadBeefyep thanks15:26
UKMadBeefwell libreoffice isn't the only thing that's crashing on your system but the only other thing is opera plugin which i assume means flash is crashing15:26
UKMadBeefwhich to be fair is pretty normal :)15:26
* UKMadBeef is running out of ideas15:27
excognacok thaks anyway15:27
excognacdo you want the tail ... syslog too?15:27
UKMadBeefmight as well :)15:28
UKMadBeefanother long shot is to upgrade to a newer version of libreoffice15:29
UKMadBeefand maybe check your java install as libreoffice can depend on that15:29
UKMadBeefa libreoffice ppa is available here https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa15:30
UKMadBeefbit of a last resort that ppa though15:32
UKMadBeefyour system should not be doing this :)15:32
* UKMadBeef will have a cigarette and ponder the situation :)15:33
UKMadBeefcould try disabling desktop composition too15:34
UKMadBeefsometimes that can cause issues15:34
excognacso wait a sec15:35
excognacmy syslog15:35
excognaci have the newest libreoffice15:35
excognacand what to do with the ppa?15:35
UKMadBeefsyslog doesn't show anything useful really15:37
UKMadBeeflatest libreoffice is 3.4.x15:38
excognacmine is 3.4.315:39
UKMadBeefyou can add the ppa to your software sources, then do an upgrade, it will give you the latest libreoffice from the ppa instead of from the normal ubuntu15:39
UKMadBeefhmm dont bother with that then heh15:40
excognacand since i'm paranoid i update daily twice15:40
excognacjava looks ok for me15:40
UKMadBeefi would still suggest removing libreoffice, clearing your configs and reinstalling15:41
UKMadBeefas you already upgraded libreoffice versions going from 11.04 to 11.10 and that didnt fix anything15:41
UKMadBeefbut to be honest i am stumped15:42
UKMadBeefand i'm no expert tbh15:42
excognacso sudo apt-get  purge libreoffice then?15:42
UKMadBeefyeah but still have a look for any config files15:42
excognachow to>15:43
UKMadBeefin your home folder is a folder called .libreoffice15:43
UKMadBeefyou may not be able to see it because normally, files and folders with a dot in front are hidden15:43
UKMadBeefthis command will rename the folder15:44
UKMadBeefmv .libreoffice/ .libreofficebackup/15:44
UKMadBeefdo that from your home folder15:44
UKMadBeefit may store configuration elsewhere i'm not sure15:44
excognaccheck this http://paste.kde.org/142832/15:48
UKMadBeefhaha this gets better and better15:49
excognacit is installed....15:49
yofellibreoffice is a collection of packages, not one15:50
UKMadBeefdo you know how to use aptitude?15:50
UKMadBeefyeah i'm wondering how it's been installed15:50
UKMadBeefmaybe try libreoffice-kde15:51
yofelstart by removing that15:51
excognacok thanks15:52
UKMadBeefyeah what he said :)15:52
ashfaqHi! I am facing problems getting connected to internet throught 3G usb modem in Kubuntu 11.1015:52
ashfaqThe modem Huwavi 173 is just not shown up after restart15:53
ashfaqAnd the tick mark for mobile broadband is disabled!15:54
* UKMadBeef never used 3G on Kubuntu15:54
UKMadBeefwell, I use my phone15:55
ashfaqHow can this be resolved, just installed today!15:55
UKMadBeefand it's huawei, no?15:55
ashfaqUbuntu Mint does an auto connect15:56
ashfaqAny solution to this?15:57
UKMadBeefwhen you go into network management, is the mobile broadband tab greyed out and not clickable?15:57
UKMadBeefcos it is on mine15:57
UKMadBeefprobably as i dont have the hardware15:57
ashfaqIt simply is not enabled! and when you enable, it says no agent15:58
UKMadBeefim not sure what you mean15:58
excognacUKMadBeef: so removed entirely with purge and then autoremove15:58
UKMadBeefexcognac: have you renamed / deleted the .libreoffice folder from your home?15:59
hallmanAnyone here using uim-mozc? Yet another package that kubuntu seems to have spitefully destroyed for me.16:06
excognacUKMadBeef: are you back?16:07
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UKMadBeefyes mate16:09
