
YopliteinHow do I boot into single-user mode on 11.04?00:08
YopliteinRather, how do I access the boot loader menu?00:09
Myrttitry pressing shift at boot?00:11
Yopliteinthat did it. Thanks!00:12
w30Myrtti, will shift work on a "0" timeout also?01:38
w30Myrtti, I always give myself a time and remove the silent or no show or whatever so I can fix what I goof up so I haven't had to find out.01:41
w30What's precise xubuntu?01:50
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/78401:50
w30Unit193, ok, cool, thanks Unit19301:51
Space-DuckWhat MP3 player would you recommend for xubuntu?02:33
Unit193Well, just lookup to see if it will work, there are many. Personally I'd like something that runs !rockbox ;)02:35
Space-DuckI meant more software wise, I'm trying to decide between Amarok, Banshee, or mpg12302:37
ahs3-Space-Duck, I use gmusicbrowser which comes with xubuntu, works fine for me. and Pithos for pandora02:41
Space-Duckthanks ahs3, gmusicbrowser isn't too bad03:08
puffI just upgraded (via reinstall) from ubuntu 10.4 LTS to 11.10.  It actually seems *slower*... does somebody want to pitch me on xubuntu? :-)03:08
Space-Duckpuff, I did the same and it was slower03:09
Space-Ducknow I'm on xubuntu and lovin' it03:09
StormStrikesanyone got a minute to help with a nvidia driver issue?03:09
puffHarrum... what do I lose, besides the weight?03:09
Space-DuckI don't even have to install compiz, I get real transparency out of the box, its awesome03:09
Space-Duckyou don't actually lose anything, as far as I know. You do get a lightly different set of apps though, some are better03:10
Space-Duck*slightly different03:10
puffIf I find that I really do need a particular app, is it possible to install it?03:11
puffE.g. is it just that the default apps change or are some ubuntu apps flat-out not available?03:11
Space-Duckyep, easy good ol' apt-get03:11
Space-Duckall ubuntu apps are available as far as I know03:11
puffI am seriously considering this... shouldn't lose much.03:12
Space-Duckfor example xubuntu comes with a crappy text editor "leafpad"03:12
Space-Duckapt-get install gedit03:12
* holstein likes leafpad :/03:13
Space-Duckproblem solved03:13
Unit193puff: You an install or uninstall whatever you want03:13
Space-DuckI need syntax hightlighting03:13
puffI am in the middle of a consulting contract, so I can't afford serious downtime or problems.  One of the pains I've had in the past is that my hardware (thinkpad) seems to have some major bug occur wiht each new release.  Suspend-to-ram didn't work in lucid, for example.03:13
puffSpace-Duck: I use emacs :-).03:13
puffSpace-Duck: Depending on what languages you use, I can't highly enough recommend Intellij IDEA, and now they have a free Community Edition.03:14
Space-Duckme and Java don't get along so well.03:15
Space-DuckI do a lot of web programming, and gedit has the plugins I'm used to Nano, and VI are always there for backup.03:16
Space-DuckI've never actually used straight up emacs03:16
puffSpace-Duck: Try it sometime, you'll like it :-).03:18
Space-Duckheh, I'm installing it now03:18
puffintellij IDEA has some support for PHP too.03:18
Space-DuckI'm sure it's great, I just run away from anything that says "Java"03:19
puffNano is emacs-flavored, isn't it?03:19
Space-DuckI think it is03:19
puffHeh... well IDEA is proof that you can code an app in java and have it not suck.03:19
puffMind you, it's a heavyweight app, so you need enough horsepower to use it.  It's basically dynamically recompiling your code every time you type.03:20
Space-DuckI had to make a android app the other day and I was pissed I had to install eclispe. May this would be a good alternative03:20
puffOkay... if you get too frustrated, "escape-x vi-mode"03:20
puffYeah, intellij has android support built in.03:20
puffEr, if you get too frustrated in emacs, "escape-x vi-mode" will put you in vi-mode.03:21
Space-DuckI deep in the emacs man as we speak03:21
Space-DuckYou should give xubuntu a try. It's now in my top 5 for distros03:23
Space-DuckYou get all the ubuntu goodness, without Unity03:24
puffI am seriously thinking abou tit.03:26
