
poolieoh ok thanks00:52
pooliejelmer, of course we don't need to verify every bug, just make sure it's not broken00:52
methcan i do conditional commits ?01:07
methor a patch commit you might call it01:07
pooliemeth, what do you mean?03:18
methgit add -p03:21
methwould like that03:21
poolietry bzr-interactive03:23
BlindWolf8anyone alive in here?04:11
BlindWolf8hi spiv!04:16
BlindWolf8your name looks familiar :-)04:16
BlindWolf8do you have time to field a bazaar question for me?04:16
spivBlindWolf8: depends on how hard it is ;)04:19
spivBlindWolf8: in general it's best to just ask your question, lots of folks are usually quiet but check the scrollback periodically and might answer04:20
BlindWolf8spiv: well, I always try and be polite04:20
BlindWolf8people giving fre support and all04:21
spivThis channel is here to talk about bzr :)04:21
BlindWolf8OK, so...here's the deal...04:21
spivYou're quite welcome to just pop in and say "hi, I'm having X problem..." :)04:21
BlindWolf8I have a server...running Ubuntu 11.1004:21
BlindWolf8bzr is installed on it via the PPA04:21
BlindWolf8bzr 2.4.2 is on all the clients and the server04:21
BlindWolf8putty 0.61 is installed on all clients04:22
BlindWolf8clients are all windows boxes04:22
BlindWolf8clients gave me public keys to pop on the server and use pagent to authenticate04:22
BlindWolf8I have the command for bzr_ssh_path_limiter listed in the auithorized_keys file04:23
BlindWolf8on the first line of the keys file, it goes <command for bzr_ssh_path_limiter> <ssh key>04:24
BlindWolf8all other lines are simply public keys04:24
BlindWolf8first, I am assuming that just the first line is supposed to have the bzr_ssh_path_limiter command?04:24
BlindWolf8I have done various tests on my end and I am able to pull files from the server no problem, but none of the other people I work with can04:27
spivIf you only want the first key to use the bzr_ssh_path_limiter04:27
spivEach line is independent of the others, read the authorized_keys man page that comes with OpenSSH for the exact details.04:27
BlindWolf8I thought it was executed on the user's profile, not per key....04:29
spivNo, it's per key04:29
BlindWolf8that solves that problem, thanks!04:30
BlindWolf8I have another slight issue though04:30
spivSo some people use it as a relatively cheap way to have per-user repos hosted by a single user account.04:30
BlindWolf8some clients get a temp file error that deals with pagent...but I'm using 0.61 with no isseus, even though the issue is supposed to be with 0.6104:31
spivI don't know much about pageant.04:31
BlindWolf8relavent bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/82080504:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 820805 in Bazaar "access denied on Pageant .pag file" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:31
poolieo/ spiv04:38
spivHey poolie04:38
=== Merwin_ is now known as Merwin
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mgzmorning all.09:03
jelmerhi mgz09:26
=== Merwin_ is now known as Merwin
mgzwhat's the way of finding out what versions of packages PQM has installed?10:27
jelmermgz: checking with a losa, probably10:30
mgzokay, what's the way of changing the PQM code so it displays the versions it has installed?10:31
jelmermgz: you'd have to modify the script that is used to verify bzr submissions, I'm not sure if that's publicly available somewhere10:32
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lifelessmgz: change Makefile10:34
lifelessmgz: in the bzr tree10:34
lifelessmgz: PQM is -extremely- simple. Thats why everyone gets so confused by it.10:35
mgzthat only works if it's running a test I think lifeless10:35
lifelessmgz: yes... that was the context of your question right ?10:36
lifeless'23:31 < mgz> okay, what's the way of changing the PQM code so it displays the versions it has installed?10:36
mgzbut lp:pqm doesn't look too hard to poke, though actually deploying a change is probably impossible10:36
lifelesspretty easy - get the losa to pull in the branch10:36
lifelessand yes, lp:pqm should be fairly straight forward, though I'm horribly confused about what you're trying to do.10:37
mgzokay, I will poke this.10:37
mgzlifeless: I want to look at pqm.bazaar-vcs.org and know what version of testtools is being used10:37
lifelessmgz: I don't think that question makes sense unless a test is runnig.10:37
mgzmeh, maybe not.10:38
mgzthere's not a sensible way of getting ther versions of python packages unless they're being used10:39
mgzdebian packages would kind of work, but I imagine that would also be a harder sell.10:40
lifelessthere is that, and that the place to check is in a chroot, of which there can be multiple versions at once (especially when bzr is transitioning)10:41
lifelesshaving the web UI go off and probe arbitrary chroots which may or may not be active or even usable at the time ... seems odd10:41
lifelessvs having Makefile report it for you.10:41
mgzadding more output to the Makefile doesn't actually solve my problem though10:42
lifelesswhat is your problem ?10:42
mgzyou'd still have to push a branch to see any relevent information10:42
mgz^as stated above10:43
lifelessmgz: I don't follow :)10:43
mgzI, right now, want to know something, and right now, the page just says "0 scripts" and the time10:44
lifelessso in general, to know this, I ask a losa10:45
mgzthere's no change I can do in lp:bzr to remedy that, and it seems the same goes for lp:pqm10:45
lifelessmgz: you could send a patch through that will print out the versions and return 110:46
mgzso my ping saving idea is no good.10:46
lifelessmgz: making the test suite fail and thus not landing anything.10:46
lifelessmgz: you could even just have that sitting around ready to go at a moments notice10:46
mgzthat only helps me, which is much the same as just asking an admin.10:48
lifelessI must be really tied10:49
mgzbut it's okay, sometimes there's not an easy way of adding code to save work,10:49
lifelessbecause I thought you said you wanted to know10:49
mgzI do, and when the answer was "ask someone" I wondered if I could avoid that by fixing the web display.10:50
mgzThe answer to the second question is "no"10:50
lifelessits more yes-but-its-not-as-simple-as-all-that :(10:50
mgzSo, I will go back to the initial issue and forget the generalisation.10:51
mgzah, vila is still suffering12:54
mgzall I really have left today is the impressive cough12:54
mgzdammit, last change somehow hasn't fixed the random failure on babune natty13:21
mgzwhat were the chances of even hitting it again right after...13:22
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mgzheh, bialix and I having the same idea in these bugs at the same time16:20
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mgzI'm sure Gordan or someone fixed an issue related to unquoting paths from config17:20
mgzbut I now can't find it17:20
AmisHello o/17:54
AmisI'm sure it's somewhere in the documentation but I can't find how exactly create a new branch in a shared repository. Any help?17:54
mgzAmis: just `bzr init` as normal.17:57
Amisbzr init "remote shared rep location" project?17:58
Amisoh wait17:58
mgzeg, `bzr init-repo repo; bzr init repo/branch`17:58
mgzyou can also branch into the shared repo and it will do the right thing17:59
Amisyeah, right, thanks18:05
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