UKMadBeefhows it going?16:09
UKMadBeefhallman: never even heard of it :)16:09
excognacinstalled, now i'm installing thge suggested packages as well, shall i do so?16:09
UKMadBeefyeah why not, in for a penny, in for a pound ;)16:10
hallmanYeah well that seems to be a problem with (k)ubuntu.. The moment you start using something even remotely "exotic", the devs don't give a fuck about how badly they screw you over in every update.16:13
hallmanSo damn tired of this shitty dist.. Too lazy to switch back to Arch, where things Just Work for real.16:13
UKMadBeefhallman: dont even go there dude even the default mail program is full of holes16:14
UKMadBeefi've been having issues too, looking at chakra actually16:14
UKMadBeefbut yeah 11.10 isn't even release candidate quality as far as i can see16:15
UKMadBeef11.04 was rock solid16:15
UKMadBeefcontemplating a move to opensuse, chakra or debian16:16
hallmanAll sounds like good ideas16:16
UKMadBeefbut only (k)ubuntu seems to have easy home folder encryption16:16
UKMadBeefand i use ubuntu one also16:16
hallmanI honestly don't know what people see in this dist.. I started using it in hopes of stuff "Just Working" without having to deal with re-configurations in every update etc.16:17
hallmanBut instead nothing works, and there's nothing I can do about it. It's like the worst of Linux and Windows combines.16:17
UKMadBeefhahah thats a little harsh :)16:18
UKMadBeefi really liked 11.0416:18
UKMadBeef11.10 doesnt seem to be out of beta yet16:18
UKMadBeefit's that fixed release schedule innit16:18
hallmanYeah maybe, but I'm really beyond furiated with this dist. Can't believe how much problems I've been having with it compared to Arch or Gentoo.16:18
UKMadBeefnever tried either of those tbh, i've been using kubuntu for years16:18
UKMadBeefbut yeah i'm getting fidgety now16:19
UKMadBeefi do lean heavily towards debian-based distros though16:19
UKMadBeefas i use debian stable on servers so i'm at home with debian16:19
UKMadBeefbut yeah i get sick of KDE being a second class citizen when it comes to the ubuntu world, thats why i'm looking at chakra and opensuse16:20
excognacokkkk. for some unknown reason sidebars etc. has a bit like win95 outfit. but no crush till now16:20
hallmanThat's also a problem, yeah.16:20
UKMadBeefdebian seems to be too much of a faff for a desktop tbh16:20
excognacand gnome3?16:20
UKMadBeefexcognac: try making sure you have libreoffice-kde and libreoffice-style-oxygen installed16:21
hallmanI've had Arch installed on my laptop while trying kubuntu for a few months.. Never used the laptop.. Then I started it, ran a full system update, and everything kept working just fine. No problems at all, after 4 months of not updating anything. Like 500 package updates, no problems.16:21
UKMadBeeftbh i've had no problems until 11.1016:22
UKMadBeefif i remember correctly i installed 10.04 then upgraded to 10.10 then 11.04 no problems16:22
UKMadBeef+ using the kubuntu ppa to get latest kde16:22
UKMadBeefkubuntu has been really solid up until 11.10 for me16:22
UKMadBeefexcognac: I gotta go do some stuff but will try to keep an eye on things here until you get sorted16:23
hallmanFuck this, stationary computer is now secondary computer until I muster up the energy to get rid of this dist.16:23
hallmanIt has been desideth16:23
excognacUKMadBeef: THANKS a lot mate, I think I'll be fine16:24
UKMadBeefexcognac: no problems, hope you get it all sorted :)16:24
UKMadBeefalso if everything works remember you can get rid of the .libreofficebackup folder from your home folder16:25
yofelhallman: what exactly *is* your problem with uim-mozc?16:25
* UKMadBeef bbiab (unless his laptop hibernates then its good night vienna ... thanks kubuntu 11.10 haha)16:26
hallmanyofel: uim claims that the mozc module is not a proper module, so I'm assuming the versions used in the ubuntu rep are incompatible. Tried anthy, but now uim refuses to switch to it. (that one I guess I can't blame ubuntu for)16:28