puffIt's not that I'm in love with the old UI or have some partiuclar problem with the new UI, but I really dont' need to waste time, right now, relearning a bunch of stuff.03:26
puffThough there are some concrete things I don't like about unity. It appears that in unity, when I maximize a window, it obscures the desktop menu bar.03:28
puffAlso, I miss certain gnome apps, and the alt-tab feature seems to have something weird about its logic, I never seem to get the window I want.03:28
puffEr, gnome applets.03:28
puffBut, if I'm going to miss them, maybe I should get something for my pain, like faster performance :-).03:29
ahs3-Space-Duck, I recommend trying medit for your text editor. its very similar to kate. except it uses gtk04:01
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DoverOsgrub2 didn't update now it boots to windows :P05:20
holsteinDoverOs: you want the wiki page on how to reinstall with a live CD?05:22
DoverOsthat's the only way?05:22
DoverOscause i can do that05:22
nikolamI can not report a bug using ubuntu-bug : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/729808/09:42
Sysiyou need firefox (you need to file feature request/bug)09:43
nikolamI have firefox. Installed it from repos yesterday. it is 3. something09:43
nikolambug I want is that xfce4-weather-plugin does not update weather since yesterday in Xubuntu 10.04 LTS 64-bit09:45
nikolamui.py is from jockey-common package.09:50
nikolampython-apport in lucid09:51
user123456789xubuntu 11.10 cant connect with t-mobile11:11
TheSheepyou installed xubuntu on your cellphone? :)11:13
* TheSheep is connected to t-mobile right now11:14
user123456789no, it is a desktop computer. the modem works on my other pc with 11.04 well.11:14
nikolamI use wvdial inside screen to connect also to 3G HDSPA wireless with USB modem.11:31
nikolamI was wondering how to automate it so that I do not need to do it every time.11:31
nikolamNetwork manager is unreliable and not even displayed anymore . 10.04LTS 64bit11:31
user123456789it seems that 11.10 has some trouble in Modem-Manger11:51
user123456789also, networkmanager works reliable in 11.04 with gsm11:51
SaaMmYhey guys I was installing xubuntu 11.10 and in the while I have to choose my picture account the button continue is blocked12:01
cheburequehi there!12:05
cheburequecould anyone help me solve the problem with copying files on a usb stick?12:06
Sysino if you don't tell the actual problem12:07
cheburequei'll tel)12:07
cheburequeafter connecting a usb flash, my system automatically mounts it, then i'm trying to write a film on it (both using mc and thunar), and every time my usb remounts, failing the copy process12:07
cheburequexubuntu 11.1012:08
cheburequeon 11.04 there was same problem12:08
user123456789ist the file greater than 2 GB ?12:08
Sysiin what format is the drive?12:08
nikolamMaybe file system on drive needs fsck12:08
Sysihave you tried reformatting it?12:08
Sysispecial characters in name of the file?12:09
cheburequeyep, actually i made it hundred times12:09
user123456789when you tell remounting, is there a cable between stick and computer ?12:09
user123456789it shouldnt remount!12:09
Sysidoes it work on other computers? do other sticks work on that one?12:10
cheburequei can show you what rsync wrote12:10
cheburequeproblem is not in stick - that's 100%12:10
Sysiuse paste.ubuntu.com if it's several lines12:10
cheburequeand not in files i'm copying12:10
cheburequepaste ubuntu& i'm sorry, i'm a newbi to linix and irc and don' know howto)12:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:11
cheburequethat's the second file i tried to copy, first copied normally12:16
cheburequetypically copying a ~1.5 GB file takes me a 10-14 tries, all that time usm stick remounts12:18
Sysisame with thunar?12:19
cheburequenot sure but i think that problem is in thunar file manager12:19
cheburequethunar, mc, rsync - all the same problem12:19
cheburequeafter remounting stick opens in thunar12:20
user123456789can you see something with command dmesg on commandline ?12:20
Sysihave you tried rsync with filename in correct format? :P12:20
