
ShawnRso I backed up my firefox profile and I can't access it on the server anymore (used rsync)... browsing the nfs share, it shows the folder "firefox" inside of the .mozilla folder as a file, not a folder03:55
ShawnRwhat permissions/settings do i have wrong?03:55
ShawnRbut if i view it from the server itself (from CLI) I can browse the folders just fine03:57
ShawnRnvm, for some reason, it didn't have execute set on the .mozilla folder04:03
govatentmhall119, i made it home safely06:59
govatentGood night channel 08:21
mhall119govatent: thanks14:05
govatentSomeone in the ubuntu-es-offtopic channel wrote something really funny i thought you guys might get a kick from. translated he said "i heard a story that if you go into your bathroom and turn the lights off, then say developers three times steve ballmer will appear" :P15:56
govatenthey bluebomber 16:12
bluebomberhey, govatent. What's up?16:12
govatentnothing much. just relaxing before going back to work tomorrow 16:13
bluebomberComo estas?16:13
govatenttodo bien :p16:13
govatentvos? 16:13
bluebomberBien, tambien.16:14
bluebomberUsas "vosotros"?!16:14
govatentin argentina we do 16:14
govatentits something else that is different about us vs other latin american spanish speakers 16:15
govatentwe use it all the time 16:15
govatentyo estoy con un refrío 16:16
govatentel ubuflu :P16:16
bluebomberhttp://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/211097_145741692172266_2493266_n.jpg ?16:17
govatentstarted kicking in like Thursday 16:21
bluebomberI've been battling sinus headaches for a few days myself.16:22
govatenthow was your ride home? 16:23
bluebomberBryanstein and I stopped by McDonald's on the way back to chat some more over coffee.16:33
bluebomberHad a great time, but when we finished with that, it was pretty late.16:34
govatenti love how i got an extra hour 16:36
bluebomberHeh, right on.16:55
govatentbluebomber, I just ordered some of that candy from a site that ships to the US. :)17:47
govatentcost me about 10 bucks 17:47
govatentso i can share the greatness that is Finnish candy 17:47
govatentmaxolasersquad, ping18:12
bluebombergovatent: Link?21:30
bluebomberHi, thanks again for everything yesterday, mhall119 and MichelleQ.22:12
mhall119bluebomber: our pleasure, glad you were at least able to make it out for a little bit22:12
bluebomberI'm about to enjoy some leftover BBQ right now. :)22:14
mhall119I just did22:23
govatentbluebomber, did you want a link to the Finnish site? 23:17
bluebombergovatent: Yes.23:17
govatentone second23:17
govatenthttp://www.suomikauppa.fi/product_info.php?products_id=67 this is the exact one. i already order it. with shipping was like 10 euros. they sell the less "hot" onces and they sell like massive combo bags of the stuff 23:19
govatenti only need one to share the love 23:19
govatentthe guys over at #ubuntu-fi-offtopic were kind enough to help me find a legit site to buy from into the us23:19
govatentall my friends need to know the greatness that is  Tyrkisk Peber !23:22
govatentbluebomber, did you also want to get a bag? 23:23
bluebomberlol@"ammonium chloride (salty liquorice)"23:25
bluebomberNo, no thank you. I don't want a bag.23:25
govatentyup. good old ammonium chloride 23:25
govatenthey i gotta take off for a bit. 23:26
govatentIll be back later. If i don't pass out23:26
bluebomberOK, ttyl.23:26
govatentholy cow23:26
govatentthe picture on that bag looks so much cooler!23:26
govatentit says new. i wish i would have seen it before hand. At least the one i got i know has enough kick to remove carbonation from Sprit and taste really bad 23:28

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