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yofelcan't help there I fear. uim-mozc got an update in 11.10, but that's all I know ight now16:34
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UKMadBeeflooks like he got sorted17:19
UKMadBeefcheers for ur help yofel17:19
UKMadBeefanother satisfied customer hehe17:19
UKMadBeefnow i just gotta wait here until the guy responsible for kmail2 shows up17:21
BluesKajUKMadBeef, he won't ...he's in hiding 'til the kmail/kontact pim problem is solved :)17:24
UKMadBeefhehe do you know his ip address? i'd like to run apt-get purge mysql-server on his machine :)17:25
UKMadBeefi mean mysql ... jesus ...17:25
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BluesKajdon't think it's only one guy and I think they're waiting til kde8 is ready because it's delayed until gnome3 can be tested as compatible , or vice versa17:31
UKMadBeefoh yeah a balls up of this magnitude requires teamwork17:36
BluesKaj12.04 should see a lot of fixes for both DEs , I hope :P17:40
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UKMadBeefyeah i hope so cos 11.10 is not impressing so far :(17:45
UKMadBeefhehe awesome http://www.zegeniestudios.net/ldc/index.php?lang=en17:46
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ulyssesHello, I have a problem with the Plasma NetworkManager: I can see a lot of wireless network but I can't see our own network here in the flat, it has to be the nearest but it isn't in the list18:08
ulyssesthe network is not hidden, it was configured and worked, I left the flat for a week and now it doesn't work18:09
=== kevin is now known as Guest32359
Guest32359hi, i installed kubuntu but i'm lost, when i minimize a program, why its not in taskbar ? i can find the programm just with ALT+TAB ...18:09
tzviany ideas why my application launcher opens at the top of the screen?18:15
BluesKajGuest32359, open the plasma panel cashew icon on the far ro=ight , add widgets type task manager and click add18:17
BluesKajfar right18:18
yofeltzvi: you mean krunner? (alt+f2)18:19
* BluesKaj shrugs ...some ppl must think we're bots in here18:20
BluesKajgetting flooded by the floodbot :)18:28
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Num83rGuyAnyone want to try for round 2 of fun with pulseaudio?18:39
BluesKajNum83rGuy, we'll see , what's not working ?18:40
Num83rGuyOn programs that I can chose the audio driver choosing alsa givs sound everything that just uses pulse gives no sound.18:42
Num83rGuyThe phonon kcm has only pulse as a card and the hardware tab has only "Independent devices" so I only have dummy output.18:43
BluesKajNum83rGuy, sudo alsa force-reload , then check phonon again18:45
Num83rGuyI filed a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/85846618:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 858466 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 11.10 Audio Problems with Browsers." [Undecided,Confirmed]18:45
Num83rGuyoops wrong one,18:45
Num83rGuyNever mind I went through this for a few hours the other day and it isn't worth starting over again thanks anyway.18:46
=== massimo is now known as Guest62251
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do19:02
mcprtkhi everyone!19:06
=== ||arifaX is now known as Guest66120
soeeyofel, hi19:08
yofelsoee: 4.7.3 is out19:09
mcprtkhey, can anyone tell me how to remove the menu items from the "create new" submenu in dolphin???19:10
tzvi-what does wireless hardware disabled mean?19:10
tzvi-its enabled in my bios!19:11
=== ||arifaX_ is now known as ||arifaX
yofeltzvi-: can you open konsole and run 'rfkill list' - does that show something as blocked?19:11
mcprtk@tzfi, it means u need to download drivers for ur wifi system19:12
mcprtk@ tzvi run "sudo jockey-kde" to see what 3rd party drivers u need19:12
tzvi-shows ideapad wireless soft yes19:13
tzvi-hard no19:13
tzvi-then phy0 wireless locked hard and soft yes19:13