cheburequesysi yep - the same12:21
cheburequedmesg - i don't know what's that)12:21
user123456789try it, just on the command line!12:22
user123456789it shows you the system messages.12:22
cheburequewhat should i search there&)12:24
user123456789you should see something about your device, i.e. sdb or sdc or sdd in that log.12:25
cheburequethere's a plenty of sdb there)))12:26
cheburequepaste it&12:26
user123456789i would try to repartition and reformat it with NTFS12:30
MyrttiI would try with other USB sticks12:30
cheburequethat won't help, i've formated it in ntfs - same sh*t12:31
user123456789does someone know how to debug modem-manager or network-manager ?12:31
Sysichebureque: so you've tested that drive on other computers?12:31
cheburequestick works great on others12:32
Myrttiothers being what?12:32
cheburequei'm using it to watch video on dvd, everything works fine12:32
user123456789i meant: re-partition it also.12:32
SaaMmY1I can't install xubuntu... in the while I was choosing an existing picture I choosen yet but the continue button does not be active... and I can't go forward to continue installation12:32
cheburequeuser - i made it)12:32
Myrttichebureque: what is "others", Windows, other Linux distro, other laptop?12:33
Sysichebureque: but do other drives work with your xubuntu?12:33
cheburequemyrtti - others are pc and laptop12:33
cheburequewindows, ubuntu12:33
cheburequesysi - external usb drive works fine12:34
user123456789chebureque: i had the same stick, i saw in your log. mine was defective too. it is defective, thats all. try another stick!12:42
user123456789JetFlash Transcend 8GB12:43
cheburequedon't think so)12:44
rodney0103Espero poder compartir y recibir experiencias con los miembros de esta comunidad15:25
holsteinrodney0103: try #ubuntu-es15:28
holstein[#ubuntu-es] Bienvenidos al canal oficial de soporte Ubuntu en espaƱol15:29
GridCube:D rodney0103 que bueno, :) te recomiendo ir a #ubuntu-es #ubuntu-es-offtopic :)15:30
rodney0103if you did thanks for your help15:31
pahanCan anybody advise theme which supports GTK3? Somethink like clearlooks?15:35
GridCubethe only good gtk3 theme outhere is the one that comes default with xubuntu, greybird15:36
Sysiyou could try zukitwo, though it has some bugs15:36
pahanI tried Zukitwo but it low contrast15:38
pahanIs it possible configure it by gui?15:39
mariongood morning/afternoon/evening depending on where ever you are15:50
pahangood evening15:51
marionso for some reason after i went from 11.04 to 11.10 i have to choose a previous version of linux when i boot15:52
marionok grid now what16:07
GridCubenow when you reboot the current OS is the first on the list :D16:08
GridCubeor it should be16:09
marionno its showing me 3.0.0 as the first on the list and i ned 2.6.38 to be first16:10
GridCubebut you are on the 2.6.38 now?16:12
marionyes i am16:12
GridCubeand sudo update-grub placed the other first16:12
GridCubei see16:12
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:13
TheSheepanggelk: yes?17:03
anggelkdoes anyone know why the installation says "apt configuration fail"17:05
anggelkanyone speak spanish?17:07
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dr_jklso linux isn't detecting my phone when i plug it in. it's a motorola droid 3. any ideas?17:41
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TheSheepdr_jkl: how should it detect it?17:43
dr_jkllike, my phone should ask if it should be a USB drive or just charge17:44
TheSheepdoes it appaer in lsusb?17:44
TheSheepdo you get anything in dmesg when you connect it?17:44
dr_jkl[14537.564201] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 117:45
dr_jklit only occurs on this hardware and only when i'm running linux. in something like tinyxp (et al.) i don't have this problem17:46
dr_jklso i know it's not the phone17:46
TheSheepdid you try googling for that?17:48
dr_jkli am currently17:49
puffI read here that I can install the xubuntu desktop by simply apt-getting the xubuntu-desktop package.  How safe is this if I want to try it?17:49
puffe.g. how easy is it to back out, or switch between them?17:50
