
akgranerpleia2, I asked gema - I'll email you - sorry I didn't do that during the week :-/14:10
akgranerwill do that now14:10
pleia2akgraner: I ended up writing an article summarizing our UDS session for our article (it was due today)17:43
akgranerpleia2, ahh sorry didn21:19
akgranerdidn't realize it was due today...DOH!21:20
pleia2akgraner: yeah, always first sunday of the month, I really need to do better at not-last-minute :(21:31
akgranerwell you'll have Gema for next month if ya want21:31
akgranershe is the new QA Team lead21:32
pleia2that'd be reat :)21:34
pleia2great too21:34

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