mcprtkhey, can anyone tell me how to remove the menu items from the "create new" submenu in dolphin???19:13
yofeltzvi-: meaning it's disabled, can you enable it in the network manager?19:14
tzvi-its greyed out19:14
yofeltzvi-: does it get enabled if you run 'sudo rfkill unblock wifi' in konsole? It'll ask for your password19:18
tzvi|that fixed ideapad_wlan, Howver phy0: Wireless LAN still shows HARD blocked yes19:21
tzvi|and the wireless is still greyed out19:21
||arifaXwant to test highlighting in quassel can someone write my nick without the || and some other simple mods please?19:21
||arifaXworks! - thanks! needed to test the regex19:23
tzvi-any ideas what hard blocked means?19:26
spartan779Hallo darling KDE users19:28
yofeltzvi-: hard blocked usually means blocked by a hardware off switch (like most notebooks have on them)19:31
tzvi-except mine is on...19:32
tzvi-might have found some thing will post soon19:32
spartan779Have someone of you tried to make working a laptop with an intel CPU-Integrated vga and ATI ?19:34
=== massimo is now known as Guest54466
=== Don is now known as Guest25386
tzvi-rfkill still gives me phy0: Wireless LAN hard lock yes19:52
tzvi-hardware switch is set to on19:52
tzvi-tried toggling switch as per google, hasnt worled19:53
systemclienthow can I use all my 7 mouse buttons on Razer Diamondback?20:04
systemclientxenocube: wrong window? ;-)20:19
xenocubelol indeed20:19
systemclientnobody has an idea on the mouse buttons?20:21
=== Phoenix][ is now known as Specialist
darthanubishow can I install nicotine, without pulling in all of Ubuntu desktop?20:32
Snowhogdarthanubis: sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends nicotine20:33
=== marco is now known as Guest39950
darthanubisI'll try that. But that's odd considering all of Ubuntu is not reccomended, just two other files related to nicotine?20:34
Snowhogdarthanubis: A simulated install without the --no-install-recommends and with it don't show "all of Ubuntu desktop" being pulled in.20:36
darthanubisSnowhog: yeah that does not work20:36
darthanubisSnowhog: maybe not on your machine , on mine I am reporting obviously exactly what it is showing20:37
Snowhogdarthanubis: With the --no-install-recommends only nicotine will be installed. Without it, libnotify4 nicotine python-geoip python-mutagen python-notify will be installed.20:37
darthanubisSnowhog: I understand what the cmd is supposed to do20:38
aguitel how  remove desktop effects with command line ?20:38
Snowhogdarthanubis: Not intending to offend - hope I did not.20:39
darthanubisnot at all20:39
darthanubismy system is offending me :)20:39
Snowhogdarthanubis: What version of Kubuntu and KDE are you running?20:39
darthanubis11.10, and just as of a minute ago when to 4.7320:39
darthanubisrestarting KDE now20:39
SnowhogKDE 4.7.3 likely is the culprit? I'm on 4.7.2 with 11.10.20:40
aguitel how  remove desktop effects with command line ?20:44
darthanubisSnowhog: http://privatepaste.com/677bf5513520:44
Snowhogdarthanubis: My guess is that, because you "just upgraded" to KDE 4.7.3, there are a butt load of upgraded 4.7.3 packages still?? Maybe?? 826 packages!!! Geez.20:46
darthanubisSnowhog: No, this was the same with 4.7220:47
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
darthanubisthere is nothing left to be upgraded at all20:47
SnowhogDo you have experimental or other ppa repos?20:47
darthanubisexperiemental , this aint Debian20:48
darthanubisjust the kubuntu ppa for kde updates20:48
darthanubisbut that should not matter in the least20:49
darthanubisnicotine should not want all of Ubuntu to install20:49
SnowhogIn my Software Sources > Updates tab, I have all checked except Pre-released updates.20:50
darthanubisit wants some python stuff20:50
darthanubisand suggests python-gnome, but that is all20:50
darthanubisI have them all checked20:50
Snowhogdarthanubis: The Pre-released updates is what permitted you to upgrade to KDE 4.7.3, yes?20:51