TheSheeppuff: you just select whether you want ubuntu or xubuntu at the login screen17:50
tronqixI'm using xubuntu 11.10 on a netbook. I would like to change the look of the desktop icons (ex. with correct word wrap). Need a hint where to start looking for configuration17:55
TheSheeptronqix: I don't think you can control the wrapping in config17:57
tronqixas in the config panel exist only the option to control the font and size of the icons...18:00
tronqixi hoped there is another place to change it like the gconf-editor on GNOME18:00
GlemSomI've used the "Universal USB Installer" to "burn" the xubuntu ISO to a 4GB USB Key. The OS seems to start fine - but, it seems it's not quite supporting my dual-screen setup. (on a nVidia 560 card). When it starts, my primary screen just says resolution not supported - and then I never get any further... Can I force a resolution on one - or both - of my screens ?18:06
TheSheepGlemSom: you use the free or the proprietary nvidia driver?18:08
GlemSomTheSheep, I did not choose any drivers. I use what-ever the xubuntu ISO is configured for.18:09
TheSheepok, the it's either the free one or a fallback to vesa18:09
TheSheepcan you see anything on the other screen?18:10
GlemSomNo, my other screen is just blank... It's worth to mention I tried kubuntu too - which actually showed me a graphical window (where I could choose to either "try" or to "install") - but, after I choose "try", I ended up the the same situation... With two blank screens.18:11
GlemSomThe ruglar ubuntu seemed to work fine.. But, I honestly Unity is not ready for dual-screen setups!!18:11
TheSheepGlemSom: ok, so if you press alt+ctrl+f1 you should get to a text-only terminal18:13
TheSheepGlemSom: you can go back to the graphical one with alt+ctrl+f7 (or f3)18:13
TheSheepGlemSom: there you can log in and give it commands18:14
GlemSomTheSheep, I tried that - but, it did not work.... I never got the text-only terminal18:14
GlemSomCan I at bootup force text-mode, instead of framebuffer ?18:14
TheSheepis this the only graphics card in your system?18:14
GlemSomYes, it's the only one.18:14
TheSheepif you hold down shift while booting18:14
TheSheepyou will have a menu where you can edit the boot options18:15
GlemSomThis goes for the Xubuntu LiveCD too right ?18:15
TheSheepon livecd you cqan edit those options after pressing f4 in the first menu18:15
TheSheepif I remember correctly18:15
GlemSomOk, can the proprietary nVidia driver be installed from the commandline ?18:16
TheSheepGlemSom: I think so18:22
TheSheepGlemSom: apt-get install nvidia-current18:22
GlemSomaha, I will give that a try - thanks! :)18:24
TheSheepwith sudo, of course18:25
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drcAnyone else experiencing unmute problems with the sound icon in the indicator plugin and multimedia keys (11.10)? It mutes fine, the pop-upubble shows unmuted, but the I have to unmute from the icon menu for sound to work again. This started immediately upon fresh install of 11.10, it did not happen in 11.04, or in recent LMDE-xfce or Salix-xfce installs.18:35
Guest47875Hello =D18:36
Guest47875Hello Guys..18:36
Sysidrc: same sound setup? (expecially pulseaudio)18:37
drcSysi: That I'm not sure...what ever the default setups are in all three.  But the same machine, yes.18:38
Guest47875who is <Sysi> drc: same sound setup? (expecially pulseaudio)18:38
Sysidrc: well, 11.04 and 11.10 should both have pulseaudio by default18:38
Guest47875oks.. understand now.. Sysi and drc are a users =D18:39
dr_jkl yeah, still the same problem even after a restart of the phone and the laptop18:39
drcSysi: That's what I thought...not sure about LMDE and Salix.  Wodner what happened in the 11.04->11.04 transistion?18:40
drcThere <was> a registered bug about the indicator plugin not refreshing, but it seems that it has had a fix committed, I thought this was related, but "my" problem persists18:43
jcfpdrc: had that problem until I removed pulseaudio18:45
drcjcfp: Thanks. Let me search on pulse audio bugs before I remove it.18:47
