
* wxl yawns01:48
wxlanyone got a battery for a thinkpad r60 they don't want? :D01:48
puffI just switched from ubuntu 10.4 LTS lucid to 11.10 oneiric.  I'm not terribly impressed, it actually seems slower.  During the upgrade process I came across a mention of lubuntu, is it substantially the same as ubuntu?03:06
Unit193It isn't the same as it doesn't use Gnome2/3 or Unity, it uses LXDE. Try the LiveCD to see if you like it (screenshots too)03:09
wxlso if lubuntu is official why is there no official lubuntu lsb_release?05:06
Unit193Xubuntu also doesn't have it, and I don't think Kubuntu does either05:08
wxloh huh05:09
wxli had just read on the grub2 page that it did (xubuntu)05:09
wxlor at least it implied as such05:09
holsteinthey are all ubuntu though05:10
holsteinall the same repos05:10
wxloh right05:10
JadedJacobHow do you add programs to the quick launch section?07:10
JadedJacob(where chromium is)07:10
hulakaWhen I do "apt-get upgrade" it eventually says that Kadu packages (kadu, kadu-common, kadu-external-modules) have been stopped. Plus Kadu looks shitty ... there's no icon on the dock (only empty space), no icons next to my friends nicknames ... what the hell?07:47
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=== Oidentd is now known as Mkaysi
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Guest3003Hi. Question about all these Appearance managers: What's the difference between "obconf" and "lxappearance"? Do I need to install both? They seem to do almost the same thing.17:47
leszekGuest3003: obconf is the tool shipped with openbox itself and besides theming you can set button behavior and workspaces there17:50
Guest3003Thanks leszek. What about lxappearance? Can I get by with just obconf?17:51
szczurGuest3003, with obconf alone you won't be able to change the gtk theme (eg. look of the buttons, sliders, font color etc.) You can only change the look of the title bar.17:54
Guest3003Thanks szczur.17:57
croqueAnyone know of an email checker/notifier with IMAP Idle support that works with the Lubuntu taskbar?18:29
croqueCouldn't get cgmail to work.18:29
TheCheggsHello all18:41
TheCheggsdoes anyone own a pair microsoft lx3000 headphones?18:42
TheCheggsi can't seem to get them working under lubuntu18:43
szczurcroque, try gnubiff18:52
croqueszczur: I just tried it. It's no longer in the Ubuntu repos though.18:53
croqueszczur: Tried compiling...then tried the debian package.18:53
croqueworked...but couldn't get it on the taskbar.18:54
croquetoo bad because it looks small and configurable.18:55
szczurtried gnubiff -n --systemtray?18:56
szczuryou're using lubuntu 11.10?18:56
szczurtry this package > http://launchpadlibrarian.net/52988638/gnubiff_2.2.13-3ubuntu1_i386.deb18:57
croqueyes 11.10...18:57
croquetried your suggestion...seems to be on the tray now!18:57
croqueThanks szczur....very helpful!18:59
szczurfor creating new desktop files look at the previous tip18:59
szczurbut you seem to be knowledgeable so guess it won't be a problem :)19:00
croque*seems* is the operative word :)19:00
croqueI can fake it.19:01
croqueThanks for the tips19:01
szczurno problem19:02
iceroothi, is lubuntu not using dbus? on my system dbus is not running19:52
TheCheggshey guys is anyone not busy?23:04

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