darthanubismaking mine like yours20:51
darthanubisSnowhog: no20:51
darthanubisppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa that does20:52
Snowhogdarthanubis: ah.20:52
darthanubiss  o  ooooooooo y20:53
darthanubisI believe this requires a force install of some type20:54
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
darthanubisthis would be unnecessary if museekd did not crash randomly, and offered some support20:54
yofelaguitel: running 'qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin org.kde.KWin.toggleCompositing' will do that if they're active21:07
* BluesKaj is back.21:07
* BluesKaj edits away messages21:09
c_smithhey, how do I install a custom Plymouth theme I downloaded?21:26
c_smithnot via Super Boot Manager, that is.21:26
Snowhogdarthanubis: Did you figure out what was causing nicotine to want to pull in all those packages, or would it do that for any new package? I just finished upgrading to KDE 4.7.3 (no problems here) and did another simulated install of nicotine, with and without the --no-install-recommends, and nothing like what you showed would happen here.21:47
darthanubisSnowhog: nicotine is the only thing that wants all those other apps21:48
darthanubisI think it may have to do with i have synaptic installed, synaptic pulled in some gnome libs as well, not that many but maybe enough to make a differnece21:49
darthanubisnope not that21:50
Snowhogdarthanubis: Might be possible. I don't use Synaptic anymore. I have Muon installed.21:50
darthanubisyeah, muon21:51
Snowhogdarthanubis: Well, if it isn't Synaptic, then some installed package and one or more of the dependencies in nicotine must be heavily linked. Hmm.21:52
Snowhogdarthanubis: What do you get with an apt-cache showpkg nicotine?21:54
darthanubisSnowhog: http://privatepaste.com/acbfc6ae6821:55
Snowhogdarthanubis: Well, that's exactly what I get here, so that's no help.21:56
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=== OffToHades is now known as BarkingFish
aguitelyofel, thanks22:27
jmichaelxmy impression is that oneiric is the buggiest kubuntu release in the last 2 years or so22:32
EvilResistancejmichaelx:  Ubuntu and its deriviatives on Oneiric appear to be so22:33
EvilResistancebut there's always tons of bugs22:33
EvilResistance(this is why i havent updated to it yet ;P)22:33
jmichaelxEvilResistance: yes, there are always a ton of bugs. it would be nice if that were at least occasionally not the case22:33
EvilResistance'tis unavoidable unfortunately22:34
jmichaelxi don't believe that at all22:34
jmichaelxon the part of KDE, it is well known that there are issues with quality control22:34
jmichaelxor even with comprehending fully what quality control is22:35
jmichaelxi would have no answers to those problems, and realize that solutions may be hard to come by... but i would have a lot of questions22:36
jmichaelxlike the monthly SC releases22:37
EvilResistancejmichaelx:  you mighit consider complaining on a forum site rather than here22:37
EvilResistancethe devs probably dont lurk here much22:37
jmichaelxi had no fantasies that they did22:38
=== kloeri_ is now known as kloeri
jmichaelxand making these complaints on KDE-related forums is a regular thing22:38
jmichaelxthere needs to be some campaigning to pressure some of the devs, if there is going to be any procedural change22:39
sorin26hi all!22:41
sorin26How do I check if my xubuntu is up-to-date and to install updates if needed? Thanks!22:41
jmichaelxsorin26: this is the kubuntu channel, so you might want to check out #xubuntu22:42
sorin26I use kubuntu, sorry22:42
sorin26I have KDE, and not gnome22:43
jmichaelxsorin26: well, depending how you go about it, it is basically the same no matter which desktop environment you are using22:43
jmichaelxto update sources: sudo apt-get update22:44
sorin26i had a few crashes and I hope that some new patches are up, and I don't know where to find the OS update center22:44