GlemSomI gave up trying to get xubuntu to start with dual-screen... So, I've disabled one screen... And I can see xubuntu starts now.18:54
GlemSomThough, I noticed it's impossible to disable framebuffer. When trying "live vga=normal fb=false nosplash debug", the initrd will launch with FB disabled, but shortly after that, it get's re-enabled again... And sadly forces a resolution one of my screens will not accept.18:55
drcjcfp: Thanks that fixed it...of course it got rid of the icon also, but so what? :)18:55
jcfpdrc: I do have an icon, may need to add it separately18:56
drcjcfp: yeah, thought of that, but I decided I din't need it...the MM buttons all work :)18:57
jcfpdrc: did you come across a reported bug in pulseaudio about this18:59
drcjcfp: Not in a real quick search...19:00
Sysiother slash19:03
MarionVhey holstein what was that command to be able to show my xubuntu version again?19:58
MarionVok so i am up to date. does the kernel i use make a difference?19:59
MarionVdamn i need to get my graphics card to work then with the 3.0.0 kernel20:00
MarionVdamn i cant find anything on the radeon issues20:07
Vabigoondoes anyone know if there is any good automatic support for optimus in newest xubuntu?20:13
TheSheeplike optimus prime? ;)20:13
VabigoonNope :D20:13
Vabigoonlike nvidia optimus20:13
Vabigoonsome shitty graphic card switcher on notebooks20:14
GridCubethe software center decided to stop working20:57
puffWith xfce, it appears that the "suspend-on-closing-lid" setting is not turned on.  How do I turn it off?21:01
puffEr, turn it on.21:01
GridCubeit should be21:01
GridCubei just turned that off :P21:01
GridCubeconfiguration > energy adminstration >21:02
puffWhere is configuration?21:02
GridCubethe mouse logo > 3rd option from the top21:03
GridCubefirst option from the top21:03
puffMouse logo?21:03
GridCubeits a mouse logo21:03
puffUpper-left corner of the screen21:03
GridCubei guess21:04
puffIt's kinda small, can't tell what it is.21:04
GridCube:D make it bigger21:04
puffOkay, I should point out that I'm using xubuntu via aptitude, onto oneiric which I installed last night.21:04
GridCubethat doesnt really matter, if you installed xubuntu-desktop you are using xubuntu21:04
puffthird from the top says "Settings"21:05
GridCubeyes that21:05
puffSettings/Settings Manager brings up a folder full of icons, one's named Power Manager.21:05
GridCubethats the one21:05
puffOkay, now I have a dialog that says (on the left) General, On AC, On Battery, Extended.21:06
GridCube:) its pretty selfexplaining from then on21:07
puffAh... under "On AC", When laptop lid is closed... got it.21:07
puffHm, I wonder if the screensaver bug I found on oneiric will still be here.21:08
SGaGhow can i do a session autologin? i dont find the option in google or xfce help21:35
GridCubeon 11.10?21:36
GridCubeyou have to manually edit the lightdm.conf21:39
GridCubelet me find a link21:41
GridCubethat link Should work21:43
SGaGok, lets see21:43
madnickautologin-user-timeout=0 (btw a timeout wont work)21:43
SGaGrestart session and test21:43
SGaGsee you21:43
dr_jkli have no life...21:44
Sysihaving nolife is better than nothing21:45
SGaGdo it! thx21:51
anggelkhey guys how can i canfigurate apt cause the configuration fail when i install Xubuntu22:07
knomewhat do you mean with "fail"? can you tell the actual problem, and people will help if they are online and know the answer22:10
anggelk:D thx22:10
anggelkidk if its a problem, but the thing is that when i was installing xubuntu22:11
anggelkthe instaler send a msg : "atp configuration fail"22:12
anggelki accept and then the nstallation continues22:12
knomeanggelk, if everything works...22:13
anggelkx) it works good22:13
anggelkbut im just worried for that msg22:14
anggelki aidk if i have to configurate apt manually22:14
anggelkan idk*22:14
anggelkim new on xubuntu BTW22:15
knomeanggelk, unless something doesn't work, don't worry22:16
anggelkohh ok ^^ thx :p22:18
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tjrigginshi xubuntu crew. im having some trouble with a PCI wifi card on a fresh install of 11.1023:27

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