jmichaelxthen to install any available updates: sudo apt-get upgrade22:44
sorin26thanks jmichaelx! :)22:45
jmichaelxsorin26: there are GUI tools for keeping things up-to-date, but i am not familiar with them :-22:45
jmichaelxsorin26: in the case of kernel updates, you will want: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:46
sorin26it seems that there are no new updates22:46
jmichaelxhow long has it been since you installed?22:47
sorin26when I have crashes, I would like a window with send log with developers, without needing them to contact me, is that possible?22:47
aguiteli am using nvidia driver (7300gs/ge) card with kde,but i cannot enable desktop effects22:47
jmichaelxsorin26: well, kubuntu does have something like that22:47
jmichaelxaguitel: have you installed the proprietary nvidia driver? you will most likely need to do that in order to enable desktop effects22:48
aguiteljmichaelx, i do22:49
jmichaelxaguitel: how did you install the drivers?22:49
aguiteljmichaelx, hardware drivers itm22:50
jmichaelxaguitel: what i am wondering is whether or not you downloaded the correct drivers for your card. your card will require legacy drivers22:51
sorin26i have kubuntu with windows 7, if I will do kernel ugrades, will this break kubuntu or the grub loader?22:52
sorin26I mean with the apt-get dist-upgrade22:53
jmichaelxsorin26: no, it shouldn't... all of that is scripted, and should be handled automatically22:53
sorin26ok, thanks!22:53
aguiteljmichaelx, i will check this ussue22:53
jmichaelxaguitel: after the drivers are installed, you will probably also want to run nvidia-xconfig, with sudo.... and i cannot remember, but i think you may want to switch to another tty (ctl+alt-F3, for example), run 'sudo service kdm stop', THEN run 'sudo nvidia-xconfig'22:56
aguiteljmichaelx, ok22:57
jmichaelxaguitel: it's not impossible that after that you will still need to tweak your xorg.conf a bit. if that is the case, you would have better luck consulting the forums... i am sure other have the same card, and have posted instructions in the ubuntu forums (if any tweaks are even necessary)22:58
aguiteljmichaelx, thanks22:58
=== Don is now known as Guest71220
=== richard is now known as Guest68608
sorin26good night!23:29
Belial`anyone know when 4.7.3 is coming to the official repos?23:34
Belial`another day or two?23:34
darthanubisBelial`: offical as in what? It is already ready to be installed?23:41
Belial`darthanubis: yeah, i was just wondering how long it takes to get to the official repos. i have the ppa added but disabled, since it basically updates to 4.7.3 twice.23:46
darthanubisit does not update twice, no, and the ppa is as official as it is going to get since official repos only get security updates.23:47
Belial`darthanubis: when i used the ppa, it installed 4.7.3 and then when it got pushed to the official repos, as it states in that very website you linked, it updated again.23:48
Belial`so i decided to leave the ppa disabled.23:48
darthanubisUsers of 11.10 can get it from the Kubuntu Updates PPA until the packages are available in the official repositories. <<<sorry23:49
darthanubismy bad23:49
Belial`it's all good23:49
darthanubisbut having the ppa disabled is your choice, I still don't see the point23:49
darthanubisonce it is added to the offical repos, it won't tell you to update again, since you'll BE updated23:50
Belial`that's odd...i'm sorry, i meant 4.7.2 the first time.23:50
Belial`i updated to 4.7.2 from the ppa and then when it was pushed to the official repos, it updated again because of how their packages were named and numbered.23:51
darthanubiswell, do that again, then when 4.73 is released to official comment out the ppa again23:51
darthanubisbut it will be a while before it get to the O.R. methinks23:51
Belial`gotcha. i'll enable them.23:52
darthanubisIt is running great here23:54

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